Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-10-07
Ration Calendar PROCESSED FOODS .Iamps U. V and W eXJ>lre Oct. 20: X. Y and Z expire Nov. 20; MEAT brown atamps Mild C and D. Book 3. expire Ocl. 30; SUGAR .tamp 14 ' and HOME CANNlNG aia/)'lpi 15 and 18 expire Oel . 31; SHOE stamp No. 11 valid Indeflnllely; FUEL OIL THE 'DAILY IOWAN Iowa-MUd temperatures today, . per. 1 coupons '43-'44. expire Jan. 3, '44. ~pic ., Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Wife TB. ""OOIAT.» ..... IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1943 TB. "SIOOIAT.D .U'. VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 11 'favy mCENTS t 01) fter !ting ALLIES FIND DESOLATION, HUNGRY POPULACE IN CAPTURED NAPLES lSion the ,- this '. \V. Alti.e.a'' Army Fords rain !tin~ 'oom = . - 'Two• 4 • " '' Italian, Rivers- l'n'1v.\orcH.. on' Rome ----'------- t By EDW ABO KENNEDY ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, ALGIERS (AP)-The allied Soviets Repel Fifth and Eighth armies have crossed two rivers on which the fiercely l' .j ting Germans are making a stand to impede the British·American drive up the Italian peninsula-tl1e Volturno, (ounter-Blow £lowing into the Tyrrhenian sea 20 miles from Naples, and the Biferno, which runs into the Adriatic. 'fhe Fifth army, bringing up reserves to smash at increased enemy oppo. ition along the route to Rome, crossed the VolturnQ By Ge~mans , at one point after occupying Aversa and Maddaloni, north and RAGGED, H.UNGRY CITIZENS. gave tbe allles a tumultuous reception when they entered Naples. It was northeast of Naples, and reacl1ing Lago di Patria, a marshy lake not surprising' that the Italians were glad to see the Americans and British, because German occupation 12 miles northwest of the port, lleadquarters announced yesterday.
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