Report No. 04/21 Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee




The performance report follows the structure of the Corporate and Resources Plan for 2020/21.

The first section is based on progress against short and mid-term priorities focused on our COVID-19 response and recovery planning. It is important to note that some activities within this section are phased and external factors including changes to regulations will have an impact on delivery and progress.

The second section outlines progress against work streams that contribute to the longer term delivery of our Well-being Objectives and impacts within the National Park Management Plan. This section provides insight into the impact of COVID-19 and recovery on long terms delivery and projects across well-being objectives. Some activities within work streams may be progressed during 2020/21, however a number of them particular those involving face to face contact between individuals are influenced by the lifting or re instating of restrictions and regulations.

We are reviewing actions under work-streams for our Well-being Objectives as part of the development of the Corporate and Resources Plan 2021/22, taking into account the impact of COVID 19, where we need to continue to have a flexible and adaptive approach and where capacity means that certain activities need to be put on hold.

The following report presents the performance to date up to 31st December 2020 for monthly data and quarter 1 - 3 (April – December) statistics for some data sets.

An explanation/guidance of RAG status has been added to the end of this introduction report.

Impact of December Lockdown - COVID 19 Regulations and recovery activities

Coast Path closures were lifted on the 29th June and car parks were also reopened in June, in accordance with risk assessment and Welsh Government approval. The Coast Path and PCNPA car parks remained open during the Firebreak and subsequent lockdown period.

Warden staff were back undertaking maintenance work as of May 11th, with two week interruption during the two week firebreak. Warden team were stood down again on December 18th as a result of the lockdown introduced in December, with a phased return under a new Risk Assessment as of 18/1 to carry out work related to Public

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee – 10 February 2021 Page 73 of 151 Safety and the Prevention of significant damage. Business as usual work is not being carried out at present and this will impact on the delivery of some projects under our longer term objectives, such as the creation of more accessible circuit walk at reed bed, Freshwater East. Work programming for conservation was re-prioritised to take account of the demand placed on opening up footpaths earlier in the year and has been further affected by the firebreak period and subsequent lockdown.

Visitor attraction sites presently remain closed and can only re-open under ‘Tier 2’ restrictions as detailed in the associated Welsh Government COVID guidance. The majority of visitor centre staff have been furloughed.

Re-entry into lockdown has meant a focus on working remotely across teams, with Llanion closing on the 20th December. Systems for homeworking are in place, including the 3CX phone system.

Adapted and Flexible approach

In line with recovery planning activities and relevant risk assessments and as restrictions allowed during Q2 and Q3 we did see the re starting and delivery of adapted face to face services. Activities have been focused on outdoor engagement and delivered in line with risk assessments. Numbers for sessions have had to be restricted. Examples include:

 593 participants in walks led by PCNPA staff and volunteers, which includes participants in its events and activities programme that refocused on guided walks. 201 participants ytd in led Walking for Well-being Sessions across 35 session and 107 participants in Walkability sessions across 16 sessions.  1,904 pupils have participated in outdoor learning sessions ytd, and alongside this Authority staff and volunteers have delivered school grounds work to support outdoor learning.  The return of group volunteering sessions as and when restrictions allowed has meant that 73 volunteer days have been contributed to tree planting in the Park.  Despite OYP closing on 4th December due to Welsh Government restrictions, its outdoor markets were still able to take place on 5th, 6th and 12th December. (13th December market cancelled due to poor weather). Following Covid-19 guidance and advice from PCC.

COVID 19 has as would be expected had a negative impact on the level of face to face engagement with people across projects, visitor services, engagement, education programme, volunteering and events.

However in some areas we have been able to continue to adapt our services utilising digital opportunities for virtual or hybrid approaches.

 Using virtual training opportunities has boosted the number of volunteers attending training sessions to 246 ytd, a 78% increase compared to 2019/20.  180 people attended the Authority’s virtual Archaeology Day delivered in partnership with PLANED.

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee – 10 February 2021 Page 74 of 151  Has enabled continued facilitation virtually of Youth Committee and Volunteer Forum.  Castell Henllys has delivered 2 virtual sessions for schools.  Pembrokeshire Outdoor Schools has been delivering webinar training sessions for teachers and is developing online resources.  OYP also hosted an online exhibition (due to the closure in December). This was the Friends of Oriel y Parc’s annual competition for schoolchildren across the St Davids Campuses. The topic of the competition was the children’s response to Covid-19. It would have normally been displayed in the Tower.

Planning Service

Officers are continuing to visit sites and to deal with and process valid applications. Workload backlog has effected performance following problems with registering casework due to IT planning system issues in Q3 (this issue has now been resolved) and new lockdown restrictions impacted work in late period of December due to restrictions on office access and site visits. This compounded previous impact of Covid-19 restrictions on office based planning tasks. The impact of these issues is reflected in quarter 1 -3 planning ytd measures. The % of all planning applications determined within time periods required ytd is showing a red RAG rating significantly below target at 57.61%. However there has been an improvement on Q2 ytd figure of 46.77%. The Average time taken to determine all planning applications in days has increased ytd from 102.5 days in Q2 to 113 days in Q3.

Working Towards Long Term Objectives

During Q2 and Q3 staff have begun to be able to further progress some actions working towards long term objectives. Notable developments ytd include:

 Completion in September of work at Aberfforest in relation to restabilisation and regrade of stream junction onto the beach.  Traditional Boundaries Scheme has been launched.  102 affordable housing units approved - following Planning permission for Brynhir site issued following signing of S106.  NPA approval to refocus work of SDF committee to focus on community decarbonisation projects - with four community projects approved at the November 2020 SDF Committee: Theatre Gwaun - PV panels. Marloes & St Bridges Village Hall - Battery storage. Pembrokeshire Mencap - small infrastructure energy reduction. Wildlife Trust South & West - PV upgrades and energy reduction initiatives on Skomer and Skokholm.  Mobile Phone App has been designed on the Arc Online platform (linked to Digital Park Project) and is now in use by Area Managers, to survey the extent of the ash die back problem on PCNPA owned estate.  EV charging points funded via Welsh Government Sustainable Places, Sustainable Landscapes funding have been out to tender with submission deadline 7/1/2021. Installation of EV’s is likely to be carried forward into 2021/22.  NPA agreed in December on the land purchase related to carbon sequestration project, funded via Welsh Government Sustainable Places, Sustainable Landscapes funding. Conveyance is in process in relation to the land purchase.

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee – 10 February 2021 Page 75 of 151  Rollout of Office 2016 to 130 devices completed in November.

However some areas remained affected in October by

 Current or impact of previous COVID 19 regulations on delivery  Staff within some teams having been on furlough in previous months or currently on furlough, limiting capacity in some areas  the need to adapt services  the need to reprioritise actions for some teams in previous months on COVID 19 related actions such as recovery planning, risk assessments or reopening activities. This has had a particular impact on some corporate and HR related areas of work.

Health and Safety and HR System

The Authority has had two RIDDOR (Reportable) incidents ytd, these happened in Q1 and Q2. No further RIDDOR’s happened in Q3. Training to maintain adequate levels of health and safety for front line staff has been prioritised and training has recommenced.


One Environmental Information Regulations response was not delivered in time in Q1. Officer has apologised for the delay to the recipient. All EIRs in Q2 and Q3 responded to within required timescales.

Explanation of RAG Status

RAG What it means Red Close monitoring and/or significant action required.

This would normally be triggered by any combination of the following:  Measures: Not meeting the target or set to miss the target by a significant amount. Some Planning targets are based on Welsh Government targets.  Projects/ Project Development: Significant issues with the project e.g. project hasn’t started within expected timescales, delays against critical milestones, failure to achieve project outcomes, significant challenges to operational delivery, issues with budget profiling or future funding concerns. Or project is on hold/ no aspect of the project can be delivered due to COVID 19. Risk project associated with has increased as a result of inaction.  Ways of Working: Significant delays with progressing ways of working activities. Critical activities, milestones and outcomes not being achieved. Lack of progress raises compliance concerns. Current area of work is on hold due to reprioritisation of work due to COVID 19.  Strategic: Strategic partnership or engagement failing to achieve desired outcomes, lack of sustainability within partnership, funding concerns or capacity concerns in terms of Authority involvement.  Covid 19 response/ recovery: Service on hold or phase cannot progress due to current regulations. Progress concerns around

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee – 10 February 2021 Page 76 of 151 recovery planning response in this area. Significant implementation concerns with phase. Significant limitations to service delivery. Major Health and Safety concerns or impacts on the workforce. Amber Light touch monitoring required and/or some action should be carried out to prevent movement to Red status or to ensure progress to Green status.

This would normally be triggered by any combination of the following:  Measures: Performance is currently not meeting the target or set to miss the target by a narrow margin.  Projects/ Project Development: Minor or initial concerns around project performance and delivery e.g. some slippage in terms of timescales, initial concerns around progress towards project milestones, outcomes, operational delivery and budget profiling. Some future funding concerns. Measures have been put in place to address any previous major concerns and are being acted upon. Only part of the project is being delivered due to COVID 19/ adapted approach in place.  Ways of Working: Minor delays with progressing ways of working activities. Some activities, milestones and outcomes not being achieved. Measures have been put in place to address any previous major concerns and are being acted upon.  Strategic: Initial concerns on strategic partnership or engagement achieving desired outcomes, sustainability of partnership, funding or capacity in terms of Authority involvement.  Covid 19 response/ recovery: Only part of service is being delivered. Recovery planning activities initiated or in place but service not back to normal. Concerns around progress/ delivery in terms of recovery planning or service provision. Minor Health and Safety Concerns or impacts on workforce. Green No action required.

This would normally be triggered by any combination of the following:  Measures: Performing is currently meeting the target.  Projects/ Project Development: Everything is functioning as expected, project performance is as planned with the project meeting milestones and outcomes.  Ways of Working: Progress is being made against areas for action within reasonable timescales. Milestones and Outcomes are being achieved.  Strategic: Healthy sustainable partnership in place, delivering against desired outcomes.  Covid 19 response/ recovery: Service back to normal/ or operating successful adapted approach. Regulations implemented. Effective Health and Safety practices are in place. Performance for some Measures are based on across year benchmarking and trend considerations, performance columns on previous year performance should

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee – 10 February 2021 Page 77 of 151 be used to assess performance in these areas.

RECOMMENDATION: Members are requested to RECEIVE and COMMENT on the Performance Report.

(For further information contact Mair Thomas, Performance and Compliance Co- ordinator)

Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Audit and Corporate Services Review Committee – 10 February 2021 Page 78 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Short and Mid Term Phased Approach Well-being Objective - Responsive, Effective and Ensuring Safety

Work Area 1 – Responding effectively to COVID -19 related regulations and guidance

Phase 1 Actions - Implement effectively COVID-19 Regulations and Guidance issued by the UK and Welsh Government Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Management and Implementation of Green Green  Entire Coast Path open in accordance with risk assessment COVID -19 Access Regulations: Closure of and Welsh Government approval. Covid signage in place at paths, signage, monitoring, management over 90 access points to advise on social distancing, hand and communication of closure. hygiene, etc. Signage checked on regular basis. Website information complements site signage. Routine maintenance suspended during lockdown periods – only essential/ emergency work undertaken. Phase complete based on current situation Management and implementation of Green Green  New COVID restrictions came into force on the 20th Dec. closure of Car Parks and Centres. Despite the new restrictions, PCNPA’s car parks remain open to support legitimate use (i.e. activities currently supported under WG regulations). PCNPA continues to liaise closely with -Powys Police and PCC to monitor the situation on the ground. Joint comms have been re-issued reminding everyone that travel to the National Park for exercise is generally restricted under the revised WG regulations. Ensuring our publically accessible sites Green Green  All of PCNPA’s managed sites (with the exception of visitor and land is safe for the public to use. attractions) remain open to the public. All staff, including Wardens and Rangers, have been ‘stood down’ under new WG regulations. Risk assessments to be updated and a decision on returning to work duties is to be considered in Jan’ 2021.  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 1 Page 79 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Enabling safe monitoring, management Green Green  Action Complete - Activity done. Cutting season has now come and cutting of coast and inland rights of to a close. Further details on approach within progress report way paths. to ORC 23/9/20 - content/uploads/2020/09/09_20-Countryside-Management- Digital-Transformation.pdf Enabling safe management of critical Amber Amber  Graziers ongoing with the support of the warden team conservation activities, including Grazing. (resources restricted due to Covid.) Countryside Management Team stood down on December 18th for the second time with phased return under new Risk Assessment as of 18/1 to carry out work related to Public Safety and the Prevention of significant damage. Business As Usual work not being carried out at present. Closure, suspension of activities, Green Amber  Visitor attraction sites presently remain closed and can only re- cancellation of events and adaptation of open under ‘Tier 2’ restrictions as detailed in the associated face to face services (application of WG COVID guidance. relevant regulations on Authority activities.) Engagement with Welsh Government Green Green  Regular engagement with Welsh Government and partners to Departments over implementation of respond to issues created with the re-opening of the regulations countryside. Phase 2 Actions - Respond effectively to relaxation of regulations taking a phased response as required. Management and implementation of Amber Amber  Most staff across the Visitor Services Team are presently changes to COVID-19 Access Regulations furloughed. Plans for supporting a phased re-opening of the and other regulations impacting on wider Authority’s visitor sites will be developed in Jan’ 2021 in-line recreation management. with evolving WG restrictions. Carew - Planning and managing phased Amber Amber  The Carew site is currently closed due to Covid restrictions. opportunities for the opening up of Centres Castell Henllys - Planning and managing Amber Amber  The Castell Henllys site is currently closed due to Covid phased opportunities for the opening up of restrictions. Centres Oriel y Parc - Planning and managing Green Amber  Centre closed on 4th December in line with Government phased opportunities for the opening up of restrictions. Centres Education Service - Planning and Green Green  In December the Discovery Team continued to deliver a  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 2 Page 80 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

managing phased opportunities for the revised programme of educational visits to schools, mainly opening up of face to face services under the banner of the Roots project. Volunteering/ social action opportunities, Green Green  Both group and individual volunteering for the Authority community engagement and outreach continued during the first 3 weeks of in December. All activities - Planning and managing phased volunteers received the NPA volunteer newsletter/update and opportunities the opening up of face to face guidance with regard to how the Authority might proceed with it services volunteering work at the start of the new year. Events and activities - Planning and Green Green  In December the remainder of the 2020 A&E programme was managing phased opportunities the completed. Centre based teams and the Discovery Team's opening up of face to face services A&E co-ordinator continued planning for 2021, whilst recognising the potential impact of COVID, at least in the first half of the year. An internal working group met with PCC officers to discuss plans for a Visitor Welcome Volunteers to be recruited for 2021 spring/summer season. Project Delivery Direction (e.g. Stitch in Amber Amber  Lockdown from the end of December 2021 means that work is Time, Heritage Guardians) - Planning and focused on instructing/providing resources remotely. managing phased opportunities the opening up of face to face services Project Delivery Countryside Management Green Amber  Pollinator Warden stood down 18/12/20 to 18/1/21 and (e.g. Paths, Plants and Pollinators) - currently unable to carry out any functions related to the Planning and managing phased project, due to Warden Team restrictions. Pollinator Warden opportunities the opening up of face to face redeployed to emergency work. services Project Delivery Discovery (e.g. Walking for Green Green  During December all projects (PODS, West Wales Walking for Well-being, Walkability, Pathways) - Wellbeing, Pathways) were active in delivering a revised range Planning and managing phased of services to potential beneficiaries. All activities where opportunities the opening up of face to face delivered within the framework of Recovery Plans, Risk services Assessments and WG guidance. Development Management - Planning and Amber Amber  Where necessary officers are continuing to access to the managing phased opportunities the office. Face to face meetings such as planning surgery are not opening up of face to face services being undertaken. Video meetings are used by staff effectively both externally and internally. Virtual site visits are being undertaken where possible and if necessary site visits to non-  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 3 Page 81 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

enclosed spaces are being undertaken where possible. Direction face to face liaison (e.g. Amber Amber  Lockdown from the end of December 2021 means that work is landowners) - Planning and managing focused on instructing/providing resources remotely. phased opportunities the opening up of face to face services Reception - Planning and managing Green Red  Offices closed on the 20th December 2020 in accordance with phased opportunities the opening up of Welsh Government guidance. face to face services Internal and External Meetings - Planning Amber Amber  No change. VC continues to be the method used for meetings and managing phased opportunities the during pandemic. opening up of face to face services

Work Area 2 – Ensuring staff well-being and safety

Phase 1 Actions - Staff well-being and safety Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Activities to support staff health and well-being during Green Green  Regular updates provided through Staff Newsletter. working from home and lock down. EAP information provided through Carefirst communicated to all staff and managers. Weekly Webinars communicated to all managers for cascade. Maintaining health and safety of staff carrying out Green Green  Health & Safety Action Plan discussed with H & S essential work or inspections at PCNPA sites or Forum. Review taking place to draft new Action Plan implementing access regulation requirements in the for 2021. Park Area. Phase 2: Staff Well-being and Safety - Respond effectively to relaxation of regulations taking a phased response as required. Countryside Management (including coast path cutting Green Green  Countryside Management Team stood down on

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 4 Page 82 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

and maintenance) - Planning and managing phased December 18th for the second time - phased return opportunities for staff across different teams to return under new Risk Assessment as of 18/1 to carry out to their normal place of work and duties (where work related to Public Safety and the Prevention of possible and subject to restrictions) significant damage. Business As Usual work not being carried out at present. Property and Estates - Planning and managing Amber Amber  All staff, including the estates team have been phased opportunities for staff across different teams to ‘stood down’ under new WG regulations. Risk return to their normal place of work and duties (where assessments to be updated and a decision on possible and subject to restrictions) returning to work duties is to be considered in Jan’ 2021. Visitor and Community Services (Centres, Discovery Amber Amber  All staff, including Wardens and Rangers, have and Rangers) - Planning and managing phased been ‘stood down’ under new WG regulations. Risk opportunities for staff across different teams to return assessments to be updated and a decision on to their normal place of work and duties (where returning to work duties is to be considered in Jan’ possible and subject to restrictions) 2021. Direction (Access, Conservation, Planning Policy, Amber Amber  Lockdown means focus is on working remotely with National Park Management Plan, Health and Well- some limitations. being/ Tourism, Community Archaeology) - Planning and managing phased opportunities for staff across different teams to return to their normal place of work and duties (where possible and subject to restrictions) Development Management - Planning and managing Amber Amber  Llanion office based partially re-opened with officers phased opportunities for staff across different teams to now able to attend office at limited capacity while return to their normal place of work and duties (where maintaining social distancing. Officers to remain possible and subject to restrictions) working from home where possible. Restrictions prior to Christmas and new national lockdown have reduced opportunities to work from the office. Support Services (Finance, HR, IT, Communications, Green Green  Llanion initially opened however, with the re- Fundraising, Democratic Services and Customer introduction of the lockdown during December the Services, Performance) - Planning and managing office was close and all staff required to work from phased opportunities for staff across different teams to home. return to their normal place of work and duties (where possible and subject to restrictions)  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 5 Page 83 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Work Area 3 – Implementing Effective Working Practices

Actions Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Countryside Management - Management of Green Green  All staff who can work from are - all have access to necessary homeworking including staff, teams and work equipment and systems. priorities (in line with government regulations and guidance) Property and Estates - Management of Amber Amber  All staff have been ‘stood down’ under new WG regulations. homeworking including staff, teams and work Risk assessments to be updated and a decision on returning priorities (in line with government regulations to work duties is to be considered in Jan’ 2021. and guidance) Visitor and Community Services (Centres, Amber Amber  All staff, including Wardens and Rangers, have been ‘stood Discovery and Rangers) - Management of down’ under new WG regulations. Risk assessments to be homeworking including staff, teams and work updated and a decision on returning to work duties is to be priorities (in line with government regulations considered in Jan’ 2021. and guidance) Direction (Access, Conservation, Planning Amber Amber  Lockdown means focus is on working remotely with some Policy, National Park Management Plan, limitations. Health and Well-being/ Tourism, Community Archaeology) - Management of homeworking including staff, teams and work priorities (in line with government regulations and guidance) Development Management - Management of Green Green  Most tasks can be effectively undertaken from home using homeworking including staff, teams and work electronic systems and limited tasks such as processing mail priorities (in line with government regulations and sending neighbour letters undertaken at the office with and guidance) minimal access.  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 6 Page 84 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Support Services (Finance, HR, IT, Green Green  Services continued to be delivered despite lockdown requiring Communications, Fundraising, Democratic staff to work from home. Services and Customer Services, Performance) - Management of homeworking including staff, teams and work priorities (in line with government regulations and guidance) Ways of Working: Leadership Team - Green Green  Virtual Leadership Team Meetings being held weekly. Most Management of homeworking including staff, staff working from home where possible. teams and work priorities Management of IT infrastructure and support. Green Green  The 3CX Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system was successfully implemented at Llanion on the 28th October 2020. This includes the main switch number which is managed by the Customer Services Team and all Llanion Direct Dial Extensions. The next phase will be to implement the system at the three visitor centres - it is likely that this will be in the New Year due to other IT system priorities. Internal Communication Green Green  Newsletter distributed and a Virtual Staff meeting held. 80 staff attended the staff meeting.

Work Area 4 – Providing a helping hand, supporting other Public Bodies and our communities

Actions Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Providing additional support to other Green Green  Situation regularly monitored and staff respond to issues as they Public bodies and voluntary sector arise. where appropriate.

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 7 Page 85 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Work Area 5 – Recovery Planning

Actions Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Recovery Plan developed and in place. Green Green  Recovery plan implemented. Working with Partners to develop effective Amber Amber  The newly established Destination Management Organisation responses to the impact of COVID-19 (DMO), known as ‘Visit Pembrokeshire’, is presently pulling pandemic on Destination management – together advice and expertise to guide future tourism activity in including visitor and community relations. 2021. Key meetings have been arranged with a wide variety of stakeholders to ensure that all parties, inc’ PCNPA, are doing everything possible to support the recovery of the tourism economy in Pembrokeshire whilst protecting the health of local communities and the NP’s ‘special qualities’. Working with Partners to develop effective Amber Amber  Recreational access to the NP remains unchanged. It will be responses to the impact of COVID-19 vital to return Wardens and Rangers to duties as soon as is pandemic on Recreation management practicably possible to ensure that the ongoing maintenance and access to the outdoors. work across the Nat’ Park remains on-track. Position to be reviewed in Jan’ 2021. Working with Partners to develop effective Green Green  Engagement with partners on a local and national level responses to the impact of COVID-19 continues. PROW remained open during “Firebreak” lockdown pandemic on exploring how we can and further lockdown in December. support local supply chains and economy. Working with Partners to develop effective Green Green  Series on on-line workshops with west wales nature based responses to the impact of COVID-19 health service now complete. Report for key actions is pending. pandemic on Development of Health and Well-being and Community focused projects that address longer term impact on people’s physical and mental well-  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 8 Page 86 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)


Work Area 6 – Delivering our statutory planning responsibilities

Actions Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Planning Service – Management of Amber Amber  Officers are continuing to visit sites and to deal with and process applications, appeals and decisions. valid applications. Workload backlog effecting performance following previous problems with registering casework. New lockdown restrictions impacting work in late period of month due to restrictions on office access and site visits. Adoption of LDP2. Amber Amber  Action completed in September. LDP2 adopted September 30th 2020. Amber due to delay in adoption due to Covid restrictions. Adoption of supplementary planning Amber Amber  Delayed due do delay in adopting the Local Development Plan (2). guidance. Work programme under way. First round of consultations to complete February 2021. Some Guidance from LDP1 rolled over.

Work Area 7 – Ensuring effective governance and accountability mechanisms are in place

Actions Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Hosting virtual Committee Meetings Green Green  All public Authority/Committee meetings being held virtually.  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 9 Page 87 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

and supporting Members during this process to fulfil their role. Webcasting of virtual meetings. Green Green  Action Completed in May. Staff/Members received training in relation to attending virtual meetings. All virtual committee meetings from May are also being live streamed. Relevant delegations are sought and in Green Green  Extended delegated powers working well. Due to ongoing COVID- place. 19 restrictions, temporary changes to delegated powers have been agreed until 16 June 2021. Holding of virtual Leadership Team Green Green  Regular ERT and Leadership Team meetings continue to be held meetings and ERT meetings. remotely. Risk Register is kept up to date and Green Green  Risk register continues to be presented to both Audit and reported to Members via relevant Corporate Services Review and Operational Review Committees. Committees.

Data Available Monthly Measure 2019/20 2020/2021 2020/201 Current Period – December December Previous Period November Actual Actual Actual Original Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Target # committee webcasts ytd N/A 17 20 N/A Baseline Data # people viewing online webcasts N/A 128 211 N/A Baseline 3 Livestreams in of PCNPA Committees this month Data December: NPA - 20 views, DM - 59 views, Operational Review - 4 views.

Work Area 8 – Fulfilling our financial obligations

Actions Improving - Fulfilling Trend our Static financial Trend obligations  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 10 Page 88 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Processing of invoices and monitoring Green Green  Finance Staff continue to process invoices and process pay roll and fulfilling of contracts. runs. Communication with Funders for Green Green  All grants monitored. Projects. Monitoring and mapping of financial Amber Amber  Indications from WG that there will be a 10% increase in NPG impact on services and future operations. for 2021/22, awaiting formal confirmation.

Working Towards Long Term Objectives Well-being Objectives and National Park Management Plan Impacts/ Monitoring Impact on our Services and Projects

Well-being Objective – Prosperity

Data Available Monthly Work Measure 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Stream December Previous Period Nov Actual Actual Actual Original Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Target Maintaining Pembrokeshire 5 5 5 5 Green  Public Coast Path – Trip Rights of Advisor Overall Way a Rating 1-5 Tourism Asset  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 11 Page 89 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Tourism # Main website 232,932 160,252 169,476 BM 2020/21 ytd figures Engageme users ytd affected by complete nt & New # Main website page 1,259,663 633,822 663,991 BM Google Analytics data Audiences views ytd for May not being available due to issue caused by transfer to new website. Oriel Y Parc Trip 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Green  Centre reopened in Advisor rating 1-5 July, having been # visitors to Oriel Y 102,003 27,208 27,208 BM TIR closed since mid-march Parc ytd against due to COVID 19 2019/20 restrictions. Centre closed during firebreak period, and closed again on 4th December. Supporting % Authority Spend 52.57 50.92 51.42 BM TIR £385,922 ytd spent in Local locally against SA postcode. Businesses 2019/20 % Invoices paid on 97.26 95.41 95.35 97% TIR time (Average) ytd

Data Available Quarterly Work Measure 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period: Q1 – Q3 (April – Dec) Stream Q1 – Q3 Q1 – Q2 (April - (April - Dec) Sep) Actual Actual Actual Target Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Planning % of all planning 98.34 46.77 57.61 82% Red  This includes continuing Policy and applications determined period of staff absence, Planning within time periods Covid-19 restrictions and Service required ytd IT issues which  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 12 Page 90 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Average time taken to 89.67 102.5 113 <67 Red  prevented the determine all planning days registration of new applicants in days ytd casework. % of Member made 11.11 14.29 12.50 <5% Red  2 out of 16. Welsh decisions against officer Government Target, part advice of APR benchmarking. (recommendation) ytd % of appeals dismissed 71.43 75 80 >66% Green  ytd Applications for costs at 0 0 0 0 Green  section 78 appeal upheld in the reporting period ytd % of planning 92.54 94.35 93.42 BM TIR applications determined under delegated power ytd # planning applications 456 231 367 Trend registered ytd % of planning 80.39 93.55 92.18 90% Trend applications approved ytd Maintaining % of PROW open and 86.8 86.8 86.8 85% TIR Public Rights accessible and meeting of Way a the quality standard ytd Tourism # of people using 181,043 - - Trend TIR 7 Coast Path and 4 Asset footpath (from fixed INRoW Counters. counters) ytd Awaiting Q2 and Q3 for IROW data and Q3 for Coast Path. Collection of data carried out by external contractor. Q2

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 13 Page 91 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

data for coast path 99,483 compared to 79,992 in 2019/20. Sustainable # filming enquiry 33 9 11 Trend TIR Tourism and requests ytd Recreation # filming enquiry licenses 4 5 6 Trend TIR Management awarded ytd and Promotion Tourism # attending pop up 1,212 888 888 BM TIR No activities Q3 as Engagement events ytd summer ranger role had & New ended due to end of Audiences season. # people engaged with 395 1,282 1,282 BM TIR Tourist Information through Summer focused. Locations Rangers business, covered included general public , Caerfai, networking and tourist , Newgale, Poppit information activities ytd Sands, Broad Haven, Little Haven, Nolton Haven, Strumble, Lower Town, Porthclais, West Angle Bay. # Parkwise training 2 0 1 4 TIR Session for PCNPA sessions held ytd volunteers. Virtual session in morning followed by outdoor session at Carew Castle. Supporting # of stall holders 55 0 38 Trend TIR Pop up Markets at OYP Local participating in fairs and outdoor space (held in Businesses events at Oriel Y Parc line with Covid and Carew ytd Regulations)  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 14 Page 92 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

# of artists and craft 185 7 13 Trend TIR makers supported at Oriel Y Parc ytd Employment # Work experience 5 0 1 BM TIR Discovery Student Transformati placements provided ytd placement (Swansea on in University) outside of the Pembrokeshi Pembrokeshire College re Scheme. Activities include providing support in the development of digital material for Pembrokeshire Outdoor Schools Project. # Office and Centre 104 5 9.3 BM TIR OYP voluntary gallery based volunteer days ytd invigilators.

# attending volunteer 138 158 246 BM TIR 78.3% increase on training sessions ytd 2019/20. Reflecting officers focus on virtual training as physical training and practical group volunteering opportunities have been limited due to COVID 19 restrictions.

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 15 Page 93 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Work Stream Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Planning Policy (See actions under delivering our statutory planning responsibilities) and Planning Service Maintaining Ways of Working: Digital Green Green  Ongoing development of Warden Team systems. Public Rights of Park Project. Way a Tourism Project: Development of Amber Amber  Work resumed on Moylegrove route after Fire Break but Asset new footpath links and interrupted by lockdown of 20th December; final Management circular walk creation. Agreement sent to landowner’s solicitor for signatures in Nov; signed docs still awaited. Project: Increasing Green Green  Aberforrest project completed in late September. resilience to winter storm damage. Strategic Partnerships: Amber Amber  Discussions with PCC looking at options for convening virtual Rights of Way Improvement meeting but not all members have access to internet. Await Plan and Local Access update from PCC (PCC currently the secretariat of LAF). Forum. PNCP updating the secretary by email which is then circulated to membership.VC meeting likely in January. Strategic Engagement: Green Green  Virtual meetings convened on 14 Sept and 1 October. Next Participating in Access meeting scheduled for January with written submissions in Legislation Forum interim. Sustainable Project: External Green Amber  Project deadline extended due to lockdown, key stakeholders Tourism/ Sustainable Events are likely to be furloughed and this will affect workshop Recreation: Research. (S6) delivery. Management Ways of Working: PCNPA Green Green  Brand Ambassador Scheme scoping exercise has been and Promotion Branding. commissioned, with a draft report on feasibility due early  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 16 Page 94 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

2021. Strategic Partnership: Green Green  Board meeting held and initial engagement between new staff Supporting Destination and Board and the Authority. Management Plan implementation and setting up of delivery organisation. Strategic Partnership: Green Green  End of season feedback will inform approach for 2021. Managing What We Can Document – Annual review with Partners. (S6) Strategic Partnership: Green Green  No foreshore incidents of note recorded in December. Pembrokeshire Water Safety Forum and mapping of coastal and foreshore incidents. Strategic Engagement: Green Green  End of season meeting with the Recreation Plan working Liaison with Recreational group. Groups and Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum. (S6) Tourism Project: Re positioning Oriel Green Amber  Onsite works on hold due to centre closure and Level 4 Engagement Y Parc as a Discovery restrictions. Meeting scheduled for January with Buildings and New Centre for the Park. Officer to discuss new site signage. Audiences

Ways of Working: Activities Green Amber  Centre closed on 4th December in line with Level 4 to support implementation restrictions. No further progress made in December. Meetings of business plan at Oriel Y planned with key officers to discuss further progress in Parc. January. Project: Development of Green Green  Discovery Points – the map panels (9) have been made and Discovery Points across the are awaiting transportation to their 7 locations. Park.

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 17 Page 95 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Partnership Project: Celtic Amber Amber  Phase 2 bid approved at NPA on 2nd Dec – revised plans Routes. now being drafted for delivery of Phase 2 outcomes. Ways of Working: Training Green Green  Further sessions held with new staff/staff that haven't yet of staff in new website received training. content management system and events booking system. Project Development: Green Green  Additional Funding Secured to increase the number of Beach Roadshow linked to Summer Rangers in the National Park from 2 to 4, for the Summer Rangers Service. 2021 season. Project Development: Amber Amber  Parkwise training (on-line format) was delivered to volunteers Engagement activities that in December by the Volunteer Development Officer and one will support local of the Ranger Team supported by a socially distanced walk at businesses to engage Carew Castle. Similar sessions are planned for 2021. An visitors with the Park and its internal working group met with PCC officers to discuss plans special qualities. for a Visitor Welcome Volunteers to be recruited for 2021 spring/summer season. Supporting Communications: Virtual Green Green  Despite the centre closing on 4th December due to WG Local promotion of stall holders restrictions, the outdoor markets were still able to take place Businesses and other local businesses on 5th, 6th and 12th December. (13th December market and food suppliers, cancelled due to poor weather). Following Covid-19 guidance including those that were and advice from PCC. Good attendance and positive due to be at the Really Wild feedback from stallholders. A real positive to end the year on. Food Show at OYP. Ways of Working: Review Red Red  On hold. No current action due to coronavirus Covid-19 and of procurement in the reprioritisation of activities. Authority, including community benefit options and sustainability practices. (S6) Employment Partnership Project: Red Red  No further update. Programme suspended. Transformation Pembrokeshire College

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 18 Page 96 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Work Placement Scheme. Project Development: Red Red  Exploring the new Kickstart Scheme; which provides funding Feasibility study to inform to employers to create job placements for 16 to 24 year olds. replacement project for Businesses and organisations can create six-month job Skills in Action including placements for young people aged 16-24 years who are on identifying potential Universal Credit and are at risk of long-term unemployment. Apprenticeship The job placements should encourage workers to develop opportunities. skills and experience that will be useful in the jobs they undertake after the job placement. Ways of Working: Green Green  Continuing to develop the Visitor Ambassador Role. Barriers Enhancing our volunteering to creating new roles identified by line managers during opportunities – flexible and volunteer action plan review. These barriers will be office and centre based addressed in the updated action plan, but will involve opportunities. discussions with HR, SMT, review of job descriptions and volunteer management training, therefore more of a longer term aim. More information in volunteer action plan.

Well-being Objective - Resilience

Data Available Quarterly Work Measure 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period: Q1 – Q3 (April – December) Stream Q1 – Q3 Q1 – Q2 (April - (April - Dec) Sept) Actual Actual Actual Target Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Conservation Conservation Sites - % in 100 100 100 100 TIR Land line with Management Management Plan (S6) Hectares - Invasive 45.50 48.22 49.95 BM TIR species removed at source/ injected ytd (S6)  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 19 Page 97 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Engagement # volunteer days – 917 96.5 273 BM TIR and conservation ytd (S6) Volunteering # volunteer days – 105.5 18 18 BM TIR in looking invasive species work after the ytd (S6) Park's # Social action days – N/A 0 58 BD Ecosystems conservation ytd (S6) Looking after # of applications for 32 20 23 BM TIR Trees in the works to protected trees Landscape determined ytd (S6) # of new tree 2 0 0 BM TIR preservation orders made ytd (S6) # volunteer days – N/A 0 73 BD contributing to tree planting (S6) # social action days – N/A 0 58 BD 2 tree planting sessions contributing to tree delivered by Rangers. planting (S6) With Pembrokeshire College Environmental Conservation students and Bro Ingli pupils. Marine and # volunteer and social 239 9 17 Trend TIR Foreshore action days – beach, Environment foreshore and river cleaning activities (S6)

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 20 Page 98 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Action Work Stream Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Conservation Engagement: Engagement activity Red Red  To explore progressing this once the Farm Land with Dairy Industry/ Farmers. (S6) Conservation Officer post is filled. Management Partnership Project: Engagement Green Green  Work continues to set up a Meadows Group in with Plant Life’s Magnificent Pembrokeshire. Project officer has recently left post. Meadows Project. (S6) Biodiversity and Pilot Project: People, Paths and Green Amber  Pollinator Warden stood down 18/12/20 to 18/1/21 Connectivity Pollinators Pilot Project. (S6) and currently unable to carry out any functions Projects related to the project, due to Warden Team restrictions. Pollinator Warden redeployed to emergency work. Pilot Project: Traditional Green Green  Scheme has been launched, 39 applications received Boundaries Pilot. (S6) so far. Visits are being made and short-listed applicants obtaining quotes for the work. Offers of grant are in the process of being made. Engagement Project: Stitch in Time Project. Green Green  Project officer presented the Stitch in Time project to and (S6) the Wales Biodiversity Partnership online conference Volunteering in ‘resilience in ecological networks’ and received looking after the between 70 and 80 live views of the presentation Park's from individuals and organisations across Wales. Ecosystems Article about Stitch in Time featured in the Institute of Fisheries Management Fish magazine Issue 4 2020. Project Development/ Funding: Red Red  With the continuation of COVID restrictions this Naturally Connected Project. (S6) project has not progressed. We hope that the Ranger Team will begin to engage with businesses again in Spring 2021, subject to COVID restrictions at the time.  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 21 Page 99 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Conservation Strategic Engagement: UK and Amber Amber  Response submitted to Welsh Government Strategic Welsh Policy Engagement on consultation - Sustainable farming and our land: Partnerships Land Management following simplifying agricultural support. and withdrawal from EU. (S6) Engagement Strategic Partnership: Participation Green Green  Nature Partnership meets regularly. PCNPA is in with Pembrokeshire Nature receipt of a Partnership grant to develop a marsh Partnership and delivery of fritillary strategy. Pembrokeshire Nature Recovery Plan. (S6) Strategic Partnership: Participation Green Green  New set-up working well and managing to meet with Pembrokeshire Grazing demand for conservation grazing, from both existing Network and Pembrokeshire and new project sites. However, a significant number Wildfire Group. (S6) of recent new sites in the west sector will mean that the grazier will soon be at full capacity; the availability of stock may become a limiting factor shortly in expanding Conserving the Park in this sector, unless additional graziers can be found. Planning: Ways of Working: S6 Duty – Green Green  Routinely included on all applications where it is SMNR and Biodiversity Enhancement reasonable to be included in accordance with Welsh responding to conditions for planning Government Advice. biodiversity loss applications. (S6) Strategic Partnership: Green Green  Ongoing and successful partnership Pembrokeshire County Council and PCNPA joint Planning Ecologist. (S6) Looking after Ways of Working: Responding to Green Amber  Felling programme for winter delayed due to Warden Trees in the Ash Dieback in the Park Area. Team being stood down during the latest lock-down. Landscape (S6) As of 18/1 the Warden Teams are back and the felling will resume (19 trees to fell). Marine and Collaboration: The Authority will Green Green  Seagrass Ocean Rescue is a joint venture between Foreshore look to explore opportunities Sky Ocean Rescue, WWF and Swansea University Environment through partnerships to develop and funded the Dale project - the first proper

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 22 Page 100 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

projects that can support/ enhance seagrass restoration project in the UK. Assistance on carbon sequestration in the marine stakeholder planning and engagement was environment. (S6) commissioned from the Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum and the Pembrokeshire Marine SAC Officer. Intensive local community liaison began in April 2019 and continued throughout the year in order to seek to secure community support for a trial planting project. Stakeholder liaison also helped to support the official licensing process. By the end of 2019, the project had reached a consensus on a planting zone and was awaiting the outcome of the licensing process with NRW. In February 2020 the Marine Licence was granted and planting took place in the following weeks. The SAC Officer also input to a work package on visitor moorings for the area as a future management tool. By the end of 2020 many mature seagrass plants were growing, although the delayed planting over the winter of 2019 had likely reduced the viability of stored seeds and overall germination success was less than hoped-for. Further seed planting took place in autumn 2020 to complete the 2-hectare restoration trial. Aside from addressing the practicalities of planting, the restoration trial also prompted policy discussions regarding the status of restored seagrass and culminated in an addendum to the SAC management scheme to satisfy and reassure concerns about future management from local interests. Stakeholder liaison continues with the creation of the Dale Seagrass Stakeholder Group to discuss future management and monitoring. Pembs Marine SAC Officer will represent the Relevant Authorities Group on this group and report back.

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 23 Page 101 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Strategic Partnerships: Green Green  No further update. The SWEPT coastal water Involvement with Foreshore sampling survey was completed in October by Management Plan development Rangers and volunteers although the firebreak and implementation. (S6) lockdown limited the timeframe available to complete the work. Strategic Partnerships: Green Green  The Authority continues to be represented on and Participation in Relevant Authority contribute to funding Relevant Authority Groups for Groups for SAC areas and Welsh Pembrokeshire Marine SAC, Cardigan Bay SAC and Government Marine associate Carmarthen Bay and Estuaries European Marine groups. (S6) Sites. The Authority continues to represent Pembrokeshire Coast and Snowdonia National Parks on the Welsh Government Marine Protected Area Management Steering Group.

Well-being Objective – Health & Well-being

Data Available Monthly Work Measure 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Stream December Previous Period Nov Actual Actual Actual Original Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Target Promoting # of web walks 35,770 9,946 10,580 Trend TIR No data in May and Health downloaded June - Covid-19 Benefits of lockdown / analytics the Park issues with transfer to new website.

Data Available Quarterly Work Measure 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period: Q1 – Q3 (April – December)

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 24 Page 102 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Stream Q1 – Q3 Q1- Q2 (April - (April - Dec) Sept) Actual Actual Actual Target Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Supported # participants Walkability 927 26 107 1,000 TIR Across 16 sessions held Walking Scheme ytd (when regulations Opportunities allowed.) # Pembrokeshire N/A 28 201 BD TIR Across 35 sessions held participants in Walking ytd (when regulations for Well-being Sessions allowed.) With 18 walks led by volunteer walk leaders in Q3. Promoting # participants in walks 2,564 235 593 BM TIR Activities restarted in Q2. Health led by rangers, centre Benefits of staff and volunteers the Park Health and # volunteer days 2,239.5 313.5 765.30 BM TIR Well-being # participants in 2,801 260 774 BM TIR Projects and volunteering and social Initiatives action sessions involving physical activity Outdoor # participants in outdoor 7,075 554 1,904 BM TIR Alongside this a range of School and learning sessions school grounds work and Play % schools in National 69.23 7.69 30.77 BM TIR engagement at schools Park engaged with was carried out by outdoor learning PCNPA staff and activities volunteers, through % schools in 66.13 8.06 20.97 BM TIR Pembrokeshire Outdoor Pembrokeshire engaged Schools and Roots with outdoor learning project. Webinars have activities also been held for teachers on outdoor  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 25 Page 103 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

learning with 253 teachers attending across the sessions. Planning % of housing units 36.45 72.34 70.34 See APR and Q2: Planning permission Affordable approved that are Annual Local for Brynhir site Tenby Housing affordable Development Plan issued following signing # affordable housing 39 102 102 monitoring report of S106. units approved for context

Action Work Stream Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Supported Partnership Project: West Wales Amber Amber  Over the Autumn period the West Wales Walking for Walking Walking for Well-being project Wellbeing project has been working to a COVID-19 Opportunities (Working with GP surgeries.) (S6) Recovery Plan which has guided the project team through the changes required to adapt to the new working environment created by the pandemic. West Wales Walking for Wellbeing has created risk assessments that have allow the project to deliver programmes of walks in Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire. Project partners in Ceredigion (Ceredigion County Council) have yet to give the ‘all clear’ for a resumption in walking activity. The Walking for Wellbeing team has been supported by Paths for All (Scotland), who have shared resources and risks assessments to enable the project to resume walking activity. Since September there has been walks in Pembrokeshire and in  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 26 Page 104 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Carmarthenshire. Walks are taking place at multiple locations including /, Solva, Newport and in Pembrokeshire. In Carmarthenshire; in Ammanford, St. Clears, Pendine, Llandeilo, Llandovery and Nantgaredig are amongst the locations where local people can access wellbeing walks. Walks are between 30 minutes and 1 hour in duration, with routes selected for accessibility whilst providing appropriate physical exercise for participants. There are now in total 173 walkers registered with the project from across West Wales. Website and Social Media - In response to the COVID pandemic we've had to build a booking system onto what was originally envisaged as a fairly static 'information only' website. This was done to enable the project to manage numbers attending each walk and to provide an active ‘track and trace’ system for those taking part. There have been significant challenges in re-designing the website and keeping it up to date, however the project team believe it provides a platform to promote and deliver the walking programme in West Wales in a sustainable way that should enable the continuation of walking activity beyond the lifetime of the project. The project has also developed a considerable social media presence on Twitter and Facebook. Promoting Strategic Engagement: Green Amber  Basecamp continues to have new members. PHW Health Benefits Involvement with Public Health are currently very busy with pandemic, but of the Park Wales development of strategic Basecamp is proving to be a good space to capture framework for social and Green discussion etc. that can be shared when pandemic Solutions for health. eases. Strategic Partnerships: Green Green  Report pending from the series on on-line Involvement with the West Wales workshops. Plan in place for network meeting next  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 27 Page 105 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Nature Based Health Service year with proposal to invite key speakers such as Network. Future Generation Commissioner. Health and Project Development: Delivery and Green Green  During December, Pathways continued to deliver a Well-being evaluation of Pathways Project programme of supported volunteering opportunities, Projects and and development of follow on although numbers of participants have been limited Initiatives project. by the COVID safe work plan. The project has received additional (continuation) funding from Welsh Government allowing project activity to be extended for a further 6 months, taking it up to November 2021. The application for funding of the 'follow-on' project, Roots to Recovery, will be submitted in January. Outdoor School Project: Pembrokeshire Outdoor Green Green  Work was completed on a programme of 6 Autumn and Play Schools. term Outdoor Learning INSETS for Pembrokeshire Teachers, an average of around 50 attended each of the sessions. The PODS co-ordinator is working with a Discovery Team student placement to produce on- line content for the PODS website. Partnership Project: Roots Pilot Green Green  In December the Discovery Team continued to Project. deliver a revised programme of educational visits to schools under the banner of the Roots project. South Hook LNG confirmed support of £10k for the project to continue in 2021. Project Development: First 1000 Green Green  Waiting on final confirmation of additional funding Days – Pre School aged children. from Green Recovery grant for final part of First 1,000 Days funding. Still hoping to launch project Spring 2020, subject to length of lockdown measures remaining in place in Wales. Workforce Well- Ways of Working: Undertake a Amber Amber  Services of Employee Assistance Programme being review of our well-being activities reviewed in full and communicated to staff and to further develop our well-being managers. This will be the main mechanism by offer and review relevant policies which PCNPA will support staff wellbeing to enable a to ensure they reflect best more targeted approach and value for money for the  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 28 Page 106 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

practice. existing service provided. Regular weekly and monthly communications to staff are planned to ensure better understanding of the benefit. Ways of Working: Corporate Amber Amber  No further updates provided for month in question. Health Standard. Policy Development being progressed in October to support Action Plan. Ways of Working: Source and Amber Amber  Report completed and meeting in January to discuss develop a suite of training for line resource implications before taking to February LT managers to equip them to meeting for approval. manage diverse teams and promote an inclusive culture.

Well-being Objective – Equality

Data Available Monthly Work Stream Measure 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December December Previous Period Nov Actual Actual Actual Original Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Target Strategic Equality: # visitors 92 5 5 BD TIR Recommenced in Our Services attending October prior to Castell Castell Henllys being closed for Henllys Firebreak and winter. during its quiet hour / slot ytd Landscapes for # of web 3,630 413 429 Trend TIR No data May/ June - Everyone: wheelchair Covid-19 lockdown / Inclusive walks analytics issues with

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 29 Page 107 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Experiences downloaded transfer to new website. ytd

Data Available Quarterly Work Measure 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period: Q1 – Q3 (April – December) Stream Q1 – Q3 Q1 – Q2 (April - (April – Dec) Sept) Actual Actual Actual Target Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Strategic % Workforce Equality 78.6 76.8 77.4 70 TIR Equality - Monitoring Information Our Completed in Pobl y Workforce Parc ytd Strategic # Equality Impact 2 0 0 BM TIR Equality - Assessments Completed Our Services ytd Landscapes # People engaged with 2,748 180 594 BM TIR for Everyone through Social Inclusion - Social Work/ Sessions ytd Inclusion # of active Youth 13 8 11 BM TIR Rangers this quarter (Q3) (Q2) (Q3) # of participants 797 97 148 BM TIR Youth Rangers and engaged with through Youth Committee social inclusion work with Sessions young people ytd

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 30 Page 108 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Action Work Stream Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Strategic Ways of Working: Begin review of Amber Amber  No further updates for December submission. In Equality: Our the Authority’s recruitment and November review carried out and no high risks Workforce selection process to ensure fairness identified. within recruitment processes. Ways of Working: Become a Red Red  Project to be put on hold. HR Strategy needs to be Disability Confident Organisation. properly prioritised to account for resource implications and getting HR service to a baseline before progressing. Pandemic has unfortunately had significant impacts on HR resource. Ways of Working: Activities to Amber Amber  Project Plan drawn up for Grading and Pay Review. address and further analyse Gender Pay Gap in the Authority. Collaboration: Explore with other Amber Amber  Approval was granted by DWP for 6 posts as part of National Parks, conservation and the Government's Kickstart Scheme. heritage providers opportunities to Documentation now completed to progress the develop a scheme to promote job process of recruitment. opportunities within the sector to underrepresented groups. Strategic Ways of Working: Integrate equality Amber Amber  Paper to be taken to LT in February to agree e- Equality: Our training and awareness into staff learning package. Services induction processes. Ways of Working: Develop a Amber Amber  No new updates for December. Paper to be taken training plan for all staff and to LT in February to agree e-learning package. volunteers to be trained on how they can deliver accessible services. Ways of Working: Corporate Amber Amber  Training for Silktide Monitor scheduled for January.

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 31 Page 109 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

approach developed to Web Work to address issues raised by Silktide to be accessibility regulations compliance. discussed with website developers Ways of Working: Support centres Amber Amber  On hold - Centres closed over Winter period, to engage, join and develop majority of staff furloughed. Virtual Archaeology Day initiatives that support wider access held in November, increasing access to the day to to attractions, heritage and arts broader audience. opportunities. Landscapes for Project: Heritage social inclusion Amber Amber  On hold. Site Closed for the Winter. Not possible Everyone: opportunities – Plas College Dwbl at due to COVID-19. It is unlikely that Plas Dwbl Social Inclusion Castell Henllys. volunteers will be able to return to site for a while due to their students being in the high risk category Strategic Engagement: Green Green  Officer participating in ongoing meetings for public Representing Welsh National Parks bodies assisting WG with development of range of on the Welsh Government Socio- guidance related to implementation of socio economic Duty Guidance Group. economic duty. WG has announced a revised date for commencement of the duty of 31 March 2021. Integrated Assessment being developed to enable consideration of socio economic duty as part of strategic plan and decision making. Strategic Partnership: Development Green Green  Evidence to revise statement being gathered. of joint position statement with other Ongoing guidance on Socio Economic Duty being Welsh National Parks on social released by Welsh Government. inclusion and child poverty. Landscapes for Project: Experiences for All Project. Green Green  Survey has gone live. Everyone: Project: Further develop the Beach Green Green  Wheelchairs remain in storage and will be available Inclusive Wheelchair Scheme. by request and subject to availability over the Experiences winter. Project: Physical Access Green Green  Awaiting Planning consent. Improvements at St Non’s (St Davids). Project: Creation of more accessible Green Amber  Final phase of project delayed due to Warden Team circuit walk at reed bed, Freshwater being stood down. Phased return to work as of 18/1 East. to complete emergency works only. This Business  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 32 Page 110 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

As Usual task will resume once Senior Team approve the re-commencement of such activity. Project: Carew Castle Access. Green Green  The Carew Manager and Buildings Projects Officer are working on a project brief and getting relevant consents in place to commence physical works in Autumn/winter 2021. Project: Develop project checklist Amber Amber  Contact and further meeting in December had with that can be shared with partners to researcher for Experience for All project, who will ensure projects developed to include within recommendations, areas that can address NPMP impacts are feed into to the development of project checklist. inclusive. Engagement: Engagement: Development of a Green Green  The Committee met twice times in December as Outreach, Young People’s Committee. some of the members took part a UNISEF 'Rights of young people the Child' project looking at the impact of climate and volunteers change on young people. For this work we commissioned the contribution of a local film maker with the aim of young people producing a series of short animations on the topic. These will be ready in the new year. Engagement: Outreach Green Green  Restoring Nature Action Plan drafted and being engagement to inform development circulated for informal comment to statutory and of projects to deliver NPMP impacts third sector stakeholders. Celebrating Heritage and development of materials to Action Plan in final draft. explain the plan Engagement: Facilitation of PCNPA Green Green  Reviewing comments from November meeting and Volunteer Forum including them in updated action plan. This has led to further options for volunteer involvement e.g. buddy / support, volunteer led training, more structured training programmes etc. Also the December newsletter had contributions from several volunteers. Strategic Engagement: Monitoring Green Green  Engagement Action Plan Group Meeting held in of Engagement Action Plan by December. Meeting arranged for February for group  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 33 Page 111 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Engagement Action Plan Group. to identify priorities from Audit Wales Self- Assessment form on involvement to inform and review priorities within the Action Plan. Group collating information and shared learning from digital and virtual engagement carried out as a result of adapting approaches due to COVID 19.

Well-being Objective – Communities

Data Available Quarterly Work Measure 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period: Q1 – Q3 (April – December) Stream Q1 – Q3 Q1 – Q2 (April - (April - Dec) Sept ) Actual Actual Actual Target Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Community # community project/ 766 261 483 BM TIR Activities and engagement activities Projects # social action participant 408 0 58 BM TIR Tree planting with benefiting days Pembrokeshire College the Park and Environmental People Conservation students and Bro Ingli pupils. # community events held 5 0 3 BM TIR 3 outdoor markets at at centres OYP # Voluntary Wardens 64 65 72 50 TIR (Q3) (Q2) (Q3) Sustainable % of Sustainable 68.64 0 28.45 100 TIR Development Development Fund Fund allocated Planning % of enforcement cases 100 100 93.15 BM TIR Service: investigated (within 84  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 34 Page 112 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Enforcement days) and Average time taken to 38.33 52.5 60.67 BM TIR Community investigate enforcement Engagement cases in days Promoting Average time taken to 91.67 81.5 76 BM TIR the Welsh take enforcement action Language: in days Skills, # retrospective planning 7 1 2 BM TIR opportunities applications registered and inspiration

Action Work Stream Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Engagement: Ways of Working: Development of Green Green  Climate Change Action Plan approved at NPA on Ongoing action plans for the National Park 3/6/20. Action Plan – Archaeology - consultation conversation Management Plan to inform complete, will be presented to Operational Review about the project level delivery. Committee March 2021. Action Plan – Biodiversity - National Park internal consultation complete, will be presented to Management Operational Review Committee March 2021. Action Plan Plan – Health and Wellbeing (underway.) Ways of Working: Delivery of Green Green  Coast to Coast 2021 article being drafted to feature activities that celebrate the others' contributions to Park Plan delivery. contribution of others to the Management Plan Reference Group are supplying delivery of the plan. many of the stories. Community Project Development: Project Red Red  No further movement on this project in the last month. Activities and developed with Community Project development work for Light Pollution started Projects Council addressing light pollution. again in September with the Policy Officer liaising  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 35 Page 113 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

benefiting the with another National Parks, as well as local Park and stakeholders to develop what the project could look People like and deliver here in Pembrokeshire. Project: Stitch in Time Project Green Green  Project officer presented the Stitch in Time project to engagement with communities. the Wales Biodiversity Partnership online conference ‘resilience in ecological networks’ and received between 70 and 80 live views of the presentation from individuals and organisations across Wales. Article about Stitch in Time featured in the Institute of Fisheries Management Fish magazine Issue 4 2020. Ways of Working: Centres Amber Amber  Despite OYP closing on 4th December due to WG engagement activity with local restrictions, the outdoor markets were still able to communities. take place on 5th, 6th and 12th December. (13th December market cancelled due to poor weather). Following Covid-19 guidance and advice from PCC. Good attendance and positive feedback from stallholders. OYP also hosted an online exhibition (due to the closure in December). This was the Friends of Oriel y Parc’s annual competition for schoolchildren across the St Davids Campuses. The topic of the competition was the children’s response to Covid-19. It would have normally been displayed in the Tower. More information here: parc/exhibitions/the-tower/ Strategic Engagement: Green Green  Ranger Team Leader ongoing attendance at Involvement with the Rural Crime Community Safety Partnership Meetings. Partnership and Public Services Board’s Communities Group. Sustainable Ways of Working: Re alignment of Green Green  Demand and interest in fund, as well as quality of Development SDF to support projects that are applications has increased since June 2020. Deadline Fund focused on responding to the for applications 14/12/2020. 12 eligible applications climate change emergency and received requesting £271,607 in total of grants.  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 36 Page 114 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

increasing exposure and quality of £96,067 grants remaining for this financial year applications. (S6) 2020/21. Applications assessed and ready to go to committee. £33,892 has been spent to date on 3 out of 4 approved projects November 2020 round. Sea surf project (approved 2019/20) completed. Planning Project: Enforcement Project on Red Red  On hold. It has not been possible to progress this due Service: Agricultural and holiday lets. to staffing levels and due to the current restrictions on Enforcement Authority activities. and Community Engagement: Planning Service Green Green  Ongoing communication with community councils Engagement engagement with Community regarding responding to applications and ensuring Councils that they are able to provide comments to the Authority. No current opportunities to undertake further work with Community Councils, particularly due to the Covid 19 restrictions.

Well-being Objective – Culture

Data Available Monthly Work Measure 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Stream December Previous Period Nov Actual Actual Actual Original Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Target Historic Carew Trip Advisor 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Green  Centre reopened 27 Inspiration overall rating 1-5 July, having been and # visitors to Carew 42,215 11,189 11,189 BM TIR closed since mid-march Experience due to COVID 19 restrictions. Visitors had to pre-book their visit as

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 37 Page 115 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

the site are limiting the number of visitors per day. Centre closed during firebreak period and winter. Castell Henllys Trip 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Green  Centre reopened in Advisor overall July, having been rating 1-5 closed since mid-march # visitors to Castell 16,709 4,931 4,931 BM TIR due to COVID 19 Henllys restrictions. Visitors had to pre-book their visit as the site are limiting the number of visitors per day. Centre closed during firebreak period and winter. Art # gallery visitors 23,680 997 997 BM TIR Gallery reopened to Inspiration visitors on 16.09.2020. and Closed during firebreak Engageme period and in nt December due to changes in COVID regulations.

Data Available Quarterly Work Measure 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period: Q1 – Q3 (April – December) Stream Q1 – Q3 Q1 – Q2 (April - (April - Dec) Sept ) Actual Actual Actual Target Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Historic # participants in historical 15,451 313 562 BM TIR Virtual Archaeology Day Inspiration activities and events held in Q3.  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 38 Page 116 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

and Castell Henllys - # 3,317 27 192 BM TIR Across 6 sessions ytd. 4 Experience people engaged with on site – Daily Life in the through education Iron Age and 2 virtual programme ytd sessions. Carew - # people 1,296 0 48 BM TIR 1 sessions on site ytd – engaged with through School guided tour. education programme ytd Art Oriel y Parc - # people N/A 0 0 BD TIR Education programme on Inspiration engaged with through hold at OYP. and education programme Engagement # participants in N/A 0 0 BD TIR Activity on hold at OYP. Wednesday School Holiday Art Club Historic % Buildings at Risk 5 5 5 <6 TIR No survey update in Environment: quarter. Historic # of archaeological sites N/A 83 137 BD TIR During the third quarter a Buildings where conditions have number of site visits took and improved place in relation to sites Community # of archaeological sites N/A 43 116 BD TIR through community and Archaeology where conditions have public involvement. 62 improved with the help of scheduled monuments volunteers and social were visited by Heritage action participants Volunteers and training sessions took place on 7 scheduled monuments. The Community Archaeologist attended a Community Council meeting to discuss future work and priorities for Nevern Castle including the re-  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 39 Page 117 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

establishment of the Nevern Castle Committee. Reports of graffiti damage at two sites were reported as part of the Heritage Watch Scheme and are being actioned accordingly. In addition, consultation took place with members of the local community regarding proposed work to update interpretation at Old Castle Point Fort, near Fishguard. Promoting # Staff who have 2 0 12 Trend TIR 25 members of staff the Welsh completed Welsh work have registered for one Language: online course of the various work welsh Skills, courses this quarter. The opportunities figure includes the and module Work Welsh inspiration Retail Sector. % of Welsh language 50.5 45.7 41.10 80% TIR level information completed on People Management System # events and activities 30 2 10 BM TIR Includes virtual talk on delivered in Welsh Community Archaeology # participants in events 243 4 59 BM TIR in Welsh to Reading and and activities delivered in District Welsh Society. Welsh # school sessions 67 0 5 BM TIR All sessions delivered by  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 40 Page 118 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

delivered in Welsh Ranger team. # of # participants in school 1,964 0 184 BM TIR sessions have been sessions delivered in impacted by restrictions Welsh and impact of COVID 19 on sessions delivered by Castell Henllys and through Heritage Guardian Scheme and also on # of sessions the ranger team were able to deliver.

Action Work Stream Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Historic Ways of Working: Activities to Green Green  The Carew team continue to work with the business Inspiration and support implementation of plan. Experience business plan at Carew. Ways of Working: Activities to Green Green  Centre closed for the winter due to COVID 19 support implementation of regulations. Lower Pantglas has now been finished business plan at Castell Henllys. and will be used as a discovery room to hold socially distances and Covid compliant workshops. Track Re surfacing works have been carried out. The river revetment works have been completed to maintain a usable outdoor area outside the visitor centre. Project: Carew Castle – Exhibition Amber Amber  Work is still in hand, however is being held up due to room and other interpretation. Covid restrictions. Art Inspiration Ways of Working: OYP delivering Red Red  Education trips unable to return to site as yet. Centre and education programmes linked to closed on 4th December due to WG lockdown  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 41 Page 119 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Engagement Exhibitions. restrictions. Strategic Partnership: Continued Green Amber  Planning for 2021 programme well underway. partnership curation of exhibitions Continued working with NMW and artist Mike Perry to and liaison with Amgueddfa Cymru ensure success of exhibition programmed for March – National Museum Wales, 2021 (Land/Sea exhibition). Supported very much by supported through SLA comms team as we plan to deliver wider digital agreement. impact with this exhibition due to possible impact of Covid-19. Centre closed on 4th December due to WG lockdown restrictions. Historic Project: Heritage Guardians Green Green  During December, a meeting was held with Ysgol Environment: school project. Gelli Aur, Pembroke and a series of sessions was Historic agreed to commence at the beginning of term in Buildings and January. This included a blend of virtual and physical Community activities. Due to the most recent COVID-19 Archaeology restrictions, these sessions will need to be delayed until they can be delivered. In addition, a progress report was produced for the Heritage Guardians project and a proposal was submitted to extend the duration of the project phase into 2021-2022 due to limitations in delivery as a result of COVID-19 in most of 2020. A decision on extending the project will hopefully be forthcoming in early 2021. In November the Community Archaeologist supported the Discovery Education Team to deliver an artefact handling session with pupils from School in November. This included making artefacts out of clay. Project Development: Develop and Green Green  During December, Heritage Volunteers monitoring deliver Community Archaeology the condition of scheduled monuments visited nine Projects. scheduled monuments between them and submitted findings of their visits using the ArcGIS Survey123 online submission form. Also, the Community Archaeologist attended a Nevern Community Council  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 42 Page 120 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

meeting to discuss future work and priority at Nevern Castle and to discuss the re-establishment of the Nevern Castle Committee. In addition, a meeting took place with a LiDAR specialist regarding the forthcoming SMS project strand to undertake LiDAR survey of the Preseli area including a community engagement element. Finally, discussion took place with members of the local community in relation to a commission to reconstruct the interpretation material at Castle Point Old Fort, near Fishguard. Engagement: Research and Amber Amber  Due to COVID-19 aspects of research and Excavation partnerships in the excavation continued to be restricted. Despite this, a Park – Community Archaeology. consultation to gather examples of the work that organisations have undertaken to mitigate the impact of climate change on the historic environment during 2020 was opened and will continue to run until the end of January 2021. PCNPA is supporting this Welsh Government Historic Environment subgroup by allowing submissions to be submitted via a designated form on the ArcGIS Survey123 account. Also, during December a meeting took place with a LiDAR specialist to discuss the potential direction of a project strand of the forthcoming SMS Coastal Project that will undertake a LiDAR survey of the Preseli area. In addition, meeting took place with external contractors regarding the development of new interpretation material for the Old Castle Point Fort near Fishguard and also scanning further artefacts to enhance digital engagement. Finally, aspects of the article presenting the findings of the survey looking at the Impact of COVID-19 on the archaeological sector in Wales was finalised with the Council for British Archaeology Wales.

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 43 Page 121 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Event: Delivery of the Annual Green Green  During December, results of Archaeology Day 2020 Archaeology Day. were presented at the December Operational Review Committee. In addition, discussion took place between PCNPA staff regarding the potential direction of the event in 2021 and beyond. Further discussion and planning will take place in 2021. Heritage Partnership Project: Participation Amber Amber  Phase 2 bid approved at NPA on 2nd Dec – revised Partnership and in Ancient Connections Project. plans now being drafted for delivery of Phase 2 Collaboration outcomes. Strategic Partnerships: Amber Amber  The Authority’s Visitor Services Manager (West), Involvement with Inspire formally represents PCNPA on the Pembrokeshire Pembrokeshire. Inspired Steering Group. The group continues to meet, via video-conference, on a regular basis. Strategic Partnerships: Delivery of Green Green  During December, PCNPA in partnership with Cadw Heritage Watch Scheme with and Dyfed-Powys Police put a call out for the public Dyfed Powys Police and Cadw. to look out for issues/damage at local sites during the National Lockdown if passing as part of their daily exercise. As part of the request, members of the public and the community have been asked to report issues directly to the Dyfed-Powys Police via their reporting process. The posts on the Facebook page have been seen over 10k times on the English version and over 3k times on the Welsh post and one report was posted as a result by a member of the public. In addition, a report of graffiti was reported for a listed church in the National Park. A police report was made and the matter has been referred to the PCNPA Building Conservation Officer and Church In Wales who will take action accordingly to mitigate damage Promoting the Project: Developing Castell Amber Amber  On hold. Site Closed for the Winter. Welsh Henllys as a Welsh Language Language: Hub.  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 44 Page 122 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Skills, Ways of Working: Development of Amber Amber  Mentor Scheme on hold. However, staff are already opportunities Welsh Language Staff Mentoring starting to complete Level 1 Work Welsh, which will and inspiration Scheme. embed basic Welsh language ability across the Authority.

Well-being Objective – Global

Data Available Monthly Work Measure 2019/20 2020/2021 2020/2021 Current Period – December Stream December Previous Period Nov Actual Actual Actual Original Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Target Special # Changing Coast 710 290 290 Trend COVID 19 restrictions Qualities: photo submissions had impact on Inspiration submissions April-June. and Education

Data Available Quarterly Work Measure 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period: Q1 – Q3 (April – December) Stream Q1 – Q3 Q1 – Q2 (April - (April - Dec) Sept) Actual Actual Actual Target Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Special # new school sessions 4 1 2 Trend TIR Roots/ Pembs Outdoor Qualities: developed aligned with School outdoor learning / Inspiration new curriculum ytd space sessions - linked and to outdoor learning an  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 45 Page 123 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Education approach to learning identified in the humanities curriculum – Cynefin. Learning and Community Archaeology: Archaeology Loose Parts Play. # participating in new 711 480 1,564 Trend TIR Pembrokeshire Outdoor school sessions aligned Schools/ Roots Project with new curriculum ytd Sessions # participants in our 8,286 554 2,174 BM TIR education programme # participants in public 33,684 1,959 2,293 BM TIR Public Events and events and activities Activities Programme re programme started in Q2 with some # participants at dark sky 14 0 0 BM TIR activity in Q3, including events held by the virtual Annual Authority Archaeology Day. # volunteer days – 221.5 64.5 82 BM TIR conservation wildlife survey or monitoring # volunteer days – 2.5 19 57 BM TIR heritage sites monitoring

Action Work Stream Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Responding to Adoption and Monitoring of Green Green  Responding to Climate Change Emergency Action Climate Change Climate Change Action Plan. (S6) Plan approved at June NPA, internal monitoring  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 46 Page 124 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Emergency group, involving staff from across the Authority met in (S6) November. 2019/20 carbon emission calculations based on previous years’ calculation method carried out with report provided to Members at the November Audit and Corporate Services Committee. Authority still waiting further news of WG calculation methodology. Create Environmental Amber Amber  Awaiting defined measures from Welsh Government. Management Recording System aligned to Welsh Government Methodology. (S6) Continuation of Centres achieving Amber Amber  On hold - Centres closed over Winter period, majority Green Key Awards and of staff furloughed. biodiversity and carbon and waste reduction is promoted on their sites. (S6) Commons Resilience Project – Green Green  Further boundary fencing work planned for winter 20- Peat Carbon Store. (S6) 21 starting with Rhosmaen and then Frenni Fawr. Further develop projects that Green Green  Proposed purchase approved at NPA 2/12/20. support carbon sequestration at scale in the Park. (S6) Greening the Fleet and Our Amber Amber  Following the award by Welsh Government for further Equipment. (S6) funding for charging infrastructure, a phased roll out plan has been drafted. In line with the vehicle replacement programme, eligible candidates for electric vehicles have been identified for 2020/2021, subject to capital funding availability. Greening our communities – Green Green  In December members of the PCNPA youth collaborate with communities, local committee continued their involvement in a UNISEF businesses and volunteers to carry 'Rights of the Child' project looking at the impact of out activities in response to climate change on young people. For this work we climate change at a community commissioned the contribution of a local film maker level. with the aim of young people producing a series of  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 47 Page 125 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

short animations on the topic. These will be ready in the new year. Tree planting sessions with Pembrokeshire College Environmental Conservation students and Bro Ingli pupils. Promotion of Sustainable and Red Red  Continue as member of Greenways Partnership to Active Travel itineraries (S6) attend meetings, partnership responding to budget pressures and impact of COVID 19 on feasibility of more rural routes. Promotion of Sustainable and Red Red  Development of initiatives on hold for moment due to Active Travel initiatives to PCNPA reprioritisation of activities due to COVID 19. staff, volunteers and Members. However staff and Members have become more (S6) familiar with virtual meetings as a result of home working/ travel restrictions which could have positive impacts on this area in the future. Network of Electric Vehicle Red Red  Phase 1 sites awaiting metering before going live Jan Charging Points. (S6) 21 (4 sites). Phase 2 sites agreed and procurement preparation commenced. Greening our Buildings – Red Red  Online introductory session arranged for LT (re Refit Feasibility Study. (S6) Cymru) for Jan 21. Photovoltaic PV Generation Red Red  Site visit completed & report awaited. Project. (S6) Continued involvement with Green Green  Meetings to recommence Jan 2021. Pembrokeshire Energy Forum (S6) Continued involvement with Green Green  Participated in the pilot Climate Resilience project for Pembrokeshire Service Board’s Fishguard and commissioned by the PSB Environmental and Climate which is about to be finalised. No further PSB Climate Change Risk Assessment for change meetings have been called since June. Pembrokeshire (S6) Continued Financial support for Green Green  Funding confirmed 2020/21. Awaiting budget to be Coastal Bus Service (via set regarding 2021/22. Greenways Partnership) (S6)

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 48 Page 126 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Special Realignment of education offer Green Green  Pembrokeshire Outdoor Schools delivered a series of Qualities: with the New Curriculum. INSETS for teachers linking the new curriculum to Inspiration and outdoor learning. Building on the reviews undertaken Education earlier in the year of the existing offer to schools provided by the Authority, the Education Officer has been working on new content aligned to Cynefin, a concept defined in the humanities section of the new curriculum and an ideal vehicle for presenting learning about the National Park. Resources linked to Cynefin will be produced over the coming months with the support of a student placement from Swansea University and the PODS co-ordinator. The PCNPA Educators workshop has been arranged for February, with an agenda which will focus on preparing for the delivery of the new curriculum as part of the Authority's education work.

Governance, Financial Sustainability, Workforce Development and Resilience

Data Available Monthly Work Measure 2019/20 2020/2021 2020/21 Current Period – December Stream December Previous Period Nov Actual Actual Actual Original Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Target Fundraising £ from sponser a gate 7,800 3,600 4,200 6,000 TIR 6 gates and 1 bench and Income scheme ytd sponsored ytd. Generation £ from cashless N/A 208.50 208.50 Baseline TIR OyP once again had donation pilot Oriel Y Data to close in December Parc ytd due to lockdown  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 49 Page 127 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

measures. £ Centres 212,827.20 72,985.30 74,226.03 BM TIR Centres closed mid Merchandise ytd March - June 2020. Staggered reopening of centres in July 2020. Centres closed during firebreak and further lockdown/ for winter period. £ Admissions Carew 210,267.53 68,245.81 68,242.48 BM TIR CH and Carew re & Castell Henllys ytd opened to pre booked visitors during July. Both were closed mid March - June. Both Centres closed during Firebreak and further lockdown/ winter period. £ Centres Other 67,474.68 8,969.07 9,415.47 BM TIR Income ytd £ Cafe Rental Income 21,500 0 9,749.87 BM TIR – Castell Henllys and Oriel Y Parc ytd £ Carew Cafe Sales 70,452.18 31,297.30 31,297.30 BM TIR Income ytd Member % Members 82.53 92.41 91.94 75% Green  Committees being Developme attendance at held virtually in nt committee ytd response to Covid 19 measures. % Members 58.33 76.19 81.67 65% Green  Training held virtually. attendance at training ytd

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 50 Page 128 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Corporate % Positive/ neutral 99.85 99.12 99.19 80% Green  Compliance media coverage ytd and Standards

Data Available Quarterly Work Measure 2019/20 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period: Q1 – Q3 (April – December) Stream Q1 – Q3 Q1 – Q2 (April - (April - Dec) Sept) Actual Actual Actual Target Revised RAG Trend Comments Target Health and # Days lost divided by 1.98 2.89 1.88 <1.5 Amber  Safety full time equivalent this (Q3) (Q2) (Q3) quarter # RIDDOR (Reportable 3 2 2 0 0 Red  Training to maintain Incidents) ytd adequate levels of health and safety for front line staff has been prioritised and training has recommenced. No RIDDOR incidents in Q3. # accidents (Injury) over 0 0 0 0 0 Green  3 days/ up to 7 days absence ytd # accidents (Injury) Minor 15 0 0 BM TIR incidents ytd # vehicle damage 8 3 6 BM TIR incidents ytd # conflict incidents ytd 0 0 0 BM TIR

# safeguarding incidents 0 0 0 BM TIR  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 51 Page 129 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

ytd Corporate # complaints received 6 10 15 BM Majority Planning Compliance ytd related. and # complaints concerning 0 0 0 BM Standards the Welsh Language made to the Authority ytd # complaints to Welsh 0 0 0 0 Green  Language Commissioner regarding alleged failure to comply with Welsh Language Standards ytd % of new and vacant 38.1 30 31.25 BM posts advertised Welsh Language essential ytd # Welsh Language N/A 0 0 BD Impact Assessments completed ytd # Data Protection Impact 0 0 1 Trend DPIA completed on new Assessments completed performance reporting ytd system replacing Ffynnon. # Data Protection 0 0 0 Trend Breaches reported to ICO ytd # of Freedom of 7 10 13 Trend Information responses within required timeframe ytd # of Environmental 9 14 17 Trend Information Regulations responses within required timeframe ytd

 Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 52 Page 130 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

# of Subject Access 0 0 0 Trend Requests responses within required time frame ytd % of Freedom of 100 100 100 100 Green  Information responses within required timeframe ytd % of Environmental 100 92.86 94.12 100 Amber  1 response in Q1 not Information Regulations delivered in time. Officer responses within has apologised for the required timeframe ytd delay to the recipient % of Subject Access N/A N/A N/A 100 No SAR received in this Requests responses quarter or for previous within required time quarters in 2020/21. frame ytd

Action Work Stream Action 2020/21 2020/21 Current Period – December Previous Period - November RAG RAG Trend Comments Long Term Commence review of Authority Amber Amber  Draft questionnaire developed which will be Planning and priorities and well-being objectives. distributed in January. Project Carew Causeway 5 year plan. Amber Amber  Listed Building consent awaited. Prioritisation Carbon Impact embedded into Amber Amber  Projects underway for the WG Sustainable project proposals. (S6) Landscapes and Sustainable Places Grant: SDF Funding - this has now been committed to projects that will help offset carbon. Members approved land purchase. Tender for EV charging points currently underway. IT equipment spend committed. Awaiting  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 53 Page 131 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

the Welsh Government releasing its standard calculation methodology as this will guide any potential considerations around measurement on emissions etc. for projects. Development of project bids for Amber Amber  Progress meeting and update report submitted to Welsh Government’s Sustainable WG. Claim submitted £72,770 December. All Landscapes, Sustainable Places projects in the process of delivering. 1. Digital Scheme and Visit Wales ‘Brilliant transformation on track with spend. 2. Additional Basics’ fund. SDF Fund on track to spend by March. 3. EV Charging points currently at the procurement stage (tender submission deadline 7/1/2021.) 80% likelihood this will overrun. 4. Land purchase £220,000 - NPA agreed in December on the land purchase. Conveyance in process - on track to spend by March 2021. Strategic Engagement: Monitoring Amber Amber  Chief Executive attended Brexit Roundtable and 2 and responding to legislative, policy Environmental Governance meetings in July. and operational impacts and opportunities post withdrawal from EU. Fundraising Providing continued support to Green Green  PCNPT has secured additional funding for its Make and Income Pembrokeshire Coast National Park More Meadows project and the People, Paths and Generation Trust. Pollinators project in December. Funding Progress for Prioritised Green Green  No further updates for December for this action. In Projects November additional Funding secured for the following projects:-SWEPT - marine surveying work, Summer Rangers - investment of 2 additional rangers for season 2021, continuation of supported volunteering project for a 6 month period and funding for strategic volunteer review, funding support for Celtic Routes and Ancients Connection projects, Adders Projects. In addition the Roots to Recovery project is through to the second stage of People and  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 54 Page 132 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Places. Workforce Development of People Plan. Amber Amber  People Plan drafted and to be discussed with LT Development prior to Personnel Committee in April 2021. Improving how Digital Transformation Programme. Amber Amber  Digitalisation Opportunities have been captured we work: however, due to Covid-19, it is unlikely that these can Digital commence until the new year and will be subject to Approaches funding availability. Implementing switch to Office 2016 Green Green  Action Completed in November. Rollout of Office across the Authority. 2016 to 130 devices completed in November. Replacement of HR System. Green Green  HR system project stalled. Chosen provider were unable to provide assurances that system was fully Data Protection compliant, three days prior to hand over to HR. New system and provider now selected and project back on track. Replacement of Performance Amber Amber  Following the demo and testing of external systems Management System. and concern about cost and functionality of options available, in house development of database in progress with ongoing testing. DPIA on new system completed and data being transferred across to new system. Staff to be trained in new system across January and February. Member Support for Member Support and Amber Amber  Evidence gathering in process for Charter Development Development Committee and submission. achieving Wales Advanced Charter for Member Support and Development. Health and Ways of Working: Digitise Health Amber Amber  On pause. HR system prioritised and H&S reporting Safety and Safety Reporting will be next IT project to start in April 2021. Corporate Respond to Audit Wales Green Green  Initial feedback meeting with Audit Wales held in Compliance recommendations – 5 Ways of relation to 2020/21 survey and fieldwork on and Standards Working. Resilience and Covid Recovery. Engagement Action Plan group members have completed involvement self assessment that was within previous Audit  Improving Trend  Static Trend  Worsening Trend BM= Benchmarked against previous year BD= Baseline Data TIR = Trend - Impact of COVID 19 and Recovery of Services 55 Page 133 of 151 Performance Report – Corporate Plan 2020/21 (April – December)

Report, returned forms have been collated for further consideration by group and separate meeting has been arranged in February 2021 to identify priority areas. Respond to Internal Audit Green Green  Phase 1 of the 2020/21 audit program carried out in Recommendations. September and complete in October 2020. Further develop corporate approach Amber Amber  Interim DPO appointed at December NPA, with to data protection compliance. approval for tender to go out to recruit external DPO. Ongoing advice being provided to staff re - privacy notices, data transfers and other queries. Communication of corporate Amber Amber  Senior Management and HR issuing guidance to staff policies and standards. in relation to COVID 19 situation and impact on Authority work and work place. Awaiting new share point system to be in place to re look at how policies displayed on system to staff. Review of the Authority’s induction Amber Amber  Business case to be agreed in February with LT. process and development of programme of customer and visitor services training. Annual performance report on Green Green  Action Completed in December. Report adopted by Welsh Language Standards the National Park Authority on 02 December 2020, subject to minor amendments. Report submitted to Welsh Language Commissioner on 18 December 2020. Annual Equality report Green Green  Action Completed in October. Annual Equality Performance Report 2019/20 incorporated into the Annual Report on Well-being Objectives/ Improvement Plan approved at NPA held on the 30th September. Annual Report published on website and link sent to EHRC.

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