The Lives of the Saints. with Introd. and Additional Lives of English Martyrs, Cornish, Scottish, and Welsh Saints, and a Full I
* -* This Volume ronttiim Two Indices to the Sixteen Volumes of the work, one an Index of the Saints whose Lives are given, ami the other a Subject Index. First Edition fiiHished rSyj Second Edition , iSgy .... , New and Hevised Kditioti, i6 vols. ,, i9^'t- *- Appendix Vol. , Fronlispiece.j ^^^' * ' * THE 5LitiC0 of t|)c ^aint0 BY THE REV. S. BARINCJ-GOUU:), M.A. With Introduction and Additional Lives of English Martyrs, Cornish, Scottish, and Welsh Saints, and a full Index to the Entire Work New and Revised Edition ILLUSTRATED BY 473 ENGRAVINGS VOLUME THE SIXTEENTH SlppruDix Foluiuf EDINBURGH: JOHN GRANT 31 GEORGE IV BRIDGE 1914 * * BX 63 \ OjlLf Printed liy BAi.t.ANiVNK, Hanson »V Co. at the Dallaitlync Press, ICJinljurgh I *- -* CONTENTS PAGHS The Celtic Church and its Saints . 1-86 Brittany : its Pkincks and Saints . Pi uiGREES OF Saintly Families .... A Celtic and Eni;lish Kalendar of Saints Proper to the Welsh, Cornish, Scottish, Irish, Breton, and English People . Catalogue of the Materials Available for THE Pedigrees of the British Saints Err.\ta Index to Saints whose Lives are Given Index to Subjects -* VI Contents LIST OF ADDITIONAL LIVES C.IVEN IN THE CELTIC AND ENGLISH KALENDAR S, Calhvcn 288 S. Aaron 245 Cano}; 279 „ Ai'lliaiani .... 288 Caranoy or Carantoji 222 „ Alan 305 Caron '93 „ Aidan 177 Callian ., Albuiga .... 324 Calliciinc Aiidlcy 314 „ Alilalc 179 Cawrdaf 319 „ Alfred tlie Great . 285 Ceachvalla 213 „ Alfric 305 Ceitlio . 287 „ Alnicdlia .... 258 Cclynin, son of „ Aniacllilu .... 325 Cynyr F irfdrwcli 287 „ Arniel 264 Celynin, son of „ Arniilf 268 Ilelig 3'o „ Austell 243 Cewydd 245 „ Auxilius .
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