

R. H. POST Department of Human Genetics, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan Selections from the Current List of Medical Literature through February, 1959 and other sources 296. AGER, J. A., LEHMANN, H., & VELLA, F. 1958. Haemoglobin Norfolk: a new haemoglobin found in an English family with observations on the naming of new haemoglobin variants Brit. M. J. 5095: 539-541. 297. ALEXANDER, J. O., & GRANT, P. W. 1958. ; report of three cases with family his- tory. Scot. M. J. 3(8): 356-360. 298. ALLAN, J. D., CUSWORTH, D. C., DENT, C. E., & WILSON, V. K. 1958. A disease, probably hereditary, characterized by severe mental deficiency and a constant gross abnormality of aminoacid metabolism. Lancet, Lond. 1(7013): 182-187. 299. ALLISON, A. C. 1958. The genetical and clinical significance of the haptoglobins. Proc. R. Soc. Ml., Lond. 51(8): 641-645. 300. ALLISON, A. C., & BLUMBERG, B. S. 1958. Familial osteoarthropathy of the fingers. J. Bonc Surg. Brit. VZol. 40-B(3): 538-545. 301. ALLORI, L., & VITAMIA, P. 1958. Osservazioni genetistiche su 44 casi di cardiopatie acquisite. [Genetic observations on 44 cases of acquired heart disease] Acta genet. med. gemellol., Roma 7(3): 397-410. 302. AMYOT, R. 1958. L'Audi-mutite; document clinique portant sur trios membres (lune meme fratrie. [Audimutitas; clinical observation on three members of the same family] Presse med. 66(56): 1289-1292. 303. ANASTASI, A. 1958. Heredity, environment, and the question how? Psychol. Rev. 65(4): 197-208. 304. ANDERSEN, J. 1958. Modifying influence of the secretor gene on the development of the ABH substance; a contribution to the conception of the Lewis group system. 1V.ox sanguinis, Basel 3(4): 251-261. 305. ANONYMOUS. 1958. . Q. Rev. Pediat. 13(3): 113-115. 306. ANONYMOUS. 1958. Inheritance of rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. AI. J. 5101: 903. 307. ANONYMOUS. 1958. Marfan's syndrome. Brit. M. J. 5101: 903-904. 308. ANONYMOUS. 1958. Peptic ulcer in twins. Brit. M. J. 5085: 1470-1471. 309; ARONSON, S. M., SAIFER, A., KANOF, A., & VOLK, B. W. 1958. Progression of amaurotic family idiocy as reflected by serum and cerebrospinal fluid changes. Ain. J. Med. 24(3): 390-401. 310. BEARN, A. G., & FRANKLIN, E. C. 1958. Some genetical implications of physical studies of human haptoglobins. Science 128 (3324): 596-597. 311. BEKER, S., & READ, A. E. 1958. Familial Dubin-Johnson syndrome. Gastroenterology 35(4): 387-389. 312. BERNARD, J., MATHE, G., & NAJEAN, Y. 1958. Contribution & letude clitnique et physiopatho- logique de la maladie de Fanconi. [Clinical & physiopathological study of Fanconi's disease] Rev. fr. clin. biol. 3(6): 599-612. 313. BETKE, K. 1958. Hamoglobinanomalien. Schweiz. med. Wschr. 88(41): 1005-1100. 314. BOLIA, M. C., & RovESCALLI, A. 1958. Indagini istochimiche ed osservazioni anatomopato- logiche in clue forme di distrofia corneale familiare. [Histochemical data and anatomopatho- logical observations in two forms of familial corneal dystrophy] Ann. ottalin. 84(6): 267-290. 315. BRANDT, H., & REVAZ, C. 1958. Jumelles univitellines et situs inversus. [Monozygotic twins and situs inversus] J. genet. humaine, Geneve 7(1-2): 33-45. 316. CARP, C. 1958. Disociatie atrio-ventriculara completa, congenitall si familiala la patru membri ai aceleiasi familii. [Complete, congenital and familial auriculoventricular dissociation in four members of the same family] Med. int., Bucur. 10(5): 761-768. * Supported in part by the National Institutes of Health, grant number C-3874. 208 BIBLIOGRAPHY 209

317. CHAUDHURI, A., CHAUDHURI, J. N., & CHAUDHURI, K. C. 1958. Congenital porphyria in siblings; with a brief review of congenital and hereditary porphyrias. Ind. J. Pediat. 25(123): 157-172. 318. CREvELD, S. VAN, & LIEM, K. H. 1958. Congenital afibrinogenemia. At. neonatal. 7(3): 89-100. 319. DAILLY, R., & SAMSON, M. 1958. Forme familiale d'arthrogrypose. Rev. neur., Par. 98(4): 320-328. 320. DENSON, K. W. 1958. Electrophoretic studies of the Prower factor; a blood coagulation factor which differs from factor VII. Brit. J. Haemat. 4(3): 313-325. 321. DEUTSCH, E. 1957. Eine neue Thrombopathie-Familie. [A new familial thrombopathy] lThronzb. diath. haem., Stuttg. 1(2): 261-263. 322. DIDISHEIM, P., FERGUSON, J. H., & LEWIS, J. H. 1958. Hemostatic data in relatives of hemo- philiacs A and B; evidence for modifying the classical sex-linked recessive hypothesis. A. M. A. Arch. Int. M. 101(2): 347-354. 323. Di SANT'AGNESE, P. A., GROSSMAN, H., DARLING, R. C., & DENNING, C. R. Saliva, tears and duodenal contents in cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. Pediatrics 22(3): 507-514. 324. DORN, H. 1958. Allergische Diathese in einer Familie uber vier Generationen. [Allergic di- athesis in a family of four generations] Zschr. Haut & Geschlkr. 25(2): 45-48. 325. DORN, H. 1957. Biochemisch-genetische Betrachtungen zur Epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria und entsprechende therapeutische Massnahmen. [Biochemical-genetic notes on hereditary epidermolysis bullosa and adequate therapeutic measures] Zschr. Haut & Geschlkr. 23(11): 316-320. 326. DRISCOLL, S. G., & HSIA, D. Y. Y. 1958. The development of enzyme systems during early infancy. Pediatrics 22(4), Part 2: 785-845. 327. DURHAM, D. G. 1958. Congenital hereditary Horner's syndrome. A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 60(5): 939-940. 328. EBERLEIN, W. R., & BONGIOVANNI, A. M. 1956. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: an inborn error of metabolism. Helvet. paediat. acta 11(2): 105-117. 329. EHRING, F., & NIERMANN, H. 1958. Haut- und Halslymphknotentuberkulose bei 88 Zwilling- spaaren. [Cutaneous and cervical lymph node tuberculosis in 88 pairs of twins] Arch. klin. exp. Derm., Berl. 205(6): 617-627. 330. ENGER, E. 1958. Wilson's sykdom, spesielt med henblikk pa de biokjemiske forstyrrelser. [Wil- son's disease with special reference to biochemical disorders] Tskr. Norske laegeforen. 78(16): 718-784. 331. ERDBRINK, W. L. 1957. Ocular myopathy associated with retinitis pigmentosa. A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 57(3): 335-338. 332. FOWLER, E. P. 1958. Otosclerosis in ten pairs of identical twins; a continuing study. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. 67(3): 889-904. 333. FURUSHO, T. 1957. A genetic study on congenital deafness. Japanese J. Hu. Gen. 2(2): 35-58. 334. GAYRAL, L., & GAYRAL, J. 1958. Le facies discoide et le status rhizom'galo-discoide; etude genetique. [Discoid face and rhizomegal-discoid status; genetic study] J. genet. humaine, Geneve 7(1-2): 46-66. 335. GEISLER, E., & STRODER, J. 1958. Zur Problematik der Phenylbrenztraubensaure-Oligophrenie. [Problem of phenylpyruvic oligophrenia] Ann. paediat., Basel 191(3): 147-174. 336. GERALD, P. S., & DIAMOND, L. K. 1958. A new hereditary (the Lepore trait) and its interaction with trait. Blood, Bost. 13(9): 835-844. 337. GfRARD-LEFEBvRE, BENOIT, M., & QUEVAL, B. 1958. Polycorie glycogenique hepatique chez trois enfants d'une meme fratrie. [Glycogenic hepatic polycoria in 3 children of the same stock] Arch. fr. pddiat. 15(3): 388-395. 338. GIBSON, D., & GIBBINS, R. J. 1958. The relation of mongolism stigmata to intellectual status. Am. J. Ment. Defic. 63(2): 345-348. 339. GoLD, E. R., IKIN, E. W., & MOURANT, A. E. 1958. Serum containing three Rh autohaemagglu- tinins. Brit. M. J. 5107: 1273-1274. 340. GOLDENBERG, I. S., & HAYES, M. A. 1958. Breast carcinoma and ABO blood groups. Cancer, Phila. 11(5): 973-974. 210 BIBLIOGRAPHY

341. GOLDSCHMIDT, R. B. 1958. Materials for the study of dominant personality traits. Folia hered. path. 2(4): 267-295. 342. GORER, P. A. 1958. Genetics of human cancer: a general survey of methods. Ann. N. York. Acad. Sc. 71(6): 1189-1197. 343. GORSUCH, G. E. 1958. Essential hyperlipemia. U. S. Armed Forces M. J. 9(10): 1414:1424. 344. GRAHAM, S., & LILIENFELD, A. M. 1958. Genetic studies of gastric cancer in humans: an ap- praisal. Cancer, Phila. 11(5): 945-958. 345. GREIG, H. B., METZ, J., BRADLOW, B. A., THERON, J. J., & MORRIS, R. W. 1958. The familial crisis in hereditary : report of five cases. S. Afr. J. Ml. Sc. 23(1): 17-32. 346. GREITHER, A. 1958. Uber eine mit Keratosen und Pigmentstorungen einhergehende erbliche Dysplasie der Haut. [A hereditary dysplasia of the skin associated with keratoses and pigment disorders] Hautarzt 9(8) 364-369. 347. HACKZELL, G., & LUNDMARK, C. 1958. Familial juvenile nephronophthisis. Acta paediat., Upps. 47(4): 428-440. 348. HAHNEMAN, B. M., & ALT, H. L. 1958. Cyclic neutropenia in a father and daughter. J. Am. MA. Ass. 168(3): 270-272. 349. HALLGREN, B. 1958. Speciella ls- och skrivsvafrigheter (s.k. ordblindhet). II. Genetiska syn- punkter. [Difficulties in reading and writing (word blindness). II. Genetic aspects] Nord. ned. 59(15): 516-518. 350. HARA, H. J. 1957. Scleroma; observations on seven cases in one family for 10 years and another case which developed intracranial complications after five years. Tr. Am. Lar. Rhin. Otol. Soc.: 326-343. 351. HARGREAVES, G. K., & HELLIER, F. F. 1958. The association of psoriasis with blood groups. A. M. A. Arch. Derm. 78(4): 438-439. 352. HARRIS, H., ROBSON, E. B., & SINISCALCO, M. 1958. P3-Globumin variants in man, Nature, Lond. 182(4633): 452. 353. HARRISON, H. E. 1958. The Fanconi syndrome. J. Chronic Dis. 7(4): 346-355. 354. HART, M. VAN DER, VEER, M. VAN DER, LOGHEM, J. J. VAN, SANGER, R., & RACE, R. R. 1958. Vr, an antigen belonging to the MNSs blood group system. Vox sanguinis, Basel 3(4): 261-265. 355. HAVENER, W. H., STINE, G. T., & WhEISS, L. L. 1958. Corneal donor selection by blood tyrpe. A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 60(3): 443-447. 356. HEMMELER, G. 1958. Thrombopathie familiale. Schweiz. med. Wschr. 88(41): 1018-1019. 357. HERMANN, P. 1958. Le syndrome microphthalmie-retinite pigmentaire-glaucome. Arc/h. opht., Par. 18(1): 17-24. 358. HITZIG, W. H., & Zollinger, W. 1958. Kongenitaler Faktor- VII-Mangel; Familienuntersu- chung und physiologische Studien uber den Faktor VII. [Congenital factor VII deficiency; family investigation and physiological studies on factor VII] Ilelvet. paediat. acta 13(3): 189-203. 359. HOLT, S. B. 1958. Genetics of dermal ridges; the relation between total ridge-count and the variability of counts from finger to finger. Ann. Human Genet., London 22(4): 323-339. 360. HOUGHTON, E. A., & NAISH, J. M. 1958. Familial ulcerative colitis and ileitis. Gastroenterologia, Basel 89(2): 65-74. 361. HOWEL-EVANS, W., MCCONNELL, R. B., CLARKE, C. A., & SHEPPARD, P. M. 1958. Carcinoma of the oesophagus with keratosis palmaris et plantaris (tylosis): a study of two families. Q. J. Afed., Oxf. 27(107): 413-429. 362. HsIA, D. Y. Y. 1958. Phenylketonuria: the phenylalanine-tyrosine ratio in the detection of the heterozygous carrier. J. Ment. Defic. Res., Caterham 2(1): 8-16. 363. HUNT, J. A., & INGRAM, V. M. 1958. Abnormal human haemoglobins. II. The chymotryptic digestion of the trypsin-resistant core of haemoglobins A and S. Biochim. biophys. acta, Amst. 28(3): 546-549. 364. ISAACS, H. 1958. Familial pes cavus, absent tendon jerks and extensive muscular atrophy. S. Afr. Al. J. 32(33): 830-832. 365. JANKIEWICZ, H. A., NADELL, M. C., & BENITEZ, T. A. 1958. A pedigree of arcus juvenilis. Am. J. Optometr. 35(1): 3-9. BIBLIOGRAPHY 211

366. Jni, R. T. 1958. H disease. A. M. A. Arch. Int. M. 102(3): 400-404. 367. JONES, H. I., & DOIG, R. K. 1958. Illness in twins: VI. Sarcoidosis. Med. J. Australia 45, Vol. 2(4): 114-117. 368. JURGENS, R., LEHMANN, W., WEGELIUS, O., ERIKSSON, A. W., & HIEPLER, E. 1957. Mitteilung uber den Mangel an antihamophilem Globulin (Faktor VIII) bei der Aalandischen Thrombo- pathie (v. Willebrand-Jurgens). [Antihemophilic globulin (factor VIII) deficiency in Aland (Willebrand-Jurgens) thrombopathyl Thromb. diath. haem., Stuttg. 1(2): 257-260. 369. KAELIN, A. 1958. Estimation statistique de la frequence des tares en genetique humaine. [Sta- tistical estimation of frequency of hereditary diseases in human genetics] J. genet. humaine, Geneve 7(1-2): 67-91; cont'd. 370. KEAY, A. J. 1958. The significance of twins in mongolism in the light of new evidence. J. Ment. Defic. Res., Caterham 2(1): 1-7. 371. KLESPER, R., & ACHENBACH, W. 1957. Uber eine neue Familie mit Angiohamophilie A (vasku- lare Hamophilie); Hereditare hamorrhagische Diathese mit verlangerter Blutungszeit und partiellem mangel an Antihamophilem Globulin. [A family with angiohemophilia A (vascular hemophilia); hereditary hemorrhagic diathesis with prolonged bleeding time and partial anti- hemophilic globulin deficiency] Thromb. diath. haem., Stuttg. 1(2): 223-233. 372. KNOX, W. E. 1958. Sir Archibald Garrod's Inborn Errors of Metabolism. III. Albinism. Am. J. Human Genet. 10(3): 249-267. 373. KOCH, G., KRISCHEK, J., & TIwISINA, T. 1957. Beitrag zur Klinik, Pathogenese und Erbpatho- logie dysontogenetischer (dysraphischer) Storungen des Zentralnervensystems (Septum pel- lucidum-Cysten, Hirntumor) bei eineiigen Zwillingen. [Clinical course, pathogenesis and heredo- pathology of dysontogenetic (disraphic) disturbances of the central nervous system, septum pellucidum cysts & brain tumors, in monozygotic twins] Zschr. menschl. Vererb. 34(2): 105-123. 374. KOLLER, F. 1958. Physiology and pathology of blood coagulation; a review of the litreature of 1957 (second series). Thromb. diath. haem., Stuttg. 2(3-4): 358-406. 375. KOMAI, T. 1953. A Japanese kindred of hyperphalangism of thumbs and duplication of thumbs and big toes. Folia hered. path. 2(4): 307-312. 376. KONUGRES, A., & COOMYBS, R. R. 1958. Studies on human anti-A sera with special reference to so-called immune anti-A. Brit. J. Haemat. 4(3): 261-269. 377. LEHMANN, H. 1958. Three varieties of human haemoglobin D. Nature, Lond. 182(4639): 852- 854. 378. LINNEROTH, K., HALLGREN, B., PALMPN, K., & ZETTERSTROm, R. Primary (genuine) vitamin D resistant rickets. IV. A clinical and genetic study. Acta paediat., Upps. 47(5): 568-592. 379. LIPPMAN, R. W. 1958. The significance of heterozygosity for hereditary metabolic errors related to mental deficiency (oligomentia). Am. J. Ment. Defic. 63(2): 320-324. 380. LOHR, G. W., & WALLER, H. D. 1958. Hamolytische Erythrocytopathie durch Fehlen von Glukose-6-Phosphatdehydrogenase in roten Blutzellen als dominant vererbliche Krankheit. [Hemolytic erythrocytopathy caused by absence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in red cells as a dominant hereditary factor] Klin. Wschr. 36(18): 865-869. 381. LUKL, P., WIEDERMANN, B., & BARBOOfK, M. 1958. Hereditare Leptocyten-Amanie bei Man- nern mit Hamochromatose. [Hereditary leptocytic in males with hemochromatosis] Fol. haemat., Frankf. 3(1): 17-45. 382. LUMBROSO, B. D. R. 1958. Disordered eye movements in hereditary spino-cerebellar degenera- tion. Rev. neur., Par. 98(4): 331. 383. MACMAHON, B., & FoLuSIAK, J. C. 1958. Leukemia and ABO blood group. Am. J. Human Genet. 10(3): 287-293. 384. MAHER, J. A., EPSTEIN, F. H., & HAND, E. A. 1958. Xanthomatosis and coronary heart disease; necropsy studies of two affected siblings. A. M. A. Arch. Int. M. 102(3): 437-442. 385. McKusIcK, V. A. 1958. The genetic aspects of cardiovascular diseases. Ann. Int. M. 49(3): 556-567. 386. METRAKOS, J. D., METRAKOS, K., & BAXTER, H. 1958. Clefts of the lip and palate in twins; including a discordant pair whose monozygosity was confirmed by skin transplants. Plastic & Reconstr. Surg. 22(2): 109-122. 212 BIBLIOGRAPHY

387. MOHN, J. F., LAMBERT, R. M., RoSAMILIA, H. G., WALLACE, J., MILNE, G. R., MOORES, P., SANGER, R., & RACE, R. R. 1958. On the relationship of the blood group antigens Mia and Vw to the MNSs system. Am. J. Human Genet. 10(3): 276-286. 388. MORTON, M. E. 1958. Empirical risks in consanguineous marriages: birth weight, gestation time, and measurements of infants. Am. J. Human Genet. 10(3): 344-349. 389. MUNTENDAM, H. 1958. Multiple myelomatosis en het syndroom van De Toni-Fanconi. [Multi- ple myelomas & the De Toni-Fanconi syndrome] Ned. tschr. geneesk. 102(35): 1690-1693. 390. NEEL, J. V. 1958. Medicine's genetic horizons. Ann. Int. M. 49(2): 472-476. 391. NERI SERNERI, G. G., & BARTOLI, V. 1957. Ricerche genetiche sulla predisposizione all'artrosi dolorosa e sui suoi rapporti con i reumatismi primari. [Genetic research on the predisopsition to painful arthrosis and on their relations to primary rheumatism] Acda genet. med. gemellol., Roma 6(4): 503-521. 392. NovITSKI, E., & KIMBALL, A. W. 1958. Birth order, parental ages, and sex of offspring. Am. J. Human Genet. 10(3): 268-275. 393. OBRADOR, S., LORENTE, L., BOIXADOS, J. R., JIMENEZ-CASADO, M., & PASTOR, E. M. 1958. Craneoestenosis en gemelos. [Craniostenosis in twins] Resv. din espaft. 70(1): 46-47. 394. OKAJIMA, M. 1958. Probability of paternity in Rh blood groups. Ada genet. med. gemellol., Roma 7(3): 321-360. 395. OLIVER, C. P. 1958. Studies on human cancer families. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc. 71(6):1198-1212. 396. OSBORNE, R. H., HOROWITZ, S. L., & DE GEORGE, F. V. 1958. Genetic variation in tooth dimen- sions: a twin study of the permanent anterior teeth. Am. J. Human Genet. 10(3): 350-356. 397. PAULING, L. 1958. Genetic and somatic effects of carbon-14. Science 128(3333): 1183-1186. 398. PERKOFF, G. T., NUGENT, C. A. JR., DOLOWITZ, D. A., STEPHENS, F. E., CARNES, W. H., & TYLER, F. H. 1958. A follow-up study of hereditary chronic nephritis. A. M. A. Arch. Int. if. 102(5): 733-746. 399. PESCETTO, G., 1957. Rilievi patologici precoci nelle manifestazioni extrapiramidali del morbo di Parkinson; loro applicazione nello studio della trasmissione ereditaria della malattia. [Early pathological data on extrapyramidal manifestations of Parkinson's disease; their use in study of the hereditary transmission of the disease] Riv. pat. nerv. 78(3): 1165-1168. 400. PETERSEN, H., & WOLFF, H. 1957. Uber das kombinierte Auftreten mehrerer Krankheiten bei 7 Geschwistern; kleinwuchs, Hypogenitalismus, Diabetes mellitus, Dystrophia musculorum progressive, Schwachsinn, Epilepsie, kongenitale Hiiftgelenksluxation und akute lymphatische Leukamie. [Combined occurrence of several diseases in 7 siblings; retarded growth, hypogeni- talism, diabetes mellitus, progressive muscular dystrophy, mental retardation, epilepsy, con- genital pelvic luxation and acute lymphatic leukemia] Zschzr. menschl. Vererb. 34(2): 237-249. 401. POLI, M. 1955. Nephropathie medicale bilaterale familialea evolution chronique. [Familial chronic bilateral kidney disease] Helvet. med. acta 22(2): 109-122. 402. RAPAPORT, H. G. 1958. Heredity and allergy. N. York State J.AM. 58(3): 393-396. 403. REDIES, H., QUENZER, K., TOLKSDORF, M., SALLE, M. L., & WIEDEMANN, H. R. 1958. Uber die Hdufigkeit der Pelger-Anomalie. [Incidence of Pelger's nuclear anomaly] Schzweiz. med. Wschr. 88 (41): 1002-1003. 404. REEMTSMA, K., Di SANT'AGNESE, P. A., MALM, J. R., & BARKER, H. G. 1958. Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas: intestinal absorption of fat and fatty acid labeled withI-131. Pediatrics 22(3): 525-532. 405. REIMANN, H. A., MCKECHNIE, W. G., & STANISAVLJEVIC, S. 1958. Hereditary sensory radicu- lar neuropathy and other defects in a large family: reinvestigation after twenty years and report of a necropsy. Am. J. Med. 25(4): 573-579. 406. ROBERTS, J. A. 1958. Gruppi sanguigni e suscettibilita alle malattie. [Blood groups & suscep- tibility to disease] Recenti progr. med., Roma 25(1): 1-39. 407. ROBINSON, A. W., HENRY, C. L., ARMS, A. V., & DODGE, M. 1958. Leriche syndrome; report of two cases occurring in brothers. J. KansasMl. Soc. 59(10): 437-439. 408. R6SLER, H. D. 1958.Uber die Vererbung der Fingerliangenproportion. [Hereditary transmission of finger length ratios] Acta genet. med. gemellol., Roma 7(3): 361-382. 409. SANGHVI, L. D., SUKUTMARAN, P. K., & LEHMANN, H., 1958. Haemoglobin J trait in two Indian women, associated with thalassaemia in one. Brit.M. J. 5100: 828-830. BIBLIOGRAPHY 213

410. SCHNEIDER, R. G., & HAGGARD, M. E. 1958. Haemoglobin P (the Galveston type). Nature, Lond. 182(4631): 322-323. 411. SCHULL, W. J. 1958. Empirical risks in consanguineous marriages: sex ratio, malformation, and viability. Am. J. Human Genet. 10(3): 294-343. 412. SMITH, W. G. 1958. Multiple polyposis, Gardner's syndrome and desmoid tumors. Dis. Colon Rectum 1(5): 323-332. 413. SOINI, A., & SERRA, A. 1958. Ricerche sulla familiarita del carcinoma ovarico. I. Osservazioni sui casi primari e rilievi sull'eta di manifestazione dei carcinomi ovarici e sulla fertilita delle pazienti affette da cancro dell'ovaio. [Research on the heredity of ovarian carcinoma. I. Obser- vations on primary cases and data on the age at onset of ovarian carcinomas and on the fertility of patients with ovarian cancer] Acta genet. med. gemellol., Roma 7(3): 383-396. 414. SOULIER, J. P., PROU-WARTELLE, O., WEILLAND, C., & MfNACHP,, D. 1958. Deficit congenital en proaccelerine (facteur V); quelques donnees nouvelles. [Congenital proaccelerin deficiency (factor V); various new data] Thromb. diath. haem., Stuttg. 2(3-4): 250-268. 415. STARK, P. 1958. etude clinique et genetique d'une famille atteinte d'atrophie musculaire pro- gressive neurale (amyotrophie de Charcot-Marie). [Clinical and genetic study of a family with progressive neuropathic muscular atrophy (Charcot-Marie amyotrophy)] J. genet. humaine, Geneve 7(1-2): 1-32. 416. STECHER, R. M. 1957. Heredity in joint diseases: the genetics of Heberden's nodes, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatic fever, gout, and osteoarthritis of the hip. Docum. rheumat. Engl. Ed.: 5-74. 417. STEPHENS, F. E., GARDNER, E. J., & WOOLF, C. M. 1958. A recheck of kindred 107, which has shown a high frequency of breast cancer. Cancer, Phila. 11(5': 967-972. 418. STERN, K. 1958. The ratio of monozygotic to dizygotic affected twins and the frequencies of affected twins in unselected data. Acta genet. med. gemellol., Roma 7(3): 313-320. 419. STRAATEN, A. VAN. 1958. Mongoloide idiotie, een genetisch problem? [Mongolian idiocy as a genetic problem] Ned. tschr. geneesk. 101(52): 8-14. 420. SUTNICK, A. I., & DYKE, R. W. 1958. Constitutional hyperbilirubinemia (Gilbert's disease): case report and review. J. Indiana M. Ass. 51(11): 1544-1547. 421. SUTTER, J. 1958. Recherches sur les effets de la consanguinite chez l'homme. Biol. med., Par. 47(5): 563-660. 422. SUTTER, J., & TRAN-NGOC-TOAN. 1957. The problem of the structure of isolates and of their evolution among human populations. Sympos. Quant. Biol. 22: 379-383. 423. SZEINBERG, A., SHEBA, C., & ADAM, A. 1958. Selective occurrence of glutathione instability in red blood corpuscles of the various Jewish tribes. Blood, Bost. 13(11): 1043-1053. 424. TORRIOLI RIGGIO, G. 1958. Considerazioni su una famiglia di granulopenici. [Considerations on a family of granulopenics] Acta genet. med. gemellol., Roma 7(2): 237-248. 425. UEHLINGER, E. 1957. Pathologische Anatomie der chondro-ektodermalen Dysplasie Ellis-van Creveld. [Pathological anatomy of chondro-ectodermal dysplasia of Ellis-van Creveld] Schweiz. Zsclhr. allg. Path. 20(6): 754-766. 426. UNDRITZ, E. 1958. Die Chediak-Steinbrinck-Anomalie oder erblichkonstitutionelle Riesen- granulation (Granulagiganten) der Leukocyten. [Chediak-Steinbrinck anomaly or hereditary- constitutional giant granulation of leukocytes] Schweiz. med. Wschr. 88(41): 996-999. 427. VEALE, A. M. 1958. Possible autosomal linkage in man. Nature, Lond. 182(4632): 409-410. 428. VELLA, F., AGER, J. A., & LEHMANN, H. 1958. An abnormal haemoglobin in a Chinese: haemo- globin G. Nature, Lond. 182(4633): 460-461. 429. VERSO, M. L., & SIMMONS, R. T. 1958. The second Australian example of anti-S associated with the MNSs blood groups. Med. J. Australia 45, Vol. 2(9): 286-289. 430. VRIES, E. DE, VAN BOGAERT, L., & EDGAR, G. W. 1958. Nouvelles observations d'idiotie fami- liale avec degenerescence spongieuse des centres nerveux (maladie oedemateuse progressive cerebrale de la premiere enfance). [New observations on familial idiocy with spongy degenera- tion of nerve centers (progressive edematous cerebral disease of infants)] Rev. neur., Par. 98(4): 271-295. 431. WADLIN6TON, W. B. 1958. Familial trembling of the chin. J. Pediat., S. Louis 53(3): 316-321. 432. WALLS, G. L. 1958. Graham's theory of color blindness. Am. J. Optometr. 35(9): 449-460. 214 BIBLIOGRAPHY

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