
Oxfordshire Way Map 29 — to 2 ( to Tiddington)

TL= Turn Left FL = Fork Left BL = Bear Left

TR = Turn Right FR = Fork Right BR = Bear Right  TR here and bear slightly left across the next two fields to a golf course. Go over a stile and continue straight on following the golf fence on your left through the golf course until you come to a stile in the fence with a waymark post and signs.

TR here and continue in this direction across the course, joining  and leaving a track until a waymark post guides you left to exit the golf course on to a road.

 TL along the road past the church and B you will soon come to an Way signpost and stile on your right.

TL carefully along the busy road, then at  far side of layby, take a path on the right through a gate and field to cross the dis- used railway track and then go diagonally left across two fields to a small footbridge.

 The route then follows the right hedge to an idyllic thatched cottage. TL beyond the cottage garden then TR TL for a very short distance to a stile through a gap in the hedge and cross a field to reach the  on the right. Go over the stile to sunken Sandy Lane. cross a field dropping down to a village road in Tiddington.

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence: 100023343 (2008)