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•POUXt FRIDAY, NOV] !l 26, 1964 iOtutrliPBtifr Ettraing Ifm ilit ATeraga Dafly Net Preas Ron For the Week Caded Tha Weather ■ i Nov. i$ , 1SS4 iiiliiiiiliil •* 11,555 CSaeMly, not ao eqfe leeigkt wMh rala hegisalag late taoigM. 0»- Memiiee ^ t%e Aodlt Bareaa ef Olicslatten eMtaoal rats, ettlo riwaija la Manche»ter-~~A City of VUIomo Charm teosperatere Sooday. K VOL. LXXIV, NO. 49 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1954 (ClBu^flid Advortislag on Pago !•) PRICE nVE C B im D ed ication President Gopsolcs Mother Latins A sk Of Spire Set Fixed Price < . A t Lebanon F or C offee

Lebanon, Nov. 27 (4 V - QuiUndinha, Brazil, Nov. Memorial to William Wil­ 27 (yP)— Fifteen, Lstin-Amer- liams, signer of the Declara­ iesn nations pressed the In- tion of Independence, Revolu­ ter-Americiin Economic Con­ tionary War patriot and ference today for s ’study of mni Gift! for a more gracious way o f living . . . gifts of comfort, of alaganca, of anhancad distinguished citizen, the J!:ii J i t : ; the world coffee situation, nil! newly built steeple of ill:! ■ . - S ' iiili ^ e proposal looked toward iiili hospitality. Gifts to ba usad and admirad and traasiirad. Saa our suparbly baautiful and IH:: Lebanon’s historic meeting ah international coffee agree­ New Purge Where Fighting Was Reported nim hduse will be dedicated at 3 ment to stabilize prices Hits Obarge Sunday afternoon. suparbly variad collaction of gifts for avaryona on your list! F o r hnees-ers onkf The 'United States, the world’s Tho date is almost the exact customer, alrea^ has said snnivariary of tho organisation it "disUkes” price fixing agree­ Indicated in of tho church, Nov. 3S, 1700 and ments. But it may go along with O f R ed T ie v«ry own Toppor Sot*' of tho rodedicatlon of tho intorior, ita southern neighbors’ hopes for ov. 30, IMO, Tho ovont marka at least a study, of world coffee Red Action 10 completion, after more than problems. As ‘Untrue’ Sa decade and g half, of the •The conference, how split into liWe-hifMls '*• knsM trs can travst l-i!- reitoraUon of the meeting house committees and. Working groups, By WUXIA3L t. RYAN WE WILL GIVE IboUBLE seiiSMparad in Cadar's imecklen|(h which was destroyed in the 19S8 has two other major proposals te- (AP Foreign Newe Analyet) Lewisburg, Ps., Nov, 17 hurricane.. , fora it. One envlsagea creaflon of A pattern of 18 months (/P)— Alger Hiss, convictadL-!W Tepsar Sats. Quiekea. qwckell. Donatloaa Widespread an Inter-American bank. The ago is being repeated today in lying when he denied ^ving other calls for a broad investment fa s t lee. leitk wapfaslaned dewres! ContribuUons from all over Con- the Soviet Union, suggesting government secrets to a C!ora- nil; & Boctlcut and far beyond ita bor­ program to attract new capital to C M n * So a GREEN STAMPS WITH CASH ^leaheiaed pent prevents liny ders, and eapeclally of Trumbull Latin America. new internal nervousness munist spy ring, was released and Williams famUy descendants U.S. Secretary oPthe Treasury ^hich could lead t<> another from fedsral prison today. He Mitkapa. GenMa a M ic piM let and Mtriotic aocleUes made posai-. George Humphrey said' yesterday ui^eavsl. immediately proclaimed he ■ end weial keep O a ^ seesrs^' Me the restoraUon at a total cost “real progress was being made in A new "vigilance’’ campaign is was innocent, asserting the J i A t SALES SATURDAY, NOV. 27 of $113,000 or more. The interior the conference for further prog­ being launchM, aimilar in tone to A kraait ta wask. . . never need was fully, paid for soon after com­ Mrs, Harley L. Baonaer of Lewtabarg, Pa., reads a telegram from ress and better relations among the one which preceded the arrest Kirun charges sginst him werd "un­ ■\ pletion and at ita dedication -the PrwHsat Flaaohower aoaarfog her every *Tea^Me means’* la being the naU^a of this hemisphere.’’- true.” nam ai. . . celat-bri|M aver and and purge o f police boss Lavrenti steeple, costing $38,000, will lack oaei te tree her sea, Majee WUlboa M. Baomer,. S3, from Chlneoe Red The chief U.S. delegate left P. Berla In June. 1053. Hits, dressed in a buainaas-type evaa. «nd tkay're Certar-Satw «iDly a few hundreds ot doUara, U prlaeo. Wanaaer. wttb 13 etherother AnwrleoaAnwrlena airmen was sentenred shortly afterwards for Washing­ There is stress — as there was hat and well-worn grey, topcoat m anything, ot being debt-free. to prison on spy ehsrges. (AP WIrepbete). ton. Aboard the same plane werfe Just before and after Stalin's death brought to the penitentluy by Ilia The moit-wanted ChrUt- ...vnInaltkrinkeslaiW . Besides townspeople all who hava Atty. Gen. Herbert Brownell, en —^ On' urging every Sbviet ciUxen wife, told newamea at tho pciooa maa g ift . . . lovely lounge* Tai€»n._ contributed to the steeple fund have route from a public law conference to guard "state secrete.” And there _ Katonba gate: wear that adde a wonder­ been invited to the dedication. in Sao- Paulo to -New York, and is again a scare campaign to con­ I ahail renew my efforts to Ho­ ful touch of glamour >t0 Itj kuohAfrye-sojiC- CHRISTMAS / Workmen who built the steeple wlU World Bank President Eugene vince the Bqviet people their coun­ FORMOSA pei the deception that hao baoa her at-home houre! Come be given recognlUon by the Rev. American Convicted Black, who waa flying to Caracas, try is crawling nith Britfth and foisted on the American potvlo.** In today and chooee from Dr. Robert G. Armstrong, who has Venesuela. American spies. flur aeieetion o f quilted Tieear let vna TNanM ymp iMkM. Coavtcted of Perjury sweaaw pail Han: s »aa.-tH m. Just retired as pairior and who wHl Undersecretary of State Herbert Reasserts Power Hlaa spent 3*4 years ot 9 8-yonr cottona; quilted nylons, \ preside. Introduced for brief re- Hoover, Jr., took over aa head of T!he Communist party is strong­ quilted rayons also print Smith sentence in the penitentiary at llf MMJxnflk rii d^^^^WOMKl S 2 .9 5 sponaea will be the Rev. Howard In Swiss Gold Theft the U.S. delegation here. ly reasserting Its authority over Chimm Sen Lewisburg, specificaUy hs was nylons and print crepes. C. Champe of Shelton, pastor at The coffee project waa present­ every phase of Soviet life — in convicted of lying to a fsdbrmi tha Ume ot the.hurricane and lead­ ed by Brasil, Mexico, Colombia, eluding the military. This becomes er in the early years of the rastora- grand Jury at a congroaaional in­ Venesuela,- El Salvador, Guate- more suspicious in view of the M vestigation which looked into tlon; Henry Senrauh Kelly of New Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 27 ■ ■ • \ about so per cent of the world’s minister and World War II h«ro, heavy Sghilng. Wuchiu. opposite Femoan. Is a gnerrilte base seuth Dept. officlaL tect Col. John Trumbull, the fam­ was sentenced to two yean inv ef Osamnnlst-heM TIfanJIh. (AP WIrepbete Map). "Feetherwerm" ous artist of the revolution; the coffee. They have been angry and Marshal- Vasily D. Sokolovsky, Chambers, former edior o f TtsM VM. wilOT. Mm NMtod S 2 .9 5 prison.' Dahl was found guilty by chief of staff of the Soviet Army, i i Rev. Dr, James F. EngUsh, Stale a Jury o f fiva women end a man of over recent sban> ups and downs Magaaine now living in raUramant Sleepwear in • superintendent Ooi^egstional- in coffee prices. have been missing. on a farm in Westminster. Md., ot taking the gold from a Swissair Trail ot Blood An intense campaign calls for Chriitlsn Churches and McreUry plana he was piloting from Paris Their economic development, where he te recovering fium a state discipline" in'both military Triumphant Trio for of the State Committee On Restora­ to Geneva in October, 1S53. the 15-nation resolution said, "de­ heart attack, accused lUao ot be­ 7 - tion; C. C. Hemenway of Waat In addittoii\to the‘Jail aentance Vital Issi^e at pends essentially on the position and civilian life, plus the necessitv ’U, S, P its tte s C h in a ing a member of n Communist for raising "productivity of labor." party group. Furthermore Cham­ Cold, Cold Nights Hartford, chairman of tha State Dahl-was ordered axpeUad from coffee occupies in world markets." committee and Lealla P. Clarke. Switserland f # !# yeari Thf resotujion asks that a special At the same time, noted military pers. said Hiss turned over aocrot Sr., chairman of the Lebanon dered to p a y ' lha cotta ^^l^l^iftiard Trial coffea eommiisirion of tha Inter men have been vritlng in the For Reledso of 13 State jJopt. documents. Soviet prese on the importance of >5®®lo»l4-98 gown, Jacket, pajama, too Church Committee. trial. The three months and three American . Economic and Social Hiss termed this a lie, said In 1 . —all of Cartar^a down-aoft continued emphaeie on heavy in never saw Chambers after Jaa. 1. Tea to FeUow weeks which Dahl spent in Jail Cleveland, Nov. 37 (4V-Where Council make a dialled study of dustry...... I • • iiiiM “ Faatherwarm” with the Following the service, tea will v/hila the case was beln ^ ^ vest the world coffee situation. 1837.' Chambers then prodnead gentle* luxury of fliiff- be served a t . naarby Redwood* igated will ba deductad fcote the will tha trail o f blood |m>U nooe.vmoons Over - By JOHN M. mOHTOWEB . microSlm copiba of the aUcgpdly — i f 4ha nemmisalon ahouldj decide All this tends to give the Im­ Washington, Nov. 27 —The governnient Kite decided to atolen oocumcnta-Slm coaceoled V bruahad Bemberg rayon: I birthplaco of Revolutionary War Jail term and the presiding Judge through the bouse o f ' Dr"." Bamuer priceprie stability could be ichieved pression that a couple of post- in a pumpkin on hte fhnn. TUa Delicioua to tha touch! 'SJovemor Jonathan Trumbull, said that with good behavior D u l H. Sheppard lead tha Jury trying by an international coffee agrees press A vigorbus canipaign for release of 18 Amencfns im­ P father of the artiaUarchitect and could be released in 13 months, Sthlln honeymoons are oVer—firat, clinched the case against Htes. ' him on a charge of vrifc-kllling? ntept-v would prepare a plan to the honeymoon between the Soviet prisoned in Communist China by rallying intemitional piii where officera of the French The Jury aaid Dehl "carried the For two trial days the Jury has Chaihbera’ farm triephoM rang THE G O W N thitend. government and the people, and opinion in the free world against the Red “ outrage.” A «le- t ^ y —but no oqa answered—and m \ troops who were our allies in tha gold from the plane and deposited been following that trail of more U, . Delegate Willis Armstrong revolution were quartered. It is it in the apartment of bis mis­ 8 second, the honeymoon with -for- mand for ths prompt release ofy ----- ■ ", ... ■ ------efforts to get immediate conunent X.- than 80 spots scattered through •Sid the latter part of the pro­ the mlUteiy men and two civil , •k-an Sisea 32 to 40. now'tha residence of Mr. and Mrs. tress." The Jury referred to Dehl’s the Bay . Village house where eignera. It would be no surprise 11 -1 ftpm the podgy former editor wore S ) posal was unacceptable. He sug­ if the Soviet government gradual­ >|ans waa delivered to Red China’s; | h i n m a t e v M l t i n A C unsuccessful. Aasortad colors. Fr«d Reichard, hosts at the tea. Swiss girl friend. Miss Ella Ep- Marilyn Sheppard, 31,' died last V William WiUiams, son o f Solo­ penberger, a former Swlas air host­ gested an amendment limiting the ly eased off on Its generous admis­ diplomatic representative in Lon-1 > ■ i a U g l l l K ^ JL 4 c U l t ? 9 B r ft » Htes waa released, how­ July 4, her head punctured by a study group to deriding "whether don yesterday by the British For- i -g-w, ' wm g .»• ever, CnaAibera did 'T Just mon Williama. for 54 years pas­ ess. She waa arrested with Dehl furious beating with a weapon po­ sion of western visitors and on the any; / tor of th4 church: was a deacon in December 1953, but later waa any international agreenislit ap­ permission given them to travel in eign Office at the request of ths hope peoplb w(U now leave the tel- HOMEBARWAREf UMi lice aaid they never fdund. ' pears necessary and dealfablc.’’ U. S. State Dept. low alone." v o f it for 40 years. During released. And the Jurore will take up the tho U.S.S.R. Nor would it be any Hit Red Island a schism in tbs church which Just The prosecution charged Dahl Debate on the coffee issue was suipriae if the censorship on for­ Washington officiate said Uie trail again Monday—perhaps for scheduled to resume today. same angry note was being deliv­ cilia, hte 13-year-old son, Tony, used part of the gold to finance another two daya^and will hear eign correspondents In Moscow (OantlBMd oa ta gs BftvMi) four days of high living at Monte at least one other expert witness tightened up again after a year or ered eteo to the Peiping regime In Retaliation and two attorney friends. Cheater emm Loose or boxed Christmas Cards In a colorful (OaaMnned fre a Bag* One) through tha British ^plomatic Lane a ^ Robert M. Benjamin. Aa Carlo with Mica Eppenberger. DShl so of relative reasonableness. ot the state. In addition to dstec- he wralked through the big deuMe sets by assortment.. - claimed he won $10,000 from the tlva Henry Dombrowskl who was The possibllitv of an upheaval representative In that Communist By SPENCER MOOSA gaming tables at the famed Rivi­ on the stand all day yesterday is always in the background in capital. British channels were ' Taipeh, Formosa Nov. 27 (P — gated door of the huge brick-Wall- Asia Diplomats era gambling resort and used that and moat of Wednesday morning. Moscow. l u "collective leader­ used because the British maintain Oiinese Nationaliat warplanes, **** prisoner No. lI B B E Y Single Cards ...... Sc to 25c each to take up the tab for their stay; Pontiff Suffers ship" aprang originally from the diplomatic relations with Red ranging out over the China Sea fol­ surrounded by neuriy Lab Expert to Testify China, the United States does 100 reporters and pbotographora. Miss Eppenberger testified also Miss Mary Cowan, 47, a labora­ fear the top leaders had of one an­ lowing the reported smashing ot a that Dahl won larga sums play­ not. The drone of a helicopter over GLASS Boxed Christmas Cards 59c to $ 1.00 box Seen for Final tory teduiologlat In the coroner’s other. Thq^absence of high army Red Chineae Invasion attempt, to­ Cam n and aa tkaa nav ing roulette, Recurrence of figures from a yucoesaion of Ihir And at U.N. headquarters in day blasted Tounien Island, Red head almost . . drowned^ out H te ’ ofRce for nearly 15 years, is New York, chief U. S. Delegate Hanw lamaia sb laikiiaeak Dahl has clung steadfastly to scheduled to lead the way along portent meetings is suspicious in outpost IS mUea north of the Na- “ **• \ j||ij telMMdiip&ytliarkNn Korean Parley his claim that he is Innocent and view of theT debt the regime of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.. haniM a UonalteU’ strategicatrategic ' TachenTachep te-te-1'"'T . gladX'*a to be out hut t X / ‘ »??TJ 4anwaiiiai. ^ tha blood trail when Dombrowskl lands. want lo^ reassert my complete that the package he was seen car­ steps down as guide. | Hiccup Attacks Premier Georgi Malenkov seems to copy of the protest to U.N; Secre­ rying from the' plane contained hava owed to the top army leader- tary General Dag Hemmarakjold Tpumen te some 200 milea north •>‘>J«nce.” V AS. » — United Nations. N. Y., Nov. 37 So far Dombrowskl has estab- of Formosa and tiny Wuchiu is­ He said that in his jraars hi frit COLORFUL FAST COLOR only two bottles of cognac. In a Uahed that only one of the more Vatican O ty, Nov. 27 (B)—Re­ v.'ith a request that it he circulated I available in (F)-7-Asian diplomats reportedly faltering voice after hearing the to all 60 member nations] land, where the Nationalists claim are pressing for new talks between than SO spots waa human blood. liable Vatican sources aaid today ^GMttnned oa Rage Twe) CordiaL Champagne or King vei^lct, he aaid: they hurled back a Colnmunist at­ (Continned #n i^iga ■ s) p the CommunistB and the 14 UJt, That was a spot no bigger than the Pope Pius XII has suffered a re­ Flat Acrusatioa tack yesterday. - Here’s the {iassware made espe ^Printed Table Cloths I am simply amesed at this Tha .American note wat one of Sue Cocktail Wine, Pilsner ' Allies that fought in Korea in head of a tack—.a spot cut out-of currence of the hiccuit attacks No new developments were re­ exaraplit of JusUca in SwUteriand, the third step from' the bottom of that afgicted hi:-i last winter. T1^ the toughest which has been dis­ dally fef entertiininj it home. $ 4 .9 8 hopes of restarting negotiations ported today from Wuchiu a half for a Snat settlement. The plan was a country that Is supposed to be the basement steps at the Shep- Pontiff reportedly also has bebn patched by the State Dept, in a famous for Its Justice.’’ ■quam mile dot of land 72 mUes Fbir (Masses are libbey's award- por d o ^ $|.98 ,0 $5-98 given little chance of Western sup- |>ard home. vomiting. -1 long time. It flatly accused the west of Formosa. In fact, despite •inning design... Stemware is Gift port. , It was a low ebb ih'the career of The held and alert teat tube de­ The sourcfs„said the Pp|te will News Tidbits Chinese Commtuiists of vIolatUig BulletiiiB ^ iiiiu II* _ I0«- Debt, who sprang into internation­ earlier I reports of hand-to-hand COCKTAH nilSNM The Asians sounded out their tective has admitted he does not return to Rome lateb tqdav from the Korean armistice agreement fighting, there now are indications liilij libtiey’s rhost poputar pattern.,- al prominence during the Spanish his summer home at Castel Gan- Called from AP .Wires fron the AP W in i, Sizes 52x52— 52x70 UJf. collieagues on the possibility know how long that one spot was by holding the 13 and- indirectly that the Cbmmuntet troops did not All have smooth, chip-resistant U r 6tiss« avadabie of-Buch a parley as the Assembly’s Revolution which' put - Gen. Fran- on the step before he cut it from dolfo aa -originall)' 'planned but warned them that there is a limit cisco'Franco into power. actually land on Wuchiu. ^hing edges guaranteed by in Old Fashioned, C0W1& top Political Committee braced iti- the wood July 23. Or how it got will cancel a sefte^ed visit t'f to the patience of. t)ie American In reportiiw tee incident today, Bright colorful patterns in. florals, fruits and novelty ^ aeif for, another go at the Korean Dehl flew for the Republican there. Or whoee blood it was. Or Rome’s BaalHca Santa Maria in Women’s International League people. the official Central News Agency ML'RPCR SI’SPECr SANK Libber..‘inaw^fOarteat, ______Hi4ill.Coolef,SomJigcr forces but was shot down by for Peace and Freedom sai'a it i*(u , lew. . » i • • , dblgna. Pattern! and colorings for kitchen and din­ question early next week. who might have carried it there. Trasteverel / It also made a preliminary de­ claimed the "invateng fleet’’ was Springdeld. Mmw, Nov. 37 m \ lilarMaOa’ Seaaavardbir cooun cmnA« 0 I.ST pop OOlOfl ing room. Also solid color rayons in three sites wHh Beds Been Favoridg Talks Franco’s men. He was sentenced to Miss Cowan, who did some The 78-ysiu'-oId ' head . of the hopea million U.S. women will fol­ mand for "punishment of the Chi­ repulsed by shore batteries and —Keaneth Cbapin. IS. hadMad First quality full fashioned nylons death, then given a reprieve. His blood-typing experiments in the Roman Catholic Church has been low its lead in writing President •a rhnrgea of stnMIng to death matching napkina. ^ In sheer and aemi-ahMr waights. Communist squrcea here have nes# communist officials'* responsi­ Nationalist war planss. LIFE hinted they would favor a new con-' beautiful blonde wife, tiiroiigh ap- case, msy tighten somlewhat the suffering from a serio*'.: gastric Eisenhower thank-you note for his ble’’ and for compensation' for the And an afternoon newspaper— n 14-year-old baby aittor nod bnr ip - • I - , ' Dark or salf aeanu alao. fancy ailmeqit for some time*. Last Janu­ efforts In promotlBg peace. . . . A heels. femnee with the U.N. Allies. Rut 'wrong" done the 13. I'hlch spoke yesterday of a Com­ 4-y(nr-aM .word, ban been luled 4 i i Western delegates say they wqnt (Oonttnoed an Fsge Eleven) (Conttened en Page Eteven) ary, the atomach disorder, com­ Vanderbilt and an Astor pave munist Invasion beachhead, heavy' sane by psycblatrista, HnnipdMi ill::! b^ n dropped from 1955 Social Authorities said, today they are no part of another parley Uke the plicated by hiccups, so weakened studying all avenues of following ground fighting and the arrival of County pist. Atty. Stephea A. W - . 1 ' Register, society’s bluebook. HaleV is your one held in Geneva last sunimer. him he had to ba fed intravenr.usly. :p the initial demand, apparently Red rrinforcemanta—spoke today Moynabaa reported today. The U. N. Allies broke off the The aoiircee said the Pope’s uhy- A 67-year-oid bachelor -who DAN RIVER s h a d o w CHECK doesn’t trust banks Is attacked by In the belief that even the Chinese only of what it called an attempt­ 60 Gouge Arkwright'right Geneva talks after i|^ka of fu­ siclana hhd warned him recently Bl'RKE FRIBND8 q U B te a k two .men and robbed of 918,4108 Reds, isolated aa-' they are from, ed Red landing. • Children's Books Sheers . . . . $1.00 Pr, tile negotiationa witir the Redr. British Storm Imperils that hie strenuous schedule of at di- the 'western world, esn hot ignore Today's, air attack on Toumejn New York, Nov. 37 (ffl Ong headquarters ences, appearsnees and church cash he was carrying In hia wal­ Colored Border , The U.N. Allies/were - reported let. . , . Guatemala regime ap­ the mounting pressures of public concentrated on gun positions woman . nod f#nr men—two dn- For boys and grirls of all ages. Illustrated readying a resolt^on for PoliUcal duties on which he has insisted opinion.' scrib^l an c4om> frftnda at Jnllr would cause trovble. proves reorganisation of three from- which the Gbmmuntets hate books of trains, airplanes, boats, jet planes, 30 Denier Arkwright Committea co^deratlon - which Among these pressures alrsady been shelling Yikiangshan island, breaking Elmer (Trigger) Borlw Scores, Seven Missing The Pontiff was scheduled to major labor unions Controlled by Sheet and Pillow Case Sets animals, etc. Cut out picture puzzles. You'rs sj.otsd for popwlo riiy. when for Girl Scout would m erely^ te the Geneva fail­ Communists during regimes of ex- developing is the sUnd taken hy a nearby Nationalist outpost eight —itere being qaenttonnd natty Semi-Service . $1.00 Pr. ure. S ou ris said It will omlf pray at Santa Maria in Traatevere the British government, which in today about tbe mnider tost • I ■ you wear iMt coot drsts of Don this afternoon in front of the Presidents Jacobo Arbenz and miles northwest of the Tachens. any s u g g ^ b n for acUon at the Juan Jose Arevalo. Feb. 34 of track 'driver Goorgn present stage. London. Nov. 27 (FI—Seven sea-| Miraculous Madonna of Divine Alba Perfect Pit Kvor Gl1dkl-SM» wovon ploid men were feared dead and the: Love, which had been brought Labor Dept, says initial claims (CsntlanM on Page Elevaa) (CbnManed.ea Page Eleven) GolL . Goll was abet throogb equipment . I n d W Delegate V. K. Krishna the hted on 5Srd Street aftor Activity Nylons $ 1.15 to $ 1.50 Pr. glnehem cotton-Hi# woihabls Ibbi fate of scores of others hung in | C h a i* g e d from, the Basilica’s sanctuary in for unemployment beneSU raao by ^6*^^ set Menop, Prime Minister Nehru’s observance of the Marian year. 41,809 during week ended Nov.- going off-duty from a nonibgr ehlar policy advisor, is reported the balanre today as hurricane- tracking coBoern. nc WMI MG. lOPIflQ TrGtnnGSi MOTS force winds and nifing s e u bat­ Ordered to Beet 20 to total of 288,700.. Navy te 1— 81x108 SHEET and 2 PILLOW-CASES in a aeriea of behind the . The aourcea said doctors have investigating report some Amer­ *MubIi RtmaiiB It Bb Db ib ’ No-Mond Shoor Nylons woreertzed. croeso and m H roiht- We’re fuHy stocked______with____ enes huddles to see what can be tered ahips around the British MoC ABTHY WELL AGAIN lales. 'Two veasela were reported- ordered the Pope to take a com­ ican sailors In Hong Kong' and BMuUful q u ^ ^ Dan River hheete end caaee with emert $1.35 to $1.65 Pr. onf. SoH-boll •uorontsod woiheblo, eiisil msnner\ofmsnnei\of Scouting done about arranging some kind plete rest. other Asiatic ports have tfaded Wnablagton. Nov.>*. 31a • .VO(PS— ) ™ eheck- borderp. Pink, blue,. 3rellow and p*aan. Books ^and Carnes o f meeting beta-een the two sides. sunk. Sea. McCoftay’s pkj gear to mak^Christmas The Wind and rain threatened General audiences will be can­ Navy eqnlpmeat for curios, liquor, byNrtoJan ro- toe. In now, Aolloring poiloi colon. The move is slgniScant because Cooperative Church Agency ported Jodny kte coadllro ad lti^ In shopping m or^ u n thse Bhigland with Its worst Soods In celed and tha Pontiff will not at- women and possibly narcotics. NO-MEND WALKING SHEERS I, ------« good enaugk to perndt SlMt M-20 and 14Vb-24Vt. 30 yearq. Thousands of acres al­ Franklin Institute scienUst Uf rmlt Man.to PILLOW-CASES $2.69 Sat ever before ^ (OonUnned on Page Steven) leave Bbtheoda Medtoot Ooator Eiip • $1.35 to $1.65 Ff. ready were inundated in the south (Coattened an Page Two) Philadelphia says Russian capture Needs Some Fence-mending taasoiTow horrlag nay / ^ . T w o 4 3 x 3 « 7 ‘ ^1 to ^ 2 and Midlands, and weathermen of- German acientiits and rocket W , - * ; . 9 8 Girls’ Dept., 2nd predicted the storm would contin­ Inatellations at end %f World War i ■ ------. ' ■Biia Little Golden Isooks ...... 25c aoch ALBA NON- MESH SHEERS 1,470 Auto Crashes ue two more dnyr- II may have given Reds big Jump BO.XlJt HELD FOR Police Hold Mother •n U. S. In space travel Seld. .Sen. EOITOR’M NOTE—Leaders a f.b e braced up to make it morc.ef- , $ 1 .3 5 P r. Tanker SplK !■ Twe the Natioaal CeoaeU ef Cknrehe# fective. PhUodelphln, Nov. 37/ *• • • The 20,125-ton oil tanker World Bennett. (R-Utah) leaves for Joey GiardeUo, : , A , f. ’■ Little Wonder Books . i ...... 2 5 c each Attributed to Smog For $38,000 Theft meet tomorrow to Iron ont rontln- The needs cited include.: V Concord broke In two, and its Washington. D. C„ to prepare ulag probtemo and to try and 1. Means to give the masses of tender for tho Girls' Story Books ...... 95c to $ 1.50 halves drifted miles apart. A additional cMMure count against abape a bold new ..program of de- denoihinationally secluded chUrch boxtew title, won oiycotod BEAUTIFUL APPLIQUED and PRINTED Loe Angeles, Nov. 37 tff»—For German trawler hit a VVorld War Windsor, Nov. 3S iffh—The third Ssn. McCarthy (R-Wis). Bomlaatioaal eooperatioo. Hc're's members more peraonal contact oa six cborgeo rtoaiting fradi Ute fourth successive day, south­ Parte newspapers I say Soviet Boys' Story Books...... 95c' to $ t .50 ^ II mine. , A ■ lightship went .member of the Walter Bodnars a rundown of whaPa up before and experience with inner-church wbnt-poliee eollsll a rlotoaa an- ern California was in the grip to­ aground. An unidenti'Sed vessel family has been- arteated on a Ambassador Sergei Vinogradov, the eounrll aaaemMy fqr aetton. activttie#..i)q Ijiey can know first­ has called on Gen.-Charles De sonlt at a gmn stnttia a asanth . day of . traffic-paralysing; eye- of about UOO tons w-aa feared, charge of larceny in connection socand la a aeriea af tws artirlea.. hand the values ot cooperative •go. Otordetto wraa etwread. Coloring Books ...... 15c to 60c each amarting amog and fog that the test. - A Dutch motor ship was with the theft of $38,000 buried in Gaulle in what te' considered part Christian labors. . TO W EL SETS Holiday Corsagdi of Soviet bid to get Big Fsnr con- wttb locttlng • riot. itot. • ({■ • • « HANDBAGS weather man aayt will continue swept onto a rock. glasa Jars oh the Bednarx farm. By GEORGE W. CORNEL!^ 2. Setting up of comprehensive •fereace before Parte pacts arc vatod'oastMR sad battotyrisr^. ii over the weekend.- The Liberian-registered World , CMef of Police Arthur G.' WMl Boston. Npv. 37 UP—Ths coop­ information - gathering machinery eoay b ]l tHck. fish l i 4 4 Genuine leather handbags in top handia and shoul­ Indicative of ttie blinding effect Concord, with a erSw of 42.Gr«eka. ratified . CIO United Auto erative church, movement today on a national scale to show where •Sid that Mrs. Waiter BJdnars. Sr., workers (UAW) tbreatena to nod. Moapiracy to 2 der strap bylas. Also rambisr handbags in genuiat Cdorful floral pieces. Also, decorative cluster of liiH' o f the fog, which rolled 10 miles split in two sections off thc...joast was ordered'held in bonds of $10.- needs to do soma important fence the cjiurchee are doing their Job in iawfnl nets. I * -“ ^ set Issther. Col ora. Black, brown, rad,, navy, ate.. iil inland from jthe pacific, was a of South Wales. Coaatguariismen ahnt dawn Chrysler Corp.’s auto­ mending. society and where they’re (falling ptne cones, etc. OfO yastsrday foUowlng her arrest, motive body dii^alon unless com­ report of L470 craaiiea anid winds with gusts c< more than the dstailagf which be « d nc$ dis- ,That's the view , of leaders of — so tactics can ba planned' a ? Y08BIBA TO : Wwele in colorful deeig&e'la pU color com-^ BOMn the dense, 'ground-hugging SO miles an hour were whipping Lewte Cngte, Jr. (nhove) of pany yields to union dsmands. the National Conucil of Chqrcbas. cordingly. , * cloee. ■ A 13-man slate seeking office in Tbkyb, Nov. 37 ( w .. tn . P ^ * . Mr end ■MB- s tu to d Jest W. ' ' the seas into a. fury, putting, tho (Rnttenooga. Tenm. I7-yenr-oM Walter Bednart, Jr., a soldier which opens its biennial assembly Oantemttva Wark ■■ * f ^ ??•* < P*ec« and 5 pUcG Mia. Ail A|^ truckers local says report it here tomorrow. ' 4 OlIttMB tMirtia. - ' Only two deaths: crew ssinihsrs "ii^' great pteU." JnvMite dsBnqnraL han hsaa •taU oi^ at Fort Dix.TN. J.. and 3. Increased. parUcipntion by 1 7 * 2 ? 4 Ahktly -to traffic. Ylin Britirii Adihimlty aaild 35 men rlmrgsd nteng nlih two other o m - la obeked by imdenvprld figures ^Much has been done.".declares laymen ,— along with tha clargy— his «wa-were arraated last week is "uamitigatsd and nwlirlous a ~ pretiminar}’ report, "Much re­ taforatod parte I Vhff oldsed Las'Ai^ntes Intwon- w an bn one half o t *Um ship and stete wHb Mte n*rdec_ef ea lareeny and consipicacy charges in church cooperative work. plana to tisBal non Long- B m h airports nine on the ebeed.7 • . . Stolen car te chief mains to be done." 4. Further botetartng o f the and Wall sgid the soijdicr admitted lead to well-dreaaed man .who Although the Interdenomina- tiia ...... "■ ■ Alr- A Ufihant weot oat and U idag the couacil.'s financial rOaourcaa to vm-iHninnryiy •1449(1. from Naw Qrfaaiu tionnl SgcBcy baS bacoine a vast, provlds n Buunte for aeon ftelble I t l i i bank and in^B raco track « •» ry: ■d aaoilMd in aaany-aided operation, efficlala l> ! n « •) crowd. f ntfld it Igic wadk apota thqt ahquld «)«• y.T/t! ■ i j i: i ■ ) r ,.i- 9 '/- ■ ■

rA liB T W O BUNCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, IfANC^HESTBR. CONN, SATDRDAT, NOVEMBER fT. ICHESTER e v e n in g h e r a l d , MAn ’cHESTER, CONN- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1954 PAGB rittp f men reported aboard the forward tba EngUah Channal new ad for tha Saks of appsaraaeas. ' * ■ I . ' iW li Itewriw h Bt Dww* Pontiff Suffers sacUtm which waa reported atnk- While the British daatrojrar Vigo It ia baiiig laid to failure to get I i 4i70 Auto Crashes Police m^d Mother stood by, the crew went atmaid a tha most productivity out of agri­ Accom^aniles Chorus Blood Donations Mother Arrested, The b ig ship. Just put Into serv­ lifeboat from Newhaven,, \oq tha New P urge cultural and other labor. To ihaka P in ts Cooperative Church Agency Recurrence of ice this year, ia owned by the English Channel coast, an(nd made tbat stlelr, Khrufhchev la ordering Attributed to Smog F o r $38s0b0 T heft World Tanker rCorp. Headed by for the port. A Dutch tug stood by hla party mlnicns to taka a llraier AMD colon Short of Month Cruel to Children -i1 Greek shipping magnats Stavros the Vega after the rescue.e. \ . . Indicated in Mrlup. .C U lM Webb (CoBtlBned from Paga Oao) (Oaat sOB*) Needs Some Fence-mending Hiccup Attacks Niarchos. ^ e veaaal waa reported While ahipa tossed likelike cofto in Artcaa DaU------FaeA MacKarrar Hartford, Nov. 27 (;P)—A. woman bound empty from Britain to the mountainous seas su:surrounding HORSE WITH SUN GLASSES port at inland Buniank, usually The Red Cross Bloodmobile via-< accused of spending Thanksgiving eastern Mediterranean. Britain, the 81,0000-ton liner ‘IVomi’s W idr Shortly after Bednars adraUted ■TMlIes ^nsmbre. Everett R. Ken- Miami (8V-H*r*'a a borw that free ot tog, was closed to r an hour faking the money, his mother wto- Ited Mancheator yesterday after­ nedy.i’./Mrs. ______Hilda___ Kennedy, Price Liay in a tavern while her 8 ohil- B2f MAIN ST. (Oentia*ad\from Page One) The lightship South Goodwin, Queen Mary left Southamjiton' for At tiSf -8iU «- t:IS and then reopened. ' dreii, 4 to 15 years •old. remained (OwtiBMa ftM rag* o**) the ecumenically experiencwl R ed A ction wears sun glasses. Trainer Ivan phoned a Hartford newspaper am^ noon at the Center Congregational UliV Edward Ralph. Oh.istlan la "less loynl” to his own patrolling the treacherous Doodwin Cherbourg, France, and New Tprk Deaalt 0*llM4a . Football games scheduled for in a heatlesa apartment was ar­ tend the eplrituel exercises held Sands outside Dover Harbor in the early today after a 34-hour de­ Parke placas the shaded tenaeq on "DIAMOND WIZABO* said she took the money and gave '^ u rch where the response again Walk In donors were: Miss Susan opmtiona and a reatrv* to pro­ chmeh—but that he is some^7hat (OoatiBiMd f n n Fags Oas) hia horse, Altrulatlc, at Hialeah. last night were postponed. At it to her son and his wife before Burr. York Ctrangfeld, Harry rested yesterday on a . charge of tact against temporary income like the ■oversees traveler who annually in preparation for the English Channel. wsA-sfriped from lay caused by the weather. \ At 4iU - Ilia p)ng'-Beach, a rugby game be­ f u M to meet the quota of 150 cruelty to person. W ill Re-O pen Chrlatmas season. These begin he.' moorings and wound up on her ’The wind waa atUl gustlng These glasses are put on tp|)’ of a xthelr marriage. The money went Smith, Mrs. Chrictine Par.a,'A r- alump^ "gains apprecatlon for the culture ship In cbnwUdstlng its position rar'-ar pair of Minke|«r AltnilsUc 8aa4u — Jau Cfswtaid tween teams representing New ptntk A collection of 102 pints waa Uur McCrohon. Mrs. Robert John. the council obtain this picture of cheering throng. and did not Why not come here t* relax The elder Bedifrrz, a tobacco roy, Mrs. Paul Adams, Mra. Mabel bard. Edward .Swain, A)ty. Paul Two policemen and a policewom­ tional Councils of Churches and the total ministry of the churches little hope they could have sur­ ’l^e heavy seas hammeihammered at irilUng into the m lfltuy forces ro- by fog in Santa Monica. Retail and produce farmer, reported the speak, aa he normally does. vived. , cmtly thalr duty to ‘‘party and after s bqetlo hoUdoy. Bowers, Robert Hedrick, Eugene Marte. L Bernard, J-jIlus Schmiidt, an. who visited the Johnson apart­ more decentralised council meeP- at the earliest possible date.” A t the time, it „ was explained coastal walls rebuilt. and (ortifled RUNIMfRVfltF Merchants there had arrang’cd for loaa on Nov. 14 when he told Kelly, Edward Osborne, Mrs. Joseph Conti, Ronald Gates, Ed­ ment Thursday night after receiv­ Inga is all geogi^bical areas to He said it would require broad, ’The helicopter returned to the after Britain’s disasistrqua floods a t^ " and tha gnUltua# thay owe MU8I0 BY him to arrive by hellcopte.-. ’The Windsor police he went to the hid­ that the weather was bitter and to\tha Communist patty. Tlia Party Brenda Osborne, Felix Kolopziej, ward Krascplca. Edwa.'d Tm-ikicl, ing complainU from neighbors, heep direction flowing from the new research facilities to get ship with a cutting torch and div­ and atorms of 1958. / Churning children were on hand, des'Mte the ing place intending to Add about John L Summers, Louis Heard, said they foimd the children asleep bottom up. he had been told not to speak in ing equipment. ■ u them to be '‘mintAUy’' THE STARDUSTERS gloom and the mUt, but old Santa Bruce Noble, Dean Gates, William full, realistic view of contempor­ order to avoid catching cold. It wa-ter tore a 20-yard"^gap in the len t'' Walter N. Hewitt $1.0Cio to his hoard. When he dug Catherine Thurner, E. T. Bantly, Legault, Donald Behrend, Rudolph and that the only bed clothing "State ahd local constituencies ary life and the church—and to One unidentified ship of around sea wail at Seafoird; on the Chan­ "Moaie Smooth As Velvot* ^ t couldn’t fly through the fog. into the dirt floor of the barn he George D. Shay,' Mrs. Martha available was one old bedspread waa learned, however, that even 1,000 tons waa feared loet without the economic aide, party sac- Ke(.k, James Fee, L. M.; Donchue. want guidance on the basts of pol­ learn where, how and what then the Pope was very tired. nel. The meri^ants changed signals found all the money missing. Smith, Mrs. Earl D. Scott, Mrs. Mi(diaei Wilk, Joseph' Plenzio, and one blanket.-There was neither icies and plans acceptabla to all a trace off thq southeast ^^rland rGtai^ N. 8. Khniihchev haa con* a:id Santa finally showed up late, Walter N. Hewitt, BA. MA. churches should be doing to The Pontiff has received during The main.ati^t of Chrtatchurdir cIudM a'awing through central . Police quoted Beiinars as aayihg Dorothy Johnson, Mrs. Beatrice Frederick M. Wood, Frank Schei- heat nor electricity, the plumbing units of the council,” the biennial strengthen the filth. the past month the last of three coast. The Uberian tankar Casino a Hampshire seaport town, was riding *n a slow-moving bus.-’The AAGO, organist and minister of he had been hiding hia money ill Emigh, Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis, Al­ Wenpflug. Albert U Post. Robert facilities were faulty and the furni­ mteeuttve Tsport say*. T h e y do reported seeing it go down. Asia where he laid down the law to Food oad Boverages oorved OAK GRILL f » kids weren't impressed. It would be an imprecodented' aeries of injections intended to under four fret o f water, the worst party organlsationa and repuNiC tho Oak Ortll way—Ai'hlch ia music of Prospect Presbyterian the barn for about 30 years be-' bert N. C?hurilla, George England, Holmes William M. Mustard. ture was scant, police said. net arant patterns dictated tw build up his strength. On the continental side o f the flood thejfr since 1917. so Oak S t — MaaohesteK Cities in the metropolitan Los cause he had an unpleasant ex­ Mrs. Betty Maiorca, Mrs. B. Pri­ tienal stan people.” type, task, he said, and Involve North Sea, the 688-tdn German govermenU. Agricultur* has bean peifeet! Angeles area were asked to re­ Church, Maplewood, N. J., will, for State Welfare. Commissioner Ct o u t ! These were administered by Dr. Firepnen sang nursery aonga to perience at a bank and no longer mus, Mrs. Helen Solomon, Mrs. l e n c z v k s r e c o n c il e d -/>Kfcfe The call for giving more rank- collecting and assessing data here­ trawler Welllngdorf flashed an SOS l>CKiiM in those parta; breeding of frain from burning trash until the se<:ond time, accompany the Howard E Houston, questioned by tofore sought only on a infrequent, Paul Niehana, a Swisa glandular calnrChildren they rescued -from livestock is far behind g ^ . trusted such institutions. Mary DIugos, William 8. Mohr, Hartford. Nov. 27 -^Dr. Ted reporters about Mrs. Johnson’s and-fOe Christians personal ex­ specialist Tha first series was 10 miles off the Dutch island of seafront homes in Cornwall. Huh- the smog and fog seige Is ended. Manchester Messiah f^orus in the Before he was Inducted into the Mrs. Jane Behnke, Mrs. Azllda Lenezyk, State open golf cham­ perience in interdendmtaational af­ piecemeal, here-and-ther* basis. ’Terschelling. Dtrkswagers Ship­ Taasi ll>e Soviet Information Dr. Frederick D. Newbarr, Los statement.i, included one that no We rent Floor Sanders, Edgers, Electric Hand Sanders, Provides Answers ^ven last February, during the (Jreds of householdera there moved agency^ says Khrushchev k in third annual presentation of Han­ Army around Nov. 1, young Bed­ Gilbertadn, William Hanna, Mra pion. and his, 17-year-old wife, Welfare Dept, investigator had fairs came from Dr. Roswell innesa that kept the Pope confined ping Agency in' Amsterdam said their belongings to the top floors. Angeles Cknmty’s chief autopsy Mildred-Larsen, ^ r s . Helen Hand, Floor Waxers, Wallpaper Steamers and WaHpapsrinir The program would provide an­ speeches directed Communist party aurjreon, said Microscopic studies del’s great oratorio, "The Mes­ nars had been employed on his Janice, have become "completsiy visited her since last May. said Barnes, the council’s associate for months to his Vatican apart­ the trawler atruck a mine and a father’s farm. Mrs. Mary J«ne 'Goss, Frederick G. reconciled ’ and she has withdrawn there waa no way he could verify Equipment. • general secretary. swers to such questions as wheth­ tug and lifeboat were speeding, io people to devote more time to the vill bs n.ade of three infants who siah,” Sunday, Dec. 26 at 7:30 p. er there is actually "increasing re­ ment. The second came during the MARKS IN A BUT pollUcal'indoctrination of peasants. Nassiff, •Dr^' FYank .H Horton,. her divorce suit. David H Jacobs her report last night. ‘tin e ot the major tasks,” he summer. its aid. No further details .were died of respiratory ailments and m. in the South Methodist Church. Eugene McCIuYe. Mrs. Julene B. of Meriden. Mrs. Lenezyk's law­ Paint and said, "is to bring more of our mon- ligious vitality" in the country, immediately available;' / Danbury, Nov. 87 (8^—Stats Tha Implication In this and of TELEVGIdN added "but \/e have no teat to de­ He added that Apartment rules The Pontiff told the Aaaodated Hewitt formerly lived in Rock­ L a n sb ^ , Mrs. Rena Brautlgan, yer, announced yesterday. v^at type of church work gets the otbar recant pronouncamanta la \ termine definitely that smog In require a minimum of two visits _ _ _ . Wallpaper Co. bers into extensive ecumenical ex­ Press last Septamber that he was Crewmen o f tha n e w / 498.tan Policeman John T. Jones stopped ville where at one time his mother Deaths Last Night Mra Violet Yurkshot, Mrs. Marion a year to all relief clients. C. J; MORRISON perience, and into deeper under- most results, where it is most Dutch coaster Gramaberfen radio­ motorist Alex Marks for a “routine that tha Mghly ambitious consum­ any way contribufri. to their Opea Moaday through Saturday 8 A. M. to 9 P. BL needed, whether Christianity is on still not fully recovered but that er goods program announcad a served as organist of the First Stanley, Mrs. Julius Schmidt, SHIRT MANUFACTIRER DIES irtanding of the eousnenlcal per- hla doctors had aaid he would be ed they were abandoning . ahip check” here yesterday and found deatha.” Autopsies indicated yek- Methodist (^urch. He attended Raymond Jones. Mrs. .Evelyn Mc­ Greenwich, Nov. 27 (/P)—Edward gpsettve.’* the offensive or defensive. Marks driving without a license. yaar ago, at tha height of the terday that two of the infiuita euc- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS . Dry rot costs lumbermen mil­ WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS better by this month. The Pope after the vessel emamed against a PROGRAMS the Julliard School of Music and Lima, Peru—J u a n Gualbert'o Cauley, John T. McCnUley, Robert C. Pfeffer, 70. prominent shirt lions. says a scientist. And it 385 CENTER STREET — TEL. M1-9-971S Quite Differeat Outlook These questions need answering, rock in Fishguard Harbor, Wales Queatiohing disclosed Marks didn’t honeymooil, failed in its flrat yaar. \^umbed to pneumonia. apparently waa raferring to the the Northwestern, Columbia, and Cardinal Gueviua, 73, archbi:frop H.. McKeown, John B. Currier, manufacturer, dlixd ye.sterday at also spoils a lot of conversations. Re said clergymen and laymen he saidi *0 the churches can de­ The measage said : "Taking watet; have a license because hla right to Indaed, the\ impraaaion ia that tha »Evaryday-AU Rights KsMnrtd—H. T. DteMnaon A Co., lho.1 I--- Los Angeles folice executives, termine "what they should db la completion of the final series of top laaderw naVtr bdiaved for a New York Universities. An im­ of Lima and Roman Catht^c pri­ John Hyde, Ellsworth Perkins, his home here. Pfeffer, who leaves who hava taken a direct part in in- injections. in engine room and hold the drift­ operate had been suspended since arranged for extra duty officers o Owen Warren, Eillery B. 'Keith, the years that lie ahead for a ing away. We go in HfMMt." moment tha goal of,a aignUlcant posing array of teachers have con­ mate of Peru, who was ^ v a t e d to his widow and a son. was a direc­ terchureli activities have a "quite It ia now faared that the injec- -Aug. 7, 1951. It waa also noted . handle the anticipated weekend Walter Grusha. Thomas Cojrdner, tor of duett, Peabody & Co.. Inc., dlffimat” optlook from the bulk world that needs as much as it The Polish trawler P ^uin ran Marks was arreated Dec. 33, 1952, increase of goods' aVallabla to the ' traffic. tributed their knowledge and the College of Car(llnals of the tiona hava not had the hoped for helped develop his talents in or­ Roman Catholic Chiirch in 1946. Leonard. Jawordki, Gustav Mlcliel- and formerly the concern's, rice- o f churchgoers who are acquainted ever has in history, the healing results. aground on ShipWaah San'da, 10 on a charge of operating whlia his pubUc could' be achieved. That A 8-pound girl was born aarly would requtfr soma sacriflea of gan, piaho, voice, theory, and com­ Died Friday. . . itch, John A. Johnson, Richard J president in charge of sales. He only with their own church. power of Jesua Christ in the min­ The Pope’s ' private phyaician. milea from Haiwich, but wa* re- license waa under suspension and today in a car because her parents, Bagge, Dana Beach, Mrs. Marian istry of His dhuhches.” floatad without damaga. heavy indUati^. jt J d C io l Mr. and Mnr. Jamas (Lockett, 35, position. Milton. N. —Robert Edmund also was a director of the Na­ TUs difference in perspective, Dr. Riccardo (leleassi-Uai, will ac­ had an appeal of that conviction Jones, 66, a pioneer in modern C. Oosaen, Howard A. Anderson, tional Shirt A Pajama Assn. ho said, is "deep seated and quite Such research; he aaid, also company the Pontiff on his return The Norwegian ateamer Granfoas coming up Dec. 3. Jones lodged the But tha paifry aad government, “ of Norwalk, Joat their way, in the He is a member of National SHADY GLEN IS Shady Glen will be closed difficult to deal with.” would gva a etear picture of the radioed she was ‘‘sinking fast” off familiar old charge against Marka, at a Uma of internal strain, mads fog while en 'foutq to a hoiq-ltal. Ctouncll, American Guild of Organ­ stage de^i^ and associated early for approximately two weeks trip from Castsl Gandolfo to the the northern tip of Britain. A salv­ in hla career with Eugene O’Neill Tbdae who have had face-to-face "vasd program” la Aumanitarlaa Vatican- Who waa relaaaad in bonds of $100 many promises which were widely ~ The family finally reached An^'eliu ists; former secretary of Hymn CLOSING starting this coming Monday. r e ^ o n ih with other chtuchea aervlcee, evageUam ahd edtcatloa age tug put out to taka her in tow for arraignment Dec. 4. advertised. i t there is no de- ARCOLINtR BOILER Hospital where' 'mother and baby in rnahy productions. Born in Mil- Society of America; past president tqn. Died Friday. This tw(>-week closing is aes uieir iOwn church in “the uni­ that churches now at* ooiag. to Lerwick, Scotland. llvery, ths hla^e must be assei were reported to be coing well. of Music Educators Assn, of New MONDAY, kOV. versal penpOcttve” of Christianity, Aa for the aatior.al ooqncira fi­ A Dutch deatroyar, tb# Bvert< "EASY” TO MAKE 800 • West Palm BMch, Fla.—John H. M necessary so that we may \ ' AM ■' I tei-i. I I. Jersey, Inc.; and reclUllst at Collier, 59, night city editor of the OPENINCS he aald, WdiOe many others see their nancial operations. Dr. R(m said Gale Endangers aeen, escorted th* Danish schooner Milwaukee (F>—American Bowl­ Wprid’4 Fair In New York caty, complete our renovating and own chusOh as a realm o f valuas they have "greatly improv^" and Svaerdfiaken toward Norway from \\\ I^K \ \ Palm Beach Poet and formei^ editor FOR ing Congreaa records Wiow tbat Fire Guts Bazaar Princeton University Chapeb Buf­ and publisher In Michigan and In­ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 redecorating. limited to Hadf. 'Are now on a sound poUcy boida" Scores on Ships Scotland after the schooner suffer­ It'a eaMer to bowl *' perfect 800 falo and Northern New York He said that doesn't mean that —but further improvemeata are ed storm damages. diana. Died Friday. AlO U T TWO WEEKS An urgent call for help waa game, once a bowler haa made 11 EASTWOOD Chapter of AGO, and in churches Carmel, Calif. Mrs. Esther consecutive strikes and needs Jiwt In Turkey Capital throughout the counUY. We at Shady Glen ALL ap­ The budgat (now about 10 mh? (C ell from Fsg^ 0*a) sent by the 6,M8-ton Swedish Fish, 60, widow of Sidney Fish of one more, than it ia to bovd 299 Hewitt has not,ofriy distinguish­ preciate your patronage a ^ lion) haa “grown suhat'-nUally tn freighter Los Angelas. The mes­ or 298. Since J908 When the ABC the prominent New York railroad escued S5 ihan off the stem end sage said aha was handicapped in TstanbuJ, Turkey, Nov. 27 — ed himself as a'lecturer and di­ and shipping family, and daughter sincerely hope we may have heap pace" with expanding coUndl began its award-program for high • ‘Malsw-obatbotepssvUmMlyjmls- \ Fire gutted Istanbul’a famous cov­ n program and service*, and the bud­ f the 30,135-ton Liberian oil tank- her battle against tha hsavy aeaa scores, thera hava been 4,788 games Ao.Lmr Aa rector in muaic circles but al.^ as of the late Gov. Ehigene Noble Foaa the pleasure of serving you by a firs in her hold. ‘‘A WCIMAiri M tfe radiator haatiag ptaa a year 'i**Dd ered bazaar today, destroying a specialist'in accompariying'ora­ ot Masaachiisetts. Born in Boston. get han always been balanced, be with a perfact acora of 800. There M water Mipply. Haa flicl-aaviM Arce- thousands of small shops. Dam­ •gain in two weeks' time. sold, but "not without struggle.” Tha Ufaboat then radioed It Tha crew of the 198-ton Danish have been 2,844 gauea o f 299 and torios on the organ. For 12 .years Died Friday. would try to save the nine crew­ coaster Vega abandoned ahip in WORLD” •aam OB Bom w. Wat bma -ii^aiiliiia $ 1 0 Moatkly age waa estimated at nearly 360 he collaborated writh Andrew R. Upper Montclair, N. J. — Walter At present, council tnpome comas 1,945 o f 398. • Wua laatahneat frohtthaae sources: IN OOtOB million dollars. Wation, organist of Center C^hurch H. Bennett, 82, secretary and gen­ Cllftoa W*bb • S u e AflrMa The big market, picturesque Wre In presenting an annual per­ eral counsel of the National Aasn. AbwtdO par cant contributed by I lASY TBMS fcr the M maniMr denominations; 3S ^ mwimm T u HcIIIb trading center for everything- formance of ’The Messiah” In of Insurance Agents from 1918 im- lilt - 4:M - t:U from electrical appliances to an­ New Jersey.. til 1932, and at one time active in per cent from earnings, cMeriy by 1 — DISTBIBUXED BY — BEAUTYm O N BBL, BAT, BUN. piMioations; 10 per cent from iar J — ALSO— tiques, was one of the clty’s^ehlef His presentation of “The Mes­ Democratic party politics in Dll- vaquoeata: 3 per cent omtrAiuteal tourist attractions. ,, ' siah” last year on a strange or­ noia. Born in Timewell, HI. Died LiHkin Morgan, Prop. by tadMduala. . HARTFORD ‘THREE HOURS Fira brigades from fouf suburbs gan w>A the work of a true ar­ Thursday. v i M n nla* a g fiitifi ‘ MANCHESTER got the fierce blaze piiaer control tist. His brilliant and sensitive (Chicago — Dewey Mead, 58, PtND lAOM IN DBW nii TO KILL” early today but all.thA-abops were rendition instinctively interpreted city-county supervisor of San BoKon Francisco, and painting contractor. BIKPHEN McNAlXT WatertHiry, Nov. 27-49troUen I IH fP rR S O /V IN nOLOB burned out e x c ^ those in aec- Mr. Watson’s direction, and the \ dKAN BmMONB in the wood* in the north enl of l>eu AaSrcwi - D uu Bec8 PIPE and SUPPLY CD. tfons where Jmfrlry, carpets and needs of the soloists and choir. Died Friday./ Scranton. Pa. — William J. 64B WOODBRIDdE ST. the city came upon a.si'.itcasa con­ 4;U - SieS CALL UN FOB CEKTIFIED OEALEB8 — lEL.' MI-9-«a8t acrond:hanit tlothlng were sold. The chorus is proiin and happy to MANCHESTER GREEN taining Jewelry valued at about | Thirty 4(fiall stores, seven houfra have his assistance again this year Brennan: 72, former president of $8,000 yesterday. Joseph R. Band- SL'NDAY and a,.frw busineaa buildings in diatrict one of the United Mine la ClawuSusa u 4 SterMsheelc to make tho presentation truly EASY PARKING — NO RESTRICTIONS ler, chief inspector, said that 1 Lake House Ohaual a (lannerlr •) Mew flaeu, the vfrinlty also burned. outatanding. Workers who'se labor career span­ DANA )RKWB Nunsia M ast^tcone, his grand- Route 44-A-—Bolton, jConn. /\ _ C eu . . — , .V 5«1»1>*Y, NOV. M Unofficial reports said the ned a half century. Died Friday. C ^ a cl IS Haittef*. Ceaa. S:W 4 ■) BAY BOLOBB L Contributions for thia'civi(: en­ Apointments Taken On and After Saturday, Nov. 27 oon Anthony, 7, am* WUliam San­ ChSaael St Mew Bmaia. Caea. (IS) BALL OP FAME —(la Praf. .. .blaze, whl(dt broke out last night, deavor are atill being accented by d o n n a : toro, 13, Anthony’s friend, had I i t JOSEPH HARTONE PRESENTS SAT. ONLY ★ BABA” ClwBael U WaterSaqr. Ceaa. , " started from an' electrical short A acientiat a ^ a there are. 31,000 i ROUTE 6 — MANCHESTER la CeUr Chauci M HelralM, Jfui. 4U) /m iE OAKLEY Mra. Eldia A. Manning, tre^jrer. causes of anno^ltirice. Does that in­ • Telephone Mlidiell 9-7800 or 3-8404 TEL. Mitchell 9-4245 found about M per cent of the STACC RADIO TV .»( rii (ItM) OMMIBV8 ' circuit in a restaurant. First National Bank. \ c H i i o n c N *'^7 *'* H i t r Jewelry stoim from a Waterbury W MaOe Leatea. bl(b- clude relatives? I tv [ nqlond I ,'M|- > t Pi iyqr nuitil Hi; • IN PERSON MYSTIC BUGKCTONE, S:M - StU - *:U UshUac braaa MrHea - at store early fWbdnaaday moihing. lr,iLco. — ALSO — ( t) Sl'SnCK ^ rh a a r., 41) Cbriataaaa Bullet Is Waiting" —"Itapma Tk DUaater” MihIc by FRANKIf KING m d Hb VAGARONDS (u> riL if AMNIB OA1U.BY For Eoriy RooBrvoHomo GoR Seu Slaiweu - Banr Calkeu' f:M < ■) SHOWcSsE**’ i.'is - siw - siss (U) FEATcae F im WE8TCBN riAYMUlIBB S:4D 4 S> OTSIE A BARKIET ■ Andh. J / ^ Z .:Z L T n iC D . „ FIMEY LEE a flae dlaaer, eerved ia n pleas l:4i FLASH GOBDON CAVEY’S sain MnwasT cam 4S1) BBEAK TBE BANK —"Ahlm. the TcrrlMa" 1:10 ( B> CELESTE HOLM 4U) MEET OOBU8S ABCHKB RESTAURANT- -w»l|Mnar CkleeU" (It) DOLLAB A SECOND 48 East Ceater Strest (11) cqmFass . „ Marrajr (SUU).-BEAT TEE CLOCK 1:M ( tSSAS) SACK BENNY SHOW— 441) ETBEL A ALBERT Oartla: Mrl WaaC. Jaa •:t0 4 t) MICKET BOOMEY SHOW Jlmmir BaM, d ial) DOTTY MACK SHOW Harnr Sbrarar ' 4S04S) SACKIE______OLEASONi------SHOW (II) CHBI8TOPHEBS X W E D . , D E a 1 (U) SAMMY KAYE SHOW . _ 441) STL' KBWIN ’ X ' t:M ( t) PLACE THE FACE — BIU • iDS 4 S) TOAST OF THE TOWN­ CaSea ES. SeUlTaa, Baal. Oaaat*- (U) FEATCBE FILM • \ . Etla Plats aad Tha “ Fa- 4M) THE vS e ^ ■ M r" OraBB, Tarats Brawr CalHar'i AH Amariasa Faa Taan. Trlarataa Tt.- STATE SCTOaV'SW m a '***'" (U) COMEDY MOCB- TODAY a.r SUNDAY m s P . M . REAL ESTATE Otmaa MaBaa. Baatt Oaea RFiDNSnJtsi BARYBIBS^ ShallaB. Oeto Statat. deck C horlwu W . UrtliFop Carter . S:M (14) BIO FtCTCBB A ^ M c y , h e . ^ ar ONRISTNAS CORSARES SSt CHARLES W. LATHBOr SteaF’ 108 Boat Oeater Btrast (14) BCBEKMIMO THB WOBIA . Btaneheater. fMaa. (S4-li) TELBVmOM frIEATEr* FIU0W44SES $t$l BO " BldeT aa Tha Fida B a m ” IRVING BERLINS t:M (S | ) 80LDIBB FABADB t:SS ( (U) WMAT OOBS OM ( E41) IMOGEMB COCOA SHOW (14) TV FLAYBOnSB 'T O O i « ) SATCBDAY MIGHT SURFRISE pkaUBES U P Sts FIOMTS—“ Amsiaar Baalt —“ MeriasgedwlB* (tO«i) TWO FOB THE MOMB1 ( » ) CBBISTOFBKBS —Harb Shriaar t:W ( S) STAB TBKATEB — DaaaM Motms nsows WOOL STOLR WITH FRINflE $U$ a$ ■ O’Caeaar (IS) MT FAVOBITE BI*SBAMD JOHN I. OLSON —daaa CaalflaM. Bany Mat A mam FELT 0HRI8THAS STOOKINOS $12k ip (St) BED BKELTOM- Pofaitor OM aanew wcnsiTiBwi wiimi (41) UBKBACE 4:44 (H) FILM 74 t:4S (II) FIGHT TALK > M R IS n U S WR4PPIN0 aid READY MADEBOWS (U) BASKETBALL 10:44 4 SAD GKOBGK OOBKL SHOW HENRY STRECT 12 Great Song Hits —Gaatl: Ckarlat Caban BITTERSWEET BOUQUETS . BOOR SWABS (11) STORK O.VB lErit ( $■> LOBKTTA TOCMO SROW - Sbtttaaa BHHaaalar "Oor SMnd B«Mr“ T J ^ 4S044) THAT’S MY M Y (1$6t) BBRSa m BAHK „ ^ —Eddla Maraban —B«H raifco M :« < SAD YOrn HIT PABADE <1»«) rATBBB KMOWS BBST- —DarOl* CalUat, Olaale Brtoft YMna 1 S '**!?*!’ *mabr Lanaa. Baiaall Arait ^ (41) ITW a O BEAt LITE FRED NA3SIFP ’ n u WBESTUMO 14:M (14) MOOKLIOKT TKBATXB MARIE NASSIFF GEORGE MITCHELL DICK NASSIFF (SOAS) WILLY-Btaniac daaa ( 4) W H Sra MY UMB Store Manager JOHN HIGLEY Havaa (4U.TKM 18 1______UYB Member of Rotary Club, Sports- Honor graduate of Manchester Veteran of World War II and Graduate of Manchester High UAS 4 4) WBBSTUNO (ID - - ’ ------Psrt-tlme employee, currantly CHRISTMAS TINY TOWN 4S4) CHBOMOSCOPB (ID KALF BOCK FILM mcn’i Club. American Legion, High majoring in art and busineaa. Korean War. Graduate of Man- School, attending U-Conn, major­ (H) E lO n CAP MBWa , cheater High and U-Conn. Majored attending Manchester High. Mem­ (H) HOLLYWOOD WBESTUMO (D) UnnOI SARCTCM Elks and other civic organizations. Ten years association with Nas- ing in (government. Veteran of four 4H) MIOBTCAP KDITIOM Navy veteran of World War II in Physical Education, now praor ber of Manchester High C?rosa BING DANNV R O S E i ^ PorChildron (41) TWENTY OVnSTIONS 14:U (H) PBBTIJES >'ears in the Air Force. PUying lt:f4 (14) SFOBTS SBOWCA8E U«W 4 I) BVlfDAY MBWS SFECIAl Speclallat. Hunting. Fishing, Golf-^ siff'a designing emblems' and tro- ticing at Hillyer College. Former Country team. One of the local (»> TMB LATE BMOW Connecticut Semi-Pro Baseball semi-pro football locally and with 11:14 (U) WBBSTUMO —“ Tlwee Omo Mf BosH” Ing. Boating. Bowling and other phiea. Main Floor super\'iaor. also entries in Annual Thanksgiving CROSBY' • KfflE* CLOONEY” U:U (M) THE LATE SHOW— (41) STOBK CLBM sports )naln interests. Store man­ Commissioner. Promoter of base­ Air Force team. 'Associated with ■bowing and handiing unlforma Day Road Race. Enjoys fishing TEA ROOH 1:104:1$ PJk-N URSERY "Tappar Ba4ant’’ I1:U 4 I) FIKK8IOB YBBATBR ager of local branch nine years. ball, baakethall and io4>tbaII, also Naasiff's for t'en years. Active as 11:M (U) WBESTUMO 11:14 (U) TT TMBATBM and athletic equipment. Respon­ ■a player; Handles team, equipment and hunting. ll:tt 4 D TWBNTVgpBSnOim Prominent in youth scUritiea and referee, coach, umpire. Advisor - \^RA'EUiEN * lEa^obioR U:SS (SU JiOTIB llHa4U) LATKMK^ instructions. l.,. sible for office actiritieSv for Bchools and institutions. UAS ( S) MITECAP, TBEATEB in Youth Activities. -DEANJAGGER IRVING BERLIN —"I Aaaaaa My Fanala" ekfOaHTEMMUTOOIAN - -wMICHAElCURTIZ 1S:U (H) FBBYVB8 lidi.:4 *.’:sTi!i 4 I, STRIKB5ia ITc t RICB ? t f^ uUK.wwiei iiiin,a*i«»M . > I* e. NOMMN OASNA 1)10 ( U MBWS Ida (H) BOMBBT q. junns NOKMN MNAMA u MBMN HANK • AflASAAAooNTscnae OLD TIME BAKED BEAN SUPPER rj' 1015 MAIN STREET fL U B A XW LUN S SCTWW lEIP IN TBCHNHXHQE >AOULTS$1.00 CHILORiNAOe MORIARTY BROTHERS MANCHESTER •- 'tViltaVisiM Vkfts N «rw ^'' NO RESIRVATiONS NEEDED COMPLETE HtATiNG SfcRViCf T d, MI-9-1647 iJ- CABTOON AND LATEBT NEWS fvGiyofM's Coming SIANGt AND FUEL OiL Branch Stor*— • a * •'-.O C’. . .X ' ' • ■ ■ F N ! 1 W s ' . )-4 r . F,) , Wilfimanlie

1- t i ..y. street corners o f his country, yet ment in advanced farming had to "Jesus, says little or nothln|( about Mra. Raymond Lutzsn, Mrs. John and with trahaportation were Ed­ H. Laasen; Wednesday, Mrs. Wil­ tmr defined Intellectual beliefs, nothing Bockville-Vernon Muska, Miss Margaret Ronan, C o v e n t^ m m 0 . he alone bound a violent prove profitable, from the point Drooclles ward Voile, Mrs. Eugene Rych- liam Tarbell; 'Thurs^y; Mra whatever about Orders' of Minis­ Open Forium Miss Margaret Dorman. minority to himself. o f view o f a fartn operation alone. Ung, Mra. C. Georgia. Mrs. Dor­ James Despard; Friday, M n. Ken­ try. He gives . no instructions ,dini«li Not&,- ■ . Cofttittg llrralil The question is, always, how Now Bromneld has had to con­ By'RUfiER PBICB 724 Registered othy Mohle, Mrs. B. Matuaiewicz neth S. Lyon. 'IP Along the Road about forms and ceremonies. .But "OratlfylngT The eervice o f Holy Cbihmunion and Hubert Harris. P T A News Ydu’ll fed Wo^ffis if yir many human beings w ill remain fess that at least one phase of the Church to Be Dedicated will be observed on the first Sun­ o ia w hat'he did stress is clear every­ To the Editor, ' i Caucus Date safe from such a spell? Let it be model farm has proved itppractl where. It Was trust In God, The Welfare Department wishes day o f Advent at the Methodlat For Insurance The P T A executive board Will There will ))« a RepuUican cau­ mMt Dec. 6 at 8 p. m. at the said that no human being la so seeking His rule and His rigbt- to thank those individuals and Church tomorrow at 10:49 a.tn. cal. W e are rather sorry he has ^ With Joe Owens With Services Tomorrow cus Thursday at 8 p. m. at the Robertson School. don’t wait until Obeenbar 2 eguSness, caring for one’s fellow organisations who contributed to The Rev. (3arl W. Saunders will In School Plan perfect and healthy as to be alto­ been this honest. We think we have for his Oomnuinlon Medita- Church Community House. TTiere, The PTA meeting of Dee. 3 has B man„ and in general the prophetic the 'Thanksgiving dinners 'which i ______gether safe. There is no human would have preferred a continua­ Uon, "Light Unto My Path" and will be election of officers to the been postponed until Dec. l5. This ■ Giuiity Editor message deepened and univcrsal- were distributed to the needy fam ­ RockviUs, Nov. 27 (S,j«cial) ^tenses, two counts and forgery, town committee; being In whom there la not some tion of the fiction that the model ixed.. t . ilies of Manchester. . Ths Apoatolic Christian Church {three counts; for trial, Myron E. there wjll be special nauslc by the (Coventry, Nov. 27 (Special)— will be a CThrlstmaa program to About l9Q. years ago a middle-v'S group of board members’ at will be demcated .omorruw at 1 choir and soloist. The couples Hot Lunch Menu be given by pupils. small part of response to that ap­ farm wds also practical, even if which it was reported plans were "Let me now submit three It is gratifying to know that Green, kindling fires without per­ O f the 983 registered pupils In the classed Engtiqhman, Henry Cole, p.m. Elder John Bahicr itates .that mit; for trial. Ids Stodo^gki, breach g-dup will meet at the home of The school hot lunch menu for Lnarheou Planaed peal which is essentially an ap- Bromfield occasionally had to slip drawn to force forn’er principal statements indicating aomething so many are interested in the wel­ local elementary schools 724 have next week will be as follows: Mon­ commissioned a h ^ tls t of the Roy­ visitors from mother congregations of.priice and perjury. Mr. and Mrs. Ral{di Snaps on the The Ladiewv-Assn. of the First Gabriel Reuben to resign and upon which all .-n^o profess and fare o f Manchester residents. accepted the pupil-insurance plan day, spaghetti with h a m b u r g peiil for a perversion of men’s a check for an artlple about model al Academy in L on ^n to paint an o f ths denomination "froM several Jury cases are scheduled to start Hartford 'Turnpike from 8 to 10 Congregation^ Church will serve board secretary Norman Preuss to call themselvM Christiana can Sincerely yours, statee, including Ohio and niinois p.m. for an evenliig of fellowship. offered to parents at a nominal sauce, carrot iticks, fruit cup; ’ •»••■•••••■•••••• ■•••* SISJW souls. farming into the milk account. illustration which he Could use agree. It is I belleVa Essential on Wednesday. a cafeteria style public luncheon ' tfOVlfeiS »••••••••••••••••••••• 7.M follow suit. Mary Della Fera, are expected to attend and several Any cocple interested In the church Tuesday, mashed potatoes, chipped Those who are so immune they It was nice to have Bromfield Christianity, the Faith itself. To Director of Welfare. Homemakers Seoalons fee, acoedihg to Supervising Prin­ Wedneaitay noon In the vestry. B# MflWilW «•••••«•••••••••*••* as a greeting for dome 1,000 As charges and counter charges guest speakers will be present. "Small Group Entertaining" will is welcome. beef gravy, cheese sticks, buttered . •••••••«•#••••••••••••• X«W commit our lives to the God and cipal Royal O. Fishenr The i;innmlttee in charge includes are safe should, abo\|3 all. be conducting a model farm for friends. These were ^ e first fllled the air. Mrs. Lillian Van Zan­ AmoM Lawrence of Manchester I be the subject for three meetings For the first Sunda> i.i Advent, peas, cookies; Wednesday, pizza vMkly ••«•••••••••••••••••*••«••• *w Individual . picturea o f pupils M i^^ Goodwin W. Jacobson, Mrs. “ ^ Oopr . thankful. And it seems in order to everybody's vicarious benefit, and Christmas cards. der and Mrs. Pearl Jewell brought Father o f our Lord Jesus Christ TEACHER DIES OF. INJCRF was the architect for the churrii I announced by Home Demonstra- The Rev. George B. Higgins o f the pie, string beans, peanut butter taken recently have been received Ijefmah F. LeDoyt and Mrs. Rus- "A Merry Christmas and a Nap­ about action for the board to go that He may work in us to will and drew the plans incorporating I tion Agent Cora H. Webb today. First Congregational CTiurch of and Jellv sandwiches, gelatin des­ MBIIBBR O t be thankful that, in this country, to nobody else's effort or risk. and the majority sent home by the dell S. Boynton. The association THB AflBOCIAr^ PRK8B py New ’Year to You” was into executive session. Later it was “Hbidu Fakirs Haimnock’’ and to do His good pleasure. God. Worcester, Mass.. Nov>2T (/P)— th« suggestions brought back trom I On Tuesday at the Union Church Vernon will have for his sermon sertThursday, corned beef hashy perhaps thanks to our education, pupils last week. The pictures or will have a home madb doughnut TIm AMoetatad Praaa la racliulTaly scribed on the simple festive scend:^ announced Mrs. Kreysig was hired I f ym are looking for an un- the Creator of all thlMS, gives Miss Marion P. Gardner, M, of ^ visUs by a coi.wnittee to various I in this city, from 10 a. m. to 3 topic St 10:45, "Coma Thou Long buttered l>eets, butterscotch •mltM to Uw o< rapnbllaiHoii of payments for them should be re­ sale on Dec. 8. or our national character, or our Depending upon your feelings t o - ^ ^ board approval and was sum- usual Christmas Present — this Himaelf to us In Jesus Christ. The New BriUin, Conn., a faculty churches. The new structure is on I p. m. there will be a leader train- Ei:pected Jesus.” ding: Friday, vegetable soup,.egg •U Mva rtlapolctioo credited to It, or turned to the teachers by Thurs­ salad sandwiches, ice c.p tam . Dentist to Speak ■ Mt oUntwIm crodttod m this paper own possession of traditions to be ward the practice of exchanging ned from another meeting In hammook ia it. It’s for that one and only necessary response member at the Teachers College Middle Butchw Road. jing group with the home demon- The Junior and aenor Pilgrim MM tbo local oewa puUlahod bore. Fellowship will hold their annual day. Bread, butter and milk ape served The parent-group o f the coop- greetings at Christmas through th e^h ool to start her duties. choosey friend who likes some­ on our part to that gift is to ac­ of Connecticut there, died yester­ S5th AnaiyerMry jStration agent In charge. Lunch All rigbta of tiipbbHectlon of opoeird loyal to,^ or Just to some in­ pot-kick banquet and installsitlon with all meals. eretive nursery and kindergarten AUpateboo borMa arc ahw raMrrod. Connecticut the mail Cole 'is either a man to' ReacUon in Bolton has been,, thing with a point to it. But It’s cept it by giving ourselves to God. day at Memorial Hospital from In­ The Kotclussko Club will cele­ will be prepared at the meeting. Make-up achievement tests have definable inner margin o f health of officers Sunday evening at 6:30 will have as speaker Dr. Leonard be held in high esteem or perhaps heated. T^ere are those who feel best for a pessimist. A 'pessimist There results from this accept­ juries she received In an automo­ brate Iti 33th anniversary tonight The Workbaricei Group of Storra been given to pupils wbp were ah-, ; Volunteer mothers ,t(^ho will as­ fU l aanrlM cHant ot N. B A. Mat p.m. with all parents Inv'.ted to DuBoff. locqll dentist, at a meet­ and sanity and decency, a great cursed. that a few members of the board is somebody Wlio believes a stitch ance by self-giving a life guided bile accident. Miss Gardner was at the ballroom with ceremonies sent when they were given during sist with preparing and serving leo. Inc. will meet Wednesday at 8 p. m. at attend. The diner apeaker will be ing Wednesday-at 8 p. m. in the Pabilahara BepraaeotaUrea: Iba majority of our people does seem Yankee did conduct a special meeting last in time only saves eight. This and empowered by God in love. returning to New Britain from starting at 6 p.m; There will be a the week of Nov. 15. Ths objec­ these meals follqw: f At the Rob­ Commercial houses have capital­ the home jot Jean D o u ^ ty and at ’tile Rev. Edwin Brooks, paator of Nathan Hale Community Center. ultua Matbamtooeial A g«m — Now summer and plotted ways to force hammock will keep him miserable I therefore commit my life to Him Marblehead, Mass., when the au­ dinner followed' bj' a short pro­ the sa^e' time the local Home­ tive is to have an achievement test ertson School. Monday, Mrs. 'orfc, O jeago. Ewtrott and Boatoa. : ^ to possess an immunity in which By A. H. O. ised on his ideas and a good two the Baptist Church. Dr. DuBoff will talk on dental hy­ i weeks before Thanksgiving the Reuben to resign and on the other which is the only way he can 1m to be guided and empowered by tomobile she was driving was gram and dancing, A n d rrvS yn ol m a k er will meet at the home of on file for every child in the school Charles Gaudet; Tueaday, Mrs. nS m BBR AODIT BUBBAU OV it stands repelled, rather than "The Sense of Advent" is the system each year, according to giene. . Home mo\ies • will be cmcoutnowB Christmas cards start appearing aide of the fence are people who happy. (Explanation; Pessimists His Spirit, and led by (Christ in all struck by a truck at a highway is president of the club. S fr. Emil Qerich. James A. Martin; Wednesday. drawn, free even while fascinated, I t is nothing unusual that prior contend the board haa been victim­ like to be miserable ivhich is why things to do His Will. intersection. . She la survived by sermen topic for Ths Rev. Edwin Fisher. Mrs. Hennr J, Bourgaiilt; Thurs­ shown by Stuart Latsha. Tbo HoraM PrtaUns Ootnpainr, lac., in stores. More than one story Fourth District Donee Committees Anaounced to Nov. 2 Connecticut was unques­ ized by a minority. so mhny of them are devout "Christianity Is the revelation two brothers, Roy, with whom she A. Brooke at 11 a.m. 'r.orrlng Pupils of grades three through day. Mrs. Robert A. Doggart; F ri­ aaaatnM no tinanrtal roapoulMUty for strong enough to recognise the has been told of the wife who ’ Menmers of the American Legiob Mra. Edwin Ertel, general chair­ worship at the Boptiat Church.. typoarapMeai arrora appearliis tai m~ tionably the best managed state in Droodlera.) In case you are an op­ to men in Jesus Christ of God, the spent Thanksgiving at Marble­ eight attended Thanksgiving Day day, Mra. Grorge Jacquemln. Maaclwatcr Evening Herald Cov­ disease and to resist it. spends more time choosing a dol­ An impartial look Indicates that and the Auxiliary will attend' the man for the bazaar and card party Rev. Forreat Muaaar of the rartfcainanta and o t ^ raadlnc matb the union, with lower per capita whomever the secretary might be timist and don’t like the correct Creator ^of all things, as a Father. head, and L. F. Gardner of West- Fourth Datrict dance t<^ he held sasembly programs at the Robert­ .A t the Center School, Mrs. Mal­ entry correspondent, Mrs. Chsrioe in Tba Kaaebeatar Rmiiint Herald. I t is in this immunity of the lar's worth o f cards than she does of Victory Aaaembly, Catholic Union Congregational Church has government costs, less increase in her husband’s gift. that person should be reimbursed. title to this Droodle here la an al­ Thus It is not primarily, a de­ port, Corni. ' thia evening at 8 at the Legion Ladies o r Columbus, has announced son School auditoriiun by two colm Woods; Tuesday, Mrs. Earl L. Little, telephone Pllgrlai 3-8331. government costs, and more sol­ for his sermon subject at the 10:43 _Dlaiiiay adrertiaing doaing bonra; majority, in the possibility that To give truth to this a friend Preuss has asked for relief, but ternate: "Marching cigarettes on mand for assent to a creed, but Home in Stafford Springs. the following committees: Food, grade six classrooms. Mrs. Viola VOr Moodair—1 pi m. fyidajr. vency than any other state, and a.m. service, "Preparinv for the the whole national fabric can never strongly pushed the issue. a Hike.” I f you can think of a for loyalty, trust and obedience ^ A rosy future in royaltl.es Just Attendlng^f^^ercace Mrs. Herbert Paganl, Mrs. Ed­ FItsgerald’s group presented the Fw 1^ «• that, immediately after Nov. 2, tells of his wife’s daily Junkets to i-V'ty of the L o j^ ’’ The High fk l ool That’s the day yen’ll see Amenca’s A passing thought is whether or better one (it’s possible) send It to God. And it is more. It is isn’t in the books that we’ve read ward Connors, Mrs, Bernard Fahy. program for the morning session flomchow contain this man with a the present and future . costs of Hartford one year in early Decem­ County Commissioner Francis J. P ll^ m Fello'.vship meets at 6 gSr'^naaday^l p.**t^WednaS&y. not the board offered to pay Preuss to me. I ’m desperate. inspiration and power. It creates lately. Mrs. Eugene Dickinson; parcel groups and Mrs. Mary Cummlsk’s fM d ar-t p. m. Tburaday. spell and his following withput government in Connecticut should ber for the purpose o f selecting Prichard, a ' director of the Na­ p.m. St the church. to remain secretary. It would seem in us the loyalty, trust and obe­ post, Mrs. John E. Bock. Mrs. group the (Jternoon sessions. fVw Batnrdap—1 a wa. fVfday be deemed frightening, with a hor­ the cards the fam ily would send tional AsSii. of County Officials is The St. John’s E^ilscopal Ch«irch rtaacIWad daadaiM; 10:10 a « . aM_ yielding to it, that the hope for a that his months of faithful, loyal dience which it demands.” Clinton Kellrter, ■ Mrs. Clarence Prises Awarded most advanced new car-IIB S MercmY rible rise In state expenses noted, friends and relatives. It seems attending the winter confejence asrvicea,' 8 s.m. Holy Cm c'.:nion; COMBINATION day of pabneatlan Mcavt Satnrday — limitation of the McCarthy career service . should ' have warranted Kirby Page of the association opening todgy Wilson. Miss Enizabeth Loehr; Prises were recently awarded by in . m. ______an unforgivable amount of bonded one of the large department stores 9:30 s.m. Family Service; I I s.m. is located. set up a special Christmas card such an offer,’ if only In common A Thought for Todiiy Sponsored by the Manchester at Birmingham, Ala. Prichard, who Santa Claus, Mrs. Frank Polian­ Holy Communion. the South Coventry Volunteer Fire indebtedness on the books, and Dept, for the essay and poster ALUMINUM WINDOWS SAturday, November 37 department in the rear o f the politeness for services rendered. Council of Churches. ¥TLBS:S2irEW''4 ia chairman of the Tolland (bounty sky, Mrs. William Sojka, Mrs. Jo­ Ther- will be IJolYsCommunion But what we must contain with­ danger of future deficit looming contest in observance o f Fire Pre­ store, erected a counter and sup­ With no public action taken on FLASH BI7LBS, OASES. Board of Commiasloners is ex­ seph Ulrich; aprons end hendi- at 1C am. at the Trinity I,utheran in ourselves, without succumbing sensationally ..large. Essential Chrlstiaalty 4 vention Week. Robert-L. Helms I SELF STORING # SAFER HOME Why No Other plied plush comfortable stools for the press representative and the More than S,0()0 soldiers died MOVIES, PARTS pected to return next week. crafU, Mrs. Charles Gagne. Miss Chivrch tomorrow. A t the First It was Just one more proof of Recently I have been reading a made the following awards: Es­ to it. Is a kind o f human the ladies to rest on while they town clamoring for an announce­ from exposure, illness and priva­ 4 Criminal Seeslon Camille Morin, Mrs. John Moran; Evangelicil Lutheran Church at I SAVE FUEL • ECONOMICAL HOME Why not Why not Velde? what a difference a day—an truly great book. "Essential says from grades seven and eight, phenomenon—a man who has a thumbed the pages of huge scrap ment. Chairman McDermott may tion during Gen. W aahln^n’s Ten cases have been assigned for white elephant, Mrs. Sterling L it­ 10:15 a.m. there will alao be Holy election day—can make. look In the direction of Mrs. Krey­ Christianity." by William B. Wil­ Revolutionary War encampment at tle, Mrs. Joseph, Mrs. William Thomas Newman, Pamela Glen- Why not Jenner? Why not Mc> certain spell as well aa certain Before election, we get very books featuring card displays. This Arthur Drug Storts j the criminal session of the Tolland Communion and sermon by the MONEY RACK IN 4-4 YEARS THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB sig and say, "You’re it." son. Give thought to these lines: Valley Forge. Loehr; publicity, Mrs. William ney, John Fardal, Jean VpnDeck; Carraa? Why iiet Nixon? heavy emphasis on those facts gentleman holds the originator of County Superior Court oh Tuesday paator, the Rev. Gordon E. Hohl. techniques. That is why it is he, atarting. at 10 a. m. Judge William Loehr, Mrs. Bernard Fahy. Miss grades five and six, Kenneth Mer- PricM os lew os $13.50 for 24” x39" window and figures and interpretations the idea in low esteem since the A t the Crystal Lake Methodist All of tfaeae have played the and none of the others, who gives J. Shea will preside. Margaret Ronan; card party, Mrs. rifield, Sally White, Bradley which the political campaigns present he received from his wife Chursh, the paator, tbe Rev. Na- rale of "Red-hunter" In OongreM' The cases are as follows: For (Tharles Pcessler; Jr.; table prizes, Perkins, Mary Ella Zeigler; honor­ his name to a cult, who so draws would have us believe. A fter that year neither pleased nor fit. thim B. Burton will have for hia sentence, Gerard H. lUopel, inde­ Mrs. Joseph Kadelski, Mrs. Ernest able mention, Catherine Miu-phy. HEAVY DUTY DOORS AT SPECIAL PRICES Vtutbertnore, aome o f these could a violent, fanatical mipority, and election, in reaction, we actually sermon "The Prophet.” Tlie church Actually, many of the cards ex- cent assault; for pies, Merle L. Backofen; accessories. Miss iBeat- Posters, grades one through claim aomethinK McCarthy never swing a little the other way, school w ill meet at the same hour, who so repels a sane majority. Achanged at Christmas are more Walker, injury or risk of injury rice Jordan; door prises, Mrs. three, Robert Wolfe, Thom a s back a little beyond reality. 9 a.m. haa been able to claim. They have, beautiful than people realise. In to children, five couts; for sen­ Burton LIsk, Mrs. Donald N eff; Brainard, Harold Carpenter; hon­ He gives o ff aomething, and that The last cam p^gn was not even la their time, actually diacovered 1870 a German lithographer found tence, William Sdott, statutory tallies, Mra. William Loehr, Misa A ll TalA>ttv|lle and Vernon news orable mention, Jeromy Rogers. CALL BILL TUNSKY aomething is the difference be­ content with constructing its own a method of producing art mas­ BINGO rape; for plea. AttiUo Savelli, alias Dorothy Larkin. Miss Helen Fay; Items ore now handled through Pupils o f Wesley Ogle’s group Oemmuniata, or aome new fact optimistic picture of the moment. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT have started out down the saine terpieces as Christmas cards. This Virgilio Savelli and William C. refreshmdhts. Mrs. August Loehr, Hie Manchester Eveplng Herald eight were recently entertained at ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN about Ooitamunlata. Tet it ia only It even insisted on going back, and trails. opened the door for the artists, of Merriam, Jr., conspiracy: for plea Jr., Mrs. Anthony Smith, Mrs. B. Rocfcillle bureau, located at Oise a "splash party" aa guests of the PHONE MI.9.909S STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP .If.. repeating, for present credulity, a This wonderful 21 in. table model MeCartby, who tiegan operationa today such as Norman Rockwell, and disposition, Charles H. L«gare, A. Wilson, Mias Viola Egan, Mra. strictly campaign picture of four Market Street, telephone Rockville Noririch 'YMCA where Ogle is an , 20 RKG<.iLAR GAMES— SPECIALS la IbSO with a liat compiled by a Winston Churchill and of course obtaining money by false pre- Richard Kocher, Mrs. Allen LIsk, 5-3136. instructor. Assisting a t the pool So Far, Good years ago. Grandma Moees to see their crea­ coagreaaional committee two yeara I t revived the so-called "Bowles tions come into wide use during The fact that, for the third before, and-who haa never alnce denclt." the .'Yule season. In recent years, there has been doee anything more than month in a row, consumer prices Grandma Moses, the quaint 94 costs only $189.95 with-all T V even more than the usual partisan have shown a slight decline Is year-old lady who lives in the roll­ ca^tallse on diacoveiiea by'other maneuvering over the state’s fi ing hlils ofA h e Taconic range in pet^le, who ia proclaimed to be good and pleasing news—not so nanclal position. New York state, paints rural bands, UHF and VHF in walnut much because it means the house­ Republican legislative policy in thla aatiea'a N p 1 Red-hunter. scenes which appeal to all ages. the 1949 General Assembly was Similarly, It ia only McOasthy wife can actually go out and find A poetess os well, she often de­ openly dedicated to the business of finish. Your poyments con bt as who beeofhea a national contro- it cost her less to buy that scribes in verse what her brushes making it certain that Bowles show. veray, who glvea hla name to a Thanksgiving dinner, as because would enter the 1950 campaign Neighbor Norman Rockwell up the trend, at least, is in the right with a state deficit looped around aatlon-Wlde cult, who cornea < to the line in Massachusetts, watches little as his neck. This, if it could be direction. the activities of neighbors and bo regarded aa a prime .threat to acMeved, would be visible proof their families the year 'round for tba American way of life he pro- Fcr prices to be. in some slight fhat he was a libertine spender of his special presentations on process of readjusting themselves public funds, an extravagant gov­ Uahna himaelf to be defending, Christmas cards. who la brought Officially to the Is the best thing that could be ernor. So the General 'Assembly .06 But with all the new scenes In­ haggled ' his budget unmercifully, happening-better than any de­ troduced. the bell, Christmas can­ PER WEEK bar o f cenauro by hia owp cbl- the Democrats finally having to dles, and scarlet poinsettlas still leaguea. ' cline by government decree,, bet­ take a budget which, in their view, have their place on the counters. Why not one o f the others? ter than any decline by panic, cer­ had a future deficit already built into it. All of which goes back to the be­ Why only MeCkrthy? tainly, and better Jhan a volun­ ginning. those crowded. COWters When, as the 1950 campaign ap­ and shoppers who would lilie to The real anawer ia ao almpld..U tary decline which went too fast proached, it seemed that Bowles buy one or maybe even two, of all la hard t o accept. I t ia a. almple and too far. might be going to outwit the plot they see, but have a limited num­ by holding up expenditures and fact, but^a myaterioua one. We . T i e kind o f trend we have be- ber of friends and must select care­ pruning costs, the Republicans speats something more precious fully. Wonder what thty would be know almoat nothing about how nevertheless had the recourse of doing now if Cole hadn’t had his men get to be wliat MiKhirthy ia than any particular Index in it­ an official estimate, from a Re­ self. It bespeaks a measure of brainstorm a century ago? or possess what he poesesMs. But publican state comptroller, to the The Soup Is Hot effect that a deficit was in exis­ w e can tell one when he comes stability. Ahd the hope this pres­ N o on" can ever accuse the citl' tence. A fter the Republicans had ent measure o f stability offers is zens of Bolton of having a dlsin along. been elected, it became, their task, terest in down affairs, hot If the Other men, who are not o f this that there is more of 'the same In as . exponents of sound manage­ Boar)} of Education is involved. store.' Perhaps, without quite ment, to ersM this deficit looming type, who do not'establish the Even during ’Thanksgiving -week CROSlEYsuPf* over the state. This miracle they same type o f communication be­ knowing just how we have done the unit managed to brew a con­ speedily accomplished, partly by tween themaelyea and certain. of it, we have negotiated the perilous troversy. reaffirming some o f the blocks to Monday evening the board met. their fellow men, can uae the transition from war to peace. spending Bowles had imposed, Residents exacted The Herald to partly by. some new restrictions of technlquea o f the demagogue’, or It Is far too early to Jump to carry a story the next afternoon their own, but piimatHly by wav­ such an optimistic conclusion. giving the name of the person the weapon o f the big lie, or pro­ ing a wand. The real admission selected to be the board's press claim themselves crusaders for For,, to tell the truth, there is still was that there never had been a repre.sentative. A t meetings earli­ a. tremendous amount of artificial "Bowles deficit." But, in the 1954 aome holy cause without stin4ng er this month the suggestion to campaign, the same “ Bowles defi­ anybody cither to violent support war stimulus affecting our econo­ have such a post was made by CONSOIES cit" was resurrected. In the hope it my. Peace does not exist in the Mrs. Ullian Van Zander and ap­ or violent enmity and fear. would Influence votes a second But alt these techniques, all strength of our armed forces, time. proved. The actual naming of such M a person was sgUfor a later date, still keeping millions, out of. the la the 1951 , Hcsskin of the these unscrupulousnesses, all the believed to be the Nov. 22 meeting. at the amonng low price of ^’189- X«|rislaturr, 'the Demorrats, In Cleverest appeals to the hates and job lines, or in the busy produc­ The meeting closed without tbrii■Hr turn, haggled the Republl- tion of tanks and planes and arms choosing a press representative, fears and passions of .men can fali can budget, trying to build a- but this does not mean the session which, if the world ia fortunate, deflrit into It. But In tbe 1953 fla t if they are not accompanied lacked sparks. Vincent Krzicki session. Ibr ^publicans con-, by something else. i will rust away and never be .used, made motion that Mrs. Oscar trolled both house* of the Legis­ t we have not realty made the Kreysig. a former board member, That aomething else— the essen­ lature, and had the privilege of be hired aa secretary at a salary of This 2T JIHF and VHFCrosley tial part of such as McCarthy— transition from peace to war— making sure lhe,v had a budget 335 per,month. ' la a cert^n psychic, ectoplasmic only a slight portion of .it. with a surplus built in, for the approach to tlu’ 19.14 campaign. ’This was interpreted by some i appeal— the certain "it" which Nonetheless, for as much of the board members to be a confiripa- They did this by the expedient 195S ‘Console costs only 209A5 transition as had been made, the tian of the alleged meeting held by gives on4 would-be demagogue of a temporary increase in taxa­ .power while others attain’ only adjustment has been good. It is tion, scheduled to lapse after hav­ futility. Often, on the surface, the good news that, although em­ ing served th e, purposes of the (That’s loss than $2 weakly) Yours for only 1954 campaign. That made the nature of this appeal may even ployment has fallen,-it has',not state financial picture rosy up to a e ^ repellent and ugly and re­ fallen too much, good news that Nov. 2. and critical, after that W HArS volting. Tet this, in the minds and prices, heading down sllghtlyi date, for whatever candidate won. SEE I fMturws thot moll* Croilwy ith gouU, it la fated to reach, merely have not collapsed, good news What happens from now on. of ■M pwD>y such 0 f rwot buy/.at owy prlcw that, after an economic dip, we course, will be the fault of Ribl- adda'fo its power. coff, and Republican legislative COOKING This appeal, \ when it cornea seem to be leveling, off. I f w e can policy, of course, will txydedicated • ALUMINIZED CINEMA-WIDE SCREEN Chrittmes Club Sontes era ridine litqh. Tkey'rn driv­ along, ipverpowers logic, and can­ keep succeeding 4>ps as alight to the 'process of proving he Is a ON not, t^refore, be destroyed, in and levelings as g^^, we might, poor financial manager by build­ ing right into ^ sumptuous Y u len ^ suesen without ing an Inescapable deficit into the some day, look at ourselves in • AIX-CHANNEL UHF-VHF RECEPTION o week minds Inhere it has rooted itself, two negt state budgets. DECEMEBR e ruffi* in their budgets. Thet's beceute these smert by any l ^ c a l means. It breeds an real state of peace, with some The real futility of all this Is, • IEAUTIPMLLY HNISHED WOOD CAMNET St. Niehxseved littie"by«Rttle . . . to reep the rich re­ infatuatich perversely close to reasonable prosperity, too. We Imagine, that the voters have word of Wg Christmos Club checks. Now they eofoy long .since ceased paying atten­ 4tb? • REVOLUTIONARY NEW COMPACTNESS fod-woral im, in which people tion to tbe results of political finoncioRy smooth sledding! Be o clever Kris Krinigle. gwoon t o ^ able to touch the Bromfield Sells A Herd budgeis, or the presence of • PRONT-REMOVAILE PICTURE W INDOW . . . come in new ood join our 19S5 Christmos Club--- hero's sleovn It thrives on its own Something disillusioning -r- but political surpluses or deficits. tectmsiaten cl^ finding something They would he foolish if they not unexpected—happened out in ever did pay much attention to • LARGE CONCERT QUALITY SPEAKER perversely saCyoeanct in the viola­ Ohio the e ther day. The famous the picture as they get It before tion of moral ^w . It creaUs for author and farmer, Louis Brom- each election day. The morning • EASY SUbGET TERMS ttself a fanatic\love and affection fleld^ went out o f the dairy busi­ after Is a better time to measure in the exercise hate. the state’s continuing dlfflcul- ness, auctioning off his distin­ ties. its continual Increase In EMERGENCY ^ I t is by no m^ans certain, 'the Just make the snull.down payment . . . then thke guished Holstein herd. spending. Its continually mount­ OIL lURNER quality of this ttitng being what Bromfield, explaining this step, ing debt, its contimully mount­ months to pay the balance at less than 8 2 weekly. Ch&ose One Of. These Clubs — It is, and the poea^on of it, by ing taxes, all of which are quite SERVICE More People Keep Their Savings said that the dairy business had non-partisan. There is only a small time payment charge. nne individual unong many, grown improfitable. CALL •MBStbing which \^e eternal He was not, we think, being CIO O ONCLAI’E KL.ATED In Mutual Savings Banks •cbeme 6f tblhga haa obviously or­ quite candid. The Story of Mala­ Hartford, Nov. 27 (A») The EASY TERMS^FREE HOME TRIAL 50)^ A Week for 50 Weeks - $25.00 Connecticut State CIO organisa­ MI-9-4548 dained for mankind, tto t those of bar, his famous farm, was not tion has set Jan. 14. 13 and 16 aa ■ i who may stand outade such a just the story o f a farm. It was the dates for its annual conven­ VnUJAMS - gpell really have the righ.t to ihe .story of m author, with a tion which will be held here at the OIL SERVICE A Week for 50 Weeks $50.00 'gldar sueb an individual ^ a vil* ,heavy income from his writing, Hotel Statler. OPEN Tuet, TJiurt until 9 pjiu-Mon, Wed,FrL,Sal nntil Sao] lain, although we usually lHa But setting out to create a model It is quite possible that McCarthy farm. In the first stage, the has had almost no dioice as to The Savings writing financed the wonderful A \Yeek for 50 Weeks $100.00 .ffbat he should be and do— that experiment on the farm. The iM hiaagaif has been -a much over- farm, in turn, paid two dividends. Jtowarad and hypnotised by what One was in the sale of its own -V A Week for ‘50 Weeks $150.00 Ig within him as has his most Paper Collection products. The other was In pro­ tw iH w g supporter, riding the topic for more writings Of Manchester other human being in our by Bromfield. His writing In­ NORTHEAST SECTION A Week for 50 Weeks tllBS Who hhd this indefinable in other words, nourished A MUTUAL SAVUdGS BANK about ^dm may also have farm, and the farm,. In turn, ’ MONDAY, NOV, 29 : tttls or iw real choice about ded him with new writing 923 M AIN STREET MANCHESTER'S LARGEST RADIO. TELEVISION. RECORD ‘ h i was to beooBM and what IncdnM; We repeat— If you do not put out more paper, rajrs, ete„ APPUANCI STORE A Week for 50 Weeks $500.00 DEPOSITS OVER S21.0OO.ODO Us was one of ft But, in order to remain writing we win be forced to diacoBtinag coUecUona.' 130 CENTER ST. ^ PLENTY O F FREE PARKING. (CORNR OF CHURCHl m ' tho nata^ali thin wonderf ul ' axperf-*

h It ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1964 EVBN1N6 HERALD. MANCtiESTEtt, CONN„ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 19(54 Junior Choir and instruction by I 1'"' l the curate. Classes for lower Showing Movie w o m ^ A S school St this hour. W B N B -S49 Bolton 11 A m., Morning Prsyer with' Skywatch Schedule WtXX>—1996 Daify Radio WHAT-S19 . . ■ sermon by the rector. Benlor At North Church Choir. WtoBO— 1966 w n o - i t s t r Musical outline of this service; SsMlay, Nov. 38 Bazaar Heads to Collect 13*3 a. m...... Veluatoers Needed "F o r Every Child” 1s tha title of m iUrtiMfM Okortli^ St. iaasce’ B. C. Church Pm essional—"Como, Thou Lemg the highly inspirational sound Th* foUowing program. ■chadiilagSt!t8 - ■ev. John F. Hannon, Pastor Expected Jesus" 3*4 a. m...... Fred Bond Nawa; Buplie SaraaaSs (MMoari SjriH) ...... Volunteers Needed movit to be shown in the vestry ar* auppUed by the radio maaaga*' WTIC—Heart of Nswa Bev. George P. Hughes Sequence— "O Come, O Come, 4*6, A m. Articles for Dec. 3 Event O m p m M i n c T StTMto o f tha North Methodlat ^ u rc h to­ mant and are subject to changa WDRC-Maka Way for Youth MANCHESTER’S 6-9 a. m...... Volunteers Needed ■•V. Vm I O. rrA a p / , IM t * r Bev. Edgar J. Farrell Emmanuel" morrow evening, according to an WGTH—John Staala-^vaBtuier 9- Noon .. T...... Richard OoodchUd without noUc*. ' Orgmatot Bev. Francis T. Butler Offertory—"I Only Know” .... announcement today bydhe chair­ }| U - Noon-3 p. • Gerald NlcolettA Bugana Mas* ttoS- Bolton, ^ov. 27 (Special)—Mem-yWallace will preach th* sermon...... Thompson man of the Family Feliowahip pro­ WHAY-Sersnade YOUR GUIDE TO j ' trangelo WHAY-NJVtocli Maiumt WGTH—John Siaala-Advaaturar b* i * * r committee will be busy thia vant. With Clouds Descending!' trangelo that dessert and beverage will be The Rev. J. Richard 'Yeager has BUSINESS SERVICES • a. m. Sunday Sdiooli o’clock with two Masses at 0, one 7 p. m„ "Evening Prayer with 6-8 p. m...... Columbia de Carli. Celeste King served to members and friends of weekend picking up articles for Chosen "Advent, the Season of Ex­ • :M a. m. Adult Bibla Oaaa. in the main auditorium for adults, Boys' Choir. Instruction by the 8-10 p. m...... » ....M r , and Mrs. William Hewitt the church who, with their chil­ WGTH-Ncws the annual event to be held on Fri­ pectancy", as his sermon topic at 10 a. m. Nuraary la Uia pariah and one for the children in the rector follows this service. dren, are inVited to this monthly WDRC—Gang Buitara 10- Midnight ...... J. George KaU. Jr. event. WGTH—PollMi Program day, Dec. 3 at St. James' School 11 a. m. worship at United Meth­ bouaa during church worahlp. basement; and two Masses at 10, The Week Monday, November 19 odist Church tomorrow. Church 10 a. m . Divine worahip. Teat: one in the main auditorium and Wednesday— During the evening, each family HaU in Manchester. Mrs, Donald 13-3 a..m...... Orin Mathews \ ^ntAY—Nowa; Buppar Saraaads Tedford, chairman for the affair, school service w ill be held at 9:30 Ilomaaa 13:11-14. Tbenie: VJt la one in the basement. 10 a. m.,' Midweek celebration of 3- 4 a.m. ... will be asked to present its g ift to JJTIC-CoHega Q u K B o w l^ ...... Volunteers Needed WDRO—Georg* Reno has announced the doors will open a. m. Sigh Time to Awake, Put T e on Holy Communion for St. Andrew's 4- 6 a.m. ... the work of the FaU River Deacon- ITORC-klang ^iaterB ...... Volunteers Needed —Conn. Ballroom WGTH-T—Polish Program at 7 p. m. The third adult study class on tka t«rd Jeaua Chriat!” Day. 8- 9 a.m...... Volunteers Needed ness Home. These gift* which will • ir "The History of Our Christian Proprietors RtseoDsmend Dupont l^roducts Visit Your Yam Shop (Xiureh o f the Assumption be niade up largely of foodstuffs, Music Many of the items featured will 11 a, m. Ootteadienat. Secular Events 9- Noon ...... Mr. and Mrs. W. Small Faith” -will be held Monday at / fV A Fa c t! Adams Street and Thompson Road WCCJ^llualo Room WHAY--; .3:15 p. m.. Girl Scout Troop for sw.et. and awaet for bitter"’ WHAY—Haller Post Polka Hop bers of the community not afllll- At Church Fair PRINTING aad REWnUL Saturday— Minister Emeritus 14; 7:M p. m., The topic of the (Isaiah 5:20). WHAY—Parade of Music WTIC—Boston Symphony Orcheafra ated with the church or society Spiritual Life Clasa,is"We Believe WCCC—Record Revus WDRO-Two For The Menay 10 a. m. ConOrmatlon classes. Maaaes at 7, 8:30, 9:30 and 11 Oorralativa passages from the WKNB—Joo GIrand WGTH—American Town Kaattog who have wanted to help out by Reservations for the baked, bhin JOB AND COMMERCIAL Rave A m. Andrew It. Watsoa, in the 'Victory of the Disciplined 3 p. m. Meetiiw of St. Mark's Mlaister of Mnsle C.-rtotian^^^eiice textbook, "Pci* WTIC—Army va. Navr StSa- making some contribution to the supper in St. Mary's parish hall PRINTING Lutheran Church. Olastonbury for Life." ence and H ^ t h wth Key to the WDRC—Foothall Roundup WHAY—Record Ravlaw "•*aar. She said she would ^ J WOTH—Conn, tellroom w n c —Inheritance Thursday, Dec. 2 at two sittings, sate* la w Oosicordls Camps. Friday, 7:30 p. m.. Choir rehtar- Scriptures." by Mary Ba'-er Bdd>-, happy to hear from anyone who 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. \rill close Prompt atol riflcleat Pitalteg U. Mawiea’a Bamaa CMhelle Sunday, Nov. 38, First Sunday sal. WDRC—Country Style include the following (?.460:13): WHAY—Parade of Music WGTH—American Town Masilag has not been contacted by the Tuesday and may ■ be made p t A ll Ktada Church in Advent. WTOO—Record Revus 9:4S— Thto to the season o f the year In solutions. This sealer will i ot clog "Mind is Gbd.\TOe exterminat ■'r WKNB—Joe GIrand committee and arrange to pick up through the chairtnan, Mrs. Atlsn. Methadlot O m eh Baltoa Omter 8. 9:15 and 11, Church Services. WHAY—Record Review n’htch special attention should be the radiator or hrj-m the hoa* or CARTER TREE P relu d e- The Salvation Army of to the ^eat truth that WTIC-Army vs. Navy WTIC—InheriUnce any item donated for the bazaar. Hotchkiss, or Mrs. William Bren ,jmm, Csnaeollrul Tho Bov. Ralph Kelly. Paator WDRC-Fooiball RouiMup Stomp aub Visitor metal p*xte and one can to suffi­ 881 Main Street God. good, to the bnly Mlr.d. and WDRC—Country Style nan, co-chalrnian. Miss Gertrude given to your car, end Manchester COMMUNITY PRESS I A. Treadwell, MiMster "Meditation-Elegie" ..Borowski ^ WGTH—Conn. Ballroom WG'TH—Washington Herman Behrend, a Manchester cient for a car n email truck. For EX PER T COe Orgialst Anthem— Major and Mrs. Joha Pickup that the aupposiUtlolu oppoaite of to!**- T Liddon will he hostess in the din­ Auto Parto ie prepared to meet Oer. N*. Mala aad No. Seboal Sunday Maaaaa at 1:30 and 10 infinite Mind—vailed v.evil or evil philatelist, will visit the Student larger vehicles, ua* two cans. "1 Was Glad When They Said WHAY—Parade of Music WHAY—Nows; Record Rariaw ing room. your needs here with those won­ Have you visited Your Yarn, plica to the Bemat N o Frame Stteeto-r-T elepbaaa M l-ft-im PHONE MI-S.7685 . m. — is not Mind, to n o t^ u th , bet WCCC—Record Rsvus WTIC—Music With A Beat Stamp a u b at the school on Wed­ M.tny dealers .dd a can o f Du­ Unto Me” ...... Spence Sunday, Nov. 28. WKNB—Joe GIrand The supper is one o f the high­ derful DtiPont No. 7 prodv.cts, Ed- Shop at 50 Cottage St: This is one' hooked rugs. Buy the canvas and Sunday, Nov. 38. error, without intelUmnea or WDRC—Ceunlry Style nesday. Behrend has shown much Pont Cooling System Sealer after Soloist: Janet Hynd 9:80 a.m., *11)0 Sunday school WTO^Army vs. Navy WGTH-ChIcago Theater of Iha Air lights of the annual fair in which \ 'srd and Victor J. DellaFera, pro­ of the moat Inviting shops you > as much of tbe 100 percent Crafts- 0:30 A m. Worship service. reality." W^RC—FOottiaM Roundup interest in the local yougsters using Cooling System a ean er to 10:48 A m. Church School. Sacred Heart Church Scripture Reading— with the cadets from the Salvation U :ia - the Ladies. Guild, Women prietors of Manchester Auto Parte, Insure against i.he develi^irent of havc ever been in, and from th e: man wool, as you want, choose . WGTH-Conn. Ballroom WHAY—Record Rtvltw (Stamp collecting efforts and will moment you step in you Just feel | youi" favorite design and Your Organ Preinde: "Andante T m - Chureh Street Voraoa 8, Mark 1:1*9. Army Training College m New Ills— Auxiliary and Girls Friendly 720 Broad St., especially recom­ a leak later, for anti-freezes will WWW iNmoreos or York will be the leaders from the WHAY—Parade of Music w n c —Music With A 3eat again distribute to them duplicate hke. lingering over the knitting, j Yam Shop will hold the rest un­ ouiUo"- — Handel Tho Bov. Ralph KeDey, Paator 9:15 and 11 Philippiana 3:1*11. North Methodist Church \ WDRC—Cfeuntry Style atamps from his own collection. He Sponsors are conducting, jointly mend five Item;; among the DuPont seep through tiny holes which even school. WCCC—Bw rd Rovus WGTH—Chiesgo Theater of tha Air this fall. Afternoon tea will also crocheting and tatting b o o k s, ■ til you are ready to use it. Hooked kottSBwivM wliB boy «iB Oui to Worsh^ Hymn— 447 North Main St. WKNB—Joe GIrand w ill^so have available a variety products for your car. water will not penetrate, so this is 10:45. Holiness service in charge WTIC-Army vs. Navy tS:S*- be served from 2 to 4 p.m. choosing charmingly different | rugs are ideal for your home and Hymn: "Come Thou Almighty Sunday Maaaaa at 9 and 9:30 "Immortal Love, Forever Revy Joha E .' Pest, Minister o f mliH stamps, all of them com- Th* DuPont Automotive Cooling good insuranc* egainst the lose of thrift meat hffr» Mch . m. of Major Charles Taimadge, gen­ 7TORC—Poolball Roundup WHAY—Record Ravlaw , Mrs. WyvHle Peabody; Mrs. i^stem aeanser, with its new antl-freese. ! small gifts such as tote bags, i they wear so beautifully. Do atop DRYCLEANEIS K i ^ ’ Full” ...... WaUace Jamea W. McKay. Minister, of ^^WOra—Conn. Ballroon^ w n c —Music With A Beat memofatjyes, whiclt the club mem­ knitting bags, hostess apron sjin at Your Yam Shop. It ia your Xesponaive Beading: 48th Sunday Anthem— eral secreUry at the college. Cita­ WDRC—Moods for ROmanea Walter Altken and Mrs. Fred improved formula. This powerful G»~ Guard, the Fuel System WBtk ORcl watch tha senr- del band will supply the music, Muoie / WGTH—Chicago Thtatcr of tha Air bers majKnurchas* for -their face priced from $1 to $6. even 16 rib l^ihop for all yarns, embroidery fSWiLLSSTREn * Pago 818 " I Waited for the Lord" M rA Jeka 4)ul*h WHAY—Parade of Music value of thTM cents each. Best ivlll prrride at the home radiator cleaner actually dissolve* An' -Prfeze for cars, truck* C ta fd i and the seven cadets from the col­ WOCi;-Record Revua tt:4g- made fdod table; Mrs. Paul Car­ umbrellas in stunqing shaded col-! cottons, crochet cottons, needle- Pastoral Prayer: Lard’s P ra^r WKNB—Joe Oirand Wmtrt Planned rust, scale and srease witliout in­ tractors and diesel enjrines, pre­ iRgs yoH doriva by so \ OMtei fit. at Qrcaa Mendelasohn lege will sing. Church school and adult acrvice WHAY—Record Review ter, Mrs. William S. McCann and ors at just $3.50. point and so many other things. Totephooo MI-3.72B4 Special Music Soloists: Doris Steiner and o f worship at 10 o'clock. Mixed fall flowers decorated St. WTIC-Army vs. Navy • w n c —Musk With A Beat n ie Ladies of St. Maurice will jury to hose, packings or n-.etal vents ice formin;,' in gaa lines, ab' Joha R. Noahert hllnlater 3 p.m. Cadets will conduct four WDRC—Football Roundup Mrs. James Kilpatrick, will sell The soft pink walls and the pale You are always \.'elcom* here, doing. Scripture Beading: Isaiah 40:1*5 Dorothy Roberts Order of Worahip— Bridget's Church this morning at WDRC—Moods for Romance conduct a n illit ^ ' whist at the ports. It will clean even badly sorbs condensed moisture in the 3 t^ Nellto P. LnraoA open air services in the Silver ^:WGTH—Conn. Ballroom WGTH—Chicago Theater et tha Air home inade candy; Mrs. Claude clogged radiators in on* to two apple green woodwork with faint- atop in when you are shopping. CRom Patrl O fferto ry - Prelude "Paatorale" . . . ..Lichner 10 o’clock for the wedding of Miss Commwiity Hall okTuesday. Nov. fuel ayftem, protects then from er Lisne section, each by a different U ;*a- Portor, Mrs. Arthur Holmes and 1 ours and stops overheating, Wii'ch, ly rosy beige drapes make this relax in their comfortable chairs, ASlAnatlon of Fhlth: ApoeUa’s "Cavatina” ...... Ireland Processional Hymn, "Take My Anne Eva Ferry, 3039 Main St., Music WHAY—Nawi; Record Rariaw 30. at 8 p. m. There will(.Ill heI'c severalBcvcrai Sinter rtalltng, lipltting and sput­ E x p ^ Dry cadet. won:-Record Revua Mrs. Dorothy Earle w ill be in as you know, may cause aerioua' shop a pleasant place in which to enjoy browsing without the sense L . T.W O O D Creed Sermon. 8, U fe and Let It Be" Glastonbr.ry, daughter of Mr. and WKNB—Joe GIrand Wnc-;-6-Ring News door prizes as well a*as the cus­cua- tering due to th*) presence of water Sunday, Nov. 38: 6:45 p.m. The citadel band With WDRC—News; Almanac charge of the sale o f aprons, damage. Overheating esh cause the in the gas line, relax, shop or get free instruc­ ot hurry. Once you hSve been here - LOOKER PLANT Prayer of Dediaatlen of Tlthas and "Make Hia Paths Straight” Collect Prayer, The Lord's Prayer Mrs. Harry W. Ferr>-, 283 Tryon WTIC—Army vs. Navy tomary high and low table prizes, 8:4ft Am. Ohurdi School for all the cadets will play inatrumental WGTH-Naws variety of other gift articles and cylinder walls of th* eugine to tions from Mrs. Eva LaVoie in we know you will return again and 51 Btsaell SL Pboaa MI*S-ft4ft4 CMferings Anthem, ‘"Triumph! Thanksgiv­ S t, South Glastonbury, and John WDRC- -Fm IwII Roundup Refreshments will bele served by DuPont celhlloac sponges wash Clearing Service egoA Childran cared for through Mr. Warren Matthews preach- music for tha hospital patients. WGTH—Conn. Ballroom UslS- dolls; Mrs. Elizabeth Little, Mrs. become scored, which means ' ex­ crocheting, knitting, tatting or again. Offertory: "Oianson Tilste" Ing. , ing” Rachmaninoff Joseph Qulsh, son of M rs Ella WMa Y—Record Rariaw Mrs. Frank Boeio andid her\her com- your car without scratching and M om lag Worahip. 7 p. m. A prayer meeting will be Martha Butler and Mrs. Alex a if - pensive repairs. The DuPont Cool­ any allied art. Drop in when you —TSchalkovskl 8:15 and 11. "Be of Good Cheer" Children's sermonette. Qulah, 89 N. School St. The Rev. WTIC—Guest 8(ar ' mittee. LuPont No. 7 polish containing Doacdogy 10:1ft a.Bi. Mor.ring Worahliv, held in the Junior hall. WDRC-Cal Koffiy ' ford, plants; Mrs. Jesse Bcttinger, ing System aeanser actually ftia- are downtown shopping. You are Dr. Tertius VanDyke preaching. 7:80. Salvation m eetiiv conduct­ Hymn, "Hark, tha Voice of Jeaua Robert J. Carroll officiated at the Hospitalized methyl cellulose, the ingredient Prehido, "Morning Song," Mtndel* WKNB—Joe GIrand WOTB—Music Mrs. Walter Banner, Mrs. Minnie aolvaa thia rust and scum and does that means less rubbing, less always welcome. (^rafortable Hymn 111: T sira st Lord JesuaT* Hymn— ed by the cadets with Band and CaUiqg" nuptial high Mass and performed Dahlen Neverette of Route 44-. Rev. Erich Brandt Sanaon: How Will We Baoalve aaoha. W'fiQ—Road Show U tia - / Brown, surprise packages for the not require reverse firahing. work, will remove traffic film chairs and tables invite your lei­ MANCHESTER "Christ for the World We Songster music by the local group. Rasponalve Raading,^ "Spiritual the ring ceremony. Mrs. WDRC—Foolball Roundup WHAT—Record Rariaw was admitted to Manchester Me­ RimT Hymn "Ckwwa Him with Many Arlyne M. Garrity was organist WCTH—Coon. Ballroom wnC—Blariighi Sarenada hildren; Mrs. Joseph Johnston Next In the DilPont No. 7 Line quickly and safely and give your surely perusal of pattern' books: crowns." S in g " '...... Giardlnl The Week Service” morial Hospital on Thanksgiving Hymn 90: "A s With Oladnsss Man and aoloistl Her numbers included' 4:1S— WDRC—Cal Colby i • , * and Mrs. William Vlens; Mrs. J, E. for winter safety ia the Cooling car a dry brilliant sh'n'e for pro­ Your Yarn Shop to at SO Cottage Planning Sermon Poatlude— Monday the Friendship Circle The aacrament of baptism. WHAY—Dyna'a Polka Party U:4S- AUTO PARTS o fO ld " ^ C h l l d r o l t ’ a Sermon, "Joyful Schubert’s "A ve Maria.” "On This Kennedy, ceramics. System Sealer, which stops leaks tection against vinter storm*. Get St., right around the comer from Noiaos." "Sing Unto God ’ ...... Handel will omit its meeting, in order . to Presentation of tithes and offer­ WCeC-RccorO Rovuv WHAY—Rotord Ravlaw Home For Holiday Oak Street on the left as you head Benedictkm Day, O Lord," and "Madonna.” WKNB—Question Box " Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Skinner. ^ ThV '!\Vhite Elephant" table and prevents new leaks forming in >our DuPont No. 7 Product* at 270 BR-"'AD Hymn, "Spirit o f Ood Descend.” 8:15 Church School, kindergar­ permit the members to attend the ings WTIC—Road Show w n c —Starlight SaraiMda east from Main Street. It is set The ReVj Erich Brandt, paator Besponse: "In simple trust" The bride was given in marriage WDRC-Cal Colby Jr., of Spofford, New Hampshire will b'e\in charge of Mrs. Emily the cooling syste.>n of cars and Manchester Auto Parts and make Scripture Leaacn, Matthew 7:13*33. ten through Junior high. Oral Roberto meeting in Hartford. Offertory, "Elegy" ... Scott-Nevln . WDRC—Pbotball Roundup bark somewhat from the regular o t Concordia Lutheran Church, Pastluds: "Adagw’ ’ — Spohr by her brother, Harry W. Ferry, were among many who "came Greenhaigh and Mrs. Gaylord trucks. It functions equally well ■tire of adequate protection agfainst Anthem, "Glory end Worahip Are 11 Church School, nurmry Tuesday, 7 p.sa,I. wmgetier prac- Doxology and prayer of dedica­ ^ WGTH-Conn. Ballroom building line, which means there Atoraya A t Year Service Far The W a M Jr. The matron of honor w'iia Mrs- home” for Thanksgiving in Bol­ Cannon; Mys. Howard Briggs Will in water and si.cndard anti-freeze winter weather. Winter and Garden Streets, will*' hafore Him," Purcell. through junior high. lice, Mrs. Lillian Parrett. tion. 'wHAY--Dyna;a Polka Party Is'always ample parking space -r- • MACHINE SHOP 8EBVICE The Senior M.TJ*. moots each Raymond A. Johnson, 233 Center H *w ChrtiMaa SelsB*a Heals ton. They were guesU at a faroUv offer for s^e an assortment of preach a series df sermons on the Sermon. "Go In by the Narrow 1:30 Pilgrim Fellowahip, Fun 8 p.m. Senior band practice with Tha sermon, "Here I Am ! Send WTIC—Road Show no worry about a ticket here. • EQUIPMENT Sunday arenlag at tho church at St., and beat man waa Joseph R. TORc—fCoir- ___Jball Roundup dinner at the A. N. Skinner home useful package^ items and gadeta • PA R TS (new aad rebuUt) Oato." and Fellowahip. C. Peter Cartoon. M e!" who went to Europe last summer I f you have never knitted a dress four Sundays in Advent . on the 7 p. m. This group is for an young Fournier of Hartford. Ushers were WGTH-Conn. Ballroom on Route 44-A. for the kitchen^ Mrs. Kristian • ACCESSORIES ^ . Hymn, "Jeaua Calls Ua.’ 6:30 C YP Club, Connecticut ThuredSy, 7:80. Open air aervice Recessional Hymn, "Oh Jesus, I 4:4 are planning to have a public or a sweater, yet yearned over |Mplo.botwoea tho ages of 13 and Raymond A. J. Benediction. slides they took on their trip ers, let Mrs. LaVoie help you. She • DUPONT PAINT, SUFPUBS Sunday avanlng BlMa class The Week tonbury. . , WDRC—Football Roundup Kinney of Bolton Notch, is home the picture of St. M ^ y 's Episco­ Open Saturday aattl • p m WilliMNsSiiiMliB wiUi BastMum Dennto and San* haU, CecU KltUe, leader. Poatlude, "RMesslooal" O'Doanell WGTH-Conn. Ballroom WoigliboflioBd Tombm'' Tuesday evening at 7:30 in Wood­ v/lll assist you if you know how Advent, the .sermon will be "Re­ Monday— The bride u to n a ballerina- from Cushing Academy at -Aali- pal Church. Mrs. Earl (^Loveland i t t St. «sL m-B-lftW meets at the church from-St30-7. dra Oabome, leading. Friday. 7 p.m. The Corps' Cadet Today *:L. Scout ruff Hall of the Center Congre­ to knit, teach you if you do not. ceiving the King." Holy Com­ 7 Girl Scout Troop One, length winter wbite brocade dress WHAY—Dyna'a Polka Party ' bumham. Mass, for the holiday. and Miss Hannah Jensen have The Junior M-T.F. moats at the clesa wdth Mra. Plerenca Steven- ■ ‘T o r Every Child” is the title of gational Church. Some o f . the It won’t TOst you a cent aiuj,, the munion will be received. On the Church each Monday evanlag at Tho Weak 8. Mothers’ aub. "Let’s Have an SOA and a shoulder length veil. She w n c —Road Show WHAY. 916 Be., SiiBftajr, 9:19 ajn. Hot Lanch Menu )>ecn assisting the Girls Friendly the splendid movie which will be WDRC—Football Roundup Juniors In making lapel pins of N o t e s group will tell about the trip as liest news of all, you do not have Second Sunday in Advent the ser­ 8:80. This group Is for aU young Wednesday: Old Fashioned Christmas." carried a cascade of white rosea WOTH—Conn. Ballroom Mrs. Harry Kites, hot lunch, pro­ shown tonight in our vsstry dur­ felt and velvet neckwear n ^ ’el- the slides are being shown. Any­ to invest the full amount of mon­ mon will be "Keeping the King­ poople la the 10*13 ago group. 13:48 p.m. Aftomoon CInBo maeto Tuesday— and iv y .. • ;!* - gram manager at the Elemeiitary dom." On the Third Simday the at the Parsonage, Mrs. James 6:45 Confirmation ClaSa. Emaauel Lutheran Church ing ths Sunday Evsning Fellow* The matron of honor wore a bal­ WHAY—Dvna’s PoUta Parly Ues. I '\ one interested is invited to attend. ey 'at all at one time! Select your MORRY'S MEIRILL’S WTIO-Boad Show School, reports between 210 and The past month'bas been a busy subject will be "Blessings of the Kally. haatoaar^ 7:30 Oirl Scout Troop One. col­ ' Carl E. Olson, Paator ship program, dessert and bever­ lerina-length dress of ice blue bro­ Tho committee also expects td Officer* foi't he coming year, re­ pattern. Your Y am Shop will or­ WDRC—Football Roundup 225 children are being served ine for Girl Scout activities with Kingdom." On the Fourth Sun­ MEN'S STORE ThIeottvIBa 8:00 p.m. East fid e Ctocle mecu ored slides of European Trip, Larry Bryaell, Asst* to the Pastor age at 6 p. m., Nursary hour tor cade and carried an old fashioned WGTH-Meet Champ have a fortune' teller on hand to cently elected by the troop, in­ der the full amount of yam. you AND OLBANINO 8EBVICB daily. The menu fo r next week in­ ivyestltures, elections, overnights, day, the Concluding semion o f the at the home o f M m WUliam Woodruff Hall. Ohariea. Wakeley, Orgaalet aad tha litUe ones. bouquet. Sisa— ' rrtAD7o1u m ^ ^ foretell the future of all interest­ clude the following: Pammella will require and hold It for you— A COMPLETE LINE OP MARKET WHAT-*KaU of Racorda cludes: Monday, beef and noodle party, plans and such. series will be "Preparations for Bveroto A. . _____ SMey, 189 Oak e t This to a 3 United Nations Association of Choirmaster 3 p. m., Senior Fellowship con­ A reception for 75 guests was casserole, green beans, bread end ed. Every committee Is bent on Shorts, president; Nancy Saun­ this is so that you will be sure of QUALITY . . . wnc--Rpad Show ^ ALL MAKES Troop 12, which meets at the the Kingdom.” 9bA Antheey'tfihanettt Christmas cwoUng and onch Manchester meeting. Federation ducts service at Laurel Manor held at noon in th* Britlsh-Ameii- WMC--^a not cost one OHN SUNDAYS ■hip. WTIC—Road Show Jorie Tweedy, Patricia Bajorto, held a workshop at its November penny more for this service! You Ideally looatod—coovealeat aad i P.M. DAILY Organ ProhKto. . 10:10 Am. Junior Choir rahearsal. 7:30 Senior Choir rehearsal. Hear Me” ...... Gluck Jewel neckline and blue hat and .WDRC—News meat sauce, cole slaw, bread and meeUng at Camp Merri-Wood. 9:00 p.m. Married Couples Club Herbert Bengtson. 8:15 p. m.. Adult Bibla Class Hartford, Nov. 27 (IP)— A sched­ Patricia Daub,'B*tW Balon, Caro­ will be the judge of what you • A.M.to1P.M. ’Tdomlng Song" ...... Qrleg 7:30 Cub Leaders meeting.’ gloves. Both wore ebrsagea of pink IgCTHI—News; -f Scorer butter^/cake, milk; Friday'," escal- The theme was CUtirstma.i gifts away frooi th* busy ttaoroiigh- 8 Depot Sq.— ^TeL MI-S-889I "Sock Hop" St Worn Side Rec. 8 Women’s Federation meeting, Anthem (Second Service) "Let All .meets in the narthex. roses. ■ ,-r uled conference between Gov. lyn Michaels, Mary^Rurdtek, Pa­ want to spend ahd knit sweaters, -"Ya Servanta of Ood" WHAY—S__ . -Sports Spotllaht lopenta Ozols amj P a T. F. HOUORAN BILL'S TIRE Advent o f Our X4>rd" -Ameld W. Toser, Mlntoter WHAY—Manchester The flrst Sunday in Advent will She also explained how to make Offertory—r Thursday— Sermon "How' Will You Receive per and evening meeting. _Mr. ahd Mrs. Quish will/be at home w n c —Thy Kingdom Come be observed at the Congregational o'clock Monday morning. The Gov­ tricia Scsirtiell. Funeral DIreeter AND Barclay F. Wood, Organist several Christmas novelties. Doris 7 Girl Scout Troop 7. Him ?" Tuesday— at 3039 Main St., Glastonbury. _ WDRC—Capitol Cloak Room Church at 11 a. m. worship serv­ ernor and his successor will hold This active troop, under th* A i:in "M elodr Calasta:* t * . . Koschat. Mrs. Barbara B. Becher, WGTH—Echoes of the Ukriilat MitcheU and Betty Leslie taught MANCHESTER Hymn— 7 Youth Choir rehearsal. PpstUide "Prelude" . .ClerambauU , 1:30 p. m.. Prayer Group. A graduate o f Olastonbury High *;4S- 032n 3 u UIBIT ice tomorrow. The Rev. Arthur A. a newt conference after their meet­ leadership o f ' Emily Kissmann, REPAIR SHOP ^jmdl* making and decorating C. S. McHALE, Jr. H I' I 't k a d Choir Director Friday— ' 7, Chapel Vespers, sponsored by Wednesday— School, Mr*. Quish is employed at WHAY-6. Gammell ing. Floiteice Madden and Marian MILLWPRK C 6 . Lioeated lhabalfleer "I Haard the Voice of Jeaua WTIC-Thy KIngdonlorn come candle* Leadecs had an oppor­ Say" • 3:15 Brownie Troop 33. the Luther League, speaker, Paul 7 p. m.. Choir rehearsal. Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. The Schlldge, is spending the day at 854 Bread. St.— TeL M1-9-883S H 5 Oeater S t— TeL MI-9.7080 WUHabi H. Grftcfi. Prop. Sunday, Nov. 38: ^gRC-^gtol tapsoak Room' tunity to try their skill at these, ■armon, "The Light of Dawn" 6:30 Men's Club supper (by Johnson, interne at Ehnanuel Friday— bridegroom, a graduate of Howell lell Camp Merrie-Wood today and to A DIAMOND RINO M om l^ Worship, 10 s. m. — - V' Nftws In Matroni' Stylas reeulftng in some beautiful can­ reservation only i. Church, H irtford, offering for 5:30-7 p. m.. Smorgasbord sup­ Cheney Technical School, has re­ i also looking forward to the boy- FOR CHB18T3IA8 Cohiaibia Bicycles ’The Rev. Murphy Praludev-"Come, n U sicEv n 0 dle* A display of other gift sug­ Hymn— Sweet 7:30 Men’s Club speaker, Capt. Ctolgary Fund. per and Roundtable singers. cently been dtocharged from the TtlftTision rrn g ri— girl party in December. r" MOW!n u ffitlw best ia PHONE Goodyetr Tires e; Come, Bltaaed Rest" . . . U.S. Arm y after serving 17 gestions provided th* leaders with “As with Oladneto Men of Old" William E. Kcnna. USN, Bureau of The week Repairs, Scfvlee % morttha in Korea. Ob Pftfft Two a wealth of material for holiday Your Yarn Shop Organ Poatlude— ^ ...... - - ...... Bach Aeronautics Rep. to U.A C. Monday— d . Recently Brownie troops have * fleBersI MUlwork NORMAN R. WEIL Opening Hymn—"O God Our Help projects. * GEMOLOGIST Acceasorien "Hornpipe from Waier Saturday— 6:30. Girl Scouts; 8, Messiah re­ Oencordla Evsagelkmi Lutheran been electing officers just M the * Completo Wladow Ualta SO^Cettage St.— TEL. MI-9-8S58 In Ages Past" • Covenant C^ngregatloaal Refreshments were ,served by Music" ... .,.. . Handel 9:30 a. m. CT>erub Choir re­ hearsal. Oinreh older Scouts do, Snd T l ^ P 42 had • AU Size Doors . \ Spectatist jn Jewelry iso Spruce Street The Old Testament Reading. hearsal. Tuesday— Church Anita Nylin and ftUeanor Mloga- ft:S0.p. m.. Youth Fellowship. Winter and Gnrden Streets Us election at s recent meeting. * Mitred and Glued Trim \ Complete line of yarns TeL M1-9-689S Isaiah 9:3*5 and 7. 3:15. Browniaa; 7,'B oy Scouts; 48 Sprue* Street noski, following the meeting. Phone NI-9-0659 The Week The Rev. Erich Brandt, fhator These Keeney Street girls elected • Expert Cabinet Work and knittinR accessories, Anthem—"O Hbly Father. Infinite 8. Misrionarjr Circlo,> reception Rev. K. EJnar lUuk, Minister Ellen LeBlanc, prsident; Joyce • Complete Hardware Dept. Wednesday, 8 p. m., BiUa Study In Mercy” ------Palestrina Senth Methodist Church' room. ,, f \;- Ivnn Becksrlth, Orgnntot stamped goods, embroidery Group. Mtoa Rqth Sundatrom, Young, . vice president; Susan WANTED A DfUNK BADLY Main Street aad Hartford Road Wednesday— i ... nnd Cbeirmnater Church School Racaaslenal. Pariah Worker Holmqxilst, treasurer; ^ sem a ry .Open 8 A. M. to 9 V. M. DaBy N ^ to n and tatting threads. Thursday— Rev. Fred R. Edgar, Minister 6:30, Dqrcaa CTiriatmaa potluck The New TMtament Reading— Mrs. Kenanth Nelaea, Organist Gutbrod, .secretary. - Committees Danbury, Nov. 27 0P>—Police F^ee private instruction. FOUNDATION 8:15 p. m.. Junior Choir. Luke 1:36-38. Rev, Percy Amitb, supper; 6:30, Youth QMtr; 7:45, ' Th* First Sunday in Advent DON WILLIS 7:30 p. m.. Senior Choir. Sunday, Nov. 38: will be as follows: refr4ahmente, said Kenneth - Ing institute at the church. are taught by the Old TesUment tabernacle. An ac­ o f the peace and aasault. rollce Float End ARgnataf , (10:45 a. mO -:-Sibelius Sale, Luther Hall. Anthem— "Behold! I Stand A t the girls attended, heard the Brownie Accordions ' , Phones: S t e m 9044 11 A m.. Service of Worahip. 7 p. ffl.. Girl ScouU. .> 8:45 p. m.,. Choir rehearsal. curate nuxlel and an attractive chart will be used by story explained, and listened to Sgt. George O. Baldauf reported. Organ Prelude, , Wednesday-)* Scripture Lesson; Isaiah 52:1-10 Door" ...... Nobl* Cain Mr. Alves in these meetings to help everyone under­ or Mitchell 9-6888 Offertory anthem: "Let All Mortal Hymn— "Oome, TTiou Long-Ex­ several songs. Private Instructions' *; Goaorol Ropoir Wgib Processional Hymn, "Come, Thou 7 p. m.. Boy Scouts. Aioemb(.v o f God Chapel Haipptag^vCommualty Church Almighty King.” Flesh Keep Silence" (.10:45 serv­ pected Jeaua" stand the structure of the tabernacle and its Rpiritual ' Their olBcera serve a ftve week 7:30 p. m., Chancel Oioir. 314 Spruce Street Rev Darid Crockett, Minister term and at present they are Instruments and Supplies Anthem , *‘If with All Your ice) —Holst Sermon: "Thy Kingdom Oome; significance. Rich spiritual truths as symbolized by Seturday— Kenneth L. Gustafson, Paator Mary Burnham Dcnnlow, Marion Skinner, president; Mar­ FOR EXTRA MONEY Hearts" ...... Mendelssohn. Hymn: "Come Thou Long'Expect­ Receiving the King." 9:30 a. m.. Boys' Choir. Organist nnd CiMir Director the furnishings will i^eceive a very ftill exposition. jorie Monyhan, vice, president; Orchestra For Hite Scripture Reading, Isaiah 40:1*11. ed Jesus" I SELECT NOW FOR 10:30 a. m„ Girls' Chbir. \ Organ Offertory-"O Lord,'I Am Faithful gpspel applications of the person and work Charlene Covey, treasurer; Steph­ Matthew 3:1*3. Reception of new members (10:45 Sunday, Nov. 28; Not Worthy" ...... SEA FOOD 7 p. m.. Junior-High Group 9:30 a.m. Church School. anie Wells, secretary;' Marilyn WE PAY O ffertory A n th e m ."0 Come, O service) 9:45 a. m.. Sunday School.' of Christ will be preached as the typical importance meets at. the church...... Arr, by J. Alfred Schehl JO:45 a.m. Worship Service. Plank, publicity; Marcia Yerka, I CHRlStMAS^OIVINO ' Cbnw. Emmanuel" Latin. Sermon; "Good Tidings" 10:45 A m.-. Morning Worship. Hymn—'The King of Love My o f the tabernacle is considered. — ALWAYS FRESH — The U icy Bpencer Group to plan­ 7 p. m„ ESvangelistie Service. Prelude "Panto Angelicus", cheer, and Joyce Donovan, scrap­ HI8HEST PRICES Mymn. "Light of the World." — Dr. Frsd R. Edgar Shepherd Is” . Franck. • LOBSTERS ning to. make Christmas wreaths The W eek book. For Rars, Piper, MoUls Shop A t Sermon: ^‘Oiarge Hiia to My Ac- this year. They will display one Hymn: 'There's a Light Upon the Holy Oommunion. Hymn. "AU People That on coimt," Mountain" Wednesday— MEETIN(;S BEGIN ' Mary. Goodwrin, who waa un­ and 5Ierftp Iron • OYSTUS at the church next Sunday and at Hymn— "Give T o Our God Immor* Earth Do D w ell', Bourgeois. able to 6y up writh her troop due USE OUR BAST Raeeasienal Hymn, "H ill to the Postiu'de: "Rlcercare" — Palestrina 7:30 p. m., Chapel Service. the aU*gropp meeting. Telephone U l Prato«” Anthem ‘"Give Thanks", Williams. to Illness, has now received her C A L L OR D ELIVER TO 6ALLASS0S •SCAUOPS LAY-AWAY PLAN Lord's Anointed." 9:30 and 10:45 a m., Church Friday— oeders to: Mrs, Neilie Bradley. Poatlude— Chorale; "Schmuecke Offertory “ Andante", Schluty. TUESDAY, NOV. M AT 8 PJ«. Organ Poatlude. Bchooi 7 p m., OirtoUan Youth Activi­ CROSSTITCH WORDS wrings and 'become an Intermediate HARDWARE and • CLAMS Oaavsalrat 9*1411; Mrs. Louis Tuttle, 3*5648, ties. plch, O Uebo Seele” . .Jt 8. Bach Hymn "Holy Spirit, Truth Scout. 8 p. m„ Senior M Y F members Divine',’ Gottschalk. Continue weakly . . . every night (except o s t r i n s k y • NLLETS or Miss UMian Powers, 9-7158. and their parents will have a pot- You are welcome to each of The Week COLOR 5TAMP-ON5 SUPPLY CO. Sermon "Islands of Calm in Th# wonderful! fall weather has n — lers is Waste Materials Career Mala Street aad/ Geapel ftoU luck supper. Professor' Paul Ross these serviceA Wadneaday— M center Street 7:30 p. m., C l^ r rehearsaL World of Storms". Saturdays) at 8 p.m.r-Sundiays at 7 p.m. 2385 mad* the girls still plan overnights 791 PARKER 8T. Middle Tpk. East "C! Colway WiIsM, Im . HOWARD'S Crater Lynn. of - the Hartford Seminary TeL M I-S^TM er Ml-ft-6979. S t Mary's Episoopal Church 7:30 p. m .J <3uirch Omacil Hymn "Dear Lord and Father of and Troop 57, writh S3 girls and (Opp! Gormaa’s Bulck 8to.> 117H Spraca 8L, TaL M l-»4 ftU — TeL M 1 -A A 8 S 6 Foundation ie speaker bn the pro­ Mankind”, Maker. CJMireh aad Lacust fttieato First Chnreh of Christ. Setenttot their leader, Mra. Vicki England, ■ r m Sunday, Nov. 38; gram. meeting. ' Pretty towels styled for the For a ewaplete U| of hard­ Tito Rev. Alfred L. WUUaM, Masonic Temple Poatlude "PosUude", Rinck. had a wonderful time on one re­ 10:80 A m.. Breaking o f Broad. 7 p. m.. A t the Intermediate Friday— A carefully desigBed all occa- week! Perk-up your Utchca wrlth ware aad electrical suppUe* 13:li( p. nL, Sunday SchooL 7 pjn. Youth Fellowship in the cently, A fter supper, a Halloween Distributor for Ahimlamn Con- M YF, Dr. Edgar w ill talk on “ Ad­ 3 p. m.. Second-year Osteeheti Community House. ■ten frock for the more mature these easy-to-make towels. Just T p. m.. Gospel service. Tha Rev. DonaM N. Hnageiferd. Sunday, Nov. 38: cel clasA GOSPEL HALL .perty was'held. A novel "number Maatlon Wiadews aad Poor* vent." figure. Scallops add a soft, fem- , Oirato embroider the day-name in cross nik*"' waa held on Saturday, *nd HOLLISTER The Week 7 p. m., Lloyd Roy will address lliOO Am. Simday Sorvicoe. SetuMay— iittiw touch to- thU classic. ‘ Sydaey W. MacAlptoc, Orgaalet . CENTER ST. — MANCHESTER atitch; press o ff the pink and a good night circle concluded the r Svugaiiat Hector Alves will the Epworth League on'"W ander­ 11:00 Am. Sunday School. 9:30 A m.. First-year Catischetl' Pattern No. 8146 to in sizes 34, aad Otoir DIreetor green clover motifs; and presto— group's stay. ' ^ o d e l treekday scrvtees ing* in the WildernesA" Wednosuay: Meeting 8;CO p.m. tol ctosA 36, S3, 40, 43, 44, 46, 48. Size 36, ■ ifA WUUaai Klappeabarg. ■ n ^ E WAS A TABERHACLX made, th* ftrat. wherein a set of compliment catchers! avenlag. Moodpy through Reading Room hmxa: Tuesday short aleevea, 4 3-6 yards of 35- Jaator Chair Orgaalet The Week QUINN’S th* ^dleatlck. and th* toUe, and th* *h*wbr**d; which Pattern No. 2385 contains hot- Second ciaas badgee were awurft- Friday, to aU of which tho pubUc and Frida/ 12*4 p.m. TV-Mday 7^8 Inch. CUNLIFFE Monday, 8:30 p. m.. Girl Scout p.m. Wednanday 7*7:56 p.m. to nUed th* sanctuary. And after the aecond vaU. th# taber- iron transfer for 7-day n a m ■ a; 4d to the foUowing members oft l i enr a aBy invited. For this pattern, send 30c in Advent Sunday. Nov. 28: Troop 8. The public to cbrdlaUy invited to which to caned th* ^ e a t of alL Outot being com* an color transfer for 8 clover deaigna; Troop 43 thto month: Bonnie An- o t coioa, your name, addreaa, size de- MOTOR SALES 6 A m.. Holy Communion. An- 'Tuesday, 3:15 p. m.. Girl Scout attend our servicos and uqe the ra A R M M Y nigh prieft good things to come, by a greater and more finishing directlona - drewra. Linda Oariaon, Jane Cran- ■Troop 17; 3:15 p. m „ Brownie reading room. 1951 OLDS Perfect tabentacl*. not mad* with handa.- Neither by th# blood Bitod aad th* pattern number- to Send 35c in coljia, yOur naq>e, ad­ daU. Susaftne D’Avignon. Rabonna EXPERT A i m BODY aad Nattawd dual Advent Communion ef Men SUB BURNETT, THK ' BIAN- and,BoyA Men’s ChOriiifc Troop 34; 7:15 p. ra.. Boy Scouts. "Ancient and Modem Necroman­ J by hia own bh>od, He-entered in once dress and the pattern number to D *)K i^ Grace Ouarnaccia. Bever- , FENDER REPAIRS Da Liu * S-D**r dHBffrKB BVBNINO HERALD, • 9.-35 A m.. First ChUdren’e serv­ Wednesday, “Christniaa Tree cy. allaa Mesmmiam and Hjpno* OPEN SUNDAYS "Ji? “ *• *!®'FI**«*. having obtained eternal redemption for us. ANNE CABOT. MANCHESTER Jy Hayca, Kathlaan K a n i^ Diana vto*r, lift* AVE. AJOOUCAS, NBW BVBNINO HBBAIJI, 1156 AVB. ft^YAMEL aad LAOQUEB 8» E TOO U O Tim ftftTBFftrifMM BtopjMeaki ice, Kindergarten through Grade 8. Tpwn," the aSnwU W.8.C.8. fair, ttom. Denounced", w ill be the aub* ^ to put away sin by tlw Ktlmaa. Andte* M arieW . Linda dark esadltlMg. sacrifice of HimaUf.—^cbrvw aB;!.). YORK aft, N .Y. AMBBICAS.NBW YORK 86. N.Y. REFINISHINGS Parents* Choir, Instruction by tho booths with handmade, articles,, Ject of the Leaeon-Bermon for Sun­ Prentice. Chrtotto* Savoy and OHgtaal Bead 25 cents today for your Tbe colorful 1964 Needlework BEABONABLB PRICRB sou ExcuitmiY M lU N otm a at curate, nursery worship in "Burks home bakin4. Christmas wrappings day, Nov. 28. Tiie Golden Text to SAJLlsI Pit Susan Wolr. Bach: girl in this troop eo|gf. of our pattern cstolog. Bn- Album contains 56 pages of lovriy etc.' 94 H o u s e 87 Park St. Ch and ornaments, aftamooa tea and fiton Romana (8:31):. " I f God be COME JEVERY NIGHT . . . to elociM to an o«5ee in her patrol, FREE B8TIMATB8 for CaksA bakad bean supper (no ras- afe Faahibn. The fall aad win­ design * "hoW-to" sections on ;■*)•*■ ftaya a week. I u p ^ achool at Uds keiar. |br 'ja, wiw can ba agaUiat us?y giving' each one a fteftnlto aad me- r o u t e 86—WAPPINO CONN. m. Timlao •rvatlona) and s p a ^ svttor thauie cou-ehil* SalaCtionB ffttoi fiii DBils Itoluda S P J L I i f P J L BRING YOUR BIBLE ANO A FRIEND! ter *54 toatM to filled with attrec- n**(Qew6rk. helpful m n i ilhistra- tiv* part. . / JOHNSON PAINT CO; B6..Juate <%>>Nk wttk Bna, autotaaaa Tlnjr and tha toUawiag: riWtoa ttaa ttve, aaey to aew atylca for all tic8M and direcUcM l o t 8 gUt-pat- A T T i| B RICH FIELD AIGN oast. at. XM. Ml-ft-7991 TEL. lO-ft-ftdfti €ft MAIN BT, ^



ACIOH • Ooraiilttoim Offensive Powers May Play Defensive Battle I f yoii see good In everyone, you Herald Angle ISanllaiiaolt (pnO k) let the car stay Uiat way, hopln;, •Body of water may be |ui optimiat, then again you the Boston constabulaiV would ■ttuatodooflM may be nuta. •lopa«<— > TOrlantalporgjr note the outiM-etate license plate, TtUnolath* • H c ^ ’ k llw and overlook his sin. EARL W. YOST Brow ns. Giants Knof^LOUt D rop AfftnolnM • Canter Suaan' Smith brought a friend His hope was not in vain. When •pOTte BdKer t— nliiiiiii lOHad home with her from college for a he returned from lunch, this neatly ^ Army and Navy Game knmriadgaol vlalt — an extremely attractive printed. note was tucked bensuth oot of its main RAC EPOST MOB^EMS of getting him here, but none pro­ In P ro Feature ' Industrlaa t l Kindi blonde and introduced her to her his windshield wiper: "Dear New MoreOnolcs ^ ns i . rr j IS lt ia a ----- family Including her mat>grand> Jerseyite; In Boston one does not U ttle Nick Coates' winning time duced resulta. Coach ~ llParfumat Phinney of the Manchester High New York, Nov. 27 (A7—The republic 14 TUm inside 41 eaU meat father. park upon the sidewalk. Sincerely Thursday, 24:42, waa M aeconda Baltimore, Nov, 37


BIANCHESTER EV^N ^G HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1954 a MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEapgR. OONNe SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, PAGZZLSVBN Auto Accessortea— ^Tlres 0 Building— Contractinic 14 CARl^IVAL BY DICK TURNER Garden—^Furn— Dairy Musical Instruments 53 Apartments— Fbtg— BnsifftsB Propdrty For SalsTO . SabarbaB For Bate Tenements 63 WINTER TIRES CABINET MAKING-W) also do Products v 5 0 PIANO TUNING and voicing. Com­ all types of carpentry work, re^ Manchoater Is Growing Clinic Schedak Classified Buy one, get one half price, plete rebuilding, repairing, re- ONE BEDROOM, kitchen, bath TOLLAND—Ranch home, four Latins A sk P ed ication modeling, alterations, etc. Good WELL r o t t e d cow maatird. Pro­ Grow With It months old, tor sola or tratt tmm ^ iHiss Denies Charges plus ta.x. tect your shniba and lanma now. Btyling. Keye recovered. 24-nour room and pantry. Very convenient The clinic schedule of the workmanship, and reaaonable eervlce. All work guaranteed. The owner. Call Hartford CH. 8-S4M. BUDGET CENTER rates. EaUmates gladly giveni MI. 3-7083. Leonard Olgtlo, Bolton. location. MI. 3-6634. klancheater Public “Health Advertisements IBano Shop. Phones MI. 9-9329, FO|t SALE 91 Center Street Call Dick at PL. 2-6695 or John at BOLTON—Flva . room ranch, or Fixed Price Of Spire Set Nutsea Asm. for next week Is Ml. 3-5769. U. 8. No. 1 Green kfduntalne pota- 9-8074." year old, lot ISO' x 200.’ Youi«a- as follows; Monday, 1:30 p.m.. CLASSIFIED ADVT. SERVICE CENTER toea. Bryan BropT, 179 Tolland Business lAications BUSINESS p r o p e r t y On Release from Jail SPINET PIANO-Mahogany. full : town kitchon,, full baaement. Sen­ pre-natal; W edn ii^y, 19:30 DEPT. HOURS. 41 Turnpike. Phon^MI. 9-7037. For Rent 64 sibly priced at $18,300. A. R. 436 Center Street GENERAL Construction, altera- keyboard. Reconditioned, *298. a.m., tumor (by appointment 8:15 A. M. to 4:50 P. M. WilkU A Co. MI. 2-4882. ML For C offee (Oeatkwei (rata Flags O m ) Uons, remodeling, pl,isUc Ule, New pianos at *376. Two years to Comer Location A t Lebanon only), and Friday. 9 sjn., counter work, garage, etc. No Job a n id e a l locaUon for offices or 8-8888. ■ ' ■ ' ■ ^ . Hoydchold Goods SI pay, Bimbaum's, 361 Main Street, business in the center of Man­ 1«8 Ft. X 127 Ft. cheat (by apptflntment only). Trailers for Sale 6-A too Bir.all. Eugene Glrardln, 16 Located On One Of The (Os(B|Bs«sd Page Elena) he did not have the opportunity to G roup H e a n COPY CLOSING TIME New Britain, Conn. MO. 6-4618. chester. One to 14 rooms avail­ 00 (OoerttaMMd'fii^ Paga Om ) Trotter St. Ml. 9-5509. / 3 COMPLETE Bualdiit Streets In Town answer "falsehoods” made by "poli­ FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. TRAILER—Use. as horse or utility. able. Plenty of free parking. Phone Wsnted-i-Real Estate 77 ticians and the preas” about his Excellent condition. Sacrifice. ROOMS OF b r a n d N}BW MI. 9-5229 or MI. 8-7444. About 1800 Sq. Ft. yM euricto Nebuco, BrasUlen sec- MON. THRU FRI. AFRAID OF THAT remodeling Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 Store With S-Roons Apartment fetary general of the. conference, preceded the erection of the pres­ patent violation of the Korean ar- career. PaulBaseler Make offer. 115 Olcott St, job? I can do it using your ideas. y FURNITURE ARE YOU OON81DBRINO ent meeting house, he defended mist^a agreement” lO'.SO A. M. e v e r y t h in g BOY'S OVERCOAT, size 6. Covert SMALL HEATED store on -daple 8ELLINO YOVR PROPERTY?/ says the talks Ukely wiU wind up Hiss, appearing somewhat hag­ Expert workmanship. Time not Its continued location on the Town The United States charged that- gard but amiling with his oon> at 8A1TJRDAY 9 A. M. limited to daylight hours. Reason­ y : ONLY $488.28 cloth, zlpc-in living, 66 Branford street near Main. Apply Edward Write Owner We will apniwas your oc time Dec. 1. Several commlt- Green so vigorously that he was sentencing of U.S. military per­ Auto Repairing— PaIntinK 7 J. Holl, 1009 Main St. Ml. 8-5117. taa heads aaid, however, they ex­ hla side, aaid he hoped to tell- the Bailding Code Reyision able rates. MI. 9-2373 for esti- Beautiful WesUnghouse Electric St. or MI. 3-6833. Box P—c /o Herald free and wlfSout any ebuggnon. thrown Into Jail, though he was sonnel was "grossly contrary’’ to Refrigerator Wa also MDr property for esah. pect to continue et leob$ untU atory behind hla conviction and "to rOUK OOOPCKATION WILL r mates. ^ / even the chief Judge of the county all International standards respect­ dispel the doubts” about hla post- Committee to Study ' CAR BURN OIL? ^ Beautiful Bedroom Suite BLACK GENUINE Persian lamb SelUng mr buying eoataqt ing protection of prisoncr$*of war. BB AJrPKEClAXED coat, aise 18. Excellent condition. MANCHESTER—Main street at6M court. The htoher courts Iqter Uon. GENERAL Contracting, apeclaliz- Beautiful Living Room Suite STANLEY k U y , Realtor Umicd States also Of^Oaed con ftaed the GTOen as the meet- It said the ‘‘maltreathient” of the Codes of Conference Economy overhaul, most all ing in finishing upstairs zooms in Call ML 3-4660. for rent. Ml. 9-5144. AD 8-5130. Booses For Sale 72 yeaterday e scheme to fix a'mlbU- Hias shrugged‘ off all questions Beautiful Dinette Set / 20-2-6278/ inghouse site "forever," two clllrians was "equally repre- concerning the slaying of William Dial MI-3-5121 cars. Parts and labor $49j95. new homds, also roofing, siding, Beautiful "De Luxe" Range MANCHESTER—Store suitable for BRAE-BURN REALTY mum of one bUlion dollars yearly mlllams was nine terms Speak- henalble." alterations of any kind, plus build­ W. Remington In the prison earlier Paul E. Baseleir, exacuUve sec­ N6 money down: $4.90 month­ Instead of Westinghouse Electric HERRINGBONE Overcoat, aize 38. ■mall business or for orofessional' MODSaiN AND (dder type homaa. as a goal for Latln-Amerlcan eco-- er of the Leglalature and a mem- It accused uie Chinese Reds of ing ndw homes. Free .'stimates. MBnNOB WANTED - Btagla. nomio davelopment. Under the this week except to say "all the retary o f the BuiMlag Ofndala* ly. All work guaranteed. Refrigerator If You Prefer Slightly used. MI. 9-2034. offices. Call Rockville S-9042. H. B. Grady, Broker. Ml. 8-8009. ot thA ContijiAntAl Cocifrui. having "willfully and deceitfully” Inmates were horrified and revolt­ Rockville 5-3111. Rugs, Lamps, Tables, Linoleum two-tuitly. ttereo-tanlty, bust- propoeal, the American govern­ Puri&i^ the revolution he ^taa tec- withheld the cirilians’ names from Conferance o f America, aa oegan- SPACIOUS Professional office CUSTOM BUILr alx room homo, nea property Ran many cabb ed." Lost and Found MOTOR SALE NOW IS THE time to think about and a Few Other Articles ment would have contributed moat r e t ^ of the colony’s council of the lUt of American civilians pro­ Isatlon o f building code enforce­ Wanted— To Boy 58 suite, ground floor, Main Street ceramic tUe bath, lavatory., fire- buytri. Mdrtgagea arnmged of^the money. Remington, like Hiss, was con­ Ford, Chevrolet, etc...... 1124.95 finishing your unfini.shcd attic Mo n t h l y p a y m e n t s safety which held more than 1,100 vided at the Ume of the Asian victed of perjury in connection ment officials, qwka last night to FOUND—A place where you can location. Phone MI. 3-8900. , P «ce, oil hot water neat, 2rCar Plbobt cell O o f f0 L. Orariadlo. Andrew CXverby, aaalatant aecre- meetings In Lebanon and he per- peace talka at Geneva last June. secure a complete line of Knitting Pontiac, Otdsmobile,;etc ..1174.95 rooms, cellar, recreation room, $17.63 WANTED — Maple kitchen or Rseltor. JendMO e-68Tt. $09 with congtsasional queries about the town’s Building Cods Revlzlen No Money Down. $2.00 Weekly playroom, etc. . For reasonable Free storage until wanted. Free Sbnc*. high elevatlon,^>$ eteee tary of the Treasury, termed the mnally obtained a large ahare of yams and accessories, .tamped dinette chairs, In' good condition. FOUR ROOM Office suite, Sxcel- good land. Suburban, ^ t o n W. Banry btrbbt Oommunlsm. Remington's funeral Oomihittss on ths ssrvtoaz per­ New Motor Guarantee. rates, free estimates, expert work- delivery. Free set up by our own Reaaonable. Write Box D, Herald. project "impractical and Uluaion- the vast auppliet ConnecUcut fur­ formed by his orgaaizattan toe goods, embroidery soitrais and lent decor, complete facUiUet, Hutchins. ML 9-8182, 9-18$$. ary." nished for Washington's Army. will be held today at EUdgewood, tatting threads at Tour Tam manship, call Ml. 9-06!f0 after 5 reliable men. street and rear parking, moder* READY BUYERS waitii N. J., not for. from New York municipalities. COLE MOTORS p.m. NO PAYMENTS TO BANKS WANTEJD— Typewriter, in good For immediate action Mr. andTdn. Sherwood Robb of O bituary Shop, to Cottage 8t. Fhone M l. ate rental. MI. 9-1680 or Ml. BOLTON — First Lakp. K m e y Kt our 68 Adelaide Ttd., announce the en­ where Hiss lives. Hiss was silent Ths ccnfsrencs has tw» BMdsI 436 Center. Street OR FINANCE COMPANIES condition. Also used shotgun 13 or property wlOi the Albert J,. CJiatto building codes 'which it kespn np ______GENERAL CARPENTRY—Altera- 16 gauge. C. Augusto. MI. 3-5639. 3-8080. Drive—custom built, Oversiie 8H gagement of their ' dau^itfr, when asked if he would attend the ______MI-9-0980______; Phone Me Immediately ^.: WA ttn—. *«■ shoemaker, beauty shop. Reason­ ient conditloa, Rove, refrigerator. Women, New London imd la prea- off further questioning by newa- Auto Driving S c h o ^ 7-A A—L—B—E—R—T— S LARGE ATTRACnVE Room, BUYERS WATTING for single, Sheppard Trial Kor^n Parley Pine 8t„ died at her home this was that ths possibility of making Notice is hereby^given that Pass able. Inquire 1 Walnut St. MI. Large •trees, centnM ocatad. ently employed at the Travelers morning. Bom in klancheater men, rushed with hla wife and a<^ Book No. 88 FlTO'^^MRiad by The Roofing—Siding IS "One nica thing ahefut hold-up men— when they take your 43-45 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD suitable for one or two perabni. muIU-famUy dwellings. If In the to a sraiUng red convertible and use e f the codes o ffc i^ by the AUTU DRTVINO Instructson. 9-8070. Only 811,800. Carlton W. Hutchins. Insurance Co. July 14, 1884, she was a dauf ^ter conference and its other services Savings Bank of Manchester has Hot water, shower and private en­ market to sell, coU The ACS (OontlMMd (nos Pngs Om ) (CeattaMd fli^lq^P^fo Om ) drove away. leiaona on insured dual conti ^ moneyoney th ey ^ n 't call it a ‘purely nominal turn'!'' ANTIQUES bought, sold. Furni­ 20.2-8182,2-4894. Realty. 2Cf. 9-3S93. Her fiance, a graduate o f Man- of the late Christian and E m otlns should be studied further. been loot and i^iplicatldn has been RAY S ROOFING Co. Built up trance, Inquire 101 Chestnut St. cheater High School and of Dart­ It was assumed that Hias was car. Capable experienced instruc­ roofs, gutter wprk, riof, r-ainmey ture, glass, china, pewter, prints, (Eislng) Hauschuls and haq lived Part o f ths committse’s mast­ made to said bank for payment of tor. Cordner Auto Schf^l. Ml. Suburban For Rent 66 MANCHESTER, West Oide, lear state's blood trail teatlmony by mouth College, la now studying Menon played a leimlnr role In headlito for hU apartment In New bwairs. Free estimates. Ray, books, stamps, coins, jewelry, BEAUTIFULLY furnished spacious McKee Street hew exceUent Cape in 2(anchester all her life. York City. ing in the hearing room o f the the amount of deposit. 9-6010, JA. 7-3680. guns. Bailey's Antiques, 382 Dombrowakl. at the Thayer School of Engineer­ the U.N. negottaUona IMkJ ^ to Higenow. MI. 9-2214. »Iay Jack- Help Wanted—it^d— !Female 35 Articles For Sale 45 room with complete light house­ FIVE ROOM Ranch, Route 6, An­ Cod, basement garage, storm What Dombrowaki’e testimony She leaves one son, R ivard W. Az a convict on parole, Rlaz must Municipal Buildiiig 'waa davoted LOST—PA88 BOOK No. 88 2641. sonT'iiU. 3-8325. Main St. MI 3-5003. keeping facilities available Will dover, Just south of (Ikivontry line. ing. As .a member of the RQ7>C at the exchange of Korean W ^ pris­ McCormack; one granildaughter, to hearing Joshua Elder, manager DRIVING Instructions from your saah, hot water heat. Immediate AT A COURT or PROBATB holdm In the first-degree murder trial Dartmouth, he was commiZsioned report monthly to a federal offleer Notice is hereby given that Pass WITHOUT ANY experience you AMERICAN FLYER electric train, rent single or double. Children ac­ Call Moulson. PI. 2-8695. occupant. Howard R. Hastlnga M Cwentry. within and for Uie Dlilrlet oners and the eventual ceose-4i«. Pamela McCormack; thiM Zlstera, M ths Manchester Diristoh o f the boms. Dual-control inaurro car, R o t iK li^ Siding and carpentry. BARGAINS in new and used appli­ has Implied thus far is that the last June In the Ordnance Depart­ In New York for the next year and Book No. 88 2641, Issued by The standard or automatl-.:. Call Man- can eanymoney for your Christ­ over 300 pieces. Excellent condi­ cepted (limited). Central. Reason­ Agency. Jdl. 9-1107 any time. of OoTontry, on the 94«h day of Novem­ slayer of Marilyn Shepi>ard won­ During the Assembly's lengthy ef^ Mrs. Emma McIntosh,/Mrs. Marie a half on how he’s living, how he's Hartford Gaa Co„ who urged In­ Savings Bank of Manchester has Alterations and additions. Cell­ ances. Terms and trades. James able. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St. ROCKVILLE—Four room unfurn­ ber, A.D., 1954. ment of the U. S. Army and will ilay and Mra. M a rt^ Schieldge, corporation Into any buildhtg odds cbestet Driving Academy. PI. mas slipping by selling * Avon tion, Phone MI. 3-5069. A. Woods Appliances, 383 Center _Preaent, HON; THOMAS O. WEIXia. dered about in nearly all parts of forts to end the Korean conflict, working and who are hU friends. been lost and application has been ing*. Workmanship guaranteed. cosm M ct and toiletries In your ished apartment. Write Box O, NEA'T AS A PIN, flVe rooms and E«q., Judse. be on active duty with this service qf Manchester. Sm was a mem­ revision of the American Stand* 2-7249, ToU free. A. A. Dlon,\lnc., 299 Autumn St. MI. 9-1918, FTJRNISHED ROOM, nenr Main Herald. the lakefront home, dripping at Aberdeen Testing Ground, Aber­ Menon served as mediator be­ K After the parole period Waa will made to said bank for payment of vicliKty. Full or part time. Call MANCHESTER— Bargain Center, breakfast nook, all on one floor, On motion of Alice M. Zlmmermann. blood, and went' to places such as tween the Communists and the ber Of the Center (congregational be on hie own. arda of Gaa Piping and G aa/d& street. Mltch^lfss-4860. atreet. Gentleman preferred. ML storm windows, screens, garags, Admtntatratrix on .the Inteitate eiUte deen, Md., shortly atter the com­ pUances. the amount of deposit. AUTO DRIVINO instruction from MI. 9-2814. 721 Main St., is going -jut of busi­ WESTINGHOUSE 14" table model of Grorse- E. Zlmmermann, late of the basement and garage where a aiurcn>\ 9-2170. 9 Hazel St. large trees, quiet established pletion of his studleiL Westeni powers. It was India's However. Hias won’t be able to Elder and Herbert Johnson, en­ your home.'^Iiisured dual control ness. Store for rent, fixtures for T.V. with new picture tube, $60. (COVENTRY—Furnished tour room Coventry within laid dlilrlet, deceaeed. prowler or burglar would not like­ roMluUon which laid the basis for Private leral/aervlcea will be retire so toon from public g a z e - LOST—PASS BOOK No. 88 3036. FOR THE BEST- iik ^ n d ed built COUNTER GIRL, all around girl sale. Men's clothing, furnishings atreet. Only $12,600. Carlton W. Tbie Court doth . decree that olx A spring wedding la planned. held at the ;atkM Funeral Home, gineer for the firm, explained dif- car. Laraon Driviitg School, MI. up roofe, ehingle rdsfe. gutters, Barstow’s-Westinghouse T.V. Just NICE PLEASANT room. near bath and garage. C7all CH. 6-9567. ly go. the cease-flre formula Anally ac­ even If he has that Intention. Sev­ Notice is hereby given that Pass 9-6075. to work 4 p.m. - 11:15 p.m. Must and ahoea being sold at 50 or 60 Hutchlna. 20. 9-6132, 9-4664. monthj bo allowed and limited (or the Hie Rev. ord O. Simpson, flrolUes caused by the reetrlctioha Book No. 88 3039, issued by The conductors and roci rbpalrs <»sip north of Post Office. bath, continuous hot water.' IS creditor* of aald estate to exhibit their The defendant has said a cepted by the Aoaembly as Just eral congressional commltteea be fast and efficient. Apply in per­ centa on the dollar. Chrome claims osainst the same to the Admin­ minister of Ci ir Church will of the present code. Savinn Bank of Manchester has Coughlin, MttctaeU * 77OT> Russell St. MI. 3-5423. BOLTON—Furnished five room TOWERS SCHOOL Area. Large 6- strange, bushy haired man killed and reaaonable. nave announced recenUy they'd son, no phone calls. Please apply breakfast sets, mattresses. Holly­ istratrix and directs that fwMIe notice officiate at /th(e eervices Monday Inst night’a meeting was tha been lost and application has been ■ingle, oil heat, automatic hed room ranch, 8 twin size bedrooms, be EtVen of this order by adverttslns his wife and knocked him out Just South Korea's Premier and For­ like to question Hiss more about Garages— Service— Storage 10 Yankee Coffee end Donut Shop, wood beds, congoleum rugs and PHo NOGRAPH-RADIO combina­ PLEASANT HEATED sihgle' bed- water, recreation room with T.V. Chiang Planes afternoon ghd burlik will be in first held by the committas In sev­ made to said bank for payment of CALL MANCHESTER Rooflnk and 367 Main St., Manchester. fireplace, plastered -walls, oil hot in a newspaper barlnr a circulation In outside the murder bedroom and eign Minister, Y. T. Pyun, h u his government aaaodaUons, be- eral months. Siding Co., for all niofing and aid­ television chairs going for a frac-' tion. MI. 3-7608. room. In private home, Tor relia­ fireplace and bar. Adults only. said ' district, and by posttns a copy East Cemetery. There'>gtll be no the amount deposit. STORAGE SPACE available, suit­ water heat cellar, amesite drive, thereof on the public stsn post In said then on the beach back of the come here from Seoul to take part tore, during and after World War ing Jobs. No Job too small, FrS tion of regular price. Breakfast ble gentleman. <)ulet neighbor­ Call-JA. 4-1481 after 4:30 p.m. house. Injuries Sheppard said he calling hours. able for cars, lumber or furni­ set $69 value, $38; $115 ^et CYLINDER TYPE vacuum clean­ hood. MI. 3-8183. near bus. (inly $14,800. Carlton W, Town of Corenlry. nearest the place Hit Red Island in the debate on the possibility of ture. Call MI. 9-0482. estimates. MI. 9-8933. Help wanted— Male 36 Hutchlna. 20. 9-5138, 9.4894. where the deceiuM last dwelt. received will be the subject of oth­ Hlaa, before he quit a high post for $71; innerspring mattress er. Like new. Attachments. Sacri­ Certified from Record, free all-Korean, elections, and uni' Prokop g. Dealsky \ AuBOunccuients er ' testimony scheduled for Mon­ flcatlon of the divided peninsula. ^ t h e State Dept, under Secretary that was $39, now $19.95. Throw fice. *25. Tel. JA. 8-1583. FURNISHED ROOM '-jr couple Wanted To Rent 68 THOMAS Q. AVELLjai. Judge. (OoBtlneed from Page Om ) lEE FIRST Claes die makers. 2IANCHE18TER, Finley Ht.—5 room day. Dr. E. Richard Hexter, who ROK 8 e«i Unhappy Pn^op J. Denisky, 147 Sheldon Dean .^ e s o n , was a cloae con- WB CARRY Tioga yams at the Apply in person. Gunver Mfg. Co., rugs 30 X 54. 49c; chrome or two genUemen. Inquire 54 Cape Cod, two-car garage, com­ examined Dr. Sam on July 4, St., Hartford, father of George G. Court CaseS' Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 and Chimneys 16>A chairs' 19, $5.95 each. HollyWood TAPPAN GAS range; visualite High St. WANTED—Two bedroom furnished Pyun told reporters yesterday ffdont of PrealdenU Franklin D. same prices as the mill. Save 234 I^rtford Road. oven, sparkle like new. Moving bination windows, large land­ will take the stand Monday be­ Official reports said the plahea Denisky of 111) Congress St, died Rhoeevelt and Harry Trumoa aad time and ntoney by shopping at ROOFING—Specializing in repair­ bed, $69, $44. Bridge-tables, $4.95 apartment; vicinity of Washington Ua government was unhappy BICYCLES, new, used, bought and to all electric home. MI. 9-4928. FURNISHED ROOM •'or light School. Two children, ages 7 and scaped lot, 125 X 200, viUi plenty fore Dombrowakl completes his hit their targets and returned about the present 4-nation com­ at his home yeaterday morning. waZ\aecretary o f the 1945' San Your Yam Shop, SO Cottage St. sold. Repairing and rebuilding. ing roofa of gU kinds. Also new $54 FEIK WEEK, part time, 3 values; $2.69, Cotigo wall $1.75 of shade trees, outside fireplace A bou t Tow n testipiony, the prosecution said. safely to theh* biiee without meet­ Bom In Russia, he had lived In A Windsor man was ffnad $50 Tel. MI. 9-23SS, roofs Gutter pvork. Chlmnrye hours dally, a. m. or evenings yard, now 89c y^ard. Linoleum housekeeping. Adults. Apply 10 8. MI. 9-4886. mission superrialng the Korea Franctoto conference that found­ tor failure to secure an (mantora Free pick up and delivery within BOLT DOWN Bendix washer needs Depot Square, Apartment 4. and workshop. AA zone. 20. White-haired William J. Corri­ in g / any Red interceptor planes. armistice. Hartford for 36 yeara and had ed the UfUted Nations. two 'mile radius. Manchester cleaned, repaired, 26 years’ ex­ ana all day\ Saturdays. We will runners 90c ydrd, now 50c yard. *10 repairs—as is *15. All white 8-460S. The number of planes involved In worked for the Hartford Street Ucenss aad $10 tor faU^ to TEENAOER8, FOR that Chicago Manchester Auxiliary Police gan, chief defense counsel. Indi­ -Asserting the arrangement haa The convertible, owned by law­ Cycle Shop, 166 West Middle Turn­ perience. Free aatUnates. Call hire 6 men who want to earn ex Woolsheen vugs 9 x 12, original combination 4-4 gas and oil range, PLEASANT, furnished I'ocm cook­ cated yeaterday that he was near the raid wasn't disclosed. Dept before retiring seven years cJtMge hia addreaa on hla ngiatra- haircut see The Circle Barber tra income. Prafit sharing basis. price. $29:50, now $14.75. Tele- MANCHESTER GREEN, new M will hold their regular meeting failed, he said: "We should not re­ yer Lane, droye up to the peniten- tion thU morning in TVnm Cburt pike. MI. 9-2091 or 9-3502. Hovviey. Manchester Mitchell coal grates also *49. Green gas ing privllegei if deelred.' MI. the end of his 4-hour crofs exam­ In Talpeh, meanwhile, there ago. He was a member of St U y y at 8:46 a^m. (EST). The two Shop, IV Oak 8t. 3-536J. (Manchester arerk'Apply In- per vislon^chairs. *29.50 value, $16.95 9-3884. Notice ft. ranch, basement garage, near Monday night at 7:80 in the peat the failure. They (the Com after eaylng he had no Ume to get range, *15, Green gas and oil ination of Dombrowski, a veteran were new reports of (tommunist munista) want such a sufierviS' Andrew's Brotherhood and All attorneys. LaneXMd Benjamin, son. Personnel D li^ on , Martin- each,-' Hundreds of super buys to combination, *15. Barstow's—Just new school amesite drive, wooded auxiliary room at Police Head- a license, or to change tha ad­ . GOLD BOND, Blue Bell, EcUpse, Zoninif Board of Appeals lot. CJaU 20. 9-0498. of Id years In the Cleveland chem naval units in the Swatow area, ory set-up that would hold up the Saints Russian Orthodox Church. Jumped out as newtonen hurriedly BusineiM Services Offered 13 Parry Corp., 135 Albany Ave... clMm out the store—Come look north of Post Office. VERY PLEASANT fpmished, up­ quartern. Chief Herman Schendel Istry laboratory. / dress. Spring-Air mattress clearance. Hartford, Friday, 7:30^m . sharp ..and buy. Men's gabardine sport Maarhrater, f'onnertirut will apeak to the group reviewing Istry's Tatao News Agency said elections Instead of speeding them Besides his son, he leaves approached and h e lp ^ 2 lra Hlaa Howard's Sleep Center, 830 Main. Heating— Plumbing 17 stairs bedroom. Tile bath and the Reds have reinforced their daughter, Mrs. Nina Begansky of and aon, Tony, emerge.^\ Judge John 8. O. Rottnsr, In fix­ DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, or Saturday 1:30 p.m, ^ " and flannel shirts. *1.79 each. 2 MODERN GLENWOOD gas range. shower, continuous hot water, EXCEPTION8-VARIANCES MANCHESTER—Six room home, police activltlee and new phases up. while they infiltrate South Ml. V-6SS8. naval units in the Swato wares, Hartford; two brothers, Peter All four, i^oiing quest: ing saatence, said tha defsadeat copied, vaWum cleanera, Irons, LEINNOX FURNACEIS and warm for *3.50, Men's *8.95 gabardine ExceUent condition s’lth circulat­ heat, breakfast privileges. Ml. (Granted) two-car garage, aale price $9,650. of the work of auxiliaries. Korea. They want to take over m uld have Urns to pay a stUf fins guns, etc., repaired. Shears, air heating. Earl Van Caipp. hO. trouaers, *3.95 .pr. Men's Jackets, ing! heater. Will sell reasonable. 3*7116. 361 Summit Si., after 4 Zion Evange)ical Lutheran Bolton—New 6^ room ranch, fine, between Hong Kong and Quemoy, South Korea by legal means. Denisky of Hartford and John the clicking o f cameras, DAIRY QUEEN No. 3—307 Middle construcUon, full ceUar, large lot. Keiihs Observe towsrd the huge Iron gate. tkough, and flaad Alexaadrtao Ki- kntyea, mowers efc., put Into con- 9-5844. FOUR CARPENTERS yvitbcd, values to *20, closing out at *7.95 Owner leaving town. Can be con­ p.m. Church, southeast corner Cooper A daughter was bom at the with more than 10 gunboats and Pyun said that If the Ruaetans Denisky of Rye, N. Y., and two vera. 22. on ths charges, Hs had Turnpike West—Open year round. 12.75 per hour. CH. 7-5^T. Full price $13,400. Many more list­ five Russian-built motor torpedo grandchildren. Tony somehow fell behind Inside table service. Try a delici­ ~aiBdn for coming neada. Bralth- and *9.95 each. Men's Army and verted to bottled gas. Call for ap­ Street and Center Street. Hartford Hospital Wedneaday to are sincere In their appeals for hero arraated this monilag by Navy oxfords. *6.95 values. *4.95 pointment. AD. 2-1007. AT THE CENTER, pleasant large Zion Evangelical Lutheran ings In town and country from 6Qth A nniversaiy boats These latter, TaUo said, peaceful co-exlstence, they should Funeral aervicet will be held several newsmen started to ous egg nog milk shake. walte, 62 Pearl street $6,000 up. The Ellsworth Mitten Mr. and. Mn.< Edward E. Frasier, itrolman Waltsr F srg u so^ Millinery-^Dressmaking 19 r. Work hose? 6 prs. for *1. rooms, single or double. 14-16 Church, northeast comer We.st 65 Oliver Rd. are of the type that sank the Na­ let North Korea join zrith the Monday morning at 8:15 at the to the sturdy boy who w Situations ]Yanted— MOVING—Selling portable dlsh- Wadsworth St. Agency, Realtors. 20. 3-6930. ' — p / Richard Fraoch. THE I3JC8 WILL call rni you soon GONDISt'8 T.V, Senrica, available ' n'a work trousers *3.95 values, Street and Hartford Road. 2tr. and Mrs. William E. Keith, tionalist destroyer escort Taiping south. Talarakl Funeral Home, 380 Maple Tyrolean-type hat 2Cra. Hiss____ DRESSMAKER, alterationa on 5Htbt .79 2 fbr *5. waaher, Hot Point stove, twin off the Tachena Nov. 14. in the interests of the local High any time. Antenna convendona. John Ziemak, 378 Hartford MANCHESTER, Woodbridge fee- 20 Putnam St., will reach their “If they want to substantiate Ave., Hartford, followro by a rs' glanced back, turned around quick­ St. both $6, School Scholarship Fund. Tickets coats, suits, dresses, Uilrts, etc. beds, chest of drawers, living ROOM, TWIN Beds, suitable for Road. Pfc. Sheldon Cohen, 26, a former The agency «aid the craft were qulem high Mass in All Saints ly. yanked the boy by the arm ?hUco factory auperviaed service. tion, $14,900. Value plus. FamUy 60th wedding anniversary Monday, their talk of co-existence," P3run Juvenlls for their Aunt Jemima Pancake Tel. Ml. 9-1466. Call Ml. 9-6636. PAR’T rpifE bookkeeping or 18" PENNSYLVANIA power mow­ room set. bathinette. Many other one or two girls. Board optional. Charles Gipson, 172 South Main Herald employe, whose wife, transferred to the Swatow area, said, "they could easily do it by Russian Orthodox Oiurch at Mother and son then walked clerical Work. Checking accounts er. ExMlent condition *35. In­ items. MI. 9-4167. Centrally located. MI. 3-6745. Cape Cod, six spacious rooms, Marilyn, lives at 113 Burnham St, Nov. 29.' They were married on authorttlssXkfter having basn Festival, State Armory, Jan. 13. balancied. MI. 3-5240. Street. four first floor, two on second, one that date in 1894 by the late Rev. 120 miles southwest of the Nation­ letting the Korean nation achieve o'clock. Services will be held at straight ahead, sUsnUy and un charged wltnxtaldBg motor ve- Adults 75c . Children 80c. COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart quire 37 Autumn. MI. 9-9479. Elmer p. Johnson, 847 West Hartford, recenUy spent a seven alist outpost of Quemoy, from the unification in a democratic way." the funeral home Saturday and smiling, Into the prison. ALTERATIONS and hems, coats, LATE MODEL Roper de luxe gas finished tai knotty pine. Bath and day rest snd reemation leave from Julian S. Wadsworth, pastor of the R. Wolcott on wringer and auto Middle Turnpike. big South China island of. Hainan Sunday at 8 p. m. Burial wiU be They were there about $0 min­ •ion. Mora aerir--^ matic washing machines, electric dresses, etc. MI. 9-9022. LIONEL ELECTRIC train, 12 ft, range, four burner qnd heating NICE ROOM next to bath private Lavatory, fireplace, hot water his unit in Korea at Kobe, one of South' Methodist Church at that Do(r»—Birds— Pets 41 of tracks. five\cars, one signal home. Call Sunday, 17 Pearl St. Howard A. Gibson, 185 Main heat, oil, baaement, attached ga­ time, and who. during World War and from Whampoa on the Pearl in Sfion Hill (>metery. utes before the Hiss party at the time of Personals ranges, vacuum cleaners, motors, unit. Chrome pipe. Immaculate Street. Japan's largest metropolitan areas. River near Canton. emerged. light. MI. 9-981S> condition. Rockville 5-4197. rage, tcreena and storm windows, U. was pastor of a church In Friends may call at the funeral tvduced beeauae n A n t small appliances. Welding 18(J CANARIES. Guaranteed singers. SINGLE AND Double bedrooms. Albert J. Stevenson, 37 Strant The son of Mr. and 2(rs. Aaron U. S. Pushes China WANTED—Two riders to East Main Street. MI. 9-6678. Moving— ^Trucking enclosed landscai>ed lot. Walking Ctohen, 90 Seaman Circle, he is a Chateau-Thierry, France. hone today and tomorrow from 3 Friendly Qesdbys offense for both boys. Hartford and Connecticut Boule­ AU colors. Also females. III, DINNER SET, 30 pi^kes, *t0. beau- Business block. Heated. Parking Street. distance to school, bus and shop­ to 4 and from 6 to 10 p. m. It was a bright sunny day, with Storage 20 9-0426. member of I Corps Artillery's The bridesmaid at the wedding F ou driven chatgad with vard. Hours 6:30-8. Call after 6:30 RUBBISH and ashes removed. Gen­ tlful mahogany table>,*l5. Swivel KENMORE WASHER, used three available. Sea Mr. Keith, 165 N. Gustave Schaller, west side Mi- ping. F.H;A. and G.I. loana avaU- Chamber to Make For Release I of 13 the temperfture near freeaing. ing had their cases heard _ office and arm chair. each; Main St. Nall Street north of Wilbur Cross Headquarters' Ekittery. ''"6* Mrs. Lillian' Davidson Tllden, .Ml MI. 9-3819. s eral cleaning of attice, cellars and MANCHEISTER — Package Deliv­ THE NEW MANCHESTER Pat >10 times. Best offer. Call MI. 3-8966. able. By appointment. Fidelity and the beat man the late George M>sa Katbrya B. Shea There wSe a tpuch of frost every­ tvera fined or forfaited hcato. yards. CaU M and M Rubbish re­ ery. Local light trucking and Two ladiei". winter coats\aize 12. Highway. Realty Cto., CH. 6-7248, evenings * Keith. • Miss Kathryn E. Shea, 69 Ben where. m ra Thomas **or>(mgaHi 36. WANTEID—Ride from Parker and Center, 995 Main St., Invites you *5 each. Gents' overcoats^ 40-42 SACRIFICE 14 cu, ft. upright Oak Lodge Ihc., north aide Tol­ A country fair will be held at Parking Survey (OMtInued from Page Om ) moval. MI. 9-9757. package delivery. Re'rtgeratora. to i^ it peu of all kinds. Con­ Boarders Wanted 5 9 ^ JA. 8-6380. CH. 6-6082, Newington. William E. Keith has been a lay ton St,, \dled yesterday afternoon As Hiss walked through the y Futrick Woodbridge Street to Underwood washers and stave moving a size, *5 and *8. Man's sult.\.siz,e freezer. Like new. Some beef land Turnpike (west of Hocka- MO.. 6-3M8, Farmington OR. the Buckland School Tuesday eve­ at the St. Francis Hospital In gate, clutching his son's hand, he J. Shay OW Town. 2Ialna. flaad Research. Hours 8 to S. Call MI. MANCHESTER T.V. Service, radio necticut bred Parakeets. MI. 35-38. *6. Four twin size blanl^ts. etc. included. Responsible- party' ROOM AND board for gentleman. num River). 7-1411. ning at 7. o’clock, under the apon- ^ a c b e r ' of the South Methodist comments at the U. N. and in Lon­ .specialty. Ml. *-0782. 9-4273. Hours • Monday through Church for over 60 years, a record A survey of the Oiarter Oak HarUord after a long iUnesa. turned to wave to several prison C. Venora. 3$ B t o ^ 8-8315. and T.V. apeclallsts aince 1934. 34 Elm St.. East Hartford. may take over payments. Ml. Continuous hot water. Very cen­ Warren Hqwland, Vernon ■orahip of 'the PTA. There will be don denounced the treatment of Friday, 10 to 6:30, Saturday 9 to in the church and Methodist de- and Main Street parkng will be the Americana as. "outrageous.” A daughter of Mrs. Hannah employes who wsrs Issning out f l ^ . fined 327; and Aatheav r. House eervlce call $3.50. Ml. •USTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., 9-3937. tral. Phone MI. 9-0513. Street (186' north of Constance 45 NOR2IAN ST. Six room tingle, many booths, refreahmenta will be Gleason Shea and the late Jere­ OWNER DESIRES clearing of 6; Wedneaday closed at 2 p.m, 8. oil steam heat, amealte drive and nominaUon. He is the oldest mem- undertaken by the traffic commit­ The ChineZe Reds announced windows of a nsarby administra­ PkTOw, Wilbraham, 2Caaa, who 9-6660 or Ml. 3-4607. local and long distance nioving, Drive). sold and an auction, with Ruth miah J. Shea o f Manchester, the tion building watching ths dra­ forfeited a 3U bond. building lot in return for about 18 packing, storage. Call Ml. $-5187. A H. Green stamps. Boats and Acccasoriea 46 FURNISHED ROOM auitabla for garage. Nice lot. Shown by ap­ Howes as auctioneer, will be held. Church In length of tee of the Manchester Chamber of Tuesday that the 13, captured dur oak trees. MI. 9-5346. Matthew Moriarty, east of 301- (JonMMrce Monday afternoon. was employed by the Travelers In­ matic scene. ALL APPLIANCES serviced, clean­ Hartfor»< CHapel 7-142$ ^Machinery and Topb 52 lady .or young couple. Centrally 315 Center Street. pointment. 2U. 3-8759. Donations for the fair should be *• •"Joying good Ing the Korean War, had been ing and repairs on range bumera, FREE DELIVERY service to your located. Kitchen privllogea. m . Nrs. Keith la only fairly Matthew Moriarty, president of the given sentences ranging from four surance (30. In Hartford and New Then, walking briskly. Hiss n ItS S wceived awi- home. Nationally, advertised dog MY OWN 195JI 7>i h.p. Aquasonie NEwS?ELTA Wood turning lathe. Dillon Sales A Service Inc., 813 left at the achool Monday evening York City for 18 years aa a dental protW ^dgm rats in Ught o f tha heaters, refrigerators, all types, •PIANO MOVING — Refrigeratora, Evinrude, used less than 15 hours. 9-3409. TOUR HOME custom built to your or Tuesday afternoon. **"*•■»* celebration is Chamber, announced that a repre- years to life on spy charges. Hie moved forward—his wife bolding Automobiles for Sale 4 foods, ate. Vitality, Ccro-Meto, C o m p l^ with motor and stand. Main Street. ■entotive of WUbur S. Smith and hygienist. UnUl her recent Illness tort Uut two than are about to washtiw machines, Metro Serrice^ also light trucking, any, timq. New motor guarantee. $180, Bar- plana. Pick your lot over an acre, 13 already had been held for about Tony's arm on ths other aids! Hlll’a, Goff's, Kasco, Gaines, 11" swiite, 36" centers. Call MI. East Center Street Corp., north­ large shade trees, nigh elevation, AaaOclatea, traffic enjrineara from she was employed as a dental hy- The reporters and photograph­ 1946 PQRD tudor. In good copdi- Call MI. 9-0883. Quick, reliable, efficient service'. atow’s—Just north of Post Office. Apartmento— Flat! l^ e approaching anniversary two years. "*• “ Ml OM la al- MI. 9-9329, 9-8074. Quaker City, Dash, Three LltUe 3-8648 a ft^ 6 p.m. erly side East Center Street, 30' near bus, excellent location. Com­ ^■Three experts. will dlscuas the New Haven, will be present. The fieniat by the Manchester Board ers -were—more or less—corraled wzdy a serviceman. TTiey were tion. 1911 Chevrolet!t udon Easiest Kittens, Puss in BpoU. Wild bird Tenementa 63 from intersection of Lenox Street question of how taxpayers are Thanks Thq two civiltans. Hsted by the of Education. WIRING * installation of all 1964 EVINRUDE 15 h.p. Like new plete down payment xiiv $1,000. I riving dinner Thursday at the WlHvir S. Smith Cto. hao worked Pentagon as U. S. Army employes, behind a rope' barrier about 50 terms in town. Douglas Motors, typaa. No job too aoMUI. Petef -J^RNIfURE MOVING W a room, seed and suet cakes. Canine SHOP SMITH^-s multiple purpose running easterly 326', more or Carlton W. Hutchins. MI. 9-8182/ meeting the rising cost of public cloeely with Theodore Matson of Beaidea her mother, she leaves 19, aqd Ronald J. Durtar. $8SMain. with 6 gal. tanks and forward, home power npl, sllghtlv*^us6d. MAIN STREET less. lome of their son-tn-law and were on a Civilian Air Transport yards from the main prison an- Pantaluk, 40 Foetar Street. Phone up. Pianos $7 up; Frigidnires $5 Oiefi^, Inc. Phone PI. 2-6148. neutral and reverse—*239. Bar- *9-4894. ' education at the Ann Street YWCA the Yale Bureau of traffic on many a sister. Mrs. Henry Gnteiener of trance. 18, all of Bast Hartfotd. In mak- up. CH. 7-5517. *150 firm. Phone^II. 3-6275 or Ml. East Center Street Corp., In Hartford on Dec. 2 at 10:30 a.m, Mf- Mrs. Robert C. 'UuM under lease to the Air Force this town; two brothers, F rank 1981 FORD Custom eights, tn-o and MItcheU 9-7303. •toWs—Just north of Post Office. Opposite Hli6rtr,&hool pioon of Oak Grove Street. They parking and traffc pi^Iema whlM the United States contends Thirty feet from the gate Hiss ^ tfle Judgment in tbs cases. 3-4161. property northeast corner Ea.sl 0I2CPUFIED Living in (Ins lo^a- In an open meeting aponsored tliroughout the state. Shea of Providence, R.I.. a ^ John four doors both Completely equip­ CROSS BREED Collie pups $10, Heated, well furnished Another dAuchter \riM was attacked over International turned at the shout of a guard, re­ Kottner aaid ha couldnrt 7',4H.P. 1953 EVINRUDE with neu- Center Street and Lenox Streets, tion. Four rooms and bath ou/flrat the Service Bureau for Womeh'a An appropriaUon of $3;000 has R. Shea of Granby; and twohlecea ped. Excellent condition inside and Call Rockville 6-9483. apaHment. One large room floor; spacious second floor; Full ®'*‘*y* Keith, who Uvea at home; wkters. The 11 airmen were on a leased his son's hand and walked out. Guaranteed. Priced below the H A I RADIO-TV SERVICE. Tel. Painting— Papering 21 tral shift; Sold this spring *100. Musical Inatr 117' north Ea.st Center Street, 1' Organisation. These include; Victor been made by the town for a park­ and two nephews. back 30 paoee to ahake the guard’s M could, and dM. jvarn them to Ml. 9-6665. Gary lamonaco. Barstow'a^Phone MI. 9-7234. erits and kitchenette. . Must buy westerly of east property line. basement with hot w ate^ heat Macdonald, president of the Con­ and two grandchildren. Mrs. Jamei L29 wihiCh the United SJates says Funeral services will be held market. Only $295 down. Bank fi­ ing lot on Charter Oak Street. The was shot down about 15 mileZ hand In a gesture ot a friendly fly out of trouMl btte, or tha PAINTING—E.xterior and interior, SPINET PIANO, du« to \nu#ual furniture. Reasonable rent. East Center Street Cbrp., east­ /(oU ). Oarage. Landscape lot, necticut Aaah. of Boards of Edu­ S’ Vernon St., and traffic committee la seeking ad­ Monday morning at 8:30 at the conssqusncsa might be more swl- nancing, Also several rr.^ clean MELODY RADIO—TV - Phono's. Live Stock— Vehicles 42 Bobert K. Olson of Harttofd.* ■duth Of the Yalu River In .Jan­ goodbjre. Ford and Chevrolet pre-w a^ No paperhanging, ceilings refinlshed. circumstances 1 must sellNny. 7 erly side Lenox Street 200’, more $12,8(X>. 2Cadallne Smitti^ Realtor. cation. John Briscoe, chairman of vice as to whether this la the 1 est T. P. Holloran Funeral Home, 175 ous In tbs future. ^ Night calls\ Guaranteed service. MI-9-2034 20. 9-1643 or 9-1146. / uary, 1953. Then he returned to hla wife money down. See. Bob Oliver . at Wallpaper books on request. Esti­ WE BUY COWS, calves and baaf Dianonds— Watchcc month old piano for *275 or less. the THnance (Committee of the possible UM for this money and OenUr St., and at 9 o'clock In St. ChargM NeBsi Ml. 9-2280. mates given. Fully in.iured. Call East Center-Lenox Corn., west­ Oaims Oonfessioas James’ Church. Burial uiU be in and son and walked straight to­ 461 Main St. ~ ' cattle. Also horses. Plela Braa. Jewelry ; \ 48 Write Box F, Herald. $08 HOLLUTOR STREET. Imma- Governor's Conference on Educa­ thus aid the general manager In Peiping Radio yesterday broad­ ward the press corps, the two at­ Two of three Windsor youths ANTIQUES R elish ed . Repairing Edward R. Price. Ml. 9-1003 Tel. Ml. 3-7406. erly side Lenox Street 120', more tion aad Dr. Clarence Weber, pro­ American Guilty the wise expenditure of town St. James' Ometery. •Iso chargsd with breach o f tha 1949. 1960, CHEVROLETS, two MUSIC Instrumental rental. Com­ or less. culate, four yearn />ld Cape Cod. cast what it termed extract! from torneys a few steps behind. done on any fur^ture. Tleman, LEONARD W. TOST. Jawaler. re­ Six rooms, tile bath, fireplace, full fessor o f education at the Vnl- funde. Friends may call at the funeral B- Haniagton. 19 , door, four door, radios,.heaters, Pa in t in g and Paperhanging plete line of instruments. Rental Cole Motors. 436 Center Street. their trial record, eaylng the "U. home tonight from 7 to 10 o'clock As Hiss approached newsmen 189 South Main' 8L Phone Ml. pairs, adjusts watches expertly. SEFTIC TANKS basement, hatchway, storm win­ veroity o f Connecticut. Anyone In­ S. spies admitted having received ■JMl John Meta, 19, had their excellent condition -hroughout. quality work, reasonable prices I COW GOOD 3-year Guernsey. TB applied to purchase, price. Repre­ Dr. Thomas Healy A Dr. Rob­ In Theft of Gold and tomorrow from 2 to 5 and surged forward tearing aside the charged noUed. Tha third T fu sn .3-S64S.\ and prompt • service.. Free esti­ lUasonable prices. Open daity. AND dows, screens, dormers, nicely terested Is Invited to attend. specialist training In espionage Douglas Motors, 333 Main. blood tested. $I35„ MI. 9-0575. Thursday evenings 129 Sprure senting Olds, Sermer, Bach. Ped- ert Butterfield, 257 East Center from 7 to 10 p. m. flimsy rope that temporarily mates. Fully insured. Call Bert decorated. Liberal financing. )^< WomAU Arrested and guerilla warfare.” It said the barred them. Immediately Hias 17, eraaftSd FURNITURE RepalrX Service BtTMt Mitchell 9r«387. ler and Bundy. Metter'a Music Street. (OMt **’’••* • $0 (lay rirntnrtait 198.1 CHEVROLET I 'i ton truck, Plank*. Ml. 9-6965. Studio, 177 McKee. Ml. 8-7500. B8ED SEWERS cluaive, Schnler Agency, AD. Ralph L. Wetherell. Jr„ son of (To m Pagu OiM) two civilians confessed they were wa.1 surrouirded. Complete rbp^ring, .-etlnishing, H. P. Hood A Sons. 52 McKee 2-2686. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L Wetherell. JiUI sentence. ^ very good condlUoh, Tel. MI. Poultry and Supplies Street. trained-.as agents by the U. S. At first he hesitated to speak, 9-1406. restoring on u l types of furniture. PAINTING AND Paperh.inglng, 35 280 lem lng St., left this morning P «Is to ^ c o . finally won a par- On Driving Count ,, Five cases on chargaa of vlola- Zigmund Gozdz, prop. Fortnerly" Effective daje, November 29, Central Intelligence Agency. then made his brief statement re­ years' experience. Fully nsured.. BROAD BREIASTED dronze tur­ Fuel and Feed 49-A M m m CLENNED from Bradley Field for <3ilcago don tor him. Dahl has since been A demand for "drastic stepe” to Funerals ol-™loo of the KMul of Watkins Bros. Td. Ml. S-7449. 1954. iterating his innocence. ' * hearA They were Um m o f 2iax R. BEFORE TOU Buy a used car Satisfaction guaranteed. Raymond keys. Fresh frozen toms. 10 to 25 LotsS(or Sale 72 to attriid the 4-H Congress. A dlvm ed and remarried. He ie said As the result of an automobile free the 18 came from re.A>om P. ■ee Oormaa Motor Sales. Bulck Trudeau, 71 Jarvis Rd. MI. 9-1614 SEASONED Hsi'diA'ood for Ktovc,! Septic T a a k jC o ty Walla. Uawor Notice filed in office of the .graduate of Manchester High Thq entire interview—If It could Schaller. 39, South Ooventrv' • raA vs pounds, Schaub'a Turkey Farm, »n«l three children accident at Main and' Bissell OoUins, American Legion n.*t onal be termed that—lasted leas than Salca and Service. 286 Maw Its Hlllstown Road. fumact or fireplace. Call Ml! M m baU U ed\ Cellar Walar^ Town CTerk, November 26. 1954, SEVERAL CHOICE DuUding tots, School In June, he Is a freshman Wring in CKaada. He ie a native of commander, who t<^ a newt con­ John O. BJorfcman Blot 811veratoin.^ofSlFSS: 3-70S3. I For Sale ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Sidney, III. Streets yesterday afternoon, Jane two minutes. atreet MItcheU 9-4871. Open eve­ TV and RADIO SERVICE . I Froaflag high elevation, all ImprovemoLth, at the University of Connecticut Adams, 27, Stattord Springs, was ference in Denver last night that Funeral services for John G. m* canton nings. / Private Instructions 28 100 WHITE Leghorn -bi'oileri 2t4 William H. Stuek, Chairman "A " and "AA’‘ sone. 4. A. Beach- r ' and won the trip for his achieve­ In accordance with Swiaa crimi­ ^orkm an who died at hU home. Hlaa was a lawyer before bki St.. aU fliMd 318; alsA WUUam M. SEASONED .HARDWOOD slabs I arrested and charged with operat­ “notei of nrotest and negotiations conviction. The perjury eentence BILL TRAYGIS lbs. average live weight. 50c each, McKINNIY MOS. Charles 8. Towle, Secretary far. Agent. Phone 2D. ment In 4-H work. . nal law. only a majority of the have proven worthless.” 29 Ridge' St.. Thursday, will be FwMdencK R. L. 1980 MERCURY a^Sn, lustrous CARUSO ACCORDION ; chool — MI, 9-296!. and hardwood, for stove, fireplace TAXI ing a motor vehicle while urider held this afternoon at 3 o'clock automatically resulted hi his dis­ W8; and Theodore L. Stein. s b w e k a o W d is p c m a l CO. Jury was needed to convict. Ger- Collins said the men probably blue finish, n e e w new tires, Special offer. accordioMa loaned and furnace. Delivered *16 a cord. CHOICH BUILDINO loU tor sale the influence of intoxicating liquor at the 'Watkins Funeral Home. barment, and as a convict he Oflrago, m., who forfeited a $26 Prompt. Courteous Ser\*fce l*9-1ttFeiS8t„TW.] ' The Manchester Registered min Pochon, president of the or drugs, police aakl this morning. would be refeased If BrtUln threat­ radio, heater and gas •e.ving over­ free during, 3 month trial period. 2 cords *30. HA. 3-1457 after 6. BUSINESS Read Herald Advs. in Manchester. A and AA sone. T. court announced the verdict, then The Rev. Carl E. Olson of tioeent have the right to vote. bond. Inquire about special student re­ RED CEDAR clothes poles In­ p-m. J. Oockett, Broker.-20. 8-506. Nurses Assn, will omit its Decem­ Patrolman Gordon Neddow, who ened Red China with an ecoaomie drive. Former local owner. "Has' MI-9-555,0 or 9-7609 ber meeting and, instead, will hold retired with members o f the Jurv boycott, and lie also suggested a Emanuel. Lutheran (3hurch, of Edward MeOutby. 2S, Bast had exceUent care. Low 'down duction plan on accordion pur­ stalled. Call MI. 9-9757. Residence 20. 2-Ttol. to consider a sentence. investigated, said a car driven by which he was a member, will of­ chases. Phone Alusic ohop Main Prie^ for quick idq duo a combined annual meeting and AIpbono. MaUloux, 33. 77 Union U.S. military blockade of ' the owMlIaF Myment and bank unancing. See FURNITURE Reflnlshlng. antique Cairistmaa party Wednesday. Dec. The prosecutor had asked for two Chinese mainland. "I don't much ficiate. Charles Wakeley, organist coyonamOlty as the result of an Bob Oliver on Uila one -at Center atreei. MI, 9-2038 KUYAL AND Bmich-Corona port­ Garden— Farm— Dairy fo' prossuro of othor St^ Rockville, was stopped facing Charge Dismissed accident on Nov. 29, held tha charge furniture a specialty, chairs caned able and standard typswritara. 6, at the Mohehester Country jrears in prison and a stipulation care what the consequences would of the church, will preside at the Motors Sales, 461 Main and rushed. Anson F. Thorp. Products so '‘Since 1M7 By Reid SabarbaB For Sale 71 north on Mam Street waiting for organ. n ^ ed when Prusecutor W. V n t A All makes of adding machinea businou. Chib. The social hour, 6:30 to that D ^ l could not return to the light to change when his car be." be aalA Phone Mltcheli 9-8738. It’s B e e »i l^tzerland for 10 years after that M sre n will be Ehrort Llndgren. By Judge Rottner KZlth Said not enough damiwe w m $952 WILLYS STATION wagon six Bonds—Storks aold or rented. Repairs on all Of Counic** BOUTON VALUES 7:30, will lib followed by a steak was atnick in the rear by the one The mother of one of th* air­ makes. Marlow's dinner, reservations for which The defense pleaded for a suspend­ men, Mra. H. L Stiter, sold at Bails Hlggind. EUmer Carlson, Al­ done, to satisfy tha rtnulrimcata cylinder with gas saving oyer- WmiNG rNSTALUVnON and > re- Mortgages CHICKEN MANURE for your lawn $9,500—Four room nonexpandabla driven by Jane Adams. of Um statute. ^ " 31 CALL MI-M21S ANTIQUES^ RIINITURE . \ SOME MODERN , on slab (no basement) may be made by contacting the ed sentence ter one year. Th* Jury Vista, Calif., yestsrday that Prsti- bert, I'aul- and Carl Anderson. garden. Tel. Ml. 3-6971. announced It found no mltigatinr The officer reported that Mail- Ths inability of a minor whef Vincent J. Perry. 24, $9KCMtar tiros. Removable seats. Nearly and fixtures. Clarence O. Smith, RUG BRAIDING made easy In­ $500 down for OI. preriilent. Mrs. Jdichael WUk. 71 loux's car was moved forward by dent Eisenhov’er't Itianlcaglvinc FIRST AND secuno mortgages struction booklet. 25 cents. Rug FIm Chiaa. Gloss, Uaoas, $omo SRvtr, Rric-o^oe circumstances. claimed he bought beer at' the St., was fined $12 for opsrattag a new inside and out. Priced for 21 Knox St. Phone Ml. 8-6423. bought for our own'account. Faat, Maaiy Worthy Oaeringn—latcreating Small Items — 113,300— Five room ranch with at­ Hawthorne St., by Dec. 1. Mrs. the force of the impact. Day maoaage of concern was "no wool and remnants priced right 2farJorie Anschutz la chairtnan Judge Poehon said after the more than a form letter” and Olcott Package Store on Center ototor vrtucle with dMOeSva quick aale, only $295 down at Cen- confidenUal service. Manchester Fine Chrietmne.-Oirte tached garage, nice loca­ trial Dahl could be released (or Scheduled for court this mom- Hospital Notes brakes. ter ICotor Sales, 461 Main St. COMPLETE Hand and power lawn Rockville 5-5706. Gen’s Rug Shop. tion. No basement. Good and Mrs. Marjorie Caprillozi is the ease , was conUnued until about a year too late.” Eisenhower Street to identify Ekiward J., Investment Corp., 244 Main atreet 55 Talcott Ave., Rockville. Conn, good behavior after serving is Charged with operatiag erith ds- mower sales and service. Motors Ml. 3-541$. SALE AT LEGION HALU-MANCHESTER. CONN. financing. co-chairman. Others on the com­ months of his sentence. Doc. 18, and Jane Adams haa had telegraphed the relatlvca of Noren. the clerk, as the nuin who 1961 FORD Victoria two-tone blue- tuned ar overhauled. Pickup and mittee are Mrs. Priscilla Brown, the 13 with a renewed pledge that PaUeaU Togayi ...... ig l •^“W Sr^aM ter M TARGET RIFLE, 22 caliber, excel­ (On Leonnrd Street, nS Mnln Street, oppoeite Stnte Armory) $17,000—Two bedroom Colonial 'That doesn't seem a very harsh posted a $300 bond. No injuries sold the beer to him resulted In Himt. Jr., 17, Ellington, waa flned gray reaUy clean, radio, heater, delivery service. Gibson’s Garage. with attached two car 2Irs. Rita Croed aad Mrs. Marlon were reported in the collision. every "feasible” effort would be ADMITTED IfBSTBaiDAT; Ste- dismissal of the charge of selling mcellent Uree. Douglas Motors, lent condition, pracUcally new, penrity (or a box of gold," the #10. Ml. $-801^ TUESDAY, NOV. 30. AT 10:00 A.M. garage. Approximately Norman. made to free the prisonere.' >hen Sadlon, 74 Woodland St.; liquor to minors In Town Court $3$ Main. MORTGAGE MONEY *35. Call after 6 p.m. MI. 8-4531. MEYER MENDELSOHN INSPECTION AFTER t A.M. Jutee added. two scree. Ideal setting. Two unintentional alipa by Dahl’s Mra. Stiter. the nr.other of Air lalph Taft. 144 Main St.; Mtz. this moroln);. WORK WANTED -We specialize in From Fine Hemee- 2 Shop Lete .WelaAce ef 2 EsUtee— Force Capt. Ek'ier F. Llewellyn KaroUne Novak, 35 Haynes S t; 1947 C31EVROLET Fleetline sedan, all types of septic tank and zewer STOP THOSE drafty doors with INCORPORATED Other Soorcee. Lot on School St., high The Llthuaniaq Clothing Relief' young defense attorney, Roger While Ju<^e John S. O. Rottnsr Interlocking metal weather strip­ * elevation. Fund drive will get undpnvay Mon­ who got a five year aentence, ex­ Henry Gunther, 78 Florence’ S t; dlamlissd -the charge against radio, heater, motor completely line work, landscaping, done ma- Payments Scaled to Income A From “Hniry’s End” (recently aeM) Hoa^ of MIm Beeele O. C a n n e s, appeared to teU on the overhauled, all new parts rings ping. Phone Ml. 3-5470. day night and will conthiue untli five Geneva housewives who served pressed admiration for Senate Re­ George Heaaman. 73 Talcott Ave., Noren, 58, of 26 Roosevelt St., he aoh work, . sidewalks, concrete lUCKLAND. CONN. Stm ngnntt in Se. Hndley, .Mnae-, N pe. Theodore Havilead Din­ T. J. CROCKETT. Broker publican leader Knowlahd of Cali­ Persona] NoRra etc. Douglas Motors. Phone: Office 20-3-5410 D ^ 3. All {lersona wishing to do­ on the Jury. Referring, in his flnal Rockville; Martha Carter, 273 fined Pete: Gray.. 18, of 23 Sea­ floors and patios. Call Angelo HOMART AUTOMATIC gas water ner Set, Wheeling Peach Blew Creamer (Imperfeettoa), Sktia fornia. Knowland has been criticsl Boulder R d ; 2(ias Maureen Wad­ Glola.. 80 Norman Street (MI, . CONNECTICUT GInae Creamer, nanauni Jnpnaeae JTen Set, Canton Plate*, flae — Reeldencc 20-9-7751 nate clothing of iany kind may roeech, to Dahl's attain with .wom­ man (3lrcle, the minor who ad­ heater, *25. Lady's black caracul an, Canonica aaid: of admlnisfraUoh policy toward dell, 57 (3ooper Hill St.; Adolph mitted buying the beer, $35. 9-09341 for complete satisfaction. coat. Size 42, *10. Canning Jara. —Stenwrarr. etc. Llnene VenetUui. Chinese, Swedish Table deliver it to the Lithuanian Club Harrifl-Bourque Cori e t H oaks 1941-40 OLDER Chevrolets, Forda MORTGAGE EXCHANGE Announces The Opening Of BOLTON, Cook-Drive—Nearly new on Oolway Street or may contact “ Dahl.has confldtnce In #omen 2Baa 2Cellta Bourque, daughter communist eoun jies. SarUonls. 157 S t John St.; Henry The case sgainst Fred W. Wood- Other good transportation. Good MI. 9-1854. * ■' Cloths and Napkins and ethers. Late Victorian Walnut Parlor In Portland. Ore.. 18ryear-old Rockwell. 317 S. Main St.; Mrs. ELECTRIFYING and refiniahing (our room ranch,- oil burner, Mra. Carl Karpuska, 92 WoofOand vl»y he agreed to be of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Be|^ of hornae. permittee of the store was |J!L* S i s i * •H"*' aU ef ew _ ■ credit enables ua to accept $S 27 Lewis S t (Sat. until Noon) Fkmiture, Lovo Sent, 8 CImIra. Marhle Top Stand. Walnut Drop breexeway two-car .ittached n - S t • James Schmidt said Peiping’s r«n . Barbara HauachUd, 94 Milford Rd.; kerosene lamps, also make out­ <^ME m —Browse around The Len^ Ext, Thble. Cnlvemnl Elec, Kitchen Range (• year*, like J ^ e d by five women at this lArrabee Street, East Ha^ord, noUed on recM.wi.endatlbn o f ft o - down. Douglas Motors, $3$ Main door lawn lamps. MI. 9-2498. Their Tobocco Warehouse . rage, nice lot, close to school. Will trlaL” and ^ b e it F. Harris, son of Mr. ing of his brother, AlnnM 3.C. William Savard. 443 Lydall S t; sstutor W. David Keith who said a 0S*h.** m. CH-6-8S97 Woodshed, U Main St., Manchao- new). Otker itema. . quallto for veteran. Only $13J00. Donald R. Eno. 34, 818 Spruce The jurywomen took dioapprov- and M is , r . Fred Harris of Tal- Dnniel C. Schmidt, made Mtr. even Gary 2Unor, 94 High St. new state court decision held the ter. Conn. Goiod used fumituro A From 2 Skepet—Rale nee ef China, etc„ from our Oct. 28 mors soger to push a:iesr' with 1946 CHEVROLET de luxe two- Call Goodchlld Realty (3o., Raal- S t, was arrested and chargsd to being apparenUy number­ cottvUls, wer« married last evening BIRTHS YESTERDAY: a permittee not re^wnsMe for ante Household Semees « . « •«»«• For The Coming Season far Mrs. Rena Appel *t Clntaa, Conn. latereetlng glaaaware. tors. 20. S-7B$S or 9-846$. his plans to enlist in thq A ir Fores. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Harold ;*»«»«rMsa»ortal HospItZI i* , mwrs, four doors, radioe, heaters, Frank Rurke Mel Redman Open 'UJ 7 p.m. etc. From a fine Mld-Now Eaglaad Shop. with assault and breach of tUa ed among Dahl's woman Msnda. In Bast Hartford with reception to a minor if he ia not in the store ______. Offered IS-A peace this morning by Patrolman Shortly, afterward, Canonica re­ following at the.home of the bride's Airman Sdimldt got s'four ;*s4ur J. Hooper. 71 Broad S t; a sen to at thq time of tha sale. very clean. Low down payment, A Firem n FARMINGTON, CONN.. HOME, and aha AODI. ROOCVILLE - Cape Cod, four aentsnes. - eaSr trade any make, model. Douglas *l HOLDS ANY shaver 'til Christ- ^ On Nov. 29 Samuel Maltempa He haa post- called Dahl's explanataion. of evi­ paranta. Mr. and 2lrs. I'eter Roman. 603 Gray. 'TOpresented by Atty. WEAVING et bums, moth holes .mae. Remember we carry and TIONAL REMS It m the LARGE NOKWICH ESTATE and rooms flniahed, two unfinished. The bride was honored with a Ths American note told Peiping, Hartford Rd. Motore, 38$ Main St. PROBONENT MANCHESTER ESTATE, plus oSeriag* from a ad a $300 bond for court appear­ dence that he rummaged on the FlUllp Bayer, pkadsd guUty. He and. tom clothing,! hoisery runs, Help Wanted— Female 35 service all electric shavers Rus­ Full riled dormer, (Irepl.tce, ear miaceUanaous shower Nov. 19 at iia demanding the release of the men d is c h a r g e d YESTERDAY: WINDSOR LOCKS, (CONN.. ESTATE*and othc4 aourcea Much ance on Dec. 4. •Sw of the freight compartment bought the beer as a favor to twe 19M .BUICK Club coupe. Good run. handbags repair^, sipper re­ sell's Barber Shop, comer Oak port, full basenaent, clD aewan. ^ hoihs of 2Crs. Richard L. Har- “torthwlth”, that the prison aan- Harrison baby girl. 35 Dr. G; Mlaa other minora on Nov. 19. Inter Q.IRL FOR general launiiry work. ' China. Ghus and Bric-4i.hme, Plclnre Slaa PAwa Flgnrci S ^ - afany extras. Immediate occu^ (hiring the fUidit. 1b Menoriam alng coaditioB. AU leather up- placement. umbrellas repaired, and Spruce. Tobacco Sorters, Sizers ond na, 94 Green Rd.. - which was tqncss were baaed "on political 2Uud Stanwood. 46 Elm HHl Rd., that aii.'ht-the other minocs wace Apply New System Laundry, 44 aiag Wheel. Empire Cheat. Plated Slh-er IUm ' Boekeasee aad paaey. Rockville t-eiM. RockvUle SEEK FAKM PLAN KEPEAL "I was roUihg up two bottles of boUUry, $78. Phone Ml. KOm. ■men's ohirt coUara reversed and larjgsly attended by relatives and c a r g o s which are q^thout foun­ ^ cottrU le;. Mrs .Gonlon Hatch arrested aad aubsaquantto con­ Harrison St. . j PLASTIC Wall Ule 4c each. Do It ka (aenae far dog faaciera). and many oRerlngaa e f aaerlt. M$7S. cognac n my raincoiD,” Dahl had' rtplaced. Marlow's Uttle Mend­ Washlagtea, Nev.^ 27 VH— told the court. friands In this area. ' dation.” imd daughter, RFD 3. Coventry; victed c f breach e f ths paaee. ing Sbop. yourself and save up to *70. All Tiers Wonted Maple Donhiji Bed and Chept ef Drawers, Makegany • pc. INalag Tito bridegroom was tendered a Chnrgv Trwes* Vlelati— Mrs. Ira Eggleston. Ellington; Jfllaa WOMAN TO Care for small child I types of ndor tUe. Stop in at The BOLTON-*-Be. settled for Ghrisl- Sea. Msagsaejr (DHOIda) piiw- "You will recall.” Canoqlea toM A otato witwtto la the Noren Aat* Aeew^ries—tires 6 and do light housework live- days'! Bat and *0 ^ r^**^aiki!nJ****"" Bi'*'sklaga. Pew pUmpo, maa! New BH room' ranch with etotoi taday tha Xa, $ akJadtW the Jury, "that Dahl testilied that party Nov. .33 ^at Lithuanian' . **ntoae Americaift." the note Gloria Wojick. WTlUmantic; Mrs. rase. Gray t e s t lM he could net f l a t F1KI8H Holland wihdow TUe Sh(m, In Buckland, and save mS.. GotWay Street, and preaMited said, “were in planet which were Paul J. McCormack. IS Wertmln- abadas,. mada to maaaure. All a week. Call MI. 3-6690. . 1 1 money. Tel,, MI. 6*3636. full cellar, axcsptlonaUy well of Dw itrate la Dm SiDi Oea- he was rolling up his box of gold.” identify Noran na the man wha -- 00. Iquaro ROiERT M. REID i SON. AUdnONEERS kuilt. Ready now iW tome loving with a puree of money by his as-' attacked ever the recognifsi com­ ater Rd.; Mrs. <3eorge Jacobson sold him tha btar. Ha toM tha imta^murnm matal vanctlaa bUiida at afoew Apply Nov. 19 at 7:30 A. M. Canonica Im m ^afely corrected oociatos in the employ of the WOMAN T o Care for baby while J CASH REGISTER, UMd. Good cte- tamlly. School biiaeu door. PricdM fiaM haw *^ bat zcHM In Korea, or over inter­ and daughter. (3oventry; Mra. LeM court he dehberiMly avoided look- 5? I w m m i “ •as tow prloa. Keys mada whUa you his aUp o f the tongue, out not be- Western Electric Co. national wntaqa In th* course of f t oUttia. mother works.. Write Box R ,l «**»nahle. Pheoe BATMOND B. BBID ______PHONE M I-«-t4U IJM, Tel. V C C % -tm , Oiflord part progiRai aad gas rtgfd. Ckagnot. Olaatoabury: Mra. Wal­ ii« ^ elerh to the Moca too M t la o u r ____ . wait MaeioWA. Herald. ' * ' ‘ fo n memben of the Jury gtaaced 2Cr. and Mrs. Harris art motor­ tbs Oitnaae .Oonunanist aggieaalen ML 8A416. . MANCHBSTBB, CONN. Mgii ievri fhna prtea at aaeh othar aad aoddad. ter Shabert. 13 Lawrence St.; Rleb- cMaaly beoanaa HK Mbm6)C. ZM not We elS lava 9M \ • ing thraugh (be BsrkDiirM. la K o i ^ YtMZr dstontton Is la arfl SttUhraa. 329 Woodkridgs S t I r 7 I > ...... :.. r--. ■ ■/' . ^

.■s. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER >7, 1964 , f iKanrlirjBt^r lEttrttfns. HrraUt Christmas Season 'ning—Stores Remain Open Until 9 Tomorrow Night :

talnly chn't be branded aa dawd­ A ven g e Daily Net Prcaa Rob lers on the hl|^way. Atmy Enlistees Far the Week Raded About Town George' J. Toth, a New York Betrothed N ev. 27, 1954 The WcRflpN H ^rd Along Main Street University reaearcher spent a i>8hw AuxHiary wUl nerve-fraying aummer in the com Begin Training ker d ; r . s n o Oh koM a UtohM Bbifo Monday at 8 And on Some of Manche$t^*$ Side Streets, Too pany o f a radar spaed timer, p.. n.n . at the homo of tha prosident, cbeckteg apfeeders In New Ehig- Three -Mancheater youths, GOOD 11,560 Member ef the AaRt k n . Ogkxa White, ricont, Roger A Maaibtra and M endi who attend Dry Boa Solntfen there of his boyhood days nearly one o f the .states, came up with Bateau eC CtreaUttoa Taeeday fair, Preston and St*pll.*n M. ' Weiss, are roquMted to feting kitchen. A recent article in a national 70 years ago, when the store was the pbaervatipn that 58 per cent USED CARS Manchester— A City of Village Charm \ gaSgota for prlaoa. magaaine bringa up a problem managed by a grocer named Gris­ of all speeiders warned were who recently Joine^x|he U. S. \ with which Mancheater has had wold, and later by Hart Dexter, women. Army, have arrived at Y!prt Dlx VOL. LXXIV, NO. 50 Mr. and Mia.. Archie Kilpatrick, aome experience, namely, false brother of Miss Alica Dexter, one Commented a dismayed Mr. N. J., and have been aaslgrted to (SIXTEEN PAGES) . who have beep vlaiting the fami- of the most prominent women of ' • nA- AT LOW OVERHEAD \ MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1954 fire alarma. Toth: "They (the women driven) the 89th Infantry Divialon foy^ (CtaoMftad Adrorttehit oa Pago U) PRICE FIY R Vae o f their adn in Bolton and thla In It the writer makes the point the village, both of whom are long surprisisd and disappointed me PRICESI town, left today for their home in that the old style alarm box baa since dead. with their speeding throughout sight weeks basic training. Penacook, K. H. certain inadequacies in that it While the store was a popular the entire three months of my Moriconl, the son o f Mr. and cannot report anything except an meeting place ^or the people who tour.” Mra. Joseph Moriconi of Man­ OPEN n ie Friendahip Club o f Bt. chester Road, graduated from Fermi Dies, aU-6ut alarm. lived |Uong the attractive main But Mr. Toth’a dlsilldalonment John’a Church on Golway Street Mancheater High School in the e v e n i n g s t i l 9. And it is very simple to pull a street, and over the bridge, he says wasn’t limited to the eye-opening West Boycotts class o f 1963 and was formerly w ill oonduct a aocial in the pahah false alarm becauae the mechanics it couldn’t compete with the SATURDAY TIL 5. . hall tomorrow at 8 p. m. and re* fact that women drivers often employed by the State Highway o f operation o f the alarm box are church which was the center of burn up the highways in greater Architect of (taefamenta wUl be aerved. social activity. There were no Dmt. ao aimple a child can, and often numbers than men. He found,' In neston, the son of Mrs. Harold does,, open the box and send Are automobiles in those days. TV or his 15,000-mile tour, that few mo­ Dr. Beerett 8. Phillipa, paator radio sets to divert the Attention L. Preston' of 21 Lllley St, o f the nsiiege' Church o f the apparatus on a wild goose chase. torists, if any, are willing to let graduated from Manchester High 1952 BU int Another Important point stress of young and old; neither were go to waste all the horsepower Moscow Talks Atomic A ge Maaarene, Bethany, (%la., will School in 1950 and received his ed concerns this fact; When an there trolleys or buses running that motor car manufacturers are apeak at the aereieoa tomorrow at through from Hartford to Rock­ BA degree from American Inter­ Two-door SpeciaL the local Church o f the Naaarene alarm ia pulled from a box, the continuing to put more And more national college at, Springfield, dyaaSow, radio, heater, Chicago, Noy. 29 (/p)_Fel­ ville and return. Tfaina ran more N.I Washington, Nov. 29 (/P)— ^meeting, and the Govieta* Nov. 18 at 10:45 a. m, and 7:30 p, m. Spe­ whole Are department usually goes of into automobile engines these Maas., in June. . new eet white wall tirea. frequently than they do now, but proposal for a general East-hVeat low scientists today mourned cial maelcal nambers w ill alao be because no one knows how aerious days. Weiss, the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Driven only 28,860. nitea. The western Big Three for­ it was a long walk for the vil­ t Photo. . _ Fallot Photo. conference on creating a colleetlva the death of Enrico Fermi, coattributeid by raembera. o f the the Are may be. Two tests showed that 99 per Marie Ison Ana Reglnn Campb^ Theodora A. Weiss of 79 Brook­ It’s really SHARP, S4M . mally rejected Russia’s pro- lagers from the main street to the security system for Europe. BhiUlpa family, who are viaiUng The author advocates using a cent of all drivers disdainfully ig­ field St., attended Mancheater this one tonight. self-exiled Italian physicist railroad depot, and as Manchester posal for a European peace Both theae propoaals, the U. S. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Phillipa of new type of telephone box, hooked nored speed limits o f 15 and 26 High School and was formerly reply saidi were aimed at delaying who became the architect o f was much nearer than Rockville, Mr. and Mra. Charles W. Carl-^ Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Camp- conference today, but laid Hamlin Street, pmanta of Paator directly to Are dept, headquarters, milea an hour potted In towns and employed by Town Motors, Inc. or prevenUng ratification of the many of the young people walked son, 104 Spruce St., announce the bell, 77 Bdnton S t, announce the the atomic age. PhUipo. which can be mounted outdoors villages. .^Ouly $39S down five steps they said agreementa reached by the west­ and which does not require a nick the distance. On the open road, he clocked engagement of their daughter. engagement o f their daughter, Fermi died of cancer yesterday t DeWa could lead to such a meeting. ern nations at meetings in London at the age of 53. I f he had' been el to operate i t , H ie late Thomas Ferguson, speeds up to 92 miles an hour. Tower Men Ride to Their Deaths Miaa Marlon 1. Starkweather, Miss Joan Marie Carlson, to Pvt. Ann Regina Chunpbell, to Collin In one-two poeltiqpa among these and Paris this fall. 'The next of apared a few, more years. Chair­ This system is already tn oper­ longtime publisher of The Herald, On rural highways, he said, Ave IBS Woodbrtdge 8L, and Paul W. Maurice E. Caouette, son of Mr. Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. A n­ STEAMED CLAMS were agreement on an Aus­ the U. S. reply waa made public man Lewis L. Strauss of the Aoarl. Jr., o f 182 Oak St, win be ation; in Miami, u d the writer rode a high bicycle, when he came per cent of all drivers were doing and Mrs. Alfred (Jaouettc o f Wil* drew Campbell of Hazardville. trian aUte treaty and modification made by the State Dept. over to see the girl he married, better than 70. Atomic Energy (Commission said, married thia afternoon at 2 p. m. quotes atatistica to show how Umantlc. Miss Campbell'Is a graduate of 1947 KAISER 4-DOOR o f Ruaaia’a position on holding American officials omphasled "he might have beeh saved by Bars Apology Mias Liasie Hall, and used the 50 tn the Second Congregational effective it has been in cutting That the devil-may-care motor­ Miss Carlson graduated from the University of Connecticut, c free electlona to reunify Germany, that cloae examination had faUed same wheel to and from his work ists clearly showed neither fear nor medical techniques ■ derived from Church with a reception following coats for false alarm runs and in Mancheater High School in June, where she was a member of Alpha SEDAN S1SP The other three points called for to show anything near in the So­ his own discoveries.” In the American Legion Homa cutting the amount of mileage at The Herald where he started as favor In their choice of locales for Delta PI Borority. She is employed No cash denra study, through diplomatic ehan- viet propoaal. "printer’s Devil.” speeding appeared to have been 1954, and la employed by the Ck>n- CHATTERBOX The Nobel Prise winner’s con­ run up by Are trucks knawerlng necUcut Mutual Life Insurance Co. as a commercial instructor with 812 Main St.— TbL >n-9-8002 nela, of all qiiestiona relating tO The London-Paria agreementa trolled release' of nuclear energy an alarm which are not needed Talcottvilla was a typical 'New borne out by the fact that 80 per ___J ...,. „»,**** Southern New England Tele- Althea Dpnlw 154 8. Main St Pyt. Caouette, European security; a meeting of would restore sovereignty to West made atomic-''power a reality. He when they arrive at the scene. England villaga. Talcott Brothers cent of them whizsed by state psduate of [phone Co., in Hartford. Soviet, British, French, and Amer- la antertalaing ^Mlaa Tung Toon Windham High SchooLMs serving Germany and rearm the new Ger­ flrst auggeated' the possibility of On Viewpoints Oh o f Seoul, Korea, during the As it is now, a good deal of operated and owned the mill, the 'police barracks at apeeda wall over Campbell attended SuAleld Aca- See Us ' in the Marine Corps at Quantico, kan foreign mlniitera after ratifi­ man nation as a member o f the an atomk bomb to the U.8. gov­ Ihankwrivlng receaa from TiMch- money is spent needlessly in an­ store, building and all the well- the 25-mile limit while the testa *|emy and the University o f Con­ cation of the liondon-iParia agree-* were being made. Va. North Atlantic Treaty Organiaa- ernment in 1939. Three years later ara College o f Connecticut, New swering ‘false alarms, and it is, built, white-painted houses. They necticut where he waa a member nenta, and perhape a Conference Uon (N A T O ), the atomic'pile he built at the Uni- M tain, where they are fellow etu* nq doubt a reciuring nightmare supplied milk, having a larjjfe The harried Mr. Toth, who re­ No deSnite wedding date has of Th^eta Xi fraternity. He is em­ Before You Buyf o f "European and other interested Basis e f Agreement ven fty of CSiicago provided the Washington, Nov. 29 <;P)--Sen. McCarthy proposed today of. all Are chiefs that, while the ports hla radar car was forced off been set. ployed in the Purchasing Dept, o f SERVICES r denta Mlaa Oh attended Ewha number o f cows and always a fine powers to consider the rer'sinlng In aetUng forth their require' key to the manufacture o f the A- that the Senate end its censure debate at 3 p.m. (E ST) the road into ditches an average of Pratt and Whitney A ircraft Women'a Univeraity tn Seoul for department is out on one of these a story o f the burning of one c f aapeeta of European security.” ments for an East-Weat meeting, bomb. Wednesday. He said he was prepared for whatever the Senate three yeara before coming hero in "dry runs." a real Are may occur a story o f the bumin g o f one of three times a week by recklessly The wedding ia planned for Feb. Tbat Interpret The Wishc 1947 OLDSMOBILE The western Big Three sent their Private burial aervices Sre to be might do. _ driven vehlclea, says that the com­ pleasure, and pretty good apple­ 5. the western Big Three sand nego- September on a UNESCO acholar- on tha opposite eide o f town. the early bama. *Of the Fsadljr 2-deor. Drive me away! Identical rejections by messenger tiaUona should nave "a reasonable held this afternoon in Oakwood ahip. Alao. it haa happened that an monest, and worst, driving ains he sauce at that. “ In the interest of the overall national wdfare, I suggest 'The first church, built In 1887 of But this was no aubatitute for to tne Soviet Forei|m Office in prospect o f success." This, they Cemetery, Chicago. Only members alarm la rung in for aid which the witnessed were crossing double $95 red brisk, was destroyed by fire the pie that waa necessary for the M omow. said, ’■equires a carefully prepared of his immediate famUy will at­ that no good can be achieved by continuing this debate.” Mc­ Ih e Frlendahip Circle of the police department la more ade­ white center lines and pasting tend. in October 1906. SeiVicea were festive day. N o cash dowa The notea were a formal turn­ baais of agreement. Carthy told his collea^es. Salvation Army will not meet quately equipped to handle, but be­ other vehicles in the face of on­ JOHN B. BURKE down to Russia’s Oct. 23 propoaal Fermi’s aaaociates will attend a Monday. The next regular meet­ held In the ball over the atore and coming traABc. / Finally her husband decided to He said he had decided on the speech while he waa in the cause no other means of commu­ In the village school until comple­ take a hand. A il her trouble had COSMETICS / rUNRAL HOME for a four power foreign miniaters (Ceatlaned on Page E l ^ t ) memorial service Friday at the ing, the annual dinner party, will nication is available, the firemen Summing up. he writes: "The WE CARRY ALL University o f Chicago's RockefeUer Naval HospiUl at Bethesda, Md., for treatment for an in- fee held Wedneaday, Dec. 8, at tion of the fine new dhurch which mass of drivers are too recUeas come when she waa rolling out the TEL. ia-8-e888 jured elbow. are summoned. was dedicated in June, 1918. The dough and it waa sticking to the LEADDfO BRANDS Memorial Chapel, Fermi waa pro- the home o f M ra Ethel Duncan, We wonder Just how many false for their own safety and mine. ONE 1954 o f physics in the univer- S U tU e S t late Rev. Francis P. Batcheler was Thera were times during the trip rolling pin. 87 BAST CENTER ST. i J i « d b « , I , alarma would be rung In by six- paator for the longest period, 28 In the hope that "when all else Arthur Drug Sioras aitya Institute fo r Nuclear Studies. _ ...... hospital. year-olds if they had to answer when I ’d have given up qriving en­ AMBULANCE SERVICE PACKARD His death at hia home near the Soon after the Senate recon-*-- The Pbliah-Amerlcan Club will years. Others who will be remem­ tirely and retired to a quiet Arm . fails, read the direcUons." he some sharp questions by a police bered are the Rev. Foster Waite, h elp^ her and they did Juet that. . S. Ponders Moves university came aa a shock to his veiled today McCarthy, his arm in ;. have a Chriotmaa party for mem- officer, or* a fireman when the if that were possible. I waa on the physicist colleaguss, although a sling, took the floor tor his dra-! bere o f the club and their frienda the Rev. David L. Yale, the Rev. defensive nearly all o f the time. A t By following the' instructions on OAVAUER phone was lifted. Charles McCalUater, the Rev. many of them knew he waa suffer­ matlc proposal that the whole mat- - tonight at 8 o’clock in the club^ night i^ieeds were higher, rather the side of a package of pie crust ing from cancer. There is not apace here to en­ George W. Stephenson, the Rev. 4-door oedan. Power ter be wound up quickly. I^ge,Ribicoff rooma, 106 Clinton S t There will than lower. I had no near-Sccidents mix they made a fine pie. A apokesman aaid,x however, large on the arguments for a dif­ 'Thomas Street, the Rev. Ernest So Thanksgiving waa a wonder­ oteoriag, power brakeO,^ "I am prepared 'for whatever l^gaaaf' be dandug and other entertain­ except those caused by other PJK.C, :ainst China Reds Fermi's experiments with nuclear ferent system of reporting fires, ment Gordon and the Rev. James A, drivers, even though the vehicle I ful day, and the wife ia truly nltnunatie. Radio, blMter, action the Senate may take on thia { - I '- R C C l to Shift but this problem of recurring false Bull. The present paator ia a Man. thankful because she knows how white waU tireo. energy did not contribute^tq the resolution of censure," he said. ^ was driving resembled a police mseaae since his work did not Oub- rJarma Certainly deserves aome Cheater native, the Rev. Everett to make a pie. Bpt if they qver "M y colleagues. I hope, realize the f —r fe V A a e w ia w a a D a o # car," Ject him unduly to radioactive sub-, deep study. A. Murphy. atop making prepared pie crust Washington,. Nov. 29 (/P)—Communist China’s defiant re­ tremendous implications and recog- ▼ d T U q F J L JL 0 8 L A s the author points out, the stances. I ^ e Keim lt. both o f Houston, Tex., ride a falHax lie-foot 'The church choir has been noted Beceptlon Snag dough, it will be a tragedy, for fusal to free 13 Americana jailed as spies confronted the reiHo r ^ tower to their deaths near Saratoga, Tex. (Nov. 27). Photo 'X ^ e a bv P nize their responsibility to the ______RUMMAGK SALE fire box system was invented she'll have to start from scratch. Extoaalve Cancer future. For my part, my efforts to 00 for the excellent music 'jecause of An Unfamiliar face chased Po­ OUR LOW United States government today with the perplexing prob­ Fermi showed the flrst symp­ **V*^^^i*^ Tower topple when rope haullrtii: teet aeetlon broke Am oeotion fell T bcb., N o t. S0~-9:30 A. M . about 60 years ago. Surely some the interest of the Talcott fam­ lice Chief Herman O. Schendel and BINGO expose Communist' inflltraUon in « Maniord, Nov. 29 ( f f ) —- lem of how to make the Reds change their minds. With the toms of Illness in September after S em d C on gL Chareh advances have been made since ilies. For generations there was hia lead cruiser o f tace reporters Ooaalp Topics government will continue regard- 1 Lodge u d Gov.-elect A. then in other fields, but you would PAC BALLROOM OVERHEAD. British serving as intarmadiariea,^ returning from a visit to Italy. North Mala at North St always a 'Talcott in the choir. around the five mile course Things that have been o'laeri’e^ the Chinesa Ckimmunitts yastorday less of the outcome of the censure j A. Ribicoff met ht the State not find it out by' examining a The sclentiat cold he had difficulty Ever Beady Circle, The church, the otore and the Thanksgiving morning. With In tov.Ti . . . The Comm-Julty " Y " EOCKVILLE rejectedrejwi - an American ■ • note protest' present day box, which haa hardly village have not changed as great­ is running smoothly with a part- LETS US SELL swallowing. An exploratory opera­ Ktnge Daugfetera three auccesaive year champ John­ ing thsL imprismmfnt of II cap­ Adenauer Sees tion disclosed cancer o f the sure a smooth transition from ^ n altered, except in minor ly as the occupants of the 35 or ny Kelly out of the running this time director, and tire town (s.sav- tured alrajm and two U.8. Arm y Pope Confined voting Wednesday won quick ex ways, since the first one was more houses. Following a prece­ Ing considerable money . . . FOR HUNDREDS stomach which doctors called "tbo preaslons of approval from Sen. one administration to an­ year because he haa entered the civilian employes on spy charges. extensive for treatment.” • made. dent set by many New England service, the monotony of seeing Snappiest dresECd orguniOation In The State itept. called the charges Vote Afrs. Clark Admits Knowland (d a llf), the Republican other.” mill-owners, the “company-owned" town is the Auxiliary Policemen EVERY MONDAY NIGHT as Stand •nie scientist was told lats Iri leader. Sen. Lyndon Johnson him take iriiarge o f the pack aome- LESS "baselCBa." October that he had cancer but To Bed, Phu^d A fter tha hour-long conferoace. Nostalgia houses have been sold to private where along Main Street hold and , . . The awimrrlng pool that a chm But the BriUsh'government, re- (Tex), the Democratic leader, and I \ I HALLMARK Prss trompertotisR by SUvsr L bus ^ t that he was djing. The nature Lodge advised hia Democratic aoo- The article on the back page of individuals, most o f whom have re­ increase hia margin the remainder developer v;as going to build at'the I porting the ChineaeHumed down For Rearming Sen. Jenner (R-Ind). a leader of ceaaor that ha would ba available CHRISTMAS CARDS the Saturday Herald a week ago, painted ^ d altered their appear of the way, waa gone. northwest end of town never ma­ Iscrvliig OroRgs H a i at 4:45 P.M. the U. S. note as "unaeceptable,” Of his illneaa waa veiled in public the pro-McCarthy forces. 1947 BUICK announcements. On Strict Diet Murder, Gets Life tor further conaulUtione. tf de­ terialized. What happened? . . . 4 DEPT SO. — fea-S-4888 - In regard to the Talcottville ^n- ance. There was a time when it Sometimes It waa hard to pick said the Rada Insisted toe evi­ However, there 'was no im­ sired by Ribicoff. eral store starting on its 99th year seemed as if every family was No longer Is f'e r e show on the CENTURY SEDAN dence against tha 18 Ameri>—Lorrains Eston Clark, 28, off until after a luncheon rOceaa. otbla aosiataaca," « d added ffe ^ memories to one former resident lases. the Templetons and Crooks givin/ Day. Remember the good tWtohs becanse thla eOuntr^ does ilta in two important state elec- 825,000 Special award fo r nuclear b ^ and placad on a strict diet. pretty n ^ h e r of three yoPng- children, luddenly pleaded unanimous consent of all Sen distance between them waa feo Full Friaa $175 tlona yesterday mean voUra aup- work. he would not heettoU to call m families were closely related; then old days? Brrr, It was o ld then, not recogniM the Red' Chinese This precaution Waa taken in the store would ba required to halt great. It has been a cuatom to ra- althh<-|^'1> we didn't think ao at the hit policy of rearming Ger­ ‘•**^** murder in the him a n in , if aeceaaaty. X there were the Kuhneys. the Gam­ regime and maintaina no direct Strauss mourned him as "ons of hope o f quickly restoring the the debate and vote aa McCarthy f the fatigued and ailing suggested. ing atoce the Nov. 2 election, the Rivenburga, Johnsons. Masreys ketball team got off to a f)jing He sahlto a statement that the physicists and said it was due to tervals along the course, such as The Chinese reaction to the 78-year-old head of the Roman brunette defendant’s surprise p IeaT_-„ ^ No Osmpromlaa i!?® appeared extremfhr and others, few. of whom are still start Thanksgivinir night by Tires-Tires-Tires U. S. protest— a development Vote waa iK ^on flrm ation of the Catholic Church. McCarthy told the Senate that / Park Street, Forest Street, in thuihping the A lumni, for the first 1953 correctness oNhia foreign policy, was accepted by the court upon n « friendly. They reminiaced about living in the vlUage. but as the that waa not unexpected—left the (OoatlaiMd oa Page Eight) White Vatican sources empha­ what he waa saying was not to be front o f the high school, rounding time in years. The - schoolboys but used only the word "satlsfac-: the recommendation, o f DIst. Atty. \ S J s o ‘ i^llC upArQ 8 their experiencea In Congraaa to- oil.tim er says, mfin.v new people the terminus, b a r t e r Oak Street FOR BAR8AIN PRICES ON TIRES next move up,to the U. 8, govern­ sized there was no cause for -undue taken aa a- compromise on hla g ^ r . Both were on the Foreign are carrying on in the church and haven't'had a winning teanv since tonr” to give his Reaction. ■ Hugh A. Cregg. the prosecutor. at Spruce and Autumn Streets, CHEVROLET ment. What that move might be alarm, the attitude of the Vatican *Le told Superior Coirt Judge! part, and he said he waa making Affaire committee in the Slat Con- in the aocial activities, and even the Roosevelt administration . . . The C^ancellor’a Uhria11 an going up the Highland Street hill, SEE VAN THE TIRE MAN . remained an open question as Secretary of State’s offlee was de- OiMlee^^rst of a plea b)' * H llir y O llD ieC t no apologies for the viewpoints he fresa. - ^ some who now live in Mancheater Speeder's Alley ia off Cckland State Dept, officials reported "all Democratic Union (^ U ) lost haa held. where the race ia usually decided, Street. The office wag asked \.4iy! Bet A ir aedaa. Power pound in yesterday’s vdtlng on Hike in H-Bomb acribed aa "neither too pessimistic Melvin W. Cterk. father of the Z __ " J • Lodge aaid they did apt n— are loyal td the church and the SNOW TIRES. NEW and RECAPS appropriata measures are being nor too optimistic." But he aald the charges against A ^R LD 'S ECONOMY at the Highland Park Store, round' Glide, Power Steering, both the states of BavariSv and slain man. to save the “wreck” of any specific problems but dM go village they Moved In their youth. . . . Fewer deer than; ever haye -considered." him "boil down simply to the ac­ Ing into Porter Street the High­ been seen this scaaon bn the cars Power Brakeo. Wklte Hesae, hut held, control of the This was a much graver expres­ the famUy of his son, Melrin W. over wch general quaaUona aa the wall ttres, radio, heater. Of Bitter Row cusation that I have used dis­ land Park School, Porter and ftt- o f Manchester hunters . .. Basket­ Secretory of SUte Dulles was Bavarian state government This Jets Scheduled sion o f the Pontiff’s health than Clark, Jr., 29. Govefnor’a schedule. ^ CHAMPION Dally Ritual X A t Lowest Prices In Town Like new. Driven only that which the Vatican’s L ’Osser- courteous and offensive words— kin Streets, the cemetery and ball Interest In the Rec Senior scheduled for a major foreign Insured the Adenauer rapm e’s re­ Judge Fairhuret said, in impos­ A t thia point.Ribicoff iaUrJeeUd Many are the wives’ tales, old 11,000 aUleo. words that have injured the sen- about Spruce and B. Centar League will drop to a new rJl-time policy speech tonight in Chicago tention of its two-thirda majority vatore Romano plans to publish ing sentence, that life a f tlie State ■ Cleveland, Nov. 29 (ff>—The "de­ I realize that the cflBce of gover­ and otherwise, about distaff efforts later today. sibiUties o f aome of WALL-FLAME — PBESSUBE BUBNER8 Streets. lov.' this aeuMi and scholastic bas- METHANOL ANTI-FREEZE S9a GALLON and it seemed likely he would in the upper house of the Federal By Air Force Priion for Woi-:en (Sherbom) is fense and an expert state aritnesa m y* col nor la a full time ^m andlag Job." • to arouse husbands from bed in leagues." SfMttm kept up a constant l etball will come back, thanks to .. IN YOUR OWN CONTAINER touch on the potentially explosive Parliament (Bundesrate), whose The newspaper’s lUtement, an­ mandatory by law for second de­ wrangled bitterly- today over the The incoming Governor an-/ a COMPLETE HEATlNa UNITS time to get to work In the morning. "I admit that at times I have chatter bn the microphone in the a winning team. ONLY $295 far eastern situaUon. Dulles' members si-e named by the state Waahington, Nov. 29 (ff) — nounced in advance yesterday by gree murder. extetnt o f the injuries Dr. Samuel a INSTALLED BT PAOTUBT TBAINED MEN been extremely blunt tn exprea •** *• *«*n g to give And the deceits the men stoop to craiser. They 'did aomething new ALSO THE REST DRAKE JOa IN TOWN DOWN \ speech (10:30 p.m. EST) was to governments. the Vatican’s preag o®ce, said the Mrs. a a r k atooa up as sentence H. Sheppard received on the day iff a vain attempt to snatch an Anon. America’a hew H-bomb striking sing my opinions." he continued. ^ complete pracUca of law giS a FOBCED WABM AIB — STEAM — HOT WATEB thl^, year, too, using a stop wstch ba broadcast by Mutual and A B O The voting outcome also raised Pontif|! will take advantage o f the was imposed. Her lips quivered and of hia wife’s murder. jriU oever hla nlaUans with the extra forty i^lnks are varied. tores will consist o f 1 1 wings of ’ 1 do not claim to be a master of radio and by NBC-TV. f the possibility that a coalition period) of spiritual exercises, begun her eyes became tear filled but she Dr. Richard Hexter, a phyalctan I ^ firm of RiMcofr smd Kotkln. to give an unofficial estimate of $ INCLUDES LINING AND LABOK Wgh speed, long-ruige BS2 Jet words. ' Gne.Manchester woman told this 14.95 • President Eisenho^\’cr may have dominated by the Christian Demo­ yreterday and ending on Saturday n-.ade no outward sound. who examined Sheppard, was the M o r ^ takee office on J a m ^ n the time the lead runner N itk bombers— four more wings than •Thla being true, I say to those story recently about the awaken­ CSostee. waa making. This, k was 1947 STUDEBAKER marked out the bounds for. Amer- in preparation tor Cbriatmas, to Within two minutes she was led witness. ' oto been senior partner o f the vW'Vw.vwA’m crats could aupplant the Socialist previously announced.X rest who feel they have been offended, ing ceremony which we are forced thoiight. would give the bffictals kan. action in thia case when he government In HaOse. This would from the courtroopi by Special Sheppard, claims He was struck firm since 1942. Commaaderwready to go! Our ■rais force. Pentagon ^ officials In othar yeara he l:aa been pres- that I had no ■ iAtention in the to accept without question because at the finish line an idea of what used the phrase "within peace­ give the federal repm e 30 of the Sheriff Roger Wells, foU»we<: by down and twice waa knocked un­ "I frel It ia hot right for a Gov­ FOURTY BROTHERS low overhead lets aa sell for said today, wUl gradually replace ***tod behind a grill from words that were used of hurting her spouse says he can’t remember the approximate titnp of the victor ful means" -last, week in^ assuring 38 Bundesrate seats, instead of her lawyer, C. Francte Leary. ernor-to continue that typa e f een- A PINE PHARMACY HUNDREDS leee. during the next two. or to r e e wtiich he can observe bi-t not be conscious by a "bushy haired" ma­ the feelings of anyone— but in the /Authorized Dealer a thing. would be and keep the public tha mother o f one of the im­ the 26 they now hold. -S- 3>j page confession bv Mrs RlMcofY DinpluuiSDd. yeara the present fleet of heavy obMrved by others participating, rauder, who he aaya waa tha ac­ facta and opinions that I held, I She made the usual preliminary posted around the Center. VANS prisoned men that the U. S. ia do­ To ward off any Socialist chal­ aark . which Cregg had Irbeled tual murderer. , ~OPEN SUNDAYS — strategic bombers— the BS8 pow­ am unchanged. O m C E NOW AT 319 IROAD STREET passes which precede the main as­ It was a IkUo extra effort but ing everything poaflble to win lenge in the , courts, Adenauer i *• mtffering “ too lurid" to disclose publldy waa /^^**w ad oa Page RlgM) sault: '47 KAISER ered with a combination piston-let from hiccups, an ailment that last Hexter examined the osteopath "U k e m y colleagues. I am not worth while, the stMttera In the a AJR. to 8 P.M. 4 2 7 Hartford Rd. M an Chester,Conn their freedom. **'**>ts a two-thirda endorsement plant submitted to the court for the rec­ ’’It's Ave minutes to'aeven, dear.” on the afternoon of July 4, only a without weakneaaea. I, like they, CHESTER TEL. M1-9-4S39 cruisers decided. ^ 4-DOOR SEDAN Sen. Knowland of OaUfornla, the in both houses o f the Federal Par­ May Cost Font TUlllona ord. Cregg said it would not ba "Hummm." AT THE TEXACO SIGN—BU-9-8068 Republican leader in the Senate, (O e a t t a ^ om Page Twa) few hours- after the slaying of make mistakes, and however I 24 HOUR SERVICE There was only one hitch. Some- liament for the ’ Paris agreements The coat o f the program, based made public, adding "If judge Fai'r- • ^ Then later~"DarIlng. It's Seven sounded a call Saturday for di­ Sheppard's pregnant wife Mari­ may strive otherwise, I suppoao I b<^/ forgot to leave a rvalkie- . $150 to raise half a million German on estimates of the average coat hv.rst does not impoend it I will.” lyn, 31. » , . shall makes others In the future. o clock, you'd better get up." lallcie at the finish line. The only rect actio‘1 against the Chinese troops under the banner of the The young husband waa shot ’'HummmnAn." NO CASH DOWN Rada-^a naval blockade. One of of BS2s'When in full production, A heated argument began w)ten Yields to Neae oa Ideals persona to actually benefk from North Atlantic Alliance. the coat of development of the twice with a pUtoI and twice Bulletins -C O K E -F U E L OIL A't 7a0 the frontal charge be the possible counter measures re- Hexter testifled about-the sigmfl- *T yield to none of my. col­ the timely reports were patrolmen The election outcome reinforced flrst two prototype planes, of stabbed during Palm Sunday week- leagues. however, in my ideals, my frmR tkd A P W iiw in other cruiaers around town and end. last April 10-11. cance o f .the absence o f abdominal "you ’ll have to get up now be­ tanker planes for refueling and o f News Tidbits reflexes.' principles, my integrity, or my Sgt., George Dent at Police Head­ (Oeatianed ea Page Flftoea) (OonUaned oa Page Flftoea) Mrk. Clark, reported her hus­ prayerful devotion to this great cause you have to go to work." putting into operation a ' second He found such absence on the quarters. who got a good descrip­ 1952 source of production, ' may be Culled from A P Wiroo band had disappeared after a bit­ nation I am privileged to t^ to MOLOTOV ASU RRD VHRT He rolled over, she says, looked tion o f the race over the control ter quarrel and later sued for di- right side o f Sheppard's abdomen,' up cheerfully and said, "Yes. I ’ll about 4,300,000.060. he said. serve. I am distreaaed (hat for 10 Meaeow. Nav. 29 (ff) g s ^ t system. vorce. monUu, the attention of the Sen­ have to go to work to earn money MERCURY Until this new indication. waa But "in ahd o f itself, such an ab­ FM «ign BUatoOer V. M. f - to i Syngman Rhee oigns Hia unrecognizable body waa ate 'haa been too greatly monopo-' tov ealled on to buy food and pay the rent so we made by Pentagon offlciala who sence o f reflex doesn't. mean a ^ REPEAT — RY^pPULAR REQUEST Neoeasary Dellcary Hard top coarerUbh-. Ra­ Church Council Seeks may not be identifled,- the A ir toto law controversial consUtu- found in Jdhe near (he Merrimack lized by the clamor and coptro- east can have a roof over our heads and tlonal amendment which could thing." Hexter aald. be i^-arm and comfortable so we There is a young w|fe tn Man­ dio, heater, low mtleogo. Force had admitted oSeially only river, into which Mra. Clark aaid veriy over one Senator—Joe Mc- at Ms M b ______chester who had a Thanksgiving Ready to fblL See tils keep lUm in office- tor life...,. Defense Atty. -William J. Corri­ C!arthy. can sleep tome more." that the program called for seven she had dumped it after dragging gan. in cross examination, ponced once today to a n ^ a « l to Day problem. It seems she knew aae today. •*!l!Anov ueoneuiy-un e s n o u I "It has been stated U at the «dg- She was amused but not con- T o Bolster Ties of Faith wings of B52s. A heavy , bomber i.t from their cottage into the fam­ fiercely qn this statement. \ •ttongthen thete mUHary faraea vincira A ■ how to cook a duck (the aubetitute wing includes some 30 planes plus »«••“* ily car. Navy Service linger nlty .of the' Senate is . involved. My la order to eanntof nooeiRto decided on as more in keeping with supporting elements. Chairman Harold H, Velede prints established identity. Weetorn tonato * those expected for Thanksgiving $295 While authorities avoid ^ dis­ (R -Ili) aays would "bring the pic­ (CeaUaaod on Pago Bight) (CMfiaasd oa Pago E^dit) SPECIAL 'Friiro Out of Ntmhere B y GEORGE CORNELL wife the world tiiat people are mr- ture up to dqte" on Communist With Cregg'a decision not to di­ dinner numbering Just she. her Down— cash or trade. cussing any exact timetable for The case o f the lost ring. Boaton, Nov. 29 Iff)—American prised if it sharply challengaa the PWty acuvitle. m Miami vulge details of the statement it d o c t o r 0 » ! y e a r K A 3 IK O husband, and their son) and the Churches were pictured today aa delivery to operating units next appeared likely the motive will not PU„ Nev. M (ff) -O r. One night recently a Manches- vegetables, but her education had prevailing behavior o f the com- fall, they emphasized the urgency ^ e r parts of the South •ihee 1 (Dcuf. Onh^ standing at a peak of ‘'tremen­ i. )Miity.’ betome known. Itari R. Pnea, 99, o f OreoavUle. J o A rer man playfully removed the been- neglected In the matter of of the program: dous strength"—but at the same . Mrs. Clark's voice was unfalter­ N. C„ today waa aaoMd "famlty ring from his right hand. He put cooking pastry. The major, 6,500-word document One oflteial said the A ir Force 5!*^.**** Minister Nehru accuses Grandma Tells o f Poison ing It in the watch pocket o f his DBEPCUT time groping uncertainly for ways on “ the aU te of tha chiurh" waa todlae own Cpmmunists o f stir- ing as she aaid "guilty in the aec- •Mfeer mt the year" to tha MONDAY, NOV. » And what la Thanksgiving with­ is trying to convert from B36s to trousers. to make that poww felt in a topsy­ pr^arad by tha council's general " 5 * vteteaee and discontent oqd degree.” after Court C3erk .toaeetoaa Medleal out a pie or two? But, you may B52s "aa quickly as poeaihle," and Two hours later he looked at bis turvy age. secretary. Dr. ftoy G. Ross, and iU while sp e^n g at maaa meeting in Archie Frost asked her how she Four of Her Five Husbands (AMA). Dr. Paea waa ' ask, how did a woman acquire a that “we are bucking time." The pleaded to Oh indictment charging tram eaadMatm aeasteated hy • MEirS TROUSERS hMd, remembered he had taken PRICES Enormous, SYvlft changes in aaaociate general sacretary. Dr. reference obviously was to the re­ Delhi. . iM tons set aside son and a husband without learn­ Roswell P. Barnes. her with murder in the- flrst aach stoto madteal eeitoty. the ring o ff and dug into hia social patterns and "dangeroua political differences\ and get into Tulsa, Okla., Nov, 29 (ff>—A ffa- ing to cook a pic ? Everything must go to i— fce ported' buildup of Russia’s- fleet degree. watch pocket. The rin^ waa gone! moral conditiona'l challenge the ef­ U ganerally set forth the naw of strategic bombers and Jet flght- sentimental mood to^aalnte Wla- • WOMEN’S PUIN SKIRTS Well, this marriage is a product room for the ’55 Packaido — blo grandmother * NmurJe Doss RURZAR o I d TB M AIN E . fectiveness of the churches, aald a problems confronting Christianity are which Could operate effectively Ohnreldll on hla 80th birth­ Only a minute earlier she walked He scanned the area where he of the times. Her husband was In cooriag aeea. day tomorrow, ■ . ,\ . diiUed veteran police officers by Tells All Forttead, Maine. Nev. 29 (Ik . had been sitting. He retraced his key report to the biennial aa- in a modem era described as, one unaided from an ante room In •M EN’S sa i WOMEN’S SWEATCRS the service and they got married A blaetery aartbeaet atenn pack- steps to a nearby office. In all, he Mmbly of the National 0>uncil of o f "unprecedented ol'anga" in the '(OoBlhiMill an Pag* Flftooa) , L***®* Dept: says factory hir- •ighing additional atatements last (Exeept WlUte) while he was a student in college Churches. living habito of peopUi. •"* n»tlon laernasel teat (Coatlaoed oa Pago Eight) night that toe used liquid rat lag wtods elmeet as etreag an hunted for nearly an hour for tha under the G I bill. thaee of Hwricaae Eton plae4wr ring but couldn't locate it. '■ Despite C!hristianity’s gains "in The council, 'repreaentinff 36.- reaato contrary to usual seasonal poisoning to anuff out the lives of sreuLAur «s« eocIi So he cooked the meals for two 1951 WILLYS Inatitutioiial strength," th« report ,500,000 (SiriatlLJia of varied tra­ trend.. President of Americsn four of her five husbands. I BMot Of Matos wMh « w w to- while leaving the building after >y. The U. 9. Weather Raeiaa informing the janitor of his loss, years because he got home from said, thsre U a disturbing question ditions. naau^haadod uitointo lulU first work- Chaplin Air Cragh W lege of C3iest Physicians ad- She calmly smoked a cigarette school before she arrived from "pointing mn accuav McCarthy Censure as toe deacribed in detail h^-w toe predicted seaM aerthern and eaa- he woa walking to his car when he STATION whethar churches are "more or *t***^?f»A*'**^.?^*' •****’*“ g a teal eertteae al the Mato wRt re­ work-each day. She bad continued life" call to tighten their ranks, to ing finger at tobacco aa the cause administered the poison into the heard a noise—like that o f a ring less influential in Amarican Probed for Cause ceive np to seven techee dl anew, striking a sidewalk. That was ex- to work because funds were limit- than they used to be. strengthen their common- eonvic- ef_l>m g cancer" and says “ m» opr- Backed by Million food and drini; of n-ouaes from ed. WA80N tions,'. tour states. actly' what happened.. The ring, Tha report was-for presentation Ntent" ohould be olngted out. RLUES* MOVE TO DENVER Thus she never got to learn :’A clM r degree of coo^rmtlon Chsq.'Un, Nov. 29 iJT— InvaatJt'a- Secretory of . Defense Wilson County Atty. J. Howard Ed­ wherever it was. fell to the side­ Overdrive, heater, ‘ extra to 2,500 representativea of 30 Pro­ Haastoa.. Nev. 29 (JPh-Tha about pies and such. Then he fln- is the demand o f the hour," the tore studied "a Jjmble of metal" says he wants budget for mUitary Palmer. Maas.. Nov. 29—W ell mondson said a murder charge walk and made enough noise to at­ cleea. Net foe many testant and Orthodox denomina­ Aatertoaa ASaa. today p M w i iahed school and waa ill for a time, council president, Methodist Bis­ and the reports of three eyewit- o f •■aomeUilng like 85 bU|ioa dol- over a million signaU res have al­ will be filed today against the i V tract the attention of the man and nOlea. It has lOOAOO tions aaaembled here to seek new Deaver to veptoce the Kaasaa the ring waa found, so they m wed in with hU fsmily. hop William C. Mcrden of , neesea today in an effo rt to laam lare in flaca.l year atartlng July ready been collected by the League year-old plumpiah. Jovial uidow amre to ga. 25 naUes p e r . methods for reinforcing their fra­ of TSventy Million Americans for H 4 re la the ctaae A A A . 'The wife continued to work and gaRoB. told u opening service last night. what caused a amaU private plane 1. 1955.. check for 87.331.300 ia for the Oct. 6 death of Samuel •w dai 4ry ile s a iit ssrviss. Wsifc To thla day the fellow is trying ternity of faith. "Nothing else Mill do." the Oensurb of §an. McCarthy. leagar. The New Yerlt Yaahmeb her mother-in-law made the meals. Measured by ststlatlca, the ra­ to plunge into the Natchaug Stato prooMitod to state o f inah by Don. 58. of Tulsa. to find out where the ring was Hh. keynote address ca,>)e after Mrs. Winifred Bwansou, the parmt claL ef the aU Hinaana p l a ^ . One man aald the ring But she still didn’t laam tte art of pport said the . churches )iava Forest herai carrying two men to Kannecott Copper Corp. in lorm Edmondson sai dthe other poi­ n ssM hafsn II tm. nsly fe| 5 making a pie. a colorful proceasicnal o f robed tjieir death. of corporation tax. Palmer Maas, housewife who soned husbands'and toe dates they teaaeMee. oaM the c h * to probably fell into a pant'oiff. sllmbed to a new high level in Marted the ons^om an crusado to Many were the lamentatloha aa delflgatea and dcnctminational ban­ T^f crash, seen from a diatanee The Soviet Union’s top command died are: -• ‘ ****** reJov- the nation. But it added such ners, led by a bearer of a large gold enlist nation-aido sentiment in e f the Deaver team ia the atoea ered and the fellow vowed never to Thursday approached since this by three people who had beoa at- •whps teaate to peace and East- Frank Harrelson, JacksonviUe. 1 criteria do not pco)m' "spiritual erdsa atop a staff. favor of a U. S. Senate repriicand A Weataca Vmgmr. Yhe Y om-- take o ff the ring again, to doodle waa to be the Srat holiday dinner tractad by the aound of the low IVest friaadahlp with once black­ Ala.. 1945. strength.’’ * _ ^ ft»r id a n t Btaanhotesr aept hia flying two-aaater Aircoup orcurred fbi* the coatrotoraial-Senator from hnn TTin ntala 0 asihtofeagiee or not to doodle. she had prepared and it Just didn’t "When we cenaidsr bow little It listed Yugoslavs ' and Western Harley Laiming, Lexington, M A N C t e S T E R feel like a traditional Tbanksgiv- g r a s t i ^ axprsaaing heps tha at 11:30 p jn . Saturday. Wiaoonato, aaid thip was "a vary N. C., 1952. oasts to be counted aameg tha councU’s VKork Will a to w th e a Th e newspaper correspondents, v . Re­ conservativo ostimatc.” ' Vlt’s la the ReeerAi Ing dinner withbut that aU import BRUNNER'S arto membara in our count^, we It eraa not uhlil after 7 am . Sur- signed Bast Hartford court clerk Richard I.. Norton, (H, |Cm—)f!« tant pie. ^ ts U saaaflihsr toThdfTw in- She mSda the stotem*at follow­ day that a State Polico aeerching John A. Geci pkads net guilty to Kan.. May 19. 1953. RHJfMD DC RIX-STOR^ W i Those "Women Drivers" one Bo, what happened? Well, she w il l ia m s PACKARD SB troubled." the report said. . numbers of our d ttan q." ing a committee meeting! at her Naw K ev. M IPBY, CLEANERS 'Tha avwage church msjsbef Mrty found wfat Lt. Edward W. charge .of embexaUng town funds The pt oaebutor. uith city omcetn 8 S haars ao much about, genarally' tried and experimenUl one about TALCOTTVILLE Formetetor daacribad aa “a Juzo^ home last night during which the sad Kanaak and Oklahoma agents, TO. MI.3.72S4 from men (trfvers, may or may O I L s e r YTc e ■ is not eooaptcuoualy differant 'rou Tbfcty beats -aearc)i sens east of a week ago and it floppM. She ‘T'kroufh auto eadeavorik of matal" sad toa bodtes of the imoffictal tabulations were toadc. haa questioned the woman atnee net ba aa bad aa they are crLckad made the' try while her 841 BUkAO STREET Telephone M I 3-5191 too avsrags non-ihemher. Tha avsr- **«tre*I Jgpan for fiv e ' persons ^ Mra. Swanson aald. "wo a n Uatod aa.missing in wakt o f laah- har (urast'Friday night and — M rakllte] up to be but. acoordiag ta / one was-At work and'finally Used tha TBLEP^KB JO-AASa ■as,shnnli Is ss sauto eoafonasd (< ■) / .(O toltom i ou teg ’ raiMtora. otat^sUaiaa, anyway, they, -'car- appidi aha had--prepai^ for ap- .« w Phgh ) (Oani 7 1

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