LIBERTAD selected writings of individualist anarchy “Freedom” and “We Go On” taken from the Killing King Abacus site. “Obsession” from Le Libertaire, August 26, 1898. “The Joy of Life” taken from Historical Anar- chist Texts. “Germinal, at the Wall of the Fédérés” from Le Droit de Vivre, no. 7, June 1–7, 1898. “To the Resigned” from l’anarchie, April 13, 1905. “May Day” from l’anar- chie, May 4, 1905. “To the Electoral Cattle” written February 1906. “Fear” from l’an- archie, May 17, 1906. “Down with the Law” from l’anarchie, February 15, 1906. “Weak Meat” written August 2, 1906. “The Cult of Carrion” from a pamphlet published in 1925, taken from articles that originally appeared in l’anarchie. “The Patriotic Herd” from l’anarchie, October 26, 1905. “The Greater of Two Thieves” from Germinal, no. 11, March 19, 1905. “To Our Friends Who Stop” taken from Disruptive Elements: The Extremes of French Anarchism. “Albert Libertad: A Biography” from The Bonnot Gang by Richard Parry. Translations by Mitch Abidor, Vincent Stone, and anonymous others. This edition published by Untorelli Press, February 2019. UNTORELLI PRESS
[email protected] UNTORELLIPRESS.NOBLOGS.ORG Contents Freedom 3 Obsession 6 The Joy of Life 8 Germinal, at the Wall of the Fédérés 13 We Go On 13 To the Resigned 16 May Day 18 To the Electoral Cattle 20 Fear 21 Down with the Law! 24 Weak Meat 26 The Cult of Carrion 26 The Patriotic Herd 31 The Greater of Two Thieves 33 To Our Friends Who Stop 35 Albert Libertad: A Biography 36 Albert Libertad Libertad 3 Freedom any think that it is a simple dispute over words that makes some declare Mthemselves libertarians and others anarchist.