r ¿z f UUHSNE UNfYHpsfplË The ¡TÖbJURON, PVZMNUYUVAN1A Pittsburgh Catholic Official Organ of the Diocese oi Pittsburgh-Founded in 1844 104th Year-No. 23 PITTSBURGH, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1947 TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS 90 Per Cent of Russians 10,000 Churches Terliaries Told Franciscan In France Need Oppose Communist Regime, Rebuilding Formula of Simplicity and First-Hand Reports Show New York, Aug. 11 (NC)—'Two Purity Can Rebuild Society wars in less than 30 years have Notre Dame. Iiul., Au«r. 11 (N(')—A tremendous psycholo- left the people of France with the Cincinnati, Aug. 12 (NC)—Sim- ciety," Archbishop Richard J. gical revolution is taking place in Soviet Russia today with at task of rebuilding 10,000 churches, plicity and purity: this w,as the Cushing of Boston declared at the least 90 percent of the Russian people opposed to the Com- Courrier de France, French of- formula St. Francis recalled to Pontifical Mass opening the sixth munist regime controlling their country. This is the opinion ficial news service, reports here. the Church is his day and ofifers quinquennial national congress of of competent observers from the resistance movements in sev- to the world in ours, and "until the Third Order of St. Francis The first World War left more eral Soviet-occupied countries, who reported first-hand informa- we recapture these in statecraft here. than 4,000 churches in ruins, and I tion to the more than 100 priests attending the Fifth Annual as in all things else, it makes no "We know more about space difference what other resources Study Week for Priests held here at the University of Notre no sooner had these been recon- and stars and the constituents of structed, than the conflict of 1939 we briiig to the rebuilding of so- matter and the movements of the Dame. • I broke out, it is declared. As a re- spheres and the energies of the Speakers from the resistance universe than all the wisemen of One Coadjutor, sult. 5,400 churches and more than movements cannot be named, be- I Ridgway Priest Named the Middle Ages combined—and cause they have relatives in So- 1<ou r Auxiliary 3,000 other religious structures Chaplain by Legion's yet we live in fear of all these viet areas. are in need of repairs and recon- things, in fear of the very knowl- struction. State Convention Here edge of them which enemies and The Russian people, the observ- i Bishops Named friends alike possess," he said. trs declared, at first were willing ] Rev. George M. Hickey. assist- "St. Francis knew one thing to fight side by side with the Ger- ji Washington, Aug. r (NO—Five F inai Retreats ant pastor of St. Leo's Church, and one thing only about the uni- mans, but when they became j priests in different parts of the Ridgway, was chosen by acclama- verse and the atoms of which it »ware of the ruthlessness with i United State have been named In Bellevne for tion to serve as state chaplain of and all things in it are made: He Bishops by His Holiness Pope which the people were treated the American Legion at last Fri- knew that they are God's work Pius XII, it is announced in word Women Listed day's session of the Legion's and that therefore they are good they turned against the Germans received here by Archbishop Am- three-day convention here. Father and beautiful. And so he did not and were willing to fight undei leto Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic Hickey, who saw service as a Rev. Raymond G. Lovasik, fear them as we do; rather he Communist leadership. After the i Delegate to the United States. chaplain in World War II, was S.V.D., of Girard, Pa., a former loved them as we have lost the Rev. Hubert Michael Newell, nominated for the post by the re- termination of World War II. ob- resident of Tarentum. will con- heart to do," the Archbishop stat- superintendent of schools of the tiring chaplain, Rev. Joseph E. servers continued, the younger i duct the two remaining retreats, ed. •» I Archdiocese of Denver for the last Law, Lutheran minister of Wil- sponsored by the Pittsburgh Coun- Archbishop Cushing said, how- Russians who had fought in the | 10 years, has been named Titular li amsport. Red army felt that they had won cil of Catholic Women, to be given ever. that today it is the "City of Bishop of Zapara and Coadjutor Resolutions adopted by the con- j Man" that is tottering, rather than the war for the Allies and since I with the right of succession to at Mt. As.-isi Academy, Bellevue, they discovered that the standard over the week-ends of Aug. 21-24 I vention called for enactment of i the "City of God," as it was in Bishop Pat rick A. Mi Govern of I the Taft-Ellerider-Wagner hous- St. Francis' time, and he observed of living in Europe is much higher j Cheyenne. and Aug. 28-31. Reservations are being received at the P.C.C.W. of- ing bill and for adoption of a uni- that "the Church of Jesus Christ than in Russia, they have turned Msgr. Hugh A. Donohoe, editor against the Communist regime. fice, 5216 Penn Ave. versal military training program; is emerging strong and fair from of "The Monitor." newspaper of i pledged support of the Marshall the dark days now gone by and So many widespread instances, I the Archdiocese of San Francisco, they reported, have occurred in I I Plan for European reconstruction; she faces the future, whatever it has been named Titular Bishop of Milwaukee, has been named Titu- demanded that racial segregation may bring, with divine fearless- Russia in which Russian soldiers i Taium and Auxiliary to Arch- lar Bishop of St obi and Auxiliary returning from Europe have per- in the Army and Navy be ended, ness and confident optimism." bishop John .T. Mitty of San Fran- to Archbishop Moses E. Kilev of and recommended that govern- sonally executed members of the j cisco. Milwaukee "The Church is giving to God Communist regime that now no j ment- financial aid be withheld in these times in which I speak Ru ssian soldier who at any time i Very Rev. L. Abel Caillouet. Msgr. James Aloysius McNulty, j from educational institutions that more heroic souls, more glorious fought in Eurcpe is permitted to rector of St. Joseph's Church, Ba- moderator general of the Mt. Car- discriminate on a basis of color saints, I dare to say it, than she carry guns. The observers .stressed i ton Rouge, La., has been named ni el Guild and director of diocesan or creed. It was also recommend- has given Him in generations be- that young men who had been ac- i Titular Bishop of Setea and Aux- cemeteries in the Archdiocese of ed that the Legion require future fore. It is always that way in tive in the Young Christian Work- | iliary to Archbishop Joseph F. Newark, has been named Titular applicants to sign a statement de- days of persecution, of war and ers before the war were most Rummel of New Orleans. Bishop of Methone and Auxiliary claring that they are not mem- worry and wickedness in high courageous and active in the re- | Msgr. Roman R. Atkiel-ki, to Archbishop Thomas J. Walsh bers of Communist, Fascist or oth- places, like the days in which we Sistance movement in the Balkans I chancellor of the Archdiocese of of Newark. er subversive groups. live," he said. during the war. Losing Christian Standard Speaking of the Russian people HOLY FATHER WELCOMED AT CASTEL GANDOLFO "The moral principle ol many •s a whole, the observers pointed . that it doesn't matter what you out that the average Russian is * believe, as long as you live right, fundamentally a very good per- is conclusively disproved by cur- son. They said that the two chief rent conditions in the United Virtues needed in dealing with States," Charles McCarthy ol St. them are a great sense of fellow- i Paul, a junior tertiary, told a sec- «hip and infinite patience because j tion of the more than 1.400 de'e- of ignorance on the part of the | gales from the U.S. and Canada Russian people of the American attending the congress. "Little by way of life. The crude, direct way little the great mass ot people of life of the Russians, they ob- have di vorced themselves from served. is due to their being de- well-defined belief in Christian prived of the liberties and spiritu- teaching and substituted instead al values of life. this principle and as a result their morals and moral standards have Previous Blood Order* suffered proportionately," he said. "Sociologists may blame mod- Names New Provincial ern conditions and the fast pace for the present day instability of Carthagena. O.. Aug. 7—Very morals and family life. This is Rev. Seraphim W. Oberhauser, only half an answer. The princi- c PP. S., was elected pal factor is an insensibility for oi provincial the Society of the Precious Christian morals and a conse- Blood at a general chapter of the quent disregard for temptation congregation held at the mother- and occasions of sin." house, here, with 200 priest Rev. Francis King, T.O.R.. cohi- tending. He succeeds Most missary of the Loretto, Pa., Ter- Joseph M. Marling, recently tiary Province, a panel chairman, Pointed Auxiliary Bishop of K gave a resume ot the ideals and sas City.
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