The Water-Energy-Agriculture nexus in Jordan – A case study on As-Samra wastewater treatment plant in the Lower Jordan River Basin Alberto Belda González Master of Science Thesis KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management Energy Technology TRITA-ITM-EX 2018:588 Division of Energy System Analysis SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM ii Master of Science Thesis TRITA-ITM-EX 2018:588 The Water-Energy-Agriculture nexus in Jordan – A case study on As-Samra wastewater treatment plant in the Lower Jordan River Basin Alberto Belda González Approved Examiner Supervisor 18/07/2018 Francesco Fuso Nerini Caroline Sundin Commissioner Contact person
[email protected] iii Preface This document constitutes the thesis of the dual master’s program in Sustainable Energy Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). The thesis was performed at the Unit of Energy Systems Analysis (KTH-dESA), and was written to support the FAO project “Implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency/ productivity and water sustainability in NENA countries (2017-2020)”. The supervisor of the thesis was Caroline Sundin, and the examiner was Francesco Fuso-Nerini. Disclaimer: This document presents the view of the author and may therefore not reflect views from, or be supported by, the parties who are related to or involved in the project that this report is supporting. Abstract Historically, water, energy and agricultural resources have been naturally scarce in Jordan, but current economic, demographic, geopolitical and environmental conditions are aggravating the situation. The influxes of refugees are increasing the already high natural population growth; better economic conditions and living standards are changing consumption and production patterns; surrounding conflicts affect the supply of resources; and negative effects associated to climate change can be noticed already.