Selected Bibliography 155

Kuehl, John, and . "An Interview with William Gaddis." Review of ContemporaryFiction 2, no. 2 (Summer 1982):4-6. LeClair, Thomas. "Missing Writers." Horizon, October 1981,48-52. Selected Bibliography Logan, Marie-Rose, and Tomasz Mirkowicz. '''Kto do utworu przychodzi z PRIMARY SOURCES niczym . . . ': Z Williamem Gaddisem rozmawiaj,( ("If You Bring Nothing to a Work. . . ": An Interview with William Gaddis). Litera- Books tura na Swiecie 1/150 (1984): 178-89. In Polish.

Carpenter'sGothic. : Viking, 1985; paperback edition with correc- tions, New York: Penguin, 1986. JR. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1975; paperback edition with corrections, SECONDARY SOURCES New York: Penguin, 1985. .New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1955; paperback edition with Books and Symposia corrections, New York: Penguin, 1985. Kuehl, John, and Steven Moore, eds. In Recognitionof William Gaddis.Syra- Magazine Contributions cuse: Syracuse University Press, 1984. Contains a biographical introduc- tion, thirteen essays (six previously unpublished), and the most extensive "An Instinct for the Dangerous Wife" (review of MoreDie of Hearbreakby Saul bibliography to date. Bellow). New York TimesBook Review, 24 May 1987, I, 16. Moore, Steven. A Reader'sGuide to William Gaddis's "The Recognitions."Lin- "In the Zone." New York Times, 13 March 1978, 21. coln: University of Nebraska Press, 1982. An introduction and set of "J. R. or the Boy Inside." Dutton Review 1 (1970):5-68. annotations to the first novel. "Les Chemin des Anes." New World Writing I (April 1952):210-22. Reviewof ContemporaryFiction. William Gaddis / Nicholas Mosley Number. 2, "Nobody Grew but the Business," Harper's,June 1975, 47-54, 59-66. no. 2 (Summer 1982). Contains the Kuehl/Moore interview, seven essays, "The Rush for Second Place." Harper's, April 1981, 31-39. and a bibliography. "'Stop Player. Joke No.4,''' Atlantic Monthly, July 1951, 92-93. "Szyrk v. Village of Tatamount et al." New Yorker, 12 October 1987,44-50. Parts of Booksand Articles "Trickle-Up Economics: J R Goes to Washington." New York TimesBook Re- view, 25 October 1987, 29. This list does not include separate essays published in the two symposia above, both of which contain fuller bibliographies than the selective list that follows. "Untitled Fragment from Another Damned, Thick, Square Book." Antaus 13/ 14 (Spring/Summer 1974):98-105. Auchincloss, Louis. "Recognizing Gaddis." New York TimesMagazine, 15 No- Interviews vember 1987, 36, 38,41,54,58. Useful for new biographical material. Comnes, Gregory. "A Patchwork of Conceits: Perspective and Perception in Abadi-Nagy, Zoltan. "The Art of Fiction CI: William Gaddis," Paris Review Carpenter'sGothic." Critique 30, no. I (1988): 13-26. An insightful dis- 105 (Winter 1987):54-89. cussion of the ways Gaddis's third novel differs from his two earlier ones. Berkley, Miriam. "PW Interviews: William Gaddis." Publishers Weekly, 12 Green, Jack. "fire the bastards!" (parts 1-3). newspaper12-14 (24 February, July 1985, 56-57. 25 August, 10 November 1962): 1-76. A lively history of The Recogni- Bradbury, Malcolm. Writers in Conversation13: William Gaddis. London: In- tions'scritical reception 1955-62. stitute of Contemporary Arts, 1986. Videocassette distributed by the Karl, Frederick R. American Fictions 1940-1980. New York: Harper & Row, Rowland Collection, Northbrook, Ill. 1983. The principal sections on Gaddis are reprinted in Kuehl and Friedman, StanleyP. "FiveNovelistsat Work: A GrapeshotInterview." Book Moore'sIn Recognition,but Gaddis is mentioned rhroughout as a touch- World, 10 March 1968, 10. stone for contemporary American fiction. For a harsh critique of Karl's Grove, Lloyd. "Harnessing the Power of Babble: The Rich, Comic, Talkative book, however, with special reference to his reading of J R. see Bruce Novels of William Gaddis," WashingtonPost, 23 August 1985, "Style," Bawer's "The Novel in the Academy," New Criterion, May 1984, 20-30. B1, BIO. Koenig, Peter William. "Recognizing Gaddis' Recognitions."ContemporaryLit- 154 156 WILLIAM GADDIS

erature 16 (Winter 1975):61-72. Valuable for its quotations from Gad- dis's manuscript notes. LaCapta, Dominick. "Singed Phoenix and Gift of Tongues: William Gaddis's The Recognitions."Diacritics 16, no. 4 (Winter 1986):33-47. Sees the Index novel "as the epitOme of Mikhail Bakhtin's notion of the significant novel as the polyphonic orchestration of the heterogeneous, fragmentary, often Acts of Pilate. 30 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 85, 99 chaotic, at times cacophonous discourses of the times into a serio-comic, Agatha of the Cross, 52 Burgess, Anehony, 126 provocatively ambivalent agon or carnival of contending 'voices' and dis- Aldridge, John W., 3, 13 Burroughs, William S., 10, 112, 120, sonant possibilities in society and culture." Alger, Horatio, 67, 137 139 LeClair, Thomas. "William Gaddis,) R, & the Art of Excess." ModernFiction Anderson, Sherwood, 73 Burton, Robert, 9 Studies 27 (Winter 1981-82):587-600. A brilliant examination of the Anselm, Saine, 55, 59 Busch, Frederick, 125 excessive nature of Gaddis's work and the waste motif in his second novel. Apocryphal New Testament, 17 Buder, Samuel, 1,9 Lewicki, Zbigniew. The Bang and the Whimper:Apocalypseand Entropyin Amer- Apuleius, Lucius, 48 ican Literature. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1984, 103-8. On Aristode, 69, 8 1, 108 Capote, Truman, 11, 118 Arnold, Matthew, 108 Carlyle, Thomas, 72, 88, 99 ) R's "irreversible process of entropic decay and disintegration of people, objects, and information." Augustine, Saine, 33-34, 38-39, 53, Carnegie, Dale, 10, 59, 112 55, 57 Carver, Catharine, 6 Moore, Steven. "Chronological Difficulties in the Novels of William Gaddis." Chaucer, Geoffrey, 6 Critique 22, no. 1 (1980):79-91. An attempt to establish the time Bach, Johann Sebastian, 38, 69, 80 Chekhov, Aneon, 8 schemes of the first two novels, bur tOo literal-minded to accommodate Baldung, Hans, 103 C1ausewitz, Karl von, 125 Gaddis's flexible temporal structures. Baldwin, James, 120 Clemene, Saine, 32; the Clemeneine Safer, Elaine B. "The Allusive Mode, the Absurd and Black Humor in Wil- Barnes, Djuna, 11, 118 Recognitions, 17, 61 liam Gaddis's The Recognitions."Studiesin AmericanHumor n. s. 1 (OctOber Barth, John, 5, 11, 118, 120, 128, Compton-Bennett, Ivy, 63 1982): 103-18. Examines Gaddis's ironic use of literary allusion and the 137, 140 Conrad,Joseph, 9, 88, 99,104-7,108, absurdist vision that results. Barthelme, Donald, 139 116, 126, 135, 150n22 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 47, 79, 85, Conybeare, Frederick, 17 Tanner, Tony. City of Words:American Fiction 1950-1970. New York: Harper 86,99 Cooke, Deryck, 91, 94 & Row, 1971, 393-400. A valuable early study of the aesthetic dimen- Bellamy, Edward, 10 Coover, Robert, 11, 120, 140 sions of The Recognitions,especially imitation vs. invention and art as a Bellow, Saul, 11, 41 Crane, Hart, 89 means of "recognizing" reality. Benstock, Bernard, 144n 17 Crane, Stephen, 10 Thielemans, ]ohan. "Gaddis and the Novel of Entropy." TREMA {Travaux et Bickerstaffe, Isaac, 103 Cummings, E. E., 10, 89 Recherches sur Ie Monde Anglophone] 2 (1977):97-107. An excellent Bizet, Georges, 89 study of communication in) R. Blake, William, 30 Dante Alighieri, 8, 19, 30, 37, 48, 59, -. "Intricacies of Plot: Some Preliminary Remarks to William Gaddis's BookoftheDead,the Egyptian, 17, 30 104 Carpenter'sGothic." In Studies in Honourof ReneDerolez. ed. A. M. Simon- Borrow, George, 9 Davidson, H. R. Ellis, 94 Vandenbergen. Ghent: Seminarie voor Engelse en Oud-Germaanse Taalk- Bosch, Hieronymous, 27, 28 Degas, Edgar, 28 Brackeneidge, Hugh Heney, 10 DeLillo, Don, ll, 120, 139 unde R.U.G., 1987,612-21. The first essay-length accempt to unravel Bradbury, Malcolm, 5 De Rougemone, Denis, 36, 146n 18 the plot of Gaddis's third novel. Brautigan, Richard, 118 Dickens, Charles, 125 Weisenburger, Steven. "Contra Naturam?: Usury in William Gaddis's) R." Broch, Hermann, 8, 87 Didion, Joan, 10 Genre 13 (Spring 1980):93-109; reprinted in Money Talks: Languageand Bronee, Charlotte, 9, 118, 119, 123 Donatello, 142 Lucrein AmericanFiction, ed. Roy R. Male. Norman: University of Okla- Brooks, John, 138 Donington, Robert, 80 homa Press, 1981. An instruccive look at some of the fields of reference Brossard, Chandler, 138 Donne, John, 9, 89 operative in) R, especially good on Wagner. Brown, Norman 0., 80-81 Dostoyevski, Fyodor, 7, 8, 53 Browning, Robert, 5, 9, 99 Doughty, C. M., 9 Bulliet, Richard, 67 Douglas, Norman, 9

157 158 WILLIAM GADDIS Index 159 !III

Dreiser, Theodore, 10, 138 The Recognitiom, 1-3, 5-9, 12, 13, Holt, John, 10 McConnell, Frank D., 1 Dryden, John, 6 15-62,63,69,70,77, S5-S8, Homer, 17,30,37,89 McElroy, Joseph, 11, 139, 140-41 90, 96, 99, 110, 118, 120, 127- Horn, Richard, 139 McInerney, Jay, 11 Eckley, Grace, 7, 9 30, 133, 136-37, 139-41 Howells, William Dean, 138 Mailer, Norman, 5 Eliot, T. S., 5, 7-8, 18, 19,25,30, "Szyrk v. Village of Tatamoune et Huizinga, Johan, 50, 61 Male, Roy R., 117 33,39,52,55,59,61,62,80,88, al.," 14, 141-42 Huxley, Aldous, 9 Malleus Ma/eficarum. SeeKramer and 103, 119, 125, 128, 130, 142 "Trickle-Up Economics: J R Goes to Sprenger Washington," 144n30 Malmgren, Carl, 64-65 Elkin, Stanley, 10, 120, 139, 140 Ibsen, Henrik, 8, 17,30,32,35-37, Mann, Thomas, 96 Ellison, Ralph, 120, 137 48, 51 WORKS-NON-FICTION: Mano, D. Keith, 65 Ellmann, Richatd, 104 Irenaeus, Saine, 50 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 10, 82, 109 "How Does the State Imagine~" 10 Markson, David, 9, 139, 144n17, Empedocles, 88, 89, 108-9 "An Instinct for the Dangerous 153n7 Engels, Friedrich, 70, 90 Wife," 11,41 Jaffe, Aniela, 23 Marlowe, Christopher, 30, 89 Exley, Frederick, 10 "The Rush for Second Place," 4, 10, James, Henry, 47, 73, 118 Marsh, George P., 17 127 James, William, 10, 69, 112 Marx, Karl, SO-SI, S8, 89,108, 151n24 Faulkner, William, 1, 11, 118, 120, Jeffers, Robinson, 131, 135, 151n1O Gass, William H., 5,8, 140 128, 135, 137 John of the Cross, Saine, 30 Mathews, Harry, 139 Gervase of Tilbury, 32-33 Marehiessen, F. 0., 6 Fichte, Johann Gotrleib, 30 Jonson, Ben, 11 Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 85 Fiedler, Leslie, 14,49, 73, 118-19 Joyce, James, 6, 7,19,45,57,89,96, Maugham, Somerset, 9 Gide, Andre, 8 Firbank, Ronald, 7, 9, 49, 63 138, 140, 144n 17-18 Maupassane, Guy de, 20 Ginsberg, Allen, 30 Melville, Herman, 1, 3, 10, 13-14, 16, Fitzgerald, F. Score, 49, 97, 136 Jung, Carl, IS, 20, 23, 26, 37 Gluck, Christoph, 19,30,37, 103 18, 80, 118, 120-21, 126, 133, Flaubert, Gustave, 97 Juvenal, 12 Goethe,Johannvon, S, 17, 19,29-30, 137, 141 Forster, E. M., 7, 9, 126 37,41,47,48,49,51,90, 101 Fort, Charles, 17,32 Kafka, Ftanz, 8, 16, 70-71 Memling, Hans, 22 Gogol, Nokolai, S Mendelssohn, Felix, 59 Foxe, John, 17 Karl, Frederick R., 4, 6 Goncharov, Ivan, S Merton, Thomas, 56, 147n 11 Francis, Saine, 48 Kaufman, Sue, 10, 112 Gorky, Maxim, 8 Miller, Arthur, 10, 60 Franklin, Benjamin, 137 Kerouac, Jack, 5, lIS, 136, 138 Graves, Robert, 9, 17, 19,20-21,24, Milton, John, 30 Frazer, Sir James George, 17, 21, 22, Kipling, Rudyard, 9, 8S, 99, 102-4, 27-2S, 37, 51,94 Minkoff, Robert, S9 26 107 Green, Henry, 9 Frederic, Harold, 137 Moneherlane, Henry de, 8 Greene, Graham, 126 Knight, F. H., 83 Frost, Robert, 8, 10 Kollwitz, Kathe, 22 Mozart, Wolfgang, 47,79,98, 106 Grimm Brothers, 35, 48, 51 Fuchs, Miriam, 27 Koran, 17, 103 Guerard, Albert, 6 Nabokov, Vladimir, 11, 19 Kramer, Heinrich, and James Sprenger Naipaul, V. S., 8, 13, 119 (Malleus Ma/eficarum), 17, 44, 94, Gabrieli, Andrea and Giovanni, 54 Handel, George Frederick, 28, 60 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 115 103, 105 Gaddis, William, autobiographical Harrowing of Hell, The, 8-9, 30 Novalis, 30 elemenes in work, 2-5, 27; Hawkes, John, 11, lIS Noyes, Alfred, 103 education, 2, 6-7; influence on Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 10, 14,71,73, Lang, Andrew, 17 others, 11, 139-40; influences and lIS, 120, 122, 137 Langland, William, S Oates, Joyce Carol, 118 reading, 6-11; ineeneions, 11-14; Heller, Joseph, 10, 138 Lauzen, Sarah E., 152n17 O'Brien, Flann, 129 ineerest in law, 142, 153n15 Hemingway, Ernest, 11, 13 1 Lawrence, D. H., 10 O'Connor, Flannery, lIS, 120 Heracleitus, 108 Lawrence, T. E., 9, 103 O'Neill, Eugene, 125 WORKS-FICTION: Herr, Michael, 127 Lethaby, William, 17 Origen, 56 Carpenter'sGothic, 1,4-5,8,9, 12, Hesse, Hermann, 8 Lewis, R. W. B., 137-38 Ozick, Cynthia, 6, 124 13,26,75,112-35. 136-37, Hilton, James, 9 Lewis, Sinclair, 10, 137, 138 140, 141 Hippolyrus, 105, 107 Lewis, Wyndham, 96 Pater, Walter, 99 } R. 1-8, 12-13,63-111,122, Hoagland, Edward, 11 Lowry, Malcolm, 9, 16, 139 Pelagia, Saine, 34 127-2S, 129, 136-41 Hofstadter, Richard, 10, 119, 121 Loyola, Saine Ignatius of, 17, 26 Pelagius, 33-34, 36, 146n20 160 WILLIAM GADDIS Index 161

Persius, 12 Spencer, Theodore, 7 Weisenburger, Steven, 89, 96 Williams, Joy, 11 Philoctetes, 88, 108, 109-11 Spender, Stephen, 16 West, Nathanael, 10, 120, 121, 137 Williams, Tennessee, 123 137, 139 Phythian-Adams, W. J., 17 Stein, Gerrrude, 62 West, Paul, 140 Williams, William Carlos, Pilgrim Hymnal. 17, 128 Steiner, George, 96 Wharron, Edith, 118 Wilson, Edmund, 110 Plato, 108 Stephen, Saine, 21 Wiener, Norbert, 64, 73, 85-86, 87, Windell, George G., 92 88 Poe, Edgar Allan, 27 Sterne, Laurence, 14 1 Wiccgenstein, Ludwig, 26 Poirier, Richard, 127 Stevens, Wallace, 23 Wigglesworth, Michael, 120 Pope, Alexander, 12, 13, 110 Stevenson, Roberr Louis, 99 Wilde, Oscar, 9, 46, 48, 88, 99, 104, Yeats, William Buder, 9, 55, 89 107 Pound, Ezra, 18, 52, 96 Styron, William, 11, 135 Proust, Marcel, 8 Summers, Moneague, 17 Puccini, Giacomo, 51 Swift, Jonathan, 77, 141 Pynchon, Thomas, 11, 73, 83, 97, 118, 120, 127-28, 137, 139, 140 Tanner, Tony, 6 Taylor, F. W., 81 Rabelais, Fran~ois, 141 Tchaikowski, Peter, 99 Rahv, Philip, 70-71 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 9, 68, 88, 95, Riesman, David, 10, 59 99-104, 107, 109 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 8, 40, 59 Terrullian, 59 Rimbaud, Arthur, 8, 30 Theroux, Alexander, 11, 118 Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith, 65 Theroux, Paul, 126 Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 8 Thielemans, Johan, 80 Rolfe, Frederick, Baron Corvo, 7, 9 Thompson, Francis, 30 Rose of Lima, Saine, 48 Thoreau, Henry David, 10,36,41,85, Roth, Philip, 5 88, 128, 146n23 Thorndyke, E. L., 81 Sade, Marquis de, 8 Titian, 42, 99 Salinger, J. D., 10, 73 Tolstoy, Leo, 8,55,70-71 Salter, James, 11 Trilling, Lionel, 97 Salcus, Edgar, 17 Turgenev, Ivan, 8, 103 Schubert, Franz, 99 Tutuola, Amos, 8 Schumann, Roberr, 99 Twain, Mark, 10, 73, 75, 89, 120, Schwarrz, Delmore, 6 121, 126, 137 Selby, Huberr, 122 Shakespeare, William, 7, 9, 11, 32, 89, Van Eyck, Jan, 50, 61, 99 123-25, 142 Vergil, 30, 104 Shaw, George Bernard, 90-91, 98 Voltaire, 11 Shea, Roberr, and Roberr Aneon Vonnegut, Kurr, 120, 138 Wilson, 139 Sillitoe, Alan, 9 Wagner, Richard, 80, 140; The Flying Silone, Ignazio, 8 Dutchman, 17, 19,36,37,48; The Simmons, Charles, 139 Ring of the Nibelung, 88-99 Sinclair, Upton, 10 Wagner, Wieland, 89 Skinner, B. F., 81, 149n26 Waits, Tom, 134 Sladek, John, 139 Wallace, David Foster, 140 Smith, Henry Nash, 138 Waller, Edmund, 103 Sophocles, 110 Warhol, Andy, 65 Sorreneino, Gilbert, 11, 12, 118, 122, Waugh, Evelyn, 7, 9, 126 128, 129, 139 Weber, Max, 70, 73, 76, 79, 80, 140