(Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-06-04
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ServI,.. the State ~ The Weather University of Iowa Cloud., with aea&iered Campul and hO"'tn toda,. T1uuMa1 '" dtan.... aDd mild. Hi&'h Iowa City toda,. 15; 1_ 51. Hl,.h e at tom 01'1'0"'. 11; lew 53. Est. 1868 ·- AP Leafed W\Te. AP Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Wednesday. June ., 1952-Vol. 86, No. 173 tee , Today Final Day Steel Production Drops; j Highlanders Miffed At Scot's Rebuff For Semester Exams Leaders, Unions Confer Teda, .. 1M .... b, ot &he PI'M'SBUROH (11') - A J)OfISlbla Aberdeen Council crack In the steel strllee deadlock priu U'r au fhall! exanaJ- popped up TUetday nlaht as steel Picks Sritishers nat.Jolli. Radio Seizure 8eeeDll __ier ~ rr- leaden plhered lor a meeting that mony sources expect will It looks as If the SUI Scottish hWtrul'Mrw are '1M! at the r ....- llighlanders don't have a much tnr' oIftee at 5 p.m . .luae 11. lead to new corrtra.ct talU. The slrlke of 650,000 steel of n burr In their voices as Brings Reds _er 10D rectatraUoD workers cut heavUy Into the na English pipers do. or at least will be ~... , .n. Tu-", .t that's the opinion of the Aber the flet. boule. Cl will btl'ID tions industrial mlrtht. Thousands ot railroaders and COil miner. deen. Scotland. town council. w........ , J.De II aD' end AUI'. To Truce Talks were laid otf. Steel production The Aberdeen council voted •• dwindled tar ~Iow defense needs. down. by a score of 20 to 8. a )3ERLIN IA') - A British siel T... ,'. fkhec1ale n. Burnet MllybQnk (D-S.C.). proposal IhM the Highlanders ap of the Communist Radio B .lIn • a.lII.-aa-. whl"" mrt't nrat II member ot th nate banking drew II key Russian offici I \0 on ~, 1:3' Lm. pear there during their European a. committee. said In Washlnllton he tour this summer. British headquarters Tuesday fOJ II ~ wblth mut plan to otfer immediately emer . truce talks on that Is ue nd th Instead they invited lin English n... i 0" TuM4la1 a' ':31. ,ency "(lslntlon bearln, on the ,irl's pipi.ng bond to appear at the Red .seizure 01 ome communi tie:> 1 " .....-1 wblth mHt n... l llrlke. Aberdeen \t1ghlnnd dances this bord rlnl We I Berlin. on Monda, aj I At his own request. the BrlU.h ':S'. I ~aybank. dccllnin, to discuss summer. S ".m._11 weilou 01 Comm d tails. aid hlJ lel1slaU,· pro The director ot the ali-girl bllg announced, Seriel Dengln of the IE:!: Coaun 10:141: kills 1t:1l. Sovl t control commission called pOsal will bt' otfertd IU lin am pipe band. miffed at criticism by n. endment ts> the defense produc- the Aberdeen town council. said on Maj. Gen. C. F. C. Coleman. _____________ the British commandant who or Tuesday he WJl relldy to take on tlon Lealalat"n the councillor who led the criti dered troops and barbed .... Ire I a;~errtDt' cism In a bagpipe playing com thrown early Tue day around the Phillip Murray Conere. slona I entlment is re POW's Lower ported for 10m typ of leg' 111- petition. broadcast InK stallon In the Brit SI I P,l/O'l Urad William Adamson. who trained ish sec lor to which the Russians lion &lvlna Pre td nt Truman the 65-member band. said he was have clung throu&h ' seven year, power to sel:te private Industry "very much surprised and greatly of cold war. 32 Red Flags In an emerleney. But proponent~ mUfed" at the remarks mado at ot Final Taft Grabs Lead of this le,lslatlon would re erve the A»erdeen town council meet "AlthouKh no IInal gr m nt to conar the rl'ht to veto such in~ Tuesday night. was ry!llch d. some proar s was sl'izure. The highianders offered to play made and the matters dlscu. ed In Koje Camps In Early Returns The first br ak in the stalemate at Aberdeen fl'ee I.f the town ar beLn, further pursued. It is over negotiations CDme from wouid pay their expenses ot $100. nol known whether anoth r meet KOJE ISLAND. Korea (WED From South Dakota Coate ville. Par The Lukens Steel The town'S lakes and parks com In, will toke place." NESDAY) (A'}-Tou,h North Ko- Co. said It will lit down with the mittee recommended. but then the The British sleie. Instituted artel ~ean compoun~ 96 hauled down SIOUX FALLS S.D. /A» _ Sen. union today for contract talks In storm broke in the counciL Coieman protested Red seizure at Its 32 COmmUnIS! flals durlnK th~ , volvill, Its 4.500 employes. nla under threat of a showdown ) Robert A. Tult IIrabbect slender Councillor Frank Magee. a OR HOW TIME HANGE-A co uple of month a(o thtSe three memb'cn of the coUl h ffi,hlanders th we kend of cOmmunitie the hL EXl'cutives or leading steel transplanted En,llshman. snorted were plannJn.. Ihelr trip to 'coUand. But Tuesda the Ituatlon took on a. dllfertnt U.. M , hen a on Welt hod admJni t red. ch l lenll but prihonen ot war In a &econti I ad over Gen. Dwi,ht D. Eisen companle' will meet this morning thot the glrls probably were "a lot eUlor of the town 01 Aberd""n. colland. ('lIlIed the lII,hland ~1'!I "a lot of comic ebarulers who make Russian presti, and h artened eompaund lIi1l flaunt d Red b n- hower Tu sday nlllht with nearlY In New York to dl Cll strategy. or comic characters who make 8 a mockery of coUlsh lIaUonal Inslru~nt and dre ." Th.e ,.Irl pictured above lore. (ldt to rl ..bt). W t Berliners squeezed by un ners b yond the AlJled d adllne. of South D kotu'$ I\fa onrn Four defiant POWs were wounn mocke~ of Scotland's national baron Brown. A3. low.! ·lty; J tan alvata. A". J ow. Cit • and ;\Jarlha I1l.le. A3. BurJlDfkln. abated Communi.t pre'sure tac Republican prcsi A source ('10:1' to Philip Mur Instrument and dress." tic•. ed lalt nial'lt by IUBrds In thi ray. president of the CIO United A Ru °ian lone German wa big prlsontockode whCr th Al d nlinl primary counted. He said he • Imagined the girls The count. from t ,059 of 1.916 St elwol'kel' , aid the meetlng would present "probably halt a killed by Communist pollcc Tue - lied command and Red die-hard may lead to a call lor a bargaln <Ire wBl1ln/f a bitter slruK,le tor dozen chorus girls wIth practically da~' h OUght to cro. a bur pr clncts In this last ballot box Inl: confer nc betwe n monage- Ike oet' 8fell to th Amerlc n , elOI' internal conl1ol. GOP nominating nothing on playing the bagpipes." Dons ~ivilian Clothes, ment IIno labor. Battl s sonCd troops arm d Adamson issued a statement to or tho db'. This ourcs said the union hilS with bayonet. lellr,~ nd riot the council. :Wne$ no plans now for such a conter We t German city or lIullsupported by tonks awaltI'd nhol\' r 36.607. "We've played before 4-mllUon the sign I trom Brla, G n. Haydon At tilake were 14 conventl<m cnce but Indicated Jt would be Lucn bur" bord • crosser said rcc pUvc to nny such invitation. Americans and Canadians, inClud_ Begins GOP Nomination Fight Commumst police are sowing land L. (Bul\) Boatner to barge into "ot and the pr tile of a ballot Ing a great many Scotsmen, and Neither mana&ement nor QIlIOll mill ~ in tho Ihr -mile-wid "e compound 8S and tear down the victory on th day of Eisenhow- we've never had an adverse com W~HINGTON W) - Dwight l ----------------------- curity belt" with which they hope Red bannen;. er's homccominK celcbration In made any public move to renew barBalOlng for a new contract in ment about any part ot our per D. Eisenhower look oCf hiS five Lang Syne" in a sentimental fare- slz d that air power would be the to seal oft East Germany from Boatner Glv DetlclJlne Abilene. Kan. the second stcel walkout ot 1952. formances or OUr uniforms," he stars Tuesday lind rolled up his well. I!:isenhower jumped into a dominant force 10 any war of the the w t. I Boatner's d adline, handed to Sen. El>t . Ke[auver of Tennes- Murray could not be reached. stated. sleeves _ bra n d new civilian car and went to a hotel to pull ott future. Rus Ian reports of the Dcn/fin "lid like to challenge that Communist leaders from the two I see tucked Into his coonskin cap He has been unreachable since he sleeves _ tor the politiclIl battle his uniform, iet into clvihan at- The reference to a 70-&roup air Coleman conference emphasl:ud compoundll TLlesdsy, was 1 a.m. the state·s ei ht Democratic presi transplanted Englishman. Coun announced the 'trike call Tues tire and confen d with men who torce could h~ve been aimed at only the radJo blockade. The So (4 p.m., Iowa time). dential nomlnatlnrt votes. Ed cilman Frank Magee. to n pipe viet-controlled ADN news Il/fency, day. within minutes alter the ahead. :Ire master-mindln/f the campaign Pl'esid nt Truman. In 1949, the A lone Communist Cia, ap- Downs. head 01 a rival unln Supreme Court ordered the /fOY competition.