

The MINUTES of the full Town Council Meeting

held in the Town Hall, Fishguard on Tuesday 6th June at 7pm

Cllr. Mike Mayberry (Mayor) in the Chair.

Cllr. M. Mayberry – M. Mayberry

Cath Bannister, Town Clerk - C. Bannister.

88/16 PRIVATE SESSION: The meeting was opened at 7:03pm by Cllr. Mayberry. Members of the public and the press, were asked to leave the meeting room in order to exclude the public in order to hear items of business under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act of 1960.

The public/press, left the meeting room.

Cllr. Mayberry, introduced Mr. Bryan Mumby of Powys Police, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Project Officer.

89/16 CO-OPTION OF NEW TOWN COUNCILLOR FOR GOODWICK: The Clerk accepted the Declaration of Office, made by Lucy Wilks, in order to accept her as the new Town Councillor for Goodwick. Councillor Wilkes was confirmed as a Councillor.

90/16 INTRODUCTION OF MARC OWEN AND ANGELA PHILLIPS, PCC OFFICERS, AS LIAISON OFFICERS FOR THE TOWN COUNCIL: Marc introduced himself and Angela. He explained that PCC had introduced a twelve month trial period between April 16 and April 17, whereby, at the Town Council’s discretion, PCC would send a representative to Town Council meetings. Angela and himself were the two officers nominated for FGTC and both, or one or the other would attend future meetings. The PCC CEO, Ian Westley, wanted there to be closer links between themselves and Town and Councils. Marc said that they would act as PCC advisors, a go between and basically, assist wherever they could and that he hoped it would be a two way thing. The Terms of Reference for their post is: The purpose of their presence is to provide corporate and strategic contact and to improve working relationships. To provide a conduit for information of a strategic and corporate nature To challenge and assist Town Councils to develop.


There was a general discussion about their roles. In summary, the TC are happy to receive them. Clerk to progress

91/16 APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from: Cllr. Grosvenor, Cllr. O’Connor and C.Cllr. Pat Davies Those present at the meeting were: Cllrs., Perkins, Siggins, Davies, Thickitt, James, Stonhold, Wilkes, Allison, Ryan, Mason, Mayberry and Wyer.

92/16 MAYORS REMARKS: Since his time in office , Cllr. Mayberry had been very busy representing the Town Council at various functions and activities: 6th May – Civic Ceremony 10th May - Economic Regeneration meeting and Town Team meeting 14th May – Town Crier event in Newport, Pembs. 16th May – Welcome to the Cruise Ships at the Port 18th May – POINT fundraiser for the playgrounds 19th May – Civic Ceremony 23rd May – Christmas Lights meeting 24th May – Refreshing North thinking outside the box event 25th May – Tapestry Trust reference accessing the library, meeting 28th May – Opened the Folk Festival and closed it on 31st. 1st June – Welcome to the Cruise Ship at the Port 5th Jun – Welcome to the Cruise Ship at the Port The Mayor has endeavoured to meet the Clerk at least twice a week.

93/16 DEPUTY MAYORS REMARKS: The Deputy Mayor had attended the following function in her role, representing Town Council. 18th May – Had accompanied the Mayor and attended the POINT fundraiser in the absence of the Mayoress, Mrs. Shelley Mayberry. She was delighted and amazed at the local talent and commented on her enjoyment of the event. The Deputy Mayor also stated that she is ready, willing and able to represent the Town Council at functions that the Mayor is unable to attend.

94/16 MEMBER INTERESTS: Cllr. Perkins declared a pecuniary interest in Planning Application reference 16/0062/PA and stated that he would leave the room when this application is heard.

95/16 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the previous meeting, which were circulated 2.6.16, were agreed as a true and accurate record.

Proposed by Cllr. Allison and seconded by Cllr. Wyer – All agreed.



Internal Accounts. The accounts have been inspected by the internal accountant and the external accounts were prepared for examination. The Clerk would go into more depth later in the Agenda.


C.Cllr. Pepper: The main focus of his feedback was with regards to the new Marina planning application for dredging, that was now out for public consultation. The planning application is to be heard by Natural Resources and not PCC. The documentation is available to view in the library. C.Cllr. Pepper urged people to view the document if they are interested in the development.

C.Cllr. Gwilym Price advised the Town Council with regards the death of Dafydd Jones the Marina developer of Conygar/Stena and passed condolences to his family. The clerk had circulated an email to all Cllrs. advising them of the loss.

98/16 REPORTS: Finance Committee: Cllr. Mason All proposals on the report from 3.5.16, were agreed. Proposed by Cllr. Davies and seconded by Cllr. Thickitt. All Agreed Town Team Feedback: Cllr. Mayberry. Economic Regeneration Committee: Cllr. Ryan. 10.5.16 Proposed by Cllr. James and seconded by Cllr. Siggins. All Agreed

99/16 PROPOSED SITES FOR DEFIBRILLATOR IN FISHGUARD GOODWICK: Apologies had been received from Cllr. O’Connor, prior to the meeting, so it was decided to defer this agenda item until the meeting in July when Cllr. O’Connor would have the opportunity to progress this matter with the TC. Clerk to progress

100/16 CAR PARKING CHARGES IN GOODWICK: Cllr. Mayberry advised the Town Council that there had been complaints with regards the cost of parking in Goodwick, the chaos as a result of residents and businesses not using the car park and the fear of the decline of local businesses. There was a general discussion between councillors, about car parking charges generally. Our liaison officer, Marc Owen advised the group that there had been a public consultation period prior to the charges being implemented. However, he also suggested that as Car Parks Manager for Pembrokeshire County Council,


suggestions, ideas and proposed changes, should be compiled and sent to PCC for his attention. It was agreed by the town council that the Clerk, Cllr. Mason (and Cllr. Thickitt – who volunteered afterwards), meet to formalise taking this suggestion forwards in order to compile a report to feed back to PCC. They will compile a list of issues and possible solutions. Proposed by Cllr. Allison and seconded by Cllr. Siggins – all agreed. Clerk to progress

101/16 NOTICE BOARD IN LOWER TOWN: Cllr. Allison advised the Town Council that the notice board in Lower Town needed replacing as it was too small. The Clerk advised the TC that it was a temporary replacement board as it is actually a “You are here” noticeboard. He was advised that the purchase of the replacement board had been approved in 2014/15 at both finance committee and at full Town Council. The Clerk to order a replacement. Clerk to progress

102/16 CLLR. NAMES AND PHOTOGRAPHS ON NOTICE BOARDS: It had been suggested by a member of the public, that Cllrs. have their photographs, email contacts, along with telephone numbers and the area for which they are responsible, posted on the main notice boards. The Town Councillors discussed the benefits of making themselves more accessible to the public and agreed for this to happen. Proposed by Cllr. Allison, seconded by Cllr. Ryan – All agreed. Clerk to progress

103/16 EXTERNAL ACCOUNTS: The clerk had prepared the financial accounts for the period 2015/16 and had sent them to the accountants, Marshalls of Fishguard, for audit purposes. Having agreed the accounts, the clerk had prepared the external accounts ready for examination by the new auditors Grant Thornton. The accounts will be available for public scrutiny, prior to sending them off for inspection by 30.6.16 The account summaries were shared amongst the Town Councillors and the report from the internal auditors was read out to them. The Town Council agreed to accept the accounts as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr. Mason, seconded by Cllr. Perkins – All agreed. Clerk to progress

104/16 CORRESPONDENCE: Cllr. Mayberry read out the correspondence as follows:

Elly’s Ward 10 Flag Appeal – a thank you for the donation of £100

Lighting in Main Street, Goodwick – Hugh Jenkins, a resident of Goodwick, had contacted the Town Council with a view to receiving support for the idea of installing solar powered lighting on Main Street, Goodwick, to overcome the issue of midnight lights out. There was a general discussion about this matter and our PCC liaison officer, Marc


Owen, informed the Town Council about solar powered lights that are already installed in the locality. There were arguments for them and against them. Marc suggested that Mr. Jenkins contact Mr. Mel Stevens, street lighting manager at PCC in order to take the matter forward. The Town Council agreed to this and could see no further action was needed by them at this time Clerk to progress

Cllr. Belinda Davies Suggesting that Goodwick United be given the Freedom of the Twin Towns to be awarded at a Civic Reception, much like Fishguard and Goodwick RFC and Goodwick Brass Band before them. There was a discussion with regards the previous awards and the dynamics and numbers of people to whom this would apply to. However, the Town Council unanimously voted to offer the award to the football club. Proposed by Cllr. Belinda Davies and seconded by Cllr. James Clerk to progress


Planning Application Consultations

16/0062/PA – Retrospective approval of some boundary walls and approval of yet to be constructed Tegfan, Jacksons Way. – Cllr. Perkins left the room. NO ADVERSE COMMENTS.

16/0163/PA – External alterations to the appearance of a dwelling Colliston, Prescelly Crescent, Stop and Call – NO ADVERSE COMMENTS

16/0169/PA – Variation of conditions 2.1. and 3. Of planning consent 03/1479/PA to allow extended opening hours and increase floor area for café use. At Art Centre, 16 West Street, Fishguard – NO ADVERSE COMMENTS

Notification of Planning Decisions

15/1283/PA – Variation of Conditions at Fishguard Harbour. Approved with conditions.

15/1228/PA – Construction of rear extension 61-63 West Street, Fishguard> Approved with conditions

15/1045/LB – Alterations at the Royal Oak Public House, Fishguard – Approved with conditions

15/1272/PA – Two new dwellings on plot at the rear of Longacre, Plas y Fron, Fishguard – Approved with conditions

Discharge of Conditions

15/1298/DC – Plot near The Laurels, New Hill, Goodwick. Fully discharged conditions met.



Pembrokeshire County Council – Payment for a Temporary Events Notice Licensing Application for the Mayors Ceremony on 11.6.16 - £21.00

Paul Stonhold - Invoice for TC website maintenance for May 2016 - £50

Paul Stonhold – Invoice for TC Website maintenance – April 2016 - £50

Pembrokshire County Council - Hire of library facilities - £26.00

Pembrokeshire County Council – Hire of Hall - £24.00

It should be noted that Cllr. Stonhold did not declare an interest in either of the two outstanding invoices that were to be paid to hi. This was noted by Cllr. Mayberry.

Agreement to pay all outstanding invoices: Proposed by Cllr. Allison, seconded by Cllr. James – All agreed.

107/16 ANY OTHER BUSINESS UNDER THE PUBLIC BODIES (ADMISSIONS TO MEETINGS) ACT 1960: Matters arising that need urgent attention and that have come to notice since sending the agenda out, may be proposed here. Items must be referred to the Clerk, prior to the start of the meeting.

Items received since the agenda has been sent out!

Letter from Mike Cavanagh – letter reference the Tapestry meeting and accessing the library (meeting held in the Town Hall 25.5.16).

A letter from Mike Cavanagh with regards accessing the tapestry on the days when the library is closed, was read out by the clerk. There was a general discussion afterwards. The matter was being discussed as there was an issue with visitors being turned away. However, Cllr. Mayberry asked how many were turned away and was advised 10. He then asked how many visited in a year and was advised 14000. The following points were noted and a request made to note the points in the response to Mike Cavanagh: Cllr. Perkins insisted that full access to the tapestry, should be available at all times. Cllr. Wyer agreed that there needed to be a degree of flexibility with regards access to the tapestry. Cllr. Davies reminded the Town Council that it is a piece of work not just of local importance, but of national importance. Cllr. Mason proposed, Cllr. Wyer seconded and all agreed that the clerk should respond to PCC outlining the above points. Clerk to follow up.

Payments: PCC Rent - £458.33 Hampshire Flags - £105.47


PCC Temporary Events Notice - £21.00 for Mayors Ceremony (re-imbursement to Cllr. Mayberry)

Proposal to pay in full by Cllr. Mason, seconded by Cllr. Wyer – All agreed.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was closed at 20:50hrs.