Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-08-08
, . " ~s ' I Cub. Nick Reds Pardy Cloudy les Whip PaUl DerrlnJer ID WID JOWA: Panq eloudy toda)'; \ I Over Loop Leaden ..mewbat warmer J See storr OD P&I'e , e owan . &omorrow. l ,, ' Datlu L I 0 Ie a Ciey', II ornin, Nstc,paper be held'i Emma F ~ ', fte~ ..... Irly yes.: FIVE CENTS .. ......... IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1940 VOLUME XL NUMBER 264 horne, or 'tter, 900 fOllowed in Ger. H:enrietla carne to d p~sed ire here. the Zion ec~ BlId d grand. I ,'* * * .* ,.* * inclUded *** *** *** *** *** *** :ter, Airs. -t LeWIS h Drews: at the Nith the 'England Istor,of_ Asks··More U. S.Armaments e in the * • * . body is * * * * If * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * uary. WHERE ITALIANS, BRITISH FIGHT Porter Appointed Political Science 'Head • • • • • • :e 1) .----- . - . • 'lowever - - ; to llri~ Would Gear House Amends A.ppointed 'i th Italy Selected Bv Infantrymen Smash Across The lat EgyPt Neutrality Act " territory Military Effort British Somaliland Frontier At here has For Refugees State Board t on the To Production WASHINGTON, Aug. 7, (AP) Of Education Several Points in East Africa British - With only a lew scattered re miles "noes," the house passed neutral of 345,_ Government Official ity act amendments today which 'AbOl,lt 6 Candidate ' Influential Spokesmen Charge Secretary Hull As Idvn nced would permit American ships to For Two Presidencies r British Pictures Factories enter belligerent waters to bring 'Crealing a Phantom of German-Italian Guided by Engli hmen back refugee children from war Considered at Meeting Menace' to America d out 01 torn nations. the col LONDON, Au&,. 8 (Thursday) The Legislation, which now goes Prot.
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