

NEIGHBORS in (he luxury apartments are breathing * eigh of relief now that the VOLUME 3*IUMBER 31 FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1961 recent "baehelotf" has moved out along with his |azzy sports car and ove* sight blonde house guests. RAISING THE ROOF Seems he made too much noise leaving for Work every ayem, what with t loud muf- fler and a different "guest** at least three timed a week, • .• • THIS SALESMAN will never put his foot in a door again. Trying to gain entry to a tome in this community, he was told by the housewife his wares didn't interest her. Then he used that salesman's trick of planting his foot in the door. Did he get the surprise of his life! The dame, a slim thing, ousted Aim with a trick learned when she was in the WACs-jui Jitsu-and he".went tumbling to the sidewalk. Just men • patrol car slowed down and the officer asked the woman if the man were mo- lesting her. "Oh, no,'she T.A.SWANWICK POST.VFW, LADIF.S AUXILIARY pursi e answered, he slipped and many worthy projects, one of which is aiding children, fell.". The guy brushed him- the above picture Mrs. B. McGregor, Fund Raietng Cha self off and started away. man. Is shown presenting a check for $|00to Mrs. Fc rj M- **Hey you, she hissed, don't son, superintendent of the Hammond Home for Children think you're getting away Hoboken. Looking on arc Miss I), l.uedeke, president that easy. If you don't want auxiliary, and Mrs. V. Hceiiiskert, Hospital Chairm in. me to call that cop back, The auxiliary is planning an >uiing for the children wh ch buy th«se 5 tickets to my will be held somoilme this 'hionth. dub's outing. POST OFFICE facilities must never be less than the best. A MAI RON always decked This is a slogan Hoboken Post Office la proud of and went In Jewelry loaded with out of its way to live up to recently. The roof of the loading HOSPITALIZED VETS diamonds recently left her platform was too Low for those big trailer trucks so the spouse, "i couldn't stand Post Office-solved the problem by raising the roof .Picture Mm any longer, she told friends, and besides I've the shows how tt was done. Now neither rain nor snow as the ENJOY BIG GAME disnnnds to fall back on if saying goes can halt delivery of the matt. I need money, they must toe worth thousands." The 0hock cams last 'week when she tfselta! to •»*• the stuff appraised* It was phony all the way" from the diamond wedding band to the diamond bracelet lie had given her few*«n thei*r 75th wedding ann-

WITHOUT A CARE in the world, he goes about his daily statist at the office smilingly sad cracking jokes. He looks tike the picture of health but looks belle his real condition. It went be long now, his doctor lias told him, but he'll smile •on until tiie end. Then, the truth of how he's been suffer- ing right along will finally be made known to those around

••• ' SWIMMING is his hobby,but his sideline is one of the most .unusual ever imagined. He's 4 bookmaker who plies his grade on the beach and even r BRINGING HAPPINESS to hospitalized veterans is the chairman, were Miss D. Luedeke, president; Mrr. - 1ft the water. He makes the first concern of every member of Ladies Auxiliary of T. nie, Mrs. P. Ballis, Mrs. E. Mastropierro, Mi>. bets from • boardwalk phone A. Swanwlck Post, VFW, of West New York. On July 8th Gregor and Mrs. L. Berkhout who to-* -both pirrur sdd bat been racking up plenty veteran patients of Pollack Hospital, Jersey City, enjoyed ' this page. Mrs. Berkhout ts official photographer foi e* takers from the idle women « big league game at Yankee Stadium as the guests of the auxiliary. Post members accompanying the group «bo frequent the sands during auxiliary. Enroute back to the hospital, the veterans were f eluded Cmdr. John Dell Colle. Tom Long, N. Paul Fizzi, .taken t* Grand Hotel* Hoboken, for a steak dinner. Serving /pick Plmat, Andy elorglni, Peter Heemskeris Fr|nk |flentr, f red Mastroplero and Dave Buckholtz. (Continued on Page 16) ion ttl* komrnitwe flnder Mrs. Viola Heemskert. hospital mHBnffiimiamimniHitgwHMiwwHttw ITCH


NEIGHBORS in (be luxury) apartments are breathing % sigh of relief oow that the recent "bachelor*' baa VOLUME 3WMBER 31 FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1961 moved out along with bi» Jazzy sports car aria over night blonde house guests. Seems he made too much RAISING THE ROOF noise leaving for work every 4yem, what with a loud muf- fler and a different "guest** at least three times a week* • -• • THIS SALESMAN will never it his foot in a door again, ?rying to gain entry to a home in this community, be was told by the housewife his wares didn't interest her. Then he used that salesman's trick of planting bis foot in the door. Did he get the •Surprise of his life I The dame, a slim thing, ousted tiim with a trick learned when she was in the WACs-Jui Jitsu-and lie.went tumbling to the sidewalk. Just then • patrol car slowed down and the officer asked the Woman if the man were mo- lesting ker. "Oh, no,'She T.A.SWANW1CK POST.VFW, LADIES AUXILIARY purst answered, be slipped and many worthy projects, one of which is aiding children, fell.". The guy brushed him. the above picture Mrs. B. McGregor, Fund Raising Chair •elf off and started away. man. Is shown presenting a check for $100to Mrs. Ferj "Hey you, she hissed, don't son, superinicndent of ihc Hammond Home for Children ir, think you're getting away Hoboken. Looking on arc MIKS D. l.ucdeke, president of that easy, if you don't want auxiliary, ;ind Mrs. V. HeemKkert, Hospital Chairm p.. ate to call that cop back, The auxiliary is planning dn ouiing fur (he children »h buy these 5 tickets to my will be held sometime thi^> Tnonth. club's outing. r i • • POST OFFICE facilities must never be less than the best. A MATRON always decked This ia a slogan Hoboken °ost Office ts proud of and went HOSPITALIZED VETS In Jewelry loaded with out of tts way to live up to recently. The roof of the loading diamonds recently left her platform was too low for those big trailer trucks so the spouse. *1 couldn't stand Poet Office solved the problem by raistng the roof .Picture tint «y longer, site told shows how it was done. Now neither rain nor snow as the ENJOY BIG GAME riends, and besides I've the saying goes can halt delivery of the mart. : ttanteads to fait back on if need money. They must >e worth thousands." The 0hock came last week when < the dceidgg to save die stuff appraised. It was plumy all die way from the diamond weddjog, band to the diamond bracelet he had given her

)UT A CARE in be goes about bis daily at die office smilingly and eracking jokes. He locks ttke the picture of health but looks belie Us real condition. k wont be loag BOW, Us doctor has told him, but he'll smile •oa until the end. Then, the trudi of how he's been suffer- ing tight along will finally be made known to those around

' SWIMMING is his hobby ,but his sideline is one of the most jmusual ever imagined. He's 4 bookmaker who plies his , wade on the beach and even BRINGING HAPPINESS to hospitalized veterans is the chairman, were Mips D. Luedeke, president; Mrs. E. ill the water. He makes the first concern at every member of Ladies Auxiliary of T. nie, Mrs. P. Ballls, Mrs. E. Mastroplerro, Mrs. B, Mc bets from a boardwalk phone Ji. Swanwick Post, VFW, of West New York. On July 8th Gregor and Mrs. L. Berkhout who took .both picture i of) ibas been racking up plenty veteran patients of Pollack Hospital, Jersey Ctry, enjoyed • this page. Mrs. Berkhout ts official photographer for takers from die idle women M big league game at Yankee Stadium as the guests of the auxiliary. Post members accompanying the group in- tqgbo frequent the sands during auxiliary. Enroute back Ho the hospital, tbe veterans were Tcluded Cmdr. John Dell Colle, Tom Long. N. Paul FFifezzii , .taken to Grand Hotel* Hoboken, for. a steak dinner. Serving''Dick Plrnat, Andy 6?orgini, Peter Heemsker»» Fr nk oa Page 16) i fcomTnittse Inder Mra. Viola Heemsken, hospital fClengr, |red Mastropiero and Dave Buckholtz,

•«*/•• \ .- . .... i--,:..-• .. i- • - • . .. - - - • Tkre« fictarM, fiMty, Awtst 4,

HQBQKZN TKHAGHTS DRIVING ravmeES REVOKED Acting Motor Vehicle Di- Social tokdaA rector Ned J. Parsekian to- By DOROTHY SEXTON day ordered the suspension Mr. sad Mrs. Charles Han- ed passage of gove: nment of the driving privilege of 1231 Park Ave., Hobo- bills* on veterans v .Ifare. Michael J. Bucino, age 18, recently announced the Service Officer Anthony of 1009 Bloomfield Street, engagement of their daugh- Mercurio reported that the Hoboken, for a period of GAS TAX ISSUE ter, Marie Elaine Hansen, to psot urged all member - of on 3 year for having been Michael P. Kenny Jr., son of Veterans of Foreign Wai s ,o in olved in a fatal accident Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. write to their congress •*. •*n or December 22, 1960 on STILL ALIVE Kenny Sr., 1206 Park Ave., asking them to spons -i r u~ Riymond Boulevard, in New- A "temporary" one-cent-a-gallon increase in the fed* Hoboken, at a family gather- ional bill HR-440 whi M A.\, .^ew Jersey. eral gasoline tax was supposed to expire at the end of ing. Miss Hansen, a gradu- would increase Wor ti War T c 2 victim, Bernhard F r ied - June. But it didn't. Congress voted, and the Presi- ate of A, J. Demarest High I pensions to $100 a month mar, age 79, was a pedest- dent signed, a bil I which extends t'-^s "temporary* School, Hoboken, is employ- from the present $75 and rian. tax until October 1, 1972. ed by Western Electric Co., HR-3252, a bill per litting The defendant is charged That date is 11 years away. And if t % a period Inc.,. New York. Her fiance, veterans who droppeu their with violation of R. S. 39:3- of time is to be regarded as "temporal, it looks t graduate of St. Michael's national service life insur- 44 (operating an unsafe ve- as if the dictionary should begin revising its defim-] High School, Union City, is ance for one year to renew hicle). tions. presently employed by the their policies without new According to the testimony The- argument for this extension—which is used <•> Brie Lackawanna Railroad medical examinations, and and evidence adduced at the behalf of other tax measures affecting the motorist - And attends Seton Hall Uni- urged them to write to sen- hearing, the vehicle operat- is that it is necessary to keep the $40-billion-piu versity. No date has been ators to sponsor HR-931, ed by Mr. Bucino had been federal super-highways program in the black. But ther set fo. the wedding. seeking a veterans admin- rejected at a Division in- is little justice in rhat position. The program was urge«f • •• • istration hospital to be built spection station for several and adopted largely as a national security measure Mr. and Mrs. John J. Som- in South Jersey, and HR- defects, one of which was And national secur'ty costs should most certainly hi mers, 903 Clinton St., Ho- 879, a bill to increase all defective brakes. The re- charged on as equitable a basis as possible against al boken, announce the engage- penions for service connect- jection occurred several the taxpayers--not just one group of them. ment of their daughter, Miss ed disabilities by five per days prior to the accident. Moreover, excessive gasoline taxes—which, state an<| Paula Sommers, to James cent. Latter bill has passed Further evidence at t h e federal combined, TIOW average about 50 percent of th L. Doyle, son of Mr. and the house of representatives hearing Indicated that the pre-tax value of the fuel--are self-defeating. Motorist^ Mrs. Frank D. Doyle of East and is now pending in the defects had no t been cor- restrict their driving, buy the small economy car«, an Rutherford. A solemn be- senate. rected prior to the accident. escape the burden in every way they can. An exorbi trothal was held in Sts. Peter Mercurio said the Division Director Parsekian, in com- tant tax can, and often does, produce less revenue thaf and Paul's Roman Catholic of Veterans Service will give menting on the action, stated a reasonable one. Church, Hoboken. Miss kin of veterans buried in all that, "It is not intended that The issue is still very much alive. Beyond doubt, ther Sommers, an alumnae of countries, from Luxemburg an unsafe vehicle be operated will be campaigns to further boost the state and federal Sacred Heart Academy, is to the Philippines, pictures on the public highways for gas taxes. Beyond doubt, there will be more emptf employed by Maxwell House of the cemetery, and close any period of time. It is talk of "temporary" increases. The motorist will havi Coffee Corp., Hoboken. Her ups of the grave and head- incumbent for the owner of to come out of his corner fighting if what is left of hi fiance is a graduate of St. stone, upon request. ~~ such - a' vehicle to have the .rights are to be preserved. Mary' in Rutherford and Families of those listed repairs made promptly or attends evening classes at as missing can receive refrain from operating the Faii.eigh Dickinson Univer- photos of the appropriate vehicle." sity. He is manager of section of the missing roster Chrf-tensen's Pharmacy, which is engraved on the SENIOR CITIZENS ALTERNATIVES Rutnerford. No date has been wall of honor at each of the set for the wedding. memorials. IN NEW HOKES UNNECESSARY • • • Any one interested may visit Occupancy of Harrison Gar- the postrooms, 100 Gar- dens, newest low income Members of Hoboken social project, will begin on Aug- The shipping strike, now temporarily halted by a federal and fraternal organizations den St., any Monday and injunction as provided by the Taft-Hartley Act, has f Tuesday night for assistance ust 15 when 104 families are cused attention on the importance of the American me ai^d other leading citizens in obtaining the pictures. expected to begin moving in. met, Tuesday night in city During the past two weeks. chant marine both as an instrument of defense and hall to set plans in motion A delegation-from the post, instrument of trade. Newspapers throughout the country including Cmdr. Walter Pet- th'U figure was duplicated for a "John Honey' Romano when two of the four build- have expressed the gravest kind of concern over wbjat Might" Sept. 8 in Yank- terson Jr. William Brower, may happen when the injunction expires, at the end past commander, a n d Cor- ings were tenanted. Des- ee Stadium. igned for the city's senior the 80-day period. 'Romano, a product of the nelius Kelly, state legis- Particular attention has been given to union deman! lative officer of VFW, will citizens, most of the tenants city high school and re- are in that group. There that they become the bargaining agents for the "flags of creation departments is attend the national conven- necessity" ships—some 450 vessels which are own^d tion of VFW in Miami, Fla,. a r e no restrictions, how- catcher for the Cleveland ever, and If vacancies ex- by American companies, but which are registered Indians baseball club. from Aug. 20 through 25. Panama, Honduras and Liberia. The reason for Senior Vice Cmdr. Mich- ist or occur, rentals will John Bado, president of be available to families not existence of these ships is plain enough—their cost Hoboken Chamber fif Com- ael Wladich conducted the operation is much lower than those of American-rejr^ meeting in the absence of in the senior citizen age merce, was chosen to serve group. tered vessels, and this advantage is essential if tte as chairman. Mayor John Petterson. owners Sire to successfully compete for cargos without J. Grogan and Director of big subsidies from our own government. Public safety Arthur F. Ma- ELKS SERVE 2 POLICFHEN, These flags of necessity ships are within our control rotta will serve as honorary which means that we can depend upon them at any time, chairmen. SHORE DINNER A FIREMAN RETIRE and In any emergency. As Hanson W. Baldwin, a lea; The committee includes Hoboken Lodge of Elks ser- Two members of the city's ing authority on military affairs, writes in The Nfw former Hoboken Magistrate ved shore dinners to more police department and one York Times, there would be two alternatives if Charles De Fazio Jr..presi- than 100 persons Monday in fireman were retired on pen- maritime union took over: "Some that were eligi dent of Hoboken Chapter of die lodge rooms. It was sion this week. They are for subsidy might re-register under the United Sta U n i c o National; Charles one of the weekly "summer Patrolman James Rickard, flag, to be supported in part by the American taxpay Stalling, secretary of Cham- backelor" dinners so pop- 51, of 827 Washington Street, Others, the majority, might re-register under the fl ber of Commerce, and Wes- ular with lodge members who was shot by a holdup of Britain, Norway, Greece or other countries. In ley Leverich, general and their families. man last year; Police Sgt. case, 'effective control' by the United States would secretary of Hoboken-North Anthony Biggio, 60, of 1122 far more dubious." Hudson YMCA. Hosts Guy Trisolini, An- Both these alternative s are highly undesirable-- thony Santanello, William Hudson Street, and Fireman Among the clubs represent- William Hennessy, 43, of totally unnecessary. The flags of necessity con ed at the meeting were Co. Urso, Joseph Traficante and has provided the best answer yet to a difficult problei Joseph Russo served clams 933 Park Avenue, who was K Club, Cascade Social and injured when he fell from a Athletic Club, Milano Club, a la casino, crabs fra dia- tonga Assn., Veterans yalo and spaghetti with crab • fire engine earlier this year. Benevolent Protective Assn.. meat sauce. Biggio,- appointed in 1927, tFnico , and Monte Giacomo Exalted Ruler Francis Bert- will retire on half pay. The otti welcomed the guests. other two will receive two- Next Monday's hosts will thirds disability pensions. Co. K Club of Hoboken prepare and serve a Ger- Tuesday furthered plans for man dinner. Hosts are John OUTING A Its first *^™M^ dJpiTvr—ffyu*^ Bushn Jr., Eric Frobel, Kurt Sept. 30 in Unk» Club. Laemmel, F'rank Murray, SUCCESS Oscar Michaelis and Angelo President Aagitst Grftale Segato. Sunday's outing to-Sparta aimed Anthony Trisolini by members of First Ward Democratic Club and patrons Cirillo, Pet- of Shannon Hall was report- er CentreHa, Wttliatn Boo- WALK ON LEFT ed a success. Three bus- dette and John Cartncclo. loads of men, women and. ;_ • • • children left the hall, KJ> Firs* Street. Arriving at - Mobx-Christie Post, VFW, TRAFFIC Spsrta the group enjoyed * In closer. You're Hoboken, Tuesday night urg- codfc-ont. . - . n«w trousers. Hobokea FictorHrt, Ivt

ounced this week by Dr. HOLLANDER IN Port Authority Bos Term* 'Never Put Off' Mason W. Gross, president inal and the Geoffe Wash- of the State University. Bm Saaaa Air Goes The Proverb Col. Clatanoff succeeds Col. NEW POST AT RA **<* ****** - Harry C. Morrison, who has Mr.' Hollander Joined die Iff. "Never put off till tomor- completed a four-year tour North Bergen resident Bur- Port Authority in 1960. He Mona, live at 210 row the Joy you can claim of duty at Rutgers. ton A. Hollander has been attended the Newark College Avenuf. for today. In these stress- The new professor of air 'promoted By' the Port of of Engineering where be re- ful times, that is advice science, who assumed com- New York Authority to the ceifjd his B. S. is Mech- which we may all ponder with mand ot Rutgers Air Force poswon ottlechsnical E^- aatcal Bngineerini in 1960. WALK ON LEFT profit. While it is prudent n. In his new capa- : years with the ROTC detachment on Tues- _" _ Z 1 '_ __ Ufceswrsdl. S. N«vy. Mr. HoUander to take steps to insure that day (AugO). is ulmself an cttyy, Mr. HoUander wilt we will live securely and ROTC graduate. He was design heating, ventilating Is a member of thw Amer- happily in the future, it is commissioned as a second and air conditioning for the ican Society of Mechanical ..TRAFFIC the part of wisdom not to lieutenant at Gettysburg Col- neglect the enjoyment of the lege in 1933 and was inte- good that we have in favor grated as a regular Air of the good we may seme day Force officer in 1947. OTHEtS HAVE PRICES only probably possess. Joy if the emotion coo- does it better sequent upon the apprecia- tion of present good. Pre-, I "< HASSE sent good is of its nature fleeting. Flowers die, health There s NEW 1942 fades, children grow up and Stereo PRICED life bears them away, and a man \n WQCOR AS friends may be lost beyond ta VKTOI LOW recapture. IECOW) HAYEK AS Therefore, for the richness our town.. • of living and the fullness of life, now is the time for the NEW 1962 MODELS PORTAIIE enjoyment of those good who really knows hk btud- FRO 4 things which we presently IMM when it come* to ful- possess. Youth is most filling your family insurance Ra YiaoR T V SETS appreciated by those who Deeds, indudiag Ctf, 1M» v 9 can no longer claim it; health and Fire Insurance. H«*« ZENITH • ^ • * • ^ is most prized by those who available, almost any tinMt' $136" no longer own it. to help you, too. HerV» hi* WESTSGHOUSE WANSfOWM CHASSIS The future is properly a SMJMb Contact him toMy. NEW 1962 FULLY AUTOMATIC matter of intelligent con- cern. But so, too, is the Ra present. Let us not neglect one for the other, but in- GE WASHERS telligently appreciate both. 'VII! r $169" Thus we shall be rich, as CHOICE long as we live, in the awareness and enjoyment of PRICED, the good things of life, which FROM, help to make all t' as healthy, AIR COND: wealthy, and wise. Is the advice of Medical Society of New Jersey. RQ IRAND NEW MOMLS ,-._ ^ JAMES PAGIATAKIS FRIGIOAIHE Col. dotatoff JAMB PAGIATAW5 G.E. Refrigerator $159** Homed Professor 1 ANDERSON AYE. 12 cu. FT. s» i»cuAjrr. AUTOMATIC OCFROST EXTRA $9.00 Of Air Science Fairview.N J. WH 1-0202 WEST1NGH0USE ElECTRIC DRYERS Col. Walter G. W. Clat- anoff, director of personnel STATE services at A i r Defense SUN8EAM PORTUUHANO FARM 1 Command headquarters, has WWMKL INSURANCE been named as the new pro- 7 COMPANIES WESTINGHOUSI fessor of air science at Rut- MIXERS $12°° CMCMK gers University, it was ann- UM1TED QUAWHtlES G.E. WTCHEN Wall Clocks $199 ASS'T COLORS



WHVt-W CHAMtlS Because Of Our Low Low Prices DeUvery And Service Extra On Some Items

Fw O«a«iBf ••sStantf* HASSE ELECTRIC > 24 WEST PALISADE AYE. ENGiEWOOD, NEW JERSEY tlDStflB.0 H. L 10 S-7974 HOURS MON. THWtS. f«t. 9 - 9 OtHEI -9 . 4 'METERETTES' GET GREENUGHT City Council at Wednes- day's meeting adopted an ordinance which authorizes the appointment of women, meter readers on "meter - ettes" to issue traffic tic-' .kets after August 22. Or- dinance met with strenuous objection from Michael Cos- tello, local PBA, head. Introduced by Mayor John J. Grog an last month, the. ordinance, establishing the position of traffic violation officers, was frowned on by the PBA at that time when It was learned the "Meter- ettes" may be men or wom- en. Councilmen Louis Fran- cone and Joseph Bartletta were not present at the meet- ing. Patrolman Costello, ap- pearing at the meeting with Patrolman Dennis Haggerty and Patrolman Thomas, Crimmins, objected to the employment of women as "an invasion of the duties of a policeman." Costello scored the em- ployment of women as traf- fic guards and as operators of the police switchboard. He was also critical of the council's failure to name a women to the only Job where one is authorized, a police matron. The matron SAN FEBRONIA post , carried in the cur- rent budget, has been vacant CELEBRATION for more than three years." AN OUTDOOR BAND concert The ordinance provides for delighted music lovers vi- the employment of not more siting the Santa Febronla So- than 10 violation officers, ciety's annual feast celebra- either men or women, who tion Saturday night. Band will be paid on the basis stand was next to the chap- of $8 for a day's duty. el and the concert followed Mayor Grog an recently ex- a procession through the pressed concern over park- downtown streets of the city Ing meter receipts and the in which a statue of the par- disregard of hundred s of ron saint was carried. A motorists to traffic regula- 3tatue of St. Anthony was tions. also carried In the proces- Applicants for meter maids sion and members of the or violation officers will be Ladies Auxiliary carried a processed by Public Safety relic of Santa Febronia. Director Arthur F. Marotta. Father Julius, assistant pas- Applicants must be not less tor of St. Francis Chruch, than 21 years of age and not is Spiritual Director of San- more than 50 years old. ta Febronia Society.

NEW MODERN ELEVATOR APARTMENT BUILDING shown In the picture was de- filKned especially for the comfort of Hoboken's senior citizens. In al there are 208 apartments In the four buildings known as Harrison Gardens. On August 15th 104 families will begl n moving in two recently completed buildings. During the past two weeks, the other two units became tenanted. While there ar : no restrictions most rentals have been to Individuals or couples In the senior citizen group. UNSKILLED MANPOWER NEEDED IN INDUSTRY State Commissioner of In- Shipyards and Franklin Bak- avoided Just as we here in dustry and* Labor • Raymond er and Keuffel and Esser New Jersey have done when F. Male visited Hoi okenlast "jhe problem of our Puerto previously reviewing possi- Thursday and told repre- Rican population to not bility of placing welfare sentatives of government and theirs, it Is ours." clients to work on city pro- Industry of their obligations Male told bis audience "the jects." to the everyday working man. peoples of Puerto Rico came The state officials said Commissioner Male stres- here with thoughts of Jobs and other meetings between bis sed the importance of in- different living conditions. office and local Industry will dustry making wise use of They found wages below continue, aimed at solutions Its manpowerp, , utilizing pre- those expected, tints crowd- to existing problems, both sent employeel s in advancd - ing existing living quarters in labor and industry. ed skill Jobs thus making to capacity." Charles J. Tiedemann, plant way for additional employ* Speaking of employment by manager at Bethlehem Steel YOUNGSTERS were the best customers at the Pizza neat of others in Jobs of local municipalities for per- Shipyards in Hoboken, was Pie stand, one of the many attractions set up outdoors lesser skills. sons on relief rolls, Male host to Male and represent- during the Santa Febronia Feast celebration last week- The state official told re- said "I feel physically atives of local Industry. A end. Obliging waiters are Michael Ocello, president of presentatives o t Standard persons should be utilized luncheon followed the two- the society and Anthony Scardlno, chairman of the feast. -Brands, Upton Tea, Maxwell by all mesas. The New- hour nice ting. The children are Mary Ann Chirecbella, 2 1/2 and Rose Hjaie, Br-hiehem Todd bur** • tan - fare can oe De Martino. 5. Hobokea Pictorial, Friday, Awust 4,1961 home from a honeymoon 50 persons attended the an- Weehawken Fire Chief sad cruise. The groom is the nual picnic of Dr. Knox Vol- Mrs. John J. Bradley Ms son of Union City Housing unteer Ambulance Corps of Boulevard East, are badk HUDSON - BERGENCommissioner and Mrs. Ridgefield Park.~Mrs. Lil- from a vacation at Shawnee- Frank Aclnaura. Commis- lian Sittel, 6710 Park Ave., on-the-Delaware, Pa. Dur- ROUNDUP - BY GOSH sioner Acinapura is a 1 s o Guttenberg, is back from a ing their three-week st» president of Hudson Tailor- three-week vacation to Vic- they spend a weekend at Vincent Manning is start- rangements. ing Co., Union City. toria, Minn., where she the summer home of Mr. and ing a new three-year term as • * • visited her daughter and Mrs. Peter MacDonald and Hudson County Comptroller. The Edsall-Lunstedt-Dav- Miss Carol Napolitano, 19, family. #. # Mr. and Mrs. William Wit- Manning, o f 29 4 Sherman idson Post 4365, Palisades of 398 Delano PL, Fairview, sik, both of Weehawken Ave., Jersey City, is also Park, is calling all boys is Miss Heat Wave of 1961 Anniversary greetings to , Secaucus Councilman Her- president of the Hudson City and girls, ages 10 to 17, who at Palisades Amusement Mr. and Mrs. William Sch- man C. Pope hay been ap- Democratic C 1 u b..Union are interested in Joining a Park....Bruneo Valco, owner eUhammers Sr., 39 74th St., pointed to the board of di- City Mayor Harry Thourot drum corps now being or- of Bruno's Restaurant, Jer- North Bergen, their 53rd; to rectors of North Hudson Red bas been name .to the com- ganized. John Russo, corps sey City, is en route to Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Bitetto, Cross -Chapter, Union City. mittee on ari jigements for leaders, is the matt to con- Europe for a tour of the 1916 Palisade Ave., Union Councilman Pope will be in the annual conventio n of tact...Dr. Hector Giancario continent...Robert E. Flam- City, 57th; to Mr. and Mrs. charge of the committee to Lightning Division veterans of Cliff side Par, has been mer, 150 Bidwell Ave, Jer- Charles Weidle, 143 Carlton arrange for the 42nd annual at Fort Dix. Aug. 25 27..appointed director o f med- sey City, was among four Ave., Jersey City, 40th; to meeting of the chapter Oct. St. Matthew's Parochial ical service for Mt. Carmel cadets who received their Mr. and Mrs. Peter E.Rice, 26 at Church of Immaculate School of -Ridgefield wound Diagnostic Hearing and shields as Port Authority 1212 Bergenline Ave., Union Conception Hall, 1219 Pater- up its summer school ses- Speech Center in Jersey' police officers...Army Pvt. City, 25th; to Mr. and Mrs. son Plkrd., Secaucus..JMr. sion with a picnic Sunday City...Thomas Bartos was George L. Cancro, son of Binderwell Sr., 1148 51st St., and Mrs. C. Tallis, 1015 a t Bubbling Springs..St. chairman of the annual picnic Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Can- North Bergen, 27th; to Mr. 76th St. Paul's Holy Name Society last Sunday of the Lafayette cro, 224 Grant Ave., Cliff- and Mrs. Stephen J. Al- sponsoring Greenville Night Amvets Post 33,of Jersey side Park, is stationed at Igaier, 3*4 44th St., Union BERNARD M. LINDINGER on Aug. 17 at Roosevelt Sta- C i t y...Congratulations to Fort Eustis,Va...Fairview's City, 40th; to Mr. and Mrs. dium when the Jersey City Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ken- Babe Ruth League has issued Lawrence O'Neill, 1906 Pal- PHOTOGRAPHER Jerseys play the Maple nedy, 131 Woodlawn Ave., a call for more adult help isade Ave., Union City, 43rd; Leafs. Walter Mclnerney, Jersey City, on the birth because of increased mem- and to Mr. and Mrs. John Insurance-Real Estate-Ect. Albert Paytas, Jr., Chester of a son, John Jr....Mr. and bership. If interested con- Muller, 4101 Palisade Ave., HI Roses Beach Secaucus NJ, Micholjyzak and Harold Ru- Mrs. Anthony Acinapura, 400 tact the league's secretary, Union City, 28th. UN 4-4476 voldt are in charge of ar- 44th St., Union City, are Herbert Frank...More than


REFRIGERATOR- WESTINGHOUSE FREEZER refrigerator never needs defrost- ing . . . super-storage door has handy shelves and compart- Air ments.. . giant full-width crisper ... and more Almost like having a supermarket in your own kitchen! This roomy, Conditioners conveniently arranged refrigerator- freezer provides ample fresh and frozen food storage for a hungry family . . . can help you cut down FREE SERVICE tiring, time-consuming trips to the grocery, yet it takes very little floor space. New thin-wall design and crisp "squared-up" styling for a 'FREE INSTALLATION! custom-kitchen look. You get all this beauty and convenience . . . plus so much more ... at a price SPECIAL PRICE FREE $20.00 WORTH OF well within the reach of even a modest budget when you choose ON ALL FROZEN FOOD WITH ANY this RCA WHIRLPOOL! 88 1962 ZERO DEGREE FREEZER from '168 TELEVISIONS THE BOTTOM OF THE HILL PORTABLE AND FOR ROCK BOTTOM PRICES CONSOLE MODELS

KEYSTONE APPLIANCE APPLIANCE CO ill -43rd STREET UM 7-4499 NORTH BERGEN N St.. Pi!• StY • Pictorial. 4,1961

f Command, dubbed college. To complete the by the U.S. Post Office De-) 4AIR GUARDSMEH "£«W«*." Thirty pilots CAPT. SKOWRONSKI required 120 hours a year, partment. * He is a graduate flfw their Thunderstreaksto students receive training at of W. L. Dickinson High m iNOJWMENT Bermuda, and then bake to COMPLETES ARMY various installations, but School. Captain and Mrs.* McGuire Air Force Base,N. most complete the final two Skowronski live at 30 Wegj Some 1,200 officers and COLLEGE COURSE weeks at The Command and man Pkwy., and his father,' sirmen of tbe New Jersey *|Qormally the Jersey Air General Staff College. Army Reserve Capt. Leo Victor Skowronski, lives at Air National Guard were guardsmen train at bases The college, the Army's 144 Van Home St.?> T-I^vv scheduled to return home m McGuire , Atlantic City Skowronski, 49, of Jersey senior tactical school, was Friday (July 28) from their rport and Newark Airport, City completed the associate established In 1881 as the- two-week summer encamp- ey fulfil* their military command and general staff School of Application of In- itttffl during monthly course at The Command and \ fantry and Cavalry.'..'.T . tf l/.Nitm neat at Savannah, Ga., Via a General Staff College, Fort nassiye 750-mile airlift. • n d on a two-week Captain Skowronski i s OR, NATHAN FREED aer encampment. At Leavenworth, Kan., July 22. assigned to the U52d Army The long-distance haul was Phased over a five-year OPTOMETRIST designed to test the unit's T times they work and Reserve Area Service Unit live in the New Jersey civil- period, the course parallels in Kearny, N. J. 1801 Pat. Pllt. Rd. mobility. The Air Guards- *n community. the resident course at the - . N. J.* men trained in the posts The captain is employed they would fill if they were called into active duty in die event of national emer- The unit's summer encamp- ment was an extremely suc- cessful one, said Brig. Gen. WINDSOR SALES Donald J. Strait, Jersey Air Guard commander. Blessed with sunny skies, the unit's pilots flew their NEW WESTINGHOUSE P84F Thunderstreak jet fighter-bombers on about 900 simulated conventional and nuclear bombing and strafing sorties*. A part of tbe unit was assigned to complete the en- campment by taking part in an over-water deployment exercise with the Air Oe-


Let in estunate you watek *ad< jewelry repairs at M obttcaBon' to y

C F. DUKE Warehouse 601 Ocean Ave. I 'truty City, N J. M Leaf Distance Moving * Sea Store Servka ' Pachmc—-Cr«tia« ,* Local Movihf * Storage HEnderson 3-37S9 DANCING FRI, & SAT. NITE at thft bemrtifw MONTMARTM RQOU WESTINGHOUSE 2 DR. REFRIGERATOR 13 cu. ft. deluxe model with exclusive Westing- house features including automatic defrosting. Huge 101-lb. separate freezer, full-time door $ shelves, glide-out crispers, egg racks, dairy bar, and ... cold injector system. THRIFTY'S LOW For Reservations PRICE _ 279 CallOL 3-0100 u/nm ASK ABWT OUR EASY CREDIT TERMS | 2985 HUDSON BLVD. OL 6-9220 JERSEY CITY, N.J Six Hokoktu Pfdoriol, Friday, M|«» #, YOU CANT, BEAT WEST NEW YORK PRICES •CANTBEM M «•• M «M M ••• «•• ••» •••••• mm*A «VJI UR PRICES! ECLIPSE... Ha Floor Covaig Store in Tom ALL PRICES for West New York Days- Look! Big Savings! L A CM «f wax wM Ifw pwxfcase 3 DAYS ONLY! THURS., FRI., SAT. FREE! •fa TIM News It Spreading tost! BROADLOOM - 10,000 YDS. AVAILABLE Mere eawl MOT* People Are AU. RUGS SOUND AND FINISHED AT Shopping at the Eclipse CLOSEOUT PRICES! NO EXItA COST BROADIOOM 100% WOOL BROADLOOM BROADLOOM VISCOSE TWEEDS NYLON CARPET WALL-TO-WALL! 12' Width Gorgeevs Colors A




A A TMLC sa FT. 8 A TttJI A TU 15 Ti£ 1ATU

/EVERY TIRE BRAND- FINEST STRAW AND HATS BRIDAL NEW! (Not Seconds, SUMMER FELTS REDUCED FOR THE.CLERGY HEADWEAR Not Retreads) 95 PRICES / Alt U.S. ROYALS ARE Atmftotk FACTORY OUTLET 313 -3rd. St. Jersey city QUALITY TIRES I ».70-1S BRANCH OUTLET 490- Communipaw Avenue IAYON JERSEY CITY—Phone OL 99300 VEVERY U.S.SOYAI llockwoll TIRE HAS NATION. WIDE GUARANTEE. TIRES U pfcM pkn Mi TRANSFER TO MOUNTED FREE taNYlOM add*l $ KTimi 15 MONTHS orWHITEWALLadd 3 STORES CtMAHTEEi _ me. •ftATON 12MONTHS YKHS$».W 7*o-is$.5.w 606 Pattren Ptenkroatf UnioB City. UN. 3-1775 SWITCH TO MODKUM v fXClUSlVf UN. $ONNENBLUME-1«7 GOtMANS "606" COMPREHENSIVE Jjutitrol H'.VT SERVICE GUARANTEE Liebfrqumilch" U.S.ROYAL mtf MM vmr *M >•—Inj *•• OOMAM tHINI WIN! m» MMNST wumtm, euts. imp** bretkvete.: r-—-. Scotch WMskey art nweqwntUI temxe except*; (used «• wrViee r»d«e4 A h • few haw* w«1 wmtil ywr lMt«> M prle* for DM period specified. l*« l» tmnfn* §•• «tal m» tan, y» botti* OT f 61 MIBB MMKT BCfECTS btsetl en service renderedf t current fat price Owbwd «etn smooth without limit js to time w miluce. FREE ^ GORMAN'S "606" 49 £.97 rot FUU CXPWNATIOH OF COVERAGE AND COMDIT1OIK. •UHptD WHISKEY KAD YOUR GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE. ' CaU Today S,\S 3_ «t. O Vi Ml. Without Obligation! Fit for a GORMAN'S 606 |Recaping.& Vulcanizing rassenger & Truck Tii e I HAROLD M. 12-0S. CANS VODKA 5tb $26» STUHRMANN T e I INDUSTRIAL TIRES | &SONS from VINO MARIO f | 5704- BOULEVARD W.N.Y. UN 7-0428 j 4825 Bersenline Ave. , Redfc White Gal Union City •UL&ROYALgTIRES I UNion 3-1313-4 SE HABLA ESPANOL SO BRANDS OF BEER AND AI ft^' Hoboken f idorio!, Friday, August 4,1W

area, numerous papers and Episcopal Church of Hoboken BETSY ROSS FLAG CoL Bartholomew books on the Revolutionary for 23 years. War and a colorful and del- Subtle pride is emitted by A. F. Advisor icate multitude of china and Mr. Heaney when passers- IN AMERICANA COLLECTION glassware f r r. m tbe late by Inquire about the Betsy 1700's that show such scenes Ross flag. He tells hoi Lt. Col. Gabriel P. Barth- A Hoboken resident is a Holidays along Hoboken as Washington crossing the he acquired it from a "dear olomew, an Air Force figh- collector of early Americana streets. Delaware River. friend," Col.Vexi> ^eisger- ter pilot with an 18-year whose memorabilia would Heaney has in his collec- Mr. Heany, employed by ger, manager or the Betsy record, is the new Air Force make the eyebrows of other tion a naval uniform dating the Railway Express Agency Ross Museum in Philadel* adviser to the New Jersey back to 1830, paintings of National Guard's F84F jet collectors rise In admira- in New York, has been sac- p ia and can explain every tion and amazement. many Trinity churches from ristan of H o 1 y Innocents detail of its creation. fighter-bomber squadron, it the New York metropolitan was announced this week by He is John J. Heaney, oc- Brig. Gen. Donald J. Strait, cupant of t h e ten-room, Jersey Air Guard Com- • brownstone at io

1 H.P.CHRYSLER THE EL DORADO DINER AND RESTAURANT at Lincoln Tunnel Traffic Circle, Ton- AIR CONDITIONER nele Avenue, North Bergen, wsts officially opened Friday by Mayor Charles Weaver, shown congratulating Michael Gianakas.left, who with Michael Papanikitas, next HUE THEY LAST! t49°° to him, are co-owners. At the right is Thomas McNamee, the mayor's secretary. The diner, on e of the largest and most modern ti the country, is open 24 hours a ROLD M. STUHRMANN & Sons day, every day of the year. Businessmen's lunches and family dinners are their specialty. All baking is done on the premises. Foods are deliciously prepared and y?5 BTme Aye., U.C- UN 3-1313-4 moderately priced. Guests find the atmosphere promotes leisurely dining. NOW OPEN

DINER & RESTAURANT LINCOLN VUNNEL TRAFFIC OKU ON TON MEL E AVE., NWTN BER6EN Family Dinners — Business Men'* i.vnch — Plenty Of Free Parking WE DO UR OWN BAKING - OWN 24 HOURS A DAY Net )Hobokea Pi BREAKTHROUGH! General Electric Solves Ifour Space -. Problem! £

CU. ft. Refrigerator-Freezer fits in the space of • I 9

yet provides 8.8 cu, ft more storage spaceJ

MEWf TMM-WAU IRUXAnoN ... G.E.'t MW foonwd plotik- <>«vr«. •ion « tW4« o« iWcilW at erdinwy iwutoti—, vo itqwni «aly hol> -t« riwdtneM. This—plus capacity gainad ill ml«t«M tMigM, wrtlih o»tf depth—plus ether Central El*ctrtc imprerwiwntt .n Mil 4*«od«—<**oU*

CEnfiiawiw*— cvuom built- hi tou» at hnamr . . . On Itai ra w cBoawn. M» ceil* NO DOWN PAYMENT! AutbMfa«4 ft-E OMNC NI O^ICC t«H. FROZEN ^ SERVICE rotlCV WUMNTY **JS* ?*?? ****** copy ai fieatnl Oacthc's aiitlM _^^ ' FOOD trunnty. Only tedoiy-MMd w- CFHf IAI ^B tLICTftlfi •"*'"^2*^^2T wnirtr. it CtMPANT WITH PURCHASE OF • «M pt«ci« hwi* »* cutoa— M/UOI AfruANCC w*ia»« » »• M>» to «k toi tt. i»i.NsM*Ht.li* K»TOK»:M4}M».H.TJ G.E. REFRIGERATOR •Ut «T TKC tTOKC WITH THIS SUM MCW JHWT. IU WMkto|tMi SI, FREEZER LIMITED TIME ONLY S5S TONNOE »Vt, JfRSET CITY (U.S PMKINU FFICIENCY 249 NEWARK AVE., JERSEY CITY J-47OO HEATING & APPtlAHCB •«!#•. IHUtV • t' i. - ' Pas* T«« PUttrki, was fairly common m* and.tM woMttcm Weyl . Fred spent over 45 minutes of hundred yean before the go out of their tray to bel. in helping these men get Romans begin using Cbri«- their fellow boatmen. Mel under way. You're a real Late iam for lion bait. And to I've yet to encounter too sportsman Fred. If boat- Model die United States spoons have many of them. Take for men would, take into con- Typewriters been in manufacture since instfnce two weeks ago. A sideration the hazard a break 1848, w h e n a Vermonter down in open waters involves couple of men were aim- they would think twice about ISHING named Julio Buel dropped » lessly drifting around Sandy tablespoon in the water and passing anyone in distress. RENT Alb Bv FmMt N, Curto Hook because, for a o m e After all it takes but a minute watched as a fish made t reason ami why I don't know, There axe probably fisbex pass at it. He decided then, tn get to a boat in distress $7.50 *Bt MOUTH men In the world who have they were out of gas. They If yau feel oat you can't and rightly so, that he had were frantically waving to yet to discover the fish» just the ticket for the man help diem, at least call die 3 M«Hfes-$1950 catching properties of a red passing boats ami not one Coast Guard. You may be Distributes for who was too lazy to dig stopped to see if they could and white striped spoon, but bait. He did. And still next to break down. Royal Typewriter Co. It's highly unlikely. assist in any way to get See you. does. these men safely home. Call HE 5-8100 Spoons of this type have Ask any fishing guide what long been favorites for trout, Along came Fred Sajdik and GIVE TO THE RED CROSS DIM69 8 TyftwrittBERGEN AVr FCt. is the best all-around fish his party boat Sea Star. Capt. bass, and walleye, with catching lure in Canada and smaller sizes working be will tell you a red and beautifully on bluegllls and white striped spoon. The i crapple and white bass. But same answer could come It is Northern pike fishing from almost any of the north- where the striped spoon ern or western states where really comes Into its own the waters hold trout, bass, as "the best." and pike. When fished slowly and Two newcomers have rhythmetically it waves back threatened the superiority and forth, diving, dipping, o f- the spoon--the doll fly rolling around on its or leadhead Jig and the plas- swivel--screaming its mes- tic worm. Both are putting sage of a dinner invitation fish on stringers as if fish- to all game fish within sev- ing were going to be pro- eral yards radius. Exactly hibited tomorrow, but mostly what they see in it defies in midwestern and southern explanation, but they do, waters. In the north country which is no doubt the import- it is still a striped spoon that ant thing about the whole wears the crown of king. deal. Yours truly, along with There is nothing new about Jack Cappadonna and Lou using a spoon-type lure to Chick Balderacchi, fished make a sucker out of a fish; the Hoffman and Swinborae some authorities figuring it Islands, Coney Island and Rockaways this past week- AI on *rm ntHUN rwt end. Fishing was mighty FlLUKEft KING FISH slim until around 4 PM. on the incoming tide. We were drifting around buoy 14 off of Ambose Channel when all of a sudden we banged into a load of fish. Fluke, seabass, and porgies filled up our pail within half GOOD FISHING t an hour. If not for trouble with our boat we would have CMBIING still been there. STALDER'S You always read of boatmen NEW & OLD GUNS BOATS Rifle8,Pistols,Machine ouns ROUTE 35 Ammo & Accessories Foot of Cooper's Bridge Latest Catalog 100 P.P. Red Bank, N. J. 80 Clean, Dry Boats SERVICE ARMAMENT co. Refreshment Stand 8 tiast Ft. L5e Rd. Tel. SH.l-7489 Bogota. NJ.

THE WET GHOST SPORT SHOP LIVE BAIT - CHUM Discounts on all Bait - - - Tackle Route 35, South Amboy P.Arkway i-9733 John Fiumara, Prop. FOO0ARAMA~A 12 CU. FT. DELUXE *EFRieEftATOK A O CU. FT. UPRIGHT -FREEZER ALL 111 ONE CABINET ONLY 41* WIDE, 63' HI6H, SB' DEEP! Avtemttic Drfrortinf • Stow 3OT ft*. «t Vtomm 3—* • .Hwr If if Mil P—r.< MIKES SHIP AHOY RESTAURANT AM«» Juic* *»1 Soup C*a Di*p«e»*r • Rudy "X^cf i« TM9% pte to Oak* 4 r*WidU> PorteUm Cmpm a TieNrfw VMlH«t Kstty*r gWfl*a|ii f^t Atlantic Highlands Yacht Harbor i MMt Da«w • Mm tMrtto 9B <*•#• Coolest Dining Terrace On The Shore AVAILABLE IN ^« OR AT NO EXTRA CHAR« STEAKS CHOPS AND SEA FOOD WHERE FISHING AND EATING IS THRIFTY LOW ; ALWAY$AJPLEASURE LOW PRICES Present This Coupon For . A tree BoatfuU Of French Fri VIRGINIA APPLIANCE When You Order A Hamburg CENTER

Be Sure To Visit Our -Annex "Tbe Cabin In The RffUGERATIOM -AIR COHDITKMIW6. APfUAMCES Sky* Located At Tbe Highest Point On The Bait Coast Atop Scenic Drive. SALES AND SIRVKI i| 1 AT 14SS4 Mil fEYSER PROPRIETOR 455 West Side AvvJ,CHI4-i»H ftp TUrUM nwmr, MIM 4, NJT

.duties which fall onthe He was appointed by General RcV. LUNDEEN INSTALLED shoulders of t h e congre- Wilfred Kitching, interna- BVGHES PROUD gation. tional leader of the Salvation On hand in the church to Army. Col. Grace replaces GRANDPARENTS IN LUTHERAN RITE witness and take part in the Commissioner Llewellyn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hugh- Rev. Lyraan T. Lundeen as vice pastor of the con- ceremonies were Mrs. Cowan, who is retiring. es, 19a Bartholdi Ave., Jer- gregation following the res- Grace Lundeen, wife of the Col. Grace, whose parents Thursday nite was Installed pastor; their twin daughters, sey City, announce the birth as pastor of Lebanon Luth- ignation of Rev. Mr. Holmin. were officers in the Salva- of their first grandchild, a He was liturgist. Karen and Carla, and son, tion Army stationed in Jer- eran Church, Palisade Ave. Bruce. sey City at the time of his boy, John Jr., born July 22 told 58th St., West New York, Sermon was given by Rev. birth, has also dedicated his In Margaret Hague Mater- •/succeeding Rev. Ralph W. Reuben Lundeen brother of life to the charity organi- nity Hospital, Jersey City. Holmin who left that church the new minister and north- NATIONAL POST zation. Baby's parents are Mr. to become a member o f east regional director o f and Mrs. John H. Kennedy, faculty of Lutheran Bible American Missions of Aug- FOR COL GRACE Col. Grace was recently 131 Woodlawn Ave., Jersey Institute, Teaneck. ustana Lutheran Church. His divisional commander for City. Mrs. Kennedy is the Early in the service vespers topic was "Consider Your Salvation Army Col. John southern New Jersey, south- former Miss Carolyn Hughes Grace, himself a member ern Pennsylvania and the were conducted by Rev. Calling." Delaware division. In his of Jersey City. Her hus- Richard Bloomdall of Ridge- Installation was conducted of a Salvation Army Fam- band is the son of Mr. and ily in Jersey City, will be- new assignment, be will be field Park, who has served by Dr. Thorston A. Gustav- chief secretary to national Mrs. Peter Kennedy also of son, president of New Yo'k come administrative assist- Jersey C lty. He Is employed ant to the national command- Commander Commissioner Conference, who extended Norman Marchall. by the Pennsylvania Rail- MARCUS greetings. He was assistei : r Sept. 6. A by Rev. Paul Laurell, pres- JEWELERS INC. ident, New Jersey District; Rev. Bloomdall and Erik DOWN 1M WASHINGTON ST. Hagberg, chairman, church HOBOKEN OL. council. PAYMENT Every Porc4**e A ftargaia! In his sermon, the brotuer of the new minister cited not AS LITTLE AS • DIAMONDS only the responsibilites of • GIFTS the pastor, but also those METER • WATCHES DR. M. FRIEDMAN • JEWELRY Optometrist PUN 1. MARCUS Cant Fix It. Eye Examination 104 Washington Street He Win Give You A Hoboken N.J. New Of* OL.9.-0011 ii Ik* refrigerator secrioil ta the freeier coapertaeitl buy a Freezer REFRIGERATOR Yoail aever hove to defrost FREEZER arid have a of ffood lyour

• "Quick-Eject" Ice Server • "Swing 'N Serve" Sh«lv«» • "Quick-Serve" Dairy A Egg Storage Separate freezer compartment . Spacious glide-out twin porcelain crispers • Four ice cube trays • Refrigerated Meat Keeper . Double* deep Handidor storage in both refrigerator and freezer doors . Tall bottle storage • Freezer door, pedal > Dual lights « Safety doors flush-fit "built-in" styling Oa days with a little extra time, make double the DOWN usual quantity of easseroles, meat loaves, spa- PAYMENT We AI»o Carry: AIK-CXJNIHT1ONKKS, FANS. fhetti sauce, cakes — any number of dishes. Then TV'*, WASHKKS, DKYKKS, •)< A IN <; K S , sse one — and store one — to give you a "no-cook METER STEKEOS. All Available a« No Down Vayn^niT day" when you've beeik out shopping or when Under Our Motor Plan. I NO sunny weekends beckon. Buy a Refrigerator- DOWN PLAN PAYMENT Freezer at your favorite store. You'll love the METER convenience, the free time —and the savings do PLAN ' mount up! AS UTUI RELIABLE AS LITTLE Buy a Refrigerator-Freezer AS Appliance & Sew«"ng Machine Co, AS at your favorite store. 25* A DAY! 335 JACKSON AVE., J. C. t A DAY \ ki\% CALL DE 3-9067 or UN 3-0474 Hobokei Pictorial, Friday, AftjKt 4,1961 Iw«lv%.; Jersey City Man's Hobby Is Collecting Match Covers Harry H. Gersen of 93 erford, fie also is active In recent history. Wade St., Jersey City, whose 1 n P resident Kennedy's, Among Mr. Gerson's wide- Orson says there are any avocation in 1 i f e evolves "People to People" cam-- ly-varied items of collect- number of unusual covers, around: an. interesting but paign, which is a plan to or's lore are covers deplet- such as those embodying the little known hobby—match* creave International good ing the political sorties of product being advertised on cover collecting—w i 11 soon will through common In- Frank Hague, LaGuardia, the cover (as anutand%crew be president of theRathkamp terests in hobbies among Jimmy Walker and even typifying a hardware shop, .Matchcover Society, the residents of foreign lands. Henry Krajewskl; Lind- and a simulated pill carry- nation's largest collecting For men who collect matcn- bergh's crossing of the At- ing the message of a drug group of its k i n d , at covers, small packet's cover lantic , and the official store). ceremonies in Oes Moines, of unusual design, coloring matchcover of President He says the newest innova- Iowa. and text can evoke as much Eisenhower's White House tion Is "Matcborama", odd- Mr. and Mrs. Gerson will if not more excitement then tenancy, inscribed simply sized covers depicting fine Journey to the midwest city the 1913 Indian head penny "Residence of t h e Pres- art masterpieces and nature for the 21st annual conven- among coin collectors or the ident." scenes in full color. tion of the society from Aug. surcharged, non-water- 14 to 19. En route, they marked stamp issue o f Intend to visit matchcover Northeast Tanganyika (pre- collecting "pen pals" i n War) among philatelists. Chicago, ! One entire room of the Ger- LOR-MAR-5 BRIML SALON Mr. Gerson, who also heads son home is devoted to dis- the Garden State Match plays of matchcover art, the S33 NEWARK AVI?:. IfiRSEY CITY, N. J. Cover Club, is a press oper- house being a veritable mus- — OL. 3-»77J — ator for Becton, Dickinson eum of ; rare and unusual Custom & Ready Made Gown.' Co., manufacturers of clin- covers cbmmemorating al- most every important event Original Designs By ical equipment in East Ruth- lovely Gift Sox JOSEPHINE LOORI Internationally Known Designer CASTLE LAMES Ifs Exquisite! For HEALThFU^. AND ENJOYABLE j BOWLING Complete Wedding Party and for all occasions INSTRUCTIONS • 22 Lanes • Air Conditioned Vincent's Communion - Confirmation BY • Ample Parking Jewelert • Cocktail Lounge FENNY LUCAS • Snack Bar 6147 BERGENLINE AV. WEST NEW YORK 8UCKY BOLDUC 5600 Hudson Blvd. MANCH: 1*71 FatanM MM. w UN 4-7400 West New York, N.J. { N. J. t-Z FIT ALL ALUMINUM SCREENS with odustable hangers and closure channel save labor and installation costs! SENSATIONAL BUYS install it yourself... From GENERAL ELECTRIC! in minutes! HANGER cu. Slay o8-okainm»n screens con offer. Superior cowl rwctioer 18.8 ft permit! eoiy "do » yoaneH" installation and ae^vstnieats't* Assure a snug, protecti»e it. REFRIGERATOR fiono of laMOve vvoooco Scresjaa ' fltOM MSKK 1H€ HOUSE. - FREEZER aVt - • •- Fits in the space of |* UOHT yesterday's • LOW COST . . . yet provides • IA»HY IN$TAUH» • NON-STAINM4I • NIVW HEEDS PAJNTWO 8.8 cu. ft. more 10 storage space! NEW! THHM-WALL

IINdULA I IUN DUrtle iBmutiea Is twice as efficient as erdlnary insutatlen, se resjatres •nly half the thickness. This — plui capacity cained In hterier belfht, width and depth — H«rs Ars Ssms ef ffMMany Cwttam Products phi* General Electric improvements io last deeane r-renlts la M% mere storare, space in sasae alae W« Mate in Our Own Mill: cakiaet. \ KITCHEN CABINETS, BOOKCASES, COR- NICES, BUILT-IN KITCHEN WALL AND ..v..-viittt Freezer >rmcs every- tbtnr eat frent with a teach ef the fee* pedi"L - . . Ice Service with Tlipever trays BASE CABINETS, RADIATOR COVERS. «.» tvi ft. capaeifir! fer cakes—refill trays rifht in freeier! • G-E Exclusive $elid Swlnr-Oat Sherven

safety, they are, as present- actions to reduce it." tions sponsoring them frtfttt Do Not Mab ly conceived, ineffective in The failing in most safety more meaningful activities^ t h e behavior of individual efforts, be finds, are that and* of creating an unfavor- drivers. .In fact, they may they raise a high level of able public climate f o * Careful Drivers do more harm than good. * fear but are "accompanied traffic safetv programs* '( i i g h tcam- in t n e April Issue of Mr. Ritter said that the by vague a_n d sometimes "—those widely .pub- TRAFFIC QUARTERLY, a Teacher's Col leg*'report complex messages." efforts co frighten publication of the Eno Foun- points out that to be truly As a result, according to JTorlsts into safe driving-- dation for Traffic Safety. effective a "threat" appeal Dr. Malfetti, the programs 4»'t work. Mr. Ritter stated that Dr. should "raise a minimal a- run the risk of creating an unresolved high level of an- Yn MTt man than / his was the view expressed Malfeid's article cites ex- mount of fear (or Just the with US Strings Bonds by Carleton H. Ritter, ex- ample after example of the right level of it, as inter- xiety in some persons and ecutive secretary of t h e extend to which the fear pretations differ with people) therefore make them less North Jersey Automobile technique has taken over and then "capitalize on the capable drivers, of diverting Club, AAA. Mr. Ritter based safety efforts. fear by suggesting specific the energies of the organiza- his opinion on a study re- Dr. Malfetti concludes that cently concluded by Teach- while "these techniques are er's College, Columbia Un- sometimes effective i n JCock Setvice iversity. Financed in part creating public interest In 645-60th Street W.N.Y. by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, research into GEFRO SUPPLY, Inc. Un. 7-9565 the subject was conducted MPERATORE BUILDERS HARDWARE by Dr. James L. Malfetti, "Over 100 Year* of Experience at Your Service" executive officer of the col- Kit II Keys fitted to all type locks lege's safety education pro- //GENERAL SUPPLIES TO ALL TRADES Master Key Systems Made ject. FURNITURE HARDWARE 5901 IfX&ENUNE AVENUE _ suit Case Locks "Fright campaigns may do UN.7-1923 . STEAMPITTERS INDUS1KIAI more harm than good," said All Type Locks Installed 3606 New York Ave. PLUMtERS West New York, N. J. MARINE Locks and Door Checks Mr. Ritter. "Similar find- Union City IUILOCRS JANITORS ings also have been yoiced ROOFERS Phone Vision 7-1600 rAiNTOS Repaired TINSMITHS , - , , * *• . «LECTR»CAt by the National Safety Coun- Ojw Locoffioi CONTRACTORS Outside Service Calls cil which concedes that 'the fern Tnm—Try Gefrt First toiuts LOu • worst kind of safety prop- •vts Ywi Moity DASC ENZ« aganda' is that which results only in raising anxiety levels." The AAA motor STORE HOURS: DAILY TIL 9:P.M. ; SATURDAY TIL 6:P.M. club official said the Mai- fetti analysis was published FRED'S WHERE YOU BUY AUTO REPAIRS AJI make* of cars & trucks REBUILT ENGINES -FOR ALL CARS APPLIANCES IS AS IMPORTANT AS Ignition-Carburetor* Brakes St*«e inspection Service 7S00 BROADWAY 6902 Hodum BKd. N. 3. WHAT YOU BUY! UN MSSi NO.BERGEN UN3-4307 ELSIE BEAUTY SHOPgE Dedicated To MORE Women TWO-DOOR AUTOMATIC | AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT DeFROSTING UNion 3-0075 REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER 443 «Otk St. W.N.Y. Karen Priced Americas Number «>ne Compact at Only«229°° RAMBLER All-around magnetic action provides air- tight seal on every Inch of the door. For 105-lb capacity freezer keeps foods safely for as LONG AS A YEAR! '61 Swing-out crisper for fruits and vegetables with porcelain enamel finish. Now On Display Swing-out shelves. - no groping or reaching, no "forgotten" leftovers. Two interior lights; "frost-away" automatic MOTOR defrost; 5-year protection plan. MART Wt s«nric« wfcot wt s«U , if by $#•• ctoict, yet 4112wummy HUDSON BLVD. bey yw TV or oppHuct tlstwwtre- well servke tb«t UNION CITY. N. J. — UN w-74W- 4 mi

Schedule: ,.___,w Round Jersey in the National All- __^, .. entry fee of .tforthcrn Dtvislon-l,.-^,.™-. Star Tournament which win $35. must be mailed to Jack en Lanes, North Bergen-* beheld Jan. 4-13 at Miami Lutton, executive director. 'BOWLING .Beach Fla. The fortunate August 24-25. Final Round- New Jersey Bowling Prop- Colombia Park Lanes, North bowlers that represent the rietors Association 272 N. state of N. J. will be pro- Bergen*23-24. \ «»•• • r . HIGHLITES Broad St., Elizabeth, N. J.Another Swank Bowling vided with round trip air- Entries close Aug. 12. Fur- By terry & Bob Paris plane transportation by the Lanes opening Tuesday-Aug. ther information may be ob- Ist-Unwood Lanes, Port Lee NJ. Bowling Proprietors tained by telephoning Eliz- One group win compete on Association, Applications next to tbe Jade Room Open jPeople who keep active in abeth 3-0933. Bowling at all bouirsj*^— •• * • Sports during the summer Thursdays and Saturdays and the other group will com- ._-. ———^naw-~.| seem to be better fit forpete on Fridays ant! Sundays bowling league participation, irf the qualifying round. * and score highly. The top 20 per cent of the Attention Teenage Bowlers contestants at the comple- of Secaucus! Registration tion of the qualifying round for PAL and American Jun- in each division will gain ior Bowling Congress A. the semi final round. In J.B.C. applications are all of this competition the available at the Secaucus men will roll six-game Police Headquarters for blocks and the women four- boys and girls aged 13 togame blocks. Scores in the 18 inch from July 28th on qualifying competition will' for the 6th season of thenot be carried over to the PAL Bowling which will start semi finals. Saturday, Sept; 9th. at 10:00 Upon the completion of the A.M. This consists of Jun- semi finals the top 24 men ior League ages 13 to 15and top 12 ladies qualify to loci, and Seniors, 16 to IScompete in the finals on a incl. Chief Arthur H. Tem- 2 g a m e match using the CITY—Bergen md Harrisea Aw., Hr*-0411 ple is the Director. Further Peterson Point scoring sys- SCMlfMllt'S UNION Crrv—Hadseii Kvd. at 22nd St. UN 7-1000 Information may be obtained tem. The top 11 men and 5 {from Bowler am a, Secaucus, women will represent New 'the lanes where bowling will be held. Pcrrolman Hoss- ann and Sergeant Feinhals will be at the lanes on Sat. August 5th., 12th, 19th and the NEW 3-IN-l closing deadline Aug. 26th Summer between the iiours of K):00 rand 2:00 PM. for registra- tion* '•'L.."" ^'™v? - • iFhe New Jersey State Ail- Star match game elimination for men and women spon- sored by the New Jersey Bowling Proprietors Assoc- iation, will have anew format Super Storage this year, competition starts August 17 and continues on weekends through Aug. 27 and September the weekends of the 16-17 and 23-24. RCA WHIRLPOOL The state has been divid- • ed in to two divisions, North and South, with die dividing REFRIGERATOR-FREEZERS line putting Essex, Morris and Warren counties, in the m Northern Division, The Southern Division wil com- prise of Union, Somerset 1 and Hunterdon counties. En- Super Savings . trants must compete in the section their county is set in* - The eliminations will be conducted over two weekends instead of the usual four in past years. The bowlers will be divided in 2 groups. 18.51.1 MELONE EAST AutoBttfyWks TUtMS! BIG CAPACITY, 4920 W.N.Y. UN.MM0 BIG FREEZER Arthur $


'tf* you' Auto Insurance Dollar No ice trays to fill, spill or pry loose. No ever — freezer or refrigerator. Mkade Air f system keeps food fresher, longer. Jet-Cold* Shelf chills food faster. 14.6-cubic-foat capacity "WmJ. freezer alone holds 139 pounds. BREMMER —WM. DISCOUNT aurar - . REAL ESTATE 2818 Hudion Boulevard, U. C. -INSURANCE Open Man. TKurs. Frl. Iv»s. 1315 PATERSON PLK. RD. HARRY'S SECAUCUS FREE PARKING INI $.205 3-04*5 UN. 5-7643 Appliances £ Famitare Hoboken ncionai, trwai, Atgtst 4, J95T St ji&ppttttd...... THIS WEEK BY JAMES P. ORAZIOSO national or parent union, kept LABOR LOG the local unions weak, es- Horses Across One question often asked including the engine, • pecially, financially. Most. is; why when they want to the plumbing, and the tanks by Bernard Lasky of the CIO local unions were The Board get a heavy payload into at thrust cutoff. In liquid operated by workingmen and space must there always be propelled two types The merger of the AFL- women who had to work in at least two stages, why of-fuel are stored in sep- C1O did not produce t h e the shops and factories while can't they just shoot one arate tanks which are Utopia hoped for within the running the local union. If By Red Board - vehicle into space? emptie'd at very nearly the labor movement. As sepa- this did not create divided Horses Fit To Win Well* vertical takeoff from same time. When one of rate entities, the American loyalties, it put the local At New York the Earth requires a thrust the fuels is exhausted the Federation of Labor held the union officers in a jux- PACO force that exceeds the weight engine will stop leaving the trump hand financially and taposition to say the least, Must Be A Price of the- complete missile by other fuel as additional dead strategically while the Cor.- and the bargaining edge was ERRCOUNTESS some 30 to50percent. Thus, weight. grecrf of Industrial Or- on the employers* side not Loves The Turf if the missile weighed one The , how- ganizations was floundering only in the questicn of auto- HANMEY hundred thousand pounds a ever, can provide adequate in Troubled times without the mation but also relative to Last One Very Bad thrust of one hundred and velocity. The first stage necessary funds to pursue other conditions of employ- ARTA thirty thousand to one hun- has the job of getting the its organizational activities ment. In Fine Form dred and fifty thousand vehicle off the ground aid to k,e e p it numerically When the American Fed- NIKSAR pounds would be needed. giving it a velocity. When strong. eration of. Labor and the Next out wont miss A missile contains four the fuels of the first stage Automation, the threat to Congress of Industrial Or- SOISSONS principal elements; the roc- are exhausted and the veh- both the AFL and the CIO, ganizations joined together, Likes'this track ket engine, to provide the icle is not moving, for ex- was only accepted by the the AFL actually saved the OBAN propulsive force; the prop- ample, at 10,000 feet per AFL on negotiable terms CIO from bankruptcy. It When in own class ellants consumed by the roc- second, the first stage is with, in seme instances, an brought the suave, sophis- at New Jersey ket engine; the airframe to dropped. Now you have the increase of manpower t o ticated and executive type. LILLIANI contain the and second stage already trav- meet the speed-up in pro- CIO leaders to the same Will try next out to carry the structural loads; eling at a speed of 10,000 duction. The CIO was forced conference table with the NIP-O-BRANDY and thepayload, including the feet per second and being to accept automation with hurly-burly, rough and tum- Last very good equipment and instruments. much, much lighter than the its increased " production ble tradesmen, who knew BECK All this has to be lifted off first stage and requiring far schedules with a tremendous their crafts and trades well in fine form the ground and given enough less fuel to obtain a velo- loss of i >anpower which, and zealously guarded their FRESH TOM speed to either go into city of 10,0*00 _f e e t per naturally, meant a loss of guilds as leaders in the AFL, Will be close or escapethe Earth's gravit- second. When the second membership. L o c a 1 Federal Labor restricted ational pull. stage reaches its thrust ca- While this might seem para- U n i o irs, directly affil loves this track The fuel in the vehicle can pability it now has the com* doxical, there is a simple iated with the AFL and not WINNERS ALL last just so long, when it bined speed of both stages. and good explanation for the connected with an Internat- Hottie last out , is gone no more thrust can Staging can be extended to manner in which the two ional Union within the Fed- IF-I-CAN be developed. Adding more include three of four or more unions, before the merger, eration, were the catch-all Ready for a big try fuel would only increase the stages. The total velocity had to face the problem of industrial type unions that OLIEN weight of the vehicle which that may be attained is the automation. With the Build- had voting power at the AFL • Stay with this one would then require more ad- sum of the individual con- ing Trades and the Team- conventions. The per capita At New England ditional fuel and so forth tributions of e"ach stage. The sters in the ranks of the tax to the Federation was GRAPHIC AID until a limit is reached where only way we can send a pay* American Federation of reasonable and many Fed- Good in sprints it would be impossible to load to the Moon with pre- Labor, AFL, the older of eral Labor Unions retained JO BLACK store enough fuel to lift the sent techniques is by mult* the two major labor forces most of its funds f<>r the On edge vehicle into space. istaged rockets. iheld a strong bargaining.po- benefits of its membership. OPTICS. Another factor is the dead In the future, however, wita] Sition. too, the AFL con- These unions elected and Wins at long odds weight such as the propel- 'rhe development of nucleaft ,5isted of International paid business^agents, a poL- DARK LANE lant tanks and the support- o: other types of propul** •Unions that were com- icy while if not frowned on Stable-likes this one ing structure which carries sion, staging will not bd < posed of powerful local by the CIO is avoided when- ALGENIB the structural loads imposed necessary. In a nuclear en* < unions. ever possible. I Has what it takes during flight and ground gine, for instance, the weight . Before the merger, the AFL In the AFL-CIO, the Fed- BIG BEAR handling in t h e airframe. of the fuel needed to lift had. only nominal power in, eral Labor Unions have felt Ready and willing The£e materials do not con- a heavy payload into space* the Federation itself. The the steady increase in per PR DUBIOUS tribute directly to the pro- and give it the necessary; central power was weak and capita tax payments to keep In own class duction of thrust of the use- velocity will be far, far less even the International Unions the parent organization op- ETERNAL BIM ful payload, yet must be than that needed in present - had to bow to the will of- a erating. The increase in Dont over look carried aloft. Another fac- systems. The weight of thft Strong local union. Thus, per capita payments has At The Trots tor contributing significantly vehicle can then be put into hi the American Federation reached an all time. peak* SIR KNIGHT to the total dead weight of designing a true spaceship, •Of Labor, the loca\ union of $1.50 per member from Runs good at Yonkers a vehicle and restricting its one that can takeoff, make had the power to accept or each local union. The strong BEHAVE maximum performance i s its flight in space and return reject automation in Us part- central power, the phil* , Will win another any unused trap- to Earth for a landing to icular craft or, at least, the osophy of the CIO, now per- APTLY ped in tire system be used over and over again. tnembcrs had the right to meates the AFL-CIO, Always try*s flame the terms of auto- In New Jersey, despite an NASSAWADOX than are girls. method. mation through collective ultimatum from president Real nice pacer "Dyslexia" or poor read- Many boys appear to read fcargaining with the edge in George Meany of the AFL- HI-DAY ing could b e caused by a better -when the phonic of bargaining on the side of the CIO, the state AFL organi- Needs inside post poorly developed sense of auditory method is used. i union members. zations and CIO organiza- SISKIYOU SONG direction to words. And as The word recognitions The Congress of Industrial tion still go their separate- In fine form a rule .disappears spontane- method which is commonly Organizations, CIO, with ways. ' HI'S IMAGE •*••-• ously fit with little help. used in our schools seems to- strong central powers in the At first asking Difficulty in learning to read favor girls. Word recog- MR. SNITCH.....* GENE IKE ' is difficulty in grasping or nition is, however, a met*' (Continued From Page I) Must stay on nace getting a picture in the childs hod which could not b*: HOBOKEN PICTORIAL the week and from their play- mind of words. adapted for all children. i PsMlsfaed Weekly By Defects in eyesight only add 4 Tbe Wen New Yorker, fc boy husbands and boyfriends thildren with "dyslexia *; when weekends roll around. to the problem nit not the or poor reading require def* Dorocby SEdtt cause. Occassionally read- AlLtmAl M . • * • • FAMILY lnite expressions of affect* ing difficulty is due to a. ion by their parents. Over* Staff Photographer CAMEL is what they call him bearing* defect or an injury Hebcfcen Pictorial tsafi behind his back for his co - essBDOCTOR anxious parents and thos# tt the brain of the child. who try to force the child Ely newspaper devoted to tfie workers have noticed he goes By Dr. J.H. Lefkowira welfare of the community tt oh 40-day drinking fasts and Emotional disturbances to a standard pattern may, verves, its people. Us bod- then is so saturated with what- School will soon be open could block the learning pro- retard progress. i em, and industry. ever he can get his hands on and children will be going cess. Failure to succeed When teaching methods ar#\ Deadline for news and ad- to school again* A good inspite of adequate intelli- modified and protection from ; vertising-Wed. 10 a.m. Make he can barely m«ke it to the office. You can't even light a many of these children we* gence produces nervousness emotional stress lain* all calls except to photofTa- perience reading difficulty* withdrawal and sometimes a stituted, 3 out of 4 children c to priming atsat at WH match within 15 feet of h i m dislike to the teacher who is 5-5596 or WH5-JSM.Phoio- for fear of an explosion during These children could be of will learn to read* ii prajlMff** pfaenss OH-1117. these times. Now, he's start- average o r better intelli* unable to encourage the child Those who still find tt dtf* Second Class ostage psjd inn to become concerned; the gence and yet they find it baj4 to learn regaiedess of the ficult to learn readingettne? at Post Office, HW telltale signs of a full-bloom- to learn reading. child's problem. have hearing defects, brafel Ottce-41 First Sc.,H«*ek«i. ing rum blossom substituting The incidence decreases The remedy Jor poor read* damage o r emotional MacrtpOon $5 per year- for his n<^se are starting to among those over 8 years tag is educational. turbances, and the ore 110 cents per cqpjt. appear. <## old. Boys 8 -. e m to b« 75% of children will learn is toward one of affected m o r •" frequently to read with ease fey any causes. ^