SPORTS BAUGH’S WILD JAMES GREENE, Sports Editor Nelson Breezes Fort
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SHELBY DAILY STAR Rams Win First National Pro Grid Title SPORTS BAUGH’S WILD JAMES GREENE, Sports Editor Nelson Breezes Fort ■q>—1———... ■ ■ ... PASS COSTS Worth With 273 Sports Roundup REDSKINS GAME Open By HAROLD V. RATLIFF CLEVELAND, Dec. 17—(IP)—That he's entitled to a third strike be- Cleveland! Dec. 17.— FORT Dec. Nel- double zero at the pro football fore he’s declared out for good. WORTH, TEX., 17.—(fP)—Lord Byron was a matter playoff yesterday wasn't just the (/P)—It of argu- son, golf’s superlative, went back to the farm but the CLEANING THE CUFF today number worn by Washington's Steve ment today whether it was will be brief. He's to invest his first If the indoor track meet pro- stay going place money Bagarus. You could have seen it too little or too mur,.h of Sam- moters are smart, they'll stuff the in the Fort Worth open tournament in a tractor then rejoin •n any convenient thermometer ballot in that enabled Cleve- The usual weather was responsi- j boxes the Big Ten's mail my Baugh the nation’s links tourists at Los Angeles to start the P.G.A.’s ble for one fine gesture of vote on of sports- ! postponing application land’s rah-rah-Rams tc hang new year. manship Before the game both 1 its eligibility rule until after the , their first Pro- teams tried out regular cleated up National winter season. Among the boys footwear and basketball shoes and fessional Football Texas, hurried to an eleven-un- who can’t league Parker Rated 273 decided to wear the cleats compete under the rule Cooke, Ser-par yesterday to win the Between the halves, Coaches Adam as recently passed are Michigan’s championship as well as the Fort, Worth open in a breeze. He No. 1 Tennis finished strokes ahead of Walsh and Dud Degroot held a I Ross and Bob Hume and Indiana's title of “world’s best icicles Players eight another Texan. Jimmie Demaret confab about changing and De- j Campbell Kane, who have both ” in football suits of Houston, back in groot decided that since Walsh was ; gate and gait appeal Chicago NEW YORK, Dec. 17—(/P)—Mrs golf’s big going to continue using cleats, he | writers are rising the question of Sammy opened up the bal Sarah Palfrey Cooke's brilliant time after a hitch in the navy. so there whether the Cubs still owe the comeback has earned Harold iJug> McSpaden of San- would do the same—just game yesterday and in the firs campaign shot a six-under- could be no question of the game Yankees some money or players on her the U. S. Lawn Tennis asso- ford, Me., who | quarter threw a gamble pass Iron 65 in last being decided on merits The the Hank Borowy deal and Boss ciation’s No. 1 ranking among the par yesterday's round, j his end zone most appropriate thing about the Jim Gallagher’s replies indicate that bdunced bad women players for 1945. was third With 232, while E. J. of Little wholef performance was the "White that maybe some dough still is | for a Rams’ safety when the goa The petite Boston and New York, (Dutch) Harrison Rock act on the due ... The absence of racquet-wiclder, who deserted the was fourth with 283. Christmas” put by fumbling j posts got in the way of it. Thi Washington band the in- j in yesterday's snowbound grid game competitive game after winning the Nelson, who took a two- during bound was the edge that gave th< termission. accord ng to coaches, was due to national championship in 1941, re- months vacation from golf Rams their 15 to 14 I the players’ consciousness of the photo-finisl turned with a this to afirr 18 1 bang year winning tournaments, TODAY'S GUEST STAR danger of committing a $500 or decision over the Washington Red defeat Pauline Betz of Los Ange- returned to the links wars at James E. Doyle. Cleveland Plain $1000 error The .worst error | skins. les, her victim four years ago. in Glen Garden Country club Dealer: "Lou Boudreau had twe was just going into the joint on Slinging Samuel left the gam the Forest Hills title final. Miss where he Ms start as a 1 j got headaches but he never thought a day like that. j with an injured side shortly afte Betz, who reigned as queen of the caddie. He announced that he courts Mrs. Cooke's of taking headache powders j that "one pitch too many” am during absence, would be back on the tourna- No. he just made each of hi! reappeared only for a few minute v" -enked second. ment schedule with both feet headaches take a powder." Gibson Girl To 1 in the second half. Tire Red MISSOURI GETS THE BALL—R. Heinsohn, (13>, Missouri's center, wins the ball in a wild scramble under Frankie Parker, who re- after missing seven meets. 1 skins didn't have much chanc > the basket in a fast game with Nebraska Dec. 14 at Kansas City. Missouri's forward, W. Moulder (23) is on ins national title, once again Lord Byron now has been • MONDAY MATINEE Be Featured In with him out of there, the floor, while an unidentified Nebraska player makes a dive for the ball. Missouri won, 65-54.—(AP Wire- rated the No. 1 male player. money-winner in 102 consecutive especiall; * ; The newly organized boxing I against a hot club that was thre ; photos). I Billy Talbert of Wilmington, Del., tournaments over a period of four promoters of America plan to to four points the favorite goini who lost to Parker in the cham- years and this year ran his total G-W Production jouis, 26 stolen bases; Ed Stanley, j open a New York office in the to the post. pionship final for the second winnings to $66,600 in war bonds. tame building where Mike Ja- FREAKY Brooklyn, 128 runs scored; Luis ! straight year, followed by Pancho McSpaden finished in second place A mono-drenched soft cobs has his And garden, SHAPE CAVARETTA of Ecuador. with and Een of headquarters. The safety was as AGGIES Dlmo, Brooklyn, triples, 13; Dain ; Segura $34,200 Hogan music, the colorful costumes of the probably Clevelands Larry Atkins says a score as ever was Hershey, Pa., who tied for seventh Gibson Girl period: all this will be freaky Blay, Cincinnati 656 times at bat. it will serve as a reception made in in the Fort Worth yester- ! in of the Gardner-Webb Dra- football, amateur, pro The open center for part Brooklyn Dodgers’ Goodie out-of-town promo- 1 or “catch as catch can” but It Blanchard Picked day, was the third man in the matics Class production of, "The FOR ANOTHER PACES Top ev- BATTERS Hosen finished third behind \ ters and managers “where race with total Garden was two points and enough to monev winning* feel of the Moon." a three-act erybody will at home." j decide it after winging Bob Holmes in batting with a .325 av- 1945 Grid Of $27,425. romantic comedy drama to be pre- j Player Adam Walsh, the Rams' who a Golfers on the PGO tour coa<^i, sented in the E. B. Hamrick audi- Waterfield, signed srage. George (Whitey) Kurows- celebrated his 21st wedding Rams contract will return to their homes for torium at 8 o'clock, Tuesday eve- three-year only CAGE CROWN WITH A.355 ci of St. Louis tied Hack with .323, DES MOINES, I A., Dec. 17—Fe- anniversary Saturday. Bob j a few hours before the (he Christmas holiday. The ning. game, ind other members of the top 15 lix (Doc) Bltmchard of unbeaten’ Waterfleld delivered the pre- threw two touchdown next tournament—the Los An- The ccnccrns an old passes, were St. Louis Army is the choice of the nation's! sent the next afternoon story pro- NEW YORK, Dec, 17. —UP)— Ok- NEW YORK, Dec. 17—(JF)—Fif- Augie Bergamo, Jan. 4-7. One of these was for 38 yard football writers as the inter- geles open—is One fessor, who. to prove to his young j 316; Olmo, .313; Bill Salkeld top of the interesting angles to his batterv-maie Arkansa i lahoma A. & M. and De Paul, last I teen National league regulars fin- Fred Corcoran, tournament man- friends that such a as en- pet | collegiate player of 1945. of the was the thine Pittsburgh, .311; Mel Ott, New game the use of Jim Benton and the other coverei season’s finalist for the National ishcd the 1945 season with .300 ager of (hr PGA announced that during love aetually exists, tells j VTork, .308; Ai/»e Galan, Brook- Blanchard polled 114 of 120 "grid eve" device for sighting 11■ a million dollcs in al- 45 yards to Jim Gillette, a 185 Basketball or better and one of the votes cast members of the half cash to them the story of h;s youth and championship, again averages lyn, and Ernie Lombardi, New by from'the sidelines determine a has been assured for the here occurs pounder who showed that Vir as reasons the Cubs football writers association of ready ball the second-act flash- shape up the teams to beat for ; Chicago captur- 3fork, .307; Johnson, .302; Rene I just where the should be J can hot evei to shoot for in 1946. This back in which are enacted scenes ginian stay pretty 1: this year's cage crown.