Жание / Дух Огня / Най Ангки / Spirit of Fire / 2005

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Жание / Дух Огня / Най Ангки / Spirit of Fire / 2005 ЖАНИЕ / ДУХ ОГНЯ / НАЙ АНГКИ / SPIRIT OF FIRE / 2005 ОРГКОМИТЕТ ФЕСТИВАЛЯ / ORGANIZING COMMITTEE OF THE FESTIVAL Àëåêñàíäð Âàñèëüåâè÷ Ôèëèïåíêî Àëëà Âëàäèìèðîâíà Ãðèáöîâà Ëþáîâü Íèêîëàåâíà Ëîêòåâà Ãóáåðíàòîð, Ïðåäñåäàòåëü Ïðåä ñå äà òåëü Êî ìè òå òà ïî ìî ëî - Íà÷àëüíèê Îðãàíèçàöèîííî- Ïðàâèòåëüñòâà àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà, äåæ íîé ïî ëè òè êå àâ òî íîì íî ãî êîíòðîëüíîãî óïðàâëåíèÿ ñîïðåäñåäàòåëü îðãêîìèòåòà îê ðó ãà Àäìèíèñòðàöèè Ãóáåðíàòîðà Alexander Filipenko Alla Gribtsova àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà Governor, Chairman of the Chairman of the Committee for Lyubov Lokteva Government of the Autonomous youth policy of the Autonomous Chief of the Organisational and District, co-chairman of the organiz- district Supervision division of the ing committee Âëàäèìèð Âåíåäèêòîâè÷ Æóðàâëåâ Governor’s administration of the autonomous district Ìèõàèë Åôèìîâè÷ Øâûäêîé Äèðåêòîð Äåïàðòàìåíòà òðàíñïîðòà, Ðóêîâîäèòåëü Ôåäåðàëüíîãî àãåíòñòâà ñâÿçè àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà Íàòàëüÿ Êîíñòàíòèíîâíà Ìàëàõîâà ïî êóëüòóðå è êèíåìàòîãðàôèè, Vladimir Zhuravlyov Íà ÷àëü íèê Îò äå ëà îôîðì ëå íèÿ äî - ñîïðåäñåäàòåëü îðãêîìèòåòà Director of the transport and com- êó ìåí òîâ ïî âû åç äó çà ãðà íè öó Óï - Mikhail Shvydkoy munications Department of the ðàâ ëå íèÿ ïî âî ïðî ñàì êà ä ðî âîé Head of the Federal Agency for autonomous district ïî ëè òè êè Àä ìè íè ñ ò ðà öèè Ãó áåð íà - òî ðà àâ òî íîì íî ãî îê ðó ãà Culture and Cinema, co-chairman of Àëåêñàíäð Êîíñòàíòèíîâè÷ Èçìàéëîâ the organizing committee Natalia Malakhova Ïðåäñåäàòåëü Êîìèòåòà ïî Chief of the Department for Issuing Íàòàëüÿ Ëåîíèäîâíà Çàïàäíîâà ñðåäñòâàì ìàññîâîé èíôîðìàöèè è foreign document to people going Çàìåñòèòåëü Ïðåäñåäàòåëÿ ïîëèãðàôèè àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà abroad with the office for staff poli- Ïðàâèòåëüñòâà àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà Alexander Izmaylov cy of the Administration of the ïî âîïðîñàì ñîöèàëüíîé ïîëèòèêè, Chairman of the Committee for Governor of the autonomous district çàìåñòèòåëü ïðåäñåäàòåëÿ îðãêîìèòåòà mass media and polygraphy of the Þðèé Òèìîôååâè÷ Ìàí÷åâñêèé Natalia Zapadnova autonomous district Deputy Chairman of the Government Ãëàâà ìóíèöèïàëüíîãî îáðàçîâàíèÿ of the Autonomous District for Àëåêñàíäð Ñòàíèñëàâîâè÷ Êàðìàçèí «Õàíòû-Ìàíñèéñêèé ðàéîí» social policy, deputy chairman of the Çà ìå ñ òè òåëü Ãëà âû àä ìè íè ñ ò ðà öèè Yuri Manchevsky organizing committee ìó íè öè ïàëü íî ãî îá ðà çî âà íèÿ «Ãî - Head of municipal education «The ðîä îê ðóæ íî ãî çíà ÷å íèÿ Õàí òû- Khanty-Mansiysk district» Âàëåðèé Ìèõàéëîâè÷ Ñóäåéêèí Ìàí ñèéñê» Ãëàâà àäìèíèñòðàöèè Íàòàëüÿ Ðóäåãåðîâíà Ìàñëîâà ìóíèöèïàëüíîãî îáðàçîâàíèÿ «Ãîðîä Alexander Karmazin Ïðåäñåäàòåëü Êîìèòåòà ïî Õàíòû-Ìàíñèéñê», çàìåñòèòåëü Deputy Chief of the administration èíôîðìàöèîííûì ðåñóðñàì ïðåäñåäàòåëÿ îðãêîìèòåòà of municipal education «The Town Àäìèíèñòðàöèè àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà of Khanty-Mansiysk» Valery Sudeykin Natalia Maslova Head of the administration of Âÿ÷åñëàâ Ìèõàéëîâè÷ Êîçëîâñêèé Chairman of the Committee for municipal education «The Town of Çàìåñòèòåëü íà÷àëüíèêà Óïðàâëåíèÿ information resources of the adminis- Khanty-Mansiysk», deputy chairman âíóòðåííèõ äåë àâòîíîìíîãî tration of the autonomous district of the organizing committee îêðóãà, íà÷àëüíèê ìèëèöèè îáùåñòâåííîé áåçîïàñíîñòè Ñåðãåé Âèêòîðîâè÷ Ðóëåâ ×ËÅÍÛ ÎÐÃÊÎÌÈÒÅÒÀ / Ãåíåðàëüíûé äèðåêòîð ÎÀÎ MEMBERS OF ORGANIZING Vyacheslav Kozlovsky «Þãîðñêàÿ äîëèíà» COMMITTEE Deputy Chief of the Department of internal affairs of the autonomous Sergey Rulev Âàëåðèé Ëåîíèäîâè÷ Áåñïîÿñêî district, chief of police of public Director General of «Yugorskaya Ïðåäñåäàòåëü Êîìèòåòà ïî òóðèçìó safety. Dolina Inc.» àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà Àëåêñàíäð Âèòàëüåâè÷ Êîíåâ Ñåðãåé Àëåêñàíäðîâè÷ Ñîëîâüåâ Valery Bespoyasko Äèðåêòîð Äåïàðòàìåíòà êóëüòóðû è Ïðåçèäåíò III Ìåæäóíàðîäíîãî Chairman of the Tourist Committee èñêóññòâà àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà ôåñòèâàëÿ êèíåìàòîãðàôè÷åñêèõ of the Autonomous district äåáþòîâ «Äóõ îãíÿ» Alexander Konev Èðèíà Âëàäèìèðîâíà Áåçíîñîâà Director of the Department for Sergey Solovyov Çàìåñòèòåëü ïðåäñåäàòåëÿ Êîìèòåòà ïî Culture and Arts of the autonomous President of the Third International âíåøíèì ñâÿçÿì àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà district Festival of film Debuts «Spirit of Fire» Irina Beznosova Àíàòîëèé Àëåêñàíäðîâè÷ Êîðíååâ Èðèíà Áîëåñëàâîâíà Òêà÷åíêî Deputy Chairman of the Committee Ðóêîâîäèòåëü Ïðåññ-ñëóæáû Äèðåêòîð ÃÓ «Êîíöåðòíî- for foreign relations of the Ãóáåðíàòîðà àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà òåàòðàëüíûé öåíòð» autonomous district Anatoly Korneev Irina Tkachenko Âèêòîð Äàâûäîâè÷ Âèëüãåëüì Chief of the Press service of the Director of the «Concert and Theatre Äèðåêòîð Äåïàðòàìåíòà Governor of the autonomous district Center» çäðàâîîõðàíåíèÿ àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà Âàëåíòèíà Íèêîëàåâíà Êî÷åòûãîâà Îëåã Àëåêñàíäðîâè÷ Óðóøåâ Victor Vilgelm Çàìåñòèòåëü äèðåêòîðà Ãå íå ðàëü íûé äè ðåê òîð III Ìåæ äó íà ðîä - Director of the Health Department Äåïàðòàìåíòà êóëüòóðû è èñêóññòâà íîãî ôå ñ òè âà ëÿ êè íå ìà òî ãðà ôè ÷å ñ êèõ äå - of the autonomous district àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà, ñåêðåòàðü áþ òîâ «Äóõ îã íÿ», ãå íå ðàëü íûé äè ðåê òîð Àëåêñàíäð Ýðíñòîâè÷ Ãåðáåð îðãêîìèòåòà îê ðóæ íîé òå ëå ðà äè î êîì ïà íèè «Þãðà» Óïðàâëÿþùèé äåëàìè Ãóáåðíàòîðà Valentina Kochetygova Oleg Urushev àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà Deputy Director of the Department Director General of the Third Alexander Gerber for culture and arts of the International Festival of film Debuts Business-manager of the Governor of autonomous district, secretary of the «Spirit of Fire», director general of the the Autonomous District organizing committee regional TV and Radio company «Yugra». 2 ДУХ ОГНЯ / НАЙ АНГКИ / SPIRIT OF FIRE / 2005 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ / CONTENTS Ôåñòèâàëü ïîñâÿùàåòñÿ 100-ëåòèþ ñî äíÿ ðîæäåíèÿ Ëåî Àðíøòàìà The Festival is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Leo Arnshtam ÂÑÒÓÏÈÒÅËÜÍÀß ×ÀÑÒÜ . .4 INTRODUCTION ÆÞÐÈ . .9 JURY ÊÎÍÊÓÐÑÍÀß ÏÐÎÃÐÀÌÌÀ . .12 COMPETITION ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÈÅ ÄÅÁÞÒÛ-2004 . .34 RUSSIAN DEBUTS-2004 ÊËÓÁ ÞÍÎØÅÑÊÎÃÎ È ÄÅÒÑÊÎÃÎ ÔÈËÜÌÀ «ÒÂÎÅ ÊÈÍλ . .62 Ê 60-ëåòèþ Ïîáåäû YOUTH AND CHILDREN CINEMA CLUB «YOUR CINEMA» Towards the 60th Anniversary of Victory ÌÎËÎÄÎÅ ÊÀÍÀÄÑÊÎÅ ÊÈÍÎ: ëó÷øèå êèíîäåáþòû ïîñëåäíèõ ëåò . .92 YOUNG CANADIAN CINEMA: best cinema debuts for the last years ØÅÄÅÂÐÛ ÊÀÍÀÄÑÊÎÃÎ ÊÈÍÎ: äåáþòû êàíàäñêèõ êëàññèêîâ . .99 CANADIAN CINEMA MASTERPIECES: Canadian film classics debuts ÌÈÔÛ ÍÀÐÎÄΠÑÅÂÅÐÀ . .104 NORTHERN COUNTRIES MYTHS ÌÎËÎÄÎÅ ÊÈÍÎ ÂÅÍÃÐÈÈ: ëó÷øèå êèíîäåáþòû ïîñëåäíèõ ëåò . .116 YOUNG HUNGARIAN CINEMA: best cinema debuts for the last years ØÅÄÅÂÐÛ ÂÅÍÃÅÐÑÊÎÃÎ ÊÈÍÎ: Èøòâàí Ñàáî . .121 HUNGARIAN CINEMA MASTERPIECES: Istvan Szabo ÐÅÒÐÎÑÏÅÊÒÈÂÀ ÔÈËÜÌΠËÅÎ ÀÐÍØÒÀÌÀ . .126 LEO ARNSHTAM FILM RETROSPECTIVE ÏÐÅÇÅÍÒÀÖÈß ÏÐÎÅÊÒÀ . .131 PROJECT PRESENTATION ÑÏÅÖÏÎÊÀÇ Â ÐÀÌÊÀÕ ÖÅÐÅÌÎÍÈÈ ÎÒÊÐÛÒÈß ÔÅÑÒÈÂÀËß . .134 SPECIAL SCREENING WITHIN CEREMONY OF OPENING OF THE FESTIVAL ÑÏÅÖÏÎÊÀÇ . .138 SPECIAL SCREENING ÂÛÑÒÀÂÊÀ Ñ.ÑÎËÎÂÜÅÂÀ: 100 ôîòîãðàôèé - «Âûáîð íàòóðû» . .142 SERGEY SOLOVYOV EXHIBITION: 100 photos - «Choosing the Nature» ÈÍÄÅÊÑ ÔÈËÜÌΠ/ INDEX OF FILMS . .146 ÈÍÄÅÊÑ ÐÅÆÈÑÑÅÐΠ/ INDEX OF DIRECTORS . .147 ÎÐÃÀÍÈÇÀÖÈÈ / COMPANIES . .149 ÎÑÎÁÀß ÁËÀÃÎÄÀÐÍÎÑÒÜ / SPECIAL THANKS . .149 ÄÈÐÅÊÖÈß ÔÅÑÒÈÂÀËß / MAMAGEMENT OF THE FESTIVAL . .151 3 ДУХ ОГНЯ / НАЙ АНГКИ / SPIRIT OF FIRE / 2005 Äî ðî ãèå äðó çüÿ! Dear friends! ß ðàä âíîâü ïðèâåò ñòâî âàòü âàñ íà äðåâ íå - I am glad to welcome you once again in þ ãîð ñêîé çåì ëå â ãî ðî äå Õàí òû-Ìàí ñèé - the old Yugorian land in the town of ñêå, ãäå ìû â òðå òèé ðàç ïðî âî äèì ìåæ äó - Khanty-Mansiysk, where we are hosting the íàðîä íûé ôå ñ òè âàëü êè íå ìà òî ãðà ôè ÷å ñ êèõ International Festival of Film Debuts «Spirit äå áþ òîâ «Äóõ Îã íÿ». of Fire». Êî ã äà ìû íà ÷è íà ëè ýòó ðàáî òó â 2002 ãî - In 2002 when we were just beginning our äó, êî íå÷ íî æå, ó íàñ áû ëî ìíî ãî ñî ìíå - work we were filled with doubts: it is. But íèé — ìèð âå ëèê, è êè íî è ôå ñ òè âà ëåé â the very first festival held in February 2003 ìè ðå ìíî ãî. Îä íà êî óæå ïåð âûé ôå ñ òè - demonstrated the vibrant, ingenuous interest âàëü, ïðî âå äåí íûé â ôå â ðà ëå 2003 ãî äà, of Siberian cinemagoers when the dismal cos- ïî êà çàë, êà êîé æè âîé, íå ïî ñðåä ñòâåí íûé mopolitan cinematic entertainment, filling èí òå ðåñ èñ ïû òû âà åò ñè áèð ñêèé çðè òåëü ê the scant Russian movie screens, was replaced êè íå ìà òî ãðà ôó, ê òîìó êèíî, êî òî ðîå ñ by films which can justly be called art. ïîë íûì ïðà âîì ìî æåò íà çû âàòü ñÿ èñ êóñ - ñòâîì. We would like to believe that at the second «Spirit of Fire» festival, which was held in Íà âòî ðîì ôå ñ òè âà ëå «Äóõ îã íÿ», ïðî øåä - 2004 we managed to consolidate the best øåì â 2004 ãî äó, õî òå ëîñü áû äó ìàòü, íàì achievements of the first event and find óäà ëîñü çà êðå ïèòü âñå òî ëó÷ øåå, ÷òî ïðî - new ways to the hearts of the viewers. ÿâè ëîñü â ïðî öåñ ñå ïðî âå äå íèÿ ïåð âî ãî ôå ñ òè âà ëÿ, è íà ìå òèòü íî âûå ïó òè ê ñåðä - But most significantly we managed to com- öó çðè òå ëÿ. plete the construction of an establishment of unique cultural importance. This new  ýòîì ãî äó î÷å ðåä íîé, òðå òèé ôå ñ òè âàëü theatre and concert complex is already func- ïðîé äåò óæå â âå ëèêî ëåï íîì çäà íèè òå à ò - tioning, all the halls there are furnished ðàëü íî-êîí öåðò íî ãî êîì ïëåê ñà, âñå çà ëû with the modern-day high-end equipment. êî òî ðî ãî îáî ðó äî âà íû òåõ íî ëî ãè ÷å ñ êè ñî - This year the third festival will be held in âåð øåí íûì ñî âðå ìåí íûì êè íî îáî ðó äî âà - this magnificent building. As usual this year íè åì. Êàê îáû÷ íî, è â ýòîì ãî äó ìû óâè - we shall see and appraise home film debuts äèì è îöå íèì âñå îò å÷å ñ ò âåí íûå êè íå ìà - completed by the year 2005 and together òî ãðà ôè ÷å ñ êèå äå áþ òû, çà êîí ÷åí íûå ê íà - with the competent jury we shall do our ÷à ëó 2005-ãî, è âìå ñ òå ñ àâ òî ðè òåò íåé øèì best to name the best beginner among film- ìåæ äó íà ðîä íûì æþ ðè ïî ñòà ðà åì ñÿ îï ðå - makers from all over the world.
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