Referendum on the UK's membership of the European Union in the South voting area

1. A poll will be held on Thursday 23 June 2016 between the hours of 7am and 10pm to decide on the following question:

Should the remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

2. The list below provides the location of each polling station in the voting area and information on who will be entitled to vote there.

No. of polling Situation of polling station Description of persons entitled to station vote 1 Benson Hall, Sunnyside, LAA-1 to LAA-1504 Benson, Oxon 2 Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, LAA-1505 to LAA-3052 Benson, Oxon 3 Gifford Village Hall, 6 LAB1-1 to LAB1-966 Benson Lane, , Wallingford 4 North Stoke Village Hall, The Street, LAB2-1 to LAB2-256 North Stoke 5 Watercress Centre, The LAC-1 to LAC-750 Street, Ewelme, Wallingford 6 St Laurence Hall, , The LAD-1 to LAD-776 Green North, Warborough, Wallingford 7 Church Hall, Wimblestraw LBA-1 to LBA-1912 Road, Berinsfield 8 Dorchester Village Hall, 7 Queen LBB-1 to LBB-806 Street, Dorchester, Oxon 9 Drayton St Leonard Village Hall, Ford LBC-1 to LBC-210 Lane, Drayton St Leonard 10 Berrick and Village Hall, Cow LCA-1 to LCA-258 Pool, 10 Berrick and Roke Village Hall, Cow LCD-1 to LCD-81 Pool, Berrick Salome

Printed and published by David Buckle, the Counting Officer, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB No. of polling Situation of polling station Description of persons entitled to station vote 11 Village Hall, LCB-1 to LCB-155 Brightwell Baldwin, Watlington, Oxon 12 Village Hall, Baronshurst LCC-1 to LCC-1138 Drive, Chalgrove, 13 Chalgrove Village Hall, Baronshurst LCC-1141 to LCC-2165 Drive, Chalgrove, Oxford 14 Village Hall, Bakers LDA-1 to LDA-623 Piece, Kingston Blount 14 Kingston Blount Village Hall, Bakers LDC-1 to LDC-83 Piece, Kingston Blount 15 Village Hall, Chinnor, Church LDB-1 to LDB-1615 Road, Chinnor 16 Chinnor Village Hall, Chinnor, Church LDB-1616 to LDB-3272 Road, Chinnor 17 Chinnor Village Hall, Chinnor, Church LDB-3273 to LDB-4836 Road, Chinnor 18 Sydenham Old School Room, LDD-1 to LDD-271 Brookstones, Sydenham 19 Memorial Hall, Chinnor LDE-1 to LDE-363 Road, Towersey 20 Stanton St John Village Hall, Middle LEA-1 to LEA-471 Road, Stanton St John 20 Stanton St John Village Hall, Middle LEB-1 to LEB-84 Road, Stanton St John 20 Stanton St John Village Hall, Middle LEE-1 to LEE-356 Road, Stanton St John 20 Stanton St John Village Hall, Middle LEJ-1 to LEJ-53 Road, Stanton St John 21 Forest Hill Village Hall, Main Street, LEC-1 to LEC-641 Forest Hill 22 Holton Village Hall, Holton LED-1 to LED-294 22 Holton Village Hall, Holton LEI1-1 to LEI1-137 23 Tiddington Village Hall, Albury View, LEF-1 to LEF-538 Tiddington 23 Tiddington Village Hall, Albury View, LEH-1 to LEH-64 Tiddington 24 Gardens Limited, LEG-1 to LEG-130 Waterperry, Near Wheatley 25 Village Hall, High Street, LFA1-1 to LFA1-73 Cuddesdon 25 Cuddesdon Village Hall, High Street, LFA2-1 to LFA2-279 Cuddesdon 26 Village Hall, 1 Oxford LFB-1 to LFB-1318 Road, Garsington

Printed and published by David Buckle, the Counting Officer, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB No. of polling Situation of polling station Description of persons entitled to station vote 27 Village Hall, Oxford Road, LFC-1 to LFC-1110 Horspath, Oxford 28 Storton Lodge, Icknield Road, Goring LGA1-1 to LGA1-1582 29 Goring Village Hall - Belleme Room, LGA2-1 to LGA2-1049/1 High Street, Goring on Thames 30 South Stoke Village Hall, Cross Keys LGB-1 to LGB-395 Road, South Stoke 31 Parish Hall, High Street, LHA-1 to LHA-17 Lewknor, Watlington 31 Lewknor Parish Hall, High Street, LHD-1 to LHD-537 Lewknor, Watlington 32 Village Hall, Rectory LHB-1 to LHB-380 Road, Great Haseley, Oxford 33 The Pavilion, , Recreation LHC-1 to LHC-605 Ground, Great Milton 34 Little Milton Village Hall, Road, LHE-1 to LHE-397 Little Milton, Oxford 35 Church, St John`s the LHF-1 to LHF-607/1 Baptist, The Green, Stadhampton 36 Memorial Hall, High Street, LHG-1 to LHG-550 Tetsworth, Oxon 36 Tetsworth Memorial Hall, High Street, LHH-1 to LHH-17 Tetsworth, Oxon 37 Henley on Thames Town Hall, Market LIA1-1 to LIA1-1393 Place, Henley on Thames 38 Henley on Thames Town Hall, Market LIA1-1394 to LIA1-2802 Place, Henley on Thames 39 Henley Leisure Centre, Gillotts Lane, LIA2-1 to LIA2-1346 Henley on Thames 40 Christ Church Centre, 46 Reading LIA3-1 to LIA3-1726/1 Road, Henley on Thames 41 Henley Leisure Centre, Gillotts Lane, LIA4-1 to LIA4-1000 Henley on Thames 42 Trinity Hall, Road, Henley on LIA5-1 to LIA5-889 Thames 43 Trinity Hall, Harpsden Road, Henley on LIA5-890 to LIA5-1791/1 Thames 44 Parish Hall, Whitchurch LKA-1 to LKA-940 Hill 45 Parish Room, Wood LKB-1 to LKB-1033 Lane, Kidmore End 46 Parish Hall, Trench LKC-1 to LKC-222 Green, Mapledurham

Printed and published by David Buckle, the Counting Officer, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB No. of polling Situation of polling station Description of persons entitled to station vote 47 Whitchurch Village Hall, Manor Road, LKD-1 to LKD-623 Whitchurch on Thames 48 Village Hall, LLA-1 to LLA-333 Abingdon Road, Clifton Hampden 49 Village Hall, The Croft, LLB-1 to LLB-199 Marsh Baldon 49 Marsh Baldon Village Hall, The Croft, LLE-1 to LLE-108 Marsh Baldon 50 Village Hall, LLC-1 to LLC-163 Nuneham Courtenay 51 Sandford on Thames Village Hall, LLD-1 to LLD-951 Henley Road, Sandford on Thames 52 Clifton Hampden Village Hall, LLF-1 to LLF-516 Abingdon Road, Clifton Hampden 53 Scout Hut, Shiplake Row, LMA-1 to LMA-542 54 Eye & Dunsden Village Hall, Dunsden LMB-1 to LMB-251/2 Green, Reading 55 Harpsden Hall, Harpsden, Henley-on- LMC-1 to LMC-296 Thames 56 Shiplake Memorial Hall, Memorial LMD-1 to LMD-1266 Avenue, Shiplake 57 Common Village Hall, Wood LME-1 to LME-1430 Lane, 58 Sonning Common Village Hall, Wood LME-1431 to LME-2946/2 Lane, Sonning Common 59 Thame Barns Centre, Church Road, LNA1-1 to LNA1-1042 Thame 60 Hill CP School, Ludsden Grove, LNA2-1 to LNA2-1657 Thame 61 Barley Hill CP School, Ludsden Grove, LNA2-1658 to LNA2-3246 Thame 62 Thame Girl Guide HQ, Southern Road, LNA3-1 to LNA3-1909 Thame 63 Thame Youth Centre - Mandy Sturdey, LNA4-1 to LNA4-1384 Towersey Road, Thame 64 Thame Youth Centre - Mandy Sturdey, LNA4-1385 to LNA4-2776/1 Towersey Road, Thame 65 Village Hall, Britwell LOA-1 to LOA-158 Salome 66 Village Hall, Cuxham, LOB-1 to LOB-100 Watlington 67 Russells Water Village Hall, Russells LOC-1 to LOC-256 Water, near Henley on Thames

Printed and published by David Buckle, the Counting Officer, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB No. of polling Situation of polling station Description of persons entitled to station vote 67 Russells Water Village Hall, Russells LOG-1 to LOG-204 Water, near Henley on Thames 68 Village Hall, Pyrton LOD1-1 to LOD1-132 68 Pyrton Village Hall, Pyrton LOE1-1 to LOE1-64 68 Pyrton Village Hall, Pyrton LOF-1 to LOF-39 69 Fox & Hounds Public House, LOD2-1 to LOD2-31 , Watlington 69 Fox & Hounds Public House, LOE2-1 to LOE2-16 Christmas Common, Watlington 69 Fox & Hounds Public House, LOH2-1 to LOH2-175 Christmas Common, Watlington 70 Watlington Parish Office, 1 Old School LOH1-1 to LOH1-1813 Place, Gorwell, Watlington 71 Bix & Assendon Village Hall, Bix LPA-1 to LPA-450 Common, Henley on Thames, Oxon 72 Village Hall, Main Street, LPB-1 to LPB-377 Checkendon 73 Highmoor Cross Memorial Hall, LPC-1 to LPC-206 Highmoor Cross 74 Memorial Hall, Fir Close, LPD-1 to LPD-266 Ipsden, Wallingford 75 Village Club, 32 High Street, LPE-1 to LPE-585 Nettlebed 75 Nettlebed Village Club, 32 High Street, LPF-1 to LPF-420 Nettlebed 76 Greys Village Hall, Greys LPG-1 to LPG-271 Green, 77 Peppard War Memorial Hall, LPH-1 to LPH-1311 Gallowstree Road, Peppard Common 78 Village Hall, Main St, Stoke LPI-1 to LPI-507 Row 79 Village Hall, Reading Road, LPJ-1 to LPJ-1954 Woodcote 80 Merry Bells, 89 High Street, Wheatley LQA-1 to LQA-1482 81 Merry Bells, 89 High Street, Wheatley LQA-1483 to LQA-3082 82 Village Hall, Thorpe RAA-1 to RAA-274 Street, Aston Upthorpe 82 Aston Upthorpe Village Hall, Thorpe RAB-1 to RAB-123 Street, Aston Upthorpe 83 Stewart Hall, West End, Brightwell RAC1-1 to RAC1-1010/1 Cum Sotwell, Wallingford 84 Mobile Home Park, RAC2-1 to RAC2-189/2 Shillingford Hill Home Park, Shillingford Hill Printed and published by David Buckle, the Counting Officer, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB No. of polling Situation of polling station Description of persons entitled to station vote 85 Pavilion, Station Road, RAD1-1 to RAD1-1942/4 Cholsey 86 Cholsey Cricket Pavilion, Fair Mile, RAD2-1 to RAD2-983 Reading Road, Cholsey 87 Hagbourne Village Hall, Main Road, RAE-1 to RAE-953 87 Hagbourne Village Hall, Main Road, RAI-1 to RAI-216 East Hagbourne 88 The Pavilion, The Recreation Field, RAF-1 to RAF-417 89 Village Hall, Bear Lane, RAG-2 to RAG-316 North Moreton 89 North Moreton Village Hall, Bear Lane, RAH-1 to RAH-273 North Moreton 90 Ladygrove Community Centre, Tamar RBA1-91/1 to RBA1-150 Way, RBA1-183 to RBA1-250 RBA1-318 to RBA1-323 RBA1-759 to RBA1-860 RBA1-945 to RBA1-957 RBA1-983 to RBA1-1062/3 RBA1-1202 to RBA1-1303 RBA1-1445/1 to RBA1-1541 RBA1-1563 to RBA1-1585 RBA1-1623 to RBA1-1770/1 RBA1-1798 to RBA1-1844 RBA1-1860 to RBA1-2094 RBA1-2157 to RBA1-2243 RBA1-2289 to RBA1-2329 RBA1-2463 to RBA1-2528 RBA1-2594 to RBA1-2685 RBA1-2738 to RBA1-2841 RBA1-2862 to RBA1-2979 91 Ladygrove Community Centre, Tamar RBA1-3010 to RBA1-3280 Way, Didcot RBA1-3337 to RBA1-3438 RBA1-3710 to RBA1-3854 RBA1-3876 to RBA1-3934 RBA1-3988 to RBA1-4022 RBA1-4076 to RBA1-4097 RBA1-4137 to RBA1-4266 RBA1-4443 to RBA1-4615 RBA1-4673 to RBA1-4840 RBA1-4909 to RBA1-4974/1 RBA1-5053 to RBA1-5135 RBA1-5181 to RBA1-5472 RBA1-5492 to RBA1-5597 Printed and published by David Buckle, the Counting Officer, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB No. of polling Situation of polling station Description of persons entitled to station vote 92 Willowbrook Leisure Centre, Bowmont RBA1-1 to RBA1-91 Water, Didcot RBA1-151 to RBA1-182 RBA1-251 to RBA1-317 RBA1-324 to RBA1-758 RBA1-861 to RBA1-944 RBA1-958 to RBA1-982 RBA1-1063 to RBA1-1201 RBA1-1303/1 to RBA1-1445 RBA1-1542 to RBA1-1562 RBA1-1586 to RBA1-1622 RBA1-1771 to RBA1-1797 RBA1-1845 to RBA1-1859 RBA1-2095 to RBA1-2156 RBA1-2244 to RBA1-2288 RBA1-2329/1 to RBA1-2329/1 93 Willowbrook Leisure Centre, Bowmont RBA1-2330 to RBA1-2462 Water, Didcot RBA1-2529 to RBA1-2593 RBA1-2686 to RBA1-2737 RBA1-2842 to RBA1-2861 RBA1-2980 to RBA1-3009 RBA1-3282 to RBA1-3334 RBA1-3439 to RBA1-3709 RBA1-3855 to RBA1-3875 RBA1-3935 to RBA1-3987 RBA1-4023 to RBA1-4075 RBA1-4097/1 to RBA1-4136 RBA1-4267 to RBA1-4442 RBA1-4616 to RBA1-4672 RBA1-4841 to RBA1-4908 RBA1-4977 to RBA1-5052 RBA1-5136 to RBA1-5180 RBA1-5473 to RBA1-5491 RBA1-5531 to RBA1-5557 94 Fleetmeadow Community Hall, RBB-1 to RBB-1629 Sandringham Road, Fleetmeadow, Didcot 95 Barnes Close Community Centre, RCA1-1 to RCA1-1572 Barnes Close, Barnes Road 96 The Vibe, Didcot, Park Road, Didcot, RCA2-1 to RCA2-1477 Oxon 97 The Vibe, Didcot, Park Road, Didcot, RCA2-1478 to RCA2-2979/6 Oxon 98 Northbourne Centre, Church Street, RCA3-1 to RCA3-448/1 Didcot

Printed and published by David Buckle, the Counting Officer, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB No. of polling Situation of polling station Description of persons entitled to station vote 98 Northbourne Centre, Church Street, RDB-1589 to RDB-2345 Didcot 99 Didcot Civic Hall, Britwell Road, Didcot, RDA1-1 to RDA1-1399 Oxon 100 Didcot Civic Hall, Britwell Road, Didcot, RDA1-1400 to RDA1-2736 Oxon 101 Great Western Park Community RDA2-1 to RDA2-1032 Centre, Great Western Park, Dan Read Parade 102 Great Western Park Community RDA2-1033 to RDA2-2110 Centre, Great Western Park, Dan Read Parade 103 Northbourne Centre, Church Street, RDB-1 to RDB-1588 Didcot 104 Village Hall, High REA-1 to REA-62/1 Street, Long Wittenham, Abingdon 104 Long Wittenham Village Hall, High REB-1 to REB-669 Street, Long Wittenham, Abingdon 105 Girl Guide Hut Fir Tree School, Radnor RFA1-1 to RFA1-1799 Road, Wallingford 106 Regal Centre, St Martin`s Street, RFA2-1 to RFA2-1997 Wallingford 107 Regal Centre, St Martin`s Street, RFA2-1998 to RFA2-3946 Wallingford

1 June 2016 Counting Officer: David Buckle

Printed and published by David Buckle, the Counting Officer, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB