Can=Canada, US= United States, Mex= Mexico, S Am=South America, Intl=International, Atl=Atlantic, Pac=Pacifi c, AK=Alaska, HI=H AK=Alaska, c, Pac=Pacifi Atl=Atlantic, Intl=International, America, Am=South S Mexico, Mex= States, United US= Can=Canada, awaii, OR=Oregon, WA=Washington, CA=California, ww=worldwide, ex=except, sep=separator ex=except, ww=worldwide, CA=California, WA=Washington, OR=Oregon, awaii, Abbreviations:

Version: 07/2009 Version: snapper. as sold often are sh rockfi of species Various ** at BC wild for recommendations seasonal Check *

more information. more

(, Taiwan) (China, (Central/S Am) (Central/S (Can) land-based (US) Tilapia Tilapia , Rainbow : Visit, and for for and, Visit

(ww) : open-cage (Can) open-cage (US) : Tilapia sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council. Council. Stewardship Marine the by sustainable

(Intl ex US) ex (Intl /: Tiger, White White Tiger, Shrimp/Prawn: † Some or all of this fi shery is certifi ed as as ed certifi is shery fi this of all or Some (US) Shrimp/Prawn: White White Shrimp/Prawn: , , Clams,


(Intl) (US) Pangasius, Basa, Swai Swai Basa, Pangasius, sh Catfi in contaminants. in

Iceland) US (Can FARMED: , , , char Arctic longline (ww ex US Atl) US ex (ww longline Bigeye n, Yellowfi : Indicates high in omega-3 fats and low low and fats omega-3 in high seafood Indicates

FARMED: (ww) Tuna: Bluefi n n Bluefi Tuna: longline (HI) (HI) longline Tuna: , Skipjack , Albacore Tuna:

at at

longline (ww ex HI) ex (ww longline Albacore Tuna: handline (HI) handline Atl) (US longline Atl) (US troll/pole , n Yellowfi Tuna: should take the strongest precautions. Learn more more Learn precautions. strongest the take should

longline (Can Atl, Intl ex US) ex Intl Atl, (Can longline sh Swordfi troll/pole (ww ex US Atl) US ex (ww troll/pole (ww) handline troll/pole , n Yellowfi Bigeye, Tuna: , : levels. Children and women of childbearing age age childbearing of women and Children levels.

(Intl ex US) ex (Intl Shrimp/Prawn recommended due to elevated mercury or PCB PCB or mercury elevated to due recommended n US Atl) US n Longfi ex (ww Pac) (Can/US† troll/pole : all species all Squid: Albacore Tuna:

Limiting consumption of these items is is items these of consumption Limiting (ww) species all : (Can/US Pac) (Can/US US) (Can handline harpoon : Pacifi c Pacifi Sole: , , sh Swordfi

dredge (Can Atl) (Can dredge Scallops: Sea Scallops: US S Atl) S US Mex of Gulf (US trawl Atl) (US , Pink Shrimp: n Longfi Squid: low populations, or poor management. management. poor or populations, low

trawl (Can, US) (Can, trawl species** all sh: Rockfi trawl (Can†/US Atl) (Can†/US trawl Atl) (Can trap Shrimp: Northern Shrimp: Northern Shrimp/Prawn: damage, lethal impacts on other species, critically critically species, other on impacts lethal damage,

with a combination of critical problems—habitat problems—habitat critical of combination a with (ww) roughy Orange (Can Pac)* (Can (OR†) Pac) (Can Salmon: Pacifi c, all species all c, Pacifi Salmon: Pink , Spot Shrimp/Prawn:

for now. They come from farmed or wild sources sources wild or farmed from come They now. for (Brazil) : Spiny Spiny Lobster: (Can Atl) Atl) (Can Pac) (Can/US Lobster: : c Pacifi /:

Red = Avoid. = Red Avoid seafood items from this list list this from items seafood Avoid

trawl (US Atl) (US trawl : Atlantic : (Can, US) (Can, AK†) Pac (Can longline trap Lingcod , , sh Sablefi

trawl (Can/US Atl) (Can/US trawl Haddock habitat or other marine life. marine other or habitat (Can/US Atl) (Can/US (AK) Herring: Atlantic Herring: Alaska :

with abundance, management, or impacts on on impacts or management, abundance, with (Can Atl) (Can / halibut/Turbot Greenland longline (Can/Pac Atl) (Can/Pac longline Atl) (US troll/pole Halibut: Pacifi c, Atlantic c, Pacifi Halibut: sh Mahi/Dolphinfi Mahi

a green choice is not available. There are concerns concerns are There available. not is choice green a trawl (US Atl) (US trawl /Sole: sep trawl (Can Atl) (Can trawl sep Atl) (Can/US longline Mex) of Gulf US Atl (US , Haddock , Spanish King, :

seafood should be consumed infrequently, or when when or infrequently, consumed be should seafood

(Can Atl) (Can US) ex (Intl , Jonah , King :

(AK) Atl) (US (US) , King King , Blue Crab: Spiny Lobster:

Yellow = Some Concerns. Some = Yellow Some Concerns Concerns Some

(Can/US Atl) (Can/US : Atlantic : AK) Atl (Can Atl) (Can Pac) (Can/US , Snow , Rock Crab: Dungeness Crab:

environmentally sustainable ways. sustainable environmentally dredge (Can Atl) (Can dredge Clams: Arctic surf, Quahog Quahog surf, Arctic Clams: AK) Pac (Can/US trawl † (AK) trap jig longline , c Pacifi Cod: , , c Pacifi Cod:

well managed, abundant, and caught or farmed in in farmed or caught and abundant, managed, well (ww) † (ww) Chilean seabass/Patagonian toothfi sh sh toothfi seabass/Patagonian Chilean hand dug (Can Atl) (Can dug hand Atl) (US Atl) (Can hand-dug Clam: Softshell, Quahog, Bar Quahog, Softshell, Clam: Softshell , Razor Clam:

Green = Best Choice. Best = Green Best Choice items are are items Choice Best


Alert Codes Alert Best Choice Best oeCnen Avoid Concerns Some

Healthy Choices for How To Use This Card SeaChoice is an initiative of Healthy Sustainable Seafood Canada: Keep this wallet guide with you—it By buying green-listed seafood, you will help you make more sustainable are supporting sustainable fi shing seafood choices. Wild-caught seafood and farming practices. Use your is listed fi rst, followed by farmed consumer power at the grocery store items in the lighter section below. or restaurant, and help keep our Some items are listed in more than Canada’s oceans and communities healthy. one column based on how and where Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society it was caught or farmed (look for the But don’t stop here! Find more bolded terms). Be sure to read labels Seafood seafood items, updates, and full and always ask questions when you assessments at, shop or dine: and don’t forget to share your • What species is this? GuideGuide seafood smarts. • Is it farmed or wild? • Where is this seafood from? • How was it farmed or caught? Then, check the listings and colour codes on the guide. If you’re not sure, choose another Best Choice item. Created in collaboration with the Monterey Printed on 100% PCW (post consumer waste) and Bay Aquarium PCF ( processed chlorine free) paper