I. Sanitary Movement Abroad
REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS. The Commissioners, appointed on the third day of July last "to prepare and report, to the next General Court, a plan for a Sanitary Survey of the State, embracing a statement of such facts and suggestions as they may think proper to illustrate the subject," have considered the matters referred to them, as far as the limited time at their command, and other cir- cumstances, since their appointment, would permit, and sub- mit their REPORT. As the object of our commission is comparatively new, and may not be clearly understood by every persorr, we will state what we understand to be its intention. By a Sanitary Survey of the State is meant, an examination or survey of the different parts of the Commonwealth, its counties, its towns, and its localities,-to ascertain the causes which favorably or unfavor- ably affect the health of its inhabitants . The word sanitary means relating to health.' When we speak of the sanitary condition of a town, we include a description of those circum- stances which relate to, or have an effect upon, the health of its inhabitants. When applied to the inhabitants of a town or district, in their social capacity, it relates to public health ; when to individuals, it relates to personal or private health . The condition of perfect public health requires such laws and regulations, as will secure to man associated in society, the same sanitary enjoyments that he would have as an isolated individual ; and as will protect him from injury from any influ- t This word is derived from the Latin sanilas, meaning" soundness of body, health ." It is sometimes written, erroneously, as we think, sauatory, sanotary, and sanitory.
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