3-4 Transportations in and Yokohama Areas Train and Subway (Underground) networks are highly developed and are the most convenient means of transportation in Tokyo, Yokohama and other cities.

Trains in Tokyo ●JR Lines: JR offers a nationwide train network. In Tokyo, the loop line called the Yamanote-sen [山手線] (sen = line) is worth remembering, since it runs in a circle around the center of Tokyo. ●Suburban Train Lines: Usually connect major stations in central Tokyo with the suburban areas and other towns/cities in the greater metropolitan area. Operated by many different companies such as Odakyu [小田急], Tokyu [東急], Keio [京王], Keisei [京成], Seibu [西武], Tobu [東武].

Subways in Tokyo ● [東京メトロ] Lines: Covers most of the network in Tokyo. ●Tokyo Municipal Subway (Toei) Lines [都営線]: This line is integrated into the Tokyo subway network. Fares are charged separately from Tokyo Metro [東京メト ロ] lines.

Trains in Yokohama ●JR Lines: The Keihin-Tohoku Line [京浜東北線], Tokaido Line [東海道線], Shonan Shinjuku Line [湘南新宿ライン] and [横須賀線] all pass through both central Tokyo and Yokohama. ●Suburban Train Lines: The Keihin Kyuko Line [京浜急行線] and the Tokyu Toyoko Line [東急東横線] run between the Tokyo and Yokohama areas, while the Sotetsu Line [相鉄線] connects [横浜駅] with the Yokohama suburbs.

Subways in Yokohama ●Yokohama Municipal Subway [横浜市営地下鉄]: Mainly runs between Azamino Station [あざみ野駅] and Shonandai Station [湘南台駅] and is called the Blue Line . Note: - Each company has a different set of platforms, so make sure that you are using the right platforms and train line. - All Tokyo and Yokohama trains and subways stop running between approximately 12:00 a.m. and 5:15 a.m.