Ahead, Behind, Bentley Rallies To

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Ahead, Behind, Bentley Rallies To Harry Grayson’s Ahead, Behind, Bentley Rallies to Win Scoreboard wmm Cooney Tells of Hesitation Pitch Perhaps Braves Purchased Gomez Gold Fish NEW YORK Johnny Cooney, outfielding dean of major LaCroix Loses league players recently acquired by Brooklyn, broke in as a to Prov ife Them With Mrs. Annie Zitzman of left-handed pitcher. A hesitation pitch helped Cooney do mod- Geauga Lake. O, measures erately well with weak clubs and without too much stuff. 10-Game Test, 130-pound tarpon, Fun and Laughter catching \ Cooney relates how Dana Fillingim slipped as he was about to of which was worth SIOOO deliver the ball. Fillingim recovered his equilibrium, got the a:, f GRAYSON * outstanding achievement 4 Bv HARRY ball across the plate, and Cooney noticed that the batter was off in 1942 George Ruppert SOMETHING wont out of the Yankees when Vernon Gomez idea. As he strode forward,* his fishing contest The balance. That gave Cooney the 1960 to 1920 life of the was shunted to the Braves the party. 55-vear-old angler landed Jr i weight shifting to his right leg, his arm came to a stop. He com- Because of his greater variety of stuff while he was winning silver kipg off Miami Beach pleted the pitch as the batter relaxed, wondering what hap- Utica Bowling Star rated Lefty from 21 to 26 games a year, not a few trained observers with legulatinn tackle in k. pened to the ball. Triumphs Here as Gomez the superior of Lefty Grove, but the gay caballero will be 1 hour and 30 minutes. remembered for whack-o witticisms. SOO Fans Watch Light-hearted Lefty, inventor of the revolving bowl for old goldfish, tells a story better than he knows ha< a million of them. The Monitor-Leader The kingpin of Macomb coun- He even made Fd Barrow laugh. ty bowlers today was Filbert El Goofy weighed no more than 152 pounds when he came MONDAY FEBRUARY 1, 1943 PAGE 8 (Gil) Bentley, 34-ycar-old Utica up. President Barrow suggested tlfat he put on 20 pounds and tenpins star who established forget Jack Chesbro. himself as the unofficial cham- make them pion ‘•I put on 23,” explains the senor. “and almost made them BRING ON WAYNE! of this bailiwick by defeat- ing Norman forget Gomez.” LaCroix of Mount • • • Clemens in a 10-game match that was concluded ASKED WHAT his ambition was. Gomez replied that it was Flyers Gain Confidence at the Bowl- ride from the bullpen in deep left field at Yankee Stadium to O-Drome here yesterday. to Thirty-seven pins of on July Fourth, dressed in armor and wearing a in front the pitcher's box LaCroix as the final block of red, straw Despite Camp Grant Defeat white and blue hat. five games got underway, to fasten appropriate tags on others. For Gomez is quick Edged out by the rangy Camp Mickey Rottner, red-headed Bentley won the concluding Pete later Appleton, “The example, he dubbed Jablonowski. Grant basketball team of Rock- guard from Loyola University, block by a margih of three insisted that Frank Buck found King Kong Bomb Thrower.” He ford, 111., Saturday night after Chicago, who was Camp Grant’s pins to defeat his Mount Cle- Keller. : leading year, sparked mens > leading Camp Grant for all but scorer last rival over the ten-game game in -3f MIS While the Giants were rallying in a World Scries the last six minutes of the game, the visitors’ attack by dumping stretch, 1960 to 1920. gaze over- 1937, Gomez held up the festivities to at an airplane Selfridge Field Flyers return to in five field goals for 10 points. Behind 16 pins as the eighth diamond ring game head. With the bases loaded, he paused to inspect a the hardwood at Detroit Olym- The game was witnessed by started, Bentley wiped out come in on the finger of the umpire at second base, told him to Ancient Clubs pia Wednesday night to oppose several Macomb county high the deficit and went on to build the clubhouse afterward and see a better one. Unsung Wayne University. school players and their coach- up a lead which stood him in * • Boston * Bowler Sextet es who were guests of Selfridge. good stead until the finish. The Selfridge-Wayne engage- T AN EARLY GOMEZ STORY is the one about his brother be- Are Offered to half of a double SELFRIDGE FG F P Beset by bad breaks in the ment is the first games . first ing thrown by a bucking broncho at Rodeo, Calif. Principals of the other Feutsch, f. I 33 5 two of the final header. 0 13 block, “He was tossed so high I thought we would have to shoot him $4,000 Richer Bolsters Grip game are Great Lakes and the Waddell; f 5 3 Bentley saw LaCroix pull 0 13 even game doughnuts to keep him alive.’’ testifies Lefty the Lollapalooza. Golf Museums University of Detroit. Burkowski, c 1 in the first and then Chicagoan Red Wings Falter Roth, g 15 4 7 forge ahead by pins Art Fletcher advised Gomez to throw harder. Wins CHICAGO, Feb. I—(>P) —A Flyers barely missed 12 at the The Capron, g 10 0 2 end of the seventh game. ‘Tm throwing twice as hard as I ever did.” said Gome/, “only collection of 1.000 rare, ancient in Hockey Race biggest upsets Petersen Tourney scoring one of the g 13 2 5 GETS GOOD fast.” and eccentric golf clubs, round- Pelio, START not as Rv the Associated Press of the cage season on their home LaCroix started Johnny Murphy relieved Gomez so frequently in ’4l that CHICAGO, Feb. (TP) ed up in the last eight years by Saturday. Camp Grant, with 222 1 Boston won two games over floor 9 15 12 33 against Bentley s 185 scorekeepers the urge to record them as a combination. Eeiinger. 46-year-old Robert F. Zeddies of Chicago, greatly Kids of Totals and fol- had Clarence the week-end and added conqueror of the Whiz lowed up with 184 as Bentley McCarthy asked Gomez if he felt ready to start. Chicago won the will be placed in museums to of Illinois and Joe salesman from to its national hockey league as the University CAMP GRANT FG F P T slipped to 168. The breaks out first how Murphy feels,” suggested the pill- show' the duffer what fun he’s games, had to “Better find top prize :>f 54.000 and a medal Detroit and Toronto, staging a winner of 19 other Adams, f 0 14 1 which were going against Bent- missed. and sec- come behind to defeat the propelling Pagliacci. in the 29th renewal of the Peter- rough ready battle for from Graf, f 0 0 0 0 ley in the first two games start- pitching the Braves will get out of bowling tourney A part of the family tree of Flyers. The final score was 36- I don’t know how much sen individual ond place, each salvaged only a Blanken, f 10 4 2 ed going against LaCroix the many laugh. golf, missing links and all, will in Lefty Gomez, but they’ll get a which ended early today. tic in two outings each. 33 Szukala, 12 third of yesterday s bought go to the Chick Evans caddy played their finest f 10 match. Perhaps that's why Casey Stengel him Unknown and unheralded, Ed- In addition, the Boston cause The Flyers Herbrcchtsmcr, 0 3 2 Unable to negotiate the broadcasting should be scholar house at Northwestern game of the season, cl 5-10 With that pair on the same club, the inger, a 193 league average was helped when Syl Apps, out- defensive Frivaldsky, c 33 19 and 3-10 splits, LaCroix fell to University as a basis of a Chi- holding visitors to 14 points done from the dugout. bowler, paced the field of 832 standing center for the Maple the Rottner, g 5 0 2 10 171 in the eighth game as Bent- cago shrine for golf. The remain- the first half. they It would be the funniest program on the air. bowlers, including the best pin Leafs, suffered a broken leg in in Meanwhile Hogan, g 7 ley came up with 199 der w’ill be shipped to the U. S. themselves and 3 14 to take the nation, when he the fray with the Bruins Satur- chalked up 16 McCall, g lead of 12 pins. Bentley helped talent of the G. A. museum in New York. managed ahead by a 110 3 averaged 213.6 for his eight day night and w ill not be able to remain himself by making the difficult The collection proves a histor- r slim margin until Camp Grant games across the 16 tricky lanes. to play again this season. Totals 15 6 19 36 4-7-10 split in the second frame. ic point—that the modern duf- rallied late in the second half winning tally of 1710 was 97 Apps caught his right foot on He had the same split twice in His fer thought up divot digging all to move out in front, 34-31, with Roundup W'on during a rush the second game of yesterday’s Sports pins shy of the mark which by duffers, the post of the net himself. The first go. less than a minute to block, but failed to the event for Cass Grycier of weilding a 15-pound weapon re- and snapped the bone just above within one make it.
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