![Bibliography of Human Genetics*](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HUMAN GENETICS* R. H. POST Department of Human Genetics, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan Selections from the Current List of Medical Literature through February, 1959 and other sources 296. AGER, J. A., LEHMANN, H., & VELLA, F. 1958. Haemoglobin Norfolk: a new haemoglobin found in an English family with observations on the naming of new haemoglobin variants Brit. M. J. 5095: 539-541. 297. ALEXANDER, J. O., & GRANT, P. W. 1958. Monilethrix; report of three cases with family his- tory. Scot. M. J. 3(8): 356-360. 298. ALLAN, J. D., CUSWORTH, D. C., DENT, C. E., & WILSON, V. K. 1958. A disease, probably hereditary, characterized by severe mental deficiency and a constant gross abnormality of aminoacid metabolism. Lancet, Lond. 1(7013): 182-187. 299. ALLISON, A. C. 1958. The genetical and clinical significance of the haptoglobins. Proc. R. Soc. Ml., Lond. 51(8): 641-645. 300. ALLISON, A. C., & BLUMBERG, B. S. 1958. Familial osteoarthropathy of the fingers. J. Bonc Surg. Brit. VZol. 40-B(3): 538-545. 301. ALLORI, L., & VITAMIA, P. 1958. Osservazioni genetistiche su 44 casi di cardiopatie acquisite. [Genetic observations on 44 cases of acquired heart disease] Acta genet. med. gemellol., Roma 7(3): 397-410. 302. AMYOT, R. 1958. L'Audi-mutite; document clinique portant sur trios membres (lune meme fratrie. [Audimutitas; clinical observation on three members of the same family] Presse med. 66(56): 1289-1292. 303. ANASTASI, A. 1958. Heredity, environment, and the question how? Psychol. Rev. 65(4): 197-208. 304. ANDERSEN, J. 1958. Modifying influence of the secretor gene on the development of the ABH substance; a contribution to the conception of the Lewis group system. 1V.ox sanguinis, Basel 3(4): 251-261. 305. ANONYMOUS. 1958. Cystinuria. Q. Rev. Pediat. 13(3): 113-115. 306. ANONYMOUS. 1958. Inheritance of rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. AI. J. 5101: 903. 307. ANONYMOUS. 1958. Marfan's syndrome. Brit. M. J. 5101: 903-904. 308. ANONYMOUS. 1958. Peptic ulcer in twins. Brit. M. J. 5085: 1470-1471. 309; ARONSON, S. M., SAIFER, A., KANOF, A., & VOLK, B. W. 1958. Progression of amaurotic family idiocy as reflected by serum and cerebrospinal fluid changes. Ain. J. Med. 24(3): 390-401. 310. BEARN, A. G., & FRANKLIN, E. C. 1958. Some genetical implications of physical studies of human haptoglobins. Science 128 (3324): 596-597. 311. BEKER, S., & READ, A. E. 1958. Familial Dubin-Johnson syndrome. Gastroenterology 35(4): 387-389. 312. BERNARD, J., MATHE, G., & NAJEAN, Y. 1958. Contribution & letude clitnique et physiopatho- logique de la maladie de Fanconi. [Clinical & physiopathological study of Fanconi's disease] Rev. fr. clin. biol. 3(6): 599-612. 313. BETKE, K. 1958. Hamoglobinanomalien. Schweiz. med. Wschr. 88(41): 1005-1100. 314. BOLIA, M. C., & RovESCALLI, A. 1958. Indagini istochimiche ed osservazioni anatomopato- logiche in clue forme di distrofia corneale familiare. [Histochemical data and anatomopatho- logical observations in two forms of familial corneal dystrophy] Ann. ottalin. 84(6): 267-290. 315. BRANDT, H., & REVAZ, C. 1958. Jumelles univitellines et situs inversus. [Monozygotic twins and situs inversus] J. genet. humaine, Geneve 7(1-2): 33-45. 316. CARP, C. 1958. Disociatie atrio-ventriculara completa, congenitall si familiala la patru membri ai aceleiasi familii. [Complete, congenital and familial auriculoventricular dissociation in four members of the same family] Med. int., Bucur. 10(5): 761-768. * Supported in part by the National Institutes of Health, grant number C-3874. 208 BIBLIOGRAPHY 209 317. CHAUDHURI, A., CHAUDHURI, J. N., & CHAUDHURI, K. C. 1958. Congenital porphyria in siblings; with a brief review of congenital and hereditary porphyrias. Ind. J. Pediat. 25(123): 157-172. 318. CREvELD, S. VAN, & LIEM, K. H. 1958. Congenital afibrinogenemia. At. neonatal. 7(3): 89-100. 319. DAILLY, R., & SAMSON, M. 1958. Forme familiale d'arthrogrypose. Rev. neur., Par. 98(4): 320-328. 320. DENSON, K. W. 1958. Electrophoretic studies of the Prower factor; a blood coagulation factor which differs from factor VII. Brit. J. Haemat. 4(3): 313-325. 321. DEUTSCH, E. 1957. Eine neue Thrombopathie-Familie. [A new familial thrombopathy] lThronzb. diath. haem., Stuttg. 1(2): 261-263. 322. DIDISHEIM, P., FERGUSON, J. H., & LEWIS, J. H. 1958. Hemostatic data in relatives of hemo- philiacs A and B; evidence for modifying the classical sex-linked recessive hypothesis. A. M. A. Arch. Int. M. 101(2): 347-354. 323. Di SANT'AGNESE, P. A., GROSSMAN, H., DARLING, R. C., & DENNING, C. R. Saliva, tears and duodenal contents in cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. Pediatrics 22(3): 507-514. 324. DORN, H. 1958. Allergische Diathese in einer Familie uber vier Generationen. [Allergic di- athesis in a family of four generations] Zschr. Haut & Geschlkr. 25(2): 45-48. 325. DORN, H. 1957. Biochemisch-genetische Betrachtungen zur Epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria und entsprechende therapeutische Massnahmen. [Biochemical-genetic notes on hereditary epidermolysis bullosa and adequate therapeutic measures] Zschr. Haut & Geschlkr. 23(11): 316-320. 326. DRISCOLL, S. G., & HSIA, D. Y. Y. 1958. The development of enzyme systems during early infancy. Pediatrics 22(4), Part 2: 785-845. 327. DURHAM, D. G. 1958. Congenital hereditary Horner's syndrome. A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 60(5): 939-940. 328. EBERLEIN, W. R., & BONGIOVANNI, A. M. 1956. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: an inborn error of metabolism. Helvet. paediat. acta 11(2): 105-117. 329. EHRING, F., & NIERMANN, H. 1958. Haut- und Halslymphknotentuberkulose bei 88 Zwilling- spaaren. [Cutaneous and cervical lymph node tuberculosis in 88 pairs of twins] Arch. klin. exp. Derm., Berl. 205(6): 617-627. 330. ENGER, E. 1958. Wilson's sykdom, spesielt med henblikk pa de biokjemiske forstyrrelser. [Wil- son's disease with special reference to biochemical disorders] Tskr. Norske laegeforen. 78(16): 718-784. 331. ERDBRINK, W. L. 1957. Ocular myopathy associated with retinitis pigmentosa. A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 57(3): 335-338. 332. FOWLER, E. P. 1958. Otosclerosis in ten pairs of identical twins; a continuing study. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. 67(3): 889-904. 333. FURUSHO, T. 1957. A genetic study on congenital deafness. Japanese J. Hu. Gen. 2(2): 35-58. 334. GAYRAL, L., & GAYRAL, J. 1958. Le facies discoide et le status rhizom'galo-discoide; etude genetique. [Discoid face and rhizomegal-discoid status; genetic study] J. genet. humaine, Geneve 7(1-2): 46-66. 335. GEISLER, E., & STRODER, J. 1958. Zur Problematik der Phenylbrenztraubensaure-Oligophrenie. [Problem of phenylpyruvic oligophrenia] Ann. paediat., Basel 191(3): 147-174. 336. GERALD, P. S., & DIAMOND, L. K. 1958. A new hereditary hemoglobinopathy (the Lepore trait) and its interaction with thalassemia trait. Blood, Bost. 13(9): 835-844. 337. GfRARD-LEFEBvRE, BENOIT, M., & QUEVAL, B. 1958. Polycorie glycogenique hepatique chez trois enfants d'une meme fratrie. [Glycogenic hepatic polycoria in 3 children of the same stock] Arch. fr. pddiat. 15(3): 388-395. 338. GIBSON, D., & GIBBINS, R. J. 1958. The relation of mongolism stigmata to intellectual status. Am. J. Ment. Defic. 63(2): 345-348. 339. GoLD, E. R., IKIN, E. W., & MOURANT, A. E. 1958. Serum containing three Rh autohaemagglu- tinins. Brit. M. J. 5107: 1273-1274. 340. GOLDENBERG, I. S., & HAYES, M. A. 1958. Breast carcinoma and ABO blood groups. Cancer, Phila. 11(5): 973-974. 210 BIBLIOGRAPHY 341. GOLDSCHMIDT, R. B. 1958. Materials for the study of dominant personality traits. Folia hered. path. 2(4): 267-295. 342. GORER, P. A. 1958. Genetics of human cancer: a general survey of methods. Ann. N. York. Acad. Sc. 71(6): 1189-1197. 343. GORSUCH, G. E. 1958. Essential hyperlipemia. U. S. Armed Forces M. J. 9(10): 1414:1424. 344. GRAHAM, S., & LILIENFELD, A. M. 1958. Genetic studies of gastric cancer in humans: an ap- praisal. Cancer, Phila. 11(5): 945-958. 345. GREIG, H. B., METZ, J., BRADLOW, B. A., THERON, J. J., & MORRIS, R. W. 1958. The familial crisis in hereditary spherocytosis: report of five cases. S. Afr. J. Ml. Sc. 23(1): 17-32. 346. GREITHER, A. 1958. Uber eine mit Keratosen und Pigmentstorungen einhergehende erbliche Dysplasie der Haut. [A hereditary dysplasia of the skin associated with keratoses and pigment disorders] Hautarzt 9(8) 364-369. 347. HACKZELL, G., & LUNDMARK, C. 1958. Familial juvenile nephronophthisis. Acta paediat., Upps. 47(4): 428-440. 348. HAHNEMAN, B. M., & ALT, H. L. 1958. Cyclic neutropenia in a father and daughter. J. Am. MA. Ass. 168(3): 270-272. 349. HALLGREN, B. 1958. Speciella ls- och skrivsvafrigheter (s.k. ordblindhet). II. Genetiska syn- punkter. [Difficulties in reading and writing (word blindness). II. Genetic aspects] Nord. ned. 59(15): 516-518. 350. HARA, H. J. 1957. Scleroma; observations on seven cases in one family for 10 years and another case which developed intracranial complications after five years. Tr. Am. Lar. Rhin. Otol. Soc.: 326-343. 351. HARGREAVES, G. K., & HELLIER, F. F. 1958. The association of psoriasis with blood groups. A. M. A. Arch. Derm. 78(4): 438-439. 352. HARRIS, H., ROBSON, E. B., & SINISCALCO, M. 1958. P3-Globumin variants in man, Nature, Lond. 182(4633): 452. 353. HARRISON, H. E. 1958. The Fanconi syndrome. J. Chronic Dis. 7(4): 346-355. 354. HART, M. VAN DER, VEER, M. VAN DER, LOGHEM, J. J. VAN, SANGER, R., & RACE, R. R. 1958. Vr, an antigen belonging to the MNSs blood group system. Vox sanguinis, Basel 3(4): 261-265. 355. HAVENER, W. H., STINE, G. T., & WhEISS, L. L. 1958. Corneal donor selection by blood tyrpe. A. M. A. Arch. Ophth. 60(3): 443-447. 356. HEMMELER, G. 1958. Thrombopathie familiale. Schweiz. med. Wschr. 88(41): 1018-1019. 357. HERMANN, P. 1958. Le syndrome microphthalmie-retinite pigmentaire-glaucome. Arc/h. opht., Par. 18(1): 17-24. 358. HITZIG, W. H., & Zollinger, W. 1958. Kongenitaler Faktor- VII-Mangel; Familienuntersu- chung und physiologische Studien uber den Faktor VII.
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