
Sprout Seminar, July 13, 2013

Rockets, Cosmonauts, and the : in and the

Instructor: Cassio de Oliveira

Answer Key

Landmarks in Russian/Soviet Space Exploration

What Name in Latin script Name in Cyrillic script When

Founder of Science Константин 1857-1935 in Russia, 1857-1935 (or Tsiolkovskii) Циолковский

First artificial in October 4, 1957 Earth’s Спутник

First animal in Earth’s orbit Laika Лайка , 1957 First human to travel Yuri (Iurii, Yury) Юрий Гагарин April 12, 1961 into Gagarin

Soviet and Russian Missions, and Space Stations Meaning in English Name in Latin script Name in Cyrillic script

“East” Восток

“Ascent” Восход

“Union” Союз

“World” or “Peace” Мир

Interesting links:

There is a wealth of resources on Soviet and Russian space exploration online. The Wikipedia pages for the relevant topics (Gagarin, Sputnik, Soyuz, etc.) may be a good place to start, particularly for the links to great historical footage and to pages on the NASA website. Besides these, the links below may be of interest as well: http://faculty.fordham.edu/siddiqi/Asif_Siddiqi/Popular_Articles.html

List of articles written for a general audience by Asif Siddiqi, a History professor and specialist on the Soviet-Russian space programs; http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2013/06/18/world/europe/20130619-.html?smid=pl- share

Recent New York Times article on the ;

We’ve all seen footage of the launch of the NASA Space Shuttles, but, for those interested in seeing the takeoff of a Russian rocket, the following two links should be of interest: http://youtu.be/6MDupvqYVOY http://youtu.be/Pu54YlzWzIc

Some historical footage of Gagarin and his (plus footage of later of the ) accompanied by cheesy triumphal music: http://youtu.be/8r0EiOouSEo .