OF INTEREST TO ALL ASTROLOGERS ASTROLOGYiSTROLOG' THE ASTROLOGERS’ QUARTERLY ISSUED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ASTROLOGICAL LODGE OF LONDON AND DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF ASTROLOGY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Editor: CHARLES E. O. CARTER Ja n u a r y F e bru ar y 1944 CONTENTS Page ED ITO R IA L............................................................................................. 101 MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. By H. B. P ilkington.................................... 109 THREE U.S.A CRUISERS. By The Editor............................................. 112 “SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY.” By The E d i t o r .......................................113 “Q 6.” By George H. Bailey.........................................................................116 THE FOCAL CHART. By“ Regulus” .........................................................124 STUDIES IN THE FIXED STA R S......................................................... 128 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR . 130 ' PRICE ONE SHILLING. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, 4/6 POST FREE ASTROLOGY Subscriptions Single copies axe is. or is. i Jd. post free. The annual subscrip tion is 4s. 6d. post free. All annual subscriptions should be sent to C. E. O. Carter, 59 Victoria Drive, London, S.W.19, England, and in sending through the post it is advisable to fill in and cross money and postal orders, or use cheques, which should be made payable to C. E. O. Carter. The issues appear early in March, June, September, and December. Wholesale Trade The trade is supplied by Messrs. L. N. Fowler & Co., 5, Corrie Avenue, London, N.14 (temporary address). Correspondence, Advertisements, and Articles for Publication These should be directed to Astrology, 59 Victoria Drive, London, S.W.19, England, and must be to hand by the 1st of the month prior to publication (advertisements by the 10th). Articles dealing with any aspects of astrological science will be gladly received and considered with a view to publication.
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