, 1942 = .,. IPS I , Yankl Drub Light Showers

) (JJevel&~ Indl&na. IOWA: Nol ••eb tbaoae In ~m • • 10 11 to 10 eraban IoU)" wllh OfJC&Ilonal Bee • 8w" on p.,e , lleht tbowen. arv. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper rag, I 1 FIV~ CENTS THI ASSOOIATED ,aus IOWA CITY. IOWA TUESDAY, JUNE 9. 1942 TBI AaIOO~T.D PaBSS VOLUME XLD NUMBER 221 ~r'Q' - The illl! Ie\{ poa\of. ~e col_

Isslon~r :Ina the lat pOe. o · be nec. ee gasoline where *** ,/. *.: **. *** *** *** *** *** rised by lshauon , use Of an bn. be the the use ·Tea,·Cof.fee,.C:()c·oa Rationing' '~uite Likely' I where and In ~~--~~~~~~~-b~~------'------~------~ I WIU~ e ata~ use tu ~ide ol)e Supply Director Weiner Sees Belieye Enemy Preparing 'Face ~ Iden{i. ~ith the )f ga80. No Immediate Shipping Relief SaYing' AHack af U.S. Defenses ~ent has ,tate and chase of W.A S HI NG'l'O~ (AP)-Consumer rationing of coffee, tea and Official Reports Say 3 Japan... Warships Sunk, ., cocoa is "quite likely", .J ol;(lp h L. Weiner , director of the (J'ivitian Eleven Badly Damaged and Air Arm Jver the supply division of tbe war production board, reported yeste,rday, y I and Weiner said he could foresee no improvement in the shipping Virtually Wiped Out tamp Iii­ situation whioh would oJleviate the coffee, tea and cocoa shortages, or which "Rationing is being practiced now in one form," he lold Ii. press PEARL HARBOR (AP)- tung d f!P rately by the horn t ' cOnference. "You cnn't always buy all the coffee you want at the nest it unwittingly uncovered at Midway i land, what. was left ~med ~n . grocery store. " of a powerful Japanese fl t Rought hiding nellr horne walers yes­ IIIceme~t The deputy director said the war held inevituble "far !'eacbing e of ~ terday to lick it wound and probably pr pare for another" face . changes in I he Ii ves and habits of every citizen, " but declared that saving" muh at Am rican defen e in the Pacific ocean. ~ue that [ .e placed Americans" have nothing to fear except the sacrifice of comforts." How many of the n my warship may ha\'e been obI to with­ locatiap Rationing of the country's favorite breakfast beverages i6 likely, draw to safer wat 1'8 \I1a not definitely known. Official r port of lict with be said,in order to insllre eq uitable (Hstl'ibution among consnm6l·s. the battle that began la, t Thursday, however, Sl,tid at lea t three Cofee delivcriell to stol'es now IIrc eut 25 per cent and tea, 50 warship were sunk. el ven more badly damaged and the ac­ per cent. compa.nying air arm virtually wiped out. , '1',,0 approaches to the prob.• ------Against the liquidation of .Japane . eap w r known Am rican , Ji, lem 111'4\ possible, he said. O" e INDIAN loss were the 'inking of a destroyer, damage to Illl airplan car- H.~ would be to lreat the beverages .. OCEAN rier and d e. tl'uction of some p lane, . Britain Urges , ( Inform d quart l'S ill Washington pI' diet d the n'my would '~ 8ij a group, so that a ration card OC8AN 'rnB ...... rJx: mi&ht caU for a stated amount mak n w Slid de p rat effortJJ lertz Jt'r, ) * * * * either of coffee or tea. The other ,re mar!: to br ak til rowing trength .pproach could be to ration the . of air and naval might of the ,'0/ . mOlt elisential of the beverages­ French to Quit I 'Fish Eye View' Of wife ~'o~ pl'fsumably coffee-and let the J ' nited tate!!. 'I'll 'y /lither must ilm pili,­ others disappear gradually. J • launch new operations on the ,arried ;ilt . nie press conference was are· ., water lront running from Alaska om's s~'.: Coastal Areas • i. I view of what citizens may expect ~;dwoy to Australlll, the e sources said, or , by ~~ , u the war goes on in the matter -SC.u.£ OF'MILES-I by their Inactivity admlt eventual 'erdlnal\Q '~ . >I.. .".. .,. I .. of restrictions of clothing, trans­ I ' '? deteat even betore the united na· rs of \he porFition and housing, as well as Major Allied Thrust t, t10ns start their expected grand -"t food. offensive.) he couple Intimated in Appeal Seven months PlI8IIed':elftbe the United States entered tbe w&r. lar east all I,dla and as rar west all Australla-fro,U line POIltiona .' '4Tbere Is no danrer that tbls lIa~e Botf/e--- Cont&ei Lott , an uli-. To Take Prec:autions Thls map shows how 'ar 'Arnettea has profl'eued in dlstdbutln, mlll- from which they can jump rll'ht Into ba.ttle the moment the alllell " , tiOIIIItry will lack a sufficient Contact with the enemy was lost ..,ply of (food) staples," Weiner tary forcea and nilsllon6 ·Ulro.,bout tbe rlobe. ·U; S. 'soldie'" &re at launcb & blr offensive. * * * LONDON (AP) - Britain Urged their posts as far , n~rtl,t ' , as Iceland, as Car south as Dutch Odlana, as PEARL HARBOR (AP)-The Saturdllynight, said Adm I l' a i I ,!lid, "or tbat the American diet Chester W. NimItz, commander 01 ,r eneJlY II'ilI lack Its vital elements." the people of France yesterday to . .. ~ first el'ewltn &ecount of the the Pacific fleet. At that timc the the force Clothing rationing will not be evacuate the colIStal ~1' eBS trom the lund olle bMUe of Mldwar ilIland, detail· force tnal launched the all·out at­ beeessary this year, Weiner assert· Belgian frontier to the Pyrenees Inc ita mOlt violent .~es, wa tack on Midway appeared Lo be ed. before those areas are engulted by related l'ellterd&y by & wounded wlthdrawlnll. His summary [orecast of things The victory off Midway, rllnkinl " coming allied operations of "capi­ Amerle&n naval aviator who 1IIIIIIIIIImllill to come: tal importance." with the Ireatest in American Food-Rationing of coffee, tea The appeal was made In a WId of noatln, In the lea and naval history, undoubtedly brought and cocoa, in addition to sugar, is French lantua,e broadcast hy waichlntr a Hne of bul'llinc Japa­ Ireatly nearer the zero hour for "likely ." Bananas will be scarce the BBC, whlcb ,ave no Indl­ nese Ihl,. P&" by. the all-out attnck against Japan by because of the shipping shortage, ca&lon that any major allied 1st Class Privates Southwestern Iowa He told of a thunderous-and the aUied nations. This was made Fish and pork supplies will be lim· Imperials Halt highly successful - attack by thrust was iJlllllinen& but at the certain by the crippling blows to iled because of the hazards of same time plainly Implied that $54 Flood Threat Grows American dive bombers and tor­ the enemy fleet and Its all' force. coastal fishing operations a nd one was sure &0 come. To Get Monthly pedo planes on Japanese aircl'aft As In Ihe battlc of the CoRl • lend-lease shipments. The Germans were reported by carriers. ea, whJch opened a second Clothln,- appears now that the Daily Sketch to have issued Main Rommel House Paslel Bill As Missouri Rises And from his "flsheye" view, he phase of the war In tbe P&olflc. , rationing of clothing can be avoid­ orders forbidding French coastal wat.ched the desperate circlings of air power pl&yed a prlnolpal ed this year," but WPB is not residents to leave the area, and To Give Financial NEBRASKA CITY, Neb. (AP)­ Jllpanese naval planes, unabie to part In repelllnl' the &tt.empted ready to make predictions beyond the newspaper said they planned Dikes were patrolled last night In settle on their blazing and battered Jnva Ion of Midway. A mllJorllY that time. More cotton m u s t be Tank Column Aid to Dependents' , the vicinity of Percival and (i'm­ mother ships. of tbe dama,eto enemy .hl.,.. to hold the civil population as ;l worn. Wool may be forbidden en· shield against British operations. burg on the lows Side, of the Mis· Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, official IlOm.JDUnlqUe8 lI&ve In­ lirely in some types of clothing. WASHINGTON (AP)-A $50· souri river as residents of this area commander·in-chlef 01 the Pacific dicated. came from attaclu b7 "The coastal regions ot occu­ CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- Field a-month minimum p scale for MOSCOW, Tuesday (AP)-Sov- (~ RATION, page 5) prepared for a flood crest of major fleet, revealed the story or the dive bombers and to l' p e d 0 pied France are likely to become Marshal Erwin Rommel's rna i n the armed forces had the over- iet troops have beaten off conUn­ more and more a theater of war ,Proportions. aViator, Enslgn G. H. Gay, 25· planes, snpported by Iand-bued armored column wall repOrted yes- whelming approval of congress uing nazi attacks on SevastopoJ for The Givens dike near Hamburg ycor-old torpedo plane pilot, son plane. operations," the BBC solemnly terday to have been haltlid by ci.ev - last night and only the completion the fourth straight day, and in­ of Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Gay of declared. "For obvious reasons it was' reported In poor condition and First stage ot the war with WPB Halts Display astating artillery fire In a new as· of technical parU amentary proce- flicted heavy losses on the Ger· a break through there would be Ho ustoo, Tex. Gay's wound!! were Japan - tought on land - ended. is not possible to specify in ad­ sault on the British Libyan strong- dure remained to make this and mans, lhe Russians announced vance either the moment or place serious, causing extensive flooding not serious. with the fan of Java and enclrele· hold at Knightsbridge. . other increases effective as of early today. of farmlands, observers said. Drll18 lor 11 Houn ment of the Philippines. All' power Ught Manufacture of such operations. They Will be This was the second time in two June 1. Garrisoned by some of the tough- For 10 hours the pUot, careful executed at the most opportune The dikes took a pounding leSIJ made those victories possible, and days that Rommel had attempted The senate added its stamp of est veterans of the red army and than three weeks ago, when the to conceal himself from vengeful the united nations set forth to WASHINGTON (AP) - The moment and everywhere they will to break through toward 'Tobruk, approval m a 58 to 20 vote m. navy, the Crimean ' seaport has Japane e1lyera by hiding his head war production board yesterday be useful. Missouri river here reached an all strengthen at once the are811 re· 15 miles to the northe8lt. He threw structing its members of a joint held against recurring nazi as­ time high of 18.4 feet. The Kansas under a cushion from his WNlCKed mainlng in their control. The Coral prohibited the manufacture ot "They will inevitably bring in strong infantry forces followed conference committee to accept saults [or seven months despite the plane, drifted in the sea and ob­ lights for Christmas trees, adver­ with them the gravest dangers for City weather bureau sald the stage sea battle was an Indication that by tanks, but the Btltish artillery house amendments to the military Germans' seizure of the remainder may reaCh 18.5 (e e t friday to tained one 01 the most amuinl tising, decorations or displays, ef­ the civll population, Consequently, allled air strength was mountinll. fire broke up the drive before it pay adjustment bill which would of the peninsula, break the May 21 . record. eyewitness stories of a major ,naval The smashing deteat at Midwa, fective at once. we urge all Frenchmen in the pro­ gained any ground. give anny buck privates and navy The midnight communique said Flooding lut night, however, engagement in the history of sea hibited zone (the Germans had so re·emphulzed the ,rowin, cree· neaulations also were Issued re­ The tank column W811 forced to apprentice seamen $50 monthly. "in the Sev811topol sector stubborn was confined to lowland areas not warfare. cendo of thla power. Blrieting use of critical materials defined the entire coastal stretch retire before it got within range of RaIIlfJ P.rIvaiea ,Pay flghtinl continues. Our troops are entirely drained of waters t h a t Ensign Gay occupied what naval In the manufacture of ordinal', (rom the Belgian to the Spanish U. . 8utterlorllJ' the ailied forces. Axis. fOJ;ces had In the same action, the senate succesa[ully repulsing enemy at- covered thousands of .era in the men called "a fish eye view" of Midway was another convlnciD8 electric light bulbs. but officials frontier) to take precautions from previously failed in violent attacks voted to raise the pay of lirst class tacks, and' In'fIIcting heavy losses." May floods. the attack on three Japanese car­ demOJlltration of the luperiorll1 said an actual Increase in total nowon. on Knightsbrldle ' both SatUrday privates and second class seamen Dispatches from the Black sea riers. His squadron met fierce of American naval airforee - in output would result from use of Only Effective Precaution and Sunday, • to $54 and to make all of the In- port said the Germans were hurl- enemy fighter plane Qppoeition training, equipment.. skill and dar· substitute metals, "The only effective precaution Meanwhile, free French forces creases for ranks up to and In- Ing clouds of airplanes and waves Brian Bell, AP Chief, while driving home a torpedo a.­ in,. It also showed the coordina· Stm another order restricted the is to evacuate in the shortest time repulsed another Germll1' a~tack at eluding second Ueutenllnts retro. of Infantrymen against the Rus­ sault on one of the larger carriers tlon 01 army and marlDe COl'1JI production of blackout lamps to the prohibited coastal zones as Bir Hacheim where German-llal- active to the first of this month. sians. , _ in the Japanese fleet eart1 on planes, based on Mldwl)', with. the Iype6 approved by the arm e d delimited by the Germans( We ian columns have been trying to I This was accomplished by No .ess ntial changfJ8 occurred Dies in Arlington, Va. June t , openJng day of the battle fleet's air arm. forces . Most types now belng do not underestimate the difficul­ break through tor the past five adopting a motion of Senator La­ elsewhere in Russia,' but a supple· of Midway. lIIanufactured are "ineffectual," ties of such an evacuation nor the days. Follette (Prog·Wis) to return the mentary communique said I' e d WASHINGTON (AP) ..!.. The He was the only one of the WPB said. obstacles which wit! be presented." The free French, who are sup- pay blll to conference ",ith in­ ,troops had forced a river crossing death of Brian Bell, chief of the crew of three to survive the cr!lsh

I ported by Indian troops, were said strllctlcins to accept the amend. in the K!Ilinin sector northwest 01 Washington bureau of TJle AIIIOC­ of his ship. In the waier, he c1ullI to have had their munitions sup- ments previously written into the Moscow and drove the Germans iated Press, broulht IIrief yester­ to his boat-bag, and covered his Chinese BaHle ply replenished, making their posi- measure by the house on a vote of out of two populated places. day to the national capital, and to Mild with the cushion. (o~plete Air Superiority tions appear secure for the mo- 332 . to 28 and later by a secbnd thousands who had known him in What happened thereafter Is a U.S. his coast-to-coast career of news· (See 8) ment. vote of 332 to 31. MIDWAY, page Scattered tank sldrnilshes were Ip. effect, the senate thus reo paper wrltin,. For (huhsien reported between Qerml\n con<;en· jected a compromisll reached' by Enemy Plane The 52-year-Old newspaperman Necessary for Success: Arnold trations near Knightsbridge and the joint conference committee, died of a coronary thromboeis at MeNu" Reveals New the Ain EI 'GazaIa 1llie. setting the minimum pay at $46 5:40 a.m.. at hi. home III nearby CHUNGKfNG CAP)- The Chin· and that of the second lowest rank Ariingt.on , Va. He had ~n strick. ese reported last night th.at their MOUNT PLEASANT (AP)"::" land or sea fOrces which start out MacArthur Honore,d at $52. Previously the senate had Downed at Lae en first a little more than 1.2 houra Management-Labor troops were inflicting heavy cu­ W811hlfll~ ualtles upon the Japanese In leco-­ Min for mall and plane [or plane, without air superiority are doomed voted to make the pay $42 and $48 earlier whHe watchln, a By American Indianl In these classes. ton-Detroit game-a fav~ cloue fighting on the outsklrta of Lieutenant General H. H. Arnold to disaster. America's destiny reeards the United States' air forc­ At Wisconlin Dell s The senate wasted little time ALL lED HEADQUARTERS, orite relaxation for hlJll, a former Committee Created Chuhslen, rail center m western I!tI III the finest in the world. rides with our young men in their yesterday in. adopting the bouse- AUSTRALIA, Tuesday (AP)-One spol'tll writer. Chekiang province wbJch the inva­ Addressing the IOWa Wesleyan fighters and bombers." WISCONSIN DELLS, Wis. CAP) . approved pay schedules after La., of two Japanese Zero fighters at­ WASHINGTON CAP)-Crelltion der penetrated during a weekend eoUe,e lOOth anniversary com· Asserting that he did not fly to -General Douglu MacArthur yes- pollette told his colleaJUes that temptillJ to intercept an allied Vichy Radio Repom of a management - labOr policy assault. 1Ileneernent here yesterday, the Loni:1on recently "to go on the de­ terday was made "chiel of a11 speedy action was needed to as. reconnaissance unit over Lae, New committee of the WiU' manpower Japanese capture of the town's ,enerll, who commands the army fenslve," he said: American lndlans" in ceremonies slJre "simple justice" to the men Gulne.. , was shot down yesterday, 3 Merchantmen Sunk commisaion, made up of I eve n airport--apparently one of their' air arm, declared: "You have read in your papers at a cliff in the upper dells of the in the armed forces. General MacArthur's headquarters By Subs Near Africa labor leaders and seven industrial­ main objectives since it Is wlthJn l'Give our flyers any thin, ap· of activities in the Pacific that tell Wisconsin river. . ' AId 101' Dependen'. anoounced today. Ists, W811 announced yesterday by bombing range of Tokyo-and part preachin, equality at number, In you we are fighting offensively The honor was bestowed by The house meanwhl1~ pa&Sl!d The communique saId : LONDON CAP)-The Vichy ra­ Commission Chairman Paul V. Mc· of the walled town itself W811 ae· ' lht all' and they bl811t the Jape· now. As more and more planes roll Chief Yellow Thunder, a WJone- lealslatlQn un~er which depend. "~ew Guinea-lAe: two Zero dio reported yesterday that U­ Nutt. knowledged Sunday. and rester· IHIIe out of the . k.y . pOr everyone from the assembly lines, our offen­ bago, who declared he W811 "speak. ents of the service men would re. ltahters attempted to intercept an boats had sunk three merchant Five management executives and ds,y's communique Indlalted the­ of OUr planes shot down, the Japs sive strlkln.ll power wlll become ina for American Indians every- celve financial ald. Pinal details allied reConnaissance. One enemy ships off Portuguese Mozambique, .ix labor officials th~. far hive enemy had broadened. hls control hive 10lt four." annihilating to the enemy." where." of the measure must be worked was shot down." on the African ealt coast oppoaite accepted membership. They will to all but outiyln« eectiona. CToQo Tltl. naUon, he said, has "the The appreciative audience, part "We welcome you as the most out in conferEllce. Meanwhlle Air Minister Arthur the French island of MadaPBcar. hold their lint meetIng todl)'. claimed capture of Obuhslen SlIt­ beat youn, pilots In the world and seated and part standing under In.plrlng leader and allure you The house rejected a ~nate pro. S. Drakeford said that an Au.· The latest submarine activil1in McNutt II aid the commJttee urday.) the, are provlnl their s uperlori~y the stately trees on the 100-year­ and the Great White Father that vllo authorizing the Be~t1v~ ser. traUap bomber crew had reported that area was reported by the would be consulted on all major On the southern front, the com· In combat in tile air." old campus, lave him a bl, hand all red men will fight besides their vice to set up a priority system tu the prpbable sinking last Saturday Japanese lallt week wben they manpower questiOIlII and wollld muruque said that sevenl hund· ''No matter how brave our men when he declared: white brothers In the caulle of determine the order in 'which men of a J4Ipaneae submarine ott the claimed - and the British denIed be empowered to consider and red casualties were inIDcted upon Ire, no matter how fast their In· "I am teillnl Tokyo that we have freedom,': Yellow 'thunder said 8ll deferred for dependents could ~ I!8IIt coas,t of AuttraUa. -that thei'c' underae• . craft . stole recommend policles, "Its recom· reinforced Japaaeae lorces which dlvldual planea, we must have thousands more Colin Kellys and he placed a leathered war boiutet called to the color~ when the i-A Th!! airmen dropped thei~ bombs Into the Dle,o' Suarez nav81 b_ mend.tlons will rulve lITeat weilht attempted to drive southward from overwhelminl aIr superiority to Butch O'Hares and Jimmy DooUt· on a lIfe·sl.ze photo,raph at the rolla are exhaueted. M!lmben of from a belCht of only 209 feet, he on Madaililicilr ' Ilnif' to~oed a In detennlninl the fateful steps the recaptured Chinese town «d win thi. war," he obaerved. "Any Ities on the way." _._ ,eneral. ______(See SERVICE PAY, Jlai~ Ii) said. . ______British battleship and a c:ruiIer! we Ihall take," McNutt added. 14din, toward the Burma ~n1er!


If We Are to'Succeed We Must Hale the AxIs MaChines. Not the Aiis-Peopies

On th far away battlefronts of the wortd eratic WIly of l~fol" the right to en.i<>y Our our men are fighting, and as the roar of can­ freedoms, for the right to determine our Own nons and rattle of rifle fill the air, some of destiaies through 011r voice in a government them are dying--ollr brothers and fathers and "by the people." assigned to duty CI1 an importunt cUne, and almos~ died. One day • Then There Was , engineering Pl'Oject, outside of the he threw up ,his business .... 1 friends. • • • The Surprile Guy country. think he wan led to throw up the Hat can Calt.~/J ucond fa'iJ"lrt. It • • • 01" ay GEORGE TUOKER I was taken aback. "How in spooge too. . . . It looked Uke cur. Through all of the ages of It;stor!Jr 'h"re ('1Ir.I, ta)fe from 11.8 all of tlu~ icleal/l. we tains for Jerry.... But just then -I u ed to think the world did that guy get com· ~aV6 MIJ1~ wa,rs; me'R ,hav6 dif'd; 61npil·e.~ cherish. n can lose fOI' ltS O1/,r frfepoms, t mission?" I asked. The man who one of his friends whom ht bed have fall n om.d have bee" bll,tU, Back 01f,~ rights alld our privileges. It own and was pretty aood at estimaUni told me about Jerry snapped me known in the old barefoot pub!lt of it aIL an i11/w7l1an hatr d t/)ore power­ tvi~l ceruse tIre d()!W

P'Brl Harbor. torpedoed in the Caribbean May 01 without knowing more about it. Texl of the mllitary committee voluntarily. are cordially invited to attend. the summer ses.slon office In r in Without debate, however, the TralllfQrtaUOII - A widespread P.C. PACKER W -9 Ea3t hall. Pailure to do this A Brall.ilian !!hip, tile Aleu-W, III with the lois of tlu'ee men. told the house the commlt!et' did Dtreetor house abandoned 'the lower bene­ so wiD mean an lnoomplete lISting in vias torpedoed and sunk: off Sou t~ Ttllrty-four of the survivors es­ not want to make the payments shortage of fuel oil caused by fit rates recommended by ita mil­ high. they would encourap local transportation diIIlculties "will be the ummer ion dtrectory A1ne'i1ca It WII revteled !odSI' c~ 1ft two lUeboaa ud thirty it~ cornm.ltt~ il\ f~or of the qcaEA'l'lONAL WillMJNG when eleven burned and injured hours later reached a Caribbean draft. boards to make "wholesale felt most keenly in eastern states." The recreatloll.al swimming hour which ' to be published soon. higher enate scale. inductions" of men with depend­ Persons who can convert oil burn­ DEPARTMENT OF w.:vlvors reacbed La Gu.aiJ:a, l!J)d. Under this scale, 'class A" de­ at women' gymnasium bas ents. ing equipment to the u~ of coal PUBUCATIO. been ~ed to 8 and 9 p.m. on Venezuela. F'orty-six passengers pendents of a service man would should do so immediately. Because and membSrs of the (lreW' _ SERVICE PAY­ is receive $22 mOlltllly !rom him apd of power shortages "we wUl have Tuesdays and Thundays. This CIIILDUN ART eLAS mlssln,S from the government­ a supplementary allowance rtom to live in a somewhat darker open to all membf-rs of the unlver- Special art classes for chtldt n BY THE ASSOCIA'l'ED PRESS owned ship ' whLch was used to (Continued from page I) the government. This aliowaN:e ~ATION- world." Travel will be curtailed. sity staft and faculty and their of the elementary arodes and tor Two more ships have gone down t\'lhi 9UICei:s f~ th, Brazilian would be $28 for a wife, $1211ddi­ (Contlnned from page 1) huae.RdII, to _ dll te tl.l- dents and their husband . Fees junior and senior high !>Chool tu· ih the submarine war in the At­ merchant marine as well as carry tile military c~ttee said !.bey tiona I tor the tirst child, and $10 dents will be held lor a SiX weeks' lantic It was announced yest "dOf, pasS\lngers and [rel~ht. had been given. no opportunity to for .each additional child. For ex­ Woolen mills will have to blend • • must be paid at treasurer' office summer on, artin, Mond Y. bringlQi the un o~flcia l total of The navy announced the 10$8 cOndut\ neariAgs on tbil~ provis­ ample, a wife. with tlu:ee children other materials in their fabrics. I Fried Catfish Dinner I by all except stUdents. June 15 and cantlnuin& lhrough ll1erchant ships sunk to 254 since at a small U. S. merchant vessel Ion and 'could- not urge Its approv- would receiv~ '22 fForn her lius­ Shoes are a major worry but I To Be Held by Elks t PROF. ~. GLADY con Saturda;, July 25, The class for band's pay and $'0 !rom the gov­ "we may be able to squeeze by." • • Women Pbysl.cal Education children from !.irst through lJ.xth ernment. Stocks of shoes and clothing In A fried catfish dinner will be IOWA MOUNTAINEEB grade will meet on Tuesday and held by the Iowa City Elks lodge, In ca.ses where there were commercial hands are at their There will be a horseback outing Thursday aJtecnoo from t to 3, children but no wife, the first highest point in history. "We don't No. 590 at Its lroUc tomorrow Ib v nlng, (Tuesday, June 9). and on Saturday morning trom night. The dinn I' will tart at 6:30. child would receive ,20 'from the see that people will have to be Meet at 6 p.m. at th engineering 9 to lL ne. or jwuQr ond Dai·ly government, with '10 extra for shabby, although. in view of some At 8 o'clock II. peeial meelin, building. senior high hoo] studen will Ads teaturing reports on applications Want each additional child. of the other thinas at stake shab­ KATHRYN E ZIL ItlHt Monday, Wednesday 8Jld Fri- The allotments and allowances biness is a minor item." will be held. eerewy day afternoons from I to 4 o·clock. F. * * * LOST *AND * F*OUND BOOMS* *FOR * RENT for "class A " (wife.and children) ROIISIDe-Permltting houses and Jane Seavey, art instructor In the CLASSIFIED • depevdents would be mandatory. rooms to remoin vacant in war OFFICIAL BUUETIN DIllICTOR Y ADDRII university sdlools, will be teacb r . ADVERTISING LOST: pair tinted rimless glassel. PLEASANT room 11'1 private home At his own option, a service man congested areas will not be toler­ (conUnued trom peat :1) Students who did not give their The tultion Is S. Enrollm nL card RATE CARD Hospital vicinity. Reward. Dial for graduate girl. Dial 6389. could make allotments to "class ated. Compulsory billeting o! Iowa City addre es t the tim or hould be secured t th elem nl­ 9763 . . B" dependents, such as parents. workers in private residences, 'as Iowa Union Saturday evening, registration are requested to re­ ary school offlce. COOL, comlortable rooms tor men, brothers and sisters. is done in England, can be avoided June 14, at 8 o'clock. All persons port them immediately to the reg­ PROr . lID A PATZIO CASH BATE LOST: Nail), blue purse Ciontaini(lg cl08e in. Dial 2601. Acting Chairman Thomason (0- it accomodations are thrown open connected with the summer ion istrar's office in University hall or An~Dt l at I days- gJasjm, drive~s license. llewa.d. POPEYE ------,------~------l Oe per line per da, Extension 471. ROOMS for men. Also lsrge dry ocmeecutive days- basement apartment. Shower. 14 N. Johnson. Dial 6403. 7c pat line per da, LOS'!': Kelly green purse, Contain­ 'BLASTID conaecuUve days- inK glal!ses, key, etc. Address ------XYZ, Daily 101Oo(an. ROOMS for men. Continuous hot . 8e per line per day water. Dial 7609. 125 N. Du- DAME 1 I month- 4c per Hne per da, TYPING-MIMEOGRAPHING buqlle. -FlJure G worda to lin_ W'EN SHE (::iET'S :MinimWn Ad-2 liDMI TYPING, Notary PubJic, Mlmeo- TWO double rooms. Reasonable. E. STARTID, '--fA KI~ graphiOf, M.ary V. Burns. I. St. J eUerson. 0 1a16826. NOT STOP HER /' Bk. & T. Bldg. Dial 2656. o 0 0 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY APAl\'I'M'1m'J'q. AND FLATS OOUBLE or single room&. $7.00 3 1 0 SOC col. inch "'¥'"U... per person. 342 S. Dodge. Dial 3 4 0 Or S5.00 per month FURNISHED apartments, close in 3!>H. 4 0 0 and west side, electric relrlgera- -:-:::-:------2 . 0 01 t1on. Dial 6 4~5 . AIRY freshly papered room for 1 Want Ads Cash in Advan • ii~lB". 628 N. Linn. Dial 6386. 3 0 0 ayable at Dally Iowan Busl­ 1 2 t' a.- ottlca dolly until II p. SUITE of rooms tor men or apart- 8 ' I 01 ment tor couple. Dial 2392. FURNISHED rooms and liiht- o 0 0 hOllB8keeping l'Q"ms. Also apart­ o 0 0 nations must be called in FOR RENT: Furnisbed downstairs ment. Dial 3385. o 2 0 I belore 5 p.m. apariment. Dial 8553. o 0 0" lIttponalble for one incorrect HOUSJ!S FOR BENT COOL rooms fur businessmen. 1110 insertion only. N. DuQUQ ue. Dial 9935. NEW modern five-room house. Morningside addition. Phone APPROVED rooms lor girls. 908 DIAL 4191 2948. E. Washington. R FOR SAIJ: TWO very desirable l'ooms, sln­ 2 2 0 1939 Ford De- Luxe convertible. ,Ie or double. Dial 9532. 4 MISCELLANEOUS Of 0' $500. No trllde. Phone 5756. DOUBLE room-also study room ./ 2 o 0, STUDENTS: Want to buy, sell or and sleeping porch. Close. Dial 6 1 dlnd something? Dial 4191 and TRANSPORTATION WANTED 0 2066. 2 I I uk for. a wont adl WANTED : two rides to Los An- 4 0 I o geles, share expense and help SINGLE and do uble rooms. Rea- 4 o 0 COLLEGE Bookbindery. 125141 E. sonable. 19 Bloomington. Dial Colieee. Dial 2802. drive. References exchanied. Dial E. 3 I 0, 7645. 0 I 0 7286. I WANTED - LAUNDRY COOL summer rool1lS for rent to --,.- FURNITURE MOVING 27 6 1 LAUNDRY; shirts, 9c. Flat tin- men. Delta Chi fraternity. 309 001-1 , Ish, 5c pound. Dial 3762. LonK- BLECHA TRANSFER and STOR- N. RiveI;side Ik Dial 96~7, ---_.. ------CLARENCE GRAY 10x;-3 rtreUl. AGE-Local and 100.& di.tance COOL comtortable rooms (or girls BRrCI[ BRADFORD McGor- hauling. Dlal 3388. PLUMBING for summer sJ.I-UMM- NO. hit~ sorority. Call Allye Simpson, 7711. rshall. SU5PECT, BRAOFORD/STARING DOWN VENERABLE SIR - YOU W~ED - PLUMBING AND MAHER BROS. TRANSFER FROM THE PINNACLE -WE DASHED SEE HE - THAT 15 WE - to .tlnl. Larew Co. 227 Eo Eor eUlc1ent turnltuN ..".. STUDENTS roolns. Plenty hot water. Free parking. 32 E. INTO THE TOWER TO PLACE II 1M ER- 'fIIbllllton. !'hone 9681. AIk about qur -UNDER WARDROBE SERVICI Bloomington. INSTRUCTION ARREST.' DIAL 9696 COOL double, two single rooms, two baths. DJa~ 2'173. SUMMER SCHOOL Itl1$ter allY day for aummer work In MUSIC SUPPLIES COOl. double rooms {or men. New Becin"ln,! Advanced. Review course.. Secretarial Tralntnc .....:======three room apartment down­ W. can accommOdate your stairs. 52J1 N. Gilbert. "'hedul~ . Methods, Sludies, Sol08 BROWN'S COMMERCE For Voice and all Instruments LARGE double room for men. Diat COLLEGE And Suppliea 7494. 604 S. Clinton. HUYETT MUSIC STOR E 'PERSONAL SERVICE LEARN TO EARN The ever increasing number of satillfied customers pro v e s ~SERVlCE WITH A FUTURE" PICNIC SUPPLIES HENB.Y CARL ANDERSON In Business or Government tha t- Enroll for Training 1n Proven Short Courses For Those SpriDg I1cnica A few centa more spent -New Typewriters Get Your Suppliea for qood dry cleaning -Office Machine Equipment pays dividends. - Improved Gregg Shortband At Cra.es starting June 1 and June 8 WI CKS GROCfRY STORE t.:"'WI.I. SOn - IlL\L , Gil 116 S. Dubuque RONGNER ' S Iowa City DIAL 2717 WHERE TO GO 109 Sou.th Clinton Street Commercial Colle,e MRS. Van's Cate. 214 N. Linn.

Hive You r SHeS IN THE' I lets MIDDLIi OF tau' a APIC1'UIa, ·Heard . pa,t!.h; 'ICAJ [)IMWlr/ Into ab'9 The 'Newsl !lOLLY. WOOD .ftudlo· thi17rts ore. Summer School Students I !lapp

D EAR. NOAH .. DOE.S IT ~ You COU~ 10 uSE. ., COUGH DIO!OPS ? -s-. ..,A.C~ Dial 4(91 DEAI2. NO<\H-rF , SHCfT OUT ALL. THe WGHTs,. W OI..lLD THAT ~LOWATT l' J M ~ NCO'- a A. l o. c. ~ .. ¥I..,I.. ": PAGE SIX . THE D.AILY IOWAN, tOWA CITY, IOW.A TPESDAY, JUNE 9, l~2 Council Appoi.nts Clor-'k Caldwell Alderman-at-Larg~ : 1

For Boys and Girls From 2 to 5 Years Old- , Honorary Medical Named to Succeed Fraternity Elects Two American Eagle SYMBOL OF PATRIOTISM, . W. Fred Roberson, & University Preschool Opens Today Four Senior Men Pilots Bag 3 of 4 Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary J It Now in U.S. Army -On An Eight Week Course of Supervised Play medical fraternity, has elected lour Nazis Over France new Plembers from the senior class e to the organization . Group 4ccepts Bid • With summer* school* * at the pre- * * * * * * Hundreds of Plan., NA lURE STUDY! Senior medical students elected I school laboratories 01 the Iowa Take Port in Raids To Paint City Hall, yesterday were Paul· W. Montgom­ Work Begins Soon Child Welfar'e Research station ery, William J. Moershel. Elwood On Occupied Coast beginning today, children from two Buchman and Lewis D. Norris. The city council last night ap­ to five years may share an atmos­ Announcement was made by LONDON CAI')- Two pilots o~ phare whiCh provide,S physical, Frederic Stamler. president. the Second American Eaale squad pointed Clark Caldwell, manager Dr. Julian D. Boyd of the de­ ron- Flight Lieut. John J. Moonl7 ot the H. L. Bailey insurance mental, and social health-so re­ partment of pediatrics bf the col­ 22, of Long Island City, N. Y., and agency, alderman-at-large to re­ assuring for parents undergoing lege of medicine Is secretary, and Pilot Officer Jackson Barret place W. Fred Roberson, who is the tension of wartime activities. Dr. H. P . Smith 01 the pathology Mahon, 21, 01 Santa Barbara Purpose of the laboratories, un­ serving in the United States army. department is faculty adviser. Calil.,-accounted for three ot t~ Roberson's resignation was ten­ der the direction of Prof. Ruth four German planes shot down in Updegraff, is to contribute toward dered by letter and accepted at the a large-scale RAF oilenslve alaJlII~ meeting last night. the development and personality of northern France and Belgium yes.., each child. The school was first Three Million Men terday. I • • • opened in 1921 and was the first of A motion by Don D. Brown. The Americans got their plana i(:s kind to be connected with a seconded by Wilber J. Teeters, In fighting over the St. Omer area university in the United states. To Register June 10 to lecept the Modem Paint "We tore into them llrln, 8& Youngsters, under the supervision we went and I saw my first vic­ ltore'. bid to patnt the CIty ball of teachers trained to understand Will approved. Palntlnl' will be In Nation-Wide Dralt tim explode in the air." Mooner thel,. needs, have opportun.i~ies done on the oullide wood work said. "I fired at a second which MINuri MAN BIOR:- and top th.e 90· to develop as individuals in the The number of males 18 and 19 caught tire though ( hadn't time of the bulldlnl'. the roof, the F~ Thiii. ~th'e; oi-ganjzatJO'n~ most desirable direction. tower, the Inside rooms and the the new Minute Man War Bond percent Bgure, they will receive a years old and the number of men to see where he crashed." , mayor's office, and will bel'ln ill Flag, designed by the Tre~ special ~Inute Man CertIficate of • • • 20 to 20111, who will have to regis­ Mahon brought down the other Department for firma and orgaruza- A ward Ilgned by Secretary Mor­ Equipment In the laboratories ter with their local selective ser­ plane. the near future. tions which attain more than 90 ,enthau. the State AdmiDiltrator, iIJ specially planned for the vice boards June 30, are estimated United States-built B 0 Ito n • • • percent participation in War Sa1- and the State Chairman of the children'. needs. Indoor and Edward W. Lucas, Brown and mgB Bonds purchases by their em- War Savings Statl', the Treasury at 2,446,000 and 616,000, respec- bombers took 0 v e r yesterday', out d 0 0 r play with com­ RAF assaull upon the occupied Teeters were appointed as a com­ ployeea or members through a 8fII- Department announced. Thll cer­ panionship a.nd I'uldanee lends Nature study occupies part of the time of children and teachers In the \tively, Director J . C. c;pt ~f th~ preschool Ia.boratorles of the Iowa Child Welfare Research station, bureau oC the census epar men continental coast, concentratinil on mittee of three to investigate the ~mat!c purchase pla~ Tli~Minute tifteate entitles the recipient to fly variety to the child's routine, Man 18 emblazoned In whIte on. a the 1Iag. which il ~Ing manufae­ which berlns an ell"ht-week term today. Children pial' out of doon as of commel'ce, announced yesterday, the B~ lgium canal city of Bruge! use of the university and Iowa City with a wadlnc pool a major at­ pubnc school pool facilities for bl!!e background, .urrDlll!ded by tured In various sizes and II IOld by much II possible, and are Instructed In Indoor playtime activities by The estimates represeo.t ~he ~­ in the heaviest of day-long raids Uurteen starl, repreaentmg . the traction on hot BUmmer days. in which hundreds of planes par. children who do not have access Nation'. thirteen founding States. licensed IUPpliera at a nominal preschool ibstructon. There's nothlnl' quite 80 fasclnaUnr to a child t~1 numberjlmi°ftsmeCnThwlt2holD a e • • • given age . e -ye r- ticipated. to a local pool. A 'Petition to re­ When companie., labor unions, price. as an animal, as the above picture sows.h olds whO are to register are those Special nature, literature and Huge formations of Boslon' COlI. pair the big dipper pool in ~Ity ------music eXPeriences, fitted to the born between December 31 , 1921, voyed by droves of fig/\lel1' park was refused and placed on had its vision impaired. Carrier- age interests of the child. round and June 30, 1922.) Actually, a swarmed over the coast in re~ys, fll~ . borne planes are tne eyes of any out his preschool program. A noon small portion of these, such as The city engineer reported that MIDWAY- some flying at 20,000 feet and vis­ fleet as well as Its longest range meal planned by a dietitian. is men already in the armed forces, ible only now and then throuih the pumps in the big dipper pool Interpreting (Continued from page 1) guns. Without quick replacements, served in the children's oVln at­ are not required to register. breaks in cloud formations. AI have been removed and the sides the whole Japanese fleet in the tractive dining room. are severely chipped. making it naval epic. one point on the Kent coast It took The War News Pacific must be left groping blind- Daily inspection by the pre­ one mammoth relay a haH hoUr impossible to be restored to use at ly to meet American follow-up at- school nurse helps to eliminate the Taking off from his fleet car­ Police Judge Fines 6 the presen t time. Believe Jap Blows to pass over. tacks. ' _1 possibility of infection from the rier with his squadron, Gay ap­ For Traffic Violations With RAF offensive going full • • • Dlvenlon MOVes? group by temporarily excluding proached the obiective ill mid­ A resolution was adopted to At Midway Might blast around the clock, it was an· Taken in conju!lction with Jap- from admittance any child who is Police Judge William J. Smith nounced that 86 German plants Invest $1.000 from the cemetery's Change Pacific War morning. Visibility was unlimited. anese midget submarine attacks Inot entirely well. Below lay three Japanese car­ Lined six persons for traffic vio­ were bagged by British fi,hlers in perpetual care fund into United in Sydney harbo~, Australia, and Total enrol1I.nent i~ the sc~o?l is States defense bOllds, A total of riers, less than 10 miles extend­ lations over the weekend. day light opera lions alone in May, By KIRKE L. SIMPSON subsequent trivial bombardment usuallY 90, WIth chIldren dIVIded bringing the day-light total since 127,000 has now been deposited ing between the first and last of I. L. Orris, Richard M. Adelman, Wide World War Analyst from the eea of southeast Austra- in three age groups. Attendance is the enemy ships, which were Mrs. Ludie Chittenden and the the war's start to 4,365 'enell11 In ,ovemment bonds, the city Whatever the tactical, strategic lian points, the Midway-Dutch for a halfday only. Two groups clerk asserted. screened by a considerable Lorce Horrabin Construction Co.. were craft. or psychological purposes of the Harbor raids begin to look like meet In the morning and one in of cruisers and destroyers. each fined $1 for overtime parking. • • • Japanese attacks on Dutch Harbor diversion mPves. Repulsed in the the afternoon. Permission was given to the city Gay took stock of the astound­ Paul G. Gregg was fined $1 and and Midway island, the blunt fact Coral sea attempt to push south- • • • In, drama below him. Two costs for using old license pia tes engineer to purchase sewer mater­ is that the enemy has received a ward across American-Australian Out-of-town preschool chUd- ials, sweeper steel, pipes, bricks Kara class carriers had been and AI Davis was lined a similar Meetings blow that could revise the whole communication lines, Tokyo may rent as well al Iowa CUy chUd­ takin, on their aircraft. Another amount for parking In a prohIbited and other repair materials. war pattern in the Pacific. have hoped to draw much Ameri- ren, are repstered durin, the This is a racslmlle of the new war­ The council approved a resolu­ smaller carrier lay between time postage stamp which goes on zone. Five Locol Groups Bit by bit, navy disclosul'CS from can naval strength both northward cl,M-week summer session. A tion to bend two local firemen to them, also recelvinr planes that sale in Washington, July 4. Washington and Pearl Harbor are into the north':central Pacific zone few vaca.ne\es sttu remain In this werc flchtlng the far-flung To Gather the Ames fire school which is to piecing j;ogether a Japanese de- and southward in Australian-New summer's enrollment and pa.r­ Slight Damage Done be conducted from June 23 to 26. battle of Midway. The fire chief is to design!lte the [eat of catastrollhic proportions. Zealand waters. With the protec- ents Interested may phone the One of the larger carriers a)- Gay observed this vessel's hlg guns As Two Carl Collide Tl\esday, June 9 representatives. Coming on top of the punishment live American naval-air screen for preschool laboratory, extension ready burned fiercely, while commence to rake the wounded Kiwanis Club - Jefferson hote~ The Iowa City junior grenadiers they suffered in the Coral sea Pacific communication lines thus 8158. enemy cruisers and destroyers carrier, presumably to scuttle her. Autos driven by John Tucker of 12;05 p.m. were granted permission to hold a fight, enemy losses in ships and thinned out, an opportunity to • • • wheeled 'around it waiting to res- Sometime later a. destroyer West Branch and Robert Owen I.O.O.F.-12416 E. College, 7:31 carnival on the Lucas grounds planes must have a sinister mean- strike a punishing blow at the Each laboratory has a head cue personnel. manared to come alonrslde the Whiting, 412 N. Lucas, collided at p.m. from June 15 to 20. ing for Tokyo. The margin of sea American-Australian supply routes teacher and two assistants who are Twenty minutes later the Amer- still floating carrier to remove Dubuque and Iowa ye terday. Eal'les-23% E. Washir1gton, 8 The council adiourned until 7;30 power superiority, afloat and in the might have come. with the children during the en­ ican dive-bombers rocketed into survivors. Overhead, Gay ald. Tucker's car was damaged to p.m. p.m. June 22. air, gained by the infamous at- It still might come; but Midway tire period of attendance. Physical view. Japanese planes appeared to be the extent of $19 while damage Iowa City Gas Hawks-Rec!'!'­ tack on Pearl Harbor and Amer- has put a crimp in any such Jap­ measurements and intelligence ex­ Downed by a Jap fighter, Gay elrcllng in z. vain attempt to land to the car driven by Whiting was tion center, 7;30 p.m. ican naval requirements in the anese plan. Moreover, the day aminations are given at various saw two other enemy carriers on the smashed carrier. Tbey estimated at $13. Younr People's Social DueIDI Atlantic, is being whittled to the when the American navy can car­ times during each session and par­ slruck squarely by bombs. would pass above hcr, then soar Class--Recreation center, 4 p.m. Strike of Aircraft vanishing point. It may ' already ry the fight to the foe, island by ents may have an oppoI"lunity to Tremendous Fires out 01 sight, lind return. have been reversed, even agafnst Iisland, base by base, may be much discuss the results with a staff Tremendous fires burst from Darkness feli, and he n eve r him what treatment he had tor his American Legion Asked an American one-ocean navy to nearer than it is yet possible to member in anthropometery. these vessels. Great billows of learned what became of them. burns and he replied; "Well, 1 Workers Ends After say nothing of two-ocean strength foresee. There is soulJd reason for Head teachers at the school are smoke churned upward with the In the twilight, "maybe a little soakedhours." 'em in salt water for ten To Aid Selective Service coming up. concluding that the Japanese have Helen Sands, Jane Machmer, Helen flames flaring from the apex in earlier than was wise," Gay in- When the rescue plane headed Boards in Registration • • • been strl1ck the most telling blow Porter and Alice Nanklvel. As­ dark, columns. flated his life raft from his carb on- Army Major's Threat back to the base, the surface of the There Is warrant, also. for the of the war-one that must inev- sistant teachers are AUce Atchley, Internal explosions sent new dioxide bottle. He said he had his battie-area was littered with black Comdr. Harold W. Gaunitz 01 Johanna Boet. EthelwYn S. Hart, gushes of smoke and fire belching fill of salt water. DETROIT CAP)-A strike of 250 conclusion that the Japanese itably lead to a retreat in the Pa- Japanese life - rafts, presumably the Iowa department of the Ameri. high comma.nd fell Into a. care- cific sooner or later and bring the Hope McCowan. Jane Scott, Joan from the carriers at momentary Worklng calmly, the young pilot can Legion has ca lled on all post,.; employes at the Federal Engineer- fully baited American trap at jugular vein of the whol~ Japa- Swift and Ruth Wilson. Madeline intervals. he said. had to make emergency patches on used by the enemy when the y i~~ Co., makers of aircra~t pre- Midway, fanced with far-ran,- nese conquest dream, the China As the ferocious Pacific fleet several bullet holes in the rubber abandoned ship. Great patches of in the state to alve all possible Collester 1s the preschool secretary assistance to local selective ser· CISlon tools. ended las~ Dlght, a Inl' air bombers of the sister ser- sea communication lines, within and Mrs. Marie Walsh the school attack en.ded, the second Kaga hoat before it would suslain him oil floated on. the debtis-strewn sea, Gay said. v ice boa rds I n the registering of few hours after Maj. George ~ vices. Land-based air power striking distance of American cook. class carrier was on fire from bow safely. He clambered in. The long Gay reported that the one car- Strong, head of the. army ~ir corps turned the trick. It presumably forces. youlhs between 18 and 20 on June to stern. night began. rler of the lUg.. class, coulS be 30. procurement distrIct off~;e, ~a? call1:ht the heavily protected In- ______Surface crafts gave Gay some Far to the north, great glowing • listed as a "certain loss," wblle "Contact the board chairmen In sent a truck to remove crUCIal vadlng force hundreds of miles Feat~re • narrow brushes. One enemy de- patches appeared in the sky. Gay the other two carrlen we r e war work fro ITlthe plant and had from III objectlve to send It Program to ' Construction Bids your area~ tor instruction," Com· stroyer appeared to be driving thought these might have been the "probable." These we relater mander Gaunltz told pOlt com· told the empl~yes they would have limping westwa.rd for ufuge. \ For Newport School straight. at him as she sped to aid searchlights of Japanese rescue to "work or fIght." pursued by American forces en­ manders. "You may be able to do The settlement providoed for all shattered as an offensive weap- SOU th Amenca • F"II ms I Building Due June 19 a stricken carrier. He thought it vessels seeking to pick up carrier lared In flnlshlnr off the crlp- a lol of necessary preliminary would run him down, but at the personnel. pled unlls or tbe Japanese fleet. work to make the registration employes to return to work im- On. • • * The school board of Newport last instant it swirled past him Therc didn't seem to be much .0 . - Gay's wounds are not serious. oft smoothly and you may be of mediately and continue on the job While J a pan e s e battleships "South American Relations" townshiP. Johnson county, will re­ harmlessly. else I.e do, so he "tried to catch II pending consideration by the t f h His father is a Texas oil oper­ valuable ervice In one way or formed part of the naval escor I will be the topic 0 t e program ceive sealed bids at 5 p.m. June A heavy Cruiser steamed by less few winks of sleep." another." NLRB of petitions for an election, for transports and plane carriers, presented at a mixer for men in 19 for the construction of a new than 500 yards from him. Gay Toward morning, he was awak- ator. Gay was graduated from Texas A. & M. college as a civil and an election Thursday under th~re is little reason yet to believe l~ducation to be held Thursday school building. saw her crew lining the rail, their ened from Iltful slumber by three and mechanical engineer. He took Seeks Judgment the state Ijlbor mediation board that the main fighting strength of night at 8 o'clock in the cllfeteria Bids will be received in the of­ white uniforms gleaming against explosions which he believed may h' al "'i ht t 1 I t J k A peU'tion was filed ytslerd" to select a shop committee. the enemy fleet was directly el")- of Iowa Upion. The mixer will fice of the county superintendent. the battle-paint, grimly watching, have been demolition charges. IS nav u g ra n ng a ac - ... sonvl'lle and MJ'amJ Fla In the in lh- olfice of Clerk of Court R. Mea n w h i I e, all employes gaged. Judging by the distances, be sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa, The Newport school was destroyed the destruction of their foroe. Spot Rubber Boa' •. ~ "cleared by the war department" however, it Is justifiable to as- honorary education fraternity. in a fire about two months ago. As the afternoon waned, the Several hours aCter sun-up a navy are many Tcxans, who like Neilson Miller by P. L. Raybum Ensign Gay, are tough and full of seekina judgment 01 $748.50 in reot will be reinstated. sume that the best and biggest Prof. Allen C. Tester of the Jap!lnese made frantic efforts to navy patrol plane, winging out on fight, due on 8 lease. . The clearance order was UlIder- Japanese plane carriers were IIS- geology d~partment ~iU int~oduce Gas pressure is so great in stem the damage. An enemy a search, spotted his rubber boat. ~:;;:::::::::::::::::;~;:;;;;~;:;;~~~=::=~ stood to have arisen from Maj. signed tQ the task force and ap- sound films on South America. southeastern New Melelco's 0 il cruiser sought to stand alongside Later the plane retur!led and • Strong's an~ounc~ment that the parently suffered the heaviest Films on "Venezuela" and tields that only four per cent of a crippled carrier, but seemed un- picked up Gay. rOad, army would investigate every man damage "Buenos Aires' an(l Vicinity" wlll the producing wells require pumps. able to approach close enough, , Afterward~~y doctor asked I and I who had been on the picket Hne I Thus ' the enemy fleet has lost be shown. Both features are pro­ as on and that the war department In a single operation both a con- ductlons ot the office of the co- • a II I I ••••:.111 [ 1~1iI HIli 1.1 IIIIIImHlUI I plies . would revoke any .special ~xception I sidera~le selfJT1ent of Its long- ordinator of Inter-American af- NOI granted aliens with. speCIal. skills distance striking power and also tairs. division of films. enem at the plant, an action which he =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;, Remember port ! said would bar them from lu- • Be Comfortable Brert ture employment in war plants. Offer Dad crash The strike began June 2 when This is ALMOST All About " heeal a group of workers requested that Father'lI Day turn they be reinstated by the United Our Way of Fixing SCALLOPS We dUDk our acallopa in good rich bailer (recipe for which Ends Today Stay COOL June 21 . En, Automobile Workers-CIO. The planE company has a contract with the we'd De.. r leIll and then we roll 'em in about a peck of fry raid, ISociety of Tool and Die Craftsmen. crunchy bread crumba , .. 9f1er whicb we 'em at.p partr an independent union. and brown deep in a blislering hoi k,ltle (can'l tell bow \ 5th Annual -deep). Su m Ome r TIME-SAVE And then you get 'em on a plate ... almoa' golf ball Summer S.ssion No Need Young Dentists size . . . and heaped, along one side's a bundle of slim STEPS·KEEP THE , hOi brittle sticks of julienne pOtalo (Shoe Slrings) . . . In Army Dental Corps plus a man size portion of lartar sauce (80ny"':""no redpe). Special FAMILY FIT! for dunldnq. A choice·of salad or deuert, hot .homemade SLACKS rolls and drink. , A call ha~ been made for sev­ -with an Automatic: Gal eral thousand dentists under 38 for the All Colors All Sizes w. Immediate duty in the army dental price Meal Water Heater I tlon\ '40c 'J1cket Washable - Sanforized - Cotton corps, Dr. John V05I, state director 5.SO 4.75 rubb of procurement and assignment, Regular and Wool - Palm Beach It Provide. the Cheapelt by F said yesterday. If You Have Method of Heatin, Water exec, "Those over 38 who' are In cws Any Questions but I-A in the army should also ap­ bes ply." he said. "The national direc­ .... -Com. in , $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 lOW A-ILLINOIS GAS in t, tor of selective servIce has reeol­ $2.95 HI nized the importance ot the proper . Today AND ELECTRIC CO, expa Ilea)). distribution of dentlsta and has 10 50lJIII----11.llir You'll find called to the attention of its loca, - - - ~=-=--;=- - - And Ask For after boards the necessity of conservl~ 1(, 1'111 (I T ( j(,WA it paya 10 WerE this type ot manpower In a pro­ SCALLOPS , tasional capacity. - You'llllDd It pcI'p IC) - Dine With Doug & Lola A channel to the Gulf n feet "Din. With Doug and Lola" deep permits the largest ve88ele in I the world to doc~ at ~ew qrl~!~ ~!!P."''''-IIIIII1!II!!e.P'.''''~~'''-''''''II!II''!I'-''