Michigan State University College of Education & Public Schools


Information Session Sunday, November 8, 2020 1

3rd largest school district 642 schools 355,000+ children

• 421 Elementary Schools

• 92 High Schools

• 9 Contract Schools (public schools open to all CPS students, operated by private entities under contract with CPS to provide an additional education option for students)

• 115 Charter Schools (public schools “chartered” by CPS, open to all Chicago children, approved by the Board of Education but operate independently from the Board and each other)

• 1 SAFE School

2 Chicago Public Schools

• Students: 355,156 • Teachers: 20,629

• African-American 35.9% • African-American 20.9% • White 10.8% • White 49.8% • Hispanic 46.6% • Hispanic 21.5% • Asian 4.2% • Asian 3.9%

• Native American/Alaskan <1% • Native American <1% • Multi-Racial 1.3% • Multi-Racial 1.4% • Unknown <1% • Unknown 2,2%

3 Chicago-Based Site Coordinator

Ms. Monica Swope

4 CPS Partnership Schools

• Air Force Academy High School (9 – 12) • Ira F. Aldridge Elementary School (PK – 8) • The for The Arts (9 – 12) • Corliss Early College STEM High School (9 – 12) • Gage Park High School (9 – 12) • Sarah E. Goode STEM Academy (9 – 12) • Mary E. McDowell School of International Studies (PK – 6) • Al Raby School for the Community and Environment (9 – 12) • Asa Philip Randolph Elementary School (PK – 8) • William H. Ray Elementary School (PK – 8) • Beulah Shoesmith Elementary (K – 6) • John A. Walsh Elementary School (PK – 8)

All great schools, making a difference!

5 We Seek Candidates Who Demonstrate:

Commitment to teach in an urban setting! • High Expectations • Cultural Consciousness • Teach for Equity • Learn Without Judgement • Open Mindedness • Resourceful/Problem Solver

6 We Seek Candidates Who Demonstrate:

• Personal Responsibility

• Independence

• Resiliency/Growth Mindset

• Knowledge about their own values and beliefs relative to that of your learners.

7 Selection Criteria & Considerations

• Successful progression to internship review!

• Recommendation of Team Leaders, Faculty...

• Participation in: • UECP/GECP and/or • Urban Immersion Fellowship Program and/or • Extended field experience in urban contexts with urban learners.

• Preferential Requests by CPS

• Available Placement Options

8 Conditions for Participation

• Meet criteria for the Progression to Internship (by the end of Spring): • Pass the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification • Complete teaching major requirements/teacher certification coursework • Have bachelor’s degree conferred • Obtain approval for participation from current TE Team Leader

• Attend the mandatory campus-based orientation and the mandatory pre-internship experience in Chicago.

• Abide by all MSU policies while enrolled in the program.

• Attend and participate in all scheduled instruction.

• Secure housing, transportation, and other necessities.

• Complete all CPS student teaching application requirements.

9 Mandatory Pre-Internship Experience

• May 3-6, 2021 (To be confirmed)

• Travel & lodging expenses covered by the College of Education!

• Individuals are responsible for food expenses.

10 CPS Requirements

• TB Test

• Fingerprinting & Background Check

• Student Teacher Online Registration


th Timeline · Sunday, November 8 Info Session @ 5:00 PM CST/6 PM EST (Zoom)

Monday, November 9th Application Available Online

Friday, December 4th Application DEADLINE 5:00 PM CST/6:00PM EST

Friday, December 4th – Friday, December 11th Progression to Internship Review; Verification; Team Leader Verification; TE/CEPSE Endorsement for Chicago Placement

Monday, December 14th Email Notification of Conditionally Accepted Students

Monday, January 4, 2021 Intern Acceptance DEADLINE

January 2021 Communication of Intern Acceptances to TE/CEPSE; Swope Communication w/ CPS Regarding Placement Needs

March 2021 Mandatory CPS Internship Orientation

May 2021 Mandatory Chicago-Based Pre-Internship Experience

August 2021 Begin Internship Year in Chicago!

12 Conditions for Participation


All deadlines are FINAL!


Failure to meet a deadline assumes discontinuance of consideration for CPS internship placement.

13 Internship Structure

• Placement in School Cluster

• Chicago-Based Field Supervision

• “Course Instruction Session” provided by Teacher Preparation Program & CEPSE Departments

• Use of Technology Instruction (requires laptop/internet capabilities at residence)


What is this going to cost? THESE ARE ESTIMATES InternshipRegardless Costs of internship location…Amount

Tuition & Fees $16,092 (2020-21 rates; excludes taxes)

Technology $150

TB Test/Fingerprinting $55.00

TOTAL $16,297.00 (excludes textbooks)

Chicago specific living expenses based on 9-month residency...

Chicago Living Expenses Amount

Housing $9,000 (excludes utilities – based on 2020-21 leases) (around $1000/mo) Food $2,250

Public Transportation $900

TOTAL $12,150.00 15 Don’t panic! We’re here to help! ☺

• SCHOLARSHIP SUPPORT • Watch for College of Education e-mail notification!!

• Housing tour during pre-internship experience to look at affordable options. (TBD)

16 Top 5 Reasons You Should Do This!

1. We have a strong, sustained partnership with CPS. In 12 cohorts, we have placed 295 MSU teacher candidates there!

2. Significantly increases your job marketability. We are highly valued for completing the internship in the 3rd largest school district in the country!

3. Strong consideration by CPS for hiring opportunities.

4. You will be provided support throughout your internship experience.

5. Certification Seminar customized specifically for Chicago Interns.

17 As a CPS teacher, you will…

• Receive: • A starting salary of over $50,000 per year. • Free admittance to all city museums. • Mentoring through the Chicago New Teacher Center.

• Qualify for: • Cell phone, gym membership, & retail discounts. • Federal loan cancellation options!!! ☺

18 Questions?