Critical Notes of Japanese Ferns, with Special References to the Allied Species. Gn. Woodwardia I Jfrons Pinnatifida

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Critical Notes of Japanese Ferns, with Special References to the Allied Species. Gn. Woodwardia I Jfrons Pinnatifida Critical Notes of Japanese Ferns, with special references to the allied species. By T. Nakai Gn. Woodwardia I JFronsiF pinnatifida. .............................. 2 rons bipinnatifida. ........................... 3 Frons fertilis sterile eximie dissimilis,pinnis numerosis linearibus. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... W. areolata . 2 Frons fertilis sterile comformis, pinnis paucis utrinque 0-3 subulatis. ................... .. ... W Harlandtii . Frons infra apicem gemmas axillares agit, exquibus innova- tiones evoluti, ita frons radicans. ............... 4 3 Frons gemmas axillares non agit sed interdum supra Pagina superiore pseudo-gemmas parvas numerosas agit. ... 5 Frons subchartacea vel submembranacea, pinnulis et pinnis vulgo apice longe caudato-attenuates. Stipes et rachis primo paleis lanceolatis vel late lanceolatis parce obtecti sed mox glab- 4 rescentes.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... W Yadicans. Frons chartacea, pinnis et pinnulis vulgo acuminatis vel plus minus caudatis. Stipes et rachis primo paleis lanceolatis et fibrosis dense obtecti sed mox glabrescentes. W. unz~ernmata . Pinnulae praeter unicam infimam ad basin pinnarum sensim auctae. .................................... 6 5 Pinnulae infimae utrinque 2-4 superioribus breviores , ita pinnae ad basin sensim contractae. Pinnae semper angustae lanceo- latae vel lineari-lanceolatae. ... .................. 8 r 102 THE BOTANICALMAGAZINE [VI. xXXIX.X. 161 Rhizoma longe repens. Frons lanceolata vel oblanceolata vel late lanceolata. Pinnae distincte alterna. ... W. virgznzazza. 6 Rhlzonla breve haud repens. Frons late lanceolata vel ovato-oblongae. Pinnae oppositae vel suboppositae. Species Asi aticae. ............ ..................... 7 Lobi pinnarum lanceolati vel lineari-lanceolata. W auriculata. 7 Lobi pinnarum ovati vel ovato-oblongi vel late lanceolati. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... lV japonica. Rhizoma breviter sed distincte repens. Frons saepe gemmis 8 sterilibus creberrime instructa. Areolae secus costae magnae. ... .............................. t' oszentalis. Rhizoma crassum erectum non repens. ............... 9 Venae pinnularum inter margines et soros subparallelae parce anastomosae. Frons non proliferae. Pinnae saepe oppositae. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... IV spinulosa. Venae pinnularum inter margines et soros reticulato-anasto- mosae. Frons saepe gemmis sterilibus creberrime instructo. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... IV. prolifcra. Woodwardia areolata T. MOORE,Ind. Flllc. p. XLV (I857)- HOOKER,Sp. Flllc. III. p. 70 (1860)-HOOKER& BAKER,Syn. Filic. p 189 (1868)-DIELs in Nat. Pflanzenfam. I. abt. 4. p. 253 (1899)- CHRISTENSEN,Ind. Filic. p. 658 (1906). Acrosticlzumareolatum LINNAEUS, Sp. P1. p. 1069 (1753). Osmnuda carolZnZanaWALTER, Fl. Carol. p. 287 (1788). I VoothL'ardiaangztstzjolia SMITH in Mem. Acad. Taur. V. p. 411 (1793)-SwARTz,Syn, h lllc. p. I I6 (18o6)-SPRENGEL,Syst. Veg. IV. p. 94 (1827)-GRAY,Man. Bot. p. 593 t. 10. fig. I, 2, 3 (i856)- METTENIUS,Filic. Hort. Bot. Lips. p. 66 t. 6. f. 67 (1856). Oizoclcanodulosa MICHAUX,Fl. Bor.-Americ. II. p. 272 (1803). IVoodzi.'ardza onocleoZdes WILLDENOW, Sp. P1. V. p. 416 (I 81 O). Lorinscria arcolata PRESL,Epim. Bot. p. 72 (I849)-FIE, Gen. p. 207. t. 17. B (1853). Hab. America bor : (Georgia, Carolina, Michigan, Louisiana, Florida). Woodwardia liarlandtii HOOKEI:,Flllc. Exot. t. 7 (i857)- Yav,»25] VAKi1 I-CRI TfU1 L `TOTES01' JA1ANESEFERNS 103 HOOKER& BAKER,Syn. Filic. p. 189 (1868)-DIELsin Nat. Pflanzenfam. I. abt. 4. p. 253 (1899). I_orins1'riaHal'lazzdtii J. SMITII,Hist. Filic. p. 311 (1875). Flab. Hong kong. Woodwardia radicans SMITII,in Mem. Acad. Taur. V. 4. 412 (1793)-SPRENGEL,Syst. Veg. IV. p. 94 (1827) pro parte-PRESL,Tent. Ptarid. p. I00-HOOKER& BAKER,Syn. Filic. p. i88 (1868)-WILL- DENO\V,Sp. P1. V. p. 418 (I8 Io)-SWARTZin Schrader, Journ, M.D000 p. 264 (i8oi); Syn. Filic. p. I 17 (1806)-KuHN,Filic. Afr. p. 94 (1868)-DIELsin Nat. Pflanzenfam. I. abt. 4. p. 253 (1899). Blechzzumradzcalzs LINNAEUS,Mant. P1. p. 307 (177 I ). IVoodwardia staizs CAVANILLES, Hort. Reg. Matr. I. tab. ex SWARTZ 1. c. I Vood«'ardia radicaizs ~9. stans WILLDENOW,Sp. P1. VV p. 614 (i8io). I Voodwardia hiserrata PRESL,Reliq. Haenk.. I. p. 5 3 (1825). Hab. Italia, Luisiana, Hispania, Insl. Canariensis., Isl. Madeira. Woodwardia unigemmata NAKAI,sp. nou. I Voothoardia radzccws var. um~cmmata MAKINO in Journ. Jap. Bot. II. p. 7 (I918). IVoodwardza radzcalzs (non SWARTZ)SPRENGEL, Syst. Veg. IV. p. 94 (1827), pro parte-MILDE,Filic. Europ. & Atlant. p. 47 (1867) pro parte-WALLICH,Cat. n. 58 (1828). Hab. India orient., Himalaya, China (Tibet orient., Hupeh, Yunnan, Sut~~hen,Kwangsi, Kony-chou), Philippin, Hondo. This species resembles to I hoodwardia radicans, but the frond is more thicker in texture and tinted red when young. The stipes and rachis are covered by fibrous caducous hairs. The largest frond attains 6-7 feet long. The Philippin one has slenderer lobes than the others and perhaps belongs to distinct variety. Woodwardia virginiana SMITHin Mem. Acad. Taur. V. p. 412 (1793)-S\vARTz,Syn. Filic. p. I I7 (18o6)-WILLDEN0W,Sp. P1. V. p. 418 (I 8 I0)-DESVAUXin Men1.Soc. Linn. VI. p. 285 (1827)-SPRENGEL, .Syst. Veg. IV. p. 94 (1827)-HOOKER,Sp. Filic. III p. 68 (1860). Bicclzizum2'zr znianum LINNAEUS,Mant. P1. p. 307 (177 I ). 104 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZL`- `:aXl\. x. 9G1 Woodz~'ardiaBanisteriana MIcHAux,F1. Bor. Americ. II. p. 263 (18o3)-S\vARTz,Syn. Filic. p. 117 (i8o6). Woodwardia tlielypteroidesPURSH, P1. Americ. Sept. II. p. 670 (18 I4)-SPRENGEL,Syst. Veg. IV. p. 94 (1827). Doodia virginica PREsL, Tent. Pteridogr. p. 99 (1836). Aizchzstcavirginica PRESL,Epim. Bot. p. 431 (1849). Hab. America bor.: (Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Bermuda). Woodwardia auriculata BLUME,Enum. P1. Javae fasc. 2. p. 196 (1828)-HOOKER,Sp. Filic. III, p. 67 in nota sub-IV radicans (i86o). I Wodwardia radicans var. auriculata SOLOMON,Nom. C efass- Crypt. p. 378 (1883). Woodwardia radicans var. japonica CHRISTENSEN,Ind. Filic. p. 658 (1906), pro parte. This fern was confused with Woodwardia radicans, but has no relation to it. It belongs to the group of Woodwardiajapozzica which has the pinnae contracted at the base, arranged opposite or sub- opposite. Frond has no gemmae. Woodwardia Japonica SMITHin Mem. Acad. Taur. V. p. 411 1793)- SWARTZ,Syn. Flllc. p. I I6 (18o6)-WILLDEN0w,Sp. P1. V. p. 417 (1810)-SPRENGEL,Syst. IV. p. 94 (I827)-HOOKER,Sp. Fillc. III. p. 69 (1860)-HOOKER& BAKER,Syn. Filic. p. 188 (1868)-DIELSIn Nat. Pflanzenfam. I. Abt. 4 p. 253 (1899)-MIQuELin Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bot. III p. 173 (1867) Prol. F1. Jap. p. 337-FRANcHET& SAVATIER,Enum. P1. Jap. II. p. 217 (1876). Bleclznumjaftoniculn LINNAEUSflu., Suppl. Syst. Veg. p. 447 (1781)-THuNBERG,Fl. Jap. p. 333 t. 35 (1784). Woodwardia radicans var. jaj5omca LUERSEN in Flora (1876) p. 273-SOLOMON,Nomencl. p. 379 (1883). Hab. Hondo, Kiusiu, Shikoku, Formosa, China, Tonkin, Cochin- china. Woodwardia orientalis SWARTZin Schrader, Journ. MDCCC pt. 2. p. 76 (I 8o I) ; Syn. Filic. p. I I 6 (I 806)-WILLDENO\V,Sp. P1. V. p. 417 (18 I0)-SPRENGEL,Syst. Veg. IV. p. 94 (1827)-HOOKER, Sp. Filic. III. p. 68 (186o)-MIQUEL,in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. III p. 173 (1867) Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 337 & 389 (1867)-HOOKER& May, 19251 NAKAI-CRITICAL NOTES OF JAPANESE FERNS 105 BAKER,Syn. Filic. p. i88 (1868)-FRANCHET& SAVATIER, Enum. P1.Jap. II. p. 216 (1876). Bleclinur ja~onicurn (non LINNAEUS€1.) HOUTTUYN,Naturligk. Hist. XIV. t. 97 fig. 1 (1783). Woodwardia radicans (non SMITH)EATON in Perry's Exped. p. 329 (1856)-CHRISTin WARBURG,Mons. p. 66 (190o)-MATsuMuRA,Ind. I. p. 352 (1904). Woodzardia radicans var. orientalis SOLOMONNomencl. p. 379 (1883)-CHIUsTENsEN,Ind. Filic. p. 155 (1905). I Wodwardia intermedia CHRISTin Bull. Herb. Boiss. 2 ser. IV. p. 6i8 (1904). Woodwardia Yadicans var. japonica CHRISTENSEN,Irid. Fllic. p. 65 8 (1906). Hab.Hondo, Shikoku, Kiusiu, Loochoo, Formosa. Woodwardia spinulosa MARTENS& GALEOTTI in Mem.. Acad. Brux. XV. p. 64 (1842)-CHRIsTENSEN,Ind. p. 658 (I906). Woodwardia ChamissoiBLACK, Filic. Unit. States Exped. p. 138 (1854). Woodwardia Yadicans (non SMITH LIEBMANN,Filic. Mexic. p. 87 (1849)-HooKER& BAKER,Syri. Filic. p. 188 (i868), pro parte-MILDE, Filic. Europ. & Atl. p. 47 (1867), pro parte-WATSONin WHITNEY, Geolog. Survay Calif. Bot. II. p. 343 (1880)-F0uRNIER,P1. Mexic. I. p. III (1872). Woodwardia Yadicansvar. alnericana HOOKER,Sp. Filic. III. p. 67 (1860). I Voodwardia radicans 9. Mexicana FEE, Gen. p. 207 (1853). Hab. California, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru. Woodwardia prolifera HOOKER& ARNOTT, Bot. Beechey Voy. p. 275. f-. 56 (1836-40). , Woodwardia orientalis f. gemmifera KUNZE in Bot. Zeit. VI. p. 522 (1848). Woodwardia angustiloba HANCEin Journ. Bot. VI. p. 176 (1868). Woodwardia orientalis (non SWARTZ)CARIST in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 2 ser. IV. p. 613 (1904). Woodwardia exaltata NAKAIin Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXXV. p. 149 (1921). Hab. Isl. Hachijyo, Loochoo, Formosa & China. 106 TIIE BOTANICALMAGAZINE EV„!, XXXI\.N,,, 461 HANCE'Sspecimen of Woodwardia ailg lrstiloba lacks the rhizome but the shape of pinnules and areolae well agree with this species, so I have reduced it here. The areolae along the costae of pinnae of IVoodwardia orientalis are bigger and wider than I't oodtuardia prolifcra. In Woodwardia orientalis the rhizome is creeping however short, and the stipes are arranged successively upon it. In this species the rhizome is very thick, stout and upright which is clad densely by long pale-brown refiexed scales. If we cultivate these two
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