1 Supplementary Information 2 Electron transfer complexes in the gut dictate high abundance circulating 3 metabolites 4 Yuanyuan Liu1,2, William Van Treuren2, Bi-Huei Hou1,2, Steven K. Higginbottom2, Justin 5 L. Sonnenburg2,3,4, and Dylan Dodd1,2† 6 7 1Department of Pathology Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA; 8 2Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Stanford University School of Medicine, 9 Stanford, CA, USA; 3Chan Zuckerburg Biohub, San Francisco, CA, USA; 4Center for 10 Human Microbiome Studies, Stanford, CA, USA. 11 12 † Correspondence:
[email protected] 13 14 Supplementary Tables Supplementary Table 1. Estimates of ATP levels during Stickland metabolism of Phe. Phenylalanine disproportionation Considerations Oxidative Pathway Reductive Pathway Stoichiometry for redox 1 mole Phe 2 moles Phe balance NADH reducing equivalents 2 NADH produced (total) 2 NADH produced 4 NADH consumed Net: 2 NADH consumed ATP from substrate level 1 ATP phosphorylation Ferredoxin reduced (2 e- 1 mole Fdred 2 moles Fdred reduction) Protons translocated through Rnf complex 2 protons 4 protons (assuming 2 protons per mole Fdred)a ATP from ETP (assuming 4 0.5 ATP 1 ATP protons per mole ATP)a Total ATP 1.5 ATP 1 ATP Percentage of total ATP 60% 40% a Estimates are from Buckel and Thauer25. 15 16 Supplementary Table 2. Homologs of electron transfer complexes identified by BLASTp Query (% identity # hits # Phyla (Phylum names) # Families (family names) cutoff)a,b,c Clostridium 551 5 phyla (Firmicutes, 19 families (Clostridiaceae, Lachnospiraceae,