, 1942 = .,. IPS I , Yankl Drub Light Showers ) (JJevel&~ Indl&na. IOWA: Nol ••eb tbaoae In ~m • • 10 11 to 10 eraban IoU)" wllh OfJC&Ilonal Bee • 8w" on p.,e , lleht tbowen. arv. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper rag, I 1 FIV~ CENTS THI ASSOOIATED ,aus IOWA CITY. IOWA TUESDAY, JUNE 9. 1942 TBI AaIOO~T.D PaBSS VOLUME XLD NUMBER 221 ~r'Q' - The illl! Ie\{ poa\of. ~e col_ Isslon~r :Ina the lat pOe. o · be nec. ee gasoline where *** ,/. *.: **. *** *** *** *** *** rised by lshauon , use Of an bn. be the the use ·Tea,·Cof.fee,.C:()c·oa Rationing' '~uite Likely' I where and In ~~--~~~~~~~-b~~--------------------'------------------~----------~ I WIU~ e ata~ use tu ~ide ol)e Supply Director Weiner Sees Belieye Enemy Preparing 'Face ~ Iden{i. ~ith the )f ga80. No Immediate Shipping Relief SaYing' AHack af U.S. Defenses ~ent has ,tate and chase of W.A S HI NG'l'O~ (AP)-Consumer rationing of coffee, tea and Official Reports Say 3 Japan... Warships Sunk, ., cocoa is "quite likely", .J ol;(lp h L. Weiner , director of the (J'ivitian Eleven Badly Damaged and Air Arm Jver the supply division of tbe war production board, reported yeste,rday, y I and Weiner said he could foresee no improvement in the shipping Virtually Wiped Out tamp Iii­ situation whioh would oJleviate the coffee, tea and cocoa shortages, or which "Rationing is being practiced now in one form," he lold Ii. press PEARL HARBOR (AP)- tung d f!P rately by the horn t ' cOnference. "You cnn't always buy all the coffee you want at the nest it unwittingly uncovered at Midway i land, what. was left ~med ~n . grocery store. " of a powerful Japanese fl t Rought hiding nellr horne walers yes­ IIIceme~t The deputy director said the war held inevituble "far !'eacbing e of ~ terday to lick it wound and probably pr pare for another" face . changes in I he Ii ves and habits of every citizen, " but declared that saving" muh at Am rican defen e in the Pacific ocean. ~ue that [ .e placed Americans" have nothing to fear except the sacrifice of comforts." How many of the n my warship may ha\'e been obI to with­ locatiap Rationing of the country's favorite breakfast beverages i6 likely, draw to safer wat 1'8 \I1a not definitely known. Official r port of lict with be said,in order to insllre eq uitable (Hstl'ibution among consnm6l·s. the battle that began la, t Thursday, however, Sl,tid at lea t three Cofee delivcriell to stol'es now IIrc eut 25 per cent and tea, 50 warship were sunk. el ven more badly damaged and the ac­ per cent. compa.nying air arm virtually wiped out. , '1',,0 approaches to the prob.• ------------- Against the liquidation of .Japane . eap w r known Am rican , Ji, lem 111'4\ possible, he said. O" e INDIAN loss were the 'inking of a destroyer, damage to Illl airplan car- H.~ would be to lreat the beverages .. OCEAN rier and d e. tl'uction of some p lane, . Britain Urges , ( Inform d quart l'S ill Washington pI' diet d the n'my would '~ 8ij a group, so that a ration card OC8AN 'rnB ....... rJx: mi&ht caU for a stated amount mak n w Slid de p rat effortJJ lertz Jt'r, ) * * * * either of coffee or tea. The other ,re mar!: to br ak til rowing trength .pproach could be to ration the . of air and naval might of the ,'0/ . mOlt elisential of the beverages­ French to Quit I 'Fish Eye View' Of wife ~'o~ pl'fsumably coffee-and let the J ' nited tate!!. 'I'll 'y /lither must ilm pili,­ others disappear gradually. J • launch new operations on the ,arried ;ilt . nie press conference was are· ., water lront running from Alaska om's s~'.: Coastal Areas • i. I view of what citizens may expect ~;dwoy to Australlll, the e sources said, or , by ~~ , u the war goes on in the matter -SC.u.£ OF'MILES-I by their Inactivity admlt eventual 'erdlnal\Q '~ . >I.. .".. .,. I .. of restrictions of clothing, trans­ I ' '? deteat even betore the united na· rs of \he porFition and housing, as well as Major Allied Thrust t, t10ns start their expected grand -"t food. offensive.) he couple Intimated in Appeal Seven months PlI8IIed':elftbe the United States entered tbe w&r. lar east all I,dla and as rar west all Australla-fro,U line POIltiona .' '4Tbere Is no danrer that tbls lIa~e Botf/e--- Cont&ei Lott , an uli-. To Take Prec:autions Thls map shows how 'ar 'Arnettea has profl'eued in dlstdbutln, mlll- from which they can jump rll'ht Into ba.ttle the moment the alllell " , tiOIIIItry will lack a sufficient Contact with the enemy was lost ..,ply of (food) staples," Weiner tary forcea and nilsllon6 ·Ulro.,bout tbe rlobe. ·U; S. 'soldie'" &re at launcb & blr offensive. * * * LONDON (AP) - Britain Urged their posts as far , n~rtl,t ' , as Iceland, as Car south as Dutch Odlana, as PEARL HARBOR (AP)-The Saturdllynight, said Adm I l' a i I ,!lid, "or tbat the American diet Chester W. NimItz, commander 01 ,r eneJlY II'ilI lack Its vital elements." the people of France yesterday to . .. ~ first el'ewltn &ecount of the the Pacific fleet. At that timc the the force Clothing rationing will not be evacuate the colIStal ~1' eBS trom the lund olle bMUe of Mldwar ilIland, detail· force tnal launched the all·out at­ beeessary this year, Weiner assert· Belgian frontier to the Pyrenees Inc ita mOlt violent .~es, wa tack on Midway appeared Lo be ed. before those areas are engulted by related l'ellterd&y by & wounded wlthdrawlnll. His summary [orecast of things The victory off Midway, rllnkinl " coming allied operations of "capi­ Amerle&n naval aviator who 1IIIIIIIIIImllill to come: tal importance." with the Ireatest in American Food-Rationing of coffee, tea The appeal was made In a WId of noatln, In the lea and naval history, undoubtedly brought and cocoa, in addition to sugar, is French lantua,e broadcast hy waichlntr a Hne of bul'llinc Japa­ Ireatly nearer the zero hour for "likely ." Bananas will be scarce the BBC, whlcb ,ave no Indl­ nese Ihl,. P&" by. the all-out attnck against Japan by because of the shipping shortage, ca&lon that any major allied 1st Class Privates Southwestern Iowa He told of a thunderous-and the aUied nations. This was made Fish and pork supplies will be lim· Imperials Halt highly successful - attack by thrust was iJlllllinen& but at the certain by the crippling blows to iled because of the hazards of same time plainly Implied that $54 Flood Threat Grows American dive bombers and tor­ the enemy fleet and Its all' force. coastal fishing operations a nd one was sure &0 come. To Get Monthly pedo planes on Japanese aircl'aft As In Ihe battlc of the CoRl • lend-lease shipments. The Germans were reported by carriers. ea, whJch opened a second Clothln,-HIt appears now that the Daily Sketch to have issued Main Rommel House Paslel Bill As Missouri Rises And from his "flsheye" view, he phase of the war In tbe P&olflc. , rationing of clothing can be avoid­ orders forbidding French coastal wat.ched the desperate circlings of air power pl&yed a prlnolpal ed this year," but WPB is not residents to leave the area, and To Give Financial NEBRASKA CITY, Neb. (AP)­ Jllpanese naval planes, unabie to part In repelllnl' the &tt.empted ready to make predictions beyond the newspaper said they planned Dikes were patrolled last night In settle on their blazing and battered Jnva Ion of Midway. A mllJorllY that time. More cotton m u s t be Tank Column Aid to Dependents' , the vicinity of Percival and (i'm­ mother ships. of tbe dama,eto enemy .hl.,.. to hold the civil population as ;l worn. Wool may be forbidden en· shield against British operations. burg on the lows Side, of the Mis· Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, official IlOm.JDUnlqUe8 lI&ve In­ lirely in some types of clothing. WASHINGTON (AP)-A $50· souri river as residents of this area commander·in-chlef 01 the Pacific dicated. came from attaclu b7 "The coastal regions ot occu­ CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- Field a-month minimum p scale for MOSCOW, Tuesday (AP)-Sov- (~ RATION, page 5) prepared for a flood crest of major fleet, revealed the story or the dive bombers and to l' p e d 0 pied France are likely to become Marshal Erwin Rommel's rna i n the armed forces had the over- iet troops have beaten off conUn­ more and more a theater of war ,Proportions. aViator, Enslgn G. H. Gay, 25· planes, snpported by Iand-bued armored column wall repOrted yes- whelming approval of congress uing nazi attacks on SevastopoJ for The Givens dike near Hamburg ycor-old torpedo plane pilot, son plane. operations," the BBC solemnly terday to have been haltlid by ci.ev - last night and only the completion the fourth straight day, and in­ of Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Gay of declared. "For obvious reasons it was' reported In poor condition and First stage ot the war with WPB Halts Display astating artillery fire In a new as· of technical parU amentary proce- flicted heavy losses on the Ger· a break through there would be Ho ustoo, Tex. Gay's wound!! were Japan - tought on land - ended. is not possible to specify in ad­ sault on the British Libyan strong- dure remained to make this and mans, lhe Russians announced vance either the moment or place serious, causing extensive flooding not serious.
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