Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1947-05-10
6000 MORNING, IOWA CITY! Somewhat warmer is the preclidion for today, with owal1 high temperature about 62; low, 44. r.tabl1lhed lStG Vo1.19. No. 194-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday. May 10, 194.1-Five Cents • • • House Passes ree -Tur IS I I Eleel Turner Senate Group Votes 10.5-30 Percent Tax Slash Defeats E!e~ To Argonne . EHorito Limit Willie Executed Wearing.:S!~~~ ~:.~~s' Would Sta~ HRICOPTER BURNS AnER CRASH Use of Troops Atomic Board ST. MARTINVILLE, La. (A') - WASffiNGTON (JP)-A prece Prof. Louis A. Turner, head of ThllS July 1 Willie Francis tnade his second dent-shattering $402,000,000 meas the physics department, has been trip to tile electric chair yester ure to bolster Greece and Turkey against Communist domination elected to the board of governors day, wearing his Sunday pants and WASHINGTON (IP) - The sen was passed by the' house last of the Argonne Nationallabor~tory ate finance committee voted yes his "Sunday heart." night, 287 to 107. for a three-year term. terday to cut income taxes by 10.5 The same chair which spared On the final roll call, 127 Re He and Dr. Paul E. Klopsteg of to 30 percent this July 1. his life through a mechanical tall Over a full year's operation, publicans and 160 Democrats Iowa State college were elected ilt ure a year ago, took it this time, committee experts estimated, the voted tor it. Agalnst the measure the annual meeting of the labora took it quickly, and apparently bill would save individual taxpay were 93 Republicans, 13 Demo tory's council of representatives painleSlSly.
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