SEATTLE out One Important Baseball Fact— NOMEITE PASSES on That Few
English Miners; Britain Acts To Many Dead And Vole To Return To Avert Impending Injured In British ‘Great Issue Is Free I Extra Session Will Work Next Monday. Economic Crisis Liner Explosion People Vs. Total i- Do Little Good Taft tarians’ — LONDON, (£*)—Strikers in the LONDON, (A>) — Sir Stafford BELFAST, Northern Ireland i/Pl Says VIENNA, Ga. (>P) Senator Grimethorpe, England, coal mine Cripps, president of the board of Eighteen dead or dying men and George <D.-GaJ said yesterday he voted unanimously yesterday to trade, announced today new cuts more than 50 injured were SANTA CRUZ. Calif. (^—Sen- believes President Truman will return to work Monday, breaking in Britain’s armed forces and a brought ashore today from the ator Taft, Republican of Ohio, call Congress into special session, a western the back of a five-week-old unau- slash in permitted capital invest- British liner Reina Del Pacifico, opening prospecting but that it is a very ticklish gam- for the Presiden- thorized coal strike that took ments as crisis measures to help which docked here badly damaged trip Republican ble” which could result in a politi- tial 60,000 workers out of Yorkshire stave off economic collapse. by an explosion at sea. nomination, declared today cal stalemate with loss of prestige this enter pits. The labor minister urged an im- While hundreds crowded the country is not going to to the chief executive. a world state that envisions con- Miners elsewhere in the rich mediate one-third increase in ex- dock area, the 17,720-ton motor- George, the ranking minority invest- was and be- centration of all power in a dis- Yorkshire coal fields had come out ports, and said capital ship towed in police member of the Senate finance ments would have to be cut dras- an tant capital.
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