Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-06-05
> 1940 ~ .. - -- " Killg C(lrl Pardy Cloudy , ".II JIO Hubbell Beata Cincinnati For IOWA: Partl, cloudy, not warm lit 1IOribnIit' today and 11th Stralrht I See Story on Pare 4 ~: partly cloudy. ~, I 10 III a City', MorRin., Nelll,paper FIVE CENTS fte._ r... IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5,1940 no............... VOLUME XL NUMBER 210 ~~~~~~~~======~~======~~~~~~~~~~~======~======~==~~==~~, , ----------------------~~--------------- -------------------------------------------------------~-~ . * * * * * * The Nazi GrllslJ High Command Announce End ~--~--------~ Allies' Bomb German ' Cities , .. t., •• Of Create t Battle of All • . .~ Hard-Held DUllkerquc Capture.l ith 40,000 Report Hitting Italian Cabinet Approves New Pri on 1'8; Predict 'Total De trncHon' ReichFactories P d M c. W Of Allied Fore During Raid BY THE ASSOCIATED PRE 'repare ness oves lor ar BERLIN, June 4 (AP)-Adolf Hitler's high command an • * * * .-~-------- nounced tonight the conclusion of "the great l d tructive battle of all times," with the capture of hard-held Dunk t'Que French Announce End No Hint Given Envoy Quill Italy Latin American along with 40,000 prisoners, and then threat n d th Fr nch Of Northern Campaign; .. and British with "totaJ destruction." As to When It told the German people that they could be c rtain "that Tl~rn to Ail' Foray~ Countries Act final victory is ours," now that Flanders is won. llaZy May Enter Suggestion that a big offensive might thus be in the mak BY THE ASSOCIATED PilES f Caribbean Conference ing in the south toward Paris was accompanied by a jubilant , PARIS, June 4 - The allies II Duce Must Order recapitulation in which the high command said that English, ",:ote ort the bnttle of Flanders Committee Approves Extraordinary Session French, Belgian and Dutch prisoners numbered 1,200,000 with the abandonment 01 Dun Move lor Independence since May 10, exclusive of an undetermined numb r kill d ~erque today :;,ld slnshed bock Before March Begins and wounded.
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