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Canadian Movie Channel APPENDIX 4C POTENTIAL INVENTORY Canadian Movie Channel APPENDIX 4C POTENTIAL INVENTORY CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF CANADIAN FEATURE FILMS, FEATURE DOCUMENTARIES AND MADE-FOR-TELEVISION FILMS, 1945-2011 COMPILED BY PAUL GRATTON MAY, 2012 2 5.Fast Ones, The (Ivy League Killers) 1945 6.Il était une guerre (There Once Was a War)* 1.Père Chopin, Le 1960 1946 1.Canadians, The 1.Bush Pilot 2.Désoeuvrés, Les (The Mis-Works)# 1947 1961 1.Forteresse, La (Whispering City) 1.Aventures de Ti-Ken, Les* 2.Hired Gun, The (The Last Gunfighter) (The Devil’s Spawn) 1948 3.It Happened in Canada 1.Butler’s Night Off, The 4.Mask, The (Eyes of Hell) 2.Sins of the Fathers 5.Nikki, Wild Dog of the North 1949 6.One Plus One (Exploring the Kinsey Report)# 7.Wings of Chance (Kirby’s Gander) 1.Gros Bill, Le (The Grand Bill) 2. Homme et son péché, Un (A Man and His Sin) 1962 3.On ne triche pas avec la vie (You Can’t Cheat Life) 1.Big Red 2.Seul ou avec d’autres (Alone or With Others)# 1950 3.Ten Girls Ago 1.Curé du village (The Village Priest) 2.Forbidden Journey 1963 3.Inconnue de Montréal, L’ (Son Copain) (The Unknown 1.A tout prendre (Take It All) Montreal Woman) 2.Amanita Pestilens 4.Lumières de ma ville (Lights of My City) 3.Bitter Ash, The 5.Séraphin 4.Drylanders 1951 5.Have Figure, Will Travel# 6.Incredible Journey, The 1.Docteur Louise (Story of Dr.Louise) 7.Pour la suite du monde (So That the World Goes On)# 1952 8.Young Adventurers.The 1.Etienne Brûlé, gibier de potence (The Immortal 1964 Scoundrel) 1.Caressed (Sweet Substitute) 2.Petite Aurore, l’enfant martyre, La (Little Aurore’s 2.Chat dans le sac, Le (Cat in the Sack) Tragedy) 3.Festin des morts, Le (Mission of Fear) 3.Rossignol et les cloches (Nightingales and the Bells) 4.Fleur de l’âge, ou les adolescentes (That Tender Age) 4.Royal Journey# 5.Jusqu’au cou (Over My Head) 1953 6.Luck of Ginger Coffey, The 7.Lydia 1.Coeur de Maman (A Mother’s Heart) 8.Manette: la folle et les dieux de carton (Crazy Manette and 2.T’it coq Cardboard Gods) 1954 9.Naked Flame, The 10.Nobody Waved Goodbye 1.Esprit du mal, L’ (The Spirit of Evil) 11.Noncensus 1955 12.Terre à boire, La (The Earth to Drink) 13. Trouble-fête (Trouble Makers) 1.Little Canadian, The 2.Sacrifiée, La (The Sacrifice) 1965 1956 1. Caïn 2.Comment savoir (Knowing to Learn)# 1.Oedipus Rex# 3. Coup de grâce, Le (The Final Blow) (The Finishing Stroke) 2.Village enchanté, Le (The Enchanted Village)@ 4.Festin des morts, Le (Mission of Fear) 1957 5.French Without Dressing# 6.Lift, The 1.Along the Mohawk Trail* 7.Neige a fondu sur la Manicouagan, La (The Snow Has Melted on 2.Pathfinder and the Mohican, The* the Manicouagan) 3.Redman and the Renegades, The* 8.Pas de vacances pour les idoles (No Holiday for Idols) 1958 9.Playboy Killer (Decoy for Terror) 10.Révolutionnaire, Le (The Revolutionaries) 1.Dangerous Age, A 11.Roses in December 2.Flaming Frontier 12.Vida, La (The Document of Michael da Vida) 3.Mains nettes, Les (Clean Hands) 13.Vie heureuse de Leopold Z, La (The Merry World of Leopold Z) 4.Maître du Pérou (Master of Peru) 14.When Tomorrow Dies 5.Mercière assassinée, La (The Assassinated Haberdasher) 15.Winter Kept Us Warm 6.Now That April’s Here 7.Wolf Dog 1966 1959 1.Carnaval en chute libre (Carnival in Free Fall) 2.Corde au cou, La (Noose Around the Neck) 1.90 jours, Les (90 Days)* 3.Des pas sur la neige (Footsteps in the Snow) 2.Bloody Brood, The 4.Don’t Forget to Wipe the Blood Off* 3.Brûlées, Les (The Promised Land) 5.Douzième heure, La (The Twelfth Hour) 4.Cool Sound from Hell, A (A Dangerous Age) 6.Ils sont nus (We Are All Naked) (Days of Desire) NB Symbols used throughout : @=animated feature; #=documentary feature; *=made-for-television movie 3 7.Misanthrope, Le* 23.Stereo 8.Offering, The 24.Wow!# 9.Patricia et Jean-Baptiste 1970 10.Room for a Stanger (Adulterous Affair) 11.Ti-Ken (Les plans mystérieux)* 1.Act of the Heart 12.Trap, The (The Mad Trapper) 2.Ainsi soient-ils (A Day Without Evidence) 13.YUL 871 3.Amour humain, L’ (The Awakening) 4.Breathing Together: Revolution of the Electric Family# 1967 5.Chicago 70 (The Great Chicago Conspiracy Circus)# 1.Affair With a Killer* 6.Crimes of the Future 2.Aline (Don’t Let It Kill You)* 7.Danger pour la société (Danger to Society) 3.Délivrez-nous du mal (Deliver Us From Evil) 8.Dulcima* 4.Entre la mer et l’eau douce (Drifting Downstream) 9.Entre ‘tu’ et ‘vous’ (Between Sweet and Salt Water) 10.Flick (Dr.Frankenstein on Campus) 5.Ernie Game, The* 11.Goin’ Down the Road 6.Erotikos (Sex and the Single Sailor) 12.Homer 7.Gros-Morne# 13.Initiation, L’ (The Initiation) (Here and Now) 8.Kid Sentiment 14.Jours de noces, Les (The Wedding Day)* 9.Paper People, The* 15.Kenek (For Love or Murder) 10.Règne du jour, Le (The Duration of the Day)# 16.King of the Grizzlies# 11.Sweet and the Bitter, The (The Bitter and the Sweet) 17.Last Act of Martin Weston, The 12.Take Her By Surprise 18.Neon Palace, The: A 50s and 60s Trip# 13.Vulture, The 19.Pays sans bon sens, Un (Wake Up, Mes Bons Amis)# 14.Waiting for Caroline* 20.Prologue 15.Warrendale# 21.Q-bec My Love (A Commercial Success) 16. Wendy 22.Rainy Day Woman 23.Situation du théâtre au Québec (The State of Quebec Theatre)# 1968 24.Soleil des autres, Le (The Sun of Others) (Give Us Our Daily Love) 1.C’est pas la faute à Jacques Cartier (It’s Not Jacques 25.Tragic Diary of Zero, the Fool, The Cartier’s Fault) 26.Vive la France (Long Live France) 2.Creature of Comfort 27.Voitures d’eau, Les (Water Cars)# 3.Flower on a One Way Street# 1971 4.Gélure, La (Frost Bite) 5.Great Big Thing, A 1.Acadie, l’Acadie ?!?, L’ # 6.High (Facade) 2.Après-ski (Sex in the Snow) 7.Il ne faut pas mourir pour çà (Don’t Let It Kill You) 3.C’est ben beau, l’amour (It’s a Wonderful Love) 8.Isabel 4.Corps et âme (Body and Soul) 9.Mother Goes Greek 5.Crowd Inside, The 10.Où êtes-vous donc? (So Where Are You?) 6.Deux femmes en or (Two Women in Gold) 11.Poussière sur la ville (Dust Over the City) 7.Eat Anything# 12.Room for a Stranger 8.Fan’s Notes, A 13.Slow Burn 9.Fille libre, Une (Erotic Love Games) 14.Valérie 10.Finalement...(In the End) 15.Viol d’une jeune fille douce, Le (Rape of a Sweet Young 11.Fleur bleue (The Apprentice) Girl) 12.Fortune and Men’s Eyes 13.Foxy Lady 1969 14.Grand film ordinaire, Le (The Big Ordinary Movie) 1.À propos de la femme (All About Women) 15.I’m Going to Get You, Elliot Boy 2.À soir on fait peur au monde# 16.Jean-François Xavier de... 3.Chambre blanche, La (The House of Light) 17.Last Act of Martin Weston, The 4.Christopher’s Movie Matinee# 18.Life and Times of Chester Angus Ramagood, The 5.Deux amis silencieux (Two Silent Friends) (Dogs to the 19.Madeleine Is... Rescue) 20.Mâles, Les (The Men) 6.Diable aime les bijoux, Le (The Devil Likes Jewels) (The 21.Martien de Noël, Le (The Christmas Martian) Devil’s Jewellery) 22.Maudits sauvages, Les (Those Damned Savages) 7.Don’t Let the Angels Fall 23.Megantic Outlaw, The 8.Exil, L’ (The Exile) 24.Mon enfance à Montréal (My Childhood in Montreal) 9.Explosion (The Blast) 25.Mon oeil (My Eye) 10.Grand Rock, Le (Big Rock, the Big Man) 26.Noce est pas finie, La (The Wedding Isn’t Over)# 11.Great Coups of History 27.O ou l’invisible enfant (O or the Invisible Infant) 12.Jusqu’au Coeur (Straight to the Heart) 28.On est loin du soleil (We Are Far from the Sun) 13.Kill 29.Only Thing You Know, The 14.Married Couple, A# 30.Out of Touch# 15.Mon amie Pierrette (My Friend Pierrette) 31.Pile ou face (Heads or Tails) 16.My Secret Life (The Columbus of Sex) 32.Proxyhawks 17.Plastic Mile, The 33.Question de vie (A Matter of Life) 18.Reason Over Passion# 34.Reincarnate, The 19.Red 35.Retour de l’immaculée conception, Le (The Return of the 20.Saturday’s Passage Immaculate Conception) 21.Slow Run 36.Stop 22.St-Denis dans le temps (The Battle of St- 37.Tiens-toi bien après les oreilles à papa (Hold On, Papa) (Hold Denis...Yesterday, Today)# Tight, Darling) NB Symbols used throughout : @=animated feature; #=documentary feature; *=made-for-television movie 4 38.Tiki-Tiki@ 23.Keep It in the Family 39.Travelin’ Light# 24.Maîtresse, La (And I Love You Dearly) 40.Ty-Peupe 25.Mort d’un bûcheron, La (Death of a Lumberjack) 41.Viens, mon amour (Love in a Four-Letter World) 26.Mourir pour vivre (To Kill to Live) 27.Noël et Juliette (Noël and Juliette) 1972 28.OK, la liberté (OK Liberty) 1.Another Smith for Paradise 29.On n’engraisse pas les cochons à l’eau claire (Pigs Are Seldom 2.Apparition, L’ (The Unexpected Phantom) Clean) 3.Brother of the Wind# 30.Paperback Hero (Last of the Big Guns) 4.Chats bottés, Les (Puss in Boots) 31.Payday 5.Colombes, Les (The Doves) 32.Pleasure Palace (Angela) 6.Et du fils (In the Name of the Son) 33.Pyx, The 7.Finishing Touch, The 34.Quand hurlent les loups (When Wolves Howl) 8.Heart Farm, The 35.Quiet Day in Belfast, A 9.Isis au 8 (Isis from the 8th Rank) 36.Rainbow Boys, The 10.IXE-13 37.Réjeanne Padovani 11.Journey 38.Rip-Off 12.Justine de Sade (Justine) 39.Rowdyman, The 13.Mahoney’s Last Stand 40.Sensations 14.Maison des amants, La (House of Lovers) 41.Sing a Country Song# 15.Master of Images, The 42.Slipstream 16.Maudite Galette, La (That Darned Loot) 43.Summerlust (Goodbye Neighbours and Wives) 17.Merry Wives of Tobias Rourke, The 44.Tendresse ordinaire (Ordinary Tenderness) 18.Mon oncle Antoine 45.Tu brûles, tu brûles (You Are Warm, You Are Warm) 19.Montréal Blues 46.Ultimatum 20.Ô, ou l’invisible enfant (Ô, or the Invisible Infant) 47.U-Turn (The Girl in Blue) 21.P’tit Viens Vite, Le (The Little One Is Coming Soon) 48.Vicky (For the Record) * 22.Pas de jeu sans soleil (Time Zero) (No Game Without 49.Wedding in White Sun) 50.Wrestling
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