Extract from the Record of 4th (Bullingdon) Battalion Home Guard 1940-1944 compiled by Brig-Gen. C.Graham DSO with particular reference to Wheatley page date notes Part I - Administration 7 14/05/40 Appeal by Anthony Eden PM for Local Defence Force volunteers - LDV 7 8 22/05/40 There were 4 sub-divisional platoons in this part of Oxon. Capt. the Hon. W. Holland-Hibbert, Grove House, Beckley was the sub divisional Platoon Commander of Wheatley section. 9 Each section to have between 25-30 men. Aged 17-65, under 41 until called up, 41-65 for the duration. Maj. A.V.Spencer DSO, Wheatfield House, became Divisional Company Commander after an altruistic argument with the Hon. W.Holland-Hibbert, Village halls were to be lent and later hired. 11 10/07/40 Mr. F.J.Fane who lived in Morland House was the admin assistant. Battalion HQ opened at Church Rd, Wheatley? Also ‘Cranleigh’, Vicarage Road, Wheatley Tel: Wheatley 86/87 (in App XI) 11 29/07/40 No. 1 Company – Wheatley – 380 men included , , Holton along with Wheatley in No. 2 Wheatley platoon, and 3 other platoons. 12 31/07/40 LDV renamed Home Guard 13 08/40 Railwaymen did not have HG duties that clashed with railway duties which were deemed more important 14 09/40 Battalion Spitfire fund raised £60 by March 1941 15 12/40 Sub-units Sections – No. 1 Wheatley Company with 4 platoons of which No. 2 platoon – Wheatley with Waterperry, Waterstock and Holton. 16 01/41 Admin Assistant replaced by joint adjutant & quartermaster for each battalion – Capt J F Nicholson 17 01/02/41 Maj. Holland-Hibbert was No. 1 company leader - Wheatley Lt.F.T.Holbrow was the platoon leader No.2 Platoon – Wheatley (promotions) 19 03/41 Pikes were issued and spurned! 20 26/05/41 Battalion HQ moved to the Swan, Tetsworth 24 20/01/42 Compulsion to join HG – aged 18-51. 25 1942 95 men in No. 2 platoon - Wheatley, Waterperry, Waterstock & Holton 27 18/03/42 Maj C. Graham DSO OBE (author) was second in command at Battalion HQ 28 05/42 A pair of binoculars arrived from the ‘American Committee for the Defence of British Homes and was acknowledged with gratitude!’ 30 15/05/43 Women enrolled in HG – non-combatant! Secretarial, transport and feeding! Aged 18-65 33 02/01/44 Officers’ luncheon at Bridge Hotel, Wheatley, 56 officers and 2 guests 34 1944 No. 2 platoon - Wheatley had 82 actual should be 110 35 28/05/44 No. 16 platoon attended weekend camp at Wheatley 36 15/09/44 Attendance of HG voluntary 37 24/10/44 Order to stand down (code word - FALLOW). 37 26/11/44 Farewell parade in under Maj. Graham (second-in- command of the Battalion) at 15.15 No. 1 company (191 men out of 715 all ranks in the battalion ) with No. 1 company led by Maj. The Hon Holland-Hibbert and Capt. M.K. Robertson (MO) No. 2 platoon (Wheatley) led by Lt. A.J. Pedder 40 Defence medal to be awarded for 3 years’ service bet. June 40 and Nov 44

Part II - Training 44 05/06/40 HG possible operational tasks – • Static observation • Counter espionage • Provision of guides • Defence of road blocks • Protection of factories etc 45 06/40? Example of enthusiasm – ‘volunteers at Wheatley turned out with much speed for an air raid warning at 02.15, the majority had not time to insert their dentures!’ 46 Important military roads – eg Stokenchurch to Wheatley – red – military and essential govt traffic only Wheatley to Thame and Wallingford to Thame – blue – as red roads and local traffic - not to be blocked except in face of enemy. Issue 10 – Functions of Home Guard (superceded previous) – • Observation and prompt and accurate reporting of info. • Delaying and obstructing the enemy • Protection of specific points (factories, railways) • Keeping a check on subversive activities • Co-operation with Civil Defence Services 47 08/40 Church bells only to be rung when 6+ parachutists were seen to land. 49 23 OPs (observation posts) in battalion. Church towers not to be used for military purposes other than observation and communication. 50 03/41 Role of HG changed: • Personnel to man defences • Observation parties of 3 or more • Patrols of 25% of total who will gain and keep contact with the enemy but not ‘commit themselves to fighting’ • guides 53 03/42 Role of HG amended: • Local defence • Protection of vulnerable points • Giving timely notice of enemy movements ‘a mobile force to destroy or harass any enemy within 1000 yards of village and to hold to the end of the village’. To help police to immobilise unauthorised traffic into parking places in Wheatley, Thame and Sandford. 57 Spring 43 Sub-district communication exercise during which battalion HQ occupied Cranleigh, Wheatley, for the first time as battle HQ. Rifle ranges at Wheatley – 2 targets, bombing range at Wheatley 57 Summer 43 Signposts replaced 58 28/11/43 No 1 Company were first to shoot on the range. Gas course at Shotover. 61 1944 Shotover Park range was lent by the R E Training Unit during the winter, only available to the middle of April. 62 02/44 Sub-District Commander inspected defences of Wheatley, Thame and Sandford. 62 29/04/44 Weekend camp opened at Wheatley. Platoon occupied a tented camp near the Boy Scouts’ Hut with feeding arrangements at the Merry Bells. 63 15/05/44 - Battalion volunteered to provide anti-sabotage patrols on road 25/06/44 and railway bridges at Wheatley.

Part III List of Officers

Part IV Appendices - 15

Also: Civil Defence – post war 7 10/03/52 Thame & Bullingdon Sub-Division - Civil Defence sector warden – 18/07/52 – Lt. Col. N.E. Marriott MC ‘Greystones’, High Street, Wheatley 05/06/53