Pool Mission Area News

4th Issue December 2015

Good ideas for Christmas 2016?

If you’re thinking that maybe your church needs to do something a bit different next year to engage with more people in the community then you might like to talk to the parish of Forden about their ‘Christmas Tree Festival’ or to about 'Carol Cafe in the Old School'. Both events have already taken place very successfully and maybe they could work for your church too? The Berriew event was arranged by their young people and consisted of Carol singing and informal worship for Advent & Christmas with the hall arranged as a Café - with mince pies, biccies, and cakes. As well as being a lot of fun it enabled the young people to achieve their charity fund target for the year – Excellent job!

Another idea with a difference, taking place at St Mary’s, , is a “Knitted Carols Exhibition”. You’re not too late to check that out as it’s on Saturday 12th & 19th Dec (10.30am- 3.30pm) and Sunday 13th & 20th Dec (1- 4pm). If you can’t go but want to know more contact Steph (811044) or Sheila (810742).

A special service for people who will find Christmas difficult because they are separated from loved ones by geography, bereavement or family breakdown can be another really good way of ministering to people who are not very likely to come along to a regular Christmas service. St Mary’s are joining with Welshpool Methodist Church for there’s on 15th Dec & have their Blue Christmas service on 21st Dec.

The Christmas Service you want not on in your local church when you want it?

Well it’s probably on somewhere in the locality so browse the list on p.3 where you’ll find full details of where & when there’s a Carol Service, Christingle or Midnight Communion. Maybe there’s something (or somewhere) different that would take your fancy?

Gathering for those working with Children & Young People

One of the things we’re doing in the Mission Area is trying to support groups of people such as Pastoral Assistants, Worship Leaders, etc. who are involved in the church’s ministry. The next event will be a get together for those working with our youngsters across the Deanery, where there will be an opportunity to compare notes, express difficulties and swap ideas. The date for this is Thursday 21st January, 7.30pm at Pool Quay Church.

And on a similar note

Mark Yaconelli will be returning to the Diocese from February to August next year. He’ll be involved in various projects two of which are training young people as Youth Ambassadors and adults as Youth Work Co-ordinators. If you’re interested in either of those opportunities talk to Tim Feak (Dio Under 25s Officer) 01745 532595 or [email protected]

Want to help people grow in their spiritual lives?

Another of the things Mark Yaconelli will be doing is training people to work in the area of Spiritual Direction. If you would like to know more about this talk nicely to Rev’d Pam Powell. The deadline for expressing an interest was last week but explain that you’re from Pool Deanery and she might let you off! (I’ve told her she just missed the last MA News) Tel: 01978 721083 Mob: 07711 053565 email: [email protected]

Nothing much on at Christmas and/or concerned about refugees?

If you would like to volunteer to help with the refugee crisis in Calais please look at the website below. They are looking for volunteers all year round but especially during the Christmas period. For more information please visit the website or email [email protected] http://care4calais.org/get-involved/volunteer-in-calais/

Any roofing repairs needed?

If you have any issues affecting your church roof, spire coverings, tower roofs, cupolas, gutters or downpipes you might like to be aware that the LPOW Roof Repair Fund is open to bids, with a budget of £25million to be awarded in 2016. The closing dates for applications will be Friday 26 February at 12 noon. Previous applicants may re-apply, including those unsuccessful last time, as the scheme has changed. If you are interested in knowing more talk to Tracey White, the Diocese’s Parish Funding Officer - 01745 532589

Need money for mission projects?

If your church is developing new ways of reaching out to people then you should be aware that the Diocese has a Transition Fund of money to help parishes finance projects, buy resources, train staff or even contribute to staff costs. This money is available for three years so we need to make the most of it. Follow the link below or talk to Tracey White, our Parish Funding Officer, on 01745 532589 for more info. www.stasaph.churchinwales.org.uk/life/funding-finance/grantscommittee/

Would like to help but don’t know how?

Lots of training events on many aspects of ministry & church life are contained in the 2016 training prospectus just released by the Diocese. You can download a copy from here - www.stasaph.churchinwales.org.uk/life/steering-groups/training-together-prospectus- 2016/ or you can ask for a printed copy from your vicar or by contacting Sian on 01745 582245 [email protected]

Corrections? Things missing? An event you’d like us to advertise? Interesting news to share? Questions?

Any of the above can be sent to the Mission Area Leader, Rev’d Steve Willson, at: The Vicarage Church Street, Welshpool. SY21 7DP 01938 553164 [email protected]

If you’d like your copy of MA News emailed direct to you send me your email address. ‘Something for everyone’ Pool Emerging Mission Area Christmas Services

Sunday 13th December 15.00 St ’s, Berriew The Guilsfield Singers 18.30 St , Carol Service 19.00 Belan Old School Carol Service

Tuesday 15th December 19.00 Welshpool Methodist Church Service of Light (joint service to remember loved ones not with us at Christmas) Wednesday 16th December 19.00 Red Lion, Community Carols

Saturday 19th December 19.30 St Mary’s,Welshpool Welshpool Fire Brigade Carols

Sunday 20th December 09.00 St John’s, Fron Carols and Communion 15.00 St Michael, Carol Service 10.45 St Michael, Forden Crib Service. 11.00 St Mary’s,Welshpool Carol Service 11.15 Sts Trinio, P & P, Carol Service 15.00 Pantyffridd Mission Church Carols and Communion 15.00 St John’s, Pool Quay Carol Service 16.00 St Garmon’s, Castle Caer’ion Carol Service 18.00 St Beuno’s, Berriew Festival of Lessons and Carols 18.00 St Nicholas, Montgomery Nine Lessons & Carols 18.30 All Saints’, Lessons and Carols

Monday 21st December 19.00 St Aelhaiarn’s, Guilsfield Blue Christmas Service (thinking of those who are struggling at Christmas) Christmas Eve 14.00 St Mary’s,Welshpool Christingle service 16.00 St Aelhaiarn’s, Guilsfield Crib Service 17.00 St Beuno’s, Berriew Blessing of the Crib 17.30 All Saints’, Buttington Christingle service 17.30 St John’s, Pool Quay Crib Service 18.00 Sts Trinio, P & P, Llandrinio Holy Eucharist 18.30 St Tyssil, Holy Eucharist 19.00 St Aelhaiarn’s, Guilsfield Nine Lessons and Carols 19.45 St Tysilio, Llandysilio Holy Eucharist 23.00 St Beuno’s, Berriew Midnight Mass 23.15 Holy Trinity, Penrhos Holy Eucharist 23.30 St Aelhaiarn’s, Guilsfield First Eucharist of Christmas 23.30 St Mary’s,Welshpool Holy Communion 23.30 St Nicholas, Montgomery Holy Eucharist

Christmas Day 09.00 Belan Old School Holy Eucharist 09.30 St Michael, Forden Holy Eucharist. 09.30 All Saints’, Buttington Holy Communion 09.30 St John’s, Pool Quay Holy Communion 10.00 St Beuno’s, Berriew Holy Communion 10.00 St Michael’s, Criggion Holy Communion 10.30 St Garmon’s, Castle Caer’ion Holy Communion 11.00 St Aelhaiarn’s, Guilsfield Holy Communion