TWO YEARS ON Oxfam Hong Kong’s Report Marking the Second Anniversary of the 5.12 Earthquake 1 I. Overview of Damage Caused by the Earthquake

2-12 II. Overview of Oxfam Hong Kong’s Response a. Partnerships, Priorities, Participation b. Oxfam Hong Kong’s work month by month, year by year c. Partner Organisations

13-17 III. Oxfam Hong Kong’s Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Work a. b. c.

18-20 IV. Resources: Human, Financial and Material a. Human Resources in , , and Hong Kong b. Financial Resources c. Material Resources

21 V. Appendix a. Emergency Relief – 22 Projects b. Rehabilitation/Reconstruction – 88 Projects c. 54 Partner Organisations

The 3-kilometre village road, before and after, in Jinniu, Sichuan Qin Yongzheng, 25, (right), lives in Jinniu Village with her husband and child (pictured). ”My husband worked 12 days for free to build this road,” Qin Yongzheng says. “We want our son to walk on a good cement road, instead of the muddy road before. We knew that it would be so much easier to bring our vegetables, pigs and chickens to sell in the town centre, so we were happy to work for free. We even contributed our own money. Now, with the new road, transportation fees are about 5 Yuan per tonne less.” Oxfam provided 657,053 Yuan in funds while Jinniu residents themselves raised 15,000 Yuan to build the road. (Photo: Li Hong /Oxfam Hong Kong) I. Overview of Damage Caused by the Earthquake

The earthquake of 12 May 2008, with a magnitude of 41 Areas Damaged 8.0 on the Richter Scale, affected hundreds of thousands Province County/ Oxfam project site of people across 100,000 square kilometres in three Sichuan Baoxin provinces: Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi. Official statistics Cangxi indicate that 69,227 people died and 374,643 were Chaotian injured. Direct economic losses reached HK$960 billion: Sichuan bore 91.3 per cent of this; Gansu, 5.8 per cent; Dayi Fucheng and Shaanxi, 2.9 per cent. Hanyuan A total of 4,834 communities officially designated as Heishui impoverished were hit by the disaster. Ten areas in Jiange Sichuan were officially classified as the ‘worst affected’, Jingyang and Oxfam Hong Kong has assisted people in eight of these 10 areas. Oxfam also assisted people in 29 of the 41 areas across three provinces officially designated as Li ‘damaged’. Lizhou Luojiang Assessments of the affected area were carried out under Lushan the leadership of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, with the Nanjiang Santai National Development and Reform Commission, the Shimian Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Land and Resources, Songpan Earthquake Administration, National Bureau Wangcang of Statistics, National Wenchuan Earthquake Expert Xiaojin Committee, and in conjunction with the Provincial Yanting People's Government of Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi Youxian Yuanba provinces. Zhongjiang Zitong 10 Areas Worst Affected in Gansu Cheng the Earthquake Hui Kang Province County/area Oxfam project site Liangdang Sichuan An Wen Beichuan Wudu Dujianyang Xihe Mao Zhouqu Shaanxi Chengcang Lueyang Pingwu Mian Qingchuan Ningqiang Wenchuan

 II. Overview of Oxfam Hong Kong’s Response

Oxfam Hong Kong has assisted more than 750,000 Sichuan people in about 200 communities across three provinces. Relief Projects: 15 Rehabilitation Projects: 50 All Oxfam Hong Kong project sites are impoverished Shaanxi Relief Projects: 2 communities, with assessments of conditions done Rehabilitation Projects: 8 jointly by Oxfam Hong Kong and local government units. The agency has supported 110 projects with a total expenditure of HK$62,093,402.44. Gansu Relief Projects: 5 Rehabilitation Projects: 30 Of Oxfam Hong Kong’s 110 projects, 74 have been in partnership with government units, 13 with mainland- Total Number of Projects: 110 based NGOs and 5 with educational institutes. Oxfam has worked alongside 54 different groups in the earthquake effort, 42 of which are new partnerships. Sichuan Oxfam Hong Kong is grateful to have received HK$41,885,960.81 68% HK$161,477,595.46 in donations, and plans to allocate HK$90 million in Sichuan, and about HK$71 million in Gansu Gansu and Shaanxi in its five-year strategic plan. HK$16,337,804.43 26%

Oxfam Hong Kong’s five-year plan is in two main phases: emergency relief and rehabilitation/reconstruction. Shaanxi The relief phase ended in early 2009, with Oxfam HK$3,869,637.20 assisting about 630,000 people in 125 communities. 6% The rehabilitation phase is primarily on repairing basic Total expenditure: HK$62,093,402.44 infrastructure, while reconstruction is for the longer (From May 2008 to 31 March 2010) term, especially for securing people’s sustainable livelihoods.

Projects By Year (From May 2008 to 31 March 2010)


2010 15 0 Rehabilitation Projects 61 2009 Relief 4 Projects

12 2008 18 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 NUMBER OF PROJECTS

 a. Partnerships, Priorities, Participation

An initial step in working with partner organisations is to build up skills and capacity, especially on community- based participatory approaches, financial management and overall project management. Oxfam led several training workshops with government units and NGOs in Sichuan and Gansu. Part of the training allowed partners to practice new techniques before returning home to their own communities. Oxfam also maintains close communication with the partners throughout the project cycle.

Oxfam works to ensure that its partner organisations assist residents to manage the community projects themselves. These community development projects take time; for instance, basic infrastructure projects – such as building a road – normally take residents three to six months, and livelihoods recovery takes even longer. Project management and monitoring systems are required for the project period, including for the finances.

SHENGLI, SICHUAN Oxfam Hong Kong pays special attention to the needs Tang Fang, Leader of the Municipal Communist Youth of impoverished people in remote communities, women, League, in Sichuan (left) with Elsie Leung, Member of Oxfam ethnic minorities, children, orphans, and elderly people. Hong Kong Council (right). Tang Fang says that with Oxfam’s participatory approach, residents are in charge of the project This applies to both the relief and the rehabilitation/ implementation. “Villagers in Shengli used to appeal to the reconstruction phases of the response. authorities very often. Yet, during Oxfam’s projects, they held more than 100 meetings to deal with every issue by themselves, and they agreed with each other. No one complained, and no one needed to appeal to authorities to handle problems.” The average annual income is less than 1,000 Yuan in Oxfam Hong Kong’s project sites; therefore, Oxfam not only carries out short-term humanitarian relief work, but continues its work through building up the capacity of the communities to reduce poverty.

To promote gender equity, Oxfam’s projects empower women to represent themselves during the projects; in fact, it is required that women representatives are members of project management groups. These women are elected by all women in the village. The representatives fully participate in the decision- making of the project cycle and are responsible for communicating and negotiating for women’s needs.

 In Oxfam’s projects, community members manage most of the project planning and implementation themselves. This builds a stronger sense of ownership over the project, strengthens the cohesion of a community, better ensures the success and sustainability of the TANGJIAHE, SHAANXI project, reinforces relationships with local government In the village of Tangjiahe in Shaanxi, Fu Wancui (left) is a leader in units, and improves people’s management skills. It also a group that managed a road-building project supported by Oxfam Hong Kong. Fu Wancui says, “I voted on behalf of women for all reduces costs, as they contribute their labour for the decisions of this project, such as how many hours of volunteer work projects, such as building roads or schools. women should do.” Fu also reported the work of the team to the village community and to Oxfam colleagues (right photo).


Wang Guihua, 60, uses water from a brand new tap in her kitchen. Fu, village leader of Zhoucun in Sichuan, held many meetings and She says, “I helped to dig the ditch to build the drinking water provided lectures on financial management with members of the system.” project management group. Fu says, “People here are not very well- educated. We have to help them improve their basic management Her neighbour, Xu Yanxiu, 56, adds, “I carried the bricks and pipes skills, such as how to record decisions made at meetings. ” up the hill.”

Oxfam allocated 169,933 Yuan for villagers to build four small water tanks, benefiting 532 people.

“We [women] used to have to get water from the hills every day, as most of the men here work out of the village,” Wang Guihua says. There are 286 women in the village. “With the new water supply, we no longer have to go up to the hills. Also, because we took part in this project, we know how much work went into building the water system. We are responsible for maintaining it for the sake of everyone in the village.” Wang felt proud of her new responsibility. (Photo: Xiao Sha / Oxfam Hong Kong)  b. Oxfam Hong Kong’s work month by month, year by year

2008 May to November • Oxfam assists 125 communities across Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi in the first six months. More than 630,000 people receive various relief supplies. • Oxfam begins to support the building of safe, transitional schools in Sichuan for 3,000 students.

May to August • 260 medical professionals from the West China School of Public Health of Sichuan University carry out epidemic monitoring, control and prevention in 6 areas of Sichuan. • These volunteers also provide counselling service for traumatised schoolchildren and teachers.

June to July • The first of seven transitional schools is completed, on 10 June. • Oxfam opens an office in Chengdu to oversee rehabilitation projects in Sichuan.

August to September • Oxfam carries out site selection for rehabilitation projects with village-, county-, township-, city- and province-level authorities, as well as with NGOs. • Oxfam conducts training sessions on participatory methodology with government officials and NGO practitioners who have the potential to be partners with Oxfam to implement rehabilitation projects.

October to March 2009 • Rural road repair, drinking water systems, irrigation schemes and livestock projects, in Sichuan. • Eighteen rehabilitation projects begin in Sichuan and Gansu. 2009 January to March • For the winter months, Oxfam supplies quilts and coal for families in over 10 villages and in temporary camps, in Sichuan and Gansu. • Oxfam Hong Kong supports the repair of two rural roads in Sichuan. • Oxfam Hong Kong collaborates with the International Poverty Reduction Center and Foreign Capital Poverty Alleviation Project Management Center of State Council Poverty Alleviation Office to launch rehabilitation projects in 80 impoverished villages over the next three years. Oxfam Hong Kong is one of the first international organisations to be granted this opportunity.

April • Three rural roads are completed. In all, from March to July 2009, six roads will have been completed in Sichuan. • Oxfam carries out site selection for permanent school building projects with education authorities in Gansu. • Teaching kit set for secondary and primary school students in Hong Kong on the earthquake.

May • Oxfam Hong Kong releases its one-year-on report in and in Hong Kong. • From May to November 2009, Oxfam starts 23 rehabilitation projects in Sichuan. • From May to November 2009, Oxfam begins five rehabilitation projects in Shaanxi on basic infrastructure and livelihoods recovery. • From May to November 2009, Oxfam begins 21 rehabilitation projects in Gansu, mostly on schools and other projects in communities.

June • 6 rebuilding projects start in Gansu for repairing primary schools; these schools will meet standards to be able to withstand earthquakes of a magnitude of 8.

July • In the middle of July, flooding occurs in earthquake-hit areas of Qingchuan, , Ningqiang in Sichuan, and Kang in Gansu. • Oxfam Hong Kong assists 10,131 flood-affected people with oil, rice, and quilts valued at 1,005,934 Yuan.

July to December • Oxfam and partners implement massive reconstruction work. • 36 basic infrastructure projects start in Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi. • 4 primary school rebuilding projects start.

November • 4 Oxfam Hong Kong Council members visit the project site of Shengli, a village in Guangyuan, Sichuan. 2010 January – March • 14 rehabilitation projects start during the period, with the main focus on basic infrastructure, and with some emphasis on livelihoods recovery.

June • The 14 projects above are expected to be completed.

September • 21 rehabilitation projects that started in Gansu in May 2009 are expected to be completed. • 4 livelihoods projects that began in Shaanxi in 2009 are expected to be completed. • September 2010 marks the middle of the five-year plan: Oxfam Hong Kong will conduct an internal evaluation.

 • Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of , c. Partner Organisations City, Shaanxi • Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of , In 23 years of working across mainland China, beginning Gansu • Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of , in 1987, Oxfam Hong Kong has worked alongside Gansu 806 different partners. These include groups such as • Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of , Gansu community organisations, NGOs, governmental units, • Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Luojiang County, women’s federations, research centres and universities. City, Sichuan • Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Lushan County • Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of For this earthquake response alone, so far, Oxfam • Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of has partnered with 54 different groups; 42 of these • Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Zhongjiang partnerships are newly established – Oxfam had not • Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Zi Tong County, Mianyang City, Sichuan worked with the group before the earthquake. • Poverty Alleviation through Food for Work, Lixian County, Sichuan • Poverty Alleviation Office of Anxian County Of Oxfam’s 110 projects, 74 have been in partnership • Poverty Alleviation Office of , Yaan City with government units, 13 with mainland-based NGOs • Poverty Alleviation Office of Chaotian County, Guangyuan Prefecture, Sichuan and 5 with educational institutes (see list below). • Poverty Alleviation Office of , Guangyuan Prefecture, Eighteen of the 110 projects were directly implemented Sichuan Province by Oxfam Hong Kong. • Poverty Alleviation Office of Lizhou County, Guangyuan Prefecture, Sichuan • Poverty Alleviation Office of County, Prefecture, Universities & Government Units: 41 Sichuan Reseearch Institutes:4 74 projects • Poverty Alleviation Office of 5 projects • Poverty Alleviation Office of • Poverty Alleviation Office of , Mianyang City • Poverty Alleviation Office of Yuanba District, Guangyuan City Local NGOs: 9 13 projects • Poverty Alleviation Office on of Shanxi Province • Poverty Alleviation Office • Education Bureau, City • Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of , Gansu Total Number of Partners: 54 • Program Office of Anding Educational and Sport Bureau • Wenxian County Poverty Alleviation and Development Office • Zhen Yuan County Education Bureau, Qing Yang Prefecture, Gansu Province Oxfam Hong Kong Partner Organisations UNIVERSITY / RESEARCH INSTITUTES • Department of Sociology, College of Humanity and Development, China Agriculture University GOVERNMENT UNITS • Lanzhou University Community Development Center • Anxian County Office Sichuan Qianfo Mountain Conservation Zone • School of Ethnological Studies, Southwest University for • Chengdu Women's Federation Nationalities • China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation • School of Huaxi Public Health of Sichuan University • Guangyuan Committee of Communist Youth League (profiled on page 7) LOCAL NGOs • Poverty Alleviation and Development Office • Donghua Women's Health Education Centre, Huating County, • Langzhong City Poverty Alleviation Office Gansu • City Poverty Alleviation and Development Office • Gansu Yixin Psychological Counselling Centre • National Population and Family Planning Commission of China • Global Village of Beijing • Bureau of Civil Affairs of Kang County, Longnan City, Gansu • Shaanxi Mothers' Environmental Protection Association • City Bureau for Ethnic Minority Affairs • Shaanxi Provincial Research Association for Women and Family • Population and Family Planning Commission of Wudu Prefecture, • Service-Technology Service Center for Rural Women in Shaanxi Longnan City • The Youth from Red Cross (YFRC) • Post-Quake Rehabilitation Office of The State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development (LGOP) • Western Rural Development Center • Poverty Alleviation and Development Leading Group Office of • Institute for Civil Society, Department of Anthropology, Zhongshan University

  III. Oxfam Hong Kong’s Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Work

The three main principles for Oxfam’s five-year strategic Rural people have many additional burdens from plan are as follows: the earthquake, and are at risk of getting into debt. They need to rebuild their damaged homes, for I. Relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction work shall instance. prioritise assisting impoverished villages. a. Sichuan II. Government cooperation at all levels shall be maintained. Oxfam works with various government Reviewing rehabilitation work in 2009 and considering units, such as Poverty Alleviation Offices at the field assessments in the communities, it is clear that the national, provincial and county levels, ethnic or needs for repairing basic infrastructure are intensive religious units (such as the Sichuan Province Ethnic and urgent. Therefore, Oxfam has reviewed the budget and Religious Work Management Committee), for basic infrastructure (originally at 50 per cent) and and women’s and youth units (such as the Sichuan adjusted it to 70 per cent of the total budget for Province Guangyuan Municipal Lizhou District Sichuan. Committee of Communist Youth League). Of Oxfam’s 110 projects, 74 have been in partnership with a Oxfam will also continue to focus on livelihoods government unit. projects, at 20 per cent of the total budget; capacity building to develop skills with community groups and III. Community participation shall be maintained. partner organisations, at 5 per cent; and maintaining Participatory community management is a core the China Disaster Preparedness Center (see page 21), at approach of Oxfam’s projects and will continue to 5 per cent. be applied in reconstruction work. China Disaster Preparedness Basic Infrastructure Rehabilitation work was undertaken in three phases: Center 70% 5%

Capacity Building I. The first phase was to select and confirm project 5% sites in the worst-hit areas.

Livelihoods Recovery II. The second phase, which is in progress, focuses 20% on repairing and rebuilding basic infrastructure, primarily with government units. This includes village roads, village bridges, village schools, water tanks, and irrigation systems. Better infrastructure will help enable livelihoods recovery.

III. The third phase, also in progress, focuses on livelihoods recovery in impoverished villages, such as through agricultural crops and animal husbandry.


Chen Xinli, 58, (right), and Zhang Mengxi, 62, (left), at their fishpond.

When the earthquake damaged the dyke in Tongche, their fishpond could not hold water, and more than 100kg of fish died. They lost about 1,000 Yuan. “Thanks to Oxfam for enabling us to build a new dyke,” Chen Xinli said, “I don’t need to carry the water from uphill. My back will not hurt anymore.” For each 150-200kg of fish, they will earn about 4,000 Yuan.

An Oxfam programme officer walks along the new dyke.

Projects in Sichuan by Year (From May 2008 to 31 March 2010)


2010 12 0 Rehabilitation Projects 30 2009 Relief 2 Projects

2008 8 13 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 NUMBER OF PROJECTS

 b. Gansu Oxfam is providing a new, safe, and permanent school for over 3,000 students in remote and impoverished In Gansu, Oxfam integrates basic infrastructure with communities of Gansu; all 13 of these primary schools livelihoods projects. For instance, six of the twelve meet government standards of being resistant to an projects with various Poverty Alleviation Offices in earthquake measuring 8 on the Richter Scale. The school Gansu include both basic infrastructure components, as rebuilding projects are implemented in partnership well as either livelihoods or capacity building. with local education bureaus, at a total investment of 5,011,641 Yuan. Gansu is one of the most impoverished provinces in China, and the earthquake worsened the situation; yet, School Rebuilding Projects Oxfam Support in Gansu (Yuan / HK$) communities here received relatively less assistance than 1. Rebuilding of Huaxianzi Primary 429,298.00 communities in Sichuan. Funding support for permanent School, Fengxiang Town, of Anding County schools and for basic infrastructure is still needed; 2. Construction of Sanlian Primary 910,433.00 therefore, Oxfam Hong Kong is allocating 70 per cent School, Pingnan Township, Qinzhou of its funds for Gansu for this work – an increase from District, Tianshui City the originally budgeted 60 per cent. The budget for 3. School rebuilding project in Gao Cha 187,658.00 Natural Village, Kai Bian Township, livelihoods projects now stands at 25 per cent, and Zhen Yuan County capacity building at 5 per cent. 4. School rebuilding project in Shang 187,658.00 Ling Natural Village, Tai Ping Township, Zhen Yuan County

5. School rebuilding project in Da Wan 187,658.00 Zhang Natural Village, Xinji Township, Capacity Building Zhen Yuan County 5% 6. School rebuilding project in Mao He 187,658.00 Village, Shang Xiao Township, Zhen Yuan County

Livelihoods Recovery 7. School Rebuilding Project in Zaojiao 631,438.00 Township, Qinzhou District, Tianshui 25% City

Permanent Schools and Basic 8. Rebuilding of Maying Primary School 344,743.00 Infrastructure in Gaofeng Township, Anding County 70% 9. Rebuilding of Miaochuan Primary 385,356.00 School in Tuanjie Township, Anding County

10. Rebuilding of four primary schools 1,559,741.00 in Xiyang township, Kongtong Area, Pingliang Prefecture: Shangma, Xiama, Gaoliang and Luogou

Total(Yuan) 5,011,641.00

Total(HK$) 5,688,212.54

Projects in Gansu by Year (From May 2008 to 31 March 2010) Year

2010 2 0 Rehabilitation Projects 24 2009 Relief 1 Projects

4 2008 4 0 5 10 15 20 25 NUMBER OF PROJECTS


Education for children has been a priority for Oxfam in Gansu. When the Huaxianzi Primary School in Anding District was so damaged that it was no longer safe for the 208 students, Oxfam allocated 429,898 Yuan to rebuild the school to meet safety standards.

“Before, during the winter, it was freezing in the classroom,” a student says. “The icy wind blew right through the crevices in the mud wall. Now, it’s warmer in the brand new classroom.”

Principal Wang Hong says, “The new school is very safe, so the parents no longer worry about the security of their children. And our school is near the village, so parents would rather their children be here than anywhere else. Hence, this semester, we have ten new students in kindergarten; before we had only three.” (Photos: Sha Lei / Oxfam Hong Kong)

11 c. Shaanxi CHENGDU, SICHUAN Su Yunzhi, 44, (left in left photo) and Li Chunrong (standing in right photo), 30, attended Oxfam Hong Kong’s seminar on Participatory Oxfam’s main focus is in the worst-hit areas, such as Management Methods and Project Management Training. the counties of Ningqiang and Lueyang. We also have Su is an accountant with the Poverty Alleviation Office in Luojiang projects in and Chencang District of Baoji County. She says, “I learned a lot about financial management from Oxfam’s finance officer. He clearly explained how to monitor City. projects, as well as Oxfam’s ways of working. We will follow these procedures to meet Oxfam’s requirements.”

Considering the high levels of poverty in Shaanxi, a Li Chunrong, a leader of Weixing Village in Sichuan, says, “We [the village Committee] apply the participatory approaches in larger proportion of reconstruction work focuses on our work, but after this, I understood why we need to appeal for livelihoods recovery. Four of the eight ongoing projects participation. I see that villagers have fewer complaints if they take part in every aspect of the project. It definitely helps my work of in Shaanxi include livelihoods recovery elements. communicating with people in my village.” Overall, Oxfam is allocating 60 per cent of the budget for Shaanxi for basic infrastructure, 35 per cent for livelihoods recovery, and 5 per cent for capacity building.

Partners in Shaanxi include poverty alleviation offices of national, provincial and county levels, as well as local NGOs. More involvement with local NGOs will add to the diversity of partners and will contribute different approaches in project design and implementation.

Projects IN Shaanxi by Year (From May 2008 to 31 March 2010) Year

2010 1 Rehabilitation 0 Projects 7 2009 Relief 1 Projects

0 2008 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NUMBER OF PROJECTS

12 IV. Resources: Human, Financial and Material

a. Human Resources in An auditing team of four Oxfam Hong Kong colleagues, Chengdu, Lanzhou, Kunming based in Kunming, audits all grants awarded to partner and Hong Kong organisations, including grants to the 54 partners for the earthquake response. An external company, a Oxfam Hong Kong headquarters in Hong Kong oversees certified public accountant, also audits all accounts of the entire earthquake response, with the field office in the agency, including the account for the earthquake Chengdu overseeing the implementation of projects in response. Sichuan with partner organisations, and the field office in Lanzhou overseeing all projects in Gansu and Shaanxi b. Financial Resources with partners. Oxfam Hong Kong raised HK$161,477.595.46 in Oxfam’s Chengdu Office now has twelve staff members: donations/grants for the earthquake response, the most one programme manager, seven programme officers, the agency has ever raised for an emergency anywhere one administrative assistant, one media officer, in the world. We are extremely grateful for this one research officer and one driver. Three of these generosity, and for the trust and confidence placed in colleagues joined in 2009-2010. us. Thousands of volunteers assisted in this fundraising work in Hong Kong, including at the Oxfam Rice Sale, Oxfam’s Lanzhou office has nine staff members: one an event held in May every year as the main fundraiser programme manager, seven programme officers, and for anti-poverty projects in Mainland China. Oxfam one administrative assistant. One colleague joined in Rice Sale 2008 raised HK$7,860,589.40 exclusively for 2009-2010. earthquake relief and rehabilitation.

The researcher based in Chengdu also assists with evaluating projects and consolidating lessons and experience for the agency’s future learning.

Donations from Individuals HK$79,007,674.86 Corporate Donations 49% HK$30,027,115.72 19%

Oxfam Affiliates (Oxfam Australia, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam Germany, Intermon Oxfam, Oxfam New Zealand) HK$4,677,616.58 3%

Hong Kong SAR Fundraising Appeal in 2008 by Government Disaster the Home Affairs Bureau, Relief Fund Hong Kong SAR Government OXFAM RICE SALE HK$3,510,000.00 HK$44,255,188.30 100g / HK$20 2% 27% Financial Resources as at March 2010

13 c. Material Resources Due to the massive scale of the disaster, Oxfam opened a warehouse in Chengdu to stock relief supplies. This ‘China Disaster Preparedness Center’ was set up in January 2009.

Supplies have been provided to survivors of the earthquake, as well as other disasters. During the floods of mid-July 2009, for instance, which hit the earthquake-affected county of Kang in Gansu Province, Oxfam transported 2,000 quilts at a value of 132,000 Yuan from the warehouse to 4,500 residents of Kang County in Gansu. A principle in Oxfam Hong Kong’s emergency relief efforts is to source supplies as locally as possible: this assists the local economy and reduces unnecessary transportation costs.

In March 2010, the supplies in the warehouse included 2,000 sheets of waterproof fabric, and 1,000 quilts and quilt-covers. Supplies are also being stored in Lanzhou, Kunming and .


a. Emergency Relief – 22 Projects

Oxfam funding Name of Project (Yuan / HK$) 1. Emergency relief in 125 communities in Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi 7,000,000

2. Additional relief aid in Sichuan 3,000,000

3. Emergency relief in , Sichuan 122,700

4. Emergency relief – Second procurement of supplies in Sichuan 150,000

5. Emergency relief in Zhundao, Sichuan 201,901

6. Cooking oil and rice for remote communities of Sichuan 304,000

7. Emergency shelter in Qingchuan, Sichuan 282,750

8. Disease prevention and control in 6 areas of Sichuan 484,100

9. Community restoration and psychological counselling in Chongde, Sichuan 194,100

10. Building of seven temporary primary schools in Sichuan 3,598,750

11. Provision of quilts in Lizhou District, Sichuan 132,840

12. Provision of quilts and plastic sheeting in Qingchuan County, Sichuan 561,010

13. Provision of tents and temporary shelter in Sichuan 3,160,000

14. Emergency relief in Wenxian County, Gansu – first procurement of supplies 180,000

15. Emergency relief in Tianshui County, Gansu 829,520

16. Emergency relief in Wudu District and Wenxian County, Gansu 1,783,120

17. Provision of coal, quilts and other winter supplies in Longnan City, Gansu 722,737

18. Emergency relief in Ningqiang County, Shaanxi 236,100

19. Emergency relief in response to July 2009 flooding in Shi Township, Qing Chuan County, Sichuan 389,440

20. Disaster response to landslides in July 2009 in Qianfo Village, Chaping Town, Anxian County, Sichuan 106,650

21. Emergency response to floods in July 2009 in Kang County, Gansu 420,010

22. Disaster relief for heavy rain in July 2009 in Tangjiahe village, Ningqiang County, Shaanxi 89,834

Total (Yuan) 23,949,562

Total (HK$) 27,182,753

15 b. Rehabilitation and Reconstruction – 88 Projects

Oxfam Project Nature Name of project funding (Yuan / HK$) Reconstruction and 1. Livestock raising project in affected areas of Chengdu, Sichuan 335,080 Livelihoods 2. Earthquake Rehabilitation Project for Road Construction of Jia Ning Village, Jian Ge County, 543,447 Sichuan 3. Drinking Water Supplying and Cropland Irrigation System Improvement Project in Jiashan 550,330 Village, Taoping Township, Li County, Sichuan 4. Village Road Repairing Project in Makou Village, Sandui Township, Guangyuan, Sichuan 593,135 5. Road Construction of Qunfeng Village , Huangping Town, Qingchuan County, Sichuan 568,401 6. Reconstruction of Village Road in Daxi Village, Yingxin Town, Anxian County, Sichuan 546,409 7. Shengli Village Road Repairing Project, Longtan Township, Guangyuan County, Sichuan 643,803 8. Road Construction of Sichuan Miaozi Village , Wali Town, Qingchuan County, Sichuan 456,711 9. Qianfo Village Road Repairing Project, Chaping Town, Anxian County, Mianyang, Sichuan 601,446 10. Field Evaluation Project for Using Solar Energy in Qiang Minority Area, Sichuan 46,180 11. Human and Livestock Drinking Water Rehabilitation Project in Majia Village, Baichao County, 194,752 Lizhou District, Guangyuan City, Sichuan 12. Road Rebuilding Project in , Yuantan Township Village, Sichuan 431,896 13. Road and Reservoir Reconstruction in Zi Tong County, Mianyang City, Sichuan 683,547 14. Water Supplying and Village Bridge Project in Shehongmiao Village, Shuiguan Township, 374,935 Langzhong City, Sichuan 15. Irrigation Dyke Project in Nanjiang County, Tuanjie Township, Tongche Village, Sichuan 402,278 16. Road Reconstruction in Nichi village, Dongxiang Town, Langzhong City, Sichuan 572,930 17. Village Road Repairing Project in Qianxi Village, Xuanhe Township Guangyuan, Sichuan 345,979 18. Village Road Construction and Drinking Water Rehabilitation Project in Modao Village, Baoxing 665,446 County, Yaan, Sichuan 19. Village Road Construction Project in Jinniu Village, Baiguo Township, Yuanba District, 657,053 Guangyuan City, Sichuan 20. Village Road Construction Project in Goushan Village, Muping Town, Baoxing County, Ya'an City, 758,172 Sichuan 21. Road Reconstruction Project in Baihe village, Santai County, Mianyang City, Sichuan 642,018 22. Drinking Water Rehabilitation Project in Shisun Village, Lizhou County, Guangyuan, Sichuan 315,267 23. Irrigation Ditches Rehabilitation Project of Heyang Village, Youxian District, Mianyang City, 274,602 Sichuan 24. Rehabilitation Project of four small-scale water supply stations in Xichuan Village, Shuangshi 169,933 Township, Lushan County, Yaan City, Sichuan 25. Cement Road and Irrigation Ditch Project in Zhou Village, Lushan County, Ya'an City, Sichuan 550,867 26. 9.8 km Stone Road Construction Project in Yurong Village , Yanting County, Sichuan 754,241 27. Micro-irrigation Facility Construction Project in Shuangshi Village, Luojiang County, Deyang, 526,656 Sichuan 28. 1st Phase of Post-Quake Reconstruction Project in Chaoyuan Village, Cangshan Township, 499,344 , Deyang, Sichuan 29. Village Road Construction Project in Changai Village, Taigong Township, Guangyuan, Sichuan 655,186 30. Village Road Construction in Qingshan Village, Yanting County, Sichuan 790,024 31. Walnut Tree Planting in Jianli village, Jianxing Township, , Mianyang City, Sichuan 280,324 32. Road Construction in Heyang Village, Youxian County, Mianyang City, Sichuan 721,630 33. Village Facility Restoring and Livelihood Reconstruction in Jiufeng Village, Pengzhou, Sichuan 445,705 34. Village Road and Bridge Reconstruction Project in Qixin Village, Xiaoba Township, Anxian 1,038,673 County, Sichuan 35. Road Construction in Changzheng Village, Ziqiang Township, Zitong County, Mianyang City, 1,018,728 Sichuan 36. Road Building Project in Changshi Village, Wangcang County, Guangyuan City, Sichuan 590,664 37. Road and Barrage Reconstruction in Gaojia Village, Zitong County, Mianyang City, Sichuan 982,731 38. Second Phase of Micro-irrigation Facility Construction Project in Shuangshi Village, Luojiang 522,366 County, Deyang, Sichuan

16 Reconstruction and 39. Second Phase of Reconstruction Project in Chaoyuan Village, Zhongjiang County, Deyang, 530,244 Livelihoods Sichuan 40. Rehabilitation and Poverty Relief Project In Zhaizi Village, Suochi Township Cheng County, 1,005,662 Gansu 41. Rehabilitation and Poverty Alleviation Project and Supplementary Item for Niuyao Villagers in 1,003,997 Shaoyu Township, Xihe County, Longnan City, Gansu 42. Rehabilitation Project in Yuanping Village, Shifang Township, Wenxian County, Gansu 962,100

43. Rehabilitation Project In Anjiaba Village, Nianba Township, Kang County, Gansu 995,418

44. Rehabilitation and Poverty Alleviation Project in Mengzhuang Village, Suhe Township, Xihe 1,000,160 County, Longnan City, Gansu 45. Earthquake Rehabilitation (road construction, production and livelihood improvement) Project 1,004,702 In Zuojia Village, Zuojia Township, Liangdang County,Gansu 46. Rehabilitation Project in Xiaojiashan Village, Tielou Township, Wen County, Gansu 988,876 47. Reconstruction of Liangjiaping Village, Danbao Township, Wenxian County, Gansu 1,009,513 48. Post-disaster Reconstruction of Bahai Village, Guohe Township, Wudu Prefecture, Longnan City, 295,494 Gansu 49. Rehabilitation and Poverty Relief Project in Yeba village, Fo'ai Township, Wudu District, Longnan 1,041,081 City, Gansu 50. Rehabilitation and Poverty Relief Project in Zhuangke Village, Longba Township, Wudu, 919,422 Longnan City, Gansu 51. Reconstruction Project in Ma’an Village, Mayan Township, Hui County, Gansu 1,001,381 52. Reconstruction Project in Qingshan Village, Yongning Township, Hui County, Gansu 996,456 53. Rehabilitation Project (community participatory planning and road building) of Tangjiahe 539,773 Village, Anlehe Township, Ningqiang County, Shaanxi 54. Rehabilitation and Poverty Relief Project in Donggoumen Village, Xinjie Township, Chencang 987,900 District, Baoji City, Shaanxi 55. Earthquake Rehabilitation Project In Xiaojiaba Village, Gaozhaizi Township, Ningqiang County, 1,020,690 Shaanxi 56. Earthquake Rehabilitation Project in Baozhuguan Village, Shujiaba Township, Ningqiang 1,020,477 County, Shaanxi 57. Earthquake Rehabilitation Project In Hewan Village, Tiesuoguan Township, Ningqiang County, 1,028,797 Shaanxi 58. Post-earthquake Agricultural Reconstruction Project in Maoergou Village, Xujiaping Township, 847,152 Lueyang County, Shaanxi 59. Rehabilitation Project in Weizigou Village, Xihuaiba Township, Lueyang County, Shaanxi 1,009,746 60. Community Organization Development, Community Services, Livelihoods Restoration Project in 348,768 Chongde Community, Tongji Township, Pengzhou City, Sichuan 61. Research and Project Planning on Post-Wenchuan Earthquake Reconstruction 58,092 62. Needs Assessment and Policy Advocacy on Post-earthquake Reconstruction in Gansu 72,665 63. Monitoring and Management of Rehabilitation Projects in Longnan City, Gansu 23,260 Subtotal (Yuan) 40,462,715 Counselling Services 64. Psychological Services Project with Earthquake Affected Groups in Wudu and Wenxian Counties, 56,648 Gansu 65. Psychological Intervention with Children and Women in Huating County , Pingliang City, Gansu 26,698 Subtotal (Yuan) 83,346 Training / Capacity 66. Training on Programme Management with Potential Partners in Sichuan 94,060 Building with Partner Organisations 67. Training on Programme Management with Partners in Sichuan 40,445 68. Training on Programme Management with Partners in Sichuan 50,215 69. Training with Youth on Rural Community Development 258,067 70. Capacity Building Project with Poverty Alleviation Offices of the State Council in Sichuan and 1,412,245 Gansu provinces on post-earthquake rehabilitation 71. Training with Potential Partners in Gansu on Oxfam Principles, Methodology and Project 48,673 Management 72. Training on Rehabilitation Project and Financial Management in Lueyang County, Shaanxi 36,184 73. Symposium on NGOs Reconstruction Strategy in the Wenchuan Earthquake 63,730.00 Subtotal (Yuan) 2,003,619

17 Ethnic Minorities 74. Advocacy Research on Preservation Measures of Indigenous Culture in the Post-earthquake 258,664 Research / Policy Recovery and Reconstruction Policy and Practices for Remote and Impoverished Ethnic Minority Villages; and Supplementary Policy Advocacy Conference 75. Post-earthquake Policy Measures of Cultural Conservation and Poverty Reduction among Ethnic 38,155 Minorities – Programme Experiences and Implementation Issues 76. Action Research Project on Approaches of Livelihood Recovery combined with Ethno-culture of 254,595 Qiang Community during Reconstruction Subtotal (Yuan) 551,414 Gender Sensitivity 77. Preliminary Assessment and Project Design for the Project of Applying Gender Sensitive Social 44,120 Project Design / Work Values and Practices for the Rehabilitation of Affected Communities in Gansu Research 78. Application of Gender Sensitive Social Work on Population and Family Planning Work: a Post- 790,965 quake Rehabilitation and Community Development Project Subtotal (Yuan) 835,085 Education - Primary 79. Rebuilding of Huaxianzi Primary School in Fengxiang Town, Anding County, Gansu 429,298 Schools 80. Construction of Sanlian Primary School in Pingnan Township, Qinzhou District, Tianshui City, 910,433 Gansu 81. School rebuilding project in Gao Cha Natural Village, Kai Bian Township, Zhen Yuan County, 187,658 Gansu 82. School rebuilding project in Shang Ling Natural Village, Tai Ping Township, Zhen Yuan County, 187,658 Gansu 83. School rebuilding project in Da Wan Zhang Natural Village, Xinji Township, Zhen Yuan County, 187,658 Gansu 84. School rebuilding project in Mao He Village, Shang Xiao Township, Zhen Yuan County, Gansu 187,658 85. Rebuilding of 4 Primary Schools in 4 Communities (Shangma, Xiama, Gaoliang and Luogou) in 1,559,741 Xiyang Township, Kongtong Area, Pingliang Prefecture, Gansu 86. School Rebuilding in Zaojiao Township, Qinzhou District, Tianshui City, Gansu 631,438 87. Rebuilding of Maying Primary School in Gaofeng Township, Anding County, Gansu 344,743 88. Rebuilding of Miaochuan Primary School in Tuanjie Township, Anding County, Gansu 385,356 Subtotal (Yuan) 5,011,641

Total (Yuan) 48,947,820.00

Total (HK$) 55,555,775.70

18 c. 54 Partner Organisations

Partner Organisations Project(s) Implemented with Oxfam Hong Kong GOVERNMENT UNITS 1. Anxian County Office Sichuan Qianfo Mountain 1. Qianfo Village Road Repairing Project, Chaping Town, Anxian County, Conservation Zone Mianyang, Sichuan 2. Disaster Response to June 17 landslides in Qianfo Village, Chaping Town, Anxian County, Sichuan 2. Chengdu Women's Federation 3. Livestock raising project in quake-affected areas of Chengdu, Sichuan 3. China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation 4. Research and Project Planning on Post-Wenchuan Earthquake Reconstruction 4. Guangyuan Lizhou District Committee of Communist 5. Provision of Winter Quilts to Earthquake-Stricken Farmers in Lizhou Youth League District, Guangyuan City, Sichuan 6. Shengli Village Road Repairing Project, Longtan Township Guangyuan County, Sichuan 7. Post-Quake drinking water rehabilitation project in Shisun Village, Lizhou County, Guangyuan, Sichuan 5. Hui County Poverty Alleviation and Development 8. Post-disaster reconstruction project of Ma’an village, Mayan Township, Hui Office County, Gansu 9. Post-disaster reconstruction project of Qingshan Village, Yongning Township, Hui County, Gansu 6. Langzhong City Poverty Alleviation Office 10. Water Supply and Village Bridge Project in Shehongmiao Village, Shuiguan Township, Langzhong City, Sichuan 11. Road reconstruction in Nichi village, Dongxiang Town, Langzhong City, Sichuan 7. Longnan City Poverty Alleviation and Development 12. Monitoring and Management of Rehabilitation Projects in Longnan City, Office Gansu 8. National Population and Family Planning Commission 13. A preliminary assessment and project design for the project of applying of China gender sensitive social work values and practices to the rehabilitation of post-quake communities, Gansu 14. The application of gender sensitive social work on population and family planning work in post-quake rehabilitation and community development 9. Bureau of Civil Affairs of Kang County, Longnan City, 15. Emergency response of keeping Wenchuan earthquake disaster survivors Gansu warm in winter in Longnan Prefecture, Gansu 10. Pingliang City Bureau for Ethnic Minority Affairs 16. Post-quake reconstruction of Shangma, Xiama, Gaoliang, Luogou elementary school in Xiyang township, Kongtong Area, Pingliang Prefecture, Gansu 11. Population and Family Planning Commission of Wudu 17. Post-disaster reconstruction of Bahai Village in Guohe Township, Wudu Prefecture, Longnan City Prefecture, Longnan City, Gansu 12. Post-Quake Rehabilitation Office of The State Council 18. Capacity Building Project with Poverty Alleviation Offices of the State Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Council and Sichuan and Gansu provinces on Post-quake Rehabilitation Development (LGOP) Programming 13. Poverty Alleviation and Development Leading Group 19. Earthquake Rehabilitation Project In Xiaojiaba Village, Gaozhaizi Office of Ningqiang County Township, Ningqiang County, Shaanxi 20. Earthquake Rehabilitation Project in Baozhuguan Village, Shujiaba Township, Ningqiang County, Shaanxi 21. Earthquake Rehabilitation Project In Hewan village, Tiesuoguan Township, Ningqiang County, Shaanxi 14. Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of 22. Rehabilitation and Poverty Relief Project in Donggoumen Village, Xinjie Chencang District, Baoji City, Shaanxi Township, Chencang District, Baoji City, Shaanxi 15. Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Cheng 23. Rehabilitation and Poverty Relief Project In Zhaizi Village, Suochi Township, County, Gansu Cheng County, Gansu 16. Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Kang 24. Rehabilitation Project In Anjiaba Village, Nianba Township, Kang County, County, Gansu Gansu 17. Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of 25. Earthquake Rehabilitation (Road construction, production and livelihood Liangdang County, Gansu improvement) Project In Zuojia Village, Zuojia Township, Liangdang County, Gansu 18. Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of 26. Post-Quake micro irrigation facility construction project in Shuangshi Luojiang County, Deyang City, Sichuan Village, Luojiang County, Deyang, Sichuan 27. Second Phase of Post-Quake Micro-irrigation Facility Construction Project in Shuangshi Village, Luojiang County, Deyang, Sichuan 19. Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Lushan 28. Post-quake Rehabilitation Project of Four small-scale Centralised Water County Supply Stations in Xichuan Village, Shuangshi Township, Lushan County, Ya’an City, Sichuan 29. Cement Road and Irrigation Ditch of Zhou Village, Lushan County, Ya’an City, Sichuan

19 Oxfam Hong Kong Partner Organisations Project(s) Implemented

20. Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Wudu 30. Rehabilitation and Poverty Relief Project in Yeba village, Fo’ai Township, District Wudu District, Longnan, Gansu 31. Rehabilitation and Poverty Relief Project in Zhuangke Village, Longba Township, Wudu District, Longnan, Gansu 21. Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Yanting 32. 9.8 km Stone Road Construction Project in Yurong Village , Yanting County, County Sichuan 33. Village Road Construction in Qingshan Village, Yanting County, Sichuan 22. Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of 34. First Phase of Post-Quake Reconstruction Project in Chaoyuan Village, Zhongjiang Cangshan Township, Zhongjiang County, Deyang, Sichuan 35. Second Phase of Post-Quake Reconstruction Project in Chaoyuan Village, Zhongjiang County, Deyang, Sichuan 23. Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Zi Tong 36. Road and Reservoir Reconstruction in Zi Tong County, Mian Yang City, County, Mianyang City, Sichuan Sichuan 37. Walnut Tree Plant in Jianli Village, Jianxing Township, Zitong County, Mianyang City, Sichuan 38. Road Construction in Changzheng Village, Ziqiang Township, Zitong County, Mianyang City, Sichuan 39. Road and Barrage Reconstruction in Gaojia Village, Zitong County, Mianyang City, Sichuan 24. Office of Poverty Alleviation through Food for Work, 40. Drinking Water Supplying and Cropland Irrigation System Improvement Lixian County, Sichuan Project in Jiashan Village Taoping Township Li County, Sichuan 25. Poverty Alleviation Office of Anxian County 41. Reconstruction of Village Road in Daxi Village, Yingxin Town, Anxian County 42. Post-quake Village Road and Bridge Reconstruction Project in Qixin Village, Xiaoba Township, Anxian County, Sichuan 26. Poverty Alleviation Office of Baoxing County, Yaan City 43. Village Road Construction and Drinking Water Rehabilitation Project in Modao Village, Baoxing County, Yaan, Sichuan 44. Post-quake village road construction Project in Goushan Village, Muping Town, Baoxing County, Yaan City, Sichuan 27. Poverty Alleviation Office of Chaotian County, 45. Village Road Repairing Project in Qianxi Village, Xuanhe Township Guangyuan Prefecture, Sichuan Guangyuan, Sichuan 28. Poverty Alleviation Office of Jiange County, Guangyuan 46. Earthquake Rehabilitation Project for Road Construction of Jia Ning Prefecture, Sichuan Province Village, Jian Ge County, Sichuan 29. Poverty Alleviation Office of Lizhou County, 47. Village Road Repairing Project in Makou Village, Sandui Township Guangyuan Prefecture, Sichuan Guangyuan, Sichuan 48. Human and Livestock Drinking Water Rehabilitation Project in Majia Village, Baichao County, Li Zhou District, Guangyuan City, Sichuan 30. Poverty Alleviation Office of Nanjing County, Bazhong 49. Road Rebuilding Project in Jiuquan Village, Nanjiang County, Yuantan Prefecture, Sichuan Township, Sichuan 50. Irrigation Dyke Project in Nanjiang County, Tuanjie Township Tongche Village, Sichuan 31. Poverty Alleviation Office of Santai County 51. Road Reconstruction Project in Baihe village, Santai County, Mianyang City, Sichuan 32. Poverty Alleviation Office of Wangcang County 52. Road Building Project in Changshi Village, Wangcang County, Guangyuan City, Sichuan 33. Poverty Alleviation Office of Youxian District, 53. Irrigation Ditches Project in Heyang Village, Youxian District, Mianyang Mianyang City City, Sichuan 54. Road Construction in Heyang Village, Youxian County, Mianyang City, Sichuan 34. Poverty Alleviation Office of Yuanba District, 55. Village Road Construction Project in Jinniu Village, Baiguo Township, Guangyuan City Yuanba District, Guangyuan City, Sichuan 56. Village Road Construction Project in Changai Village, Taigong Township, Guangyuan, Sichuan 35. Poverty Alleviation Office on Lueyang County of Shanxi 57. Rehabilitation Project in Weizigou Village, Xihuaiba Township, Lueyang Province County, Shaanxi 36. Qingchuan County Poverty Alleviation Office 58. Relief Supplies of Winter Quilts and Waterproof Fabric for Farmers in Qingchuan County, Guangyuan City, Sichuan 59. Road Construction in Qunfeng Village, Huangping Town, Qingchuan County , Sichuan 60. Road Construction in Qunfeng Village, Huangping Town, Qingchuan County, Sichuan 37. Qinzhou District Education Bureau, Tianshui City 61. School Rebuilding Project in Zaojiao Township, Qinzhou District, Tianshui City, Gansu 62. Construction of Sanlian Primary School in Pingnan Township of Qinzhou District, Tianshui City, Gansu

20 Oxfam Hong Kong Partner Organisations Project(s) Implemented

38. Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Xihe 63. Rehabilitation and Poverty Alleviation Project in Mengzhuang Village, County, Gansu Suhe Township, Xihe County, Longnan City, Gansu 64. Rehabilitation and Poverty Alleviation Project and Supplementary Item with Niuyao Villagers in Shaoyu Township, Xihe County, Longnan City, Gansu 65. Rebuilding of Huaxianzi Primary School in Fengxiang Town, Anding County, Gansu 39. Program Office of Anding Educational and Sport 66. Rebuilding of Maying Primary School in Gaofeng Township, Anding Bureau County, Gansu 67. Rebuilding of Miaochuan Primary School in Tuanjie Township, Anding County, Gansu 68. Rehabilitation project in Yuanping Village, Shifang Township, Wenxian County, Gansu 40. Wenxian County Poverty Alleviation and Development 69. Rehabilitation Project in Xiaojiashan Village, Tielou Township, Wen County, Office Gansu 70. Reconstruction of Liangjiaping Village, Danbao Township, Wenxian County, Gansu 71. School Rebuilding Project in Gao Cha Natural Village, Kai Bian Township, Zhen Yuan County, Gansu 41. Zhen Yuan County Education Bureau, Qing Yang 72. School Rebuilding Project in Shang Ling Natural Village, Tai Ping Township, Prefecture, Gansu Province Henyuan County, Gansu 73. School Rebuilding project in Da Wan Zhang Natural Village, Xinji Township, Zhen Yuan County, Gansu 74. School Rebuilding Project in Mao He Village, Shang Xiao Township, Zhen Yuan County, Gansu UNIVERSITY / RESEARCH INSTITUTES 1. Department of Sociology, College of Humanity and 75. Advocacy Research on Preservation Measures of Indigenous Culture in Development, China Agriculture University the Post-earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction Policy and Practices of Remote and Impoverished Ethnic Minorities Villages and Supplementary Policy Advocacy Conference 2. Lanzhou University Community Development Center 76. Needs Assessment and Policy Advocacy in Post- earthquake Reconstruction in Gansu 3. School of Ethnological Studies, Southwest University 77. Post-earthquake Policy Measures of Cultural Conservation and Poverty for Nationalities Reduction among Ethnic Minorities – programme experiences and implementation issues 78. Action Research Project on Approaches of Livelihood Recovery combined with Ethno-culture of Qiang Community during Wenchuan Earthquake Reconstruction 4. School of Huaxi Public Health of Sichuan University 79. Disease Prevention at Disaster Sites in the Earthquake, Sichuan LOCAL NGOs 1. Donghua Women's Health Education Centre, Huating 80. Psychological Intervention with Children and Women in Huating County, County, Gansu Pingliang City, Gansu 2. Gansu Yixin Psychological Counselling Centre 81. Psychological Services Project with Earthquake Affected Groups in Wudu and Wenxian, Gansu 3. Global Village of Beijing 82. Village Facility Restoring and Livelihood Reconstruction in Jiufeng Village, Pengzhou, Sichuan 4. Shaanxi Mothers' Environmental Protection Association 83. Training with Youth in Rural Community Development 84. Rehabilitation Project (community participatory planning and road building) in Tangjiahe Village, Anlehe Township, Ningqiang County, Shaanxi 5. Shaanxi Provincial Research Association for Women 85. Disaster Relief after Heavy Rainstorms in July 2009 in Tangjiahe Village, and Family Ningqiang County, Shaanxi 86. Emergency Response to Earthquake in Zundao Township, Mianzhu County, Sichuan 6. Service-Technology Service Center for Rural Women in 87. Emergency Response to Earthquake in Ningqiang County, Shaanxi Shaanxi 88. Post-earthquake Agricultural Reconstruction Project in Maoergou Village, Xujiaping Township, Lueyang County, Shaanxi 7. The Youth from Red Cross (YFRC) 89. Volunteer Development for Earthquake Relief in Pengzhou, Sichuan 8. Western Rural Development Center 90. Community Organisation Development, Community Services, Livelihoods Recovery in Chongde Community, Tongji Township, Pengzhou City, Sichuan 91. Emergency Relief in Response to the July 2009 Floods in Shi Ba Township, Qingchuan County, Sichuan

9. Institute for Civil Society, Department of Anthropology, 92. Symposium of NGOs reconstruction Strategy in the Wenchuan earthquake Zhongshan University (ICS)

21 ZITONG, SICHUAN Oxfam Hong Kong This sign, pasted on the wall outside the Jianli Village Committee Office, reads, 17th Floor ‘Thank You, Oxfam Hong Kong, for supporting the reconstruction of our 28 Marble Road village.’ Oxfam supported the residents to China United Centre build a new road and water supply system and to grow walnuts, a stable and high- North Point income crop. Hong Kong / Photo: Keith Wong, Oxfam Hong Kong