Martial Law Decree
■ATURDAY, JULY 24,194S / inchester Evening^ Herald Avenice Daily Circnlatieii.^ T k a W s i ^ ' For the Month of Jane, IM S FsssMMS af U. a Wasthav Ft 11 n 1111 A Sergeant\John B. Valltwzl, son Hwaderstonna thia aftenMon o f Mr. and M re Frank S. Valluzsl Ifl Now Qualified Parachutist Arrange Show 8^51 aad early toalghti eeattlmed ased- itTbwn o f 6S Oxfdrd Street, Manchester, .Member e f ttm Audit erately warm to a lM f and Tqbaday has been piwnoted from COrporat- m atalag; leas humid Tneadag. l^or North End BarcM v t ClrculatloaB at Robins Field Army AJr Base,^ \ Jane Onbam, MM Mary an Installation of the Air Se^lefe 4 Cky o f ViUono Chmm A and MlM BevaHy Hay- Jlommand, a "keep ’em flying’’ And on Some of Mahcheater*a I MaBehaatar are among the branch o f the Arm y/Air ^ rc e , re ■ah.arorkua enrolled at the Side Street#,'Too Block DanciB A lto a sponsible for the ot erM ul and re (ClaaalSad AdvertWs%<M Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN.; MONpAY, JULY 26, (TWELVE RAGES) i aaiiiveraaty aeasion of the VOL. LXIL, NO. 252 pair of aircraft, maintenance is ____ ■ • i ------------------ Feature With Star ■ ‘ OoiifMrence o f Rellgioua the Tanner street, baseball team don now meeting, at Bast of supplies and-^echnlcal units in has had one disappointment after Orchestra Playing. u w , Mass., on the campjia all parts o f the world, -wherever American plahes are flying. Before another this '8ummer,'.^rst, thf»r. forthdeld Seminary.
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