THE MONTICELLO EXPRESS, AUGUST 5, 1943 Page 8 Stage Is All Set For Bluejackets-Camp Grant Game the Schroedermeier place. Howard was taking the children home after working for him that day. Bruises Third Time The Teams Kate Maurice Tells Guard Your Country... and cuts were the only injuries re­ and Your Loved Ones ceived by the children. HOME BAKED BREAD OR rolls Have Net This Season Of Pioneer Schools for .sale. Phone 149-W or call at A keen sense of humor and a, had a class of 67 oddly assorted Right now, thouiands of 423 W. First St. Mrs. Eilert Prull. w-l-pdx *Louisville , Ky.j Carl Fiore, 3b, fabulous memory characterize Miss pupils ranging from 16 to 22 years young American toldien and Kate Maurice, who can spin count­ old and with varying educations. Cedar Rapids, la.; Chester Hajduk, sailors arc risking their lives to Top Players 2b, . less yarns of early school days, Her job was to get them all ready for high school. This class in­ Outfielders: Joe Grace, rf, St. adding to each her own special protect yours. Patriotism, your cluded the "Boston Bloomer Girls" Louis Browns; Glenn McQuillen, If, brand of humor. Softball team, which was composed own self-protection, - demands Will Be Seen St. Louis Browns; Barney Mc- She began teaching country of boys who masqueraded as girls that you do your part, nowl Casky, cf, . school just by chance and against and thus had to behave. Plenty Of Seats For Also making the trip are Warren her own will. She was sixteen Start buying United States AH Close To Sidelines Robinson, Marvin Felderman, Den­ when her own teacher became For fourteen and a half years Defense Savings Bonds and nis Gleason, John Lucadello, Tom county superintendent of schools Kate Maurice was county superin at its best will be the Madden, Earl Bolyard, Dan Casey, and decided to give teacher cer­ tendent _ of schools, and used to Stamps immediately. Back feature of the Jones County Fair Jim Basso, and Leo Nonnenkamp. tificate tests to his former class. travel over the country with hired down the aggressors with your Friday, August 27. At that time, Camp Grant She passed the tests qualifying horse and buggies. Because she dollars. Bonds are on sale at her to teach with a third grade was connected with the schools Lt. Gordon S. (Mickey) Cochrane's Reed, 2b; A. Skurski, If; Hasson, banks and post offices. They Great Lakes Bluejackets will meet lb; Joselane; J. Skurski, cf; Burg- certificate. The superintendent, many people had the idea that she the Camp Grant Warriors of Camp hardt, 3b; Markoski, ss; Schuldt, knowing she was too young, but knew everything, and she. was cost as little as $18.75. Put Grant, 111. rf; Wrona, catcher; Bauers, pitch­ thinking she would never use it, asked all kinds of questions. One your dimes in Defense Stamps © Both teams are in A-l shape and er. gave her the certificate. old man wanted her to arrange an and they, too, will, go to work. have been winning their share of Don Kalloway, 2b, Chicago White engagement for him, and many Snowballed Teacher housewives used to come puffing up the games in the minor and major Sox, is now with Camp Grant. He About that time, a small school America needs your money leagues. Without question, this played his first game July 31 the three flights of stairs to her across the Maquoketa river was office to quiz her on such questions for a very important reason—to Warm? game will be the most thrilling in against the Bluejackets, getting having a hard time keeping a the history of baseball at the two hits. Camp Grant lost 3 to 1. teacher; the children snowballed1 *s canning meat and constructing safeguard your country, yout o Jones County Fair. a woman teacher and kicked a man. "reless cookers. Me. Try some of our MONTICELLO Plenty of Seats out of the window. A school California Ho made . Under the direction of Elmer board representative came to No one ever got an uncivil an­ Coon, carpenters are busily engag­ Ladies Hold Kate's father, Nic Maurice, and swer from her, and the fact is that Breaks Loose ed in manufacturing permanent asked him if Kate wouldn't take she usually "just happened" to A trailer hitched to a car driven PURE ICE bleachers to be placed along the it on, neglecting to mention the know the right answer. Since she by Howard Schroedermeier of in that cold drink that is so sides of the diamond so that fans violent disposition of the pupils. has retired she has spent much Waverly became loose and landed may get a ringside seat at the Golf Tourney She herself was still in school, but of her time in California, and, when in a ditch. In the trailer were seven refreshing these warm August game. In addition to the elevated left and took on the teacher's posi­ she saw midgets, cripples, young children and some beans picked on Days. In TUavo "Pi+Miimr" , the husky right-hander bleachers, there will also be seats Five Pairs Play tion for the rest of the summer. children, and old men all going right next to the base line. It is ex­ 111 ITIlCIllIlg into defense plants she got a job mere . has pitched exciting baseball for the She would have had a tough time pected that this combination will Final Nine Jloles in one, too. She says she had THAT ICE BOX , but at the United States Naval Training Station, keeping the students under control give room for 700 customers who wonderful time working next toj Twenty-six ladies met at Great Lakes, Illinois, he's in training for the greatest pitching job of if it weren't for two big strapping will keep food longer with a are willing to pay for a reserved the ],j iif Ferrick is shown at the breech of a Navy 5-inch rifle in the a former Ziegfeld Follies girl and With the present price of corn s e> boys who lived next to the school seat where every play can be close­ Monticello golf course Wednesday gunnery school. He will appear here with Lt. Gordon S. (Mickey) having her identification badge,! and the high prices of livestock, supply of our iee. Cochrane's Champions of the Armed Forces at the Great Jones County and who would apply discipline ly watched. evening to play off the first nine which she says looked like a plas-j you can't afford to lose either holes of the tournament. Those who Fair on Friday, Aug. 27. whenever necessary. Later, when ter cast with one black eye, exam-| one, protect them with an - - - It is the plan of the directors of competed were paired in two Kate was county superintendent the Jones County Fair Association ined every day by the man who Ape cwt. flights. of schools, she found her record, wrote "Over The Top." to give the visitors of the fair un­ Mrs. Richard Long and Mrs. I. on which her superintendent had usual entertainment, and the pro­ I. Rhatigan shared the low scor­ AMERICAN HEROES noted that he considered her "a To talk to her is to be enter­ Electric Fence gram prepared for the 1943 season ing honors of the evening with a BY LEFF fine disciplinarian." tained, and if the radios ever wear will be no exception to the rule. out and the movies give up, Monti­ PURE ICE CO. score of 54. Prizes for the low Kissing Twins Bluejacket Players cello will always have Kate Maur­ scores of the losers in both flights She had so many heartbreaking HENRY G. HARMS, Prop ' The Bluejackets have 24 big were won by Mrs. James Hollar ice. The self-appointed town his­ and harrowing experiences at her McNeill's Hdw. PHONE 333-J league players who will make the and Mrs. Cecil Goettsch. torian, she has collected bits and first school, such as the two little pieces of information which make trip to Monticello. The probable Following are the five pairs who twins who would kiss her hands her an excellent story-teller. line-up is as follows: remained winners to continue play when she went by them in the aisle, : Vern Olsen, Chicago of the final nine holes at a date set that she actually cried, and de­ Cubs; John Schmitz, Chicago Cubs; for their own convenience: First cided never to teach again. But Glass Bends Toni Ferrick, Cleveland; Bob Har­ flight, Mrs. Richard Long vs Mrs. when a school at Bowen's Prairie The brick base and window ris, Athletics; George I. I. Rhatigan; Mrs. Win. Shaffer' could find no one else, she consent­ frames were pushed in nearly three Hader, New Orleans; Frank Bis- vs Mrs. Howard Hutton of Cas­ ed to take it over. It was the first inches on the Lake Mills Graphic can, St. Louis Browns; Henry cade; Mrs. Tom Hamilton vs Mrs. time she had been away from building but the big plate glass FRUIT JARS Perry, Dallas, Tex. George Patterson of Cascade. Sec­ home, and she was terrified. She windows did not break. Cause of Catcher: George Dickey, Chi­ ond flight, Mrs. Otto Kucera vs entered the school room, took off the misplacement was a car driven cago White Sox. Mrs. C. F. Shimanck; Mrs. Kenneth j her hat, sat down at her desk, and by an intoxicated driver. Infielders: John Mize, lb, New Serbousek vs Mrs. Tobias Hanken. for the entire first day didn't take Dozen Quarts York Giants; Ed Pellagrini, ss. Collection Winners of these matches will be her eyes off a strip of carpet. Decorah Boy Scouts collected 12 Some farmers had agreed to announced next week. At the close tons of waste paper in one day.re- C "board the teacher" because they 1 of the evening of play, a potluck cently. Several local dealers assist-, thought she would be good com­ supper was enjoyed by the group ed the boys by furnishing trucks to — *5 -— pany for .their sister, but they at the club house. Tournament ar­ haul the paper. FLASHLITE rangements were made by Mrs. were bewildered when Kate hardly James Hollar, chairman, assisted said a word. "It was all right EXECUTORS NOTICE after we got in bed, we'd talk a PUHL1C XO'l'ICIi IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AGENCY BATTERIES by Mrs. Richard Long, Mrs. Wm. GIVEN: That tho undersigned hus Shaffer, Mrs. Tom Hamilton and blue streak, but I just couldn't this diiy bten appointed and com­ When Richard Breckenridgu's siilimurinc made n hurried dive oft missioned ]>>• tile District Court of By The 100 Mrs. Proctor Wilkens. Japan, o hatch jammed, but he ienorcd the order to abandon the talk in front of people," says Kate Junes County, in the Ktate of Iowa, j : ulor u£ the estate oC Susan A.I rapidly Hooding conning tower and remained behind, desperately 1 and one wonders that that was ever! >',*>; ity tleceased: and till persons AMBLE STORE trying to fasten it. By succeeding, he saved vital equipment for his possible. havin"'" g claims against said estitte are 6 Out Of 10 Tires submarine and became the first cnlLtcd man in the submarine service hen-by notified to llle them with the to win the Navy Cross. He was willing to give his life. How much of Stagnant, yellow- water, bricks Clerk of said Court clearly stated Must Go Until 1945 your income will you invest in Payroll Savings? for a stove leg, no dictionary or and duly sworn to, and within legal McNeill's Hdw. time, preparatory to their being"al­ A warning against too much op­ blackboard are just a few of the lowed.or proved: and persons owing U. S. Treasury Department inconveniences she had to put up said estate arc requested to malco timism in regard to tires was immediate payment to the undersign­ sounded today by Ralph E. Thomas with that winter. Reading, writ­ ed and avoid costs. executive secretary of the Iowa ing, and arithmetic were the main­ Dated at Anamosa, Iowa, this 31st stays of the curriculum, and they day of July A. D. 10-13. highway traffic advisory commit­ FRANCIS GAnniTT, tee. He urged continued vigilance were always "strong on spelling." Executor Iowa Duck Season Is The old Jones readers were used, I.ocher & Docher, Attorneys for in guarding our dwindling rubber Estate. • D-3t supplies. but they didn't stick to books for their education. Kate remembers NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL "There will be about 12,000,000 teaching them all about the woods Pi.Hlriel Court in and for Jones tires for essential drivers this Cgunty SetEarlier For 1943 and the birds. The older children Siiite of Town, .Tones County—sa. year," said Mr. Thomas. "That often taught the younger ones, and TO ALL, "WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: sounds like a lot of tires until you WHKRHAS, on the 29th day of At the request of the State Con­ streams than were present a month from 45 to GO students were some­ stop to think that there are about July A I), lii-ili, H paper purporting servation Commission the federal earlier. Advocates of the earlier times crowded into the one- to be Iht* IiiBt will and testament of 116,000,000 wheels on civilian George Amhuehl, Into of mild county, YOU NEED MORE HAIL government has set the opening of date anticipate good opening shoot­ Saved Boy's Life motor vehicles in the United States. deceased, was filed, in my office, rind the 1943 duck season for this state ing, a lull, then later shooting as Kate Maurice taught several dif­ WHS by me opened and read; and the That means just about one tire 30th day of August 1913. nt 10:00 INSURANCE THIS YEAR September 25, instead of October the big ducks begin their south­ ferent country schools, and tells for every 10 wheels in 1943. With o'clock A. M., 1H appointed and fix­ 15 as during the past several years. 1 ward flight. about the time she carried a boy ed as the time when tho same will Higher crop values make it doubly important to carry ade­ synthetic and other resources there come before the Court, at tho May The Pennsylvania game depart-1 whose face had been glanced with quate protection on your crops this season. Play safe is hope for 3 more tires for every term thereof then to bo held, for ment has also asked for and re­ The 70-day season in Iowa opens the side of an axe so that blood final proof and probate, as the duly Insure with the "old reliable" Farmers Mutual, with a 10 wheels in 1944. That means executed last will and tcstumunt of ceived the same dates. Many September 25 and closes December was running all over everything, 60-ycar record of reliability and low cost service to farmers that 0 out of every 10 tires now in the said Oeorjje Ambuchl. deconsed —the company which has always paid every loss promptly lowans have advocated the earlier 3. The new rules differ only slight­ including her, down to the road at which time all persona Interested service must keep rolling until and in full, regardless of times or conditions. Over season so that hunters may limber ly from those in force last year ex­ and hailed a passer-by to take the may appear and show cause why the 1945. siime should not be admitted to pro­ $16,000,000.00 paid to policyholders since organization. One up on the local blue-winged teal, cept that duck hunters may shoot boy into town for medical atten­ bate. the most common nesting duck in migratory waterfowl from one- of the strongest companies of its kind in the world. I will "Naturally, the most essential tion. The farmer who had Dated this 29th day of July A. D. be seeing you soon, and will be glad to give you the facts. Iowa and one of the earliest mi­ half hour before sunrise to sunset, 1013. Monticello State Bank trucks and cars will get tires first. the boy while aiming at a fence \V. L. P13ARSON. The question then is, can enough grants. In the past many of the which is one-half hour earlier, and post was forever grateful, and sin­ Clerk District Court of Jones Coun­ ft Monticello, Iowa of them be kept running on their sporty bluewings have left the are allowed possession of ducks and ty, Iowa, cerely thought she had saved him Hy Josephine C Scuerrer, Deputy. Member of the Federal Deposit present tires until 1944 and 1945? state prior to the open season, and geese lawfully taken for 45 days from being a murderer, as she did, Iiocher &. Lochcr, Attorneys for ufter the close of the season, in­ Chester A. Condit Insurance Corporation "It is time for every car ariu* opening day has often found fewer too, at the time. He serenaded her Estate. 6-31 truck owner to ask himself: 'Is my waterfowl on the marshes and stead of 30 days as in the past. at the county fair on his accordion Monticello, Iowa driving so essential that I can de­ as a mark of his appreciation pend on getting new tires in 1943 or 1944 ? If not, will my present She started teaching in the tires last until 1945?' If the an­ fourth grade in the Monticello swer is no, it will be necessary to town school, and worked all the PRINCESS ROCK OF AGES give more thought to stretching way up to high school. When she Friday and Saturday, Aug 6-7 your present tires. went from the fifth to sixth grades the pupils were delighted and one LOLA LANE in First thing is to estimate the A LASTING TRIBUTE of them told her that was the first remaining mileage in your tires time she had ever seen the teacher "Miss V From and budget your driving so that promoted. She didn't teach in you will have transportation for Moscow" Monticello continuously, but the most essential needs until the KEN MAYNARD and though she taught in Ames, Des lime you are reasonably sure of HOOT GIBSON in Moines and Wisconsin at various new tires. The next thing is to limes, she always came back here. "The Law Rides figure out ways of stretching the Aunt Kate rubber in your tires. That can Again" "Aunt Kate," as everyone in the be done by swap riding, by driving school, including the pupils, called at moderate speed, by rotation of her, was one of the best agitators Sun., Mon., Tucs., August 8 - 10 tires, by checking wheel alignment, for the present new school build GEO. SANDERS — ANNA STEN •by making prompt repairs to all ing, and she and Miss Mary Jar- in small cuts and bruises, by regular man led the parade of school chil­ inflation and by avoiding the things "They Came To Blow dren which inarched through the that wreck tires, such as jack- town asking the citizens for a new Up America" rabbit starts, too quick stops, skid­ schoolhouse. On class day of that ding around corners, driving with year, she was called to trial by less than recommended pressure, It will be a real pleasure to the pupils for having burdened or driving over broken glass or serve you with a monument them with a new school building. other tire-wrecking debris. placed to the memory of your She was the first advisor Monticello loved ones. "Tires that have had considerable had, and used to listen to all kinds DANCE! Service Cards wear should bo watched carefully of problems every day after school. so they are not driven past the While she taught at Ames she MODERATE IN PRICE point where it is possible to do a American Legion On heavy card, 9 by IOI/2 inches, red border good recapping job." MODERN IN DESIGN Pavilion and blue star. For posting in your window office with new teeth. Ernie was DR. J. F. York Receives Degree Around Iowa accepted the next day but now Cascade, Iowa to honor your man in the service. We are the successors to the Gordon York, son of Dr. and Needed Teeth .says that his teeth fit perfectly— SHALLENBERGER, M. D. Bateman Monument Shop in Mrs. O. E. York, Monticello, re­ Without teeth, Ernie Landsman in his coat pocket. Over the Counter, Monticello. ceived the degree of doctor of den­ of Eininetsburg couldn't get a job who treats chronic diseases, can tal science at the summer convoca­ promised to him on the Alaskan County Budget Approved he consulted at Manchester, Hotel Tues., Aug. 10 10c tion of the University of Iowa, highway, ut least that is what he The board of supervisors of Glen-Charles, Wednesday, Aug. 11; Mailed Postpaid, tax included MONTICELLO Iowa City, Friday evening, July was informed at the time he was Jones county met in formal session Cedar Rapids, Hotel Allison, Tues­ 15c 31. Dr. and Mrs. Y'ork, daughter given his final physical examina­ last Tuesday for the annual hear­ day, Aug. 24. Return visit every MONUMENT CO. Louise and Mrs. Grace Priest, Min­ tion in Seattle. Walking down ,the ing on the county budget for the month. He specializes in diseases of Jack Cole neapolis, Minn., sister of Mrs. street in Seattle, Ernie hit upon ensuing year. There were no oh Stomach, Liver, Gall Madder, Skin, Phone 37-W York, attended the graduation ex­ the idea that changed the doctor's jectors at the hearing and the bud­ Heart, Nerves, Wood Pressure, Leg and his orchestra ercises, Gordon expects to be call­ mind. A dentist found a .set of get was therefore approved by the Ulcers, Goiter, Prostate Gland, ANDREW J. EMMERICH Piles and other chronic diseases. Admission, C0c including tax. *7Ae Afoniiaella £*pAeU Proprietor ed into the army within the next temporary plates and for $G for the board. month and will be assigned to a teeth and some "sticking powder" Write for free booklet. Address Dancing 9:30 to 1:30 1544 E. 53rd St., Chicago, III. basic training'station. Ernie walked out of the dentist's Throw Your Scrap Into The Fight