BASEBALL TEAM Andover. to Co-Operate

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BASEBALL TEAM Andover. to Co-Operate SOCIETY OF INQUIRY NOTICE Becauseof the College Board ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AllCharities Drive pledges not paid by the end of this week will examinations there be~no Ue bi sen-t home The pledges can Assembly Saturday mornIng but, 3 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bepaideihr &-hra at he3h raue' except for English 4 and English - ie ra a 3 5, classes ~will meet as usual. L Established 1878 Ten Cents -Vol. LXVI No. 44 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., APRIL 8, 1942 DAHL DRAWINGS BASEBALL TEAM Andover. to Co-operate SEEN SATURDAY TAKING SHAPE Herald Cartoonist Informal Game Held In a al BlcLuDIio Speaks Informally Between Two Squads R go uC~~ prac Last Saturday evening, in George With a full week of baseball 'Town W~histle To Signal Beginning; lWashington HaUl, before the tice behind them, the Varsity squadUn ow ;Cte itself off to Involved movies, Mr. Francis W. Dahl, car- is beginning to show Time U k o n 70 Ciis toonist of the Boston Herald, lec- Igood advantage. ne of the chief Tomorrow night a regional black- informally to the student! reasons for this is the fire training ANNOUNCEMENT tured -which of the members of the bodyis bout imressins ofthe some team were able to get down in Flor- The Addision Gallery o mn u ilb tgdicuig e men and women attending various some seventy com- schoolscoun- and colleges in this ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ida. -can Art and the Andover sides Andover, announce a photo- chunts. Oifnrater n Bossa-, try. The talk was illustrated by sev- Last Saturday Coach Follansbee "Townsman" competition which is open chuexattiOr gintingprcin ston, blackboard drawings in the fa- held an informal game between the graph eral to the students -of Phillips Acad- th xc ieo h rciei b mous Dahl style. -mmesothsua.ShBrc- extot theh Thethe audience witnessed first emy. The ocmtest proposesrsofteosqad.SethBroc- solutelyotestpropsunknownuteyexcept of life in highest authorities. ofea tyial he way, Ed Machaj, and Bob Tr'aylor present a cross~seotion leue ein se odam, whfl Philin fempte this New En-gland town. Prizes In case of an actual raid the yel- leatrr'undersraifate complete wH-'ia be awarded for originality low, blue and red signal system bowd tieradulta-shorpte ihscn tawiePhlKm, will prise and quality. For further informa- would be used. The yellow warning btiewanold bytra-hr caricure.,adJo lnia report that This was followed by a caricature ~~~~~~~~~forthe first team. John Mors tion, the reader is referred to is purely a confidential played a fine defensive game for the the article to be found on page unidentified planes are heading to- of a Radcliffe girl, who, according of thds issue of "The Phil- ward the coast. This gives the te M1r.Dahl, favors flat heels, horn-I first stringers, wvhile Doug Sturgis 3 rimmed glasses, and carries a bag collected the most hits.lian"srceanoptutyomblz. means that enemy crarnmed with text books wherever ~~~~~~~~~~~NoDefinite Position ___________________.The blue signal sbe goes.aicataedfntlheedhs _ _ _ _ __ Although no positions have asaicftredinelhaedhs The cartoonist next sketched his _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ way. But as they might turn or be idea of a Dartmouth student. Pre- ytbesetehreaemnofP the reallysquad wholooked have LO ~warded off, the white signal, all- clear, might be given at any time dominant in this was untidiness- thne.sudwohv elyloe A T A without the general public having TEA DANCE 'Typists Continue Course; doing tame excelen jobi S A T F I A unmkempt hair, whiskers on chin, Friday, during the -Activities dreamed of the emergency. At the bamd d, wonutioths Mr. Da Bob Furman today announced NwoesSil elo e around first base, ably backed up by On the annual Spring Philo red warning. however, the public hef asembyttatehercwoldresimSorio.lecodeilaowo-ayPeriod, part of the newly battle between John Macintyre and tounmn wl e ne a.alarm is -iven as there is imm- Ibat thecollegeliesina semi- a tea dance on April 25th. Instituted as a eatn rmrglrdaedne fbmig wilderness, where normal attire has Ti er Ti er eatn rmrglrdaedne fbmig nn place. inaugurated defense activities pso- Art Moher. Tuck Asbui-y has looked should'be in procedure, the organization will During all tests, in case of real The lecture continued with an I . gram, te typewvritng cours is good at short, and attack, the colors are of ne a o theSpig there when the season opens. How- have an additional bracket to serve surprise interpretation of two members Lack~ Of Equipment again everrNewByddosouldebewatchedas consolation for those who lose changed. Green one is used for the the first round. The winner of yellow, green two for the' blue, BostonsHallBarberSchoohAs- AL D A qI'term. Some thirty or thirty-five alo ogSu~sadRn a-in this consolation bracket will be al- gredn three for the red, and green there consist of prac- boys are progressing at their own ri o areubothg lokng iend are signnments Affects~ P. A. Teams semi- four for the white signals. As soon and so Mr. Aheitam atndvrjutconvenient rate of speed under the for ovro h otcre.B- oe oeter the regular tieing on classmates, as possildunga emrnc Dahi portryedthe suject of aas all others throughout the coun- guiding eyes of Mr. Boyle. hind the plate Ben Hammer, Ray finals. to the tournament is re- ambulances~ and fire engines get to homework sitting in a chair, 'try, are being affected by the war Only- a few students have taken Vorce, Don Celotto, and the Other Entrance day's to members of the three assigned posts scattered through- gritting his teeth and waiting for in many ways, not the least of advantage of Mr. Boyle's offer to Zonino are all in there fighting for stricted classes. A twenty-five cent out the town. This precaution not .- his beaming friend to go to work which is a scarcity of equipment, those who wish to begin the course the first string slot. In the outfield upper 2 be charged, and -COntinued -on Pg o him. Euallyausing ws ~~Th-Due-to-der-reased-production--and- no-w-There-istilI room for-about- therei-s BardeSmith;-Cliff Wright, diitrance toe will will be used to make up________ Continued -on Page 4 increased costs of sports parapher- twenty-five newcomers. The typists Bob Furman, and Sledge Hammer the money nals, the athletic department is meet each day during the activities While on the mound the first string a prize for the winning team. The ~~uring students from the varsities hour in Pearson Hall, Room G, and pitcher will be one of the follow- contest runs throughout the Sprinp A R C S ER STKMIC E N PLA ing: Elly Vose, Phil Kemp, Joe term, enabling everyone to have a . .T A K T R STICKMEN PLAN down ~to Junior athletics to con -bring their own typewriters. The ORGOOD YEA ~~~~serveand handle carefully all only expense to the student is the Flanag~n, Seth Brockway, Ed least two chances. B G track coaches are a recent appeal to plied by the school. Flanagan are both returning letter- scheduled with Exeter. Andover's -aThis week the With the aid of a new assistant, Mr. Peck, in will probable n- lending the Varsity candidates in a Ear Litleonf te Bsto L- the club baseball players, stressed Among those who have made the men, while Brockway has been a representatives are most progress during the winter member of the squad for two yeairs clude President Gordon Eliot, Vice- series of setting-up exercises and - ~~~thefact that athletic goods Bill Rentschler, and Gene short, round-the-track jaunts to pre- crosse Club, Coach "Lennie" James valuable since they are not being term are: A. Raphael, T. Hudner, Bob Trayor was last year's ace of President The fourth man i still pare them for time trials sched- las been drilling his lacrosse squad, produced in large quantities, and J. Raymond, M. Rothschild, J. P. the Jayvees. Kemp and Machaj are Pantzer. he chosen from the ranks of the uled for the end of the week. strengthened with ten lettermen, on many Z-onipanies have tur-ned to Stevens, and W. Stevens. both new men. to TimaandMplaceMesshs. arhpard oyBoylWWattaan the theold pastcampus few_____work__moevital__forthe__wareffort.__society's__mesociety'siembers. during have not as yet been Flanagan also have in mind the not- Jay Naugle wvill again "Even the major- leagues are hay- for the debate days. Captain hutsa good under-graduate so-far-off meet with the Dartmouth lead the team, which is determined ing a hard time securing baseballs," SARITA GIVES PERFORMANCE arranged, showing in support of the team is Freshmen on April 19. to avenge last year's poor secord. said Mr. Peck, and he went -on to for. In the last contest between An- Hopes -for a good season were cite an example of thf§tU-iffcuyin 0F LAT IN -AMERICAN DANC ES hoped over and Dartmouth in the An- voce amswhb M.systhtthe i-ecent major league FeNxAiNbition____cl ToiceJams, bywh M.saysthatgame that ended in a tie because ofveSpanishrduDaThrills.triBALL doveet-harvRDamouh tingu-e be has an abundance of good ma- there were no more baseballs. Portrayal ofSpnshRythm TrlsAudience; 2J. .B terial, which should shape into a IL more than the 4 opsr copne nPaowith 8 1-6 points Powerful team. Charlie Knapp, Continued on Page Husband, Noe ~ ~~ ~~~~~~F Green. But predictions for spring LarryEccles, and "Mac" Macom- ACES BIG -CUT track meets should not be made on Larry"Mac" Eccies,Macom- and ~~~~~~~~~~Inthe Gecrge Washington Hall meeting room last night, Sarita, NEW -ESSAY CONTEST Mr. Ben-ediot, Junior Vars-ity the basis of a winter performance. ber should boost the offense, he PN FORE IS TO BE Ternnn vnsar ogr n Captain Jay Naugle, acliePymayaINAorms said; while coach, is faced -with the ' Ternigeet r ogrn Luce Bigelow, and Jim Carrington GIVEN ON APRIL 18 acamdb aya h oeis FOR JUNIORS, LOWERS baseball of cutting the unusually large there -are three more weight con- Wilt strengthen the defense.
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