Richard Warren

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Richard Warren RICHARD WARREN OF THlt MAYFLOvVER AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. · .BY MRti. \VASHINGTON A_ ~OEBLING, oll' TRENTON, N. J. BOSTON: PRESS OF DAVID CLAPP & SON. 190 I. PREFACE. THESE pages contain a fairly complete record of five generations, in the male line, of the t1escen<lants of Richard '\Varren, the twelfth Signer of the Mayflower Compact. Pages three to twenty-three are . reprinted from the ,January and April numbers of the" New-England Historical an<l Genealogical Register," and tho13e that follow are additions thereto. The writer would be glad to have her attention : called to any errors or omissions, :111<l would be sincerely grateful . for further information concerning numbers 20, 25, 26, 27, Z8 and 29, and she hopes that the data here collected may attract the interest and arouse the enthusiasm of members of the '\Y :1.rren family, and that valuable additiom~ from private sources may be added to the , all too meagre records now exis;;ing of the descendants of the first • \V arren of America. Since it has been proven beyond question, that Richard '\V nrrcn's •wife Elizabeth was not Elizabeth I vatt of St. ~lph, Al<lgate (as was claimed in the Warren Genealogy, pul~ed in 1~54, hy Dr. ,John Collins ·warren), it is hoped that interei;t will be stimu­ lated among his many descendants, to aBcertain who she rca11y was, and to rescue from oblivion the English records of " grave Richard \Varren" and his wife" :Mistress Elizarwth." E:MILY 1VARUEN ROEBLJNO, RICHARD ,v-ARREN OF THE :MAYFLOWER, AN"D SOME. OF HIS DESCENDANTS. RICHARD WARREN, the first of the -YVarren name in America, sailed fron­ Plymouth, Eng., in the historic ":Mayflower," 6 September, 1620 (0. S.) He was ~10t, of the Leyden Company, hut joined the Pilgrims from Lon­ ,lon, * and he was one of the signers of the Compact framed in the cabir of the " l\:layflower" while in Cape Cod Harbor, which was the first plat. form-of civil goverument in the new world, and which converted the band oi unknown adventurers into an immortal Commonwealth. l\Iorton, 9\n hir .New England's l\Iemorial, prints his name as twelfth in the list of signers, and Prin_ce in his New England Chronology adds the honorable prefix of "Mr." from the Register at the end of Bradford's folio manuscript. He was one of tl1e third exploring party which was surprised by the Indians,f 18 December, 1620, at the spot since known as "The First Encounter,"+ ,tnd, technically speaking, he was one of the first to land at Plymouth, 21 De"ember, 1620, on what might he called the birth-day of NJI: England. T"uder the land division of 1G23, Richard Warren's ~onment, as one of the "Mayflower" passengers, fell in the north side of fie town:.tith William "White, Edward Winslow, John Goodman, John CrJ.c~n, John AI~n, Marie Chilton, Cap~ain 1\1 vles Stan1isli, Francis Eaton, Henry Sam~son a.o.d Hurilitie Coo~r§_;-and under those who c~e in the ·' An,,," his lands were "on the other side of the townd towards Eele '!liver," -:-:,here he made his home, in the section later known as Wellings­ ley or Hohshole, and where he die<l in 1628. Ile also owned land along the shore of the present Warren's Cove.I/ He was one of the nineteen signers of the Compact who survived the first wiater. A cotemporaneous authority deBcribed him as "grave Richard Warren," "a mau of iutegrity, justice am] uprightness, of piety and serious religion," and as "a useful instrument during the short time he lived, bearing a deep share in the difficulties and troubles of the plantation." 'If • Arher's Story of the Pilg1·im Fatberc, 3M, t G<;odwin's Pilgrim. Republic, 90. t This W8S the first event in the Indian wars of New England.-Bodge's Soldiers in King Philip's War. ~ Plymouth Colony Records, XIJ, 4-6. II Davis's L:mdmarks of Plymonth, part I., 327. 1 l\f0rto11's N~,;-., T1!,-.,i.:1u.ncl 11em0Yi11l. He married in England, Elizabeth ---,* who followed hiin to Ply­ mouth in the "Ann" .in 1G2:J, accompanied by her daughters. l\Irs. Warren was rated in the Plymouth tax list of 1632-3, and- was one of the nrst purchasers of Dartmouth. A sturly of the early Pl,vmouth record& leads to the conclusion that she was a woman of force and social position in the community, and she is therein usually spoken of as '' Mistress" Eliza­ beth ·warren, a designation hy no means common. A.nd she is one of the rare instances in that early colony of continued wi<lowhoocl. .A glimpse oi one side of her domestic life is to be had in counection with the prosecution by the General Court of her serviint, Thomas Williams, 5 ,Tuly, Hi35, for " speaking profane & Llasphemous speeches against ye majestie of God." "There being some dissention between him and his dame, she after other, things, exhorted him to fear God & doe his duty."t Upon the marriage of her daughters, Mrs. Warren ~onveyed to their res~tive husband:, certain lands, variously located at Eel 'River and W ellingsl,r. t She -died at 1-' ly­ mouth, 2 October, 1673, aged above ninety years.' For some un1<:no1-'D reason, unless there is a mistake L, ,he record, she w·1 ; not buried until :.he twenty-sec011d day after her· death. when it was entered on the recor<ls that she, "hauting liued a godly life, e .. .:ne to her graue as a shoke of corn fo:ly ripe."§ •Her maiden name is not known. In the Warren Genealogy, published in 1854 hy Dr. John Collins Warren, her name i. given as Elizabeth ,Juatt. While it is true t iat a certain Richard Warren of Greenwich in Kent married Elizabeth, dauahtor of- - Ivat ..ud widow of --Marsh, as appears in. the 1620 visitation of Devon, there h, no proof that that Richard Warren is the one who came to Plymouth. The late Hor:· tio Gates Somerby, who supplied the «bstracts and copie~ of English records nsi.d h) lJr. Warren, told me not many yea1·s before his death that he <lid not ~ee proof~hects of 0r. Warren's book, a,n<l that he did not i,lentify the Richard V7 arreu of Plymouth :m<' :he. John Warren of 'Watertown as the Richard and the ,John Warren of the lltvoni irei visita!'on. In the tabular pedigree at the end of Dr. Wanen's hook, he has , s~ui.,eci. that tho J!ichard and John of the visitation pedigree were the New England m'n. At the time when tbat book was published it was uot unusual to assume conne•·c" u ,-. ith Eu/llish families on evidence as slil"ht as the simi:arity of names. :M,, ;,, ,·n ~r;1.,~al researchPs have overthrown many of such as6umptiona. , 1 lll this s11m<> talmlar pedi~ree Peter ,van·en of Hoston {~i'eat p-1lll-i-fother uf' Oon. Joseph "'arren, ·who was kiiled at I.lunkcr Hill) is gh•en .:s the son of ,T,,ha W:irn,,, of Watortowu. The late Dr. Henrv Bond, compiier of ,i'r,t1:rt()WI1 (./t•.ncalc,:£ic,. toM m4 that he had fonnd ample proof that Peter Warren wa~ not the so11 of ,Johu of" :, .. ~r­ town,-,JoHN WAUD L,c.\.N. 1n 1872 the Harl<>ian Society publiched nu cditio:,,. of the De-.-onshire VL,itati<.:1 of lG'.!O, awl in this f.ditiou the mnch diBcua,erl \'.'al'l'cn 1'1,,lig1·,·e ap1w1,rnd, with tlw •;~ta• rncnt, "Tnserkd by later hand." 'J'J,at is was 11ot th" work of the visiting Lerald~ ,>ff 1H20, un<l thui the John and Richard, uame,l as sons of Christopher Wurreu of 1:1n'. I•~di,vce, are nr,t icl,,utic:sl with J~ichar? Warren of,thf: 1\layJ!ow~r, •mri ,fonJ1; iV,u·_~•-•n• "' "\'I aterti.wu, is clear from the tolloil'Hlg tacts: Christopher"\"\ a.rrcn married A::Pe' 'Vebb, 16 .juu,_•, 161::L His !o;ecoud ~on, John, wu.s horu. in Hi 17, h1m£~0 not t!1e 1.l 11llu ,~::rr~n, "a.g~d ahout {F,"'. who tanip·attil,to ].1asi,n~th!tsetts ju 1ti;30? ~11 tht~ fh~at; ,nth.Saltou,tall, and ))ccame t!Hl founder ol the \\ arrnns or "atertow,i. 1:1-·:hard. t.ue third sou of Christor,l~er \Varren, was hu.pti:zrnl n.t byilcnha!n !J.nnrr1ll, lh-~nttm•,f,, 1519, ,:ll(l was five yea,, vo11nvcr til,1ll his wife, 11-Jrs. F.lizn1 ,,th !IJarch, who was 11n:. li·~e;:,;ctl' to n1arry hi;r frr~t ·hubhanJ until lH:/9. 'fhe licen:w:e !·eads; "-'larch, J·rr-nc~~* gent., of Stepney. bachclo1.·, iri an,l EIJz~bc,th l.viitt of St. Botol1Ji. ~\lil~·a:,~, ~pin:1tt·t, 1,,... <lrLughtcr or OJiv,,r Ivatt' <le,:erL~e•l, c•.on~ent ol' Hugh llonrmau Im.' Li1iwl' (I!l la~·), at ,v ~b; hum, Es~ex, 20 Auµ-1;st., lti29." (1 ,ou.ll)ll !\iurriu~e LitHH~e:;.J ~J'jJis fir.t-t man i:~.~e of Eli'~abeth (lvat.t) .!Ilardi,,.,., one real' e.f,e,· Hichard '\'anu,, ,-tir, Mayft,,w..r .t'L:;rnn, had di0ll ut l'lyrn,1ntl1, ~lariS:t<:}J11get1~.-J. GlLi\!'ii\TLLB LEA~H- t I'ly1:1r,uth Colm:_v lli;cords, I., 35.
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