The master and margarita pdf

Continue Sometimes it's good to take on a few personal problems. I have never stopped to cross this iconic novel of Russian literature (censored like any good Russian novel), from my research in Russian language to the discovery of several passionate bloggers as I do literature. Be sure to see. But also one of those that impress you too much ... What for? I do not know. Maybe when I heard about it, I was afraid that I wasn't smart enough? Now I know I misunderstood this story. I just knew about that black cat who smokes, drinks and talks. And now I know that this book needs to be re-read. Not immediately, but in a few years. I'm sure I'll learn more with each replay. I will not try to tell a story, I make a presentation that usually is on the back of countless editions of this novel. Available in all languages, in French: Master and Margarita and Bulgakov wins the letter on his behalf. Mysterious gentleman, proclaimed himself a magician, comes to by the name of , he invites himself to the conversation of two men who discuss literature in the park. The youngest is a poet, the second is Berlioz, publisher of a well-known literary magazine and one of the prominent leaders of the Moscow Literary Society. Surprised by this man's impromptu arrival, they do not know that the Russian literary world will be completely destabilized. The Wizard did not come alone: Azazello, Behemoth and Koroviev - his servants. Former head of the heart with special sartorial attributes, a hitman with a fang and a glass eye and a huge black kitten, Hippopotamus, the size of a pig who likes to walk on his hind legs and is very talkative .... The magician gives himself an evening of the show, where he destabilizes not only the entire audience, but the entire Moscow administration. Men die, others disappear, banknotes turn into pieces of cloth, fire burns... The Wizard is none other than the devil. And what is your specific area of activity? Berlioz asked. I specialize in black magic. And his path will cross the path of the Master, a nickname given to his beloved, Marguerite. A man fell into depression after his only historical novel (about the life of Pontius Pilate) was rejected by the Moscow Literary Society. The writer could not withstand not only numerous refusals, but also sharp criticism of the press and numerous visits of special services. Margarita/Margarita agrees to make a pact with the devil to save his lover ... Remember that we are in Tips where everything is controlled. We know everything. So the Wizard has an accent. Therefore, the special services necessarily know who is watching all foreigners and who they are in one place! But no, the wizard and his troops avoid them, sowing zizani and panicking. And what a pleasure! I wouldn't say more, but know that we're never bored, we laugh too, even if work can sometimes confuse you. As one literary critic put it so well: it's funny, it's deep, and it must be read to be believed. It's funny, it's deep, and you have to read it to believe it. Like Russian dolls, the third story unfolds. As someone who had little interest in religion, I loved reading the story of Pontius Pilate, the simple Roman governor of the province who was the one who judged and pronounced the execution of Jesus. If for you writing a novel, tracing this episode of the Gospels, is not exceptional, then it is in Soviet times. Marx said: God does not exist, nor does the Devil. Oh really? Bulgakov once again confronts a man with his contradictions. The Russian author here utters a deep satire of his time, prompting a person to think again about his free will. Written between 1930 and his death in 1940, it provides an in-depth analysis of Russian society. If the Soviets thought they would free themselves from the king's yoke and religion, did they not choose a new form of dictatorship? Censorship is watching, intelligence agencies are everywhere. The author ridicules this bureaucracy, its absurdity (the number of departments in the administration). His plays are forbidden. And this novel was censored until 1973. Religion, politics, philosophy, it's all there. A huge novel that always evokes so much passion. The entire site (available in several languages) is dedicated to this novel, all its characters and all topics. I put it here (French version). This can be helpful to you. It took me a while to get into this story and understand the three actions that are happening there, but once inside, I couldn't release it. He's a literary UFO to me. I am glad that I read it, if I understand its historical significance, but I am a little confused by the worldview of Mikhail Bulgakov. ♥♥♥♥ Alma Books, Hugh Aplin, 2012, 432 pages 20 in 2020challengeclassique, Russian article about the novel. For other purposes, see (disambigation). Master and Margarita First editionAutormMhiail BulgakovOriginal title LiteraturePublishing PressPublication date1966-67 (in serial form), 1967 (in one volume), 1973 (censorship version)Published in English1967Media typePrint (hard and paperback)ISBN0-14-1 OCLC37156277 Master and Margarita is a novel by Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov, written in the between 1928 and 1940 under Stalin's regime. The censorship version was published in a Moscow magazine in 1966-1967, after the writer's death. The manuscript was not published as a book until 1967, in Paris. A version of the samizdat was distributed, which included parts carved by official censors, and they were included in the 1969 version published in Frankfurt. Since then, the novel has been published in several languages and publications. History concerns the visit of the devil to the officially atheistic Soviet Union. Master and Margarita combine supernatural elements with satirical dark comedy and Christian philosophy, challenging categorization within one genre. Many critics consider it one of the best novels of the 20th century, as well as a cutting-edge Soviet satire. The story of Mikhail Bulgakov was a playwright and author. He began writing the novel in 1928, but burned the first manuscript in 1930 (as well as his character The Master), as he could not see the future of the writer in the Soviet Union during large-scale political repressions. He relaunched the novel in 1931. In the early 1920s, Bulgakov attended an editorial meeting of an atheist and propaganda magazine. He is believed to have taken this out to create the Walpurgis Night Ball novel. He completed his second project in 1936, by which time he had developed the main storylines of the final version. He wrote four more versions. When Bulgakov stopped writing four weeks before his death in 1940, the novel had several unfinished sentences and ends. The censored version, about 12 percent of the text was removed and changed, was first published in the magazine Moscow (No. 11, 1966 and No. 1, 1967). The manuscript was smuggled out of the Soviet Union to Paris, where YMCA Press, which was responsible for publishing the banned work of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, published the first edition of the book in 1967. The text, published in the magazine Moscow in 1968, was quickly translated into Estonian, remaining for decades the only printed edition of the novel in the form of a book in the Soviet Union. The original text of all the omitted and modified parts, indicating the sites of the modification, was printed and distributed by hand in the Soviet Union (in a dissident practice known as samizdat). In 1969, the publisher Posev (Frankfurt) printed a version produced with these inserts. In the Soviet Union, the novel was first published as a book in Estonian in 1968 with edited passages. Teh The full version, produced by Anna Sahakianz, was published in Russian language by Art Literature in 1973. This was based on the latest version of Bulgakov's 1940 as a proofreader publisher. This version remained canonical until 1989. The latest version, based on all available manuscripts, was prepared by Lydia Janowska. The Roman plot has two settings. First, it is Moscow in the 1930s, where Satan appears on Patriarch's Ponds as Professor Woland. He is accompanied by Korovyev, a grotesquely dressed valet; Hippopotamus, black cat; Azazello, the killer; and Ella, the vampire woman. They are aimed at the literary elite and Massolit, their trade union, which is headquartered in griboedov's House. Massolit consists of corrupt social climbers and their women, bureaucrats, speculators and cynics. Second place is the Jerusalem of Pontius Pilate: the trial of the Pilates over Joshua Ha-Notri (Jesus of Nazareth), his recognition of intimacy with (and spiritual need) Yeshua, and his reluctant acceptance of the execution of Yeshua. The first part begins with a confrontation between Berlioz (the head of Massolithal) and Woland, who prophesied that Berlioz would die later that evening. Although Berlioz rejects the prophecy as crazy nonsense, he dies, as the professor predicted. His prophecy of death is a witness for Ivan Ponyrev, a young, enthusiastic, modern poet who uses the pseudonym Homeless (homeless). His nom de plume hints at Maxim Gorky (Maxim Gorky), Demjan the Poor (Demjan Poor) and Mikhail The Hungry (Michael Hungry). His futile attempts to capture the gang (Volanda and his entourage) and his warnings about their evil nature of Ivan's land in a crazy hideaway, where he is presented to the Master, an embittered author. Rejection of the novel about Pontius Pilate and Christ forced the Master in despair to burn the manuscript and turn away from Marguerite, his devoted lover. The first part of the novel includes satirical images of Massolit and Griboedov's House; Satan's magical show in the stage theatre, satirical vanity, greed and credulity of the new elite; and Woland and his entourage appropriate Berlioz's apartment after his death. (The apartments - scarce in Moscow - were controlled by the state, and Bulgakov based the apartment of the novel on his own.) In the second part introduces Margarita, the mistress of the Teacher, who refuses to despair of his lover and his work. Azazello gives her a magic ointment of skin and invites her to the Devil's Good Friday Ball at midnight, where Woland gives her a chance to become a witch. Margarita enters the realm of night and learns to fly and control her unleashed passions. Natasha, the maid, accompanies her as they fly over the deep forests and rivers of the Soviet Union. Margarita bathes and returns to Moscow with Azazello as the hostess of Satan's spring ball. On the Azazello side, she welcomes the dark historical as they arrive from hell. Marguerite survives, and Satan offers to satisfy her deepest desire, and she asks another person, she asks to release the woman she met at the ball from eternal punishment. A raped woman killed a child; her punishment was waking up every morning next to a handkerchief she used to strangle him. Satan tells Marguerite that she has freed the woman, and still has a desire to demand from him. She asks the Teacher to be brought to her, and he appears, stunned and thinking that he is still in a mad hideaway. They return to the basement apartment, which was their love nest. Matthew Levy delivers a verdict to Woland: a reunited couple will be sent to the afterlife. Azazello brings them a gift from Woland: a bottle of Pontius Pilate wine (poisoned). The Master and Margarita die; Azazello brings his souls to Satan and his entourage (waiting for them on horseback on the Moscow roof), and they fly away into the unknown when the domes and windows burn on the setting sun, leaving the Earth behind and traveling into the dark outer space. The Master and Margarita will spend eternity together in a shady, pleasant region resembling Dante Aligieri's Limbaugh, in a house under cherry blossom trees. Woland and his entourage, including the Master and Margarita, become pure spirits. The Moscow authorities associate their strange events with hysteria and mass hypnosis. In the final chapter, Woland tells the Master to finish his novel about Pontius Pilate, doomed by cowardice for eternity. The teacher shouts: You are free! He's waiting for you!; Pontius Pilate is freed by walking and talking to Joshua, whose spirit and philosophy he secretly admired. Moscow is now peaceful, although some are very anxious every May of the full moon. Ivan Ponyrev becomes a professor of philosophy, but he no longer writes poetry. Interpretations There are several interpretations of the novel: Responding to aggressive atheistic propaganda Some critics suggest that Bulgakov was responsible to poets and writers who, in his opinion, spread atheistic propaganda in the Soviet Union and denied Jesus Christ as a historical man. He particularly objected to the anti-ligious poems of Demjan Poor. The novel can be seen as a reproach of people who are aggressively free of God. Both in Moscow and in the Jewish sections of the novel there is an excuse for the whole image of the devil. Bulgakov uses characters from Jewish demonology as a response to God's denial in the USSR. (quote necessary) Literary critic, associate professor of the Russian State Institute of Dramatic Art Nadezhda Gogozhkova notes that the image of Jesus as a harmless lunatic, presented in Master and Margarita, has its source in the literature of the USSR of the 1920s, which, following the tradition of the demythology of Jesus in the works of the works of the Renan, Nietzsche and Binet-Sangle put forward two main themes - mental illness and deception. The mythological version, namely the denial of the existence of Jesus, prevailed only in Soviet propaganda at the turn of the 1920s and 1930s. Both Satan and Jesus Christ live mostly within people. Jesus could not see Judas's betrayal, despite Pilate's allusions, because he saw only good in people. He couldn't defend himself because he didn't know how or anyone. This interpretation suggests that Bulgakov had his own vision of Tolstoy's idea of resisting evil through nonviolence, creating this image of Yeshua. The Masonic Interpretation of Academics noted that Bulgakov's novel is replete with symbols derived from Freemasonry. It shows Masonic rituals that, according to this theory, come from the mysterious plays of Ancient Egypt and Ancient . Such writers suggest that Bulgakov knew Freemasonry. Bulgakov may have received this knowledge from his father, Afanas Ivanovich Bulgakov, who once wrote an article on Modern Freemasonry and His Attitude to the Church and the State in Acts of the Kiev Theological Academy in 1903. On April 24, 1935, Bulgakov was among the invited guests attending the Spring Festival at Spaso House, the residence of the U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union organized by Ambassador William Bullitt. Critics believe that Bulgakov drew from this extravagant event for his novel. At the height of the Great Depression and Stalin's repressions, Bullitt commissioned his staff to create an event that would surpass all other parties of the embassy in the history of Moscow. The decorations included a forest of ten young birch trees in the chandelier room; dining table covered with Finnish tulips; a lawn made of chicory grown on a wet felt; an aviary with a fish net, filled with pheasants, parrots and hundreds of zebra finches, on loan at the Moscow zoo; and a menagerie, including several mountain goats, a dozen white roosters and a bear. Despite the fact that was not present, 400 elite guests at the festival included Foreign Minister Maxim Litvinov, Defense Minister Kliment Voroshilov, Communist Party heavyweights Nikolai Bukharin, Lazar Kaganovich and Karl Radek, Soviet Union Marshals Alexander Egorov, Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Semyon Budynsky and other high-ranking guests. The festival lasted until the early hours of the morning. The bear drank the champagne given to him by Carl Radek. In the early morning, zebra finches escaped from the enclosure and sat under the ceilings around the house. In his novel Bulgakov showed the Spring Ball of the full moon, considered one of the most Episodes. On October 29, 2010, seventy-five years after the original ball, John Airl, the U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation, held the Enchanted Ball at Spaso House, recreating the spirit of the original ball in honor of Ambassador Bullit and Bulgakov. The main characters of the modern Russian Master Author who wrote a novel about the meeting of Pontius Pilate and Joshua Ha-Nosa (Jesus of Nazareth), who was rejected by the Soviet literary bureaucracy, destroying his career. He was detained for questioning for three months by the secret police because of a false report of an unscrupulous neighbor. Later, he is in a psychiatric clinic, where he meets with the Homeless. Little else is given about this character's past, other than his belief that his life began to make sense when he met Marguerite. Marguerite The Master's Lover. Trapped in the indestruzation, she dedicated herself to the Master, whom she considers dead. She appears briefly in the first half of the novel, but is not mentioned by name until the second half, when she serves as the hostess of Satan's Big Ball on Walpurgis Night. Her character is believed to have been inspired by Bulgakov's last wife, whom he called my Margarita. He may also have been influenced by Faust's Gretchen, whose full name is Marguerite, as well as the queen Marguerite de Valua. The latter is the main character of Giacomo Meyerber's opera Les Huguenots, which Bulgakov particularly enjoyed, and Alexandre Dumas' novel La Rhine Margot. In these accounts, the queen is portrayed as bold and passionate. Mikhail Berlioz Head of the literary bureaucracy massalit. He bears the surname of the French composer Hector Berlioz, who wrote the opera The Curse of Faust. Berlioz insists that the Gospel of Jesus was a mythical figure without a historical basis. Woland predicts that he will be beheaded by a young Soviet woman who burns when the tram slams him. Ivan Ponyrov (Homeless) Young, aspiring poet. His alias Homeless means homeless. Originally the finished instrument of the MASSOLIT apparatus, it is transformed by the events of the novel. He witnesses Berlioz's death and almost goes crazy, but later meets the Masters in the shelter. There he decides to stop writing poetry. Stefan Bogdanovich Likhodeev is the director of the Variety Theatre and Berlioz's neighbor, who is often called the diminutive name of Stiope. His surname comes from the Russian word wrong. For his wicked deeds (he condemned at least five innocent people as spies so that he and Berlioz could take over their suite), he magically teleported to Yalta, thereby freeing up a stolen apartment for Woland and his entourage. Grigory Danilovich Roman Treasurer of the Variety Theatre. On On the night of Voland's performance, Roman was ambushed by Varenha (who was turned by The Volanda Gang into a Vampire) and Hella. He barely avoids the meeting and runs to the station to get out of the city. Ivan Savelevich Varenucha House-manager of the Variety Theatre, whose surname refers to the traditional alcoholic fruit-punch, resembling mulled wine. He has become a creature of darkness, but says goodbye to the end of The Night of Valpurgiev, restoring his humanity. Young maid Natasha (Natalia Prokofievna) Margarita later turned into a witch. Nikanor Bosoy Chairman of the House Committee on Garden Street, 302A (former residence of Berlioz). For his greed and deception, he deceived Koroviev, and then arrested. Woland and his entourage Woland Woland (also spelled Woland) - Satan in the mask of a foreign professor, who in Moscow presents a play of black magic, and then exposes its shenanigans. Instead, Woland exposes the greed and bourgeois behavior of the audience. Woland is also mentioned in Faust when Mephistopheles announces to the witches to beware, because Squire Woland is here. Hippopotamus Huge demonic black cat (said as big as a pig) who says walks on two legs, and can turn into a human form for short periods. He has a penchant for chess, vodka, pistols and disgusting sarcasm. He is obviously the least respected member of Voland's team - Marguerite bravely takes a slap in the head after one of his many unsayable jokes without fear of reaction. In recent chapters, it seems that The Hippopotamus is a pageboy demon, the best clown in the world, who paid his debt by serving Satan on his Moscow way. His name refers to both the biblical monster and the Russian word hippopotamus. Korovyev is also known as Fagotto (in Russian and other languages he has a bassoon value), he is called an ex-choirmaster, which perhaps means that he was once a member of the angel choir. He is Woland's assistant and translator, and is able to create any illusion. Unlike Behemoth and Azazello, he has never used violence. Like the Hippopotamus, its true form is revealed at the end: the never-smiling Dark Knight. Azazello Azazello is a formidable, fang and wall member of Woland's entourage, messenger and assassin. His name may be a reference to Azazel, a fallen angel who taught men how to make guns and jewelry, and taught women the sinful art of painting their faces (mentioned in Enoch's apocryphal book 8:1-3). He gives Margarita magic cream. Eventually it turns into its real form: a pale-faced demon with black empty eyes. Hella Ella is a beautiful red succubus. She serves as Woland's maid and his entourage. It is described as perfect, if not scar on her neck, suggesting that she is also a vampire. Characters from the novel by the Teacher Pontius Pilate Roman prosecutor of Judea (governor of a small province). Historic Pontius Pilate was the prefect of Judea, not the prosecutor. This fact was widely known only after Bulgakov's death. Yeshua Ha-Notsri Jesus of Nazareth (Seman), a wanderer or a mad philosopher, as Pilate calls him. His name in Hebrew is said to mean either Jesus, who belongs to the Nazarene sect or Jesus, who is from a place called Nazareth, although some commentators dispute the latter interpretation. In the Master's version, Yeshua describes himself as an orphan, calls everyone (even the tormentor) a kind man, denies that he works miracles, and has one full-time Apostle rather than twelve, among other wastes of the Gospels and the basic Christian tradition. The atheistic mode of the novel still finds this Jesus offensive. Afranius is the head of the Roman secret service in Judea. Niza Afranius's henchman, who seduces Juda to his death. Levi Matthew Levitt, former tax collector, follower of Joshua. Levy is presented as a semi-finished character in the Master's novel, but near the end of Master and Margarita historic Matthew of the Gospel appears in Moscow to convey a message from Yeshua to Woland. Caiaphas Politically savvy high priest of Judea. Kayaf supports the execution of Yeshua to protect the status quo of the ante of religion, and his own status as sanhedrin leader, from the influence of yeshina sermons and followers. He is much more aggressive towards Pilate than most accounts, and seems indifferent to the older status of the other person. Judas Iscariot Spy/informant hired by Kayafas to assist the authorities in the search and arrest of Joshua. Unlike the gospel version, in which Judas is a long time member of the inner circle of the Apostles of Jesus, Judas Bulgakov (Cariot) meets Yeshua for the first time less than 48 hours before his betrayal. He plunged caiaphas, but was later killed on Pilate's orders for his role in Yeshua's death. The themes and images of Roman is devoted to the interaction of good and evil, innocence and guilt, courage and cowardice, exploring issues such as responsibility for the truth, when power will deny it, and freedom of spirit in a nonfree world. Love and sensuality are also the dominant themes in the novel. Margarita's devoted love for the Master leads her to leave her husband, but she emerges victorious. Her spiritual union with the Master is also sexual. The novel is a riot of sensual impressions, but the emptiness of sensual satisfaction without love is emphasized in satirical passages. The rejection of sensuality for the sake of empty respectability is disgraceful in the figure of Nikolai Ivanovich, who becomes pigs with a broom. The interaction of fire, water, destruction and other natural forces provides a constant accompaniment to the events of the novel, like light and darkness, noise and silence, sun and moon, storms and tranquility, and other powerful polarities. There are complex relationships throughout the novel, sometimes polyphophonia, sometimes a counterpoint. The novel is under the deep influence of Goethe's Faust, and its themes of cowardice, trust, intellectual curiosity and redemption are prominent. It can be read on many different levels, as a cheerful slap, a deep philosophical allegory and biting socio-political satire, criticizing not only the Soviet system, but also the superficiality and vanity of modern life in general. is presented with dual charm and disgust. But the novel is full of modern elements such as model shelters, radio, street and shopping lights, cars, trucks, trams and air travel. There is little obvious nostalgia for any good old days - the only figure that mentions Tsarist is Satan. The book Bildungsroman, with Ivan Nikolaevich in the spotlight. It also has strong elements of what at the end of the 20th century was called magical realism. Allusions and references to other works of The Novel is influenced by the legend of Faust, in particular the first part of Goethe's interpretation, the Covenant of the Devil, which dates back to the 4th century; Dr. Faust Christopher Marlowe (where in the last act the hero cannot burn his manuscript or receive forgiveness from a loving God); and the libretto of the opera, the music of which was written by Charles Gunod. Also influenced is Louis Hector Berlioz, who wrote the opera The Curse of Faust. In this opera there are four characters: Faust (tenor), the devil Mephistopheles (baritone), Margarita (mezzosoprano) and Branden (bass). As well as the Fantasia Symphony, where the hero dreams of his own beheading and visiting the Sabbath of witches. Nikolai Gogol is seen as an influence, as in other Bulgakov novels. The dialogue between Pontius Pilate and Joshua Ha-Nosa was strongly influenced by the parable of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's The Great Inquisitor of the Karamazov brothers. The head of Visitors' Luck refers to Tolstoy's Anna Karenina: everything is mixed up in the house. The theme of the Devil exposing society as an apartment building, as it was seen if the entire facade would be removed, has some precedents in El Diablo cojuelo (1641, lame devil or crippled devil) Spaniard Luis Velez de Guevara. (It was adapted to 18th century France by Alain-Rene Lesage in 1707 Le Diable boiteux.) (quote needed) English translations of the novel has been translated several times into English: Mirra Ginsburg's 1967 version for The Grove Press by Michael Glennie in the November 1967 version for Harper Rowe and Harvill Press Diana Burgin and Katherine Tiernan O'Connor in the 1993 version for Ardis Publishing (Richard Pever) and Larissa Volohonsky in 1997 for Michael Karpelson's Penguin Books in 2006 for Lulu Press and Wordsworth. Hugh Aplin's 2008 version for Oneworld Publications (John Dougherty's 2017 version for Russian Tumble) by Sergei Khramtsov-Templer in 2000 (unreleased, catalogued in the Library of Congress) Glennie's early translation works more smoothly than the translation of modern translations; some Russian-speaking readers believe that it is the only one creating the desired effect, although it may take freedom with the text. (quote is necessary) Modern translators pay for their attempt at intimacy, losing the idiotic flow. (quote necessary) Literary writer Kevin Moss believes that Ginsburg and Glennie's early translations were hasty and didn't have much critical depth. As an example, he argues that bulgakov's critical reference to the devil in Berlioz's thoughts is lacking in more idiotic translations (original: Senit...: I have to give up everything and run to Kislovodsk. (Ginsburg) I think it's time to drop everything and go and get some water in Kislovodsk. (Glennie) It's time to give up everything to the devil and go to Kislovodsk. (Burgin and Tiernan O'Connor) It's time to send it all to the devil and go to Kislovodsk. (Pever and Volokhonsky) To hell with everything, it's time to take that Kislovodsk vacation. (Carpelson) It's time to let go of all the devil and go to Kislovodsk. (Aplin) However, these judgments preceded the translations of Pevear and Volokhonsky, Karpelson and Aplin. Carpelson's translation, even when reissued in the UK by Wordsworth, was not anglicanized, and retains North American spellings and idioms. The cultural influence book was listed in Le Monde in the 100th century books. Also, when asked by Tyler Cowan, What's your favorite novel? the technologist Peter Thiel replied, If you want something more intellectual, it's probably Bulgakov's novel Master and Margarita, where the devil appears in Stalin's Russia, and succeeds, and gives everyone what they want, and everything goes awry. It's hard because no one believes he's real. During the soviet union's atheism in the Soviet Union, many could not read the Gospels and imagined Jesus as Yeshua from Bulgakov's novel. Manuscripts do not burn Memorable and much cited line in Master and Margarita The manuscripts don't burn. Master is a writer who suffers from both his own mental problems and the harsh political criticism faced by most Soviet writers in the 1930s in Moscow in the Stalinist Soviet Union. He burns his treasured manuscript, trying to cleanse his mind of the troubles that the work has brought him. When they finally meet, Woland asks to see the Master's novel; The teacher apologizes for not being able to do this because he burned it. Woland told him: You couldn't do. The manuscripts don't burn. This passage reflects a deeply autobiographical element. Bulgakov burned an early copy of Master and Margarita for the same reasons as in the novel. This may also refer to Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faust, where the hero, deviating from previous stories about the Devil's Pact, is unable to burn his books or repent before a merciful God. Bulgakov Museums in Moscow, two museums honor the memory of Mikhail Bulgakov and the Master and Margarita. Both are located in Bulgakov's former apartment building on Great Garden Street, house Number 10. From the late 1980s and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the building became a gathering place for Bulgakov's admirers as well as Moscow's satanist groups. Over the years, they have filled the walls with graffiti. The best drawings are usually stored as the walls were repainted, so that several layers of different colored colors could be seen around them. In 2003, all the numerous paintings, jokes and drawings were completely whitewashed. Rivals are two museums: the official museum of M.A. Bulgakov, although the second one was created, identifies itself as the first and only Mikhail Bulgakov Memorial Museum in Moscow. The main article of Bulgakov House: Bulgakov House (Moscow) Bulgakov House (Samosk. - O) is located on the ground floor of the building. This museum was established as a private initiative on May 15, 2004. It contains personal belongings, photographs and several exhibitions related to Bulgakov's life and various works. Various poetry and literary events are often held. The museum organizes tours of Bulgakov Moscow, some of which have reistors playing the characters of the Master and Margarita. The Bulgakov House also houses the M.A. Bulgakov Theatre and cafe 302-bis. M.A. Bulgakov Museum Main article: Bulgakov Museum in Moscow In apartment number 50 on the fourth floor is the museum of M.A. Bulgakov (S.A. Bulgakov). The facility is a government initiative founded on 26 March 2007. It contains personal belongings, photographs and several exhibitions related to Bulgakov's life and various works. It often hosts various poetry and literary events. Allusions and Links Various authors and Musicians Are Credited to the Master Margarita as inspiration for some works. British singer Mick Jagger was inspired by the novel in the song Sympathy for the Devil. Will Self's foreword to Michael Glennie's vintage edition of the novel suggests the same thing, and Jagger's then girlfriend Marianne Faithfull confirmed this in an interview with Sylvie Simmons of Mojo magazine in 2005. Jagger himself says so in the Stone biodoc Crossfire Hurricane. The grunge band Pearl Jam was influenced by the confrontation between Joshua Ha-Nozri and Pontius Pilate in their song Pilate on their 1998 album Yield. The Canadian band The Tea Party has a song called The Master and Margarita. Surrealist artist H. R. Giger named the 1976 painting in honor of the novel. Danzig showed this picture on the cover of their 1992 album Danzig III: How the Gods Kill. The title song on Patti Smith's album Banga refers to Pontius Pilate and his dog Banga, as depicted in The Master and Margarita. MASTER MARGHERITA is a swiss band. Russian writers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky were strongly influenced by this novel while writing several of their books. Among their works such as Snail on the Slope, Lame Destiny, Overloaded Evil and others. Adaptation of Live Action 1970: Finnish director Seppo Wallin made the film Pilatus for the Teatterituokio series (Theatrical Sessions) from the Finnish Public Broadcasting Company, based on the biblical part of the book. 1971: Polish director Andrzej Wajda made the film for German television, based on the biblical part of the book (The Master's Hand). The main article: Pilate and others 1972: A joint Italian-Yugoslav production of Alexander Petrovich's Masters and Margarita (Italian: Il Maestro e Margherita, Serbo-Croatian: Majstor i Margarita) was released. Based on the book, the master's name is Nikolai Afanasievich Maksudov, while in the original book the Teacher is anonymous. The main article: The Master and Margaret (1972 film) 1989: Director Roman Polanski approached Warner Bros. to adapt and direct Bulgakov's novel. Subsequently, the project was withdrawn by Warner Bros. due to budgetary problems and the belief of the studio that this topic is no longer relevant because of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Polanski described his script as the best he had ever adapted. 1992: In an adaptation titled The Incident in Judea by Paul Briers, only the story of Joshua is told. The film includes a prologue that mentions Bulgakov and other storylines. Starring John Woodwin, Mark Rylance, Lee Montague and Jim Carter. The film was distributed by Brook Productions and Channel 4. The main article: The Incident in Judea 1994: The Russian Adaptation of the Novel was made by Yuri Kara. Although the cast big names and talented actors (Anastasia Vertinskaya as Margarita, Mikhail Ulyanov as Pilate, Nikolai Burlyaev as Joshua, Valentin Gaft as Volanda, Alexander Filippenko as Korovyev-Fagotto) and his score was noted by Russian composer Alfred Schnittke, the film never appeared in any media. The grandson of Bulgakov's third wife, Elena Shilovskaya, claims, as a self-styled heir, the rights to Bulgakov's literary legacy and refuses to be released. However, since 2006, copies of the film have been on DVD. Some excerpts can be viewed on the Master and Margarita website. The film was finally released in theaters in 2011. The main article: Master and Margarita (film 1994) 1996: Russian director Sergei Desnitsky and his wife, actress Vera Desnitskaya, filmed the film Master and Margarita. Frustrated by the reaction of the Russian media, they decided not to release the film for hire. Iranian director Kamal Tabrizi made the film Sometimes Looking at the Sky based on Master and Margarita. 2005: Hungarian director Ibolia Fekete directed a short film called 26 Minutes titled The Place of Margarita. This film with such famous Russian and Hungarian actors as Sergey Grekov, Grigory Lifanov and Regina Myannik was shown by MTV Premier on October 5, 2005. 2008: Italian director Giovanni Brancale directed the film Il Maestro e Margherita, shot in modern Florence. 2013: American producer Scott Steindorf bought the rights to the film Master and Margarita. There were rumors about many names of possible directors and actors. Caroline Thompson (Addams Family, Edward Scissorhands, Black Beauty) was hired to write the screenplay. In 2017, Steindorf announced that he had stopped the project. A little later, the Russian press agency TASS reported that the rights to the film adaptation of the film Master and Margarita were granted to Svetlana Migunova-Dali, co-owner of the Moscow production house Logos Film, and Grace, who is the head of the production company New Crime Productions in Hollywood. 2017: French director Charlotte Valigara starred in the film Matre and Margarita, in which she played the role of Margarita herself. Other characters are interpreted by Michel Baibabayev (Woland), Vadim Essajan (Behemoth), Hatem Tab (Jesus) and Giovanni Marino Luna (master). 2018: Russian director Nikolay Lebedev prepares the film Master and Margarita. He himself wrote the script and will start shooting the film with a budget of 800 million rubles (10.5 million euros) in April 2019. The film is expected to be released in December 2020: in December 2019, Deadline announced that Baz Luhrmann had acquired the rights to the book, and he had produced the film as well as the director. The release date is currently unknown. [1] Ennio Morricone, Alfred Schnittke and Igor Kornelyuk wrote soundtracks for the films Master and Margarita. Animated films of 2002: French animators Clement Sharme and Elisabeth Klimov made an animation of the first and third chapter of Masters and Margarita based on the graphic novel by Francois Desserre. 2010: Israeli director Terenti Oslyabbia directed the animated film Master and Margarita, Chapter 1. His film literally illustrates the novel. 2012: Russian animation director Rinat Timerkayev begins work on the feature-length animated film Master and Margarita. In his blog, Timerkayev told subscribers in 2015 that he would not continue to work on it because of the costs. He has already released a trailer that can be seen on YouTube. 2015: Finnish animated director Katarina Lylqvist begins working on the full-length animated puppet film Mr. A-Marketka, a Finnish-Czech co-production. The 5-minute trailer was shown on June 2, 2015 at the Czech Film Festival. 2017: Russian animation director Alexander Golberg Gero begins work on the feature-length animated film Master and Margarita. Media entrepreneur and co-producer Matthew Hederman, CEO of BondIt Media Capital, is responsible for raising the necessary funds. Many students of art schools found inspiration in Master and Margarita for short animated films. The full list is available on the Master and Margarita website. Television 1988: Polish director Maciej Oytytyshko produced Mistrz i Ma'gorzata, a four-episode television miniseries. 1989: Russian theatre director Aleksandr Dzekun adapted his theatrical play Master and Margarita for television. As suggested by the subtitle, chapters from the novel: the film covers part of the novel; 21 chapter was adapted into a miniseries. 2005: Russian director , known for the film adaptations of Bulgakov's The Dog's Heart and Dostoyevsky's Idiot, made a miniseries Master and Margarita from ten episodes (2005). In the main role Alexander Galibin played the Masters, Anna Kovalchuk as Margarita, as Volanda, Alexander Abdulov as Korovyev-Fagotto, Vladislav Galkin as the Homeless, Kirill Lavrov as Pontius Pilate, Valentin Gaft as Kayafas and Sergey Bezrukov as Yeshua. The radio novel was adapted by Lucy Katherine to the music of Stephen Warbeck for broadcast on BBC Radio 3 on 15 March 2015. Comics and graphic novels Several graphic novels have been adapted from this work, as follows: 1997: Russian comic book author Rodion Tanayev 2002: French comic book author Jean-Francois Desserre 74 2005: Russian comic book authors Askold Akishhin and Misha Saslavsky 2008: London-based comics authors A.J. Klimovsky and Danusia Schejbal. 2013: Austrian/French comic book author Bettina Egger graphic adaptation of the novel called Moscou endiabl, sur les traces de Ma'tre et Marguerite. It interweaves the story of Master and Margarita with elements of Bulgakov's life and her own research and the basics of the novel in Moscow. The poster for the stage adaptation of Masters and Margarita in Perm, Russian Theatre of the Master and Margarita was adapted on stage by more than 500 theater troupes around the world. The full list of all versions and languages is published on the Master and Margarita website. 1971: From 1971 to 1977, all theatrical adaptations of Master and Margarita were Polish. They were forbidden to use the title of Master and Margarita. The headlines included Black Magic and its exposition (Krakov, 1971), Black Magic (Katowice, 1973), Have you seen Pontius Pilate? (Wroclaw, 1974) and patients (Wroclaw, 1976). 1977: At the Moscow Theatre on Taganka, an adaptation to the Russian stage was produced by the director-director 1978: the stage adaptation was directed by the American director of Romanian origin Andrei zerban at the New York Public Theatre with John Shea in the title role. This seems to be a version revived in 1993 (see below). Citation Necessary 1980: a production (Maestrul zi Margareta) directed by Romanian director Katelina Buzoianu at the Small Theatre (Teatrul Mic) in Bucharest, Romania. Starring: Stefan Iordache as: Master / Joshua Ha-Notsri, Valeria Seciou starring Margareta, Dan Condurach as Woland, Michy Popescu as Koroviev, Georgi Wisou in Ivan the Homeless / Matthew Levy, Sorin Medeleni as Behemoth. 1982: Production (Myastaren Oh Margarita) directed by Swedish director Peter Lackhouse at the National Theatre of Sweden Dramaten in Stockholm, Sweden - Starring: Rolf Skoglund as master, Margareta Bistrom as Margareta, Jan Blomberg as Woland, Ernst-Hugo Jaregaard as Berlioz/Stravinsky/Pontius Pilate, Stellan Skarsgard as Koroviev and Erian Ramberg as Ivan/Levi Mattei. 1983: Production by Saathan Saapou Moskovaan under the direction of Laura Yantti for KOM-teatteri in Helsinki, . 1991: UK premiere adaptation at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. 3rd year of professional diploma course. Directed by Helena Kaut-Howson. Starring: Katherine Kellgren, James Harper, Paul Cameron, zen Gezner, Kirsten Clarke, Polly Hayes, Abigail Hercules, Clive Darby, Daniel Philpot 1992: Adaptation in Lyric Hammersmith in June by the four Corners theatre troupe. It was based on a translation by Michael Denny, adapted and directed for the stage by David Graham-Young (Modern Scene). The production was moved to the Almeida Theatre in July 1992. 1993: The Theatre for the New Town produced an adaptation to the Revival Scene in New York, originally commissioned by Joseph Papp and the Public Theater. The screen adaptation was created by Jean-Claude van Italli. This is Directed by David Viwiller and featured a cast of 13, including Jonathan Teague Cook as Woland, Eric Rasmussen as Matthew Levy, Cesar Rodriguez as Joshua Ha Nozri, Eran Bochem as The Master and Lisa Moore as Marguerite. This version was published by Dramatists Play Service, Inc. The French version, using part of van Italli's text, was performed at the Mercure Theatre in Paris under the direction of Andrei Serban. Citation Necessary 1994: a production at the Montreal Centauri Theatre, adapted and directed by Russian-Canadian director Alexander Marin. 2000: The Israeli theatre company Gesher (Gesher) premiered the musical haSatan baMoskva, based on the translation of the novel into Hebrew in 1999. The production included the lyrics of a song by Ehud Manor and a 23-piece orchestra. The film was directed by Eugene Arie, and starred Haim Topol, Eugene Hamburg and Israel's Sasha Demidov (as noted in the company's history). The 2002 Vienna Festival in Austria premiered a German-language stage adaptation of the novel Der Maister and Margarita, directed by Frank Castorf. 2004: The film adaptation of the novel by Edward Kemp and director Stephen Pimlott was staged in July 2004 at the Chichester Festival Theatre, United Kingdom. The cast included Samuel West as The Master and Michael Goshel as Woland. The production included random music by Jason Carr. 2004: The National Youth Theatre released a new stage adaptation of David Rudkin's Lyric Hammersmith London, directed by John Hoggart. It showed a cast of 35 and ran from August 23 to September 11. In 2005, Rudkin's adaptation was staged with a 13-person cast at Aberystwyth University's Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies at Theatr y Castell, directed by David Ian Raby. In October 2006 she was staged by Grinnell College, directed by Benjamin Smekhov. In 2006, Georgian director Avtandil Varsimashvili staged a 5-hour adaptation. In 2007 in Helsinki, Finland, the group theatre of Ryhmateatter staged a production called Saatana saapuu Moskovaan (Satan comes to Moscow) under the direction of Finnish director Esa Leskinen. Eleven actors played 26 separate roles in a three-hour production during the season 25 September 2007 - 1.3.2008. In 2007, Alim Kuliyev in Hollywood began rehearsals on stage with his own film adaptation of Mikhail Bulgakov's novel Master and Margarita in Hollywood. The premiere was scheduled for October 14, 2007, but was postponed. Some excerpts and information can be found on the Master and Margarita website. In 2008, the Swedish production of Myastaren oh Margarita under the direction of Leif Stinnerbob was performed in the Stockholm stadsteater with Philippe Sandan (Master), Frida Westerdal (Margarita), Jacob (Woland) and Ingvar Hirdwall (Pilate). In 2010, a new, original stage translation, Max Hoehn and Raymond Blankenhorn, was used by the Oxford University Drama Society Summer Tour, performing at Oxford, Battersea Arts Centre in London, and at C Venues at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. In 2011, a new adaptation, directed by Simon McBurney, premiered at the Royal Plymouth Theatre. He has toured in Luxembourg, London, Madrid, Vienna, Recklinghausen, Amsterdam. In July 2012, he attended the Festival d'Avignon and the Greek Festival in Barcelona. In October 2013, a new adaptation of Max Rubin premiered at the Unity Theatre in Liverpool. December 2015, Macedonian National Theatre (Skopje, Northern Macedonia). Director: Ivan Popovsky In August 2016, The Sleepless Theatre Company performed a revised adaptation of the book at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival at St Cuthbert's Church. In 2018, Ljubljana premiered a special production consisting of two separate parts (also directed by two separate artists): an interactive theatrical journey through the theatre building, including the visual arts entitled The Devil's Triptych, and a separate theatrical gospel named Margareta (Margarita), both taking place simultaneously inside and in front of the theater (thus, theatrical musicians must visit on several occasions). This adaptation premiered in June 2018 for positive reviews. In 2003, the Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre (Russia) presented Master and Margarita, a new full-length ballet to the music of Gustav Mahler, Dmitri Shostakovich, Hector Berlioz, Astor Piazzolla and other composers. Choreography and production by David Avdysh, set design by Simon Shepherd (USA) and costume design by Galina Solovyova (USA). In 2007, the Kiev National Opera hosted the premiere of David Avdysh's ballet Master and Margarita in two acts. 2010: The Synthetic Theatre of Arlington, VA, presented a dance/performance adaptation of The Masters and Margaritas directed by Paata Tsikirishvili and choreography by Irina Tsikurishvili. The show was attended by 16 people, including Paata Tsikirishvili as a master and Irina Tsikurishvili as Margarita. He worked for one month at the Lansburg Theatre. Music Hundreds of composers, bands, singers and songwriters were inspired by The Master and Margarita in their work. About 250 songs or musical works were counted about it. More than 35 rock bands and artists, including The Rolling Stones, Patti Smith, Franz Ferdinand and Pearl Jam, were inspired by the novel. Pop music in pop music, more than 15 popular bands and artists, including Igor Nikolaev, Valery Leontiev, Zuza Konch, Larissa Valley and Linda, were inspired by the novel. Valery Leontiev's song Margarita became the basis of the first Russian music video produced in 1989. Russian Bards Many Bards, including Alexander Rosenbaum, were inspired by the novel to write songs about it. They are based on more than 200 songs on themes and characters from Master and Margarita. Classical music By a dozen classical composers, Including Dmitry Smirnov and Andrei Petrov, were inspired by the novel to write symphonies and musical fantasies about it. 2011: Australian composer and domr (Russian mandolin) Stephen Lalor presented his Master and Margarita Suit instrumental works at a concert at the Bulgakov Museum in Moscow in July 2011, performed on Russian instruments domra, bassala. Opera and music theater More than 15 composers, including York Huller, Alexander Gradsky and Sergei Slonimsky, made operas and musicals on the theme of The Master and Margarita. 1972: The three-act chamber opera Master and Margarita by Russian composer Sergei Slonimsky was completed, but is not allowed to be performed or published. It premiered in Moscow on May 20, 1989, and the score was released in 1991. The abbreviated Western premiere of this work was carried out in Hanover, Germany, in June 2000. 1977: A musical adaptation (titled The Ball of Satan), written by Richard Crane and directed by his wife Faina Williams, was presented at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival by the University of Bradford at the Bedlam Theatre. He received the Fringe First award and received great reviews. The German composer's opera Der Meister and Margarita premiered in 1989 at the Paris Opera and was released on CD in 2000. On August 25, 2006, Andrew Lloyd Webber announced his intention to adapt the novel as a musical or opera. In 2007, Stage reported that he had given up the job. In late 2009, Russian singer-songwriter Alexander Gradsky released a 4-CD operatic adaptation of the novel. Starring Gradsky as The Master, Woland, Joshua and Hippopotamus; Nikolai Fomenko as Koroviev, Mikhail Seryshev (former master) - Ivan; Elena Minina as Margarita; and many famous Russian singers and actors of episodic roles, including (but not limited to) Joseph Kobzon, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, Andrei Makarevich, Alexander Rosenbaum, Arkady Arkanov, Gennady Khazanov and the late Georgiy Millar (were used footage from one of his films). The other five alternative composers and performers, including Simon Nabatov, were inspired by the novel to present various adaptations. In 2009, Portuguese new media artists Video Jack premiered an audiovisual art performance inspired by a novel at Kiasma, Helsinki, as part of the PixelAche Festival. Since then, it has been shown at festivals in different countries, receiving an honorary mention award at the Future Places Festival, Porto. The project was released as a clean version of the art in the same year. See also the books Literary portal of the Soviet Union portal Azazel in popular culture Big Read (Bulgaria) Big Read (Hungarian) Christian literature Devil in popular culture Fantastic Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century List of works published posthumously Magical Realism Surrealism Great Read Urban Fantasy Wayland Smith works based on Faust Notes - MASSOLIT can be a Soviet-style abbreviation for the Moscow Writers Association According to one translation, it could be a play in words in Russian language, translated into English as Lotsalit). Inquiries - Solars, Michael (2008). Facts about the Companion file to the world of Roman: 1900 to the present. New York: Infobase Publishing. page 508. ASIN 0816062331.CS1 maint: ASIN uses ISBN (link) - Melville-Logan, Peter, ed. Encyclopedia of the novel. New Jersey, USA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. page 822. ISBN 978-1118723890. Cornwell, Neil; Christian, Nicole (1998). Reference guide to Russian literature. Taylor and Frances. ISBN 978-1-884964-10-7. Spaso House: 75 years of history. U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Moss, Kevin. Master: Russian editions. Archive from the original on January 20, 2007. Received on January 23, 2007. Bulgakov, Mikhail, Russian art and books, ... - Mikhail Bulgakov, Meister I Margarita. Tallinn: Kiryasta Eesti Raamat, 1968, 2009 What was Berlioz dissatisfied with? About the novel by M. A. Bulgakov the Master and Margarita and the problem of Christ. Surabishvili (in Russian language) (7). ISSN 0130-741X. Received on May 17, 2019. Bulgakov, Dick, RU: Academic. Bulgakov, Athanasius Ivanovic (1903). Modern Freemasonry and its attitude to the Church and the state. Acts of the Kiev Theological Academy. 423-448. Spaso House. U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Russia. Received on April 1, 2019. Cleeley, Susan (2008). Spaso House, 75 years old: A short story. Global Publishing Solutions, Swindon. 18-20. Vitaly Mendeleev (October 29, 2010). Enchanted Ball of Ambassador Airl (Google You tube) (video). Spaso House, Moscow: U.S. Embassy. Moss, Kevin. Yeshua Ha-Nosa. Middlebury College. Vanhelmont, Jan. Themes, style and form. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Faust's theme. EU: Master and Margarita. Chris Hedges, Welcome to Satan's Ball, Truthdig, March 10, 2014; Comparison of Soviet society described in Master and Margarita and modern society in the United States and Russia. Amert, Susan (2002). Closing Dialectics (PDF). EU: Master and Margarita. Received on March 23, 2009. To quote the magazine requires magazine (help) Bulgakov, Mikhail (1967), Master Margarita, Ginsburg, Mirra Transl, New York: Grove No. ——— (1992) Marguerite, Glennie, Michael Transl; Franklin, Simon Itre, New York; London: Knopf; The ——— Library (1996) (1993, 1995, Ardis), Master Margarita, Burgin, Diana and O'Connor, Katherine Tiernan Transl; Proffer, Ellendea and Arbor, Ann, Annotations and Afterwords, New York: Vintage No ——— (1997), Master and Margarita, Pever, Richar and Volokhonsky, Larissa Transl, London: Penguin No ——— (2006), Master Margarita, Karpelson, Michael Transl, Lulu, ISBN 978-1-4116-8305-1; reissued 2011 Wordsworth Editions, Ware, Hertfordshire, ISBN 978-1-84022-657-7. Self-published source - ——— (2008), Master and Margarita, Aplin, Hugh Trans, One World Classics, ISBN 978-1-84749-014-8 No ——— (2017), Master and Margarita, Dougherty, John Trans, Russian Tumble, ISBN 978-0-99905-531-1 - Moss, Kevin. Published translations into English. Archive from the original on October 24, 2006. Received on October 25, 2006. Mikhail Bulgakov, Master and Margarita. Issues: 2003, page 10 - Weeks, Laura D (1996). Master and Margarita: Critical Companion. Press of Northwestern University. page 244. ISBN 0-8101-1212-4. Cowan, Tyler. Peter Thiel on stagnation, innovation and what not to call your company (Ep. 1 - Live on Mason). Talking to Tyler. Received on July 16, 2020. Stephen, Chris (February 5, 2005), Devil-fans target the Moscow apartment of a famous writer, The Irish Times, page 9. Galtseva, Elina. About. Ru: M.A. Bulgakov Museum. Cruickshank, Douglas (January 14, 2002), Master piece: Sympathy for the Devil, Salon, archive of the original December 2, 2006. Vanhelmont, Jan. The Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil. EU: Master and Margarita. Garbarini, Vic (March 1998), All for One: Pearl Jam Yield to the notion that United they stand and are separated they fall, Guitar World. Vanhelmont, Jan. Pearl Jam - Banga. EU: Master and Margarita. - Giger, HR. Album cover. Music. Vanhelmont, Jan. Patti Smith - Banga. EU: Master and Margarita. Pattern: Url and Vanhelmont, Jan Pilatus - Seppo Wallin. EU: Master and Margarita. Pilatus and Ander - Ein Film Fuhr Karfreitag on IMDb and Vanhellemont, January Andrzej Wajda and Pilatus und Andere - Ein Film Fuhr Karfreitag. EU: Master and Margarita. - Il maestro e Margherita (1972) on IMDb and Vanhellemont, Jan. Aleksandar Petrovic - Il Maestro e Margherita. EU: Master and Margarita. IMDb The incident in Judea (1991) on IMDb and Vanhellemont, Jan. Paul Briers - Incident in Judea. EU: Master and Margarita. Master I Margarita (1994) on IMDb Wester and Margarita (2005) on IMDb and Vanhellemont, January Ibolya Fekete - Mesor Margarita. EU: Master and - .ﯾﮏ اﻗﺘﺒﺎس ادﺑﯽ ﺑﺎﻟﻘﻮه ﺟﺬاب. ﺧﺒﺮﮔﺰاری ﻣﻬﺮ ^ .Jan. Yuri Kara - Master and Margarita. Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan Sergey Desnitsky - Master and Margarita. EU: Master and Margarita Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Giovanni Brancale - Il Maestro e Margherita. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Stone Village Productions - Master and Margarita. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Le Maitre and Margarita - Charlotte Valigara. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. New film plans ... Once again. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Master and Margarita on soundtracks. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Gian-Francois Desserre - Le Maitre and Margarita. EU: Master and Margarita. Master I Margarita (2012) at IMDb and Vanhellemont, Jan Terentiy Oslyabya - Master I Margarita. EU: Master and Margarita. Timerkaev, Rinat. (in Russian language). Live Journal. - Vanhelmont, Jan Rinat Timerkayev - Master and Margarita. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Mistry Marketa - Katarina Lillqvist. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Master and Margarita - Alexander Golberg Jero. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Master and Margarita in animated films. EU: Master and Margarita. - Mistrz i Malgorzata (1990) on IMDb and Vanhellemont, Jan. Maciej Ouitszko - Mitz and Malgorzata. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Alexander Dzekun - Master and Margarita. EU: Master and Margarita. Master I Margarita (2005) at IMDb and Vanhellemont, Jan Vladimir Bortko - Master I Margarita. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Rodion Tanayev - Master and Margarita. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Gian-Francois Desserre - Le Maitre and Margarita. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Askold Akishin and Mischa Saslavsky - Le Maitre and Margarita. EU: Master and Margarita. Tinkerji, Neil (May 9, 2008). Master and Margarita: a graphic novel by Mikhail Bulakov. Times Online. London. Received on April 15, 2009. Vanhelmont, Jan. Bettina Egger - Moscow Endibla, sur- le-traces de Maitre and Margarita (Bettina Egger - Moscow possessed, on the steps of the Master and Margarita). EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Theatrical adaptations of the master and Margarita. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Master and Margarita website - Performance EU: Master and Margarita. Banham, Martin, Ed. (1988), Cambridge World Theatre Guide, CUP. Titrul microphone (Little Theatre) (in Romanian), RO. Who's who. Romania is on the line. September 18, 2011. Toduran, Alex. He's a fan of Iordache. RO: Dappy. Archive from the original on September 19, 2008. Valeria Sesiou. RO: Tickratul's microphone. Archive from the original on January 13, 2013. Dan Kondurakha. RO: Tickratul's microphone. Archive from the original on September 12, 2012. Michy Popescu. RO: Tickratul's microphone. Archive from the original on April 3, 2010. Gheorghe Visu. RO: Tickratul's microphone. Archive from the original on September 12, 2012. Sorin Medellini. RO: Tickratul's microphone. Archive from the original on September 12, 2012. Rollboken. SE: Dramatic. Index, Theatrical Record, 1992. Michael Handelsalz (September 29, 2004). Crossing the bridge. HaAretz newspaper. Satan in Moscow (2000). (Hebrew). Der Meister und Margarita (in German). DE: Heute Theatre. August-September 2002. Archive from the original on April 2, 2004. Minogue, Kenneth (August 23, 2004). Master Bulgakov and Margarita at the Chichester Festival. United Kingdom: Social Affairs Group. Received on July 17, 2010. Index, Theatrical Record, 2004. Kuliyev, Alim. Master and Margarita. United States: Copyright Office. Received on October 10, 2009. Kuliyev, Alim. Project Master and Margarita. Received on October 10, 2009. Mustrenoh Margarita av Mikhail Bulgakov (in Swedish). Stockholm City Theatre. Received on July 17, 2010. OUDS do Bulgakov. Oxford University Drama Society. Archive from the original august 6, 2010. Master and Margarita. Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Archive from the original on August 29, 2016. Received on July 10, 2016. - - Vanhelmont, Jan .14, 1952). Master and Margarita - Music - David Avdysh. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Master and Margarita in music. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Master and Margarita in rock 'n' roll. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Master and Margarita in pop music. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. The master and Margarita saw the bards. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Master and Margarita in classical music. EU: Master and Margarita. Stephen Lalor. Ru: M.A. Bulgakov Museum. Vanhelmont, Jan. Master and Margarita in operas and musicals. EU: Master and Margarita. Vanhelmont, Jan. Sergey Slonimsky - Master and Margarita. EU: Master and Margarita. Crane, Richard, Play wrights, Dolly. Wells, Dave. Satan's Ball. The owner of the board. Archive from the original on November 2, 2013. Huller, York / Der und Margarita (1984-89, rev. 2008) (in German). Boozy and Hawkes. 2008. Received on 25 August 2017. Lloyd Webber, Andrew (August 25, 2006). Revealed: My next project!. Archive from the original on September 27, 2007. Received on January 23, 2007. Gradsky, Alexander. Master and Margarita: opera in two acts and four scenes. Master and Margarita. Jack's video studio. Received on March 24, 2010. Haber's bibliography, Edita C (October 1975), Bulgakov's Mythical Master Structure, Russian Review: 382-409. Hart, Pierre S (Summer 1973), Master and Margarita as a creative process, Contemporary Fiction Research: 169-78. Lukacs, G (1973), Research in European Realism, Merlin. ——— (1974), The Meaning of Modern Realism, Merlin. Moss, Kevin (1984), Master Bulgakov and Margarita: Masking the Supernatural and The Secret Police, Russian Language Magazine, 38 (129-30): 115-31. Raidel-Shreve, Ursula (April 1995), Key and Tripod in Master and Margarita Mikhail Bulgakov, Neophilologist, 79 (2): 273-82, doi:10.1007/bf00999783. Townsend, Dorian Alexandra, from Upyr' to Vampire: The Myth of the Slavic Vampire in Russian Literature, PhD, School of German and Russian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, May 2011. Fog, Vladimir (1989), Diabolus ex Machina - Bulgakov Modernist Devil (PDF), Scando-Slavica, 35, page 49-61, doi:10.1080/0080676890860949. Vanhellemont, Jan (January 2020), Master and Margarita - Annotations in chapter, Leven: Vanhellemont, ISBN 978-9-081853-32-3. External commons links have media related to The Master and Margarita. Wikiversity has educational resources about The Master and Margarita Master and Margarita (amateur site) (in Dutch, English, French and Russian languages), an EU website dedicated exclusively to Masters Bulgakov and Margarita Master and Margarita (full text), RU: Lib, archive from the original June 6, 2011. Master and Margarita (in Russian and English), get parallel translations. Master and Margarita (excerpts), DE: Chkebelski in three languages. A large collection of illustrations to the Master and Margarita (in Russian language), RU. Sonne, Paul (December 19, 2005), Russians await the debut of the cult novel with impatience and skepticism, The New York Times, received on October 31, 2013. Chris Hedges, Welcome to Satan's Ball, Truthdig, 2014.03.10. Comparison of Soviet society described in Master and Margarita and modern society in the United States and Russia. Bulgakov Museum (in Russian language), Moscow, Odd Apartment. Diary (in Russian language), Moscow: Bulgakov Museum, archive from the original january 24, 2009. Bulgakov and the Master and Margarita, Middlebury: A useful introduction with a great illustrative material Master and Margarita on IMDb Ambassador John Beyrle in 2010 recreating the 1935 Spring Ball at Spaso House, which was attended by which inspired the ball in Master and Margarita (You Tube) (video). God, Evil and Savior: Hermeneutics and character reconstruction in Bulgakov's Master and Margarita (PDF), HU: Spiral Veronica. 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