1955 Extras No Lines

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1955 Extras No Lines Tom GASTALL 2L 0 R Brooks ROBINSON 3L 0 R Angelo DAGRES 5L 0 L 1955 BALTIMORE 1955 BALTIMORE 1955 BALTIMORE 1 LFLFLF 2 (3) 65 4 RFRFRF 2 (3) 11 15 CCC 2 (6) 11 6 3B3B3B 3 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 214 17 4 311 1 25 L 417 32 361 10 21 R 418 4 16 2 35 55 1 21 27 262 2 1 211 32 312 2 11 211 27^ 16 3 2 25 1 5 313 2 1 5 17 32 363 2 16 5 6 4 16 4 35 2 5711 1 314 2 55 2 576 32 364 3 16 576 27^ 16 5 4 230 1 20 315 2 2 3 6 27 365 3 16 3 16 15 16 6 45 442 17 3 606 4 3 42 39 45 316 4 55 3 476 1 26 AGE 22 BUNT 3 AGE 18 BUNT 5 AGE 20 BUNT 1 12356 4 1 2356 4 1 2356 4 H/RH/RH/R 232 10 18 10 25H/RH/RH/R 2 32 10 23 10 24H/RH/RH/R 5 33 2 23 11 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG 20 27 0 0 .148 .233 .185 6 22 0 0 .091 .091 .091 8 15 0 0 .267 .278 .267 Kal SEGRIST 3L 0 R Roger MARQUIS 3L 0 L Dick GERNERT 2L 0 R 1955 BALTIMORE 1955 BALTIMORE 1955 BOSTON 1 1B1B1B 5 65 5 1B1B1B 3 11 1 2B2B2B 4 65 1 RFRFRF 1 (2) 11 3 3B3B3B 4 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 10 26 L 41 5 311 5 21 X 1 6 27 311 1 21 31 1 1 36 2 35 11 21 27 62 5 5 111 27 31 2 35 55 2 2918 32 60 3 35 505 11 5 313 5 50 1 6 27 313 35 1 5 1 3 36 4 35 50 571 3 314 5 50 1 6 27 31 4 35 1 5711 32 59 5 35 503 19 20 315 5 50 1 6 27 315 35 3 3 17 4 36 6 5 55 3 4218 4 266 5 50 47 39 45 31 6 35 55 3 421 45 60 AGE 24 BUNT 5 AGE 18 BUNT 5 AGE 26 BUNT 4 12356 4 1 2356 4 1 2356 4 H/RH/RH/R 534 4 18 13 24H/RH/RH/R 1 34 1 23 13 24H/RH/RH/R 3 32 18 18 10 26 GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG 7 9 0 0 .333 .455 .333 1 1 0 0 .000 .000 .000 7 20 0 0 .200 .238 .300 Frank MALZONE 3L 0 R Billy CONSOLO 3L 0 R Haywood SULLIVAN 2L 0 R 1955 BOSTON 1955 BOSTON 1955 BOSTON 4 2B2B2B 4 11 4 3B3B3B 3 65 2 CCC 2 (6) 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 10 214 19 27 311 10 21 4 1 5 361 2 21 1 6 27 31 2 1 11 26 27 212 35 11 217 1 312 2 2 16 27 31 3 10 15 6 3 313 30 2 5 1 5 363 3 2 1 6 27 31 4 1 11 5711 27 264 35 2 5717 4 364 3 3 111 27 31 5 2 23 6 4 315 35 3 3 11 20 365 5 4 1 39 27 31 6 4 55 3 4219 45 596 35 55 3 421 4 266 5 5 42 6 45 31 AGE 25 BUNT 3 AGE 20 BUNT 5 AGE 24 BUNT 5 12356 4 1 2356 4 1 2356 4 H/RH/RH/R 532 4 23 10 25H/RH/RH/R 5 32 18 18 10 24H/RH/RH/R 1 3210 23 10 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBPSLGSLGSLG 6 20 0 0 .350 .381 .400 8 18 0 0 .222 .391 .222 2 6 0 0 .000 .000 .000 Milt BOLLING 3L 0 R Jim PAGLIARONI 2L 0 R Buddy PETERSON 3L 0 R 1955 BOSTON 1955 BOSTON 1955 CHICAGO (A) 2 SSSSSS 4 11 6 SSSSSS 3 35 1 CCC 2 (6) 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 10 21 X 46 27 311 5 21 X 1911 27^ 161 10 21 4 11 5 31 2 2 11 26 27 312 5 16 196 27^ 162 3 11 218 1 21 3 2 25 6 27 313 5 50 19 6 27^ 163 30 50 5 16 7 31 4 2 2 5718 27 314 5 50 196 27^ 164 4 50 576 3 56 5 2 33 17 27 365 5 50 19 6 27^ 165 4 50 3 6 10 31 6 4 55 3 4211 45 266 5 50 42 39 45 166 5 55 4 4239 4 58 AGE 24 BUNT 1 AGE 17 BUNT 5 AGE 30 BUNT 5 12356 4 1 2356 4 1 2356 4 H/RH/RH/R 532 10 23 10 24H/RH/RH/R 1 34 1 23 13 24H/RH/RH/R 5 34 2 23 13 25 GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG 6 5 0 0 .200 .200 .200 1 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 6 21 0 0 .286 .400 .333 Ron NORTHEY 1L 0 L Ed MCGHEE 4D 6 R Earl BATTEY 1L 0 R 1955 CHICAGO (A) 1955 CHICAGO (A) 1955 CHICAGO (A) 5 LFLFLF 2 (2) 65 12 CFCFCF 2 (2) 11 2 RFRFRF 1 (2) 65 5 CCC 3 (6) 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 10 21 X 3111 5 601 30** 21 X 1 1 5F 311 10 21 4 11 36 31 2 35 11 21 2 112 35 55 1 2*1 3* 31 2 35 11 21 4 6 3 35 132 1 5 363 35 2 5+ 1 5+ 313 35 2 5 19 36 31 4 35 1 321 4 84 35 5 57 11+ 4K 31 4 35 2 571 35 31 5 35 130 18 20 365 35 50 3* 1 5** 365 35 3 3 17 36 36 6 35 55 4 471 5 116 30* 50 42 1 5 31 6 35 55 4 421 36 26 AGE 35 BUNT 5 AGE 30 BUNT 5 AGE 20 BUNT 5 12356 4 1 2356 4 1 2356 4 H/RH/RH/R 532 2 18 10 27H/RH/RH/R 2 34 18 18 13 24H/RH/RH/R 5 33 3 18 11 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG 14 14 1 0 .357 .471 .714 26 13 0 2 .077 .368 .077 5 7 0 0 .286 .444 .286 Phil CAVARRETTA 2L 0 L Sammy ESPOSITO 3L 0 R Stan JOK 3L 0 R 1955 CHICAGO (A) 1955 CHICAGO (A) 1955 CHICAGO (A) 3 1B1B1B 4 65 1 LFLFLF 2 (2) 11 2 3B3B3B 3 65 3 3B3B3B 4 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 21 X 16 32 311 30 21 1 6 5 311 30 21 X 195 5 11 2 2 2 16 27 312 5 5 16 2 312 1 16 196 1 11 3 2 21 6 27 313 30 50 1 6 5 313 1 16 19 6 5 9 4 2 2 16 27 314 5 50 16 4 314 1 16 196 4 11 5 3 31 11 27 315 5 50 1 11 20 315 1 4 37 11 20 11 6 4 447 6 45 316 5 50 42 6 5 316 4 55 5 426 5 11 AGE 38 BUNT 5 AGE 23 BUNT 3 AGE 29 BUNT 5 12356 4 1 2356 4 1 2356 4 H/RH/RH/R 132 10 23 10 24H/RH/RH/R 1 34 1 23 13 24H/RH/RH/R 3 3210 23 10 27 GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBPSLGSLGSLG 6 4 0 0 .000 .000 .000 3 4 0 0 .000 .200 .000 6 4 1 0 .250 .333 1.000 Ed WHITE 3L 0 R Leroy POWELL 3L 0 R Rudy REGALADO 2L 0 R 1955 CHICAGO (A) 1955 CHICAGO (A) 1955 CLEVELAND 1 2B2B2B 4 65 2 RFRFRF 2 (2) 65 8 3B3B3B 3 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 10 214 19 15 361 5 21 X 111 27 311 10 21 4 19 3 31 2 30 11 26 5 62 5 5 16 27 312 2 11 296 27 41 3 10 15 6 15 363 5 50 1 6 27 313 2 2 5 17 4 31 4 30 11 5719 5 364 5 50 16 27 314 3 2 576 27 60 5 10 13 11 20 365 5 50 1 6 27 315 4 3 3 39 5 31 6 2 55 4 426 5 266 5 50 42 39 45 316 4 55 4 4211 45 60 AGE 29 BUNT 5 AGE 21 BUNT 5 AGE 25 BUNT 5 12356 4 1 2356 4 1 2356 4 H/RH/RH/R 532 5 23 10 24H/RH/RH/R 1 34 1 23 13 24H/RH/RH/R 4 32 1 23 10 26 GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG 3 4 0 0 .500 .600 .500 1 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 10 26 0 0 .269 .321 .346 Billy HARRELL 4A 2 R Stu LOCKLIN 2L 0 L Rocky COLAVITO 3L 0 R 1955 CLEVELAND 1955 CLEVELAND 1955 CLEVELAND 4 CFCFCF 1 (2) 65 11 SSSSSS 3 11 3 RFRFRF 2 (2) 65 2 RFRFRF 3 (4) 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 10* 27 L 46 5 311 1 21 X 4 1 5 361 10 26 L 3119 32 60 2 1 11 * 219 4 62 35 55 2 21 2 31 2 1 11 219 27 21 3 10* 15 19 15 313 35 1 32 17 5 363 10 1 32 11 15 36 4 2 11 * 576 4 314 35 1 57 17 4 31 4 1 11 326 27 60 5 10* 33 39 20 365 35 3 3 11 20 365 10 1 30 39 27 36 6 4 55 4 4211 5 266 35 55 4 47 1 5 60 6 3 55 4 426 45 60 AGE 26 BUNT 5 AGE 26 BUNT 5 AGE 21 BUNT 4 12356 4 1 2356 4 1 2356 4 H/RH/RH/R 533 5 23 10 24H/RH/RH/R 3 32 18 18 10 25H/RH/RH/R 5 32 5 23 10 26 GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG 13 19 0 1 .421 .500 .421 16 18 0 0 .167 .286 .222 5 9 0 0 .444 .444 .667 Stan PAWLOSKI 2L 0 R Kenny KUHN 4A 6 L Chick KING 4L 0 R 1955 CLEVELAND 1955 CLEVELAND 1955 DETROIT 6 LFLFLF 2 (2) 11 2 2B2B2B 4 65 4 SSSSSS 4 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 214 6 27 311 10** 21 4* 17 5 311 10 30 L 411 3 31 2 1 11 211 27 312 5 11 * 2*19 1* 6**2 3 11 26 27 31 3 2 15 39 27 313 10* 50 5* 6 5 313 3 2 5 19 4 31 4 2 2 5716 27 314 5 11 * 5711 4 314 5 3 576 27 31 5 3 23 17 27 365 5 50 3 39 5** 315 5 5 3 16 15 31 6 4 342 6 45 266 5 55 4 476 5 26*6 5 55 4 4239 27 26 AGE 23 BUNT 5 AGE 18 BUNT 5 AGE 24 BUNT 5 12356 4 1 2356 4 1 2356 4 H/RH/RH/R 332 10 23 10 24H/RH/RH/R 5 34 4 23 13 24H/RH/RH/R 5 332 23 12 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBPSLGSLGSLG 2 8 0 0 .125 .125 .125 4 6 0 1 .333 .429 .333 7 21 0 0 .238 .273 .238 Jim SMALL 4L 0 L Walt STREULI 2L 0 R Wayne BELARDI 3L 0 L 1955 DETROIT 1955 DETROIT 1955 DETROIT 3 LFLFLF 2 (3) 65 1 RFRFRF 2 (3) 65 2 CCC 2 (6) 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 30 21 X 16 5 311 5 26 L 316 27^ 161 1 21 X 16 32 31 2 2 2 16 2 312 5 50 26 27^ 602 2 1 16 27 31 3 30 21 6 5 313 5 50 32 6 27^ 163 2 1 1 6 27 36 4 2 2 16 4 314 5 50 3217 27^ 604 2 2 111 27 31 5 3 337 11 20 315 5 50 30 11 27^ 165 2 2 1 6 27 36 6 4 447 6 5 316 5 55 4 4216 45 606 4 4 47 39 45 31 AGE 18 BUNT 3 AGE 19 BUNT 5 AGE 24 BUNT 4 12356 4 1 2356 4 1 2356 4 H/RH/RH/R 132 10 23 10 24H/RH/RH/R 4 34 1 23 13 26H/RH/RH/R 1 32 10 23 10 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG 12 4 0 0 .000 .200 .000 2 4 0 0 .250 .200 .500 3 3 0 0 .000 .000 .000 Ron SAMFORD 4L 0 R Steve SOUCHOCK 2L 0 R Spook JACOBS 4H 6 R 1955 DETROIT 1955 DETROIT 1955 KANSAS CITY 7 2B2B2B 4 65 1 SSSSSS 4 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 21 X 376 32 361 10 21 X 4 20 15 311 10+ 21 4 1 6 31 2 1 1 3711 32 362 5 11 211 27 6 2 35 11 + 2*1 2K 6+ 3 1 137 6 32 363 10 50 5 6 15 313 5 50 5+ 11 10J 31 4 1 1 376 32 364 5 11 57 6 27 31 4 35 50 5719 4 31 5 1 137 6 32 365 10 50 3 20 15 315 35 50 3 1 20 31 6 3 142 39 32 316 5 55 4 42 39 27 26 6 5 55 4 4231 5 26 AGE 25 BUNT 5 AGE 36 BUNT 5 AGE 29 BUNT 1 12356 4 1 2356 4 1 2356 4 H/RH/RH/R 132 10 23 10 24H/RH/RH/R 5 34 5 23 13 24H/RH/RH/R 5 34 2 18 13 24 GGG ABABAB HRHRHRSBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG GGG ABABAB HRHRHR SBSBSB AVGAVGAVG OBPOBPOBP SLGSLGSLG 1 1 0 0 .000
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