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Buddy Clark ... JOLSON'S FAVORITE IN THIS Don McNeill...GETS GIVEAWAYS ISSUE: Gracie Allen...ALLERGIC TO MINK Andy Russell... ARNHEM'S PARTNER musicfi hath


T isn't just coincidence that ties of KFOX. When Hal Nichols asked for "Funds 1Barty, the famous feline mas- For Feed" for the starving deer of Southern California cot of the Memory Room, and during the drought, Memory Roomers responded by the Dixie and Trixie, the two feath- hundreds. The proceeds were turned over to the Hu- ered songsters, play such a large mane Society for administration. When the Long Beach part in Hal Nichols' nightly KFOX presentation of branch of the Southern California Humane Society found MELODIES 'N ME MORIES. The beloved Memory the need of new quarters, Hal and his faithful Memory Room Maestro is an animal lover of the first water, and Roomers again came to the rescue. The Humane Society his many good deeds in the animal world prove it. now has a regular weekly program on KFOX, "The Pet Recently he was the recipient, together with Barty, of a Parade," 7:30 Thursday evening, of which the famous life membership in the Southern California Humane So- Memory Room cat, Barty, is honorary Grand Marshal. ciety, presented in honor of his support of that organiza- Yes, there is much of the milk of human kindness mixed tion through the Memory Room progrim and the facili- with the MELODIES 'N MEMORIES that thousands

;«, of KFOX listeners enjoy nightly at 6:30

• • on KFOX. For a heart-warming half hour of old songs, informal comment, and Zbe tog arigtite *acid? for tbe ertbenti on occasional light philosophy and animal ot exult? to Illoimats stories, dial KFOX, Long Beach, at 6:30 P.M., seven nights a week. That's Mem- Cfflittes *at Jial...Nickab feBartio ory Room time with Hal Nichols. -LIFE ME MBER

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Hal Nichols, the KFOX Memory Room Maestro, smiles acceptance of a Life Membership Cer- tificate in the Southern California Humane Society presented to Hal and his famous cat, Barty, for support of the Humane Society's work through his MELODIES 'N ME MORIES program and the facilities of KFOX. H. W. McLean, chairman of the board of the S.C.H.S. hands the Maestro the certificate as Alexander Tilley, (seated) Southern California manager, and Art Streator, superintendent, look on. MELODIES IN MEMORIES • 6:30 P. M. • KFOX • 1280 On The Dial e 7-44. week oet rhe ear Inspires the Pen K IF I Baldwin, 5906 Denver A , Los you haven't caught this fifteen. Angeles 44, Calif. minute program, that you would so you could hear this lad's voice. He Sirs: I would like to congratulate IN ALL AGE GROUPS, AND IN ALL you on your wonderful magazine. is lyric and has original style and I think it's really swell, except that phrasing. I certainly wish him luck. WALKS OF LIFE, MUSIC PLAYS AN (Please Turn to Paye you never have any stories about IMPORTANT ROLE. TWO SHO WS my favorite singer, Andy Russell. I think your last story was a year CATERING TO MUSIC LOVERS ARE ago last December 8. Couldn't you * * RADIO LIFE * * "T H E MANHATTAN MERRY-GO- sometime soon have an article and CARL M. RIGSBY, Publisher lots of pictures? In the meantime, ROUND" AND "THE AMERICAN AL- Mug, 2, 1948

MARIAN McMANUS' lovely soprano voice is heard on the "Manhattan Merry-Go-Round," each Sunday eve- ning at 6, singing top songs from fa- mous Broadway shows and current- ly popular ballads.

Jean Dicker's» Bothered )t by Bugs? Mow 'em down instantly! CHEVRON FLY SPRAY...Knocks down flying insects on contact. Quick, stainless. JEAN DICKENSON, coloratura so- Pleasant odor. Highest rated killing power prano, sings songs that have become by U. S. standards. Kills flies, mosquitos, widely popular down through the years on "The American Album of ants, moths, fleas, bedbugs and silverfish. Familiar Music" Sunday nights at 6:30 via NBC-KFI. A STA N DARD OF CALIFORNIA PRODUCT THAT'S KFI—DIAL 640 — Advertisement Page Three 411, CARNATIONS FOR GUEST STAR JANE POWELL brought A & CLARK FAMILY PORTRAIT, RUDDY, NED AND PENNY. this super-delighted look to Buddy Clark's lace. A man with The mite perched in Buddy's hand is unidentified, but we delinite and immediate reactions, Clark probably did not approve think it's a dog. Buddy claims he drives his small family wild of Jane's dress on this occasion, claims he's still fighting the -new with constant singing, sang four songs during the course of his look — and dying hard. (NBC-Zeigler photo.) Radio Life interview.

and was signed to a radio program. Clark's voice was famous, but Clark wasn't. He sat around not making Ruddy Clark: Singer's Singer movies. "The records I made in those days are collector's items," he laughs. "Not that they're so wonderful, but Carnation Hour Star Was Discovered by they only sold about a thousand copies. They became like rare limited The Members of His Own Profession. The editions." Fans Came Later, Now Number Millions. Talks About Singing After a stint in the Arley, Buddy came back as star of the Carnation hour and as a Columbia record per- By Joan Buchanan sonality. Steadily his audience grew —until "Linda." Does Clark feel neglected because of the zooming of 411111> TED DALE, in the outdoorsy M on day.7 :00 p.m. such comparative late comers as sweater, is the orchestra leader on N B C-I(F1,1 a St) Sinatra, Haymes, et al? Not at all! Carnation show. He and Clark look over a "I don't want to fracture anyone," is the way he puts it. "I always wanted score, the singer probably concentrating on NTIL A RECORD titled "Linda" came along, lyrics. to go up slowly—and come down the Buddy Clark was what is same way." known as a singer's About the business of singing it- 11singer. The members of self, Clark has a refreshing approach. his own profession admired him and (Please Turn to Page 32) had collected his records for years. After "Linda," everyone else did too. No johnny-come-lately to the croon derby, Buddy got his first big break as vocalist with 's band on the four-hour "Let's Dance" broadcasts of fond memory. Only thing wrong with that break was that the Goodman band hadn't gotten its break yet. When it did, vocalist Clark was somewhere else. That somewhere was a movie studio where Buddy dubbed the voice for Jack Haley in a movie titled "Wake Up and Drea m" Haley became a singing sensation

TWO HEAVENLY VOICES surround e starlet Jane Powell on her vantage point. One belongs to Jimmy Wal- lington (left), announcer on the Clark Sow, and the other belongs to Honest Sam Clark. Don » Yea, »A rose and Shone

Breakfast Clubber Don McNeill Vacationed in Hollywood to Get Away From It All. We Found Him in Time to Get This Story on Famous Show

Monday through Friday, 8:00 ami. AtIC-ItECA, riFM11 audience show came as gradually as a household visit. A Marine on his EMCEE McNEILL looks like this way to a hospital wrote to the pro- before that early-morning mike. 141e IFTEEN YEA RS AGO, gram and asked if he might attend a Could it be that the happy look means Don McNeill walked into broadcast while he was in Chicago. he's soon to dash out to breakfast? (ABC- a gloomy little studio in He was cordially invited down. A Wiggam photo.) Chicago and put the gradually growing number of "drop- "Breakfast Club" on the air for the per-inners" put the show in the first time. Broadcaster McNeil had "please write for tickets" category. night-time show once, and I didn't left San Francisco radio, where he'd Now a capacity audience answers like it." Has he ever thought of mov- been half of a show titled "The Two that "first call to breakfast." Professors," to try his luck in ing his program to Hollywood? "Ev- Never one to fall in line with an Chicago, then the big radio town. ery time. I live through a Chicago air fad, McNeill is proud that the winter, I think about it," he laughs. "The Breakfast Club," Onee "Pepper "Breakfast Club" has never had a Latest Step Pot," was at first a non-audience giveaway or a contest connected Reticent about the movie offers he show. When Don added the jolly with it. "We want to be different," he and his show have received, McNeill "march around the breakfast table," smiles. Just how different a guy can the sound of tramping feet was simu- be when he tries is demonstrated by nevertheless admits that there have been offers and he is considering lated by sound effects. Nowadays, the "reverse giveaway" he invented them. "I can't find the right script," with his huge early-morning audi- for the show. "Everybody who came he said when we insisted on details. ence, the sound is the real McCoy. to the broadcast had to bring me "It's mostly the kids in the audience something. We were astounded when "I know nothing about making mov- who march," McNeill told us recently, we found we'd collected $10,000 worth ies, but I do know I'm no actor—I'd when we met him during his of stuff. We donated it to charities." have to be myself." Southern California holiday. The McNeill program qualifies as Concerning conditions in Chicago McNeill's first vacation in many "different" on several other scores. radio after the huge influx of Chi- years and our first vis-a-vis with him The "Silent Prayer Time" is the cago actors to Hollywood, McNeill was the occasion for a half-nostalgic longest period of silence (planned says rather sadly, "Chicago is de- then-and-now chat about his famous silence, that is) on the air—twenty (Please Turn to Page 32) show. seconds. He has no trouble with re- Beginning of "Club" peaters in his audience—an unusual "Remember the 'Rag-Rug' dance?" attribute of any participation show. he smiled. "I used to ask all the "Fifty per cent of the audience is housewives to grab a rug and dance from out of town —Chicago is a great around the room to the music. The convention city—and people have to idea was that they did a little house- write in for tickets," he gives as his work and listened to the program at reasons for the repeater evil being the same time. I cut it out after a non-existent. man fell down and broke his back "Breakfast Club" audiences are a while doing it! Another man, who hardy lot, according to the emcee. wrote in and claimed to have broken Many of the peonle stay up all night both legs when he fell over a chair waiting to get the choice seats when rushing to the radio to turn me off, the studio opens. Letters from fans I didn't do anything about:" run between eight and ten thousand No recital of early "Breakfast a month. And the "different" Mr. Club" days would be complete with- McNeill confesses that he tries to out a note about the "old grads" of quell fan clubs. the program. Gale Page, Johnny Has he ever wanted to exchange Johnston, the Merry Macs and Ilene his early-morning chores for a nice, Woods of the Jack Carson show are comfortable night-time show? "No," some of the singers who were former says McNeill emphatically, "I had a vocal stars of the show. Perhaps the most illustrious alumni are Marian and Jim Jordan, now "Fibber and Molly," but then "Toots and Chickie." SHARING DON'S Coast vacation e was Mrs. McNeill, first name Kath- Row Audience Started erine. Mrs. McNeill's bubbling per- The change from non-audience to sonality matches Dons. • DAVE'S ANNOUNCING TALENTS MAY NE PERCEIVED regu- lady on the Charles Collingwood series and during the corn- • mentary on Metropolitan Life News. The Vailes are a rather distinguished family. Dave's father has been professor of eco- nomics. at University of Minnesota for twenty years, and his brother is assistant manager of Palm Springs station KCMJ. (CBS- KNX photo.) Mike

No. 68 of a Serie llave Valle

• •.

By Jae Dunn

Whatever This CBS Producer-Announcer Does is Done Well. But He's Naturally a Relaxer and Loves His "Home on the Bay" at Newport Beach

AVE VA1LE takes radio Hitler and we've got Mussolini. Now about noon, which gives him the very calmly. we've got to get that (censored) best hours to get a good tan, go boat- He is more a staff pro- Franco!" ing or swim ming, or finish "the lit- ducer than an announcer Dave relates this "there will be a tle woman's" assignments for the over at CBS, presently pause for the announcer's recovery" day. assistant director on "Screen Guild incident with the same pleasantly During the winter, Dave has been Players" and "Lum and Abner," and composed expression he uses .A de- taking care of several boats for his previously head -man on "Tapestries scribe his education (at the Uni- sum mer neighbors, and has had the of Life," "The City," "Man Called versity of Washington), his first use of a half-dozen or so different Jordan" and "Meet Miss Sherlock." announcing job as a dance-band- re- craft at any time. But he has just He was program director for San mote man and his resultant impor- purchased a small racing dinghy Francisco's KYA for three years, and tant appointments. Obviously, he is named "Pemlin" for his own and left that post to help CBS set up its the executive type. he's thinking seriously of entering the season's events with it if his broadcasting facilities in El Paso. In This composure in his professional schedule at Columbia Square will January of 1942, he returned to the life is probably inherent with Dave. Bay City and joined KQ W (now permit. He certainly seems to be a man who KSFO) as chief of production. When knows how to relax. The Valles have so far acquired no "practically the entire staff in Hol- pets. "Two boys are enough," Dave lywood was drafted," the Valle com- Beach Home opines. Christopher is still a baby, petence arrived, as a matter of The Valle family (Dave, Dorothy, of course, but Michael goes to school course. at Columbia Square. ten-year-old Michael and one-and-a- at Corona Del Mar until next year, Probably Dave's gulpiest micro- half-year-old Christopher, recently when he'll enroll at the Newport phone experience, and it appears he voted for a home at Newport Beach, Beach elementary. Dave and Dorothy, even got efficiently through that, directly on Beacon Bay in back of incidentally, have been married was on V-J Day in 1945. He and Balboa Island. They "moved down thirteen years since they first met at Jim my Matthews were doing an im- there as an experiment" because Washington University. promptu remote from Hollywood and they all liked the water so much, At present, maintaining this easy Vine, and as the crowd gyrated by, and in spite of the three-hour drive and sun-filled existence is .Dave's screaming and laughing hysterically which Dave makes in to Hollywood big interest. While they lived in -Into the CBS microphone, Dave seized and back every day they find it a North Hollywood, he was energetic most of the time landscaping and an old gentleman wearing a Span- wonderful place to live. "The trip interior-decorating. "Now," he grins, ish-A merican war medal. really isn't bad," Dave qualifies. "I looking tremendously satisfied and have the sun at my back in the "How about a few words on the rested, "our house is modern and end of this war, sir?" he prompted. morning and it's shifted around to almost new, our front yard is sea- my back again on the way home." "Sure!" shouted the elderly inter- shells and our back yard is a bad- viewee. "We've got Tojo, we've got Dave usually takes off for work minton court." Page Six Thursday, 9:00 p.m. NBC-KFI, ICFSB

••• ,4 1 S GRACIE ALLEN, the original of all the "dumb girl" portray- ers, does pretty Mrs. George Burns find her shqw-business char- acter difficult to live down in real life? The answer seems to be a little "yes" and a big "no." One of the actress's favorite stories on h'erself is that which concerns her handsome young son, Ronnie, during an appearance he made on Kenny Baker's "Glamour. Manor." Kenny, in kidding Ronnie at the mike, had asked if it was true that his mother came whooping In to breakfast on roller skates? Ronnie gave him a look of disbelief and Innocently asked, "Don't all moth- ers do that?" Pointing out that son Ronnie seems to have a definite talent for this sort of thing, Gracie revealed, not without pride, that the boy has recently completed his first screen role, in the film "Apartment for Peggy." "George and I didn't visit him on the set," she sighed. "We

. GRACIE ALLEN brings enough of „la> her radio personality into her off- stage life to make her a charming com- panion and a whimsical conversationalist. Gratioos Is the Word (Bruno photo.) changing and traveling is particu- larly hard on people and their clothes, recalled that much of her energy was expended in keeping well dressed. "We'd make three hun- For Gracie dred a week—I'd spend two hundred taking care of my wardrobe. Right up till curtain time I'd be pressing Gracie Allen May Specialize in and mending my dress backstage. My pride and joy at one time was a Nonsense on the Air, But in Her black lace gown over an orange Private Life It's Common Sense. satin slip! It was always mentioned in the reviews Of our act and I was so proud of it. The lace started to wear and I had to keep on mending By Joan Buchanan it with black thread. It finally reached the stage where no one ever saw me without my needle and didn't want to turn into a stage gold jewelry. Her off-the-face tur- thread working over that dress!" mother and father." ban, draped-top dress and small Getting back to her radio reputa- Best-Dressed Comedienne gloves were of a color. She wore no tion as epitome of the "dumb girl," One on-stage characteristic that make-up save a little lipstick. She Gracie recalled that her famous ap- Gracie lives up to in private life is seems to have a gift for always pearance on "Information, Please" her flair for clothes. Long known looking just right. "But the trouble had astounded not only all Allen as one of the best-dressed women with me," she sighs, "is that I'm a fans, but Allen herself. It was sev- in the theater, she avers that her perfectionist. Take that ash-tray," eral years ago that the diminutive children consider her taste merely she indicated the one before us that Gracie appeared on the brain-trust misguided as far as their wardrobe held one small cigarette end and a show and answered everything cor- is concerned. Ronnie and the Burns's sprinkling of ashes. "If the waiter rectly. Just luck, she insists now. daughter, Sandra, she believes, doesn't empty it soon—I'll go crazy!" "They keep asking me to come would be happy forever in mocca- At moments like this the real Gracie back." she smiled, "but I know bet- , sins, cords and blue jeans. Teen- and the radio Gracie merge. Her ter than to try it again. I stop when ager Sandra is likely to regard as whimsical voice has the same in- I'm ahead." "babyish" clothes selected by her tonations she uses in her gag lines, Concerning her wardrobe at pres- mother. When long skirts came in, her tiny hands make a quick ges- ent, Gracie avers that one detail of Gracie anticipated a howl from her ture and her face takes on a wide- it will have to go neglected. In try- daughter. Happily, she says Sandra eyed expression that we've seen in ing to track down a puzzling allergy approved—approved to the point of her pictures. to which she was subject, her doc- over-stressing the length. Attention to Details tor made many tests, and came up On the occasion of our chat, the Perfectionist Allen, noted for her with, "Mr. Burns will be happy to comedienne looked her trim best in exquisite grooming and costuming hear that one of the things to which an all-brown outfit with touches of even in vaudeville, where constant you are allergic is mink!" Page Seven rile Sur Inspires the Pen

(Con(inued from Pay 3) Hazel M. Woodruff, 223 North St. Andrews Dave Johnston, 811 Heliotrope Drive, Los Place, Loss Angeles 4, Calif. Angeles, Calif. I thank you for giving such prompt Sirs: Have been for years a regu- publication to my letter about con- lar reader of your most admirable tests. It was good to get it off my and informative magazine, and chest, and better still to see it in while I have often been tempted to print and let others know how I join the army of "Ear Inspires the feel. Pen" contributors, this is the first Yes, indeed, I've had tickets to the time that I have had my "tail feath- "G.E. House Party" show. I attended ers" sufficiently aroused. three or font- times a week for four I refer to Mrs. Florence M. Briggs' or five weeks, trying to get a chance adulation of Frank Sinatra, as ex- to answer the contest question, but pressed in a recent letter, and her nary a chance did I get! I did get on opinion that (to quote) "I don't think the program once, when Art Link- there is another singer that can letter looked in my purse and slipped come up to his equal. some bubble gum into it, so that he BEATRICE met Dante in 1394, could find it there, and I won an I have been a student of singing, electric foot-warmer, which was de- when they were both nine years as well as a singer for many years, scribed as a proper gift for a single old. All Dante's genius and and believe I can modestly profess gal. But although I held up a mem- to being a fairly good judge of sing- powers from that day forward orandum slip with the word "Riche- ing and singers. While our radio pro- were devoted to immortalizing lieu" written on it, he just wouldn't grams are cluttered with the great- let me say it. I have wondered what her beauty, grace and kindness. est accumulation of would-be sing- would have happened if I had Although she married another, ers possible, I consider the idol of shouted it out anyway! and died tragically at an early Mrs. Briggs' dreams to be the most insipid "artist" recently inflicted on You say that there are contests in age, Dance's love lived on. the American public and one who is which one can write in the answers. woefully lacking in both real sing- I wish you would state what they ing ability and personality. Had It are. I have not hapoened to run onto not been for a very capable and most them, but I would like to know about imaginative publicity man, I am them; perhaps others would too. very much afraid that Mrs. Briggs May we clarify? Radio Life slated, in would have been deprived of a great that first answer to you: "There are deal of "enjoyment" and her Frank other programs, on other stations, en - roumain.' such research as you have would have been one of a multitude done." We had reference to such pro- of "also-rans" who have passed into M.Th /at 1t;.;(;!7!eore = oblivion. Please." eh... to which you could sub- I quite realize that this is merely mit questions and answers requiring one man's opinion, and that Mrs. research. and FRON which you could win prizes, were these entries of yours Briggs is certainly entitled to hers, considered usable. One new program too. I presume I have dug up a hor- 11011 might find "more to the point." net's nest, so let the fireworks start. however. is Kill's "Par Answer Game," 8:00 p.m. Fridays. I'll be awaitin'.

Mrs. Walter Blaine and Friends, Windsor, Carroll Van Court, 226 Ws at 46th Street, Canada. Los Angeles 37, Calif. Sirs: We are here from Canada and Sirs: Some stories I'd like to hear have been trying for two months to on the radio are: Charles Reade's get tickets to some of the broadcasts. "Foul Play," with Loreto Young as All we get is asked why do you peo- the heroine; the "Life of Edgar Allen ple come every day? What are out- Poe" (For heaven's sake spell it of-towners to do? We like your Ra- Allan, most newspapers spell it Al- dio Life very much and are going to len, which shows how littl- -we know see that folks back home get sub- about our own geniusi . with the scriptions before leaving. e0.?" 4. accent on his brilliant ability, where Now, I wish, as do my friends who W HITE KING SOAP it belongs, and not on his love ai. are outstanding business people at fairs; the "Life of Caruso," with home, that this letter could be print- Jan Kiepura as Caruso; the "Life U se W HITE KING SOAP in your ed for the sake of radio itself. Every of George Bernard Shaw,' with time we turn on a radio or go to a washing machine.., and your Monte Woolley as Shaw; Victor Her- show we always see the same con- clothes will be clean on the bert's greatest comic opera, "The testants. These are people continu- Serenade" (yes, 1 said his greatest ally on different programs. What's lin e. W HITE K ING washes comic opera), with Nelson Eddy and the matter with the emcees? Haven't clothes really clean — washes Jeanette MacDonald; a story about they eyes to see these same faces Judy Canova developing from a vil- off surface dirt ... washes out all the time, or are we to believe it lage ballad singer into a grand op- is a racket on the part of producers bidden dirt. Nothing washes era singer, what a chance to prove or emcees? We have stood in the like soap. There's no soap my contention that she should be "no ticket" line time after time with- called "The Comedienne with the out getting in, 'simply because at like W HITE KING. You'll love Grand Opera Voice" (a slogan her least the first fifty are these profes- W HITE KING SOAP. sponsors ought to pay me $10,000 sional contestants. Have they no for!) That's all today. homes? Or are they just slum ming?


a replacement for the Morgan-Ameche- Brooks?' . . . Dick Jurgens and his Langford hour. . . . Screen and radio band possible Coca-Cola sum mer re- For Love o' Mike (c,Goenneeranl t) writer Joel Malone's "The Key," dra- placement for Spike Jones. . Arlene matic-suspense series, is one of the Francis and Ben Grauer may replace hottest things on radio row now. . . . Walter Winchell this sum mer. . . . Rumors Are Flying Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenberg Jack Kirkwood looks pretty good for have been signed to fill the hiatus a five-a-week strip. . . . Columbia rec- Elliott Lewis has had a request to period starting June 30. . Bill Good- ords interested in a series of singles star in a Broadway play this sum mer. win has put the audition script for the by one of radio's first ladies, Cathy . . . Jack Pearl, famed as "Baron proposed "Johnny Fletcher" series on Lewis. Munchausen," will be heard on NBC wax. . . . Leonard Sillman's "New in the coming season. . .. Ed "Archie" Faces" goes in for Burns and Allen. ifSuperman ', Tolerance Gardner may do the first theater per- . . . Michael Douglas in from eastern sonals of his career during his time theater tour with his set of twins and Five nights a week, (Monday off from "Duffy's Tavern' this sum- a new air show. .. . Exceedingly light through Friday, 5:15, KHJ) the seri- mer. . . . Requests for tickets to the sum mer com mercial schedules. . . . alized "Adventures of Superman" is Abe Burrows show are so great that CBS and Joan Blondell negotiating aired for the juvenile listening audi- the broadcast may be shifted to the over the title role in "Our Miss ence. In the course of listening to all Vine Street Playhouse. . . . Announcer the shows possible, we've come across Jim Doyle is readying a new partici- this program once or twice, and must admit to having been completely en- pation show tagged "Pass the Buck." grossed by such a tower of strength . . . Canadian radio star Johnny Har- DON'T BE A per arrived in Hollywood to tackle and right-doing! radio and pictures. . . . Metropolitan Not everyone will react in this fash- Opera star Dorothy Kirsten will join MissDir ion, but it's a safe bet that the least- Nelson Eddy and Robert Armbruster's interested of adults won't forget the orchestra on the Kraft Summer Show. "tolerance" cut-ins in a hurry. Each Miss Kirsten has the radio personality night the network, in lieu of a com- to match that voice.... A fifth major mercial ("Superman" is unsponsored network may be in operation in June. here) has inserted a brief recorded bit Called Radio America, it's a transcrip- designed to hit young ears as no tion network and it expects to have amount of preaching on the part of two hundred affiliates by the time it parents could. One night the sketch opens. . . . Hans Conned will join concerned a young football captain Jack Paar in a comedy sketch in an who rushed into the shower room, RKO feature length revue, "Variety gathered up his gear and started to Time." Victor Moore or Cass Daley leave. The rest of the team, nearly In may be the Bob Hope sum mer substi- tears, asked their idol why he was tutes. . . . Bill Stern will cover the NEXT WEEK checking out. Then the captain ex- 1948 Olympics from London in early plained, in kid words, that he wasn't August. . . . Nancy Walker, star of going to be any part of a team that the Broadway hit, "Look, Ma, I'm Lovely mothers enhance our refused to play with other teams Dancing," is cutting an audition record main story. See pictures of Mrs. whose numbers included people of for ABC. . . KLAC and KYA, San Edgar Bergen and Candice, Mrs. other races and religions. As he point- Francisco, may send ace sports an- Kay Kyser and her two daugh- ed out, "Sportsmanship doesn't exist nouncer Sam Baiter to, cover the ters, Florence Rinard and her only within the team!" You can fancy family, and many more. Olympic Games in London. Sam is an the impact of that sort of reasoning old Olympic man himself—he partici- Going to the Sierras this sum- on young listeners' minds. pated in the 1936 contest as a member mer? Then you'll want to study Another evening "Tomniy" had a of the U. S. basketball team. . . . the tips given in our article next little friend explain to him that he Much sponsor interest in Charlie Rug- week. needn't worry about losing two teeth gles' radio series, "Pop Jenks." . . . simply because he had two freckles Like to know about a loan we Eddy Duchin is another long-time fa- and his name was "Tom my"! All boys got from Britain? See story on vorite who may soon return to the air. with these characteristics don't follow Page 33! . . . Judy Holiday, another Broadway a pattern, any more than do all fel- star and hit of "Born Yesterday," is What kind of a letter wins a lows who have a certain religion. being paged for a situation comedy prize on "Free for All"? Maybe The talks don't add a plea to the series. . . . Fletcher Markle of "Studio our article will help throw some disguised moralizing. They just let the One" is doubling with a movie chore light on this puzzler. youngster listening in get the idea. as writer-director on "The Vicious Cir- Did "The Aces" take it easy? Something like that in the way of cle." . . . Publisher Bennett Cerf is You'll know after you read our adult fare isn't the worst idea in the being peddled in a series titled "Book special feature. world, we might add. Parade.' Another Flashback layout. .. . "570 Club" Looks Like... Paul Masterson is our Mikeman. Consult our logs for further time Idle listening just for fun's sake to "Parkyakarkus" may stay on the an readjustments! Pre-Casts of lat- KLAC's "570 Club" gave rise to some during the sum mer. . . . A deal is est shows. All, next week! speculation one day that resulted in a cooking for comedian Alan Young field trip. Listening to the deft stream (who just climbed off the Texaco fire- *She wanted to read it but wagon) to team up with Dorothy La- of voices and music from the "Club" missed it. mour in a half-hour music-comedy for (Continued on Next Page) next fall. ... Old Gold is shopping for Page Nine May 2, 1948 RA DI O LIFE Radio Review (Continued from Preceding Page) 51KEcA mike memos led us to wonder just how this young Bob McLaughlin, emcee of the show, 4 keeps a parade of stars' voices, a night-club atmosphere, his own chat- ter, a series of spot announcements, BY VIRGINIA W EST time signals—and his sanity—going Another important analysis has been added to KECA's Sunday eve- for two hours, five days a week (Mon- ning lineup . . . "Newsweek Looks Ahead" now heard at 7:45. The editors of day through Friday, 1:10 to 3:00 p.m.) Newsweek have joined forces with 42 Products, Ltd., to present a colorful weekly We had to go to the station to find news sum mary with Herb Allen as announcer-com mentator, By Averback as out, but watching the goings-on was "Voice of Newsweek," and Charles Chaplin as director.... Lend an ear Sunday worth it. In the first place, most rec- night.. . . On Tuesday nights at 8, KECA also offers "Washington Date Line," ord-spinners don't use, haven't used, a new quarter-hour of news and behind-the-scenes information from our and never will use all four of the nation's capital by Frank Rogers, Washington reporter for the Los Angeles turntables surrounding them in a Daily News.... While on the subject of news, fans of Cal Tinney have no doubt standard station. Bob has to. On one discovered his new ABC show (Sundays at 1:15 on KECA) . . . "Thinking goes a big record of the "570 Club" Allowed." Here's Cal at his homespun best. His observations on the contempo- sound-effects. This is controlled by a rary scene are sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, but always interesting. dial. The other three carry the regular ... Your Best Bet ... 790 . commercial record selected to be Agnes Moorehead, who is "Marilly," Lionel Barrymore's housekeeper on played; a huge record of appropriate the ABC-KECA series, "The Mayor of the Town," had last-line trouble when phrases, ostensibly issuing from the she set out to compose the cantata for the annual spring festival . . . and lips of the visiting stars; and the thereby another contest began. This time ,transcribed com mercials. These are listeners are being asked to furnish the controlled by many hands, all of them last line to Marilly's verse for prizes which Bob's. start with a first prize of $5,000 in cash! It's almost impossible to tell of the Listen Wednesday at 7:30 for details. . . . changing, stopping, starting and tim- The popular morning drama, "My True ing required to make the listening Story," has been renewed by its sponsor, Libby, McNeill and Libby, for another 52. click along in such a real fashion. But week run in its 10:30 a.m., Monday thru should the day of the disc jockey, if Friday dial spot on ABC-KECA. . . . Fran you'll pardon the expression, pass, Allison, creator of "Aunt Fanny," humor- here's one boy who's done his own ous relative-ridden rural who is heard on training in production, scripting, engi- ,ABC's "Breakfast Club," gives her mother neering and emceeing. Mr. McLaugh- back in Iowa many an uneasy moment. lin's already a radio jack-of-all-trades. She's always afraid "Aunt Fanny's" chat- For the purpose of giving you an ter about her make-believe friends and idea, at least, of what goes on, we'll kinfolks will "come too close to home" try to reconstruct a segment of the and she'll offend some actual relatives! 1:10 to 3:00 p.m. time at KLAC. ... This is the last week for James Abbe's If Alvino Rey, for instance, were the sponsor's generous offer to aid Europe's Agnes Moorehead mythical guest star, Bob would choose starving people. . . . The Fisher Flouring (from the record he had Mr. Rey Mills Co., as you probably know, offers to match pound for pound of their flour make especially for him) a suitable purchased and send it to Europe's needy. . . . Hear details on Abbe's news greeting or introduction for the title analysis, KECA at 7:30 a.m., Monday thru Friday. . . . A man who is doing selection. This is played with one hand. much to help aspiring singers on their way is Wilfrid Pelletier, Metropolitan That transcription is stopped, and Opera conductor, who batons the orchestra for ABC's Metropolitan Opera Bob's own live voice answers the Al- Auditions of the Air on Sunday afternoons. Pelletier has helped open the way vino Rey voice track, welcoming the for many young singers to join America's premier opera company. maestro to the "Club." Then guest . • • • Your Best Bet. • • 790 . • • Rey is piped in again. Next comes the LOOKING AHEAD: Don't be surprised if you hear chatting recorded selection, while with his third with on the latter's Paul Whiteman Record Club (KECA at hand Bob has tuned down the "Club" 12:30 p.m.) one of these days. . . . Bing, atmosphere record. When the selection one of the most famous grads of the is finished, there is more chitchat, and Whiteman school, is due in New York soon. a further record introduction. Finally . . . Louella O. Parsons already has re- Bob starts the fourth record at a pre- placements for her two-month vacation cise spot. This brings in the com mer- lined, up. . . . The first two weeks in June, cial, which has been introduced by Gracie Allen and George Burns are sched- some McLaughlin-spoken nicety that uled, with Bebe Daniels and Anita Colby prevents its being dropped cold into to follow in succeeding two-week periods. the midst of all the gaiety. Replacements for the final weeks will be After a time signal and a lot of announced later. . . . ABC's vice-president sleight-of-hand setting-up of a whole in charge of news and special events, new group of records, the show goes Thomas Velotta, announces that all the on. There must be an easier way to many facets of the nation's most impor- earn a living, but unruffled Bob Mc- tant peace-time political conventions in his- Laughlin likes this way. He must, for tory this coming June and July, will be it was his own ingenuity, time and ef- covered by ABC via radio and television. fort that got up the 117 voice tracks The conventions will be reported by such of band-leaders and male and female top newsmen as Walter Winch.ell, Elmer vocalists using sixty different expres- Wilfrid Pelletier Davis, Drew Pearson, Earl Godwin, H. R. sions of greeting, welcome and thanks. Baukhage and others of ABC's lineup. . If you don't give a whoop about Parks Johnson and Warren Hull of Vox Pop will .be homeward bound this technicalities, and the thought of week from that program's first European trek. . . . Their Wednesday evening changing even one record bores you (KECA at 6:30) broadcast will be from aboard the S.S. America, tin which stiff, you'll still get a kick out of the they'll interview passengers and crew me mbers. music Bob parades on his time. It's Page Ten • • • Your Best Bet • • • 790 • • • —Advertisement old and new, hot or sweet—and good. May 2, 1948 R A DI O LIF E

A stumbling-block or a stepping- the insured article being traced is a Shows You stone. stolen jewel box or a sabotaged yacht Your Cue May Like These are the words of poet R. L. James Meighan, nephew of the fa- Sharpe, and we received a copy of the mous cowboy hero of the silents, verse by requesting it from the pro- has the title role of this New York. gram. Often these offers are made originated presentation, and young Mr. "Living Today" concerning parts of the Harris scripts, Meighan need not look backward for a Perking up the day at 8:45 a.m. is so if you hear something you particu- claim to thespian abilities. Linda Harris's "Living Today," sister larly like, you may usually obtain a If the writers were given show program to Rance Valentine's "In a copy of it from the program. credit, we missed it, in spite of careful Nutshell," both new features heard on Miss Harris also gives two tickets and interested listening. Whoever they KNX each week-day morning. to a top CBS broadcast to the listeners are, they deserve commendation on "Living Today" is a delightful com- who supply her with the best Quick two scores: one is the carefully con- mentary program written and deliv- Trick, Le., a way to do some task with trolled line of humor through the sto- ered by Miss Harris, a person of rare a minimum of work and a maximum ries; the other is the note of credi- taste, humanity and perception, judg- of pleasure. Tickets are also given for bility, wonderfully refreshing even to ing from the programs we've heard. examples of verse used on the pro- unshakable fans of who-done-it radio It's a little difficult to put into words gram. fare who are weary of the bum steer exactly what Miss Harris talks about that always leaves listeners wrong in each morning over KNX. If we say "Special Agent" order that "our hero" may emerge wile and triumphant. "Special Agent she's "inspirational" or the possessor It's a wonder the idea behind Tues- Drake" is given lines that leave him of a "constructive philosophy," we'll day's "Special Agent," (KHJ, 7:30 guessing wrong once in a while, and not be conveying the considerable p.m.) hasn't been brought up before it surely must hit a sympathetic note charm of her delivery,, nor her conta- in the way of adventure-deduction epi- among listeners. gious light-heartedness. Mainly, her sodes. series is devoted to an informal, sen- The serialized story on the exploits sible, often poignant discussion of of "Alan Drake," special agent for the what makes a good and happy life in "Inter-Global Insurance Company," al- Playbacks (, CCormmitic enal t this day and age. In one program you lows the story lines to fall in different might find her touching on such varied locales each week, and gives great and yet related subjects as relaxation, leeway to "Drake's" run-ins with either personal charm, household hints, in- We Point lr WI Pride ... the criminal element or the law, as dividual aids toward bettering your the latter's unsympathetic or under- 'To the splendid new thirteen-week particular corner of the world. standing arms respectively affront or "Re-Living the Past" theme of Colum- As an example of some of the de- abet him. Too, either a clever, fanciful bia's "Invitation to Learning." Already lightful miscellany you'll find on "Liv- crime, or a regular underworld f ree- reviewed as exemplary history in lit- ing Today," we'd like to quote a little for-all can arise, depending on whether (Please Turn lo Page 12) verse we recently noted on the show: Isn't it strange that princes and kings And clowns who caper in sawdust rings I grow it... And common folks like you and me Are builders of éternity? know it... To each is given a bag of tools, A shapeless mass, and a book of that's whg rules; And each must make, ere life has flown when I say COFFEE


TUNE "HOLLYWOOD BANDSTAND" Maurice Hart 12-12:15 p.m. Bill Anson 3- 3:15 p.m. So rich in MONDAY THRU SAT. tre suggest DIAL 980 you try using KFIAIB 1/4 less per cup! porixored by

VEN US FOO DS Regular, Drip and Pulverized Grinds PRIZES EVERY WEEK rage Eleven May 2, 1948 RA DI O LIFE

the desert town's own chamber of tions, and a reconciliation, all easily com merce hasn't suggested the boys and convincingly. find something else to kid about long Radio Review Of course the story ended happily before. . . . The suddenly-becoming-a- (Continued from Preceding Page) with a pardon for the young sergeant, rut formula of "Allen's Alley." Music, but the whole cast did so well in sus- erature have been Euripedes's 'Trag- ,knock-knock, howjado, yutteda-yutteda. taining suspense that it wasn't until edy of War," Livy's "History of Somehow, the residents of this fantas- the last minute that listeners knew Rome," Plutarch's "Lives," Ibsen's tically populated sidestreet need a new "Emperor and Gallean," with Sir Wal- what would happen. This alone would look. . . . The increasing "staginess" have been a refreshing treat. ter Scott's "Talisman" continuing the of Mutual's heretofore rather delight- studies this approaching Sunday, May ful "Juvenile Jury." . . . And while 2. . . . To the controlled discussion of we're paused at Mutual, we question English Socialist Harold J. Laski and why they can't break up the monotony Off M ike ( Personalities ) American economist Ralph Robey on of their "cops and robbers" shows, "The People's Platform" Sunday, April following one another in rapid succes- 18. Subject, "Is Socialism or Capital- sion from 1:00 p.m. on, Sunday after- ism the Better Road"; opinions, "spir- noons? Pleasure's Ours ited"; points, "excellently established Radio Life had a nice letter from by both gentlemen." . . To Les Tre- Amateurs—But Good! returned Navy veteran Rolland Morris mayne's deft handling of his main role recently, expressing thanks for the in "The Silver Cord," presented by So many times dramatic presenta- story we did on his reestablishment in "Ford Theatre" also April 18. . . . To tions that are in any way attached to radio, and telling us that if something the marvélous library of music from an educational unit labor under the special happened to him soon we could which KGFJ programs its daily after- preconceived notion that they will be accept a bow for being first to give noon listening, and likewise to the fine pedantic, scholarly bits of dullness. him recognition. • And so many times the tag "student old-timêy records found on many of Now, that "something special" has KMPC's daily recorded sessions lately. dramatics" is immediately and wrong- ly labeled as awkwardly amateurish. happened and Rolland has been signed ... To "This Week Around the World" by Paramount for a role Ur the Hal (Sundays, KECA, 11:00 a.m.) and the We heard a show last night, spon- Wallis picture, "I Accuse." He's also sored by the Los Angeles Board of always timely cut-ins which certainly being seriously tested by Warners for clarify the headlines we're holding in Education, that blasted these errone- the juvenile role in "June Bride." our hands. ous notions sky-high. The Radio Guild, under Dorothy Love, did True Board- Since we've been asked to, pardon We Flew Wait Alarm .. . man's prize-winning "Return to To- us while we do accept that bow. morrow" over KXLA. Each Tuesday The manner in which most of radio's night, at 10:00, KXLA will present A Best Posssible Choice top comedians accept the hospitality of another drama by this group. Palm Springs. So it's an expensive Elsie Mae Emerson has succeeded her late husband, Ralph Waldo Emer- place . . . but why give us thirty min- The script concerned "Sergeant Carl utes of the prices? We wonder that Stevens," wrong-side-of-the-tracks kid son, as organist on CBS's "Lum and who wound up doing a sentence in the Abner" series. Mrs. Emerson is well penitentiary. During the war years, remembered in Chicago, where, with "Carl" was released for duty. Locale her husband, she starred on many of the play was the post-service sepa- organ programs at WLS and the NBC ration center, where the questions network during the late thirties. In asked the young sergeant awakened a 1941 they moved to Phoenix, Arizona, chain of memories that made up the and station KOY, and came to Holly- radio dialogue. wood two years later. Ralph Waldo Many an AFRAn would have shaken Emerson had been with "Lum and in his shoes at the transition called Abner" for three years when he died for by the role. From introspection to suddenly on April 7. Organist Irma hotly outspoken scenes is tough, but Glen, also of Chicago, filled on the Guild member Bill Arnold went right program until Mrs. Emerson could ac- through it. cept the assignment. The girl in the story, a Red Cross nurse played by Iris Beach, had an * * equally difficult role. She underwent a No SHARPIE, HE spurning at the lead's hands, an at- tempt at analyzing his mixed emo- Still blushing for blowing up in a spelling match during the NBC "Quiz Kids'" visit in Cincinnati is young lori Kupperman. Joel misspelled a little word like "hydroxymer- FOLLO W THE ANGELS curifluorescein," which is something you find on the label of a mercuro- WITH BOB KELLEY chrome bottle.

WEEKDAYS 8:10 PM lExcopt Monaiw) SATURDAY 2:30 PM SUNDAY 1:30 PM Contests and Offers

"MA KE BELIEVE BALLROO M," KLAC, 10:00 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Monday through Sat- urday —Al Jarvis is giving away six Bilt- more Florists orchids daily on his programs, THRILLING to listeners who send the best letters on their pet grievances to the "Honest Opin- DRAMA! ion" portion of his show. Address Al Jarvis, "Honest Opinion" Contest, Station KLAC, 1000 Cahuenga Boulevard, Hollywood 38, P e SUNDAY at 3:00 Calif. "STOP ME IF YOU'VE HEAR D THIS ONE," KHJ, 6:00 p.m. Saturday —For nom- *ÓD NETWORK inating the "funniest person you know" you B C may win a "Surprise Prize," which could be anything from a burnt match to a car or airplane. Address program, care of Mutual Page Twelve CALIFORNIA MEDICAL ASSN. Broadcasting System, 1440 Broadway, New York 18, New York. May 2, 1948 R A DI O LIF E

"Public Prosecutor" series is setting a record of some sort. Recently signed was one of Hollywood's first directors, Frank Reicher, 72-year-old veteran of F.M. and Television Tips stage and screen whose bow into tele- By JANE PELGRAM vision will mark his sixty-fifth year in show business. Reicher's film debut W W•o^ was in 1915, directing for Jesse L. Lasky. The stream of statistics regarding national distribution. The first is a Vera Lewis, well-known character channels available, stations in opera- preview of Henry Morgan's picture player now serving the causes of tion, and existing miles of television "So This Is New York," and a visit video, tops even Reicher's record. Miss cable that makes up current video to Jack Benny's home. Lewis made her stage bow in 1894, "news" is interrupted by the happy and her film bow for D. W. Griffith General Artists is filming a series information that some of the shows in 1914. She plays the secretary sus- around Sam my Kaye's "So You Want with which we are most familiar will pected of murdering her art dealer to Lead a Band," now on ABC's AM soon appear on our video screens. employer in "The Swarthy Man," and FM. eleventh program of the "Prosecutor" Art Linkletter's two shows, "People series. Are Funny" and "House Party," plus Active production of newsreel re- Groucho Marx's "You Bet Your Life," leases has been stepped up through Estelle Taylor, earlier talkies femme are making plans to be photographed NBC's entire video film staff linking fatale, is coming out of retirement by television cameras while actually with Jerry Fairbanks' organization in to face the cameras with a fashion- being broadcast, with special inserts an effort toward greater coverage of short series. shot later and edited into the films all major news events as well as try- A "take heart" note for set owners prior to national release. ing for five newsreel releases each who live in the lovely canyons sur- week. Expanded foreign coverage for Erskine Johnson cops a first in be- rounding Hollywood may be found in reels is one of the first steps to be ing the number one Hollywood colum- the incident that occurred when taken. nist to enter television through mak- W6XAO hustled down to the Phil- ing a series of one-reel subjects for The draw on the past by Fairbanks' (Please Turn to Page 32)


4:30—Arthur Garth. KMPC—I00.3 MEGS. 6:40 —Adventure Serial. F. M. 4:45 —Inside of Sports. 6:55--Newe Look. 5:110 —Cuban I'taboret. (Broadcasts regular K M PC pro- 7 :00— Tele-Newsreel KECA-95.5 MEGS :30.—.1inimy Dorsey Orch. grams. Hours-11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 7 :20—Police Call. (All h 1,4 5- FM programs are 6 :110—Farni Fare News. Monday through Friday. 3 O m. te 7 :25—Coining Attraction». broadcast simultaneously with regu- 6 :15—Mutual Newsreel. 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.) 7:30—It's a thing. lar KE(A schedules. 5:30 a.m, to 6:30—Ray Block Orch. 7 :50— Movletone Newsreel. midnight.) 7:00—Music at Es ruing. TELEVISION 8:00—Harness Races. 7 :30 —California Melodies. 8:15 —Short Subject. KHJ-101.I MEGS. :00--All the Neu s KTLA—CHANNEL 8:30— Meet Me in Hollywood. 8:15 —Davie Winter Orch. SATU RDAY SUNDAY 8:39—Buddy NItereno Orch. MONDAY 4:00—News and Music. 3:60 —Those Webster. 4:00—News and Music. THU RSDAY 4:30 —Feature Barnette Raes. 3:38—Nick Carter. 6:30 —Judy Splinters. 6:30 —Judy Splinters. 4 :00—Sherlock Holmes. 3 :00— Matinee Melodies. :40 —Adv ruttier Serial. 6:40 —Adventure Serial. 4 :30— Harry Horlick Orch. 3:30 —Music. 6:35 —News 1.00k. 6:55—News Look. 5:00 —Edds Howard (tech. 3 :45— I.a t i n Americana. :utt—A Short Subject. 7:00 —Short Sublece. 5 :30 —C Ittirl ie Spi b a k Orr h. 4:00—Merry Macs. 7 :10—Police Call. 7:10 —Pollee Call. 6:00— Meet Me at Perky 'r. 4 :15—Policing L.A. 7:15— H F.1 .0110111iCti. 7:15 — Who's News. 6:311—Jim ttacktis Show. 4 :30—Victor Young. 7:30—Swap Shop. 7:110 —Voices of Strings. 4:45 —Inside of Sports. 7 :30 —Crosstown Rival,. 7 : 50—Moviet one Newsreel. 8:00—Harness Race. 7:30—Latin American Serenade. 5:00—Res ere ' All-Star Revue. /4:00— Tele-Forum. :15—Featurette. 8:00— William Hillman. 5 :15--FAItly Howard Or. 11. :30—Bos init. front South Gate. 8 :30—Ice-Capades. 8:15 —Dance ()Mt. 5:30—Music. 8:341—Norts Morales Orch. 6:00—Farm Fare News. TUESDAY SUNDAY 6:15 —Mutual Newsreel 4:110—News and Music. MONDAY 7:00—News and Musk. 6:30—Music at Es ening. 6:30 —Judy Splinter*. 3:644—Matinee Melodies. 7:10 —Man's Best Friend. 7:110—Family Theatre. 6 :40—Adventure Serial. 3:30— Musk' 7 :85—Police Call. 7 :30—Frank ie Carle Orch. 6:55—News hook 3:45 —Latin Americana. 7:30—Magazine of the Weak 8:00 —All the News. 7 :00—Short Subject. 4 :011—Ray Block Orel.. 7 :50 —Cartoon Comedy. 8:15 —Morton Downey Orch. 7:10 —Police Call. 4:311—Henry J. Taylor. 8:00—Pantomlme Quit. 8:30—Emil Coleman Orel'. 7 :15 —Shopping at Home. 4:45 —Inside of Sports. 8:30 —Short Subject • 7 :30—Sunset Ranch. 5:00 —Cuban Cabaret, 8:40 —Shopping at Home. FRIDAY 7 :50—Mov Wittier Newsreel. Brown (Welt. 9:30—Feature Picture. 6:011—Farni Fare Ne'. 8:00—Today's Harness Races. 3 :00—Matinee Melodies. 8:15 — Who's News. 6:15 — Mutual Newsreel. 3:30 —Music. 8 :30 —I ce-Capade*. W6X/1.0--CHANHEI. 2 6:30—Quiet Please 3:45 —Latin Americana. 9:30— Wegtern Feature Picture, 7:00 — Musie at Evening. 4:00—Nat Brandwynne Orrh. M ONDAY (P.M 1 7:30—Dance Orch. 4 :30—Henry J. Taylor. W EDN ESDAY :30 —Test Pattern and Musk. 8:00—All the News. 4:45—Inside of Sports. 4:00 —News and Music. 8:00 — Wrestling Card. 8:15 —Dance Drell. 5 :00—Burl I s es 6:30 —Judy Splinters. 8 :15 —Telenews. • 8:30—Emil Coleman Orch. 5:15--Alan Ditle Club. 6:40 —Ads eta lire Serial. 8:30— Wrestling Matches. Tr EsDAY 5 :30—Duke Ellington. 6:55—News Look. TUES., W ED.. THU RS.. (A M.) 6:00—Farm Fare News. 3:011—Matinee Melodies. :00--Sky's the Limit. 10:30—Test Pattern and Music. 6 :15— Miel int I Newsreel. 3:30—Music. 7:30—Police Call. 6 :311—Infor lllll tion Please. 11:00 —Queen for a Day. 3:45 —Latin Americana. 7:35—A Feature Picture. 11 :30—Test Pattern and Music. 7:00—Meet tlw Press. 4:00—Lyn Murray. 7 :511—Morietone Newsreel 7:30—Alln the Ream with Beneke. TUES., W ED., THU RS. (P.M.) 4 :30—Newecope. 8:90—Harness Races. 8:00 —All t he News. 4:45 —Inside of Spurts. 8 :15--Vour Town. 1 :00—Telenews. :15 —Carmen Ca vallaro Orch. 5:00—Top Times. 8:30— Wrestling from Olympic. 1 :15—Heart's Desire. : 30—Last rence Welk Orel'. 5:30 —Dave Rose Or, 1:45—Test Pattern and Muslo THU RSDAY 6:tat—Farm Fare Seas. SATU RDAY FRIDAY (A.M.) 6:15 —Mutual Newsreel. 4 :00—News and Music. 6:311—Casebook of Gregory Hood. 3:00— Mather Melodies. 6 :30—Judy Splinters. 10:36—Test Pattern and Music. 7 :00—M uric at Es ening. 3 : 30—sat 'ante y Sideshow. :40 —Atisenture Serial. 11:00—Queen for a Day. 7:30—Noro Morales Orch. 4 :00—Hust au i Calls. 6:55—News Look. Police Call. 11:30—Test Pattern and Music. 4 :30 —Saturday Serenade. 7 :00—Hollywood Opportunity. 8:00—All the News. FRIDAY I P.M./ 8:15 —Murton Downey Orch 5:00—Twenty Quest iOn S 7 :50-31ovietone Newsreel. 1 :00—Telenews. 8:30 —Gene Krupa Orch. 5:36 —Stop Me. 8:n0—Harness Races. 6 :00--Keep I p with the Kids. 8:15 —Shopping at Honte. 1:15 —Heart's Desire. W EDNESDAY :30--What's the Name of That Song. 8:30 —Olympic Wrestling, 1:45 —Tert Pattern and Music. 3:611— Matinee Melodies. 7 :00—Chicago Theatre. 7:30—Test Pattern and Music. FRIDAY 3:30 —Music. 8:00 —Gene Krupa Orch. 8:00—Boxing Card. 3:45—Latin Americana. 8:15 —Morton Downey Orch. 4:00—News and Music. 8 :15—Telenews. 4:00 —Johnny fir m) Orch. 8:30,-;Ted Steele Orch. 0:30—Jody Sono ma. 8:30—Boxing Matches. Page Thirteen May 2, 1948 RA DI O LIFE

Brind, will be competing visitors on Benay Venuta's quiz session.

WHAT'S PLAYING Drama Saturday, May 1—"Stars Over Holly- Precasts& hollows wood," KNX, 9:30 a.m. (30 min.) Broadway comedienne Mary Hatcher stars when "Kitten Turns Tiger." TIME CHANGES certs, KECA, 6:30 p.m. (1 hr.) ABC, Sunday, May 2—"Ford Theatre," KFI, which is doing most of its sum mer 2:00 p.m. (1 hr.) Booth Tarkington's Sunday, May 2—KNX's Sunday eve- program ming early, returns the "Alice Adams," the story of an im- ning line-up has now been revised "Pops" orchestra as replacement for aginative young woman of middle- to this schedule: "Melodies America the Boston Symphony. class environment, will be the pres- Loves," 6:00 p.m.; "Shorty Bell," 6:30 entation. p.m.; "Escape," 7:00 p.m.; "Romance Sunday, May 2 — "Theatre Guild on of the Ranchos," 9:30 p.m.; and the Air," KECA, 6:30 p.m. (1 hr.) A "CBS Is There," 10:30 p.m. WHO'S GUESTING return engagement for Michael Red- Tuesday. May 4 — "America's Town Variety • grave and June Duprez as co-stars, Meeting," KECA, 9:00 p.m. (1 hr.) Friday, May 7 — "Teen and Twenty this time in Daphne DuMaurier's ABC's important series of forum dis- Time," KMPC, 5:05 p.m singer "Rebecca." cussion shifts from its previous Buddy Clark will guest wil Mauri Sunday, May 2—" The Eternal Light," booking on KECA at 6:30 p.m. Tues- Cliffer and the kids on thit. "Studio KFI, 9:00 a.m. (30 min.) The main days. Party Day." role in "The Passover of Rembrandt WHAT'S NEW Saturday, May 8—"Grand Ole Opry," van Rijn" will be enacted by Barry KFI, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.) Eddy Ar- Kroeger. Variety nold, voted this year as "America's Sunday, May 2—"Greatest Story Ever Friday, May 7—Ace Cain Club Time, Number One Folk Singer" (by the Told," KECA, 3:30 p.m. (30 min.) KMPC, 10:15 p.m. (30 min.) A spe- country's juke-,box operators), will "First, Be Reconciled," the story of cial weekly remote from the Club guest. Nathan and Seth, will be drama- will feature the eight-piece band, tized. Candy Candido's comedy and Sally Davis's piano. Drama Sunday, May 2—"Proudly We Hail," KMPC, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.) John Ho- Sunday, May 2—"Hollywood Star Pre- diak stars in "Rainmaker." Drama view,' KFI, 8:00 p.m. (30 min.) Wal- ter Pidgeon introduces acting new- Tuesday, May 4 — "Favorite Story," Thursday, May 6—"The Front Page," comer Marsha Van Dyke in her first KFI, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) Edna Best KECA, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.) Dick Pow- radio appearance. will star in Thomas Hardy's mem- ell will be "Hildy Johnson" in this orable recount of "The Son's Veto." Sunday. May 2—"Background for Star- new dramatic series which takes up where the Ben Hecht-Charles Mac- ddzen, ' KHJ, 9:15 p.m. (15 min.) Paul Arthur play ended. Each broadcast Henreid enacts the hectic saga of Forum his struggle to become a recognized will be a complete newspaper story Saturday, May 1 — "Opinion -aire," American actor when he guests on in itself. KHJ, 2:30 p.m. (30 min.) Subject, Erskine Johnson's dramatic show. "Should We Have a National F. E. P. C.?" Affirmative, Senator Irving Music Comedy Ives of New York; negative, Senator Wednesday, May 5—"Your Song and John Sparkman of Alabama. Mine," KNX, 6:00 p.m. (30 min.) Sunday, May 2—Allen's Alley, KFI, 5:30 p.m. (30 min.) Sauntering with Sunday, May 2—"Invitation to Learn- Rose Bampton, opera star, headlines ing," KNX, 9:00 a.m. (30 min.) "Re. this new music replacement for the Fred down the thoroughfare will be "Der Bingle" Crosby. Living the Past" in literature, the Mark Warnow show. panel reviews Sir Walter Scott's Tuesday, May 4—Bob Hope show, KFI, "The Talisman," as a study of the 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) Janet Blair will Crusades period. Participation be Bob's guest, when the program Wednesday, April 5 — "Go for the originates from Hollenbeck Junior Friday. May 7—"School of the Air," House,' KECA, 8:30 p.m. (30 midi.) High School in East Los Angeles. KNX, 1:00 p.m. (30 min.) An "Opin- ion Please" session will be held by This new John Reed King quiz, fea- Wednesday, May 5—"Duffy's Tavern," Jefferson High School students. turing couples who can receive a KFI, 6:00 p.m. (30 min.) Gregory furnished $10,000 home and lot by Peck, who broke his ankle before he an sw ering questions, replaces could make his last promised guest Sports Groucho Marx's "You Bet Your Life." appearance, turns up belatedly for Tuesday, May 4—Baseball, KMPC, 8:10 From New York. this broadcast. p.m. (to concl.) Los Angeles Angels Friday, May 7 — "Everybody Wins," vs. Hollywood Stars. Games continue KNX, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) Here's the Music through Friday, May 7, at above news! Phil Baker, former emcee of time, and Saturday, May 8 at 2:3C "Take It or Leave It," returns. Monday, May 3—"Sound Off!" KECA, p.m. 8:30 p.m. (30 min.) Peggy Lee visits with Mark Warnow, orchestra and Sports chorus. WHAT'S SPECIAL Monday, May 3—Major League Base- Monday, May 3 — "The Telephone ball, KLAC, 5:30 p.m. (to concl.) Hour," KFI, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) John Music Sam Baiter re-creates one of the na- Charles Thomas sings from Holly- Saturday, Sunday, May 1 and 2—At- tion's top games Monday through wood in a cut-in appearance with water Kent Auditions, KECA, 10:00 Friday on this new series. Donald Voorhees and the Bell or- p.m. (1 hr.) The Men's Semi-Finals chestra. launch four weeks of the annual WHAT'S BACK Kent tryouts. Women's Semi-Finals Participation will take place the following week, Music May 8 and 9, at the same time. Saturday, May 8—"Keep Up With the Tuesday, May 4 — Boston Pops Con- Men's Finals, May 15; Women's Fi- Kids," KHJ, 6:30 p.m. (30 min.) nals, May 16. Page Fourteen Vanessa Brown and her father, Nat (Please Turn lo Page 29) May 2, 1948 R A DI O LIF E


A short lime ago Radio Life, in response to readers . 7:00- 7:45 M-F Maytime requests, printed the midnight to 8 a.m. logs. As space on 7:00- 8:00 Sa All-Star Western the daily log pages will not permit handling of these sched- ules each week, ive plan to publish them periodically. Please 7:45- 8:00 M-F Woman's Page clip this page and sane it for reference until the next printing. KFAC KFI 12:00- 1:00 Daily Midnight Serenade 12:00- 1:00 Tu-Su Midnight Flyer 1:00- 3:00 Daily Symphony 5:00- 5:30 Tu-Sa Regional Farm News 3:00- 6:00 Daily Overture to Dawn 5:30- 6:00 M-Sa Operation Daybreak 6:00- 7:00 Su Hymns 6:00- 6:15 Daily News 7:00- 8:00 Su Breakfast Symphony 6:15- 6:30 Su Songs of Faith 6:00- 8:00 M -Sa Stu Wilson's Show 6:30- 7:00 Su Cameos of Music KGFJ 7:00- 7:30 Su National Radio Pulpit 7:30- 8:00 Su Melodiana 7:00- 8:00 M -Sa Top Rail Roundup 6:15- 6:30 M-Sa Standard Farm Highlights KLAC 6:30- 6:45 M. W, F Tom Owens 12:00- 1:00 Tu-Su Don Otis 6:30- 6:45 Tu, Th, Sa Eddie Arnold Show 7:00- 8:00 Su Musical Album 6:45- 7:00 M-Sa Taylor-Made Melodies 6:00- 8:00 M-Sa Haynes at the Reins 7:00- 7:15 M-Sa News 7:15- 7:30 M-Sa Fleetwood Lawton KXLA 7:30- 7:45 M-Sa Platter Party 12:30- 5:00 W-M Alex Cooper 7:45- 8:00 M-Sa Sam Hayes, News 5:00- 7:00 M -Sa Sunway Show 6:00- 7:00 Su W. B. Record KNX 7:00- 8:00 Su Morning Melodies 12:00- 1:00 Daily Merry-Go-Round 7:00- 7:15 M-Sa Bing Crosby Records 5:30- 6:00 Su Carolina Calling 7:15- 7:30 M-Sa News 6:00- 6:15 Daily News 7:30- 8:00 M-Sa Morning Melodies 6:15- 6:45 Su E. Power Biggs KFVD 6:45- 7:00 Su Melodies, News 7:00- 8:00 Su Church of the Air 12:00- 2:00 Daily Spade Cooley Time 5:30- 5:45 M-F Western Song Shop 6:00- 6:45 Su Earlybird Concert 5:45- 6:00 M-Sa KNX Farm Journal 6:45- 7:00 Su News 6:15- 6:55 M-Sa Sunrise Salute 7:00- 7:30 Su Melodic Gold 6:55- 7:00 M-Sa News 7:30- 7:45 Su Sons o' Guns 7:00- 7:15 M-F Brooding With Brady 7:45- 8:00 Su Guest Star 7:15- 7:30 M-F Nelson Pringle 6:00- 6:15 M-Sa Chuck Wagon Rodeo 7:30- 7:45 M-Sa News, Bob Garred 6:15- 6:45 M-F Larry Cassidy 7:45- 8:00 M-F Fred Beck 6:45- 7:00 M-Sa Garden Chats 7:45- 8:00 Sa Ed East and Polly 7:00- 8:00 M-Sa Wake-Up Ranch KECA KWKW 7:00- 7:30 Su Church in the Wildwood 5:30- 5:45 Su Treasury Salute 7:30- 8:00 Su Southernaires 5:45- 6:00 Su Voice of the Army 5:30- 6:30 M-F Morning Watch 6:00- 6:15 Su Eyes on the Future 6:30- 6:45 M-Sa Martin Agronsky, News 6:15- 6:30 Su So Proudly We Hail 6:45- 7:00 M-F Call from Les Paul 6:30- 6:45 Su On Wings of Song 7:00- 7:15 M-Sa News 6:45- 7:00 Su Eyes on the Ball 7:15- 7:30 M-Sa Music to Shave By 7:00- 8:00 Su Rev. Rodelo 7:30- 7:45 M-F James Abbe Observes 5:30- 6:30 M -Sa Voice of Mexico 7:30- 8:00 Sa Songs of the Sagebrush 6:30- 7:30 M-Sa Hoyos Hour 7:45- 8:00 M-F Zeke Manners 7:30- 8:00 M -Sa Italian Melodies KHJ KGIL 12:00- 1:00 Daily Rhapsody in Wax 6:00- 7:00 M -Sa Spanish Hour 6:00- 6:30 Su Easy Listening 7:00- 8:00 Daily Musical Corral 6:30- 7:00 Su Tone Tapestries KOWL 7:00- 7:30 Su Radio Bible Class 6:00- 7:00 M-Sa Rise and Shine 6:15- 7:00 Su National Message 7:00- 7:15 M-Sa News 7:00- 7:30 Su Latin-A merican Council 7:15- 7:30 M-Sa Rise and Shine 7:30- 8:00 Su Assembly of God 7:30- 7:45 M-F Rex Miller, News 7:00- 8:00 M-Sa Spanish Hour 7s15- 8:00 M-Sa News KRKD KMPC 6:30- 7:00 Su Spinning Wheel 7:00- 7:30 Su News; Music 6:00- 6:15 M-Sa Music 7:30- 8:00 Su Good News Hour 6:15- 6:30 M-Sa Farm, Markets 5:30- 6:00 M -Sa Sunrise Serenade; News 6:30- 6:45 M-F Gordon's Gardens 6:00- 6:30 M -Sa Cathedral Hour 6:45- 7:00 M-Sa Western Stars 6:30- 7:00 M-Sa News; Musical Highlights 7:00- 7:15 M-F Tuiles and Topics 7:00- 7:15 M-Sa Marching Along 7:00- 7:30 Su Music for Sunday 7:15- 7:30 M -Sa Vocal Varieties 7:00- 7:30 Sa Frankie Carle (recorded) 7:30- 8:00 M-Sa News; Modern Harmonies 7:15- 7:30 M-F News KWIK ei:30- 8:00 Su Radio Bible Class 7:30- 7:45 M-Sa Fleetwood Lawton 12:00- 3:00 Daily George Jay 7:45- 8:00 m-r Bing Crosby 5:30- 6:30 Daily Hora Hispana 7:45- 8:00 Sa American Legion 6:30- 7:00 Su Chapel in the Sky 7:00- 7:45 Su Mexican Church KFWB 7:45- 8:00 Su Com munity Chapel 12:00- 1:00 Tu-Sa Music After Midnight 6:30- 6:45 M-Sa Morning Melodies 6:00- 7:15 Su Sunday Morning Concert 6:45- 7:00 M-Sa Garden Chats 7:15- 7:30 Su News 7:00- 7:15 M -Sa Public Service 7:30- 8:00 Su Morning Serenade 7:15- 7:30 M-F Morning Melodies 6:00- 7:00 M-Sa Maurice Hart 7:30- 8:00 M-Sa Bible Hour 500 Eoo 7(y) 800 000 1 mn 11M 1700 13(10 1 40o 1500 1600

17 ? v \IIIIII I. 1111 iiiirir Toil r yf)r jr_ ) 1 Iitry mj i \ m\s„ I r


K XT,A —Crech Program. RO WIL— .ullaby of Broadway. 10:45—KNX —Treasury Show. ornposers' Corner. KE0X —Curnherland Church. K WK W —Italian Novelties. SUNDAY MAY 2 10 :50—K PPC —Ch rch Sees ice. KV0E —St. Peter's Lutheran. — KEÇA —Miraeles in Muele. KXLA —Squeakin' Deacon. *Indicates News Broadcast. KGER —,John Brown. 11 et— BACA— Message of Israel. K Fl—Olmsted it Company. 12:15*KECA —Sam Pettengill. S KGFJ—Hollywood House *KIEL Shire,. KFLI—Singin' Slam. 0 KFT—Grandpa Owens Reads Presents. KNX —Tell It Again. KFAC —Curtain Calls. the Funnies. HO WL —Armenian Hour. KGB, HVOE —Baek to KEAC —Ist Methodist Church. Kt:IL —Musk Room. KPPC —Sunday Morning Club. KE5111—Slim Gaillard Show. KLAC -1 any., Graham Show. God Hour. K WIK —Record Shelf. K FOX —Presbyterian Church. APPC —Aft pennon Concert. *ILNX, ITSDJ—News. K XLA —Rectird Res iew. * KGER, KIEV, KLAC —Isiewe. KFVD —Hollywood First 12:30—RECA —Sam my Kaye Sunday 11:45—KFI—R e. Baptist Churen. Serenade. KGFJ—Treasury Department. KFVD —Piano Parade. KF WB —Peter Pot her. KFI, Kt-SD —One Man's Kt:IL —Musical Corral. KIEV —Meet the Rand. KFMB —Fine Arts Quartet. *KGER, KLAC —Newe. Family. KFOX —Memories of Calvary. *KECA —Foreign Reim rrrrr Kt:FM —Sunday Showcase. RILL KFX M, KGB. KY OE — KFSD —Call to Worship. 10 KFI—Herbert .1. Mann. Kt:IL —Helene Covet. Jul enile Jury. KF WB —Funnies. irK11.1. KGB, KVOE —News, KIEV —Top Tunes. K(iut—Harmony Hall. KLAC —Country Chards. Glenn Hardy. K5IPC —Sunday Record Session KGF.1—Sunday Noon Serenade. K MPC —Guest Star. KNX —Doorway to Life. RO W!, RPPC —Church KF WB — Wizard of the Ivories. KO WL —Religious Services. KEAC —Cilbert and Serx k eg. * KO WL, K WIK —News. KRFED —Ranch Program. KE510 —slim Gaillard Show. K WIK —Record Shelf. KRKD —Melodies in Wax. K WIK —Morning Serenade. KIEV —Morning Serenade. K WK W —Italian Melodies. K WK W —Smerlean Jewish Hr. K WK W —Itallan Varieties. *IRFOX —L. A. Sentinel. FiXI.A —Squeakin' Deacon. 12:45—KO WL — Walts Time. ITXLA —Musical Revue. KF WB —Peter Potter's Platter It :ns--KGEtt—Grace Memorial. K M 1K—Dave Rose. 8:05—KN X, KSDJ—College Choir. Parade. 11:15*KILL KGB— Danton Walker I —KECA —Speak I p, America. K nit—Sunday Roundup. KGER —Rev. Markham. and ,Tivaiardner. * KGER, KLAC —News. KI141)--Quir Kids. 8:15—KGFJ—Salvation Army. Ktill.-1Trillywood Christian KHJ, KFA.M. KGB. Kvoe— KIEV —Musical Bandwagon IFIG KI—Ilits of the Week. Church. How.. of Mystery. *MR1E —Mission City News. 161.AC —Xance Graham Show. K M PC— Western Federal KNX, Kx(D.1—CRS Symphony. 11:30—KECA —National Vespers. KFAC —Piano Parade. Music Hour. KFSD —RCA-Victor Show KFOX —Famous Selections. KO WL —Baptist Chard,. K M. KGB —Bill Cunningham. ARAD—Sunday Serenade. KIND —Hawthorne. SUN D AY MOR NIN G *KNX. KSDJ —Joseph C. EF WB —Piano Parade. M ELO DIES K WIK —Record Shelf. Bees:, h. * KGER, KLAC —News. K WK W —Hungarian Baptist. 8:15 on Station K M PO AEON —Christian Church. KGFJ—Intermission. KXLA —Slavic Council. (710 on your dial) RtIF.1—Say It With Music. Kt:IL —Music Room. le:05—KGER —Radio Bestial. RIEV —Detotional. KM PC—Singin' Sant. 10:15*KECA —Editor at Home. K W IK—Make Mine Melody. KO WL —Sunday Stars. * KFI—News. K WK W —All-Saints Episcopal KPPC —Afternoon Concert. KELL KENM. KGB, KVOE — Church. K WIE —Mozelle Dinehart. Commander Scott. KMPC — Sunday Morning 11:15—KH.I. KGB —Canary Pet Show. KRKD —Melodies In Wax. Melodies. Kt:IL —Morning Matinee. *KNX. KSDJ —Elmo Roper. RA0E —Radio Tour. KFOX —People's Church. ILLAC— Churrh of (*hriat. K WK W —Ameriran Jewish Hr. KLAC —Red Rowe's Rodeo. 8:30—KECA —Hour of Faith. KFI, KFSD —Eddy Howard. KXLA —Strolling Tom. K}1 —Christian Science 10:30—RE(7A —Cavaleade of Music. *KIM —Broadway News. I:05—KGER —Sons of Pioneer«. Program. KFI—Chicago Round Table. KNX. RSD.11—l'IlS Symphony. 1:15—KECA —Thinking Allowed. KFX.M. KGB, KV0E — KIM —Specialties in Music. REOX —Popular Melodies. KFAC —Catholic Topics. Voice of Prophecy. *KNX —News. K IND —Ha wthorne. KF WB —Singin' Sam. KNX. IISD.1—Salt Lake KFX M, KGB, KVOE —Bands KF WB--Pet Pr Potter. KLAC —Music. Tabernacle. for Bonds. *KF'X51, Knit, KGER. KCAL, K MPC--Ring Crosby. KFAC —Village Festival. KF D —Chierige Round Table. KFAC —News. K A M —George Barnes Octet. KFOX —Morning Bible Hour. KO WL —Baptist Church. KGIM —Slinw Time. EXLA — Mnsle for YOU. KFSD —Atneriea United. KPPC —Church News. K MPC —Sanday Record KF WB —Union Rescue Mission K AR A —Italian Melodies. Session. KFVD —Church of Christ.. B A S E B A L L KLAC —Unity. K MPC —Chapel Hour, KGER —Bible Treasury. SUNDAY Program Highlights With Fred Haney KGFJ—Sheldon Shepard. Morning Programs Appear In LIghtface Type: Afternoon and KIEV —Musical Memories. Evening Programs In Boldface. KO WL —Sunday School. K LA C K WIII—Morning Bible Hoar. Comedy-Variety 7:30—Jim my Fidler. KECA. 8:10 Nights 8:30— Walter Winchell. KFLI. K WK W —Buenas Nuevas. 4:00—Jack Benny, EFT. 8:45—Sheila Graham, RAJ. 1:25 Sundays KXLA —Bell Bandstand. 4:30—Fitch Bandwagon. EFL 8.45-11F1--Outdoor Reporter. 5:00—Charlie McCarthy. K n. KGER —Frank and Ernest, :5:30—Fred Allen, KFI. 11 ystery-Detective 1:25—KLAC —Baseball: Hollywood KO WL —Religion in News. 6:30—Shorty Bell. KNX. 2:30—Counterspy, KECA. vs. Los Angeles. 4:00—Sherlock Holmes. KFIJ. *HECA, M AC —Newt'. 8:30—Blontiie. KNX. 1:30—KECA, KF MB —Metropolltan 9:30—Jack Benny. KFI. 4 :30—The Clark, REV & Auditions. 9 KEI—The Eternal I.ight. 5:30—Dr. Dana. KNX KHJ, RGIR—Young People's * KFI—Radio News Weekly. Drama R:00—Miehael Shone. KMPC. KHI, KFX51, KGB, KVOE — Church. 8:00—Man Called X, KNX. KN X —Invitation to Learning. In:11n—nner, ay to Life. KN X. True Detective Mysteriee, 11:011—Tell It Again. KNX. 9:00—Sant Spittle, KNX. KEAC —Liberal Catholic Hour. KNX —Eileen Farrell. 2:00—Ford Theatre, FIFE KFOX —Popular Melodies. KGER —Light and Life. 3:30—(;realest Story Ever Told, Public Interest- Rescue Mission IEGFJ—Serenade to Afternoon. KECA. RGIL —Fnotnete Rhythms. KFVD — Waltz Time. 6:00—Romance of the Ranchos, Information *KGER, Kt:FM —News. KFAC —Imports on Max. KNX. D M —Invitation to Learning. KFVFli—Gadget Jury. KGIL —Chapel in the Sky. 6:30—Theatre Guild. KECA. KNX. KMP('—Rolero Time. KMPC —L. A. Angel's vs. 1:30—Proudly We Hail. KMPC. 9:3n-People'e Platform. KNX. Naeramento Sob es. HO WL —Baptist Church. 10 :30—Chicago Rotund Table, KF: RP M —Morning Dexotional. Classical, Semi-Classical KO W I..—Composer's Album. 3:00—California Caravan. KECA K IK—Penter.est al Church. KRI M —Sunday Serenade. 8:45—Sunday Evening Club, KXLA —Charrh in the Barn. K WIK--Church of Christ. 31 usic K VAC. K W KW —Italian Hour. 6:30—Salt lake Tabernacle. 1:45—KFI—Famons Music. O:10—Open Forum. KLAC. Kl'OX —Italian Songs. KXLA —Bell Bandstand. KNX. 10:15—Unhersity Explorer, KNX. KGIL —Sunday Serenade. 9:05—KGER — Western Music. 11:31 1— RCA-Victor Show, KFT. KLAC— Catholir Mass. 12:00—CBS Symphony. KS X. Quiz. Participation KOM hy Bing. 11:15*KECA — Washington Inside Out 1:30— Metropolitan Opera Midi- 12:30—.1inenile Jury. KIWI. K W —Floyos Hoar. RFAC —Light Classics. tinns. KECA. 1:00—Quiz Kids. KFI. 2—KF:CA. KFMB--Treasury KGF.1—Spotlight Parade. 3:00—Family Hour, KNX. 5:00—St 0 p• KFA'A. %gent. RO WL —Lutheran Concordia. 3:30—Pause That Refreshes. 7:00— Take It or Leave It. K CI. REI, REND —Ford Theatre. KPPC —Prelude to Worship. KNX. 8:00—Twenty Questions. KHI. KHJ, KFX M, KGB, IIVOE — K WIK —Pipes of Melody. 6:00—Melodies America Lines, Popular-IV ester?, 1r„,;,- The Shadow, B:30—KECA —This Centennial Tear. KNX. RNX —Pueblo Serenade. 6:30--Alhum of Familiar Music, KFI—Taylor Made Melodies. 12:00—Eddy Howard. hi I. KGER —Long Beach Band. KILL KFXM, KGB. KVOE — KFI. 4:00-1.ene Autry. K N X. KC:FM —Anybody's FM Parade. Lutheran Hour. 8:30—Standard Hour, KFI. 6:00—Manhattan Merry-Go- 1(1:11.—Jan Garber Orrh. ITN X, KS117.11—People's 9:30—Chicago Theatre. KHJ. Round. REP. • RFAC--Concert Favorites. Platform. Comment-Narration Sports RFQX —Good News. KFAC —Gilhert and Sullivan. RFVD —Flarlem Holiday. 1n:15 —Com mander Scott. KILL 1:25—Baseball. KIAC. &FM B—Scrapbook. HFSD —Devotional Hour. 5:30—Jinuny Fidler. KHI. 1:30—Baseball. KMPC. KF WB —Peter Potter's Platter ITLAC —Baseball. 6:00— Walter Winchell. KECA. 5 :00— Rt.. IPT'g Sportscast, KFAf . Parade. RINI"( —Baseball. 6:15—Louella Parsons. KECA. 7:45—Autri RareS. 11W111. HO WL--Musical Bouquet. Pa ge Sixteen K WIIK —Pop Concert. KRI M — Melodies in Wax. May 2, 1948 RADI O LIFE SUNDAY LOGS HFSD —,Jack Benny. K FVD —Supper Song. KHJ, KGB —Sherlock Holmes. KLAC —Hits and Headlines. (S HIRE 'ODD KNX, KSDJ—fiene Autry. EX LA —Red Cross. presenta ISFAr — Musical Masterpieces. 11:30— HECA, KFMB —Theatre Gulluk HARLEM HOLIDAY KFOX —Sunshine Mission. KFI, HFSD —American Album Open Forum KF WB —Old Fashioned KHJ, KFX M. KGB, HVOE — Revival. (Beet In Colored Jim Backus Show. 9:10 to 10:00 p.m. KGER —old Fashioned Revival Entertain ment) KNX —Shorty Bell. FIGFJ—FInwailan Serenade. FLFOX —Hal's Memory Room. KGIE —Matinee Melodies. SUNDAYS KF V D KFVD —Drifting on a Cloud. HIND —Hank the Night ELF WB--Gospel and Song. Watchman. KGF.R —Lutheran I.eague. K LAC Sunday, 2-3 p.m. *KIEV —Newm. KMPC —Mother's Album. Prizes - Contests KLAC ' KMPC —Baeeball. HO WL--Mexican Youth Talent. 0:10---KILAC —Hpen Forum, Prizes KO WI,--Harmony Isle. KRKO —Fireit Brethren KPPC —Church Choir. Church. 0:15—RECA —Stesens Hotel Orch. K WIR —Sunshine Mission. Kt 0E —Rev. Johnson. KFLI. KGB, KVOE —Baek- K WK W—Feetis al M exicano. * R WIR —News. ground for Stardom. KW KW —Ho) os Hour. KF WB —Singin' Sam. RXI.A —Sunday Serenade. RXI.A —Lutheran Gospel Hr. KXLA —Pleasure Time. 0:30—HECA —Claremont Orch. 4:15—KO HL —Lutheran Hour. 6:45—R H O —Talent for Sale. KIEL HFSD —Jack Benny. 1:15-1INX —Here's to You. KRI M —Tunes of the Day. KFVVB —Strolling Tom. K MEC — Know Your FBI. KHJ, KGB —Chicago Theater. K WK W —Voice of China. HO WL —Longines K WIK —Treasure Chest. KNX —Romance of the 4:30—RE CA —The Clock. 6:55*KFAC —News. Ranchos. 8:30—KECA, KFMB--Counterepy. KFI, KIND —Phil Harris and KFAC —Gateway to Music. KHJ, KFX51, KGB, KS 0E — —FLECA, KFMR —Theater Alice Faye. 7 KFOX —Sunshine Mission, AFL KFSD —Take It or Quick as a Flash. K M —Golden Hour. KF WB —Pacific Lutheran Hr. KNX. KSDJ—Carle Cornes KN X —Suspense. Lease It. * Kt:FT—News. *KFV11, R W1K —News. * KHJ, KFX M, KGB, HVOE — KGIL —Bells of Zion. [ MIX —Gospel Harbor Light. IFIGFJ—Here's to 'Veterans. Behind the Front Page. KMPC —Boston Biaekie. KF WB —Junior Symphony. X —F:scape. FLFOX — Wings of Healing. K W1K —Cavaleade of Music. * KGER, K WIK —News. KRKH--Kingdom Within. KFAC —Your Concert. KGIL —Musical Horizons. KFOX —Full Gospel Assembly. 9:415—KGER — Western Music. K WK W —Italian rsoselties. Kt:In —Starlit Moods. KIEV —Jimmy and Wally. XLA —Labor Arbitration. KF WB —Union Rescue Mission KO WL —Symphony Hall. 4:45—KGF'.1—Publie Messenger. *KGER, RGIL —News. K XLA — Western Forum. KFVD —Banner Program. KGFJ—Overture to Evening. KLAC —Hit Tunes. 2:40—KGER —Long Beach Band. RO WL —Kostelanetz. FLWIR —Toastmaster's Ti me. KMP('—Pet Exchange. 3:45—K WIK —Penthouse Serenade. KO WL —Mexican Talent. K WK W —Don Poncho Hour. — RECA, KFMB —Stop the Music K WIR —Oxy Players. KEL RFSD —Charlie 3 KFMR--California 5 K WR W —Prondly Be Hall. -1SECA, McCarthy Show. KXLA —Nationtil Vnice. Cara, an. KHJ—Golden Hain. KFI—Catholic Hour. KNX —R ve.'' 1:15—KG11.,— Manager Speaks. KHJ, KENN!. KGB. KVOE — RFA('— Bowlers' Sportscast. KXLA —Life and Health. Those Wehsters. KFOX —Evangelist Hogan. KMPC — Orch. KNX —Famlly Hour. KIFVD —Contrasts on Wax. R WIK —Musir by Martin. KFAC —Stage Melodies. KFIVIS—Voice of Calvary. 7:30—HECA, KFMB —Jim my Fidler. NIGHT LY EXCE PT SAT. KFOX —Res. Earl Isle. * KGER. K-611,—Nese.. R H, R HO —Horace Heidi — RECA-Netwater Kent KFVD —Singin' Sam. Show. Kt:El—Public Messenger. Auditions. KF WB —Gospel and Song. ILIAC —Baseball. KHI, KY OE— Quis of Two 10 *KFI. ICFSD--The Reporter. Kt:El—Upbeat Session. K MPC —Mueical Holiday. RGIL —Mask and Mike Club. KNX, ILSOJI—Strike It Rich. KHJ, KGB —Chicago Theater. KO WL —Italian Mehxlies. * KN X —Chet Huntley, News. RLAC —Basehall. KRKI)—Tunes of the flay. KFOX —The King's Service. KFAC —Gateway to Music. K MPC —Baseball. R WIR — louth for Christ. KGER —Night in the Valley. KF WB —Voice of Prophecy. * HO WL--Bay City News. K WK W —Italian Good KGII.—Treasure Chest. K WIK —Chtireh nf the Air. *KF WB —Edwin C. Hill. K MPC, KFOX —Old-Fashioned Samaritan Revisal. KWKW — Don rancho floor. XLA —La hoe Arbitration. KM PC—Proudly We Hail. KGFJ—Concert Nocturne. *K WIK —News, Music. 5:015—KGER —Rible Treasury Hour. KGIL —Organ Res erice. KXLA--Church of Open Door. 5:15—KFAC —Twilight Vesper*. * KLAC. KGER —Newti. KFVD —Lifclines. 1:45*KFA'A —Newsweek Looks R WIR —Dase Street. RGIL —Valley Vespers. Ahead. K XLA —Sacred Record Shop. KF WB--Catholic Answers. 10:08—KLAC —Supersisor Darby. 5:30—K FI, KFSD —Fred Allen. KGIL —Radio Bible KGER —Grace Evangelletie. KHJ. KGB —Jim my Fidler. K WIK —Auto Races, 10:15—KFI—Chapel Quartet. KNX —Dr. Dana. KGER —Church of the Air. *RECA, SF:MR —Drew Pearson. KNX —Unisersity Explorer. 8 KFI, KFSD —Hollywood Star KLAC —Tom my Dorsey Show. Preview. 10:80*KFI—Inside the Nests (Veterans and RGIL —Public Seri Ice. KELL KGB. KFX111, HVOE-- Ki"() — Music. KILL KGB, KFXM —Twenty Non Vet Garwood Van On+. E MU —Sweet Music. Questions. Frederick H Speare. KNX —CBS Is There. K !'l'('—Drama. KNX. RSD.1—The Man well-known producer KFAC —Music for Listening. hliK M —Floyd B. Johnson. Called X. and trainer of radio IRF WB--Echoes of Eden. *KVSIK —Nens. Music. KFAC —First Methodist. personalities, invitee KGER —Bethany Full Gospel. 10.1.A —Lincoln Ave. Church. 1KFOX--f•hristian Science. you t. audition for KF WB —Honywood Presby- KY:111.—symphonY. professiona I training. Erepa re now 5:45*K11.1. HE MS!. KGB —Newscope. terian Church. !WON —Singing Crow. for a. career in radio and television * KGER. Kill., KLAC —News. Kt:F.1—Keyboard Magic. as an actor, announcer, entree, etc., KGFJ— Waltz Invitation. KGIL —Madriguern Orch. with expert Instruction. Students get K MPC —Michael fthayne, actual air experience on "CAREER KIVIK —songs Mother Detective. 10:30 THEATER," every Sunday. 3 to 3:30 Taught Sir. K WIK —George Henderson. P.M., Station KXLA 0110 kr.). 11:55*KN X—Ned Calmer. KXLA —Open Door Church. irh fly Phone, write or atop in for frank KFMR--Walter discussion. EREE RECoRDEO Au- 6*RECA, 8:05—KGER —Floyd B. Johnson. Winchell. dition. Approved for Veterans. Free 8:15*KECA, KFMR — Monday plaretnent. KFI, KFSD —Manhattan Morning Headlines. HRWTHORNE Merry-tin-Round. FRF:DERICK H. SPEARE K611.--Delmoniro Trio. Kill, KFX M, KGB. KLAC —Studio Orchestra. SKIPPY & CAST "The West's Hutstanding Radio mcet ale nt School" 8:35—KNX —Surprise Theatre. OF 1000'S 563.11 Sunset Blvd. 5:30— MECA, KIFMB —The Green 110-'1i25. Studio 1501 friOnctieh ilnuvticct Lztve.) Hornet. KX L A IL X LA—Speare Career KFI, ILFSD —Standard Hour. Theater. *I;11.1, KGB, KFX M, KVOE — KR N O OLIV E M AY BEAC H Jergens Journal. 3:05—IRGER —Lutheran Church. Soprano KNX, 3:15—KFVO--Dream Time. PAU L KEAST, Baritone KGFJ—Blue of Evening. KX.LA —Hawthorne Thing. 10 :45—KFI— Melody Time. ELF WB —Call of the Orient. CONCERT ORCHESTRA KGIL — Weatherman. KLAC —lue Capades. KO W inc Fisher. Piano. KLAC —Marine torpe. Earl Towner, Director 10:55—KFI—Police Bulletin*. KNX, KSH.11— Here's to Vim. KM PC—Philo Vanee. K N X—SUIrida y-6:00 P. M. * KLAC —News. * K WIK —News, Music. 3:30—KECA. KFMB —Grentest Story — KECA —Bridge to Dreamland. Farr Told. 8:45—KH.1. KFXM. KGB, KVOE — *KFI—News. INGLEWOOD PARK CEMETERY ASSN Sheila Graham. 11 KFI—Ameriva United. KILI—Reserse. KFAC —Sunday Evening Club. KFX M. KGB, KS 0E — *KN X —News. Nick Carter. RN X—Melodies America loses KG11.—.The Tenth Man. RFAC —Music for Listening. KNX, RSILII—Paii.e That ILEAC —Slasterworks of Music. KLAC —Drama. KF0X — Music of the Masters. Refreshes. *KFOX. KFV.B. KGER. KLAC. MSS IR —Time to Dance. KFVD —Spade Cooley Time. KGER —Missionary Society. KXLA —News. KF WB —Echoes of Eden. KGFJ—Record Rhapsody. KFVD —Hits and Mime*. dill—HECA —The Unexpected. KGFJ—Concert N octu rne. KGIL —Metinee Melodies. KGB —Mediation Board. KFI. KFSD —Standard Hour. RGIL —Juke Box Review. KE0X —Penternetal Church. KGFJ—American Heritage. * KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE — KLAC —Acrotis the Footlights. KFI D—Hank, the Night RGIL —Date With a Disc. News, Glenn Hardy. H MPC —Dance Parade. Watchman. KMPC —Know Your Schools. KNX. KSIM —Sam Spade. KX1LA —Trenier Twins. hESS B—Think and Grow Rich KO WL —Italian Program. ELFAC —Sunday Evening Club. K It RD — Waltz Time. KFOX —Business Reporter. ! MIR — Dose Street. *1151P('—News and Sports. 11:05— KNX —Henry Busse Orch. 1(55 IR— Proudly W e Hail. *KF WB, KLAC —News. FCO WI —Then and cow. 11:30—KFI—St. Francis Orch, *K WIK —News. Musk% KW KW —Sunday Salon. *KGER —News. Bethel Church. KGFJ—Ase Maria Hour. KFIVB —Music You Want. K WK W —Fest is al Mexicano. 11:05—KGER —Harbor Forum, K611.—Show Tunes. KXLA —Dance Time. EXLA —Challenge to Youth. 8:10—KFOX —Favorite Hymns. KMPC —Mystery House. 11:45—RECA —Florentine Gardens. 8:15—KECA. KFMB —Lotiella 3:45— KFI—Melody Parade. KPIPC —Musiv for You. * KHJ—News. Parsons. KXLA —Club Congo. KO WL —Inside Hollywood. K WTH —Concert Master. KMPC —Mayor Bowron, 11:55* KFI, ELHX, K MPC —News. 4 —RECA, KEMB —I Lose KF WB —Adsenturea in KXLA —Old-Fashioned Revival Ads enture. Knowledge. 11:05—KLAC —Sheriff's Office. Page Seventeen • RVOE —FiraPPY Gang IILAC —Al Jarsis Ballroom. ILMPC —Stars of Song. RFAC —Luncheon Concert. 1RF WB —Maurice Hart. RGFJ—Interrnission. MONDAY, MAY 3 ILLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. 'MLA —Dinner Bell Iletusdnp. S XLA —Easy Listening. K WK W —Pasadena Panorama. *Indleates News Broadcasts. IliF5111--Gale• Drake. ILFAC —Featival of Motile. *FLGIL —Valley News. REMB —Don McNeill'a lo - M I —Downtown and All RFVD —Eddie Chase Show. RO WL —Mayor of Melody. Breakfast Club. Around ILGFJ—Record Jackpot. R A M —Bing Crosby. ILF1. MIND —Fred Waring. RNX —Big Sister. RO WL —Tune Shop. *IIFVD —Editor of the Air. 1111J—Rise and Shine. *F(11J, ILFX111, KGB, ILVOR — KRI M —Musical Grab Bag. S MID —Record Roundup. KNX--Johunv Murray. News, Glenn Hardy. *FLGER —News. 12:05-1/GER —Texas Tiny. * KIEV, ILLAC, IIMPC, HO WL, *IIMPC—News, Eddie Lyon. RGIL —Real Estate Show. 12:15*RECA —Baukhage Talking. RXLA —News. K WK W —Raeing News. K WK W —Song Parade. ILF1, ILFSD —Ma Perkins ILF WB--Inquiring Mike IIFIVII—Barrel of Dough. ILWIR — Meet the Band. RAJ—Sing, America, Sing. EGFJ—Dr. Frederick panes. FCFAC —Serenade. 11:15—RF.CA —Listening Post. ROIL —Real Estate. 1KFAC —Breakfast Symphony * KGER —News. FLFI, RFSD — Woman in White K WK W —Races and Sports. K WK W —Rafael Mendez. RGFJ—Record Jackpot. EN X —Perry Mason. KIEV —Lunchtime Melodies. RRILD —Bible Institute. RGIL —Come and Get It. RI/WC —Voice of Neighborhood 12 :29—K WK W —South American. RFVD--Wakeup Ranch. ILLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. * R XLA —Pasadena News. 12:25—RGFJ—Sports Flash. RIVIR —Elton RFVD —Bible Institute. FIG11,---Housewitea' Exchange. 12:30—ILECA, ILFMII—Paul White- RGIL —Musical terral. R A M —Romance in Music. man Record Club. RFOX —Challenge to Youth. KRI M —Crazy Rhythms. ILF1, RIND —Pepper Young. * SGER —News. Mizpah. E MIR —Town Crier. * RNX, ILSDJ —Knox Manning. 8:15*RIFJ, SN X —News. 10:05—Kt:ER —Musical Roundup. RACE RESULTS RAJ, KGB —Ozark Valley. IIMPC — Markets; Sports. EF1—Ladies' Day *1(111PC, HO WL, R WIR —News. ILF WB —Morning Melodies. 10:15—RECA, I/FMB —Ted Malone. Results Every Hale ¡MLA — Western Tunes. ILLAC —Flaynes at the Reins. Kit— What Do You Say? Hour Starting 11:15 A.M. EGFJ-1230 Club. ILGFJ—Public Messenger. RIXX —Ma Perkins. FWVD--Violet. SO W1.--Meet the Band. RAJ —Mery Griffin. FIGIL —Hart and Darling. 8:20-11XLA —Music. ILMPC— Muttic in the Air. RACE RECAP K WK W —.Stock Quotations 8:25—K MPC —Sports Roundup *11GIL, IIXLA —Newa. 5:15 P. M. IKGER —Rqueakin' Deacon. 8:30—RE1, RIND —Jack Bereh. IMILD —Dr. Richardson. • 12:35—K WIR —G.I. Parade. *IIHJ—EdItor's Diary. K WK W —Tune-rp Time. 12:45-1CF1, ILFSD —Right to RNX, RSDJ—Grand Slam. 10:25-1EGFJ—Sporte Flash. HARNESS RACING Happiness. 1/MPC —A Song for You. 10:30— SECA, IKFMB —My True Story 7:00 P.M. ILFIJ—Melody Matinee. * SFAC, !CF A S 'M AL, KNX —Young Dr. Malone. ENS —Background for Living. 1111.1—The Jedge. 1LMPC,—Rhythm Rancho. XLA —Haven of Rest. *K n. RP M', RO WL —News. K W K W * RFAC —News. ILFVD —lEasy Listening. SP AR —Maurice Hart. " ME W —Races and Sport«. sG n,--speaking of Sports. KXLA — Woman's World, K WK W —Races and Sports. 12:55*FIE W15—News. RGFJ—Yesterday's Hits. RC:FT—Sports Flash. } ME W —Stock Quotations. " MIR— Sunny Side. STANDARD HOMEOPATHIC 1 —RECA, ILF111B —Paul White- R WIR — Melody Mustangs. RUER— Musical Roundup. RI:ER —Hammond. Presents 11:20—K WK W —Stairway to Motile. man Record Club. 8:40-11RI M —Spotlight Varieties. 11:25—Sports Flash. ILF1. EFS1)--Backstage Wife 8:45-1CF1, RIND —Lora Lawton. The LATEST HEWS 11:30--K ne,,—Casa Cugat. RHJ— Melody Matinee. IDA E. ILFI, RFSD —Holly Sloane. ENS. RSDJ —School of the *101.1—News. 10:30 a.m. RN X —Nora Drake. Air KN X —Rosemarr. st00 WAITS Mon. thru Sat. K M PC—Green Light Revue RH.1, ILFX M, KGB, IKVOE — IIMPC —Major League RF WB —Ssience of Mind. Queen for a Day Baseball. RFAC —Unity. R MPC —Tops in Pops. RF WB —Bill Anson. FLGFJ—Dr. R T.. McMaater. *ILF WB —News: Maurice Hart. RFAC —Plano Parade. Kt:IL —Coffee Parade. "MLA —Dinner Bell Roundup. KGFJ-1230 Club. ILFVD —Vocal FA‘orites. * RFOX, FLO WL, IMILD —News. R XLA —Com munity Broad- I MIS —Songs of Hope. If :10—RFI, ELFSD —Betty Ca2cker. caster. *ILFVD —News * REVD, FULAC —News. K WK W —Bible Treasury. K WK W —Feature Story. 11:45--RECA —Between is gg is. ILGER —Bible Treasury Hour. 'WI—Light of the World. RO WL —Show Tunes. KRI M —Pop Concert. ILN X —Rose of My Dreams. RRILD —Sieeta Time. — KECA, SF MB — Welcome, RGIL —Baby-Sitter. FLEAC —Musical Portraits. E WER —Trade Winds. Travelers. 10:45—RFI—Joyce Jordan. 9 H AI M —Races and Sports. RGIL —Cowboy Music, *fi n FLGER —News. IIN X —Guiding Light. RRRD —Melody Time. RG ER —Squeskin' Deacon. * RNX — Wendy Warren. FLFAC —Your County Reports. * RHJ, KFX M, FMB, RVOE — FLAIR —Broadway Rhythms. 1:10—RLAC -570 Club. 11:55—IMFJ—Sports Flash. Rate Smith Speaks. RRRD —Midnight Mission. 1:15-1W1, ILFND--Stella R W —Nancy Dixon. 11(MPC —Band Box R WR W —Races, Sports. * RECA —Sam Hayes, News. FL FW II--Strolling Tom. 10 :50—K WK W —Rescue Mission. 12 ion —Ferrn Reporter. KGB, RVOE--.Iohnsou Famny. RGFJ—Delinquency Forum. 10:55-11ECA, RFMR —Betty Crocker * K M —Broadway News ILFAC —Musie in the American RFAC —Morning Concert. Magazine of the Air. JINX. ESDJ —Double or Manner ILFVD--Waltz Time. IRGFJ--Sports Flash. Nothing. R WIIK—Charles W. Hemp. 11(GEL —Swappin' Corner. —" MCA, ELF/In--Betty Crocker. S MPC — Women Are Wonder- FWV11—Plano Parade. WILLA —Farm Program. ELAC —Crosby Time. FILFS11--Todny'n Children ful. 11 K WK W —Races and Sport». ICRILD —Sagebrugh Serenade. "¡MX —Second Mrs. aurton. 111FR B—Maii reef. Hart. 111 XLA —Prairie Schooner. .114 1:20—R WILW —Tops in Pops. K WK W —Voice of China. 1:25-1(GFJ—Sports Flash. R WIS —Valley Roundup. 1:30—FLECA --Quizzicale. 0:05—KFI—Ladies' Day. MONDAY Program Highlights FUND —Lorenzo Jones. FLGER —Lothe m Hour. KN X —Burritt Wheeler. 9:15-1111.1. RFXM, KGB, SVOF.— Morning Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and K W —Norma Young. Victor H. Lindlahr. Evening Programs in Boldface. !MLA —Vocal Varieties. FINN —Aunt Jenny. EFVD —Hall of Records. *ILFVD —News. RGUL--Flomemakers. TW A'S— Morning Melodies Comedy-Variety 10:00—Galen Drake. 'MCA. * HO WL. RILED, R A UL—News RGIL —Ballads for You. 10:15—Ted Malone, SECA.", K WK W —Song of the W ands 10:15— What Do You Bay? KFI. "(LAC —Racing News. 3:30—Arthur Godfrey. ENS. RGF.R — Western Siesta. ILWE W — Women's League. 7:00—My Friend Irma. EN X. 1:341— Burritt Wheeler, inex. 1:35-11R111)--Song Symphony. K WIR —Three's a Company. 7:30—On Stage. America. YMCA 4:30—Art Baker. R M. 1:45—RECA —Ethel and Albert. 4:30—Passing Parade, ILIFJ. 9:1,0*RGFJ—Airotorials. 8:00—Point Sublime. SECA. EFL RFSD —Young Widder 9 :30—KECA. EFM11--Breneman's 8:30—Talent Scouts. E NS. Brown. Breakfast. Mystery-Detective *R XLA —News. RIFJ—Johnson Family. Quiz, Participation A MR —Matinee Melodies. ILSDJ.—Helen Trent. RO WL —This Day. 8:30—Charlie Chan, EH.!. K AR A —Races and Sports. FLIFIVB —Reminiscing Sam. 8:00—McNeIll's Breakfast Club. 9:00—Inner Sanctum, IENX. *FLO WL, KECA. I:311—K WK W —Show Time. RGIL —Vallev Shopper. 8:30—Grand Slam, KNX. 1:55—RGFJ—Sports Flash. 9 :30—Breneman's Breakfast. Public I nterest- KECA, ILFMR —Surprise KECA. e Package. 10:00—Barrel of Dough, KF WB. I nf ormation ILFI, IIFSD — When • Girl 11:30—Queen for a Day. KHJ. Marries. 12:00—Double or Nothing. ENS. 1:00—Sehool of the Air. ENS. ENS, FLA W — Winner Take 2:00—Heart's Desire. RILL 5:45 —If They Had Lited. All. 2:30—Bride and Groom. !MCA. 6:00—American Way, R M. RFLI. RFX M, KGB. RVOE — 2:30—House Party, 8:30—Child's World. 'MCA. Heart's Desire. TH E LIN E-U P FirtSt ON 3:00—Meet the Missus. *1KMPC —News. Renneally with late jockey 8:30—Dr. I. Q., K n. FLF WB —Bill Anson. changes and Sports 4 * RGER, KIEV —News. scratches Drama RGFJ— What's rp. 9:30-9:45 n.m KGF ri 9:13—Racing News. KLAC. 8:00—Lux Radio Theatre, ICNX. RFAC —Matiner. Mon.-Sat. 1 / 30 O N YOUR VIAL 11:30—Racing. KGFJ. RLAC -570 Club. Dial 1230 7:30—Screen Guild, ILNX. 10:00—Race Lineup, K WK W. 8:30—'a'. alcade of America. 11XLA —Concert Flour. RGIF.11—Racing News. I:00—Major League Ball, 111111PC. RFVD —Hall of Records. 5:30—Race Recap. lifiFJ. RFV11—Show Tunes. FLO WL —Melody Matinee. 5:30—Major League Ball, 'MAC. KIEV — Meet the Band. RGIL--Homemakers. IMER —John Brown. Classical, Semi-Classical 8:15—Bob Kelley, IIMPC. ERFLD —Your Neighbors. "MAC —Morning Melodies. :30--.1oe Hernandez, AM PC. 2:05—KGER — Western Siesta. RXLA —Bar Nothing Ranch. Music 7:00—Harness Races. RLAC. 2:15-1(FL ILFSD —Portia Facto 7:3o—Sam Baiter, EL M'. R WIR —Top o' Morning. 8:00—Fred Waring. KFI. Life. 9:45—R11—Chuck Collins. 8:00—Fishing Facts, FLFOX. ILMPC —Three Alarm. 5:30—Voice of Firestone. ILFIL 9:30-1nside of Sports, R M. N MI—Morning Melodies. 8:30—California Melodies. E SE R WIFL—Ronny Mansfield. ILSDJ —Our Gal Sunday. 7:00—Contented Hour, R M. A MID —Musical Bouquet. RF WB —Piano Parade. 7 :30—Fred Waring. Popular-Western Music K AR A —Race% and Sports * KRI M —News. 9:00—Telephone flour. M M. 2 :29*KIVILW —News. K W KW —Union Rescue 4:30—Club Fifteen, ILN X. 2 :25—FLEC A, ILFMB —Model Mission. 4:45—Stuart Hiunblen. KF WB Magazine. RP-I'D —Remembered Rhythms Co mment-Narration 8:00—Supper Club, R F!. RG M —Sports Flash. EGFJ—Nat'l Safety Council. 7:45—F'red Beck, SAX. 8:15—Jack Smith. FLISX. 2 :30—ILEC A , IIFMB —Bride and )(LAC —Hollywood News. 9:00--Kate Smith, ICUS. 8:30—Sound Off, SECA. Groom. ¡WI. RIND —Just Plain MIL Page Eighteen JINX, RSD.1—House Party. RA DI O LIFE MONDAY LOGS K M, KGB, RIME —Hollywood KF WII—Musle Favorites. 8:56—IXIEJ, U MW, KGB. HYGE — Lis ten to irKFR 13—News : Bill Anson. Hilly Rose. KXLA —Variety Time. JOHNNY GRANT * KK K, KSDJ—News * HO WL, K WIK —News. MILD ee, KLAC —Sheriff'o Office, R WR W —Platter Parade. The Nation's Most Unique *RFA'A—Arthur Gaeth. KGER —Garden School. Platter Show Featuring 9 KFI. KIFSD —Telephone Hour. KGB, KV0E —F.. 1,aSchelle. MELLOW Johnny's Incomparable ANN, SCSDJ—Inner Sanctum. 2 :33—KO WL —Content et! listening. "ON TH E SPOT" IntervieWS *KH.I, KFX M, KGB, KVOE — 2 :in--RGER —Sons of the Pioneers • 30 to 5 P.M. 6:00 p.m., Mon.- Fri, News. Glenn Hardy. AMPS —American Music. 2 : 45—K FL FS II—Front - Page Mondoy Through Friday Farrell. K G 1 L 1260 F UR, KGER —News. 1111.1—Two-Ton Baker. KFAC —Evening Concert. KliC.I—Bollywood House *K 1.1 D—Nett • ER —Sport s Time. K WK W —Races and Sports. EMPC Party. K 0E —Adtentura Kt:IL —Dance Time. MiRD —Organ Moods. RMPC —Mild and Mellow. Parade. 2:55*KNX —News. RIAC —ftneing Roundup. II :05—K ECA —Animal V. arid Court. K LAC —Press Clot,. RGF.II—Sports Flash. 6:10— M.:CA —Sports K X LA —Squeakin' Deacon. R FM R—LadleS, Be 6 :15*K ECA —News. K WIK —Reading & Dreaming. 3-KIECA, :05—KGER —Three Suns. Seated. grKi1J. KGB —Mutual Newsreel 9 :16WKECA — Karl Godwin. RFI, RFSD —Road of Life. OLD FOLKS KMPC —Bob Kelley, Sports. WRI1.1, KV0E —Fleetwood XXX, SCSDJ—Meet the IR B—Te II o-Test . 1.awton. KH.I, KGB, KVOE —Air Force FVD —Airlane Serenade. liFVFH —Fame Street Hour. PROGRAM KRKD —Hawaiian Memories. :30—FIF.CA —So You Want to lead K WIK —Date for Dinner. N1PC —Three Alarm. a Band. Anson. KFOX LON G BEAC H 6 :30—K ECA--Child's World. K FL RF D,—The Big Story. *Fit,ER, KLAC. KXLA —News. K K FS D—Dr. I. Q. KUS N SAN DIEG O M U, KGB. KIHE -Inisirle of VAC —Muskat Favorites. • KFXM, KGB, KVOE — Sports. RFVD —Hall of Records. KRN O SAN BER N ARDIN O California Melodies. KNX —Beulah. RGFJ—Sunset and Vine K WIK BURBA NK NI H rnand Pg. EMPC —Barbersh op Quartet. RO WL —Your Radio Outlook, KF WB —Ameriea Dance«. 11 M R —Unity Daily Word. KIF V—A Matter of Records. it ‘nic VENTUR A K PAC —Hour of Musle. KGF.R — Mosic in the Night. RRRD —Tops in POPS. K FVD —Banner Show, K I.A('—Tom my Dorsey Show. K WIK —Tom. Dick & Harry. KLAC —Al Jan is. :35—KH.I, KFX M, KGB, ATOE— K %AK W—Swing Session. 4:30 P.M. DAILY KO WI.--Old Homeland. Henry J. Taylor. 3 :05—KGER —Alkall Al.,. *IIIVK W —News. AN X--Conflict. 3 :10—KLAC —Don Otis Show. • 1K—Old Folks • Program. K LA —N ariety in Musk+ K FO — Ra d io pres.. 3 :15—K FI, KESO —Life Can Be KRKI)—Storybook Lady. K FWB —I Milli ring Mike. Bea lit If iii. WA KW —Magic Circle Theater KRI M —Symphony in Swing. KFOX —Hal's Memory Hoorn. *KGIL —News. KFON —Old Age Pensions. KGER —Helene Smith. KM PC—Public Sers-ire. 4 :43*K11.1, OF:-5e05. :413*FL FVD —News. JUKE BOX *K N X—Ed R Murrow. RRRD —A. F. of t,. K FWB —Stuagt K XLA — Western Cara an. b. LAC —St udi regal>. , —KECA. K F31B —Lone Ranger. M ATI NEE *K WAD —News. RINI, KFSD —Carnation Con- WIK —Musical Quiz. With Carl Bailey tented Hour. W KW —Races and Sports. XXX, RSD,1—My Friend Irma 3:15 to 5:30 p.m. :NO—K %VI M —Magic Time. RILL KFX M —Mysterious K F5111-11appy Theater 'I'raveler. Fl —Feat ure Wire. RMPC —Firestorie Fa % twit ea. KXL A *K SX —Knov Manning, News. *KRRD —News. Monday thru Saturday KILI—Raggedy Ann. KF WB —America Dances. *K Pe—News, Teen & Twenty. KI.A(' H Rat ell NIGHTLY EXCEPT SAT. K FR B—Stuart Hamhlen. KFAC —Hour of Music. XI.A —Juke Box Matinee. ft Cugat. IT WI( W—Itaces and Sports. *K I.AC —Fred Henry Reports. KGF.11—Musieal Digest —RE,CA—Casa RO W I.—Sport s ila t K XI. Box Matinee. *RC M —Valley News. V *K F I, KFSD —The Reporter RO W1.—Evening ' at>. 3 :25—K1:IA —Sports Flash. K I 15 —sunset Serenade. *KIEL KFX M, KGB, KA OF.— 3 : 30—K EC A—Ndirivuod it h Select. K D —sundown Roundup K X I.A—Saddle Dusters. Fulton Lewis. *K WIK —A‘erill Berman. *K NX —Chet Huntley. Ne%•., K n, 1W:40 —Aunt Mary. 1.—Harmony Isle. K WK W —Illarness Racing. K FOX —Playmakers, X. FCSD.1—Arthur Godfrey. ItKD .Record Rodeo. KH.I, KGB —Red Hook 31. Kl.F.1—,hl.,, at S. *Kt:ER —News Dr. Fagan. K VAC —Lucky Lager Dante. 7 :0)—K VI KW —Molokai noniron.. *RE M'. KRI M, K WIK —News, 1R—Don Forbes. KM PC—Swing 'n' Sing. KW KW —Reminiscent :15—RI:IL —Modern Concert Hall. RI:IL —Story hook Man. Rhythms. K XLA —Latin Serenade. EASTSIDE KRKD —Three-Quitrter Time. R WK W —Andy Mansfield. Kt:lb—Date with • Dise. RI:FR —Carolina Cotton. :115—KGER —liarmonY Corral. K WIK —Here's to Vet 7:30 KECA —On Stage, Amertra. 3 :32—FIRKD —Tea Tim, Times. 3 :15—K ECA —Terry and the Pirateé. IEFI. KLSID —Fred Waring K WIK —Tom, Dick & Mull% SHOW it 3 :43—K EC A—Frances Scully. *KIKN.I--X-NTel g. Hanlon. Show. RN V. KS11.1--Sereen Guild 10 TO 12 P.At 1 K n, RIFSD —Nora Drake. • KVXM. KGB. K VOE — Superman. Theater. leery Night huge Leaden, RIM —Adventure Parade. RYIP('—derry Lau rence. KI,Ac —Picture Album. KILL KFA M, KGB. KVOE — t 'is,. Kid. RFA( —St ring Time. I( W W —Today at the Races. 3 :MgrliF WB--News. W 1k—Sunset Serenade. rc—Romnnee and Rhythm ICFWB RGF.I—Sports Flash. 5 :30—K EC A—Sky Ring. KF WB —Sports Final. K VI. RFSID—Votem nf Fire- it LAC —Sam Baiter, Sports. KE W 11--E pet s ide Show. 4 — K ECA —Fra nees Scully. stone. KFAC —Echoes and Encores. KGER —Tes Williams. KFSD —Th is Woman's *RN X. K M/it—Charles RGF:R —Adv entist Church. KG FJ—Concert Noeturne. Secret. Collingwood. It X LA —Armstrong Twins. Kt:IL —Symphony. RNX, RSD.1—H inl Hunt KH.1, KFXM. KGB, KA OE-- *R AIN —News. KMPC —Bridge Club. *KH.1. KFXM. KGB. KVOF,— Capta in Midnight. KRKD —Do Vnu Know? LAC —Don Otis, Fulton Lewis. K LAC —Irwin Allen. 1:15*K FICA—News. NEA —M drii51 PC—News. Eddie Lynn. Kt. F.l—Raee Recap. KF WB —Singin' Ram. KIVIK —M Wheel Roy. *KGER, KIEV, M AC —News. K I' —VI how Bill Club, M AC —Music. 10 :15*K ECA —News. Hank Wen er. RI'. 1 t—Telequest FITS PC—Red Rowe. KH.1—Ilighlights in Music. *KI.11., KO'.'. I., KW 1K—News. K WIK —Music by Martin. M I —Music Shop. DR. REUBEN L. K X LA—Future l'innists. — K ECA. K FMB —Point Sublime. ▪ N N —Rob El son. 8 10:30*K I.:CA —lamer Da, ie KIIKB —Sports RFC RIND —Supper Club. Mch4ASTER, D.C., Ph.D. KtrER —Statui, Quartet. RN X—Lowell Thomas. *KFI—Inside the News. K11.1—Brother Arlington. :35—KO W lenient Detective. RH.1, KFXM. KGB. RIDE — RN X—Sym ph onett e. Philosophy - Health K WK W —Easy Listening. Let George Do It ti :45.11rK N X—Bob Garrett. *KNIPC —News, Kenneally. KNI PC—Parade of Hite. XLA —Ilawt horn. Thing. Now KF WB -4-4:10 P.M. KFX M, KGB, 111 OE — K flinty Allen. • rER —Quonnut. ent ores of Tom Mix. *SEGER, LILAC. LI NI.A —News. Monday through Friday KNI Pr—Top Tunes. KFAC —Evening Concert. 10:48—RECA —Freddr Martin °Fehr Kill—Melody Time. KV!, for 1 nu KG111,—Nlodern Concert Hall. KliF.1—If They Hail Irked. KtiF'.11—Caticitsian Memories. :55 Bulletins. KF WB--111r. McNlaster. K RIM —Rare Results. K WIR — What•• the .tnavver? 11 *KErA —Npaii of Tomorrow. FL VAC —Mush...I Masterpieces. K WI K—Ronny Mansfield. K FOX —Fishing Facts. *K I—News. KGFJ—Sunset anti 5 ine. *IRF'SD —H. V. Kaltenhorn, 11:113—KGF:11—Bethanv Baptist. *KS X—Nelstin Pringle. K FAD —Eddie elm., show. Kt:ER —Melody Mustangs. :15*FL KFSID — World New.. KM PC—Dance Parade. K WRIA —Andy Mansfield. KG11,-51usic by Martin. K NN —Jack Smith. KF WB —F,astaide Show. XLA —.1iike Bo% Matinee. 6:55*K". X—Bill Henry. KFVVII—rnited Nations. Kli Ed—concert Nocturne. RGIL —Off the Record. M:F.1—Dot Meylterg. K LAC —Fred Finney. KFAC —Lucky lager Dance. K 11K D—Piano Paintings. e*FECA, RE MS— Edwin f. Hill KGF.1—Saludos Amigos. KG1L —Red Baker K WIK -1 Bin Chili. K FI — A merican Way. K MPC —Leaders of Tomorrow. K LAC —Don Otis. 4 :05—Kt. Elt—Nlusical Roundup. *KIM, KFX M. KGB. RN OE — It XLA —Ev enine serenade. K NLA —Dance Time. :15*Iir I:CA —Al% in 'it ilder. NeWS, Gabriel Heatter, I : 30— K I:ICA —Bound Off. KFVD —Spade Cooley Time. *K VI. KF's1D—Ne0s. K N X , Radio K FL IIFSID —Cavaleade of lEGER —At the Ranchhouse. *KH.1. KGB. KV0E — Theater. America K WIK —Slichael Roy. Era nk Hemingway * 101 PC—(ieorge Irn in. K N X , RSDJ—Talent scouts. 11:15—Kt:CA —Dale Cross Orch. KM PC—Jeanne Gray. *K B -1 lete Roberts R M. KFX M, KGB. VOF — K — Here's to Veterans. K VW B—Hornemakers • 1'0 X — NP11 o. Adi entures of Charlie (Ilan. KNX —sle‘e Allen. Unlimited. Kt: itsica I Digest. *KFIVIt. R WIR —News. KGIL —Juke Ito% Re11PW. KL M'—Pet Program K if '—Musical Memories. *RGFJ—Averill Berman. News. 11 :30—K ECA —E. Felice Quartet. KRIRD —Movieland Quilt. KEN It—Supper Song. ICLAC —Ire-Caparles, ▪ FI— V. S. Navy Recruiting. KO WL —Classics in Music. KILAC —Major League Ball. )(VI M —American Music. E X LA —Club Fargo. 4 :25—K NX —George Fisher. HO WL —Italian Program. K X LA —The Corral. II :14—K N X —In My Opinion. 4 :30—KECA —Variety Parade. K X LA —Toastmaster Club. KGER--Clem Da% int. II :45—R11—Philharmonic Reporter. AFT—Art Baker's Notebook. K RED —Musieal Varieties. 35— K WI St—Concert Hall. *RH.I. RVOE —News *KR,1, KGB, KV0E--Passing Kt.11.—Johnny Grant. 11:45—KF WB —Sweet Mush,. 11 :55*KEC A , NX. LIMP( — Parade. K WIK —Spot light on Star. EGFJ—Amerlean Heritage. News. RN X--Club 15. R WRIV—Olga Graves. RGIL —Here's to Veterans. Page Nineteen KGFJ—Soorts Flash. * KGIL—Valley News. — KECA. KF MB —Betty Crocker. HO W L — Mayor of Melody. — Roundup. KFI, HFSD —Today's Children REED Record • TUESDAY/ MAY 4 11 KFVD —Editor of the Air. KHJ, KV OE —Happy Gang. KXLA —Dinner Bell Roundup. B U R K —Union Rescue KN X —Second Mrs. Burton. K WIK —Iling Crosby, Mission. K MPC —Music in the Air. Hear George MIlne's * HOER —News; Texas Tiny. KF WB — Maurice Hart. 1 A—KEICA, KF WB —Galen Drake. GARDEN CHATS HFVD —Eddie Chase Show. 12:15*HECA —Baukhage Talking. KFI—Downtown and All IEGFJ—Record Jackpot. KF1—Ma Perkins. for California Roses, Around. 1010 it KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. KHJ—Sing, America. Sing. Inc. KF X91, KGB, HVOE — RFAC —Festival of Music. ROIL —Real Estate Show. 5000 WAITS News. Glenn Hardy. 6:45-7:00 A.M. M-F KFOX —Melody Breakfast KM KW —Races and Sports. KNX —Big Sister. Club. 12 :20—K M KW —South American. * K MPC —News, Eddie Lyon. HIRED —Musical Grab Bag. 12:25—K(.1',I—Sports Flash. KF WB —Barrel of Dough. K XLA —Easy Listening. 12:30—KEt'A. KFMB —Paul White- KGFJ—Record Jackpot. HO WL —Tune Shop. man Record Club. KGIL —Come and Get It. KFI, KFSD —Pepper Young. l U t A N G E t i l K WK W —Calling MI Vets. KLAC —Al Janis Ballroom. * KGER —News. KHJ, KGB —Ozark Valley K WK W —Racing News. 8 —KECA, KFedB —Don McNeills KGIL —Flousenives' Exchange. Folks. KFAC —Serenade. K WIK —Meet the Band. * KNX, KSDJ—Knox Manning. Breakfast Club. HO WL —Romance in Music. KFI, KFSD —Fred Waring. 11:15—KECA, KFM11—Club Time. *K MPC, HO WI„ R WIK —News. KRHD —Crazy Rhythm. KFT, KFSD — Woman in White K XLA — Western Tunes. * KHJ—Cecil Brown. KFVD —Rev. Louis T. Talbot. KNX —Perry Mason. K WK W —Stock Quotations. KNX —Johnny Murray. KXLA —Bar 0 Ranch. * KIEV, KLAC, KMPC. HO WL. KMPC —Puhlic Service. K WIK —Town Crier. KGIL —Light Classics. KGFJ-1230 Club. KXLA —News. 10:05—KGER —Musical Roundup. KF WB —Inquiring Mike. * KXLA —Pasadena News. KGIL —Hart and Darling. KFAC —Country Church. 10 :15—EEC/a, KFMB —Ted Malone. ROER— Musical Roundup. KGFJ—Dr. Frederick Bailee. KFI— What Do You Say? 11:25—KGFJ —Sports flash. KFOX, KRI M— Raven of KHJ —Mery Griffin. 11:30—KECA —Casa Cugat. Rest. ENE —Ma Perkins. • HFSD —Holly Sloane. KFVD — Wakeup Ranch. K MPC —Music in the Air. KILL KFX10, KGB, HVOE — KGE Reeze KGIL— Musical Corral. * KGII., KXLA —News. Queen for a Day. SQUEAKIN' KRKD —Dr. Richardson. K WK W —Rafael Mendez. • X —Nora Drake. DEACON MOORE K WIK —Elton Britt. K WK W —Tune-Up Time. *KF WB —News: Maurice Hart. * KGER —News. Mizpah. KUOX —Aseemblv of God. KMPC —Tops in pops. 12:30-1:30 p.m. 8:15* KHJ. KNX —News KXLA —Dinner Bell Roundup. Mon. (bru Fri. K MPC —Market Report. Sports *KO WL. M USD. R WIR —News. K F WB —Morning Melodies. 11 :40—K11—Betty Crocker. 1390 on Your DIAL KLAC —Haynes at the Reins. 11:45—KECA —Between Us Girls. KGFJ—Public Messenger. KFI—Light of the World. KGER —SqueakIn' Deacon. KO WL —Meet the Band. KNX —Rose of My Dreams. 12:35—K M IK—G.I. Platter Parade. 11:25—K MPC —Sports Roundup. KFAC —Musical 1'ortraits. KRI M —Melody Time. KFSD —Right te 8:30—KFI—Jack Berch. Happiness. * KHJ —Editor's Diary. RACE RESULTS K WIK —Broadway Rhythms. Starting at 10:25 K WK W —Races and Sports. KHJ —Melody Matinee. KN X, KSDJ—Grand Slam. KNX —Organ Music. a.m., 10:55 a.m. 11:55—KGFJ—Sports flash. K MPC —A Song for You. KMPC —Rhythm Rancho. KXLA —Baptist Brothers. and every 30 min. *KECA —News, Sam Hayes. thereafter * RFAC —News. * KFAC, KF WB. HO WL, 12 KFI—Farm Reporter. K WK W —Races and Sports. KRIM —News. Mon. thru Sat. * KIM. KV0E'- —News. Dial 1230 12:55*KF WB —News. KFVD —Easy Listening. KNX, RSDJ—Double or KGFJ—Snorts flash. KGFJ—Yesterday's Hits. Nothing. 10 :25—KGFJ—S ports Flash. K WK W —Stock Quotations. K MPC — Women Are Wonder- KFMB —Paul White- R WIR — Melody Mustangs. 10:30—KECA, My True Story ful. 1-KECmanA' Record Club. * KFT—News. KF WB — Mattrice Hart. • HFSD —Backstage Wife. KGIL —SpeakIng of Sports. KHJ—The Jedge. KFOX — Words of Life. KGFJ—Intermission. KHJ—Melody Matinee. KN X —Young Dr. Malone. KGER —Ham mond. K WK W —Gordon Baker Lloyd. ELNX. KSDJ—School of the * KFAC. KO WL, RIVER —News. Air. 8:40—KRI M —Spotlight Varieties. KF WB —Maurice Hart. KMPC —Major League Ball. 8:45—KFI, KFSD —Lora Lawton. KXLA — Woman's World. THE HOUR OF GENERAL KF WB —Bill Anson. * K HJ—News. ROIL —Baby-Sitter. ELECTRIC 12:00-1:00 P.M. KGFJ-1230 Club. K NX —Rosemary. *KFVD —News. * KLAC —News, Sports. K MPC —Green Light R e vile. KRKD —Pop Concert. ON KR HD —Siesta Time. E MIR —Science of Mind. K WK W —Feature Story. AL JARVIS ORIGINAL ROIL —Cowboy Band. KFAC —Unity. 10:15—KFI—Joyce Jordan. MAKE-BELIEVE BALLROOM KFAC —Piano Parade. KGFJ—Dr. R. L. McMaster. KNX —Guiding Light. * KFVD —News. KGIL —Coffee Parade. KFAC--Dr. Palmer. KLAC KXLA —Community News. KFVD —Vocal Varieties. KRELD —Midnight Mission. HO WL —Show Tunes. KIEV —Musical Memories. KFVD —Violet. 10:00 - 1:011 p.m. K WIK —Trade Winds. HOER —Bible Treasury Hour. KO WL —Tune Shop. 6:95 - 7:00 P.m. KGER —Squeakin' Deacon. K WIK —Songs of Hope. R WIII—Music. Monday thru SaturdaY 1:15 —KFI, KFSD —Stella Dallas. K WK W —Bible Treasury. K WK W —Races and Sports. Kill—Nancy Dixon. 10:50—K WK W —Rescue Mission. KLAC -570 Club. 9-KECA, KFMB — Welcome Travelers. 10 :55—KECA. KFM11--Betty Crocker KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. 1RXLA —Farm Program. KFAC —Muele in the * KFI, KGER —News. Magazine of the Air. KFAC —Luncheon Concert. American Manner. * KID, KFXM, KGB, HVOE—• KFVD —Piano Parade. Kate Smith Speaks. R WIK —Charles Hemp. KNX — Wendy Warren. KFOX —Recital Time. K MPC —Band Box. TUESDAY Program Highlights KF WB —Strolling Tom. Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type; Afternoon and 1:20—K WK W —Tops in Pops. 1:25—KGFJ—Sports Flash. KGFJ—Your City at Work. Evening Programs in Boldface. KFAC —Morning Concert. 1:30—HECA — Mirarles in Music. KGIL —Swappin' Corner. Comedy-Variety 1:30—Burritt Wheeler. 'M X. Eli, RFSD —Lorenzo Jones. KLAC—Crosby Time. 4:30—Art Baker, KFI. HIU —Norma Young. HO WL —Helm; Markham. 3:30—Arthur Godfrey. KNX. 4:30—Passing Parade. KHJ. KNX —Burritt Wheeler. KRI M —Sagebrush Serenade. 5:30—Date With Judy, M I. IIWK R'—Song of the Islands. K WK W —Voice of China. 6:00—Amos 'n' Andy. KFL KFVD —Hall of Records. Mystery-Detective KGIL —Homemakers. KA— Bar Nothing Ranch. 6:30—Fibber McGee, KFI. H FVD — Waltz Time. 7:00—Bob Hope, KFI. 8:00—Monte Cristo, KHJ. * KO WL, KRI M. K WIK —News. 8:30— Mr. and Mrs. North. ENE. K XLA —Vocal Varieties. 8:05—K111—Ladies' Day. 7:30—Red Skelton. K M. KIEV —Organ Moods. 9:05—KGER —Lutheran Hour. 9:15-1111J, KI WI. KGB. HVOE — Quiz, Participation Public Interest- KGER — Western Siesta. Victor H. Lindlahr. 1:35—KRKD —Song Symphony. KNX —Aunt Jenny. 8:00— McNeill's Breakfast Club, Information 1:43—KECA —Ethel and Albert. KF WB —Morning Melodies. KECA. 1:00—School of the Air. KNX. KF1—Young %Udder Brown. KLAC —Racing News. 8:30—Grand Slam, KNX. 6:00— Woman's Forum. KNX. * RXI.A —News. 9 :30—Breneman's Breakfast, * KFVD —News. 9:00—Town Meeting, KECA. HO WL —This Day. KGFJ—Com munity Chest. KECA. 11:40—Frontiers of Science, HEX KIEV —Swing Stylings. ROIL —Ballads for You. 10:00—Barrel of Dough. KF WB. K WK W —Races and Sports. K WUK —Three's a Company. 11:30—Queen for a Day, KHJ. Sports K WIK —Modern Mood. K WK W — Women's League. 12:00—Double or Nothing. ENE. 1:50—K WK W —Show Time. 2:00—Heart's Desire. M U. 9:20*KGFJ—Airotorials. 9:15—Racing News, KLAC. 1:55-11GFJ—Sports flash. 2:30—House Party. ENE. :39—Racing, KGFJ. 9:30—HECA, KF MB —Breneman's 2:30—Bride and Groom. KECA. 10:00—Race Lineup. K WK W. KFMB —Surprise Breakfast. 3:00—Meet the Missus. KN X. Package.-A. -KFI. KFSD —Jack Beret'. 1:00— Major League Bali, KMPC. 2-EEC 5:30—Race Reran. KGFJ. KFI, KFSD — When • Girl KHJ —Johnson Family. Marries. KN X, HSI:WI—Helen Trent. 5:30—Major League Ball. HLAC. Drama 6:15—Bob Kelley, KMPC. • liF3C11, KGB, M OE—. KF WB —Reminiscing Sam. Heart's Desire, KLAC —Morning Melodies. 7:00—Studio One. KN X. 6:30—Fishing and Hunting Club. 9:00—Favorite Story. K M. • KGB, K's 0E. K NX, KSDJ— Winner Take * KO WL, K WK W —News. All. KGFJ —Racing News. 6:30—Joe Hernandez. K MPC. 7:00—Harness Races, HLAC. * KM PC—News, Rennea117. KGIL —Valley Shopper. Classical, Semi-Classical KF WB —Bill Anson. KFVD —Show Tunes. 7:15—Fishing Pals. KFOX. Music 7:30—Sam Balter, KLAC. KFAC —Matinee. KIEV —Meet the Band. ROFJ— What's Up. KGER —John Brown. 8:10—Baseball. EL M', K MPC. 8:00—Fred Waring, K n. 9:30—Inside of Sports. KILL KLAC -570 Club. K WIH —Top o' the Morning. 6:30—Boston Pops, KECA. 10:05—Boxing, KLAC. K XLA —Concert Hour. 9:45—KFI—Chuck Collins. HO WL —Melody Matinee. KHJ—Morning Melodies. KGIL —Homemakers. ENE, KSDJ—Our Gal Sunday Comment-Narration Popular-Western Music ERKD —t rhan League. KF WB —Schoolcast. 7:45—Fred Beck, KN X. 4:30—Club Fifteen. KNX. KFVD —Hall of Records. KFVD —Itemembered Rhythms 9:00—Kate Smith, KHJ. H W1K —Mrs. Goes Shopping. KGFJ—t oice of the Army. 4:45—Stuart Hamblen, KF WB. 10:00—Galen Drake, KECA. 8:00—Supper Club, KFI. ROER— Long Beach Band. KLAC —Hollywood News. 10:15—Ted Malone, KECA. 8:15 —Jack Smith. EN E. 2:15— KFL KFSD —Portia Faces HO WL--Full Gospel. 10 :15— What De You Say? ICF1. 8:30—Call for Music, AFL Life. Page Twenty K MPC —Three Alarm. KRED —Mutrical Bouquet. RA DI O LIFE TUESDAY LOGS K WIK —Ronny Mansfield. KNX, KSDJ—Studio One. KGIL —Dance Time. K WK W —Races and Sports. K MPC —Firestone Favorites, K U M —Reading and K I EI —Land o' Song. KFVVB —America Dances. Dreaming. 2:20*K W K VI—News. MILD 8,(4 KFAC —Hour of Music. O :05—KGER —Threo Suns. KGFJ—Musical Digest. 2:25—KECA —Model Magazine. 0:15WKHJ, HVOE —Fleetwood W KGER, KRKI)—News. KGFJ—Sports Flash. Lawton. * KGIL —Valley News. KFIBB —Fame Street. 2:30—KECA, KFMR —Bride and MELLOW KLAC —Harness Races. Groom. 4:30 to 5 P.M. BO WL —Evening Serenade. 0:30—K11 —Pleasure Parade, KF1, HFSD —Just Plain BM. *KXLA —Peter De Lima. KHJ, KGB, KVOE —Inside of Monday Through Friday KHJ, KGB. KV0E--Hollywood WK WIK —Averill Berman. Sports. Favorites. K M K W —Harness Racing. lENN —Beulah. KNX, KSDJ—House Party. Kt-WS —Unity Daily Word. 7:05—KGER —Faxan. * KF WB —News: Bill Anson. KGER —Music in the Night. EMPC K Vi KW —Musical Horizons. KX1A —Variety Time. 9:45—KHJ. ILFX111, KGB, KVOE — K WK W —Drama. 4 :50—K WK W -51a gic Tinte. Reserve. 4:55—Kt:PA —Sports Flash. KN X —Conflict. *KO W11„ K WIK —News. M ARY &J. CH ARLES DA VIS 1(251% —Radio Express. KRI M —Tunes in Tempo. —KIWA—liappy Theater. KF WB —Inquiring Mike. KIEV —Musical Potpourri. *KFI—Feature Wire. FIS HIN G PALS 5 * SIGEL—News. KGEK —Garden School. K11.11—Sleepy Joe. 1:35—HO WL —Contented Listening. *KNX —Knos Manning, Sens. 1280 K.C. KFOX 7:15 P. M. 2:40—KGER —Long Beach Band. *KMPC —News. Teen & Twenty. KF WB —Stuart Hamblen. Tuesday - Thursday - Friday 2:415—KFI, KFSD —Front-Page WKLAC —Fred Henry Reports. 19th Year Free Information Farrell. FLFAc —Sunset Serenade. R111—Two-Ton Baker. KGF.1—.1hP at Five. — *KFYD —News. PR. 6840 PA. 1618 REVD —Sundown Roundup. K W —Races and Sports. KGIL —Datr with a Disc. KR/il)—Organ Moods. KO WL -11armony Isle. 7:15 —K FOX —Fishing Pals. K WIK —Treasure Chest. KR1114—Rerord Rodeo. KG11.—Modern Concert Hall. 2:55WKNX —News. KXLA —Juke Box Matinee. 11XLA -1.atin Serenade. KGFJ—Sports Flash. * K WIK —Don Forbes. KRKI)—Three-Quarter Time. 3 KFMB —Ladies, 5:05—KGER —Ilarmony Corral. 1(511K —Marines. —KECA. NIGHTLY EXCEPT SAT. Be Seated. 5:15—KECA, KFMB —Terry and 7:30—KECA —Report to the People. KFI. KFSD —Road of Life. KFI, MrS1)—Red Skelton. the Pirates. — KFt 1—Casa Cugat. K HJ, KGB, KVOF,—Racket *KF1—News. KFX M, KGB. 1(10E — Smashers. Red Ryder. 10 *KFI, KFSD —The Reporter. KILL KFX M. KGB. KVOE — W HIIJ, KFX M, KGB, KV0E—. KNX, KSDJ—Meet the Missus. Superman. KMPC —Romance and Rhythm. 1(5(1°C —Three Alarm. KF WB —Sperts Final. Fulton Lewis. KNX —Tom Hanlon. * KNX —Chet Huntley, News. KF WB —Bill Anson. KLAC —Picture Album. KLA( —Sam Baiter, Sports. W HGER, KI M, KXLA —News. 5 :30—K EC A—Jack Armpit Tong. KFAC —Echoes and Encores. KFVD —Hall of Records. KFSD —A Date with K XLA —Armstrong Twins. KFAC —Musical Favorites. Judy. KRKI)—Do You Know? EASTSIDE KGFJ—Sunset and Vine. 11111J, KFXM, KGB, KVOE — RI:IL —Social Whirl. Captain Midnight. 7 :45—HECA —Here's Hollywood. Kit KIY—Tops in Pops. *KN X. KSDJ—Charles KFIVB —Singin' Sam. RO U I.—Radio Outlook. Collingwood. KLAC —Dugout Dope. SHO'W' K WK W —Swing Session. KFA(.;— Whon Bill Club. K MPC —Red Rowe. 10 TO 12 P.M. K WIK —Tom, Dick & Harry. KGFJ—Race Recap. 1(511K —Blue Barron. 3:05—KGER —Alkall Alen. y•ry Night 1,“•pt Sands, KFVD —Telequest. e *KECA — Washington Dateline. 3:10—KLAC —Don Otis Show. *KGIL, K WK W —News. KFI, KFSD —Supper Club. 3:15—KFI—Life ('an Be Beautiful. KLAC —Major League Ball. ELF1J, KFXM, KGB, KVOE — KXLA —Juke Box Matinee. KXLA —Future Pianists. Count of Monte Cristo. KFWB *KGIL —News. *K WIK —Valley News. *KNX —Lowell Thomas. ifileW11--Esetelde Show. KRKD —Soorts Dial. KO WL —Sports Matinee. WKNIPC —News. Kenneally. WIELAC —Nen 8. KGER —Stamps Quartet. K%% KW— Rares and Sports. KF W13—Jim my Allen. KFAC —Lucky Lager Dance. 3:015—KGFJ—Sports Flash. 5:35—KO WL- Muslr. *KGER, KLAC, EN:LA —News, KGFJ—Concert Nocturne. K WK W —Easy Listening. 11:30—KECA —Norwood Smith Selects KFAC —Evening Concert. 1(611.—Symphony Hour. 5:15—KHJ, KFX M. KGB. KV0E — KGFJ—Caucasian Memories. KX1,A —Radio Guild. KFI, KFSD —Atant Mary. Adventures of Tom Min. KHJ, KGB —Red Hook 31. 1(611.—Modern Concert Hall. K WIK —Michael Roy. * KNX, IFISDJ —News. (tarred. K W1K — What's the Answer? KGER —Tex Williams. KNX, KSDJ—Arthur Godfrey. KI:F.1—Disabled Veterans. 0:05—EIGER —Ray Block. K MPC —Swing 'n' Sing. Kt:IL —Bachelors Quartet. K WK W —Andy Mansfield. KMPC —Top Tunes. 8:10—KLAC, K MPC —L. A. Angels * KFAC. KRKIL K WIFI—News. KXLA -5Iusic for You. vs. Holtywood Stars. KGER —Carolina Cotton. K WIK —Ronny Mansfield... 8:15*KECA, UFMB —Monitor News. Olympic Auditorium 3:35—KRKD —Tea Time Tunes. KRKD —Race Results. *KFI. KESD — World News. K WIK —Tom. Dick & Harry. 5:55* KN X —Itill Henry. KN X-,.-Jack Smith. KF WB -11nIted Nations. 3:45—KECA —Frances Scully. C. Hill. 1111. KESD —Nora Drake. *RECA—Edwin KGER —Ice-Capades FIG HTS KFI, KFSD —Amos 'n' Andy. KHJ—Adventure Parade. 6 KGFJ—Saludos Amigos. K MPC —Jerry Lawrence. * KHJ, KGB, KV0E —Gabriel KXLA —Evening Serenade. Tuesday, 10:05 p.m. W etter. KFAC —Songs for Singing. KNX — Woman's Forum. 8:30—KIWA —On Trial. 3:55*KF WB —News. * K MPC —George Irwin. KIND —Call for Music. KGF.1—Sports flash. KL A C * KF WB —Clete Roberts. KHJ, KFXM, KGB —Official —BECA—Frances Scully. * KFOX —News. Detective. 4 KFI, FCFSD —This Woman's KFAC —Musical Memories. KNX, KSDJ —Mr. and Mrs. 10 :05—KLAC —Oly mole Boxing. Secret. KFVD —Supper Song. North. 10 :15*KECA —News, Hank Weaver. W KF WB, K WIK —News. KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOE — KGTL—Johnny Grant. KFI—Remember That Music. * KGFJ—Averill Berman, News. Fulton Lewis. KGFJ—Musical Digest. KI1J —Highlights in Music. KNX. KSDJ—Hint Hunt. KLAC —Major league Ball. KXLA —frItit Street Corral, KN X —Bob Bison. KGER —Clem Davies. • *K MPC —News, Eddie Lyon. KO WL--Italian Program. K MPC —Midget Auto Races. * KIEV, KGER —News. KXLA —Youth and Tomorrow. 8:35—K WIK —Concert Hall. 10:30WHECA —Elmer Davis. KFVVIB—Dr. McMaster. K WIK —Spotlight on a Star. 8:45—KF WB —Sweet Music. * KFI—Inside the News. KliFJ—Sonset and Vine. A WK W —Olga Graves AG M —Decision Now. K M —Brother Arlington. * KLAC —News, Sports. KRI M —Muskat Varieties. KG FI—A merican Heritage. K XLA —Haw thorne Thing. KFAC —Musical Masterpieces. KGER —Sports Time. 8:55—KHJ. KFX M, KGB. HVOE — KGER —Quonsiat. KXLA —Juke Box Matinee. 8:05—KECA —Animal World Court. Billy Rose. 10:45 —KECA —Ambassador °rob. K WK W —Andy Mansfield. 11:10—KECA —Simirts Desk. W KN X. KSDJ—News. KFI—Melody Time. KOIL —Off the Record. 8:15*KECA —News. KMPC —Paiade of Hits. KleM111—Amcrice. KFVD —Eddie Chase Show. *KHJ. KGB — Mutual Newsreel. 9—RECA. 10 :55—Klel—Poliee Bulletins. KIIKEt—Fun with Fables. KMPC —Bob Kelley. Sports. Town Steeling. * KLAC —News. K WIK -1490 Club. KFVD —Airlane Serenade. *KECA —News of Tomorrow. KleWB —Tello-Test. 4:05—KGER — Musical Roundup. The 11 *KFI—News. 4 :13*KECA —Alvin Wilder. KRKD —Hawailan Memories. BULLOCK'S SHOW JULY—John Wolohan Orch. * KFI, KFSD —News. FIXLA —Mary Burke King. *KN X —Nelson Pringle. W KHJ, KFXM. KGB —Frank 0:30—FIEC A, K FM B—Boston Pops IFils \N W( KMPC —Dance Parade. Orehestra. Hemingway'. KF WB —Eastside Show. KMPC —Twilight Tales. KFI, Me:SD —Fibber McGee KFAC —Lucky Dance Time. EF WB —Homemakers and Molly. - KFVD —Spade Cooley Time. Unlimited. KIM —Special Agent. SOS'S KGFJ—Concert Nocturne. KSDJ—Christopher KLAC,—Belle- Martel. KLAC —Don Otis. KR1FCD —Movieland Quiz. Wells. V e 0 KXLA —Dick Peterson Orch. KM PC—Bay Meadows. 4:215—KN X —George Fisher. KGIL —Red Baker. KFIV13—A merica Dances. KGFJ—Sports Flash. K WIK —MIchael Roy. KFAC —Hour of Music. 4:30-0CEC,A..—Variety Parade. KGER —At the RanchbouSe. KFI—Art linker's Notebook. KFID —Banner Show. 11:15—KECA —Florentine Gardens. *KHJ, KVOE —Passing Parade. KLAC —Al Janis Ballroom. KFI—Forty-Plus Assn. KNX —Club 15. KO WL —Old homeland. K11.1—Al Wallaup Orch. KF WB — Music. KRI M —Storybook Lady. KNX —Steve Alien. KMPC —Mild and Mellow. KFOX —Hal's Memory Room. 9:0 0 P.M. TUESD AYS KG11,--KGII, Salutes. KLAC —Racing Roundup. * K WRIA'—News. 11:30—KECA —Casino Room Orch. *KFVD —News, Sweet & Low. KXLA —Variety in Music. KFI—Fal °rite Story. KF1—Guest Star. AR MY—Symphony in Swing. KGER —Helene Smith. * KHJ, KGB, KVOE — KGIL —Juke Box Review K WIK —Old Folks' Program. KFXM, KGB, 1(50K —Fishing News. t.lenn Hardy. KXLA —Dance Time. K WK W —Opera Association. and Hunting Club. KNX. K.11.1—Big Town. 11:40—KN X —Frontiers of Science. 4 :4i*KH.1, KVOE —News. 8:45*KFVD —News. KMPC —Baseball. 11:45—KFI—Melodiana. *KNX —Ed B. Morrow. KIVIK —Date for Dinner. * KFIVIR, KGER —News. *K111.1. KI OF.—News. KF WB —Stuart Hamblen. 7-11El A, KFMB —Boston Pops KFAC —Evening Concert. KXEA —Club Congo. KLAC —Musie Room. Orchestra. KLAC —Baseball. 11:55*KECA, KFI, IEN X, 1(5(1°C— * KRKD —News. KFI, KFSD —Bob Hope. KXLA —Squeakin' Deacon. News. K WIK —Musical Quiz. KHJ. KFX M. KGB, HYDE — KGFJ—Hollywood House K WK W —Races and Sports. Quiet. Please. Party. Page Twenty-one K NX —Perry Mason. AG M —Real Estate Show. R MPC —Voice of Neighbor- K W KW —Races and Sports. hood. 12 :25--KGFJ—Sports Flash. WEDNESDAY, MAY 5 * K XLA —Passelena N eleS. 12:30—KECA, FiklIB —Paul White- 8-KECA, KEVIN — Don N1cNellCs KLAC —Al Janis Ballroom. man Record Club. Breakfast Club. KFAC —Serenade. K K FSD —Pepper Young. KFI. K FSD —Fred Waring. litiFJ—Reeord Jackpot. KGB —Ozark Valley. * RHJ —Cecil Brown. KR K D--Crazy Rhyth m. RACE RESULTS *K \ , KSI)J —Knox Manning. KNX —Johnny Murray. Ktill.--Come and Get It. *KAIPC. BO WL. K WIK —Newe. * KC ER, KIEV. KLAC, K MPC. K FAD —Rey. Louis T. Talbot. Every Half Hour KNLA —F'ord Lewis. KO MI., K i t —News. KV. NW —lInt-k Quotations. K XLA —Itar 0 Ranch Time. Starting at I I: 15 A.M. [(F MB —L. A. Breakfast Club. K W 1K—Town Crier. hI 3 l)—Violet. Kt:FA —Dr. Frederick Bailee. K W K W —Racing News. Kt.F.I-1230 Club. KFAC —Country Church. KO WL--Romanee in Music. 5:15 RACE RECAP Kt:IL —Hart & Darling. A V M — Makeup Ranch. 10:05—KGER —Musical Roundup. litiER —Squeakin' Deacon. K FOX, KR K11—Itible 10:15 —KEt'A. liF3111—Ted Malone. 7:00 HARNESS RACING 12:35—K WIK —G.1. Platter Parade. institute. KFI— N hat Do 1 ou Say? 12:45—KFI, KESD —Right to KGIL —Muideal (*.weal. KHI — Mery Griffin. RECAP Happiness. K WK W —Rafael Mendez. 114 X—Ma Perkins. KILI—Melody Matinee. K WIK —Elton Britt. K M PC—Music in the Air. K N X—Baekgentind for Living. :05—KGER —Alizpah. * KG111., XLA —News. F(SIPC —Rhythm Rancho. 8:15*K H.11, KN X —News. KR KIF—Dr. Richardson, K WK W KXLA —Top Western Tunes. lit:FJ —Puhlic Messenger. RUA W—Tune-Up Time. * RFA('— News. K MPC — Markets: Sports. K WK W —Meet Me for Lunch. 10 :25—R1: EJ—Sports Flash. K WH W —Races and Sports. KLAC —Haynes at the Reins. KIEV —Gals on Record. 10 :30—R ECA. R EMB — My True K WIK —Runny Side. KO W L — Meet the Band. 12:55*I(F WIt—News. story. AGER —Musical Roundup. K WIK —Vtake 1p k [ M e. KfiFJ —Snorts Flash. * K FI—News. 11:25 —KGEJ —Sports Flash. 8:111—K XLA —Music. 1.— KECA, KF51111—Paul W hite- KHJ —The Jedge. 11:25—K MPC —Sports Roundup. 11:30--KFCA —Casa Cugat• KN X —Young tir. Malone. m an Record Club. 11:30—KFI, KFSD —Jack Ben-h. KFI, KFSD —Holly Sloane. KF M1B--Matirlee Hart. KFI. KISH —Backstage Wife, * KIM —Editor's Marv. FLHJ, KFX31, KGB. KVOE — * RIAU, KO WL —News. KILT—Melody Matinee. KN X, KSILI—Grainit Slam. Queen for a tiny. KXLA — Woman's World. KN X. KRIM —School of the K MPC -9. Song for You. 11(NX —Nora Drake. tir. * K nit —News. FLXLA —Htmen of Itest. KNIPC —Tops in Pops. KR KD —Pop Concert. KM PC — Major league Ball. * K FAC, KO WL, KRKD —News. * KiIVR —News: Maurice Hart. KF WB--Itill Anson. FIGI1,—Baby-Sitter. K FVD —Easy Listening. KXLA —Dinner Bell Roundup. * K I. AC —News, Sports. K WIK —Burbank Firma. KGFJ —Vesterday's Hits. * KFOX. KO MI.. KiiR D —News. KFAC —Piann Parade. K W KW —Virginia Kay. KtilL —Speaking of Sports. 11:40 —K EL IIFSO —Betty Crocker. IttiF.1-12::0 Club. 10:45 —K11 —Joyce Jordan. K W K W —Stock Quotations. 11:45 —KECA —Between KIIKD —Siesta Time, K WIK — Melody Mustangs. KNX —Kuiding Light. K FI—Light of the World. KXL.A—Com munity. KFAC -1.. A. City College. KIEV —Musical Memories. KNX — Ito., of My Dreams. Kt:ft.—Cowboy Band, KGER —Ham mond. RElit—i blet. KFAC —Mosical Port rails. KO WL--Show Tunes. 8:40 —KR KH —Spollight Varieties. K I/KO —Midnight Mission. K W IIK —Broadway Rhythms. * K nit—News. 11:45 —K11. KESD —Lora Lawton. K WK W —Rares and Sports. K WK W—Races and Sports. K M1K —Trade Minds. * K14.1—News. KO WL —A Song for Vito. KRK11— Melody Time. KIEV —Nleet the Maestro. KN X —Rosemary. 10 :50— K WK W —Reseue Mission. 11 :35—KGF.I—Sports Flash. KliER —Squelikin' Deacon. 'KMPC — Womett's Home 10 :55--K ECA. K FM B—Betty Crocker Kt-'SD —Stella Dallas, *FIECA —Sam Hayes, N e ws. League. Magazine of the Air. KILO—Nancy Olson. K E W —Unity. RGFJ—Sports Flash. 12 M I —Farm Reporter. K LAC -570 Club. * K WI—Broadway N elS S. KliF.1-11r. R. L. McMaster, EUA, REMB —Fletty Crocker. KX LA —Farm Program. Attire of Health. KN X. KS0.1— Douhle or KFAC — Miesic in the 11 KFI. K FSD —Today's Children. Nothing. R EVD —% oral Fay orites. American Manner. KILL liVIIE--HtipPY' (1 ang. KG11.--Coffee Parade. KNIPC — Women Are Wonder- KFV111—Piono Parade. K X —Sec.ond Mrs. Burton. ful. KO WI,— Waltz Time. 1:20 —K WK W —Tops in Pops. K M PC—Stars of Song. KI'Wit-31auriee Hart. R w m —Songs of Hope. KFIVII—Maurice Hart. 1:25—K1:K1—Snorts Flash. KLAC —Al Jarvis Balk fffff K W K W —Iiihle Treasury Hour. Ii1:1;1—Record Jackpot. 1:30—KECA —Quizzicale. KGER —Bible Treasury hour. K FAC —Luncheon Concert. K FL KESI I—Lorenzo Jones. K LAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. KEA D—Editor of the Air. KFMB — Welenine, REVD —Eddie Chase Show. KILI—Norma Voting. KGF.1—Intermission. KNX —Iturritt Wheeler. 9 — KECA,Trayelers. KXLA —Easy Listening. Valley News. K XLA —Vocal Varieties. * K M KGER —News. KFAC —Festival of Music. K WK W —Pasadena Panorama. * KO WL, KR KIL K W1K —News. K HI. K FX31. KGB. KVOE — KO WL —Tune Shop. K W I FL—Iting Crosby. RFD:\ —I Want to Know. Kate Smith Speaks. KGIL —Housewi u es' E‘change. K X LA —Dinner Bell Roundup. KEA D—Hall of Records. KN X —iiendy Warren. KRI M —Musical Grab Bag. KO W1.--Mayor of Melody. Ki.11,—Florpemakers. KNIPC —Band Bon. M AI M —County Super. ism.. KR KD —Record Roundup. KFIVII-1, A. Breakfast Club. * KGER —News. K M KM —song of the Islands. 12:05—KGER — Tin,. KI —ttrgan Moods. KFAC —Morning l'oncert. K WIK —Meet the Band. 12 :15* KECA —Baukhage Talking. R(:ER — Western Siesta. REVD — Maltz Time. 1 :15— KECA. KF31111—Listening Post IIIFSD —Ma Perkins. 1 :3A— K RKI)—Sympliony of Song. FIGFJ—Public Service. KFI, HE:all— Woman in White KFLI—Sing. America, Sing. 1:45—RECA —F:thel and Albert. KGIL —Swappin l'orner. R H. FLESH —Young %Udder KLAC—,Croshy Time. Brown. KO WL —Helen Markham. * K XLA —News. BR AD —Sagebrush Serenade. WEDNESDAY Program Highlights KIF:V —Treasury Salute. K WK W —Voire of China. KO WL —This hay. RIVIK —V alley Roundup. Morning Programs Annear in Light feet, Type : Afternoon and K WIK —Matinee Melodies. KNI A —Prairie Schooner. Evening Programs in Boldface. KFOX —Rey. Earl hie. HAVK W —Races and Sports. 1:30—K WK W —Show Tunes. 9:115—KFI—Ladies' Day. 1 :35—KC.F.1—Sports Flash. KGER —Lutheran Hour. Comedy-Variety Comment-Narration 9:13—KILL KFX M. KGB. KV0E — K FN1B —Surprise 7.45—Fred Beck KN X, Victor W Lindlahr. 3:211—Arthur Godfrey, KN X. 2—RI-:CA. Package. 6:00—Dutty's Tayern. K FI. Il :110—Kate Smith, KHJ. KNX —Aunt Jenny. RFC Fr-SD — When a Girl 1n:0(1—Galen Drake, KECA. KLAC —Racing News. 7:30 —Jim my Durante, K FI. Marries. 10:I5 —Ted M a lone KECA. * KFI'D —News. 7:30—Mayor of the Tooth KECA KILL KFX M, KGB. KVOE — 10:15 — What Do You Say? K n. litiF,I—Soeial Security. 11:00—Abbott and Costello. KECA Heart's Desire. 1:30—Burritt Wheeler. KN X. KGIL —Ballade for You. a:30—Great Gildersleeve. KFI. KNX, KSD.1— Winner Take 4:30—Art Baker. KIT FLO WL —Radio HP% h al. 9:00—Dennis Day's Day, K n. All. 4:30—Passing Parade. K HJ. K WIR —Three*s a Company. 9:011—Bing Crosby. KECA. * K Al PC—Nen Fienneally. K WK W — Women•s League. KGER. RE M li—Bill Anson. :90*Ii(iF.1—Airotteria Is. yst cry-Detective K I it —Matinee. :30—FLEC.A. K rillt—Breneman's Quiz, Participation hat's I P. 7 MO—Gregory Hood. KILL KNI.i —concert Hour. Breakfast. 1:00 —The Saint, KNX. lllll makers. KIM —Johnson Family. 8:oo --McN i 11 's Breakfast Club, 3:30—The Whistler. IAN X. KECA. K LVC -5711 Club. KNX, RSI),I—Helen Trent. 9:30— Mr, Distriet Attorney. :30— Dra rul Slain. KN X. Kilt', I.—Melody Matinee. KF WB--Reminisiniut Sam. 1(11. K CAC — Morning Melodies. 9 :3a—Breneina Ws Breakfast. KEA ii—Hall of Records. * KO W L. K WK W —News.; KE(*A. K W 1K— Mrs. Goes Shopping. C.1— Racing Nee, to. :twe—lifirrel of Dough. N FWB. Public I terest- KRK D —Dental Assn. At:IL —Valley Shopper. II :3u—Queen for a D a y. N W. FLGER —Long Beach Band. K FV D —Show Tunes. 12:00—Douhle or Nothing. KNX. I nformation KFON —Concert in Miniature. KIEV -31eet the Band. 2:00—Heart's Desire. KHI. I:00— Sel I of the hr. KNX. KFSD —Portia Faces 2:30 —House Party. KN X. life. KGER —John Brown. 5:45—If They Had Eked, KGF'.1 K XLA —Bar 0 Remit Time. 2:30—Bride and Gromn. KECA. KNIPC —Three Alarm. KLAC -570 Club. H WIK —Top le Morning. 3:00— Meet the Minims, KNX. 9:45 —KEI—Chnek Collins. 0:30 —Vox l'on. KE('A. Sports KIIKD —Social Security. KHJ — Morning Melodies. A:oil—Na me That Song. KHI. 9 :15—Itaconz K LAC. K MIK —Ronny Mansfield. KN X, KSDJ —Dur Gal Sunday :30—Go for the House. KECA. A :PM—Raring. K1EV —Land of Song. KE MB —Plano l'a rade. 8:30—Lea, e it to the Girls, 10 :110-11s ee K WK W. K WK W —Races and Sports. . N e ws. B. Nordskrig. KHI. 1 :1111—SlaJo r League Ball, KNIPC. ? :20* K WK W— K nit—Remembered Rhyth ms 5:30—Race Recap. 2 :25—K EC A, K \ M—Model "lago line. FLLAC —Hollywood N e ws. Drama 5:30 —Major League Pall. KI.AC. K WK W —Enion Reselie . KM PC. Kt: Ed—Sports Hash. Mission. 6:30—Joe Hernandez, KM PC. 2:30—KEI•A, KF3111—Bride and 0:30—Hollywood Theater, K FI. lllll n. M IA —Rhyth m Road. :30—Dr. Christian. KN X. 7:00—Harness Hares, M AC, FLO WL —Full Gospel. :30--Sam Batter. K KFI, KFSD —Just Plain Bill, * KR KD —News. K LAC. K M l'('. FLH.1, KGB, KI OE —Hollywood Classical. Semi-Classical 9 :30—Inside of Snorts. KHI. Fayorites, KFM1I—Galen Drake. KNX, KSD.1—House Party. V KFI—Downtown and All * KF M113—News: Bill Anson.. Around. Popul ar-ll 'es/urn usic K Xi-A —Variety Time. * K H.I. K FX3I, KGB. KVOE — g :on_ Fred W a rin g. N Fl. 3:00—Lionel Hampton, KHI. K W K W —Platter l'arade. Neo... Glenn Hardy. 0:ell—lour Song. KN X. 4:30—('lish Fifteen. RN X. * KO MI., K WIK —News. KN X —81 g Sister. :30--Har‘ est of Stars. KN X. l:15 —Stuart Hamblen. FCFIVIL KRI M —Tunes In Tempo. *113fre —News. Eddie Lyon. 7 :110—Holl twood Bowl Auditions, :00 —supper Club, K n, KIEV — Musical Potpourri. "(F MB —Barrel of Dough. 8:13 —Jack Smith. KN X. KGER —Garden School. Page Twenty-two 2:35—KO WL —Contented listening. K MIEC— Music. RADI O LIFE WEDNESDAY LOGS 1 2:40—KGER —Long Beach Band. 8:30—KECA. K1F91B —Vox Pop. * KGFJ—Averill Berman, News. 8:45—KFI, KFSD —Front-Page KFI—Hollywood Theater. KGER —Clem DaVles. Farrell. MILD KHJ, KIXM, KGB, KV0E — 8:35—K WIK —Concert Hall. KILI—Too-Ton Baker. Adventures of the Falcon. 8:45—KF WB —Sweet Music. *KFVD —News. KNX, KSDJ—Harveet of KGFJ—American Heritage. KIIKD —Organ Moods. Stars. 8:55—KILL KFN M, KGB, KVOE — K M K W —Races and Sports. MELLOW gstpc —itay Meadows. Billy Rose. KF WB —America Dances. * KNX. KSDJ—News. 2:55*KNX —News. 430 to 5 P.M. KGFJ—Sports Flash. KFAC —Hour of Music. — KECA, KFMR —Bing Crosby. KFVD —Banner Show. KFMB —Ladies Be Monday Through Friday KFI, KISD —Dennis Day. 3-1LECA, KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. 9 * KHJ, KFX M, KGB, KVOE — Seated. KO WL —Old Homeland. IFLFI, KFSD —Road of Life. News, Glenn Hardy. KRKD —Storybook Lady. KNX —Presidential Timber. KILL KGB, KVOE —Llonel EMU *FLWK W —News. *IR MO —News. Hampton Orch. KXLA —Variety in Music. KNX, KSDJ—Meet the Mi ms K WK W —Red Crass Drama. K MP('—Baseball. 4:45*KFIJ, KVOE —News. KFOX —Hal's Memory Room. KFAC--Evening Concert. KMPC —Three Alarm. KGER —Helene Smith. KF W B—Bill Anson. *FLNX —Ed R. Morrow. KXLA —Squeakin' Deacon. KF WIS—Stuart Hamblen. :45*KFVD —News. *KGER, KLAC, FLXLA —News. KGF.11—Hollywood House Party KLAC —Studio Frolic. KRKD —A. F. of 1. KGTL —Dance Time. KFAC--Musical Favorites. RXLA — Western Caravan. KO WL —Sports. K I IC—Baseball. K FVD —Hall of Berard.. K WIK —George Henderson. KIVIK — Musical Quiz. K M1K —Reading & Dreaming. KGFJ—Sunset and Vine. K WK W —Races and Sports. KO WL--Radio Outlook. ROER— Ring Crosby Show. 4:50--K WK W —Magic Time. KRI M —Tops in Pops. N X—C loak Room. 4:55—KGFJ—Sports Flash. K W KW —Swing Seesion. *KHJ, KV0E--Fleewood KVIIK —Tom, flick & Harry. —KECA—Happy Theater. lyiwton. KIEV —A Matter of Record.. S*KFI—Feature Wire. RE MIT—Fame Street. K M —Raggedy Ann. 3:05—KGER —Alkali Alex. 9 :30—RECA —Texaco Star Theatre. * KNX —Knox Manning, News. 3:10—KLAC —Don Otis Show KFI, KFSD —Mr. District *K MPC,—News, Teen and 3:15—KFT. KFSD —Life Can Be Attorney. Twenty. Beautiful. KILL KGB, KV0E —Inside of KF WB —Stuart Hamblen. *111:11.—News. Sports. R M./I—Juke Box Matinee. * KLAC —Fred Henry Reports. KN X —Beulah. KFVD —Sundown Roundup. KO WL —Sports Matinee. KF WB —IL nity Daily Word. K WK W —Races and Sports. RO WL —Harmony ROER— Music in the Night. KXLA —Juke Box Matinee. 9:45—Kr n e—Inquiring Mike. 3:14—KOFJ—elports Flash. KFAC —Sunset Serenade. — KECA, KFMR —Lone Ranger. K M, KGB —Land of the Free. 3:30--KECA —Norwood Smith KGF.11—Jhe at 5. 7 KFI—Hollywood Bowl RN's—Conflict. Selects. KG1L —Date with Disc. Auditions. *K1.11,—News. KFSD —Aunt Mary. K It FCD — Record Rodeo. KHI, KGB. ILVOE —Catiebook KHI. KGB —Red Hook 31. * K WIK —Don Forbes. • of Gregory Hood. KN X. KSDJ—Arthur Godfrey. K WK W —Reminiscent KNX, KSDJ—The Saint. KMPC--Swing 'n Sing. Rhythms. KMPC—Firestone Favoritee, FLWK W —Andy Mansfield. 6:05—KGER —Harmony Corral. KF WB —America Dances. * KFAC. KRI M, K WIK —News. 5:15 —KECA, ELF:NB —Terry and the KFAC —Hour of Music. ROIL —Storybook Man. Pirates. HGFJ—Mnsical Digest. KGER —Carolina Cotton. *KFl—News. *KGIL —Valley News. 3:35—KRKD —Tea Time Tunes. KHJ, IFLFX1d, KGB, I MF,— KLAC —Harness Races. 3:45—FLECA —Franees Scully. Superman. Ko wg,_E,poi tig Serenade. KF1, KFSD —Nora Drake. KN X —Tom Hanlon. K XLA —Saddle Dusters. KH.1—Adventure Parade. KLAC —Picture Album. * KRKD —News. K M PC—Jerry I tiwrence. R WK W —Race Roundup. *KIVIK —Averill Berman. K WK W —Harnese Racing. KFAC —Songs for Singing. 5 : 30— K ECA —Sky King. NIGHTLY EXCEPT EAT. 3:55*KF WB —News. * KGF:R —News: Dr. Fagan. KFI—Casa Coma. — KECA —Casa Cugat. KOFJ—Sports Flash. 7:05-1K HKIV—Musical Horizons. KEXM, KGB, [ ME — 10 KFSD —The Reporter. — KECA— Frances Scully. Captain Midnight. 7:15-11(i11.—Modern Concert Hall. * KHJ, KVXM, KGB, KVOF.--• R WIFC—Salon Serenade. [CFI, KFSD —This Woman's *KNX, KSDJ—Charles Fulton Lewis. 4 KXLA —Latin Serenade. Secret. Collingwood. * KNX —Chet M otley, News. * KILL KFX11.1. KGB, KV0E — KRRD —Three-Quarter Time. Fulton Lewis. 7:30—FLECA, KFM1S—Mayor of the KNX, KSDJ—Ilint Hunt. Town. *K MPC —Newii, Eddie Lyon. KFI, KFSD —Jim my Durante EASTSIDE *RGER, KIEV —News. Show. KI'WR —Dr. McMaster. KHJ, KFX M, KGB. KV0E — R(.F.1--Sunget and Sloe. Cisco Kid. SHOW * KLAC —News, Sports. KNX, FESI).1—The Whistler. K XLA —Juke Box Matinee. FIRST ON KMPC —Romance and Rhythm 10 TO 12 P.M. KFAC--Musical Masterpieces. RACE RECAP KF WII—Sports Final. Isere Night Except Subtle), KGIL —Off the Record. KLAC —Sam Bolter, Sports K WIK -1490 ( 5:30 p.m. KFAC —Echoes and Encores. KVIILW —Andy Mansfield. Mon.-Sat. KGAI KRKD —Do Vou Know? 123 0 O N YOUR 1"NA1 KFWE Dial 1230 * K WIFC—News. RXLA —Armstrong Twins. test Musical let KF WB —East Mae Show. KGFJ—Race Recap. KGER —Adi entist Church. KLAC, KNIPC —Baseball. THE EDDIE CHASE SHO W KFAC — Whoa Bill Club. T:45*KFOX —News. KGFJ—Concert Nocturne. KFVD —Telequest. KFIVB--Singin' Sam. KXLA —Olymplo Fights. 11 a.m.-12 noon KLAC —Major League Ball. ROIL —America, Listen. 4:00-5:00 p.m. KFAC —Lucky Lager Dance, KXLA —Future Pianists. KLAC —Durout Dope. K WIK —Michael Roy. Monday thru Saturday * KFOX, K611.. K WIK —News. KMPC —Red Rowe. ILGIL —Symphony. KRK W—Sports Dial. R WIK — Musle by Martin. ROER—Tea KGER —Stamus Quartet. 8 —KECA, KF5111—Abbott and 10 :15*RECA —News. Hank Weaver. 5:35—RO WIL—Mutileal Detective. Costello. Kit—Music Shop. K WK W —Easy Listening. KFI, FLFSD —Supper Club. KH.1—Highlights in Mingle. L O S A N G E L I S 5:45*Kil, KF'SD —Elmer Peterson. KILL KF X11, KGB, KV0E-- KNX —Bob Eisen. KFX M, KGB, [(TOE — Name That Song. KNIPC —Parade of flit.. KI'VD —Eddie (hase Show. Tom Mix. *KNX —Lowell Thomas. 10 :30*K ECA —Elmer Davis. KRI M —Piano Paintings. * KNX, KSDJ —Newe, Garred. *K MPC —News Kenneally. * KFI—Inside the New;. KNIPC —Top Tunes. KF WB —Jim my Allen. KHJ —Brother Arlington. KXLA —Music for Vim. *KGER, M AC, KXLA —News. KNX —Symphonette. etrIe2W KFOX —Children Today. KFAC —FAening Concert. KGER —Quonsut. KGF.1-1f They Had lived. ROIL—Valley Town Meeting. KLAC —Don Otis. was/e. K WIK —Ronny Mansfield. KGFJ—Caucaeian Memories. 10:45— KECA —Ambassador Omit. KGERe KRRD —Race Results. K it—Melody Time. VANCE LANE'S K WIK — What's the Answer? 5 :515*KN N—Bill Henry. * KNX, KSOJ —Ed R. Marrow. Musical Roundup 8:05—KGER —Da%id Rose. FLGFJ—Dot Meyberg. 10:55—KFI—Poliee Bulletins. 10:05-12:00 Noon *KLAC —News. 4:05-5:00 p.m. e *KECA —Edwin C. Hill. Mon. thru Fri. REL RFSD —Duffy's Tavern. *KECA —News of Tomorrow. *KHJ, KFX5I, KGB. KV0E — BA S E B A L L 11 *KFI—News. 1350 on Your DIAL Gabriel Heatter. - KHJ—John Wolohan On+. €!/ KNX —Your Song and Mine. with Fred Haney *KNX —Nelson Pringle. 4 :05—KGER -51usica Roundup. * KMPC —George Irwin. KMPC —Danee Parade. 4:15*KECA —Alvin Wilder. * KF WB —Clete Roberts. KF WB —Eastside Show. * KF1. KFSD —News. * KFOX —News. KL A C KLAC —Don Otis. FLFAC —Lucky Lager Time. * RILL KVXM, KGB, KV 0E — KFV D —Supper Song. 8:10 Nights KGF.11—Concert Nocturne. Frank Hemingway. KXLA —Pasadena Playhouse. KMPC —Jeanne Gray. K W —Musical Digest. 1:25 Sundays KGIL —Red Baker. KFVD —Spade Cooley Ti me. CYVB —Homemakers KFAC —Muteical Memories. nlimited. ROIL —Johnny Grant. KXLA —Dick Peterson Arch. 8 :10—KLAC, KMPC —Basehall: 1FLWIR —Michael Roy. KLAC —Betty Phillips. KLAC —MaJor League Ball. Hollywood o. Los Angeles. 11:15—KECA —F,. Felice Quartet. KO WL —Italian Program. 8:15*KFI. it FRO — World News. KRKD —Moyieland Quiz. KI1—Sain Minen Music. KO WL —Classies in Music. KRKII—Varieties in Music. Nx _jsek sin ith. KFIJ —Al M'allaee 4:25—FLNX —George Fisher. K WIK —Spotlight on a Star. KI WIT—Lnited Nations. KNX —Steve Allen. FLGFJ—Sports Flash. K WK W —Olga 6raes. KGFJ—Saludos Amigos. K(.11 —Juke Box Review. 4:30—KECA —Varlety Parade. KGER —Sports Time. K X LA —F:veni ng Serenade. 11:30—KECA —Florentine Gardens. KFI—Art Baker'. Notebook. 8:05—FLECA —Animal World Court. 8:30—FCECA. KFMB —Go for the KFI—E. Fitzpatrick Orch. House. *KILL KV0E--Passing Parade. 6:10—KECA —Surirts Desk. KXLA —Dance Time. K V!. KIND —The Great KN X —Clith 15. 8:15*FLECA —Newe. 11:40—KNX —Talk. KFIVB--Muale. * RILL KGB —Mutual Newsreel. Gilderslee‘e. 11:45*KILL KVOE —News. KMPC —Mild and Mellow. FL:WPC —Bob Kelley. Sports. K M. KGB, KVOE —Leave It K XLA —CI rib Congo. KLAC--RacIng Roundup. KFVD —Airlane Serenade. to the Girls. 11:14,15*KE(•A, KV', KNX, KM1PC — * KFVD —News; Sweet & low. KF WB--Tello-Test. KNX, liSDJ —Dr. Christian. News. KRIM —Symphony in Swing. K WIK —Allen Rich. * KF WB, FLWIK —News. K WIK —Old Folks' Program. KRKD--Ilawallan Memorlea. K XLA -97th Street Corral. Page Twenty-three K WYK —Meet the Band. KFI, KFSD —Pepper going. KRED —Musical Grab Bag. KHF.Jike K. GB, —Ozark Valley 11:15—KECA, KF'MB —Dorothy THURSDAY, MAY 6 Kilgallen. * KNX. KSDJ—Knox Manning. *Indicates News Broadcasts. KFVD —Rev. Louis T. Talbot, AFL KFSD — Woman in White * K MPC, HO WL, K WIK —News. KNX —Perry Mason. K WK W —Stock Quotations. 8—KICCA, KFMB —Don McNeill'. K W1K —Town Crier. KRKD —Crazy Rhythm. KMPC —Public Service. K XLA — Western Tunes. Breakfast Club. * KXLA —Pasadena News. KF1, KFSD —Fred Waring. K WK W —Racing Lineup. ROIL —Hart and Darling. 10:05—KGER —Musical Roundup. K WK W —Races and Sports. KFVD--Violet. * KHJ—Cecil Brown. HOER —Musical Roundup. 10:15—KECA, KFMB —Ted Malone. KGER —Squeakin' Deacon. KNX —Jolumy Murray. 11 :25---K F.1—Sport s Flash. K HJ, KFX3I, KGB, KVOE — KGFJ-1230 Club. * SLA G KMPC. HO WL. ILXILA 11:30—KECA —Casa Cugat. Mery Griffin. 12:45—KFL KFS111.—Right to — News KP1, KFSD —Holly Sloane. KGFJ—Dr. Frederick Bailee. KNX — Ma Perkins. Happiness. K MPG—Music in the Air. KHJ. KFXM, KGB, KV0E — KIM —Melody Matinee. KF WB —Inquiring Mike. Queen for a Day. * KG1L, KXLA —News. KN X —Organ Music. KFOX, KRKD —Haven of Rest KNX —Nora Drake. ERKD —Dr. Richardson. K MPC —Rhythm Rancho. KFAC —Country Church. * KF WB —News: Maurice Hart. KFVD — Wakeup Ranch. K WK W —Tune-Up Time. KXLA —Top Western Tunea. 10 :25—KGFJ—Sports Flash. KMPC —Tops in Pops. *KFAC —News. K WK W —Rafael Mendez. KXLA —Dinner Bell Roundup. KG1L — Musical Corral. 10:30—KECA, KF311B —My True Story K WIK —Platter Parade. * KFI—News. * KFOX, KO WL, KRKD —News. l2:50—K WK W —Circie 1430 Ranch. K WIK —Elton Britt. 11:40—KFI—Betty Crocker. * KGER —News, Mizpah. KHJ—The 'ledge. 12:55*KF WB —News. KN X —Young Dr. Malone. 11:45—KECA —Between Us Girls. KGFJ—Sports Flash. 8:15* KI1J, KNX —News. KFI—Light of the World. KIIIPC — Markets; Sports. KF WB--Maurice Hart. 1 KFM11—Paul White- * KFA(', KO WL--News. KNX, KS0J—Rose of My -11ECA, KF WB —Club Women's Quiz. man Record Club. KXLA — Woman's World. Dreams. KGFJ—Publie Messenger. liFAC —Musleal Portraits. KFI, KJFSD —Backstage Wife. BLAC —Haynes at the Rein,. * KFVD —News. KHJ— Melody Matinee. KRKD —Pop Concert. K WK W —Races and Sports. HO WL —Meet the Band. K W1K —Broadway Rhythms. KNX, KSDJ —School of the ROIL —Baby-Sitter. K WIK — Wake Up & Live. KRI M —Melody Time. Air. 8:20— KXLA—sMusic. K WK W —Feature Story. 10 :45—KFI—Joyce Jordan. 11:55—KGFJ—Sports Flash. K MPC —Major League Ball. t 8:25—K MPC--,Sports Roundup. KF WB —Bill Anson. KNX —Guiding Light. locgrA —Sam Hayes, News. 8:30—KF1, KFSD —Jack Berch. KGFJ-1230 Club. KFAC —L. A. Medical Assn. * KHJ —Editor's Diary. 12 KFI—Farni Reporter. *KLAC —News, Sports. KNX, KSDJ—Grand Slam. * KIM, KVOE—News. KFAC —Piano Parade. KNX, RSDJ—Double or KNIPC —A Song for You. VIOLET'S ECRIID —Siesta Time. KFVD —Easy Listening. Nothing. K XLA —Community * KFAC, KF WB, HO W L, SH OPPIN G HI -LITES K MPC — Women Are Won- Broadcaster. derful. KRI M —News. CO NTEST PRIZES ROIL —Cowboy Music. KGFJ—Yesterday's Hits. KI'W It—Maurice Hart. Now 10:45 a.m. and K WIK —Trade Winds. KG1L —Speaking *I Sports. KLAC —Al Janis Ballroom. KO WL —Show Tunes. 12:30 p.m. K WK W —Stock Quotations. FIFA( —Luncheon Concert. KGER —Squeakin' Deacon. KlIFJ —Intermission. XX LA —Baptist Brothers. KFSD —Stella Dallas. K WIK —Melody Mustangs. *K(.11.—Valley News. KHJ—Nancy Dixon. 8:40—KR KD —Spotlight Varieties. K WK W —Gordon Baker Lloyd. KLAC -570 Club. KEVD —Editor of the Air. 8:45—KFI, KFSD —Lora Lawton. KFAC — Music in the American * KHJ—News. KO WL — Mayor ef Melody. Manner. KN X —Rosemary. K WIK —IRing Crosby. KFVD —Piano Parade. K mpc...._Green Light Revue. KFVD —Violet. KRKII—Record Roundup. KXLA —Farm Program. KF WB —Science of Mind. KRKD — Midnight Mission. K WK W —Races and Sports. KFAC —Fnity. K WK W —Races and Sports. KFOX —Recital Time. KGFJ—Dr. R. L. McMaster, KIIWL —Tune Shop. BELL TAILORS 1:20—K WK W —Tops in Pops. Voice of Health. 10:50—K W w— Reseue Mission. 1:25—KGFJ—Sports Flash. ROIL —Coffee Parade. 10:55—KFCA. KFM11--Betty Crocker 1:30—KECA —Miracles in Music. KIF113—Vocal Varieties. Magazine. KFI, KFSD —Lorenzo Jones. K WIII—Songs of Hope. EGFJ—Sports Flash. Dinner UR Round Up KELI—Nortda Young. K WK W —Bible Treasury Hour. KNX —Burritt Wheeler. HOER —Bible Treasury. — MECA. FCFMB —Betty Crocker 12:00 noon. Moo. Wu Fri. Magazine. ROIL —Homemakers. 9-RECA. KFMB — Welcome 11 KXLA —Vocal Varieties. Travelers. KFI, KESD —Today's Children KHJ, 11V0E —Flappy Gang. KXL A K WK W —Song of the Islands. * KF1 HOER —News. KNX —Second Mrs. Burton. *KO WL. K WIK —News. * KHJ. KFX.M, KGB. IIVOE — KMPC —Music in the Air. KFVD —Hall of Records. Kate Smith Speaks. FEN:LA —Dinner Bell Roundup. KF WB--Matirice Hart. HOER — Western Siesta. 1:INN — Wendy Warren. 12:05—HOER —Texas Tiny. 1:35—KRKD —Sympliony of Song. KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. 12:15*KECA —Baukhage Talking. K MPC —Band Box. KFAC —Festival of Music. 1:45—KECA —Ethel and Albert. KF WB —Strolling Tom. KFI, KFSD —Ma Perkins. KFTD —Eddie Chase Show. KHJ—Sing, America. Sing. KFI, KFSD —Young Widder KGFJ—Your County at Work. *KGER —News. Brown. K WK W —Races and Sports. *IRXI,A —News. KGIL--Swappin' Corner. KGFJ—Record Jackpot. KFAC —Morning Concert. ROIL —Real Estate Page. KO W L —This Day. KXLA —Easy Listening. * KFOX —News. KLAC —Crosby Time. KO WL —Tune Shop. K WK W —Rares and Sports. KO WL —Helen Markham. 12 :25—K GF.II—S no rts Flash. 1:50—K WK W —Show Time. KGIL —Housenives' Exchange. :30—KEÇA. Kings —Paul White- S WIM —Valley Roundup. 1:55—KGFJ—Sports Flash. W KIS —nng Parade, man Re.ord Clot, KR/CD —Sagebrush Serenade. 2—IFCECA, KFMB —Surprise K n.-II— FaIts Time. Package. K WK W —Voice of China. KFI, KFSD — When a Girl K XLA —Bar Nothing Ranch. 11:05—KFI—Ladies Day. THURSDAY Program Highlights K17M.1a. rrKies. KGER -1.utheran Hour. Heart's Desire.KGB, K1'0 Morning Program, Api eil r n ,tglitfa. , T>pe. Afterno n and KFXM, KGB. KVOE — Evening Programa In Boldface. KNX, KSFM — Winner Take Victor H. Lind WIT. All. KNX —Aunt Jenny. 10 :00— Ga l en Drake. MECA. * KMPC —News, Bill Kenneally. KF WB--Morning Melodies. Comed t'- Variety 10:15—Ted Malone, MECA. KFAC -31atinee. KLAC —Racing News. 3:30—Arthur Godfrey, KNX. 11:15—Dorothy Kilgallen. MECA. KGFJ—Com munity Chest. 5:00-3Iusic Hall. KF WB —Bill Anson. 1:30—Burritt Wheeler. KN X. KGFJ— What's KGIL —Ballads for You. 6:00—Dirk Mayflies, KNX. 4:30—Art Baker, KIFI. KLAC -570 Club. K WK W — Women's League. (:3(1—Jack (arson. K n. 4:30—Passing Parade, KHJ. * KFVD —News. 7:30—Henry Morgan. KECA. KXLA —Concert Hour. KO WL —Melody Matinee. 11:20*FIGFJ—Airotorials. 7:30—, KIFI. Piper. HIG A. M ystery- Detective ROIL —Homemakers. 9:30—KECA, KF3IB —Tom R:30—Crime Photographer. KNX. KRKD — Women's Breneman's Break/eat. 8:30—Aldrich Family, KFI. 9:00—Burns and Allen. KF1. 1:00—Ellery Queen. KIECA. Kt-VD —Hall of Records. KILI—Johnson Family. 8:30—Mr. Keen. KNX. KFOX —Concert in Miniature. KN X. KSDJ—Helen Trent. 9:00—}Ta in Peace & War. KNX KGER —lAing Beach Band. KF WB--Reminiscing Sam. Quiz, Participation KLAC —Morning Melodies. :9(1— MeNeill's Breakfast Club. 2:15—KFT, KFSD —Portia Faces * KO WL, K WK W —News. KECA. Public Interest- Life. FIGFJ—Racing News. g :30—Grand Slant. 1:NX. KMPI —Three Alarm. EGIL —Valley Shopper. :30—Brenenian's Breakfast. Information KRKD —Army Recruiting. KGER —John Brown. MECA. 1:00—School of the Air, KNX. K WIK —Konny Mansfield. K WK W —RIII.PS and Spurts. IIFVD —Show Tunes. f":00—Barrel of Dough. K_F'WB. 11:40—Of Men and Books. KNX. 2:?0*K WK W —scws. KITIK —Top re Morning. 11:30—Queen for a Day, KHJ. 9:15—Racing News. KLAC. 2:25—KEC.A. KUMB —Model 8145-11FI—Chuck CoII%s. 12:00—Double or Nothing. KNX. 2:0o—Heart's Desire. KILL Magazine. KHJ—Morning Melodies. Sports KGFJ—Sports Flash. KNX, IISD.1-0tir Gal Sunday. 2:30—House Party, KNX. ?:30—Bride and Groom. KE('A. 9:30—Ftering. 2:30—KECA. KFMB —Bride and KF WB--Piano Parade. 10:00—Rare Lineup. K WK W Groom. HGFJ—The Judge Speaks. 1:00—Meet the Missus, KNX. 7 :00—Rob Hawk. K FL 1:00—Major League Ball, KMPC. KFI. KFSD —Just Plain Bin. K WICW —Cnion Rescue 5:30—Race Recap. FLGFJ. KHJ—Hollywood Favorites. Mission. 9:30—Candid Mike. KECA. 9:30—Noah Webster Says. KFI. 5:30—Major League Ball, KLAC. KNX. KSDJ —Hotise Party. KFTD —Remembered Rhythms. 0:15—Bob Kelley, IiMPC. *KF WB —News; Bill Anson. KLAC —Hollywood News. 6:30—Joe Hernandez. KMPC. KRKD —Tunes in Tempo. K MPC —Stu Drama KXLA —Variety Time. * KRKD —News. 7:00—Harness Rares, 'KLAC. 7:00—Reader's Digest. KNX. 7:15—Fishing Pals. KFOX. *KO WL, K WIK —News. — KECA, KFMB--Galen Drake. 7:00—Family Theater. KHJ. 7:30—Sam Baiter. KLAC. K WK W —Pasadena Playhouse. 10 KFT—Standard School Broad- 7:30—Firet Nighter. KNX. 8:10 —Baseball. KMI'C. KLAC. HOER —Garden School. cast. 9:30—Front Page. KECA. 0.00—Fishing Facts. KFOX 2:35—KO WL —Contented Listening. * KHJ, KFX31, KGB, KTOE — 9:00—Mr. President. IRECA. 9:30—Inside Sports, KHJ. 2:40—KGER —Lonlg Beach Band. Glenn Hardy. News. 11:15—Proudly We Hail. 11F1. 9:30—Speaking of Sports. KFOX 2:45—K FL KFSD —Front-Page KNX —Big Sister. Farrell. * K MPC —News, Eddie Lyon. Classical, Semi-Classical 11111.1—Two-Ton Baker. KF WB —Barrel of Dough. Popular-Western Music *KFVD —News. KGFJ—Record Jackpot. 4:30—Club Fifteen, KNX. KRKD —Organ Moods. KLAC —Al Janis Ballroom. 00—Fred Waring, KS'!. 4:45—Stuart Hamblen. KF WB. K WIK —Treasure Chest. EX-LA —Bar O Ranch. 8:00—Supper Club. K n. FIWK W —Races and Sports. KFAC —Serenade. Comtnent-Narration /1:15—Jack Smith, KNX. 2:55*KNX —News. KGIL —Come and Get It. 7 :45—Fred Beck. KNX. 8:30—Revere All-Star Revue, KGF.1—Sports Flash. HO WL —Romance in Music. 9 :00—Kate Smith, KILL FHJ. 3—HECA, KFMB —Ladies, Be Page Twenty-Four Seated. KFI D —Road of Life. RA DI O LIFE THURSDAY LOGS 9.18 9171,18 1V- 11911 faB KXLA -Juke Box Matinee. Kt:ER - Markham. Mediation Board. * K WIR -Don Forbes. * K WIE -News. Music. • KSDJ -31eet the Mi ms. 5:05--KGER -Harmony Corral. RN LA -Armstrong Twins. K MPC -Three Alarm. 5:11 -KICA. KI WI-ferry and the KRI M -Do Tniu Know? ) EASTSIDE ç KF WB -Bill Anson. Pirates. * KGER, KLAC, K XLA -News. * KF1-News. KFAC -Musical F fflorites. K M. KIX31, Kt.B, KV0E - 1 1 K FV D -Hall of Records. Superman. PET PARADE SHOW : KGFJ--Sunset and Vine. KN X -Tom Hanlon. Featuring Irene Minette 10 TO 12 P M KGIL -Round Table. KLAC -Picture Album. K O WL -Radio Outlook. K WK W -Today at the Races. Thursday 7:30 P.M. IIRKH -Tops in Pope. 5 :30-K FA'A -Jack Armstrong. KIVEK -Tom, Dick & Harry. KIFI - Casa Cultist. ICWK W -Swing SentelOn. KH,1, K FX M, KGB, K10E-- KFOX-1280 KFWB 3:N -KGER -Alkall Ales. Captain Midnight. Spottxoretl hp .So. Cal. ELH -Mayor Bowron. 3:10-KLAC -Don Otis Show. * KNX. KRIM -Charles Hurnone Soc. 3:15 -KF1-Life Can Be Beautiful. Collingwood. fiN X-Bob Elson. * KGIL -News. *SIGIT., SCO WL. ILW K W - K HJ -Highlights in Music. !UCLA -Juke M I% Matinee. Neu s. ILFOX -Pet Parade. FiMPC -Parade of Hite. 7:45-K VW IS--eungln* Sam. KW-K W -Races and Sports. KGFJ-Rare Recap. KXLA -Marines. KO WL -Sports Nlatinee. KFAC - Whoa Bill Club. KLAC -Dtagout hope. 10:30* KECA -Elmer Da% is 3 :25- KGEJ -Sports Flash. KFI D -Teleauest. K3114 -Red Ron e. * KFI-Iniside the News. 3:30-KEA- Norwood Smith KLAC -Major League Ball. K WIK -Blue Barron. K HJ -Brother Arlington. Selects. K X1..4-.-Future Pianists. 8 -KIEcA, KIN1B - Willie Piper. KliER -Quonsut. • ITIMD -Alint Mary. * MIRK -Valley News. REND -Supper Club. K LAC -Don Otis. KILL KGB -Red Hook 31. KRKD -Sports Dial. KFX31. KGB, KV0E - K XLA -Ilasstisonne Thing. K NX. KSIM -Arthur Godfrey. RGER -Stanans Quartet. Straight Arrow. 10:45 -K ECA -A mbassador 0,-ch. KEE- Melody Time. K MPC -Stu Wilson 5:3.5-KO W L--Musical Detectise. * KN X -Lowell Thomas. 10 :55-K FI-Police Bulletins. K WK W -Andy Mansfield. K W K W -Fasy Listening. * K MPC -News. Bill Kenneally. * KLAC -News. * KFAC, FUMED, K W1K -News. 5:45* KFI. KIND -Elmer Peterson. KF WIt--.1initny Allen. KGIL -Storybook Man. KILL KIX31, KGB, K1 OE - * KNIKR. Kl.AC, KXLA -News. * KECA -News of Tomorrow. KGER -Carolina Cotton. Adventures of Tom Mix. KI:11,--Modern Concert Hall. 11 * MI -News. 3:35-KRI M -Tea Time Tunes. * KN N. K I M -News, Garred. KFAC -Eyening Concert. * KN X -Nelson Pringle. K WIK -Tom, Dick & Harry. K MPC -Top Tunes. Fit:FA -Caucasian Memories, K MPC -Dance Parade. 3:45 -FLECA -Franres Scully. KXLA -Misesie for You. K WUK - What's the Answer? KF WB -Eastside Show. N FL KIND -Nora Drake. KR KID -Raeet Results. RFOX -Long Beach Forum. K LAC -Don Otis. KIM -Ads enture Parade. K WIK -Ronny Mansfield. 11:05-KGER -Nazarene Church. K XLA -Melodee Club. KM PU- Jerry Lawrence. KGER - Melody Mustangs. 14:1“ -KLAC. K M PC-HollySTOOd en. KGF.11-(7oncert Nocturne. K FAC -Songa for Singing. liGF.11-Disahled Veterans. Lois Angeles, KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. 3 :55* KF WB -News. Kt.11.-Bachelor Quartet. 8:15* KFI. RESD - Borld Nevis. KIV D -Spade Cooley Time. KGFJ -Sports flash. 5 :55*Ii N N-Itill Henry. KNN -Jact: Stud It. Kt:IL -Red Baker. K W1K -Michael Roy. -KFA'A-Franees ir C. Hill. KG 1'1-Salado's Amigos. lKE(' A-Edwin KGEIG,At the Ranehhouse. 4 K FI. KFSD -This Woman's KII. KIND -Kraft Music Hall K XLA -Etening serenade. 6 KG11.--Canters Secret. * KILL KGB. KVOE -Gabriel 11 :15-K ECA -E. FeliCe Quartet. * KB & IEFXM, KGB, KVOI - W after. 8:30-KICA, KIMB -Front Page. Kt-I-Proudly We Hail. Fulton Lewis. KN X, KSIM -Dirk Hayines. KII. K FSD -Aldrich Family. KH.1-Dick I.a Salle Orris. K N X. KSDJ -Hint Hunt. * K31 1q•-George Irwin. KILL KFX31-Re‘ere All-Star KN X -Stese Allen. * K MPC -News, Eddie Lyon. * KI M It-Clete Roberts. Resin% KG11.--1(1:11. Salutes. *SEGER -News. ht.! 1-31usical Digest. KN N. Ks1).1-31r. Keen. 11 :30-KECA -Florentine Gardens. KE W B-Dr. McMaster. • 'It- Musical Memories. * KE D B. K WIK -Nens. KGIL -Juke Box Resten. * KLAC -News, Sports. K FS D-Supper Song. * K1:1 .1-.tserill Berman, Newts. KXLA -Bandstand Reste,,. K7CLA--Juke Box Matinee. KI:111.- Wentherman. K NIA -Pasadena C. C. 11:40 -KNX -Of Men and Rooks. K W K W -Andy Mansfield. hq.11.-Johnny Grant. KX LA -97th Street Corral. K FAC -Mlleiral Masterpieces. KL W -Major League Ball. 1( FOX -Judge Gardner. 11 :45-K11 -31elodiana. K G11.--Off the Record. KO WL--Italian Program. RGER -Clem Dasies. * KIM, KV0 E -News. R EVD -Eddie Chase Show. K W K W -Olga Gras es. K XLA -Chsb Congo. K GI.1-Sunset and Vine. fl:35-K WIK -Coneert Hall. KRI M -% arieties in 311imie. 8:13 -K11.1-Remember VI lien. 11:55*K KFI, KNIC. KRI M -Piano Paintings. KII:ER -Sportm Time. News. EV1111-1490 ChM. KF WB -Sweet Music. A :115-KECA -Animal World Court. KIl C.1-AnseKcan lleritage• :05- KGER - Musleal Roundup. 10-KFA'A -sports Desk. Kt:IL -Guest Star. 4:115*IFLECA -Alvin Wilder. News. 8:55-KILL KGB. K10E -Billy Rose * Kfl -News. * KILL Ktilt-31atual Newsreel. * KN X. liSIM -News. KXLA p„,./. * KH.11. RE VS'. RS:11. KV0E - KNIPC -Bols Kelley, Sports. Frank Hemingway. KF WB--Tello-Test. e-kF( President. K MPC -Twilight Tales. KEV D -Airlane Serenade. 9 KEY. FLI'lx11-141irm. and Allen. * KILL KEN:31, KGB, K ALEX K F WB -Homemakers K NIA -Technocracy. NPU S. lilenn Hardy. Unlimited. K WIR -Sport Ilanagrains. KNN, KSIM -F.11.1. in Peace 11 M -Belle Martel. KRK D -Hawaiian Memories. Pickupacupplebucks e:30-R ECA -The Smiths nf Holly- and War. K RICD - Miffleland Quiz. *Ft FWB, KGER -Neves. ,:U -KN X -George Fisher. wood. KGFJ -Sports Flash. KFSD -Jack Carson. KI.A1', K3IPC -Baseball, 4:30-11ECA -Variety l'arade. KILL KIN.311. KGB, fIt 0E - K I. -Sussea k in' Deacon. COOPER ▪ FAC -Esening rorwert. KIFI- Art Baker's Notebook. Roger Kilgore. * K H.1, KV0E -Passing Parade. KN X, KSIM -Crime AVON -Fishing Farts. 12:00 - 5:00 A.M. KtiC.1-Hollysylind House K N X--Club 15. Photographer. TUESDAY THRU K MPC -Bay Meadows. Party. K F WB -A merica Dances. RC M -Dance Time. SUNDAY KFAC -Hour of Mimic. K WIK -Reading & Dreaming. MILD KFV D -Banner Show. 8:154.RHJ. K VOE--Fleetwood RILAC -Al Janis Ballroom. Lawton. RO WL -hild Homeland. IL V W It-Fame Street. K NI.A -Propert y on Isere. 9:30- KEA 'A-l'antlid Microphone. MELLOW KUR D -Storybook Lady. KIT, KIND -Noah Webster TUTTLE TEACHER 4. 30 to 5 PM. KGER -Flelene smith. Says. Kill% -lbsl's Memory Room. KIM, KGB, KVOE -Inside of L urene T uttle, alias "Ef- Monday Th,ough Fr,doy sports. * K11 KW -News fie" on C BS's "Adventures of f1:15*h I D -News. KNN -Iteulish. KB Ili-Date for Dinner. KISS Il-1 oily Daily Word. Sa m Spade," is teachin g a KMPC K NI. - Western (*arm an. • -speaking of Sports. two-hour sprin g se mester Kt:ER - Music In the Night. KEMB -Illery Queen. !CH M - Mild and Mellow. class in radio actin g at 8 K n. K ESD -Itob Hawk Show 9:45-K11.1. KENN,. KGB. Kt OF - K E W'S- Manic. KIX31, KGB, KVIIE - Rs-sers P. U.S.C. every T hursday after- K LAC -Racing Roundup. Family Theatre. RN X-Conflict. *ICIFVD. KO W L -New noon. In addition to givin g KNN. ASIM -Reader's Digest. KF WB--Inquiring Mike. KRI M -Symphony in Swing. Toter -Fire/done Fa%orites, *116111.-News. lectures to the students, L u- R W1K -Old Folks Program. KE W IS-A merica Dances. rene directs w orkshop pla ys K WK W -Pasadena City KFAC -Hour of Musk. College. an d discusses the w ork of KGF.1-Xlimical Digest. 111-01C-Old Age Pensions. K LAC -Harness Races. each class m e mber w hile re- 1:35-KIVD -Sweet and Low. KO WL -Ls pains Serenade. cordin gs are played back in 1:45*K HJ. KVII1E -News. * KIIK D -Nris * K NX -Ed R. Morrow. N eWS. revie w. REI M -Stuart Hamblen. R XI.A -Sailtile Dusters. Kt:AC - Mimic Room. * K W1K -As Berman. * KRI M -Seas. * KGER -Ncits; Dr. Fagan. M WIR -31usical Quiz. K WK W -liarness Races. K W KW- Rares and Sports. 1:05-K M KW - Musical Horizons. :50-K WK W - Magie Time. PORTRAITURE :15--KFOX -Fishing luis. 4:53-KGFJ -Sporte flash. NIGHTLY EXCEPT SAT . K XLA -List in Serenade. T he pages of Jeff C ha n- - KECA -Happy Theater. K W1K -Decision Naa. I a-RN:CA-Casa Cugat. Wire. dler's " Dr. D ana" scripts are 5ilrEirl-Feature KKKI)-Three-thotrter Time. K ESD -The Reporter. KIFII-Sleepy Joe. KI:11.-Public * K11.1, KFX M, KGB -Fulton m uch sou ght after by other * KN X -News. Knox Manning. 7:30-KECA. KEMB -Henry Morgan cast m e m bers. O ne of Jeff's KF W11-Stuart Hamblen. Show. * KN X -Chet Huntley, News. * KLAC -Fred Henry Reports. fin KIND -Eddie Cantor. IRI WII-Eastside Show. hobbies is sketchin g, an d KFAC -Sunset Serenade. KFX31, KGB. KVOE - M AC. !EMIT -Baseball. durin g C BS rehearsals he K FVD--Sundown Roundup. Red Ryder. KI:F.1-Concert Non lene. KGFJ-Jhe at S. KNX, M eter. KGER -Tex Williams. pencils quick portraits of his KGIL -Date with a Disc. K MPC -Romance and Rhythm. fill1.-Synsphony. fello w actors alongside the * K,MPC -Nees, Teen and KEW 11--Sports Final. K U M -Michael Roy. dialogue. Ta enty. KLAC -Sam Baiter. K FAC -Lueky Lager Dance. KO W1.--Harmony isle. KGIL -Rabbi 5515e. K XLA -Poptilar Recordings. KRI M -Record Bode°. K FAC -Echoes and Encores. 10 :15*KECA -Nens, Hank Denser. Page Twenty-five KGIL —Housewh es' Exchange. S WI M —Stork Quotations. KIERD —Musical Grab Bag. K XLA — Western Tunes. * KGER —News. KGER —Squeakin' Deacon. FRIDAY, MAY 7 K WK W —Traffic Quiz. 12:45—KFI, R END —Right to K WIK —Meet the Band. Happiness. *IntUcates News Broadcasts. KFAC —Serenade. 11:15—KECA, KFMB —Listening Post 8 —KECA, KFMB —Don McNeill's KGFJ—Record Jackpot. KHJ— Melody Matinee. RFSD — Woman in White KNX —Background for Living. Breakfast Club. KO WL —Romance in Music. KNX —Perry Mason. MIPC —Rhythm Rancho. KEI, KFSD —Fred Waring. KRKD —Crazy Rhythms. KMPC —Voice of Neighbor- KXLA —Top Western Tunes. * K M —Cecil Broon. KXLA —Bar 0 Ranch. hood. *K E W —News. KNX —Johnny Murray, KFVE1—Rev. Louis T. Talbot. *KXLA —Pasadena News. * KLAC, KMPC, KO WL, KXLA K W IK—Town Crier. K WIK —G.I. Platter Parade. 12:50—K WK W —Circle 1430 Ranch. — News. Mi n.—Come and Get it. K WIK —Sunny Side. 12:55—KF WB —News. 1( MB —inquiring Mike. 10:05—KGER — Musical Roundup. K W KW —Races and Sports. J Sports Flash. 11(iFJ—Dr. Frederick Belles. 10:15—KECA. KFMB —Ted Malone. ROER— Musical Roundup. 111(:;CFA —, 11:20—K WK W---Stairway to Musk. KFOX, KRKD —Bible Institute KFI—AVIiat Do You SaY2 KFM13—Paul White- KFAC —Country Church. KNX —Ma Perkins. 11:25—KGFJ--portei Flash. r .K man Record Club. 11 :30—KECA —Casa Curet. REV D— Wakeup Ranch. KH.I, KFXM — Mery Griffin. X El, RE-SD—Backstage Wife. IFCF1, REND —Holly Sloane. K W KW —Rafael Mendez. K5IPC —Music in the Air. KNN, KSDJ —School of the K W IK—Eiton Britt. * K111., KXLA —News. KN X —Nora Drake. Air. KGIL —Musical Corral. KIVKIV—Tune-Up Time. KIM, 1111CM, KGB. KV OE-- Kill— Melody Matinee. * K6E1E—News. Mizpah. KRKI)—Dr. Richardson. Queen for a Day. 1131P(--Major League Ball. 8:15*K11.1, KNX —News. KE0X —Assembly of God. KMPC —Tops in Pops. KE WB —Bill Anson. *11FAVII—News: Maurice Hart. KM PC—Markets; Sport s. 10:25—KGFJ—Sports Flash. * KLAt'---News, Sports. KF WB —Morning Melodies. KXLA —Dinner Bell Roundup. KFAC —Pinno Parage. 10:30—KECA, liF51B —My True Story * RIFOX, 'CO WL. KRKD —News. KGFJ—Public Messenger. * KFI—News. *KFV11—News. KLAC —Haynes at the Reins. *K W1K —News. Music. KGFJ-1230 Club. KNX —Young Dr. Malone. 1.1:40—KFI. KIND —Betty Crocker. KO WL —Meet the Band. FULI—The Jedge. KXLA —Community Broad- KIVIK — Wake rp & Live. 11:45—KECA —Between Us Girls. caster. *KFAC, KO WL —News. M I —Light of the World. 8 :20—K XLA —M REA M —Maurice Hart. KO WL —Show Tunes, KNX —Rose of My Dreams. KRKD —Siesta Time. 8:25—K MPC —sports Roundup. KRKD —Pop Concert. 8:30—K11. RESD .Jack Berch. KFAC —Musical Portraits. K WIK —Trade Winds., * KHJ —Editor's Diary. KO WL —On the Social Side. ROIL —Cowboy Band. K WK W —Races and Sports. KN X, RSDJ —Grand Slam. 9 Years on the Air KGER —Squeakin' Deacon. KRKD —Melody Time. KMPC —A Song for You. 1:15—KFI, Kr-SD—Stella Dallas. * KFAC, KFAVIt. KO WL. BOB and MARIAN LEE K WIK —Broadway Rhythms. 11:55—KGFJ—Snorts Flash. KlEJ—Nancy Dixon. KR KD —News. KLAC -570 Club. KGFJ—Yesterday's Hits. "WOMAN'S WORLD" 1411i*KECA —News, Sam Hayes. K XLA —Farm Program. KXLA —Haven of Rest. R11—Farm Reporter. KFAC —Music in the Amer- K FVD —Easy Listening. * KHJ —News. ican Manner. ROIL —Speaking of Sports. KX L A KN X. KSDJ —Double or KFVD —Piano Parade. R WK W —Stock Quotations. 10:30 a.m. Mon-Fri. Nothing. K WK W —Races and Sports. RIVIK — Melody Mustangs. KMPC — Women Are Wonder- K WIK —Charlie Ramp. KGER —Hanimond. ful. 1:20—K WKAI—Tops in Pops. :40—KR KI)—Spotlight Varieties. 11X1A — D omen's World. KLAC —Al Janis Ballroom. 1:25—Kt:nil—Sports Flash. KFI4D —Lora Lawton. KFAC —Luncheon Concert. K WK W —Feature Story. 1:30—KECA —Quizzicale. * KHJ—News. RGIL —Baby-Sitter. KEVD —Editor of the Air. EFL KFSD —Lorenzo Joues. KNX —Rosemary. * KFVD —News. KF WB —Maurice Hart. KNX —Burritt Wheeler. KMPC —Green Light Re,ue. KGFJ—Intermission. KHJ—Norma Young. KFIVB —Science of Mind. 10:45 —KFI—Joyce Jordan. KNLA —Dinner Bell Roundup. KXLA —Vocal Varieties. RFAC —UnIty. KN X —Guiding Light. KO WL —Mayor of Melody. KFVD —Hall of Records. FIGFJ—Dr. R. I.. McMaster. KFAC--Salvation Army Band. KRKD —Record Roundup. KGIL —Homemakers. KFVD —Vocal Varieties. REVD —Violet. * K611., KGER —News. *KO WL. KRI M. K WIK —News. ROD L—Guest Star. KO WL--Tune Shop. K WIK —Bing (rushy. K WK W —Song of the Islands. KRKD —Midnight Mission. • IK—Songs of Hope. KM-K W —Pasadena Panorama. KFOX —Poly High. K WK W —Bible Treasury Hour K WK W —Races and Sports. 12 :05—KGER —Texas Tiny. KGER — Western Siesta. Kt:IL —Coffee Parade. 10:50—K W K W —Rescue Mission. 12:15*RECA —Baukhage Talking. 1 :35—KRRD —sy mphony of Song. KGER —Ilible Treasury. 10:55—KECA, REMB —Ketty Crocker AFL KESD —Ma Perkins. 1:45—KECA —Ethel and Albert. Magazine of the Air. 9 KFM11— Welcome, KHJ—Sing. America, Sing. KFI. KFSD —Young Widder -1LECA, IIII:EI—Sports Flash. K WK W —Races and Sports. Travelers. Brown. *KFI. KGER —News. — KECA, KFMB —Itetty Crocker. KGIL —Real Estate Show. KO WL-Tbis Day. KNX — Wendy W arreo. 11 KFI, RFSD —Today's Children. 12:25-1161KI—Sports Flash. *KNI.A —News. • FiFX M, KGB, 11V0E — K W, KV0E —Happy Gang. 12:30—fa:CA. KFMB--Paul White- K WK W —Races and Sports. Kate Smith Speaks. KNX —Second Mrs. Burton. man Record Club. K WIK —Matinee Melodies, KFAC —Morning Concert. KMPC —Stars of Song. 1111, KIND —Pepper Young. 1:50—K WK W —Show Time. *KNX, RSDJ—Knos Manning. KF WB —Strolling Tom. KI.A('—Al Jarvis Ballroom. 1:55—KGFJ—Soorts flash. KGFJ—Your L. A. Police. KF WB--Maurice Hart. KB.!. KGB —Ozark Valley KG11.--Swappin Corner. KFAC —Festival of Music. Folks. *K MPC. KO WL, K WIK —News. 2 —KE( a ir IB—Surprise KLAC —Croshy Time. KFVD —Eddie Chase Show. M T, KFSD — When a Girl KMPC —Band Box. Kt.F.I—Record Jackpot. RI:IL —Hart and Darling. K NI.A —Easy Listening. KFVD —Violet. RO W L—Helen Markham. 1111M Ja." Kie eX.M. KGB, KFOE — KRED —Sagebrush Serenade. ROD 1,--Toi;e Shop. KGFJ-1230 Club. Heart's Desire. K WK W —Voice of China. KNX, KSTO — WInner Take REVD — Waltz Time. All. R WIK —Valley Roundup. *K MPC —News, Kenneally. KXLA —Bar Nothing Ranelb. FRIDAY Program Highlights Anson. 9:05—KFI—Ladies' Day. KLAC -510 Club. Mron ifig Progiame Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and KGER —Lutheran flour. KFAC —Matinee. Evening Programs In Boldface. 9:15—KH.11, KFX M, ROB. KVOE — K(.FJ— What's Up. Victor H. Eindlahr. KXIA —Concert Hour. KNX —Aunt Jenny. Comedy-Variety Mystery-Detective KFVD —Hall of Records. KF WB —Morning Melodies. 3:30—Arthur Godfrey, KN X. 8:00—The Fat Man. KECA. KO WL —Melody Matinee. • *KFVD —News. 6:00—Frank Morgan. KNX. 8:30—This Is Your FBI. KECA. KRKD —Board of Supervisors,' KOFJ—Sorial Security. 6:30—Ozzie & Harriet. KNX. 9:30—Mystery Theater. KFI. KNVIK Mrs. Goes Shopping. ROIL —Ballads for You. 7:30—Spike Jones. KN X. 9:30—Famous Jury Trials. FCGIL —Homemakers. KLAC —Racing News. 8:30—Danny Thomas. KNX. KECA. KFOX —Concert in Miniature. KO WL —Radio Ite,i‘ al. 9:00—Baby Snooks. KNX. KGER —Long Beach Band. R WIK —Three's a Company. 2:15—K1FI. EFSD —Portia F aces K WK W — Women's league. Public Interest- Life. 9 :20—KGFJ—Airotorials. Quiz, Participation KMPC—Three Alarm. 9:30-11E(A, KFISIB —Tott, :(s)-11cNelll's Breakfast Club, lof ormation KRI M —Musical Bouquet. Breneman's Breakfast. KECA. 1:00—School of the Air, KNX. K WIK —Ronny Mansfield. KNX, KSI)J—Ifelen Trent. 8:30—Grand Siam. KNX. 7:00—Meet the Press. KHJ. K WK W —Races and Sports. KHJ—Johnson 9 :30—Ere:lemon '5 Breakfast, 9:00—Conquest. KFI. 2:20*K WK W —News. KLAC —Morning Melodies. KECA. 11:40—Report from U.N., KN X. 2:25—KECA. KFMB —Model KF WB —Reminiscing Sam. 1U:00—Barrel of Dough, 11F WB. Magazine. * KO WL, K WIRAV—News. 11:30—Queen for a Day. KHJ. KGFJ—Sports Flash. KGF.11—Racing News. 12:00—Double or Nothing. KN X. Sports 5:30—KECA.KFMR —Bride and KFVD —Show Tunes. 2:00—Heart's Desire, KHJ. Groom 1St:IL —Valley Shopper. 2:30—House Party. KNX. 9:15 —Racing News. KLAC. KFI, KFSD —Just Plain Bill. KGER —John Brown. 2:30—Bride and Groom. KECA. 9:30—Racing. KGFJ. KHJ, KGB. KVOE —Flal I> wood K WIK —Top o' Morning. 3:00— Meet the MISSUN, JIN X. 10:00—Race Lineup. K WK W Favorites. 9 :45--FIFI—Chtick Collins. 6:00—People Are Funny, M t 1:00—Major League Bali, KM Pt . KN X. KSI)J—House Party. KHJ—Morning Melodies. 6:30—Information Please, IIIIJ. 5:30—Race Recap. ROE.!. *KF WB —News. R NX. KSD.I—Our Gal Sunday. 7 :00—Everybody Wins, K N X. 5:30— Major League Ball, KI,AC. K WK W —Platter Parade. XF WB —Piano Parade. 8:30--Can You Top This? 6:13—Bob Kelley, KMPC. *KO WL. K WIK —News. REVD —Remembered Ithyttuns. 9:00—Break the Bank, KECA. 6:30—Joe Hernandez. KEPI'. KXLA —Variety Time. KGFJ—Veterans' Housing. 7:00—Casalcade of Sports. MIRD —Tunes in Tempo. KLAC —Hollywood News. Classical, Semi-Classical KECA. KGER —Garden School. KNIPC —Stu Wilson. 7:00—Harness Races, KLA(•. 2:35—KO WL, K WIK —Music. KO WL —Full Gospel. usic 7:15—Fishing l'ale. AVON. 2:40—KGER —Long Beach Band. * ERFCD —News. 7:30—Sports Newsreel. KFI. 8:00—Fred Waring. KFI. 2:45-1111. KFSD —Front-Page K WK W —Union Rescue 7:30—Your Sports Page. KECA. 6:30— Waltz Time, KFI. Farrell. Mission: 7:30—Sam Batter, KLA('. KHJ —Robert Hurteigh. 7:4)—Sports Folio, K M. *KFVD —News. lik—HECA, KFM R —Galen Drake. 8 :10— Ba sehall. M AC, KM PC V KFI—Downtown and All Cornment-Narration K WK W —Races and Sports. 9:30—Inside of Sports. K W). KRRD —Organ Moods. Around. 7:45—Fred Beck, KN X. KNX —Big Sister. 2:55*K NX —News. 9:00—Kate Smith, KHJ. }win —Sports Plash. * KHJ, KFX111, KGB, KVOE-- 10:00—Galen Drake, KECA. Popular-Western Mus; News, Glenn Hardy. 10:13— What Do You Say? KFI. * K MPC —News, Eddie Lyon. 10:17 —Ted Malone, KECA. 4:30—Club Fifteen, KNX. 3—KECABe Seated., KF WB —Itarrel of Dough. 1:30—Burritt Wheeler. KN X. 4:45—Stuart Hamblen. KF WB. R F), KESD —Road of Lite. KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. 4:30—Art Baker, KFI. 8:00—Supper Club, KFI. R11.1, EV0E —Leave It to the K WK W —Raning News. 4:30—Passing Parade. K M. 8:15—Jack Smith, KNX. Girls. KNX, KS0J —Meet tke lekutea. Page Twenty -sir IIMPC —Three Mars& RA DI O LIFE FRIDAY LOGS KF WB —Bill Anson. K UL —Date with a Disc. 7 :05—EGER —Fagan. *KGER, KLAC, KXLA —News. 5:05—KGER —Harmony Corral. K WK W —Musical Horizons. KGFJ—Sunset and Vine. 5:15—FEECA, KF5111,—.Terry and :15—EFOX —FishIng Pals. KGIL —Social Whirl. the Pirates. KGIL —Modern Concert Hall. EASTSIDE Ç KIEWL —Radio Outlook. *KFI, HFSID—News. KXLA —Latin Serenade, KFAC —Musical Favorites. KHJ, KFXM, KGB, HYDE — KRI M —Three-Quarter Time. KRKD —Tops in Pops. Superman. K WIK —G'uest Star. 3 K WK W —Swing Session. KNX —Tum Hanlon. SHOW K Ft D—Hall of Records. KLAC —Picture Album, 7:30—HECA —American Sports Page 10 TO 12 PM K WIK —Toni. Dick & Harry. K WK W —Race Roundup. . KFI, KFSD —Sports Newsreel. i K W1K —Sunset Serenade. KHJ, KFX M, KGB, KYOK — 3:05—KGER —Alkall Alex. Cisco Kid. 3:10—KLAC —Don Otis Show. 5:30—K KCA —Sky King. KNX —Spike Jones and 3:15—KFI—Life l'an Be Beautiful. KHJ, KFX5I, KGB, HYDE — Dorothy Shay. *KGIL —News. KIWB Captain Midnight. KMPC —Romance and Rhythm. KXLA —Juke Box Matinee. KFI—Casa Cugat. H MIS—Sports Final. KF WB —Eastside Show, K M KW —Races and Sports. *KNX —Charles Collingwood. KFAC —Echoes and Encores. KGER —Tex KOH 1,—Sports Matinee. *KFOX, K WIK —News. KLAC —Sam Baiter, Sports. KGFJ—Concert Nocturne. 3:15*K11J —News. KLAC —Major League Ball. KXLA —Armstrong Twins. KLAC, KNIPC —Baseball, KGFI—Sportii Flash. KFAC — Whoa Bill Club. KRHD--Do You Know? 3:30—HECA —Norwood Smith Selects KFVD —Telequest. * K WIK —News, Music. DANCE MUSIC AT ITS REST AFL KIND —Aunt Mary. KGFJ—Race Recap. KHJ, KGB —Red Hook 31. KXLA —Future Pianists. 7:45—KF1—Sports Folio, KNX, KSDJ—Arthur Godfrey. KRKD —Sports Dial. KF WB —Singin' Sam, KMPC —Stu KGER —Stamns Quartet. KMPC —Red Rowe. LUCKY LAGER K M KW —Andy Mansfield. * KFOX —News. 5:35--KO WL —Musical Detective. KLAC —Dugout Dope. *KFAC, KIEHD, K WIK —News. K WK W —Easy Listening. AI:IL —Storybook Man. KRHD —Father Vaughan. 3:35— ERRO— Tea Time Tunes. 5:45*KFI, KISD —Elnter Peterson. K WIK —Music by Martin. KHJ, 141,X51, KGB, M OE-- DANCE TIME K W1K —Tom. Dick & Harry. 0, — KECA, KFMB —Fat Man. Adventures of Tom Mix. 3:45—KECA — Frances K n. KFSD —Supper Club. *KNX, KSDJ—News. (jarred. H111.11—Par Answer Gaine, KFI, KFSD —Nora Drake. EMP('—Top Tunes. N X — Lowel I Thomas. KHJ—Adventure Parade. KXLA —Music for You. K MPC —Jerry Lawrence. *K51PC —News, Kenneally. KGI,J—If They Had Used. K FWB —jim my Allen. KFAC —Songs for Singing. KM I K— Ronny Mansfield. 3:55*E MB —News. KitKD —Race Results. *HGER. KLAC, KXLA —News. KFAC KGFJ—Sports Flash. KFAC —Evening Concert, KGER —Melody Mustangs. 10 to 12 EVERY NIGHT 5:55*KNX —Bill Henry. EGFJ—Caucasian Memories. — KECA —Frances Scully. KRKD —County Barn Dance, 4 KFI, KFSD —This Woman's KliFJ—Dot Meyberg. KGIL —Modern Concert Hall. KFAC —Lucky Lager Dance. Secret. *KI:CA —Edwin C. Hill. K XLA —I'owboy Hit Parade. *KHJ, KFX M, KGB, KVOE — 6 K WIK — What's the Answer? KFI, KFSD —People Are 3 :05—KGER —NIctor Young. KRKD —Cowboy Hit Parade. Fulton Lewis. Funny. KGIL —Fights. KNX, KSDJ—Hint Hunt. 8:10--KLAC, K 51 PC— Bageball. *KHJ, KFX M, KGB, HYDE — Hollywood vs. Los Angeles, K WIK —Teen-Twenty Dance. *K MPC —News, Eddie Lyon. Gabriel Heatter. 8:15*KFL KFSD — World News. 10:I5*KECA —Hank Weaver, News. *HGER —News. KFI— Music Shop. KNX —Jack Smith. *KLAC —News, Sports. KNX, KSDJ—Morgati-Ameche- Langford Show. KF WB —United Nations. KNX —Bob Elson. KXLA —Juke Box Matinee. * KFIVB —Clete Roberts. KGER —Ice-Capades. KHJ—Highlights in Muffle. KF WB —Dr. McMaster. *K MPC —George Irwin. KGFJ—Saludos Amigos. IEMPC —Ace Cain Club. K WK W —Andy Mansfield. 10:30*HECA —Elmer Davis. *KFOX —News. KXLA —Evening Serenade, KGFJ—Sunset and Vine. KGFJ—Musical Digest. * KFI—Inside the News. EFVD —Eddie Chase Show. 8:30—K.F:CA, KFMB —This Is Your KHJ —Brother Arlington. KFAC —Musical Memories. FBI. KR KD —Piano Paintings. KrYD —Supper Song. KNX —Symphonette. KFAC —Musical Masterpieces. KFL KFSD —Can You Top KGER —Quonsut. HLAC —Major League Ball. This? K WIE -1490 Club. KO WL —Italian Program. KXLA —Hawthorne Thing, KGIL —Off the Record. KHJ —Iligh Adventure. KLAC —Don Otis. KXLA —Muir College. KNX —Danny Thomas Show. 10 :45— KECA —Ambassador Orch. 4:05—KGER —Musical Roundup. KRKD —Varieties in Music. *KF WB —News. 4:15*KECA —Alvin Wilder. KGIL —Johnny Grant. EFE— Melody Time. KXLA -97th Street Corral. KM PC—Parade of Hits. *K Fl—News. KGFR —Sports Time. *Kiir.1—Averill Berman, News, 10 : 55—K II—Police Bulletins. *KILL KFX M. KGB —Frank K W1K —Spotlight on a Star. KIIKD —('owboy Hit Parade. Hemingway. *KLAC —News. KM K%'.—Olga Graves. Ki L— Weatherman. *KNX —Nelson Pringle. 6 : 05—K El 'A—Animal World Court. K WIK —Teen & Twenty Dance. *Kb :CA —News of Tomorrow. K MPC —Jeanne Gray. 6 :Ito—RN:CA —Sports Doss. KGER —Clem Dal les. 11 *KFI—News. KF WB—Homemakere 6:15*KECA —News. KH.I—John Wolohan arch. Unlimited. 8:45—KFOX —Flight Cast. *KHJ, KGB —Mutual Newsreel, K MIS—Sweet Music. *KNX —Nelson Pringle. KLAC —Dinning Sisters, KMPC —Bob Kelley, Sports. KLAC —Don Otis. KO WL —Classics In Music. Kt ir.1—Ameriean Heritage. KFXD —Airlane Serenade. Kt:lb—Here's to Vets. KM PC—Dance Parade, KRI M — Movieland Quiz. K MB —Tello-Test. EFIVII--Eastside Show, 4 :66—KNX —(,urge Fisher. 8:55—KILL KGB —Hilly Rose. K Xl A— Women's Clubs. *K N X—News. KFAC —Lucky Lager Dance. KGFJ—Sports Flush. KRKD —Hawailan Memories. 4:30—KECA —Variety Parade. 9-KECA, KFM11.—Break the KFT— Baker's Notebook. 6:30—KECA —The Sheriff. Rank. SPADE COOLEY TIME KFI. KFSD — Waltz Time, *KILL HYDF:—Passing Parade. KFI—Conquest. With George Wilhelm KNX —Club 15. *KH.1, KFX M, KGB. HYDE — "( MIS—Music. CITIZE NS News. Glenn Hardy. *K FWD, KO WL —News. KNX —Baby Snooks, 1020 IC. NEW TIME KLAC —Racing Roundup. N ATIO N AL BA N K KF WIS--Preview Theatre. 5000 WATTS Now Il P. M. Daily KRKD —Symphony in Swing. PreJestel KFAC —Evening Concert. * KGER. KLAC —News. KMPC —Baseball. INFOR MATION F[XLA —Seaboard Home Hour. MILD ee KI:FJ—Hollywood House

l'arty. 1.0 5 A N G E I F S PLEASE KKK')—Cowboy Hit Parade. MELLOW 6 30 P. M . — KHJ — FRIDAY K I I L—Dance Tline. KFVD —Spade Cooley Time, K WIK —Teen & Twenty Dance. KGFJ—Concert Nocturne, 4:30 to 5 P.M. 9 :10-1(1,AC —Baseball: Hollywood KXLA —Pasadena Civic. KILI, KI,X51, KGB, KVOE — Monday Through hides, Information Please. vs. Seattle. KIERD —Cowhoy Hit Parade. HI:IL —Red Baker Show. KNX —Ozzie and Harriet. 9 :15*KHJ, K V0E —Fleet wood Lawton. KATER —At the Ranchhouse. KMPC —Bay Meadows. * KFOX —News. 11:15—KECA —Joe Hegel, !MN KI,WIS—Anierica Dances. KFAC —Hour of Music. 9:30—KECA. KFMB —Famous Jury KFI—Henry Russell Music. KM PC—Mild and Mellow. Trials. KHJ—Al Wallace Orch. KFVD —Banner Show. KNX —Steve Allen, K WIK —Old Folks' Program KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. KFSD —Mystery Theater, K WK W —John Muir College. KHJ, KGB, KVOE —Inside of KG11.--Juke Box Review, FIXLA —Yariety in Music. Sports. EFOX —Old Age l'ensions. KRKD —Storybook Lady. 11:30—KECA —Florentine Gardens. KFI—Pro and Con. 4:35—KFVD —Sweet and Low. EFOX -1101's 5Ieniory Room, KNX —Beulah. K M'S—Unity. XLA —Dance Time. 4:45*KHJ. HYDE —News. Kt:ER —Helene Smith. KGER —Music in the Night. 11 :40—K N X—Report f rom U. N. * KNX —Ed R. Morrow. KO WL —Old Homeland. KF WB —Stuart Hamblen, 9 :45—K11.1, KFXM, KGB. 11C1111E — 11 :45—K 11—Melodiana. *K WK W —News. Henry J. Taylor. *KI1J—News. KLAC —Studio Frolic. 6:45—KECA —Casa Curet. . *KRI M —News. KNX —Conflict. KXLA —Cleab Congo. KFOX —Radio Express, 11:55*HECA, KFI. KNX, KV( IR— Musical Quiz. KXLA — Western Caravan. K WK W —Races and Sports. KIIVII--Inquiring Mike. News, KRKD —A. F. of I.. *KGIL —News. 4:50—K Vi K W—MagIc Time, 6:55—KECA. KFM11—Champion 4:55—KGFJ—Sports Flash. Roll Call. —SECA—Happy Theater. *KNX —Bill Henry. ORDERS IS ORDERS 5*KFI—Feature Wire. 7-KIECA, KF5111--Cavalende of *KNX, KSDJ—Knox Manning. Sports. "Mother told me to be sure EIIJ—RaggedY Ann. 111,1-111ank McCune Show. the studio was clean when * MD T —News, Teen and KIM, KFXM, KGB, HYDE — Twenty. Meet the Press. I left," announced Beverly KIIVB —Stuart Hamblen. KNX, KS1).11—EverybodY Wins Wills as she checked in for *KLAC —Fred Henry Reports. KM PI —Firestone Favorites. M .4,(2.—Sunset Serenade. KF W/4—America Dances. CBS's first performance of KF UY—Sundown Roundup. *KGER, FIRKD —News. "Junior Miss." As soon as Klil,.1—Jive at l'ke. KLAC —Harness Races. Kt/WT.—Harmony Isle. KXLA —Saddle Dusters. NIGHTLY EXCEPT SAT. "Junior Miss" leaves the air, K itliD —Record Rodeo. KFAC —Hour of Music. Beverly's mother, Joan Da- KXLA —Juke HON Matinee. A—HI:TA—Casa Cued. Kt:EV —Musical Digest, KFSD —The Reporter. vis, moves in for her own re- *K%% IR— Don Forbes. KO WL —Evening Serenade. • K WE W-4teminiscent * MIJ, KFX M. KGB —Fulton *KIVIK —Averill Berman. Lewis. hearsal in the same studio. Rhythms. K WK W —Harness Racing. *KN X —Chet Huntley, News. Page Twenty-seven RI M -Popular Classics. HGFJ-1230 Club. * KLAC -Newe, Al Jarvis. RGIL -Cowboy Mane. KMPC -Keith Hetherington. KMPC -Swell Time. SATURDAY MAY 8 HO WL -Kids Take Over. * HO WL -News. BREED - Musical Grab Bag. XLA - Western Tunes. 8-KEcA, &FMB -Shopper's litiER -Kids' Bible Club. R WIK -Children's Corner, R WR W -Business Reporter. Special. KGFJ-Record Jackpot. K WK W -iarsity stews. 12:35-KO WL -Mayor of Melody. ROIL -tome and Oct It. KFI-Coffee Contert. KXLA -Bill Blansett. KINIH -G.I. Platter Parade. * KLAC -Newe, Al Jarvis. H MI-Treasury Show. 11:15-KFOX -Pligrimage to It :45*KFAC -News. * RNA., st.Ett, KLAC, KNIPC, KNIPC -Allosie of the Stars. Amsterdam. KIPVD -Violet. K 1,4 -News. KO WL -Romance in Music. KGER - Western Music. KXLA -Top Tunes. KIIII{D -Guvernment Speaks. REAC -Country Church. K WK W -Hares and Sports. K WK W -Races and Sports. &FOX, KRKD -Haven of Rest KV. IR -.Sunshine Mission. 11:25--KGEJ-Snorts Flash. 12:50-K WK W -Circle 1430 Ranch. RFVD - Wakeup Ranch. K WK W -Race Lineup. 11:30-FLEtA -Ilitching Post. 12:55*KF WB -News. KF WB--Inquiring Mike. K X 1..4- Western Het few. tiregson Show. KGFJ-Sports Flash. KtiFJ-Proudly We Hail. 10:15-KHJ-Gillesple's Garden Guide KILL KGB -Teen-Timers Club. 1 -KECA. KFMIS-ABC KFOX -Assembly of God. Ktill.--5Iusieal Corral. KNX, KSDJ -Gite and Take. Symphony. K WIK -Elton unit. FIXLA -News. *KFOX, KO WL. FIRKU -News. KIEV -Alusieal Showcase. KFI-Living, 1948. K WK W -Pasadena Four- * KF WB -News: Maurice Hart. FIRIKID-11». Richardson. KFIJ, KFX111, KGB, "WOE-. square Church, KtiER - Western Shadows. K WK W -Teen-Agers. Sports Parade. 8:05-1INX -Lers Pretend. K X LA-Saturday Serenade. 10:25-KtiFJ-Sports Flash. KNX -So You Know Ra. II :45-1( tt -Keyboard Artistry. 10:30-11F.CA, KFAIB -liollywood KFAC -Plano Parade. 8:15-KIII -Story Time. KFti\ -Teinpos of the Time. *KF'VD, KLAC -Newa. *KHJ-News. Headlines. KRICD -Melotly Time. KF WE -Bill Anson. KF WB -Guest Star. KFI-Meet the Meeks. K W 1K-Kiddie Records. HOER -Sleepy Valley. "(LAC -Bayne@ at the Reins. KNX, KSILI-County Fair. K WK W -Races and Sports. KHJ-Reserve. KGFJ-1230 Club, R MPC -Market Reports. 11 :55-1(1:F.I -Sports Flash. Sports. * KFAC, KO WL -News. A IL -Cowboy Music. *KECA -Noontime News. KO W1L-Proutily Me Hall. KEVD -song Stylists. 'HAIPC -Juke Box Serenade. KFI-Farm Reporter. RO WL -S. M. Philharmonic. R WIR - Wake Lp & Live. ROIL -Music That Endures. 12 8:30-HECA -Collins Calling. KGER -Home on the Range. *KHJ. KFX511. KGB, 1E1'0E - KRECD -Siesta Tinte, KF1, HFSD -Smilin Ed KRKID -Pop Concert. News. H WIK -Trade Winds, McConnell. RAN III-Talent Search. KNX -Meet the Missus. KIVR W -Show Album. KHJ -Dr. Hiss Clinic. "MLA -Bandstand Review. KFAt'-I.uncheon Concert. KXLA -Com munIty KN X RSILI-Junior Miss. 10:40-KO WL -Tune Shop. KE0X -Sandwich Seasoning. Broadcaster, * RFA?', KF WB, HO WL, 10:45-KECA -Chendsts in Action. KFVD -Salvation Army. 1:10-KLAC -Studlo Frolic. KRRD -News. KFAC -1.. .4. City College. Kr wit-Maiirke Hurt. 1:15-ENX -Treasury Dept. KFOX -Know lour Bible. KFOX -Thought for Youth. *KGER, Kt:IL -News. KFAC -Music in the KI'VD -Easy Listening. 'WAD -Marching Along. KtiF.1-IntermIssion. American Manner, KGER -Ham mond. K WK W -Races and Sports. *KLAC -News. Al Jarvis. KFVD -Songs by Russ $%l PC-Merry-Go-Round. Whiteman. litiFJ-Yesterday's Hits. 10:50-K WK W -Tops in Pops. KGIL -Speaking of Sports. 10:55-KGEJ-Sports Flash. Kiln I.-Mayor of Melody. K WIR -Buenos Amigos. KMPC -Guest.Star. - RECA -Faseinating Rhythm. KRKIO-Itecord Roundup. K W RW -Races and Sports. KXLA -Adventures in . M AIM -Melody Mustangs. KFI, RFSD -Arclile Andrews. K ii IK in Melts. 11 K W KM -Pasadena Opera. Research. K WK W -Stock Quotations. Kt-1J. RA0E -Alievie Matinee. KNI.A -Soortseast. KXLA -Musie As You Like,lt. KNX, RSDJ-Mary Lee Taylor 1:20-K WK W - Waxworks. 12:05-1(1:FR--Cottonseed Clark. 1:25-RFI-Children 1948. 8:35-RO WL -Remembering. "WM .- Festival of Music. 12:15-KECA -Radio. the American KGFJ-Sports Flash. 8 : 40-K RR D-Spotlight Varlet ies. KF W1R--Maurice hart. Way 1:30-RECA, RFAIB -Spotlight on 8:45- KF:CA -Mirandy. KE1-Here Comes Baud. RFAC -Cnity. *IFCH.1- Week in Washington. KFI-First Piano Quartet. RFOH -Volee of China. Best Musical Bet la utpx -News. KHJ-Dance RFVD -Console and Keyboard KNX -Make Way for Youth. HFAVE -Red Cross. THE EDDIE CHASE SHO W K FAD -Mason Rose. KFVD -Dream Time. KGER -Gospel Story Hour. Ktill1.-Real Estate Show. 11 a.m.-12 noon KM IK-Tin Pan Alley. KGER - Western Siesta. KGFJ-Public Messenger. 4:00-5:00 p.m. K WIFIW -Races and Sports. RGIL--Little Syntphony. KGIL -Coffee Parade. Monday thru Saturday KXLA -Popular Recordings. * KO WI.. KRI M, KATIE -News. KLAC -Bitsiness Talk. K WR W -Song Album. HMPC -Fingertip Successes. 12:25-KtiF.1-sports Flash. KNLA -Vocal Varieties. R WIR -Songs of Hope. 12:3u-RECA, KEMB -ABC Syntphony. 1:35-HO WL -Folk Songs. K WK W -Sacred Heart. KFI-Youth Sings. KRH11-Symphony of Song. KFAIB--Ahbott and 9-HF:CA, K M -Voices of Strings. R WTK -Music. Costello Rid Show. RNX, RSDJ -Free for All. 1:45--KHJ -In Your Name. KFI-Jump-Jump of Holiday RFVD -Eddie Chase Show. /inn -Dream Tinte. RFOX -Voice of the Army. House. KI.C.1-Record Jackpot. JEGER -Sleepy Valley. KLAC -Storybook Hour. RH.I-Vetento Wants to Know *KXLA -News. KNX KSILI-Theatre of HO WL -Stamp Club. Today. K WK W -Rares and Sports. * KGER -News. 1:50-K WK W -Show Tunes. KEA( '-Morning Concert. SATURDAY Program Highlights 1:55-KF1-P.T.A. Program. KFVD - Waltz Time. Mottling Programs .Appear In Llehtface Type: Afternoon and KGFJ-Sports Flash. KF WB--Salt Ohm Army. K' cuing Programs ¡II Boldface. ei*KECA -News. KliFJ-Sheidon Shepard. t'orner. KNX -Stan Dougherty. KI.AC -Crosby 'rime Cornedy-Fariety Public Interest- *K FI-Neves of the Week. RILL KFX51. KGB. IILVOE - KNIPC -Nlusit• of the Stars. 8 351-Proudly We Hail, Information FO WL -Friendship Hour. reat Talent Hunt, HO WL. 9:11-Young America Speaks, KRKII-Sagebrush Serenade. KFAC -Matinee, 8:30-Junlor Miss. KNX. 1:(1. KFOX - Wagon Observer. 1RWIK -Corral. 4:041-mr. ace and JANE, KNX. li(WK W -Voice of China. 9:15-Policing t,. A.. KHJ. K nit-Novelty. li:00-Joan Oasis. KNX. 9 :43-Tbea ter Guild. FEN:LA -Bar Nothing Ranch. KF WB--Bill Anson. It :30-Judy Canova. KFI. iti:110-A mericati Farmer. KECA. 9:05-Kt:ER -Lutheran hour. KGER -Long Beach Band. 7:15-Proadly We Hail. KMPC. 10.110--.-Nat'l Farm Hour, Nil. Kt:IL -Saturday Serenade. 9:15-KFI-Young America Speaks. 7:30-Pays to Be Ignorant, KNX. KILI-Polieing I.. A. 1.00-Living 1948, KFI. KGFJ- What's Pp. 8:00- Lite of Riley. 3:00-Cross Section, KNX. *KLAC -News, Sports. *KIND -News. 8:00-It's a Great Life, KN X. KIFWB--Morning Melodies. 4:30-1.. A. Story. KNX. KNIPC -M tunic. 0:00-Abe Burrows. KNX. 8:45-Law is Servant. KGFJ. HO WL -Contented Listening. 1161'.1-Com munity Chest. 9:30-Vaughn Monroe. KNX. KLAC -Raeing Neu». Sports KRTID -Ira Swett. Organ. K WK W - Wonten's Home . KXLA -Shoppers' Matinee. League. van, Participation 9:15-Racing News. KI.AC. 2:05-KECA -Teettsury Band Show. 9:20*K1.F.1-Airotorials. 9:30-Racing lineup. 2:15-KFI-I Want It. ill Ill-Cottony Fair, KNX. 10:00-Itacing. K WK W. KFOX -Salvation Army. 9:30-KECA. KFMB -I.and of the 11:30-Hive and Take. KNX. Lost. 1:00-Sports Parade. KHJ. RLAC -Jim Hawthorne. 12:00-Meet the Missus. KN X. 1:30-Spotlight on Snorts. ILEC A. KRKD -Philharmonic KFI-Your Saturday Chef. 12:30-Free for All. KNX. RH.I-Girite Corps. 2:30-Baseleall. KNIPC Reporter. 5:30-True or False. KHJ. 4:311-littre( tt KECA. KYVIK -Our Waltz. KN X -Stars Oser Hollywood. 6:011-Stop Me. KH.I. KFOX -Rethesda. 5:00-Sports Roundup. K("I. K WK W -Races and Sports. 7:00-Kay Ryser. KIT. 5.01-T lia . KNIPC. 2:20*K WK W -News. KIND -Remembered Rhythms 8:30-Truth or Consequences. 5:15-T Hanlon. KNX. 2:25*KFLI. KFXAL KGB. HYDE,- RF WB -Song Session. KFI. Kt:EIC-John Brown. 5:45-Race Results. K1111(1). News. KOI'J-Raring News. 5:45-Ira Blue, KECA. KGFJ-Snorts Flash. KG11.--Valley Shopper. Classical, Semi-Classical 6:15-Boh 'Kelley. KNIPC. 2:30-KECA. KF MB -Plano Play- KLAC -Kiddie Club. 8:30-Joe Hernandez. KMPC. Playhouse. *KO WL -News. Music 7:00-11arness Races. KI.AC. KFI-Dr. t. Q. Jr. K WIK -Top o' Morning. 12:30-ABC Symphony. RECA. It and Fishing Club. KFXM. KGB. KV0E - KXLA -Morning Moods. 1:30-First Piano Quartet. KFL KHJ. Opinionaire. 9 :35-K t 'WI .-Rendez vous in 3:30-NBC Symphony, KFL 8:10-Baseball. KI.A('. KNX -Saturday at the Chase. Reverie. 7:90-Saturday Night Serenade, KFOX -Turntable Matinee. * K WK W -News. KNX. Juvenile *KF WR -News: Bill Anson. 9:45-KFI, KFSD -Tillainook 9:30-51usic Hour, K n. 8:151- Let's Pretend. KNX. KFVD--Optimist Kays' Forum Kitchen. 10:15-Stairway to the Stars. RF1 :30-Stitilin' Ed. K Fl. *KGER, KO WI.. K WIK -News. KGFJ-Theatre liusild. 9:110-Ablett & Costello. EEC', KNIPC -1..A. %Pl. Hollywood. KM PC-St at Wilson. Drama 9:00-Jump Jump, KCI. KRKB -Tunes in Tempo. *KRK11)-News 9:30-Land t:t the Lost. KECA. K WK8W-Patriela Abel, % P te. K WRIV-Drama. 9:00-Theater of Today. KNX. 9 :30-Kiddie Club. K LAC. 2:40-KGER -Iting Beach Band. 1A -HECA-Arneriean Farmer. 9:30-Stars Over Hollywood. 12:30-Swell Tinte. KMPC. 2:15*KFVD -News. REI, KIND -National Farm KNX. 2:30-11r. I. Q. Jr... KIEL KO WL -Nedda and Home tinto'. 10:00-Grand Central Station. 3:00-Seout Jamboree, KFI. K WIC% - Races and Sports. * KHJ, KFXSI. KGB. KVOE - KNX. 15:30-Keep Ip With the Kids. 2:50-K WK W -Swing Session, News. 4:30-Curtain Time. KFL KILT 2:55-Kt:Fa-Sports Flash. KNX, KSDJ-Grand Central 3-RECA, KFAIB--Junior Junc- Popular-ll'estern Music Station. Mystery-Detective tion. KFAC -Serenade. 4:45-Stuart Hamblen, KF Wit KNX -Cross Section. U.S.A. * KFOX -News. 9:00-tiangbiniters. KECA. 7:30-.41l-Star Western. KHJ. KFI-Scont Jamboree. R eVD -Remembered Rhythms 9:30-Amazing hr. Malone., 7:30-Grand Ole Opry. K n. KILL KGB. HVOE -Revlewlng KFAVB -Maarice Hart. KECA. 9:00-Hit Parade. K n. Stand. KFAC -Musical Favorites: Page Twenty-eight EFMR -Proudly We Hail. R A DI O LIF E SATURDAY LOGS KF WB —Bill Anson. KMPC —Tom Harmon. KXLA —Sweet Chariot Hour. KGIL--Travelere Quartet. KFOX —Turntable Matinee. 5:15* KFT—News. 8:35—KO WL —Message of Grace. KLAC —Baseball. *KGER, KiELA —News. KNX —Tom Hanlon. 6:45*KFVD —News. K MPC--Saturday Night KGFJ—Sunset and VI». KLAC —Racing Roundup. KF WB —Here's to Vete. Serenade. KGIL —Serenade. KMPC —Stit — HECA —Diary of Fate. K WIK —Jim my Grier. *KLAC —News, Sports. 7 KO WL —Bing Crosby. KFI, HFSD —Kay Kyeer. KXLA —Your Program. KMPC —Baseball. K WIK —Sunset Serenade. KHJ, ILFX161, KGB, HYDE — 9:15—KGE R —Decision Now, HO WL —Radio Outlook. K WK W —Race Roundup. Take a Number. KHJ, KGB--Dirik Templeton. KRKD —Parade of Hits. 5:30*KECA. KFOX —News. KNX —Saturday Night KNX, KSDJ—Hoagy K WK W —Swing Session. KFI—Riddles in Rhythm. Serenade. Carmichael. 3:05—KGER —Sagebrush & Saddles. KHJ, KGB. KVOE —True or KFAC —Dr. James 1F1fleld, J.. 0:30—HECA —The Amazing Mi. 3:15—KLAC —JIm Hawthorne. False. KFOX —Judge Gardner. Malone. FO WL —Sports Matinee. * KN X —Charles CoRingwood. KF WB —Gospel and Song. HET, HFSD —Music Hour K WK W —Races and Sports. KFAC —Playtown Train. *HGER, KRKD —News. front Hollywood. KXLA —Juke Rot Matinee. KFVD —Going Somewhere. KGFJ—Musical Digest. KHJ, KGB. KNOE —On rim 3:25*KFIJ, KFX M. KGB, KV0E-- KGER — Western Music. * KGIL —Valley News. Beam with Benelur. News. KGFJ—Race Recap. ALAC— Harness Racee. KNX, KSDJ—Vaughn Munroe KGFJ—Sports Flash. * K(111., RO WL, H WIK —News. K MPC —Something Old and Show. 3:30—HF:CA —It's in the Family. KLAC —Irwin Allen. Something New. KFI, KFSD —NBC Symphony. KMPC —Retord Room. KO WL —Bethany Youth Hour KHJ, KGII—Saturday Side- KRHD —Sports Forum. K WIK —Shep Fields Orch. show. K WK W —Songt. at Twilight. K WK W —Harness Racing. Laymen's Hour KNX —Reserve. KXLA —Future Pianists. 111XLA —Nazarene Church. * KFAC —News. 5:35—KO WL —Musical Detective. 7:05—KGF:R —Up and Down Scales. * KRI M, K WIK —News. MALE CHORUS K WIK —Valley High Time. K MK W—Musical Horizons. K WK W —Calling All Vets. K WKV6—Easy Listening. 7:15—K1,510 —Popular Tunes. 3:35—HO WL —Sports Matinee. 5:45—HECA —Ira Blue, Sports. K611.—Modern Concert Hall. KRH D —Tea Time Tunes. * KIT, KFSD —Elmer Peterson. KF WB 3:45—HECA —Let Freedom Ring. KMPC —Proudly We Hail. *KNX, KSDJ—Garred. News. KRKD —Three-Quarter Time. 9:30 -10 P.M. Sat. KFAC —Songs for Singing. KFOX —Young America. K WIK —Voice of the Army. KVIIK -1190 Club. KGER —Melody Mustangs. 3:55*KFIVH —News. 7:30—K RCA —Ross Dolan, Detective. KliEl—Disabled Veterans. KFI, KIND —Grand Ole Opry. KGFJ—Sporte Flash. KF WIL—Laymen's Hour. KG11.—Music by Martin. KILL KFX M, KGB, }IVOR — Felice Quartet. KLAC —'sports. KGER —Bill Blancett. 4—HECA—E. All-Star Western. ROIL —Four-Square Gospel. KFI, KFSD —NBC Symphony. KMPC —Episcopal Diocese. KNX, KSDJ—It Pays to Be KHJ. KFX M, KGB, HVOE — KRRD —Race Results. Ignorant. 1 0 —HECA —Atwater Kent Sports Review. KXLA —Music for You. KFAC —Dr. Fagerburg. Auditions. KNX —Ace and Jane. 5:55*KNX, KSDJ— Wallace Sterling [ MIX —Evening Melodies. * KIT, KFSD —News. KFAC —Musical Masterpieces. e—HECA—Melody, Inc. H MIS—Dr. Hiss Clinic Forum KHJ. KFX M, KGB, KV0E—• *KFOX, KGF:R —News. KFI—Guy Lombardo Show. KGER —Grace Dots». Felix Ganiu. KFVD —Eddie Chase Show. KHJ, KGB, KVOE —Stop Me HLAC —Crosby Time. * KNX, KSDJ—Chet Huntley. KF WB —Music. If You've Heard This. KMPC —Glee Club. KFAC —Lucky Lager Dance. ! KGFJ—Sunset and Vine. KNX, WS W —Joan Davis Show KRKD —Poligh American liGIL —Off the Record. KFAC —Saturday Symphony. Congress. * KLAC —News, Sports. *KFOX, KF WIL KMPC —News. *K W1K —News. Music. KMPC —Baseball. KEVD —Supper Mont. KXLA —Accent on Youth. EASTSIDE KO WL--Culter City Hour. 7:45—KFAC —Music. KRKID—Teen-Age Workshop. KLAC —Dugout Dope. H WK W —Saturday Matinee. LAYMEN'S HOUR K WIK —Blne Barron. SHOW KXLA —Juke Box Matinee. 8 —HECA, KFMR —The Lone 4:05—KGER —Trading Post. Ranger. 10 TO 12 P.M. 4:15—HECA —Madhouse Musicale. MALE CHORUS KFI, K ESD —Life of Riley. livery Night Except Sumter ij *KHJ. KGB, Kt OE —Frank KHJ—Fishing and Hunting Hemingway. Club. KFOX —Symphonic Swing. KFX M KNX, KSDJ—It's a Great KFWB KF WB —Helen Louise. Life. KF WB--Eastside Show, KLAC —Jim Hawthorne. 6:00-6:3 0 P.M. Sat. KFAC —Evening Concert. KRHD--Motieland Quiz. F1F0X —Record Session. ROER —Tez Williams. KGFJ—Concert Nocturne. KIVEK —Girl Scouts. KF WB —Community Hour. ROIL —Symphony. 4:25—KGFJ—Sports Flash. KFA.51-1.erniarl'ei hour. KGER — Wings of Healing. KLAC —Baseball. 4:30—RECA —Harry Wismer, Sports HOER —Sports Time. 116F.1—Caucasian Memories. K WIK —Jim my Grier, KFI, KFSD —Curtain Time. KGFJ—Musical Digest. KG1L —Proudly We Hall. KHJ—Preston Sellars. KG11.—Date with a Disc. *KLAC —News. KXLA — Western Caravan. KNX -1.. A. Story. *KLAC —News, Al Jarvis. KMPC —A Boy. a Girl and a 10:15—KFI—Stairway to the Stare. HFOX —Old Age Pensions. KO WL —Italian Program. Song. KHJ —Dick La Salle Ore. K EYD —Singin' Sam. KRIID —Varieties in Music. K WIK — What's the Answer? KNX —Muslc. KF WB —Blind Artiste' Guild. K WIK —Spotlight on a Star. KXLA —American Repertory 10 :30—KHJ, KGB--Garwood V » IIGER —Quoneut. K WK W —Sunset Serenade. Theatre. Drell *FIO WL —News. KXLA —Interscholastic Debate 8:10—KLAC —Baseball: Hollywood KNX —Henry Busse Ord). KRIID —Symphony In Swing. 6:15—KFVD —Quiet Ns, Los Angeles. KGER —At the Ranchhouse. 11WK W —Soroptimists. KF WB--Tello Test. 8:15--KGEJ—saludos Amigos. KMPC —Candlelight and Silver 4:45*ILF:CA. KFM1t—Dorothy FCMPC —Bob Kelley, Sports. KMPI —Parade of Hits. KLA('—Don Otis. Fuldhelm. KGEtt—Eyee on the Ball. KV:LA —Barber Shop Quartet. K XLA —Hawthorne Thing, KHJ, KGB, KV0E —Proof KEDX —Vesper Bells. :30-.-HECs KFMB —Challenge 10:45—KFI—Sweet and Lovely. that Christian Science Heals KRKII—Hawaiian Memories. the Yukon. 10 :55—KFI—Police Bulletins. KNX —Garden Gate. K WIK —Sport Hanagvams. KFI, KFSD —Truth or *KLAC —News. KF WB —Stuart Hamblen. :30—FCECA. K1,511t—Music of Consequences. — HECA —Florentine Gardens. KFVD —Stringtime. Manhattan. KILL KGB. KV0E —Flawall KFI—Solitair Time. HO WL —Snort s. KFI. KFSD —Judy Canova. Calls. 11 * KRK D —News. KHJ —John Wolohan Or». KILL KGB, KV OK—Keep Up KNX —Find the Clue. *KN X —Nelson Pringle. K WK W —Races and Sports. With the Kids. KFOX —Froudly We Hall. KFAC —Luelcy Lager Dance. 4:50—K WK W —Magic Time. !W WII—Sons o' Guns. 4:55—Kt1FJ—Sports Flash. FIFVD —Spade Cooley Time. KriER _Clem Davies. KF WB —Easteide Show. S—HECA—Mirarler in Music. Kt:El—Know Your Schools. KFI—Saturday In KGER —At the Ranchhonse. FUN ... STUNTS 11(111 —Weatherman. KG E11—Concert Nocturne. Roundup. Even the listeners win KXLA —The Corral. KHJ, KGB, KVDE —The Lone KGIL —Juke Box Review. prizes in 8:45—KF WB —Little Concert. KLAC —Don Otis. Wolf. KliFJ—The law Is Your K MPC —Dance Parade. KNX, KSDJ—George Fisher. "THE PADDED CELL" Servant. KFAC —Sunset Serenade. K WIK —Jim my Grier. •KGIL —Guest Star. KXLA —Trenler Twins. KFOX —Sunshine Mission. KNX tonite - 6:30 8:55*KNX. KSILI—News. KFVD —Sundown Roundup. dak—RECA—Gangbusters. 11:15— KF1—Reserve. KF WB--Stuart Hamblen. R H, KIND —Hit Parade. KHJ —Al Wallace Orch. *K61.:B. KM PC—News. *KIM, KFXM, KGB, KV 0E—. KN X--Steve Allen. KtiFJ—Jite at Fisc. KNX, KSDJ—Padded Cell. 11:30—KECA —E. Felice Quartet. KG11.—Date with a Disc. KFVD —Airlane Serenade. KN X, KriDJ—Abe Burrows. KFT, KESD —Harry Owe» *KLAC —News. Sports. H MIS— Wizard vs. Criswell. KFAC —F:vening Concert. Orch. KO WL —Your Com munity. KGER —Lukin Valley Church. ILG EI—Flollywood House KXLA —Pasadena Civic Deuce KRI M —Record Rodeo. IiMPC —Bay Meadows. Party. 11 :40—K NX —Dance Orch. 11:45*K11.1—News. K W1K —Pet Show. KRKD —Harmony in Rhythm. KFOX —Record Session. KXLA —Club Congo. KXLA —Juke Box Matinee. *HO WL, K WIK, K WK W — KF WB--Barn Dance. 5:05—KGER —Harmony Corral. News. 11:55*HECA, KFL KNX, KMPC—. KGER —Guest Star. News.

More of the same will be broadcast big soap-collection drive. The Junior Friday, May 7 at 9:45 a.m. and 3:30 Red Cross will handle distribution Precasts 82, Previews p.m. and Saturday, May 8 at 9:45 of the soap to students abroad. a.m. and 5:15 p.m. (Continued from Page 14) Friday, April 30—Hank McCune Show, KFI, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) Through a Public Interest Mother's Day "com mand performance" of the L.A. Thursday, May 6—Man-on-the-street City College students, Hank takes a Friday, May 7—"Calling All Mothers," interviews, KMPC, 9:45, a.m. and gala show to their campus. Barry KECA, 10:15 a.m. (15 min.) As a 3:30 p.m. (15 min.) These special Sullivan, Frank Nelson, Hans Con- special Mother's Day tribute, Ted shows, celebrating the opening of ried, Arthur Q. Bryan, Sara Berner, Malone presents this program du- the new Boys' Market in San Ga- Dotty Brown and the Sparklétts en- ing his regular ABC time. briel, will be emceed by Stu Wilson. tertain with Hank on behalf of the Page Twenty-nine May 2, 1948 RA DI O LIF E

ALPHABETICAL PROGRAM tupe. Note: Programs mai•ked with an asterisk (') are of the contest guts, or offer * Indicates programs of news and com mentation.

*Abbe, James KECA. 7:30 a.m. M-F Christian Science KFOX 8 p.m. Su Give and Take...-----_ -_KN X, 11:30 is.m. Sa Godfrey. Arthur...- ----_KN X, 3:30 p.m. M-1' Abbott and Costello KECA, 8 p.m. W Christopher Wells KNX, 6:30 p.m. Tu *Godwin, Earl... -. ..- SECA, 9:15 p.m. M Abbot-Costello Kid Show KECA, 9 a.m. Sa Church in the Wildwood KECA, 7 a.m. Su Adventure Parade KILL 3:45 p.m. M-F Church of the Air KN X. 7 a.m. Su "Go for the House KECA, 8:30 p.m. W Golden Hour KHJ, 4:30 p.m. Su Adventures of Charlie Chan....KHJ. 8:30 p.m. M Cisco Kid HUI, KGB, 7:30 p.m. M,W.F Graham, Sheilah KHJ, KGB, 8:45 p.m. Su *Agronsky, Martin SECA, 6:30 a.m. M-F Clark, Cottonseed KGER, 5:05 p.m. Sa Clifton, ('harles A KRKD, 5:30 p.m. M -Sa Grand Central Station____ ..... KNX, 10 a.m. Sa Air Force Show KILL 3 Pan M Grandpa Owens..- KFI 8 a.m. Su Air-o-tonals KGFJ, 9:20 a.m. M -Sa Cloak Room KN X, 9:15 p.m. W Club Fifteen KNX. 4:30 p.m. M-F Grand Ole Opry KFI, W ei% 7:30 p.m. Sa Album of Familiar Music KFI, 6:30 p.m. Su Grand Slam KN X, 8:30 a.m. M-F Club Time KECA, 11:15 a.m. Tu Aldrich Family K M, 8:30 p.m. Th Gray, Jeanne K MPC. 4:15 p.m. M. W. F Alera nder' s Wadi a tion Boa rd. KHJ 3 p. m . Th Coffee Concert KF1, 8 a.m. Sa College Choir KNX, 8:05 a.m. Su Great Gilderaleeve . 8:30 p.m. W Allen. Fred. K M, 5:30 p.m. Su Greatest Story Ever Told....K A, 3:30 p.m. Su Alien, Steve KN X, 11:15 p.m. M -Sa College of Musical Knowledge KFI. 7 p.m. Sa *Collingwood, ('harles KNX, 5:30 p.m. M -Sa Great Talent Hunt KHI. 2 p.m. $ All-Star Western KAI. 7:341 p.m. Sa Green Hornet KECA, 8:30 p.m. Su Amazing Mr. Malone KECA, 9:30 p.m. Ss Collins, Chuck KFI, 9:45 a.m. M-F Collins Calling KECA, 8:30 a.m. Sa Green Light Revue .... _...... KMPC, 8:45 a.m. M-F Ameche, Don W. «. 6 p.m. F liregson, Jack KFI, 11:30 a.m. Sa America Dances -...KF WB, 6:311 p.m. M-I, Columbia School KNX, 1 p.m. M-F Commander Scott...... KFIJ, HYDE. 10:15 a.m. Su (iriffin, Mery ...... ------..... EHI, 10:15 a.m. M-F America United KII, 11 p.m. Su Guiding Light KNX. 10:45 a.m. M-F American Farmer KECA, 10 a.m. Sa Concert Nocturne KGFJ. 10 p.m. D Conflict KNX, 9:45 p.m. M-F Hal's Memory Room. KIFON, 6:30 p.m. I) American Heritage ...... _...KGFJ. 8:45 p.m. M -Sa ilamblen, Stuart KF WB, 4:45 p.m. M -Sa Conquest K n, 9 p.m. F American Sports Page_i_ _ KECA, 7:30 p.m. F Contented Hour KFI, KFSD. 7 a.m. M Hampton. Lionel KILL 3 p.m. W American Way K11, 6 p.m. M Hanlon, Tom KNX, 5:15 pan. M -Sa Amos 'n' And KI-1, p.m. Ti. (ooper, Alex._ ...... _...... K XLA, 12:30 a.m. I) Curtiss. Archer KNX, 9:30 Su Happy Gang ICIFIJ. 11 a.m. M-F Andrews, Are le Kr', 11 a.m. >a Happy Homes K W, 1:30 p.m. M-F Animal World Court KECA, 6:05 p.m. M-F Cotton, Carolina KGER. 3:30 p.m. NI-1, Count of Monte Cristo KHJ. KGB, 8 p.m. Tu Happy Theater KECA, 5 p.m. M-F An.c•n, Bill KIFWB. 1 p.m. M-Sa *Hardy, Glenn -...K11.1. 10 a.m., 9 p.m. D Arden, Eve KFI, 6:30 p.m. Ti. Counterspy KECA. KFMIS. 2:30 p.m. Su County Fair KN X 10:30 a.m. Sa Harmon, Tom .KMPC. 5:05 p.m. Sa Arlington. Charlie KILL 10:30 p.m. M-F Harns, Phil KFI, 4:30 p.m. Su Arnold. Eddie KFI, 6:30 a.m. Ti,, Th, Sa County Medical Assn KFAC, 10:45 a.m. Th Crime Photographer KNX, 6:30 p.m. Th *Harself, Joseph KNX, 11:30 a.m. Su Arnold. Edward KE(A, 9 p.m. Th Crocker, Betty K n. 11:40 a.m. M-F Hart, Maurice...KFIVB, 6 a.m.. 10:30 a.m. M -Sa Art Baker's Notebook KF1. 4:30 pan. M-IF KECA. 10:55 a.m. M-F Harvest of Stars EN'S., 6:30 P.M. W Aunt Jenny...... KNX. 9:15 a.m. M-F Hanel, Joe KECA, 11:15 p.m. F Aunt Mary KFI, KFSI), 3:30 p.m. M-F Crosby. Bing KECA. KGER. 9 p.m. W Cross Section, U.S.A KNX, 3 p.m. Sa Haven of Rest KXLA, 8:30 a.m. M, W. F Autry. Gene KNX, 4 p.m. Su . KRKD. KENO KFOX. It aan. Tu, Th, Sa Baby Snooks KNX, 9 p.m. F Cunningham, Bill KHI, 11:30 a.m. Su ('urtain Time KIFI, KFSI). 4:3(4 p.m. Ss Hawaii Calls KHJ 8:30 p.m. Sa Backgrounds for Living...KNX, 12:45 p.m. M.W.E Dance Time KFAC. 10 pan. SI-Sa 'Hawk. Bob - • P. • Background for Stardom KHI. 9:15 p.m. Si, Hauthorne K XLA, 10:30 p.m. D Backstage Wife KFI, 1 p.m. M-F Date With Judy KF1, KFSI). 5:30 p.m. Tu Davies, Clem KGER, 8:30 p.m. M -Sa *Hayes, Sam _ KFI, 7:45 a.m. NI-Sa ffariC to God KHI. 8 a.m. Su *Hayes, Sam KECA, 12 n. M-F *Davis, Elmer KECA, 10:30 p.m. M -F Backus. Jim K M. 6:311 p.m. Su Davis. Joan KNX. 6 p.m. Sa llaymes, Dick KN X 6 p.m. Th Baiter, Sam KLAC, 7:30 p.m. M-F Day in Dennis Day's Life KFI. 9 p.m. W Haynes. Dick...... KLAC. 6 a.m. M-Sa Bandwagon KFL 4:30 p.m. Su Diary of Fate SECA. 7 P.m. Sa *Heatter. Gabriel_ KHJ, 7 p.m. Sn, 6 p.m. M-F Barrel of Dough KF WB. 10 a.m. M-F Dinner Bell Roundup...... KXLA, 11:30 a.m. M-F Heart's Iresire KHJ. KGB. 2 p.m. M-F *Baukhage Talking KECA, 12:15 p.m. M-F Divon, Nancy KU.!, 1:15 p.m. M-F Heidi, Horace KFI, 7:30 a.m. SU Beck, Fred KNX. 7:45 a.m. M-F Doorway to Life KN X, 10 a.m. Su *Hemingway. Frank KILL 4:15 p.m. M-Sa Behind Front Page KILL 7 p.m. Su Double or Nothing KNX, 12 n M-F *Henry, Bill ...... _____KNX. 5:55 p.m. M-F eneke, Tes KHJ, 9:30 p.m. Sa Dougherty. Stan KNX, 2 p.m. Sa *lienry. Fred ...... _. KLAC. 5 p.m. M-F Benny, Jack ...... KFI, 4 p.m., 9:30 p.m. Su Downtown and All Around K n. 10 a.m. M-F Here's Hollywood KECA, 7:45 p.m. Tu Berri, , Jack M I, 8:30 a.m. M-F Drake. Galen KECA, 10 a.m. M-F Here's to N et KFI. 11:15 p.m. M Berger, Hal KMP(. 1 a.m. M-F Dr. Christian KNX, 8:30 p.m. W Here's to You KNX. 2:15 p.m. Su Hetherington, Keith KMPC. 11 a.m. Sa Bergen, Edgar KIFI, 5 p.m. Su 1/r. Dana KNX, 5:30 p.m. Su *Berman, Averill KGFI , 8:30 p.m. M-F Dr. Hiss Clinic EH.). 8:31) aan. Sa High Adventure KILL 8:30 p.m. F Between I's Girls ,... KECA. 11:45 a.m. MA, 'Dr. I. 0 KFI, TIFSD. 6:30 p.m. M Highlights in Music KAI, 10:15 p.m. M-F Beulah KNX. 9:30 p.m. M-F "Dr. I. O. .Jr KFI, KIN!), 2:30 p.m. Sa *Hill, Edwin C KECA, 6 p.m. M-F Bible Institute Duffy's Tavern KFI. 6 p.m. W Hint Hunt..._ ...... - ...... _..- KNX. 4 p.m. M-F KRNO, KRI M. KFOX, 8 a.m. M.W.F Durante, Jim my KFI, 7:30 p.m. W Hit Parade KFI. 9 p.m. Fla Bible Treasury Hour KGER, 8:45 a.m. M-E Eastside Show -..- ...... KF WIL 10 p.m. M-Sa Hitt•hing Post KECA. 11:30 a.m. Ss Big Sister KN X. 10 a.m. M-F EelOWS of Eden KF WB. 10:30 p.m. Su Holly Sloane KFI. 11:30 a.m. M- Big Story KF1, 9:30 p.m. M Edifier at Home KE('A, 10:15 a.m. Su Hollywood Bowl Auditions KFI, 7 p.m. W Big Town KN X. 9 p.m. Ti. Editor of the Sir..,. KFT1). 12 n. M-I, Hollywood Casting Forum...KG EL 9:45 a.m. Sa Hollywood Favorites KILL 2:30 p.m. M-F Blind Artists Guild KFIVIL 4:341 p.m. Sa *Editor's Diary KILL 8:30 a.m. M-1, Blondie KNX. 8:311 p.m. Su Ellery Queen KE('A, 7 p.m. Th Hollywood Headlines KECA, 10:30 a.m. Ss , Blue , Ira KECA. 5:45 p.m. Sa Elson. Bob KNX, 10:15 p.m. M-F Hollywood HoOSO Party KGFJ. 9 p.m. M -Sa Boston Mackie KMPC. 9:30 p.m. Su F.piscopal Diocese KMPC. 5:45 p.m. Sa Hollywood Star Preview KFI. 8 p.m. Su Boston Pops KECA, 6:30 p m. Tu Eseape KNX, 7 p.m Su Hollywood Theater KFI. 6:30 p.m. W itowron, Fletcher FIFIL 10:15 p.m. Th Eternal Light KF1. 9 a.m. Su Hope, Bob KFI, 7 p.m. Tu KMPC. 6:15 p.m. Su Ethel and Albert KECA. 1:45 p.m. M-F Hour of Faith KECA. 8:30 a.m. Su 'Break the Bank KIF:CA. KFM11. 9 p.m. F Evening Concert KFAC. 8 p.m. M -Sut House of Mystery ...... _..... H MI, KGB. 1 p.m. Su HOO.te Party KN X. 2:30 p.m. M-F Breneman's Breakfast KECA. 9:30 a.m. M-I, Everybody Wins KNX, 7 p.m. F Bridge Club KMPC. 10 p.m. M FalcUn E MI, 8 p.m. Th Howard. Eddy KIFI. 12 n. Su 'Bride and Groom KECA. 2:30 p.m. M-F Family Hour KNX, :t p.m. Su *Huntley, Chet KNX. 10 p. m. D Bridge to Dreamland KECA. 11 p.m. Su Family Theatre KILL 7 p.m. Th I Loye Adventure KECA, 4 p.m. Su I Want It NFL 2:15 p.m. Sa *Broadway News EH.). It n. I) Famous Jury Trials KECA. 9:30 pan F Famous Shade KFI. 1:45 p.m. Su If They Had Lived KG EL 5:45 p.m. M, W. F.' Brooding With Brady KNX, 7 a.m. M-F 'Information Please KHI. 6:30 p.m. F Ball, Frank KF WB, 6:30 p.m. M-F Farm Highlights KFI. 6:15 a.m. M -Sa . Inner Sanctum ...... KNX. 9Parr.u. 7 *Brown, Cecil K M. It M-F Farm Journal KNX. 5:45 a.m. M-Sa *Inside the News K n , 10...30 ILm • 7,. Borrows, Abe KNX, 9 p.m. Sa Farm News K MPC. 6:15 a.m. M-Sa *Inside of Sports....KHJ. KVOEie, 9i;130 91). amài Ms-Fu Burns and Allen K11, 9 p.m. Th Farm Reporter KFI. 12 n. M-Sa Farrell. Eileen KN X. 1:30 p.m. Su Invitation to Learning Business News KIMPC, 8:15 a.m. M-Sa In My Opinion KNX. 11:40 p.m M California Caravan KECA. 3 p.m. Su Fat Man KECA. 8 p.m. F Favorite Story Kil, 9 p.m. Tit *Irwin, George 'KMPC. 6 p.m. M-F California Melodies E MI, 6:311 p.m. M It Pays to Be Ignorant KNX. 7:30 p.m. Sa call for Music KIF1, 8:311 p.m. Ti. FBI in Peace and War KNX, 9 p.m. Tit *F'enture Wire KF1, 5 p.m. M-F It's X Great Life KNX, 8 p.m. Sa (ameos of Music KEI 6.344 a in Sit It's in the Family KECA. 3:30 p.m. !.4a 'Can You Ton This. IIIFI , KFSI). 8:30 p.m. F Festival of Music.. KFAC. 11 a.m. M -Sa Jack Armstrong KECA. 5:30 Tu. Th Canary Pet Show ...... KH.I. KGB. 11:45 a.m. Su Fibber McGee as KFI, 6:30 pan. Tit *Fidler. Jim mie KH.11. 5:30 pan Su Jarvis, AI KLAC, 10 a.m., 6:30 M -Sa Candid Microphone KECA, 9:30 p.m. Th *James Abbe Observes KECA, 7:30 a.m. M-F 1 'alma, Judy KFI, 6:30 p.m. Sa KECA. 7:30 P.m S11 Find the Clue KNX. 8:30 p.m. Sa. Jim my and Wally KIEV, 2:30 p.m. Su cantor. Eddie KFI, 7:30 p.m. TI. Jive at Five KGFJ. 5 p.m. M -Sa captain Midnight KELL 5:30 p.m. M-F Fingert i p successes IIMPC. 8:45 a.m. Sa Firestone Favorites KMPC, 7 p.m. 51-1, Johnson Family KILL 9:30 a.m. M-F i 'arle l'unies Calling KN''V. 2:30 p.m. Su Johnson, Floyd B-.KRKD KRNO. 5:30 FM Carmichael. IltiagY • K7:.\. 9:15 p.m. Sa First Nighter KNX. 7:30 p.m. Th First Piano Quartet KFI 1:30 p.m. Sa KGER, 8:05 p.m. Su. W. F Carnation Hour KFI. 7 p.m. M Jolson, AI KFI. 6 p.m. flu 1 arson. .lack KFI. 6:311 p.m. Th Fisher, George KNX. 4:25 p m. SI-F', 5 pan, Yta Fishing & Hunting 1 Ii,), KILL 8 p.m. Sa Jones-Shay KNX. 7:30 p.m. F lasa Cagat Ki '). 5:311 p.m. W-F Joyce Jordan. 51.1) K n. 10:45 a.m. M-F KFA 5, it30 a.m. 10 p.m. M-F Fishing Pais Ki-ii\. 7:15 p.m. Ti.. Th. I' Juke Box Matinre KXLA. 3:15 p.m. M -Sa Casebook of G li I 141.1, 7 p.m. W Five-Seventy Club KLAC. 1:10 p.m. N1-1, Ford Theatre K U, p.m. Mu Junior Junction KECA, 3 p.m. Sa Catholic Answers KFIVIL 7:45 p.m. Si. Jump-Jump of Holiday House KFI, 9 a.m. Ma Catholic Hour ...KIFI. 3 p.m. Su *Foreign Reporters KF,CA. 10 a.m. Su Free for All KNX, Ir.:30 p.m. Sa Junior :Shaw KNX, 8:30 a.m. Sa Cavalcade of America KFI, 8:30 p.m. M Junior Symphony KF WB. 2:30 p.m. Su Cavalcade of Music KECA, 1.0:30 a.m. Su Front Page KECA, 8:30 p.m. Th Front-Page Farrell Ell, KFS1). 2:45 p.m. M-F Just Plain Bill KCI. KFSIL, 2:30 p.m. M-F cavalcade of Sports 1:1( 5, KFM13, 7 p.m. F .1litre/111e Jury. KN.!. 12:30 p.m. Su CBS Is There EN \ , 111:30 p.m. Su F'rontiers of Science KNX, 11:40 pan Tu *Fuldlielm. Dorothy KECA, 4:45 p.m. Sa Kaye. Sammy.. KFCA. 12:30 p.m. So 1'BS Symphony ENX, 12 N. Su Keep Up with the Kids KHI. 6:30 p.m. Sa Challenge of the liikon Ii1:1 A. 8:30 p.m. Sa *Fuller. Sid KHJ. 12 n. . - KECA, 6:15 p.m. M-F Kelley .Bob KMPC. 6:15 p.m. St-Sn Challenge to Youth K \ 1.5. 3:30 p.m. Su Garden Chats KGER, 6:45 a.m. M-F Kilgallen, Dorothy KIP:C.A. 11:15 a.m. M-1, champion Roll Call EC( 5. 6:55 p.m. F *Garth. Arthur KECA, 9 p.m. M Kilgore, Roger Chapel Hour WM PC, 8:30 a.m. Su Gangbusters 'MCA, 9 p.m. Sa Know Your Schools KMPC. 6 p.m. Su Chapel quartet K F1, 10:15 p.m. Su Kraft Music Hall NFL KFSD, 6 p.m. Th Chase. Eddie K I 5 1/, 11 a.m.. 4 ILTII. M -Sa Garden (late KNX, 4:45 p.m. Su (larden Guide KHI, 10:15 a.m. Sa Kyser. Kay K n. 7 P•m• Su Chemists in Act' KECA, 10:45 a.m. Sa I.. A. Breakfast Club KF WB. 8 a.m. W Chicago Round Table Kill. 10:30 a.m. Su Garden School KGER, 2:30 M-1, 1.. A. Story • KN X. 4:30 p.m. Sa Chicago Theater KIII, KGB. 9:30 p.m. Su *Garrett. Bob KNX. 7:30 a.m.. 5:45 p.m. NI-Sa Gateway to Music KFAC. 9:30 p.m. Su 'Ladies. Be Seated KE(:A, 3 p.m. M-F l'hild's World SECA, 6:30 P•m• M Ladies' Day - KFL 9:05 a.m. M-F Christian Science K n. 8:30 a.m. SII Gilbert and Sullivan KFAC. 9:30 a.m. Su Land of the Free. - KELL 9:45 p.m. W Christian Science. .K11.1. 4:45 p.m. Sa Girls' Corps KHJ, 9:30 a.m. Sa

Page Thirty RA DI O LIF E May 2, 1948

Land of the Lost K ECA. 9:30 a.m. Sa Of Meg and [Looks KN X. 11:40 p.m. Th Sports Desk K E(7,11. 6:10 p.m. M-F Lane, Vance ..RO ER. 10:05 a.m.. 4:05 p.m. M-F Olmstead & ( ompany . K FI. 11 a.m. Su Sports Folio ...... K FI, 7:45 p.m. F Langford, Frances K N X. 6 p.m. F Oly mpic Fights Ii1. Sr, 10:05 p.m. Tu Sports Newsreel K F1, K FSD, 7:30 p.m. F Lassie K ECA, 12 n. Su On Stage America KE('A, 7:30 p.m. M Spurts Final KI-VIB, .:30 pan. M-1 Lawrence, Jerry .. KNIPC. 3:45 p.m. M-F OH the Ileu m K HJ, 6:30 p.m. W * Lawtou, Fleet w 1 KNIPC, 7:30 a m. M -Sa Spurts Parade 1611.1, 1 p.m. Sa On Trial K E1A, 830 p.m. Tu Sports Retie» K H.1, 4 p.m. Sa K11, 7:15 a.m. M -Sa, K114, 9:15 p.m. SI-i" One Man's Family KFI, K FS1), 12:30 p.m. Si, Sports Roundup K FI, 5 p.m. Sa Layman's Hour K F W14, 9:30 p.m. Ma Open Forum K LAC. 9:111 p.m. Su Spotlight un 'sports Kist .4, 1:30 pan. Sa Leaders of Tomorrow KNII .C. 14:15 p.m. M 01:iniormaire ...K HJ, 2:311 p.m. Sa Squeakin' D MWIIII K %I.A. KI150, p.m. M-F Leine It to the liirls Kill, 8:30 p.m. W e Otis. Don M.A.. 3:10 p.m., 10 p.m. NI -Sa . Ii1.1:11. 1230 p.m. M-F Let Freedom Ring Kit' t. 3:45 pan. Sa Our Oul Sunday K N X, 9:45 a.m. M-F Stairway to the sears KI.1, 10:15 p.m. Sa Let 6.-orge Do It KILL K1.B. 8 p.m. M Outdoor Reportrr .KFI, 8:45 a.m. Su Standard Hour K n. Kl•'sit, 8:30 p.m. Su Let's Pretend K N . 8:05 a.m. Sa °netts, 'Pent . K11. 6:311 a.m. M, W. F Standard School K FI, 111 a.m. Th * Lewis, Fulton K114. 4 r.nm•. 10 P.m. M-t' 0.4zie & Harriet . . . KS X, 6:31) p.m. F S:11:, 1...i.,, 111,.1.bu iria lC 11.5w.e.lail ft. RN A, 9:30 a.m. Sa Leyden. Hill.. KF M It. Iii a.111. M-F ....4.11 Perak Lutherau Flour K F WB, 9:311 p.m. Su ,. ft. Kt'sle, 1:13 p.m. M-F Libretti Catholic Hour K FAC. 9 a.m. Sat P4dded ('ell . .. K N X. 6:311 p.m. Sit Life Can Be Beautiful K11, 3:15 p.m. M-F K HJ, 6 p.m. Sa •Par Atisvvér Came K HJ, 8 p.m. F siop the MuNir KEI A, 5 p.m. Su Life of Riley K FI. 8 p.m. Sa * Parsons, 'Amelia K ECA. K1 1318, 6:15 p.m. Su slot.> Time Light of the World KF1, 11:45 a.m. M-F 8:15 a.m. Sa Passing Parade K H.1, 4:30 p.m. M-F' srrnight Arrow 1:11.1. 8 p.m Th Lindlahr, Victor K11.1. 9:15 a.m. M A' Pause That Refresh..», KN X, 3:30 pan. Su strike It Rich Listening Post KE1 A, 11:15 a.m. M, W. F R N '.. 7:30 p.m. Su * Pearson. Drew K ECA. 8 p.m. Su strolling Tom K F WB. 9 a.m. M-F Living 1948 K fl, 1 p.m. Sa People Are Funny K F1, 6 p.m. F st litho One Lombardo. ',ay M EL 6 pin. Sa K N X. 7 p.m. Tu I ruffle's Platform K N X. 9:311 a.m. Su Sunday Exening ChM R FA(. 8:45 p.m. Su Lone Ranger K1,3 \, 7 p.m. 31. W: 8 p.m. Su Pepper Voting's Family R FC 12:30 pun. NI-1C Lone Wolf . . KH.1, 5 pan. Su Sunday Morning Melodies K311 .1 , 8:15 a.m. Su Peru, Mason K NX. 11:15 a.m. M-11' Sunrise Salute K N N, 6:13 a.m. 31 -Sa Long Beach Band KliER. 2 p.m. Tii-Sti Pet A...image K MPC, 7 pan. Su simperman Kli.1, 5:15 p.m. M-F Lora Lawton K F1. 8:45 a.m. M-F Pet Parade K FOX, '7:30 pan. Th slipper Club K11, K FSD, 8 p.m. NI-F Lorenzo Jones KFI, KI ,s1), 1:30 p.m. M-F * Peterson. Elmer Ki-'I, KM> IL 5:45 p.m. Viti' surprise Package K ECA, 2 p.m. M-1' Lucky Lager Dance Tinte KC ti , 10 p.m. M -Sa * Pettengill. ',III, K ECA. 12:13 p.m. Sis surprise Theatre KN X. 14:25 p.m. Su Lutheran Gospel Hour K N I. t. 630 p.m. Su Philp Name K MP('. 8:30 p.m. Su suspense K V X. 4:311 p.m. Su Lutheran Hour KI1.1, Kt 04, 9:30 a.m. Su ?iano Playhouse K E( 'A. 2:311 p.m. Sm. sweet Chariot 1110111. K N1.4. 630 pan. Sa Lux Radio Theater K NN, 6 p.m. NI ?latter l'arty KII. 7:311 a.m. M -Sa Symphonette FIN V, 10 :30 p.m. M. W, IF Madhouse Musicale 1:1.t t. 4:15 p.m. Su Pleasure Parade K FI 9:30 p.m. To Major League Ball K \I P.. I p.m. M-1' Take a Number K HI, 7 p.m. Ss Point Sublime . 8 p.m. . "Take It or Leaye It KF'1, 7 p.m. Su Major League Ball 1. I ti . 510 p.m. M-F I Mice Bulletins K11. 10:55 p.m. 1) Talent Scouts K N X, 8:30 p.m. SI Ma Perkins KCI, KI•sli, 12:15 p.m. M-F Paining L. A. KILL 9:15 a.m. Se Taylor. Henry .1. K114, Kok', 9:45 p.m. M, I ...... KS. N. 10:15 a.m. M-F Portia Faces Life K FI. KVS1), 2:15 p.m. M-11, l'itylor Nlaile NIelialies K FI, 9:30 a.m. Su Make Wat for limit, KN V. 1:311 pm. Sa. Potter. Peter KIIVIIK .N 9N::.4119 an.. Smu. * Malone, led IXECA, 10:15 a.m. M-F Presidential Timber . Taylor, Mary i.e.- K11. 6:45 a.m. SIS,. K S'.. 11 P.M •ki Manhattan Merry -.,,,- Bound K VI, 6 p.m. Su Press Club K LAC. 9 pum. M Man Called X K N X, li p.m. Su Teen and l'w cull. Time K M PC. 5:117, p.m. \I 1 Preview Theater Teen-'Finiers K F WB. 9 P.m. F Telephone HO M K H4. I I .30 aan sui Mann, Herbert J. . K FI, lie a.m. Si. * Pringle. Nelson K N X, 7:15 nuis.. 11 p.m. M-F Manners, Zeke KFCA. 1:45 a.m. SI -F K FI, RI sle, 9 p.m. M Pro and Con M I. 11:30 p.m. F Tell It Again KNN., 11 a.m. Su * Manning, Knox IX s. N, 12311 pall., 5 p.m. M-S,. Proudly We Hall KFI. 11:13 p.m. Th 'Fella-Test K F WB. 0:15 p.m. 51-Sa Mansfield, Andy K M KW. 3:30 p.m. M-F Proudly We Hail K U RIA. 1 p.m. Su Templeton, Dink 16114, 9:15 p.nt. Sa Marx, lirinwho R ECA, 8:30 p.m. Vt KNIPC. ::30 p.m. Su: 7:15 p.m. Sa Mayor of Ihe TIMII K EI'A. 7:30 p.m. %V Terry and time Pirates R ECA. 5:15 p.m. M-F Pueblo Serenade R N '.. 2 p.m. Su Texas Tiny McCarthy. Charlie KFI, 5 p.m. Su Theatre Guild H O ER. 12:15 p.m. M-F Queen for a Day K HJ, Klilt, 11:30 a.m. M-F McCune, Hank . Fin 7 p.m. F K ECA, 6:30 p.m. Su •Quick as a Flash K U.!, 2:311.311 pp.,..m.. iStui The Cluck McLaughlin, Bole 111.4C 1:111 p.m. NI-I, Quiet Please K Theater of Today K ECA. 4:30 p.m. Su K S '., 9 a.m. Sa McNeill's Breakfast I hub K EC 4, 8 a.m. M-1' /a z Kids KIFI. 1 p.m. Su Meet Me at Park) 's K114. 6 p.m. Su The 'ledge K HJ, 11130 a.m. M-F *Quiz of Two Cities KILL 7:30 p.m. See 111e saint KS '., 7 p.m. W Meet the Meeks .FiFi. 111:30 a.m. Sa Quizzical.- KFCA, 1:311 p.m. NI, W. F e'Meet the Missus K NX, 3 p.m. M-F: 12 n. Sa The Shadow ..K HJ, . p.m. Su Racket Smashers . K114, 3 p.m. Ti, Thinking Allowed K ECA. 1:15 p.m. Su Meet the Press .... K114, 7 p.m. F Radio. A merican V\ ay . K ECA. 12:15 p.m. Sa The Sheriff . K EC -1, K ERB, 6:30 p.m. F Melodlana K FI, 7:30 a.m. Su * Radio News Weekly K F1, 1:30 p.m. Si. . K11. 11:45 p.m. Tu, Th, F The Whistler KN X. 7:30 p.m. W Radio Reader's Digest K N X. 7 p.m. Th Melodies .%enteri, a Lotes KN X, 6:011 p.m. Su This Centennial Veer K ECA, 9:30 a.m. Su Raggedy Sou ..KHJ, 5 p.m. NI, W. F This Is Your FBI...... ¡ MCA. 8:30 p.m.. F Melody', 111, • KF:C t. 6 p.m. Sa RCA-Victor Show R F!, R ESIN, 11:30 a.m. Su Melody Nlatinee K HI. 1245 p.m. SI -F This Wo man's Secret . KFI, KIS H, 4 p.m. M-F Red Hook 31 K HJ. 3:30 p.m. 91-F Melody Parade Kit. 315 p.m. Sue Thomas, Danny K N X, 8:30 p.m. F Red Ryder . H114, KVOE. 7:30 p.m. Tu, Th * Thomas, Lowell K NX, 8 p.m. M-F Melody Time K FI. lu' us p.m. Su -i' Remember That Music K FI. 10:13 p.m. Tu Message of Israel K1 1 t. 6 a.m. Su Those Meheeterem.., K HI. KGB, KVOE, 3 p.m. Su Report Irma U.N. K N X. 11:40 p.m. F Three Alarm KtIPC, 2:15 p.m. M-F Metropolitan Auditions K11.1 t. 1:3o p.m. Sti Report I.. the People KEl'A, 5:30 p.m. Tu SI inhael Shay ne k VI PC. 8 p.m. Su Titian ..... k Kitchen K11, KFS1), 9:45 a.m. Se Revere All-Star Revue KIII, 8:30 p.m. Th Midnight Flyer K I I. 12 p.m. M -Sa "Toila‘'s Children KFI. K FS1), 11 a.m. M-F Re% iewing stand K H.1. 3 p.m. Sa T Mix MI & 111:1t. 3:45 p.m. M-F Midnight Nlerry -tom-Round KN N. 12 p.m. I) * Rielifield Reporter Khi, KIN D. 10 pan. Mu -i' Mild and Mellott K \ I I'l . 4 :311 p.m. 31-1' Town Sleeting KI•TA, 9 p.m. Tu Riddles in Rhyth m K FI. 5:30 p.m. Sa Treasury Agent KECA, 2 p.m. Su * Miller. Rex K11.1. 7 :311 a.m. 31-1' Right 4., Happiness KFI, K FSO. 12:45 p.m. M-F' Miracles in Music KECA, 11 a.m. Su Treasury Band Show K R A, '2:05 p.m. Sa Rise and Shine Iiii.l. 6 a.m. 31 -Sa 'frue Detectixe K11.1, Ke.B. 1130 p.m. Su 1 39 gym. Tu. Th: 5 P.M. Sa Rhapsody in Ma x True or False Khi, 5:30 p.m. Sa Mirandy K El ' t. 8:15 a.m. Sa Road of Life K1 u KKO.16. 11,2... 1:. .n.1 -It/ K FI. 3 pan. M-F Truth or Consequences K FI. 8:30 p.m. Sa Model Magazine K Et t. 225 p.m. NI-F * Roberts, liche * Monday Morninc Headline. 'went, Questions K11J Romance of Helen Trent K N V. 9:30 a.m. 34-F wIlIght Tales 1431114'. I:15 P 8 1)m ...... ihl 1 5. 14:1., p.m. Su .n1..Tu.„ 1tS ': Itoniance uf the Ranchos K s. V, 9:30 p.n.. Su wo-Tion Baker Kill, 2:43 p.m. M-F * Monitor News KI.:1 5, 5:15 Tu * Roper .El KN A. 11:45 a.m. Su Munroe, Vaughn K vv. 930 p.m. Sa nr‘preted K ECA. 9 p.m. Su Rose. Billy. M IL 14:55 p.m. M-1' oiled Notion, K1131t, N:15 p.m. M I' Morgan, Frank K'x N.. 6 p.m. F HOPP of My Dreams KN N. 11:45 a.m. M-F Morgan. Henry KFC.5. 7:311 pan. Th any Daily Marti K FAC. 8:45 a.m. M-F Rosema n, KN X, 8:45 a.m. M-F nit ersity Explorer . Morning Bible Hour KIAIN, 8:30 a.m. Su Ross Dolan. Deterlive R ECA, 7:30 pan. Sa /1Ity Daily Word K N X, 111:15 p.m. MI Morning Concert K F W, 9 aun. M -Sa KI WIS, 9:30 p.m. M-F Salt Lake Tabernacle RN N. 8:311 a.M. Su 3 ariety Parade KECA, 4:30 M-F Morning Watch li EC \, 5:30 a.m. M-F Saludos Arnigns 1(l 1',J, 14:15 p.m. NI -Sa Mother's Album K \I PC, 6:30 p.m. Sit Veteran M ani. to HIIIIP KILL 9 a.m. Sa Sam Spade K N N.. 9 p.m. Su Moyle Matinee . KILL 11 a.m. Sa Voice of Firestone KFI, KIND. 5:30 p.m. 31 Saturday at (hase K S '., 2 :311 p.m. Ma Mr. Ace and Jane KN X, 4 p.m. Sa VOIVt• of Prophecy K ILI, K( 1K, 8:30 a.m. Su Saturday Chef \Mee!, of String. Mr. and Mrs. North K NV. 14:30 p.m. Tu Saturday Night Serenade KF'1. 9311 /11.111. Sa K N N, '7 p.m. Sa Mr. District tttortier kl 1 li l's1). 9:311 p.m. W VON POI) KKEHCA3' . 162::30311 pp..nmm.. Sa Saturday Sideshow .... K H.1. 3:311 pan. Sa * Walker and liardner K11.1. 11:15 a.m. So Mr. Keen 14's V. g:311 11.M. Th School of the Air Mr. President IXEc t. !e p.m. Th Selene.. of 31ind KN X, 1 p.m. 31-1 W altz Time K11, K17.111, 6:30 F K FA1 It. 14:45 a.m. NI - I' ' PH). 8 am. M-1 Murder and NIr ,Mal K I ' i 5. !I , 30 p.m. Sa Srout Jamboree K11, M.'S». '7:311 P.M. Si Nfurray, Johnny K s. \. M a.m. M-F Screen liaild Theater K FI. 3 p.m. Sa 147 :rnioin gyv: r K XX. 7:30 p.m. NI , 13l'adrk K11, K K N X. 6 pan. 34 * Marrow, Edward R. KV N. i:15 pan. M-F Scully. Frances Kl..t 5, 3:45 p.m. M-F * Washington Ditieline KNX'A, 8 p.m. To Music Hour 1{11. 9:30 p.m. SY SeeoOd Mrs. Burton . K N X. 11 a.m. M-F Music of Manhattan KEl'A. 6:30 p.m. Si Sheriork Holmes * Washington Inside leat K FC.A. 9:15 a.m. SII Milale Shon Ku -i. 111:15 p.m. M. W. F *Shirer, Willia m KILL 4 p.m. Su *Vien5Pr. Hank Ki':(' N. 10:15 p.m. M-F Mushy to SIM % 1. its fil'I 5. 7:15 a.m. 31 -Sn Shopper's Special RILL 11 a.m. Su * Week in W ashington K11.1. 12:13 p.m. Sa S K ECA, 8 a.m. Sa Weir , Travelers B ECA. 9 a.m. M-F Musical Favorites K I.' SC, 3 p.m. 31-sin Shore, I Maul' K FI. 8:30 p.m. Tu * Wells, Carvi-th K FI. 1030 p.m. Suu -J" Musieal Nlasterpieces K l' 1C. 4 p.m. 511-sii Shorty Bell K N X, 6:30 Su Musical Digest Kf.F.I. 6 p.n.. M -sa Sing. America, Sing KILL 12:15 p.m. M-F 141%.". 41 Y Dri.a lroru Ki-'hK,. NX,10:15 9 a.m. N1-1 Musical Round..., Sincin Sam K..Eit. 111:11 :i in , 105 p.m. Si' Skelton, Red KII.11. 12:15 p.m. Su * Wheeler. Harlin KS '.. 1:311 p.m. N1-1 . i.30 p.m. Tee sewsreel KILL 6:15 p.m. 31-F W hen a Iiirl Marries K FL KFSD, 2 p.m. M-1 Sky King . KECA. 5:30 p.m. M. W. F' W histler K N X. 7.30 p.m. M NI, I II, Illi Irma K V V. 7 p.m. Si Sheeny kie 1111.1. 5 p.m. Tu, Ti, my•terious 'I raveler K11.1: '7 p.m. NI W hiteman, Paul K ECA, 12:30 p.m. M-I' Smilin . Ed Mc. ..mien K FI. 8:311 a.m. Sa Mystery Douse K 511"C. 9 p.m. Su W hoa Bill Chili KFAC, 5:30 p.m. M-1' Smith, Helene K GER, 6:30 p.m. M-F Mystery 'Theater K FE KIND. 9:311 pan. F -‘35 ilder. Altin ... KI7C.%. 4:15 p.m. M-1 Smith. Jack K N X, 8:15 :11-F VI iPli.- Piper K ECA. 8 pan, Th My True Story K I-.0 t. K l'3111 10:30 a.m. MI -I' *S mith. Kate KILL KGB. 9 a.m. M-F •tt MI hell. waiter K ECA. 6 p.m. Su 'Na me That Song K11.11. 8 p.m. NA Smith, Na m 1 KF:CA. 3:311 p.m. M-1-' National Farm & Iliu m- liFI. 10 a.m. sa K HJ. 8:30 p.m. St, Smiths. of Holly won(' KECA. 6:30 pun. Th 4% inner Take A11 National Radio Pulgiit K FL 7 a.m. .4u o a a r UM K11, 11 p.m. Sa National Vesners K F1 t. 11:30 a.m. Su KFl• 4. 4:311 p.m. Sa Song for Vim KNIPE. 8:30 a.m. M-F ‘ti/ord v... rri•,ell 11 I'M It. 6:311 pan. Sa N M' Symphony K 111. 3:30 p.m. Sa Songs of Fail 11 K FL 6 :1 !S a MI. Su NS onian in W hit.- Khi, KIND. 11:15 a.m. M-F * Newscope KII.1. 5.45 p ni. Su S ..... id lIff KI- C t. )4 -30 p.m. M *NrIVII of the World K VI. 8:15 n.m. M-F Muiiieti Al?' W!!!!! 1!,1 .1 KNIPC, 12 n. M-F Southernaires K 411' 4, 1 ,30 a.m. Sis ‘‘111111•11 .S ettruni K N X, 6 p.m. Ta *Newsweek Looks %brad KIS S. 7:43 p.m. Si, '40 1'011 KIM. Radio KV V. I p.m. Fa W ..... en's World KV IS, 111:30 a.m. M-I Nick Carter .. ..K11.1, 3:30 p.m. Su So l nu W ant to Lead a it,p1 NOMI Webster Says K FI. 9:30 Th loung A merica •Ierals• K11. 9:15 a.m. Mn KI:Ct. 9 :30 p.m. M Vonner. Norma K HI. 1:30 p.m. M-1, Nora Drake .. ... K F1. 3:45 p.m. 3I-F Spade Cooley Time Speak In. America K1.1 I ). Ill p.m. D Voting Dr, Malone KN N, 10:30 a.m. M-1.' K NX. 1130 a.m. NI-F KEI t. 1 p.m. Su Norman. Gene K FWIR. 10 p.m. NI Na Voung People's Church K HJ. 9 a.m. Su SpecialSaran.. AgentFrederick K XI.4. 3 p.m. Su Young VI idder Brown K11, 1:43 p.m. M-F KNIPC 4:30 pun. M-F KILL 0:311 p.m. Ti, Official Detective K W!. 8:30 p.m. Tu Your Song and Mine K N X. 6 p.m. NV Sports Dial K R K D, 5:30 p.m. M -Sa Youth Sings Kr', 12:30 p.m. Sa

Page Thirty-one May 2, 1948 RADI O LIFE

sometimes stays up till four o'clock RECORD • in the morning, reading in bed. "I get Buddy Clark: lost," he says. He cries in sad movies; his record is "Stella Dallas," at NOTES TO YOU Singer's Singer which he cried for thirty-five minutes. "I had to stay in the theater until BY ANDY MANSFIELD everyone had gone and then sneak (Continued from Page 4) out," he recalls. He says his wife is 1 note—fair "Most singers don't like to sing," he ashamed of him when he does this, but he can't help it. "I get lost," he 2 notes—pleasing says. "Like comedians who are serious and never funny away from repeats. 3 notes—very good their work—singers are 4he same He likes everyone (except singers Chord in G—tops way about singing. I like to sing. I'd who copy other singers) and still do it for nothing. I sing when I'm enjoys recognizing and pointing out K W KW 3:30 p.m. Mon- driving down the street, I sing at celebrities. "I'm also a cornball," he day throu e Friday. home all day. Frankly, people get a admits. He thinks he is ugly, but little sick of it. My wife says I'm a says he didn't start to get that way crackpot." until he was eighteen. Possessor of a INSTRUMENTAL: Eight of the choicest Bearing out the Clark can't-help- healthy outdoor tan, mild blue eyes trumpet solos you'll ever want to hear singing philosophy is the fact that he and even white teeth, he looks more are offered in album form by Rafael is entirely self-taught. Born and like a professional golfer than a Mendez, backed by his orchestra con- raised in Boston, Clark was steered singer. He spent over a year in the ducted by Harry Lubin. . . . Display- toward a career as a lawyer. He army as a G.I., turned down the ing almost unbelievable technique on found himself constitutionally unable chance to join Glenn Miller's service the Mendelssohn "Concerto" and the to become interested in anything but band. Nearly thirty at the time, he Sarasate "Zigeunerweisen" and beauti- singing. "I'm afraid I broke my found himself worn out trying to ful tone and warmth of feeling on father's heart," he says now. Next to keep up with eighteen-year-old kids, "Granadinas" and "Bell Song" from singing, young Clark was in love he says. He was proud of his title, "Lakme," Mendez' superb trumpet vith baseball. As a member of the "The only honest sergeant in the rings out an astonishing Chord in G! Cape League team, he was once army," conferred on him by his own (Coast). scouted by the Boston Braves. boys, but was glad to turn to hospital RE-ISSUE: Eight sides closely identified Catcher Clark was able to find out entertaining after an injury in train- with the nimble fingers of Count Basle the com ment sent back to the big- ing. and recorded nearly a decade ago with league team. "It said, 'Clark—great He's happy to b back in California. Green-Page-Jones rhythm backing are fizlder, fair hit,'" he recalls. Still in- "It's so wonderful for children. The again available. . . . Jazz classics such terested in baseball, he works out Peanut looks ten times as good as as "Boogie-Woogie" . . . "Oh, Red!" with a team whenever he can sand- she did." He 'misses the big-league . . . "Dupree Blues" . . . "The Fives" wich it in between his endless golf ball-clubs in the East. Meeting Al . . . "How Long How Long Blues" games and tennis matches. Jolson for the first time, when the have always been tops . . . and still Interesting Subject Carnation show moved to the Coast, are—in Basle's hands—worth a nostal- Clark has been married for six Clark is still reeling from the impact. He found out that he was Jolson's gic blue Chord in G! (Decca)... years and is the father of Penny, a blonde four-year-old whom he calls favorite singer. GIRL VOCAL: Fresh out'n them thar "The Peanut." His lovely wife, Nedra, hills comes Jo Stafford with two rau- is a former Conover model. He calls cous hillbilly ditties—"Suspicion" and her "Ned" and thinks she has the Don McNeill: He "Clabberin' Up for Rain" and com- most beautiful eyes he's ever seen. "I bined with the Starlighters and Paul Arose and Shone! Weston's Mountain Boys, it made the still stare into them," he sighs. pleasing two-note section easily. (Capi- On the subject of his own personal tol). tastes, Clark is an interviewer's (Continued from Paye- 5) dream —he gives! "Bing is the great- pleted of talent. There are still lots NOVELTY: Jim my Durante's "symph- est," he says when asked to name a of local shows. Tom my Bartlett, for nee"—"Chidabee-Ch-Ch" bids fair to preference in singers. "He started it instance, does five shows a day." become another in the comedian-song- all." His other favorite is Dinah Giving our subject a rest from the writer's hall of hits. . . . Reverse "The Shore because she has "heart." He shop-talk he had probably taken his Day I Read a Book" is below the usual likes singers who are themselves, vacation to get away from, we won- Durante standard, but anything who don't copy anyone. He's been dered what he had done as far as Schnozz does is at least a good two- told that he sounds like Bing and relaxation goes. For a man whose noter. (MG M). says "Ridiculous!" vacations have been few and far be- MALE VOCAL: Here are two of the best He thinks that Ray Noble's ar- tween, McNeill gave us a very mild rangement backing him up on Sinatra waxings in many a month— answer. "I went to Palm Springs," "I Went Down to Virginia" and the "Linda" had a great deal to do with he smiled, "got on a horse—and got perennial "All of Me." . . Both are its success. He names it as his off again." rhythm tunes, but when you hear favorite of his own works, but thinks Frankie cut loose on "All of Me," he sang better on "Come to Me, Bend you'll wonder why the lad doesn't do to Me." He would love to do a Broad- more like this and get back on top way show, had to give up the lead in TELEVISION TIPS where he belongs . . . while the kids the new George Abbott production to scream out, "Three Notes, Frankie!" come to the Coast. He doesn't have a BY JANE PELGRAM fan club because he doesn't like to (Columbia). (Cwitinued tram Page 13) spend the time on it. He thinks (P.S. . . . Watch for some top-flight lyricists are the neglected men of harmonic Auditorium, early this Bix Beiderbecke re-issues on the RCA- show business. He picks a tune be- month, to televise the Alfred Wallen- Victor label, some of which will be cause of its lyrics rather than its stein concert. The morning of the backed by the great Paul Whiteman melody. Ira Gershwin is his favorite concert, technicians started to test. band of the thirties). lyricist. He doesn't smoke—gave up Nothing happened. There were just his pipe because it made him sick to too many tall buildings for the beam his stomach. He collects cuff-links, to surmount. But the simple expedi- says he has "millions." His real first ent of running a line over these build- name, he claims, is Honest Sam. "In ings to the top of the tall Guaranty the army, they called me Honest Trust Building and thus beaming di- z Sam, the Sergeant, because I never rectly to Mt. Lee turned the trick. asked my men to do anything." Doesn't that sound like the answer Page Thirty-two • He reads anything and everything, to canyon dwellers' lack of reception? NO DOUBT AS TO WHO has the A PRE-REHEARSAL SESSION OF CBS'S The Private Praetice of Dr. Dana in- upper hand here. Daddy's blandish- volves, from left to right; writer Adrian Gendot, producer Sterling Tracy and ments leave Jamie amused but not greatly star Jlif Chandler. The casual attire of Mr. Chandler is the one he usually favors. Just stirred. The young lady who traded a as well . . . his six-foot-four-inch height .undoubtedly makes suit-buying both difficult Warner Bros. picture career for this better and highly expensive. (CBS-Polin photo.) one tending Mr. and Miss Chandler was lovely Marlette Hoshell. (Photo by Bud Maurer.) "Tough on Iteporters--Int Not on Siripters"

An.lnterview With Jeff Chandler Leaves Reporters in a Mellow Mood—But That Ends When They Start to Write Their Stories.

Sunday. 5:30 p.m. By Jane Pelgram the part of the youngster, Richard, of CBS -KA "Ah, Wilderness." He gave it his un- trained everything, and won a OR PURPOSES of good occurred easily. He just can't scholarship. Even then the pattern journalistic copy, Jef f fail. had started. Chandler is a bust. He's Charcoal to Greasepaint True, he did get kicked out of the extremely handsome, an Digging through his past to find an school, but *.hat was because the excellent actor with a God-given episode just "a little bit shady," we (Please Turn to Page 39) voice, still young, married to a learned that by the time Jeff Chand- beautiful girl, the father of an ador- ler graduated from a Brooklyn high able baby girl, and in the process of school, his heart was already set on redecorating a brand-new home—his training in dramatics. But that took own. a good deal of money, and Jeff had Unfortunately, too, escorts are none. Undaunted, he decided working never annoyed by the Chandler- in an allied art would be a likely way inspired squeals from the feminine to earn the necessary moola for contingent who nearly spin their dramatics. So he enrolled at a com- heads off their shoulders turning to mercial school of art, innocent of the goggle at Jeff. This could lend im- fact that it takes six or eight years petus to the same sort of stories that to turn out a good com mercial artist earmarked Sinatra and Gregory —in most cases. With Jeff it would Peck, and all manner of anecdotes probably have been less. about the vengeance of irate males. A friend at school learned of Jeff's But escorts invariably hail Jeff to thespian ambitions and persuaded their table, turn their backs on the him to attend an audition at the girls they are with, and fall to talk- Feagen School of Dramatics in New ing about acting, hunting or house- York. His first time there, Jeff decorating or radio . . . with Jeff! plunged into a cold reading ... doing Jeff is oblivious of his attractions. likes everybody, and is as genuine as "DR. STEVE DANA" shows "Nurse a government-printed bill. e Gorcey" (Mary Lansing) an inter- The final blow to copywriters is sting bit of x-ray art. "Gorcey" drops finding out (when Jeff is final'y her wise and adult characterization when forced to talk reluctantly about him- she takes over the part of baby "Timmie" self) that his path hasn't been a on another CBS show, "The People Next tough road to travel. Picture work Door." ( CBS-Polin photos.) ,

• t. .-11111ibt IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE ANDY RUSSELL FIRST TRAVELED with the Gus Arnheim orchestra as combination drummer-vocalist. In the years between, Gus has bought property and retired (he now lives with his wife, Dorothy, and twenty-year-old daughter, Valerie, in Beverly Hills), and Andy has become a world-famous singer. Their friendship is as important to them both as ever, however —witness the new Russell-Arnheim song-publishing company. (Andy and Della's wed- ding picture on piano.) (Lee Green photo.)

ANDY. WHOSE SONG specialties are authentically Spanish, is still tremendously close to his brothers and sis- ters—Fred, Henry, Tommy, Eddie, Ralph, Bobby, Charles, Tony, Vera and Jenny Ram- bago. All of them meet once a week for dinner and an evening together in true Spanish tradition. (Otto Rothschild photo.)

.411 e A PROJECTION MACHINE is part of the Polynesian playroom Andy elwen and Della Russell have made out of a By Judy Maguire greenhouse on their -Rancho Amor. - Not far away is a beautiful old Spanish patio with a swimming pool. We asked Andy Thursday. :30 p.m. if many of his fans came .to see him. ''A "The Mexican writers really have MRS-K HJ, KFX M, KGR bunch of kids from Canoga Park drove by some beautiful things. We bought the other night, - he said, -and of course six or eight pieces. About the best ... S.. OUTH OF THE BORDER in the summertime we really get the visi- and down Mexico way to- composer down there is Mario Ruiz Armengal . . . he wrote 'Muchachita,' tors, who all somehow 'just happen' to gether recently were two which means 'Little Girl' or 'Little have their bathing suits with them. - (Lee famous amigos who Angel'; and 'Amada Mia,' that's 'My Green photo.) "knew each other when," and who Beautiful One'; and 'Donde,' which have since shared an equal admira- stands for 'Where'." tion for each other and good music. Andy Russell and Gus Arnheim All three of these songs are impor- made their trip to Mexico in search tant offerings in the Russell-Arnheim of some new songs. In the past few publishing enterprise. "Muchachita," years Andy has become renowned for which Andy ha:, already recorded for his records in English and Spanish, Capitol, seems to be the key piece on and naturally he has been bom- which they're banking. As Gus says, barded with synthetic Latin tunes "Song publishing is fifty-fifty on a and lyrics. It was only to be ex- basis of luck and com mon sense. No pected that he and the man who has matter how much one person likes been like a father to him since 1939 something, it still depends on the would venture after the real thing public. You take the usual article on and set up their own Monterrey Pub- the market . . . it can be experi- lishing Company. mented upon and corrected. Songs Try to press-agent Andy into the are different. They go or they don't g o . " picturesque idea that he and Gus are the Burl Iveses of Mexico, however, Gus and his wife, Dorothy, picked and you'll rate a pleasant but em- the name "Monterrey" for the com- phatic chuckle. pany after a trip to Northern Cali- "There's nothing much to it," Andy fornia and a jaunt through Carmel defers, "but that those poor guys and the old Spanish capital. "There's down there want to get their songs a little story to our choice of spell- published. We landed in Mexico ings too," Gus says (adding over his City and in a few hours our hotel shoulder, "Andy, you can leave now. room was crowded with musicians I'm giving all the necessary informa- and composers. Of course they all tion for this article.") It seems that remembered Gus well, from the years in this country, Monterey is incor- he was traveling with his orchestra rectly written with one "r." When and from his songs." ("I Cried for Gus dictated business letters he no- You," "Sweet and Lovely," etc.) ticed that his secretary used two. He BEAUTIFUL DELLA RUSSELL HAS RECENTLY RECORDED 111111. ANDY AND GUS ARNHE1M TOOK A LOT OF COLOR slides on Capitol with her famous hubby a song called "Unless of their recent south-of-the-border trip. Next time they go It Can Happen to You." Happy married life has certainly hap- they plan to take their families with them and "really visit that pened to the two of them, as expressed in their peaceful and wonderful, wonderful country. - On this last journey they came back harmonious rancho in the Valley. (The Russell neighbors include with six or eight songs to start their own Monterrey Publishing Com- Martin Block, Maurice Had, Mischa Auer and Alvino Rey.) pany. Initial piece is "Muchachita." (Lee Green photo.)

Gus Arnheim and Andy Russell 1-lavC Been Like Father And Son Since 1939. Their Lasting Regard for Each Other, Though, is Covered Up With Quips and Gags

corrected all copies for quite some "You two fellows have been friends program (with the Pied Pipers, Ma- time before he realized that his Girl for a long time, haven't you?" an in- rion Hutton and Ray Sinatra's or- Friday was of Spanish descent. "So terviewer might be led to inquire chestra) opened at Mutual, the studio we changed our name to Monterrey, sentimentally. was packed with the usual clamoring and now everybody tries to correct "We have known each other for a crowd of song-pluggers. Milling our spelling.' long time," Gus would undoubtedly around in the group was a dark- • Long Association reply poker-facedly, "but we haven't complexioned, balding gentleman worriedly clutching a sheet of music. It is a wonderful thing to observe always been friends." the regard which exists between Joshing is continual between them. "What are you doing here, Gus?" Andy and Gus. The story is often Andy reveals that he now takes asked Andy's press agent. told how Andy got his first profes- singing lessons twice a week from "I'm trying to get the star of this sional start as a singer while he was Harriet Lee. "Then of course," inter- show to sing this here song," an- a nineteen-year-old drum mer in the rupts Gus, "he has to make time for swered Mr. Arnheim, "little thing I Arnheim band. (Andy is now twenty- 1he Spanish lessons I'm giving him." picked up in Mexico . . . it's called seven.) It was Gus who changed When Andy's new fifteen-minute 'Muchachita.'" Andy's name from Rambago (the Russell was inspired by Andy's own favorite singer, ). The two of them estimate that they traveled "six sets of tires and at least a million Burma Shave signs together" before Gus's retirement and Andy's success as a single en- tertainer. But while they and their families see each other frequently, and while Gus and Andy are "two happy chap- pies" if they can spend undisturbed hours together at the piano, neither of them cares to lapse maudlin about their affection.

ALL THE LADIES go for Russell. Andy e was recently very nervous about sing- ing at the Girl Scouts' 1948 Jam- boree at Shrine Auditorium. "A lot of those girls will be Brownies, - he said. -What if they don't like me?" There were 7500 Scouts inside the Shrine and outside oc- cupying "Standing Room Only" when Andy stepped onstage. "Talk about applause," say Andy's friends, "why those kids dog- gone near tore that place apart. - e l e a c

-No.19 oi a Series

This Installment Might Be Tagged "Early Days of Present Stars," Seems to Prove

Alki, HE'S CIS'S -Shorty Bell" now, but The Words, "Once a Star, Always a Star" when this picture was taken, young Mickey Rooney was playing the energetic -Puck - in Max Reinhardt's production of N AIDING US in our hunt - Midsummer Night's Dream. - f or radio "Flashbacks!" many stations and networks as well as the personalities themselves have offered us material. We're grateful and touched../ by the interest shown in our REMEMBER HAVEN MacQUARRIE'S 1936 SHO W, -Do You Want to Be an efforts to bring the present and the Actor?" Originally a KFWB feature, the program gained national attention immediate past a little closer to- when flocks of hopefuls (like the two pictured here) decided that they did want to be gether. A special bow to station actors. That's Haven —pre -Noah Webster Says -- with the script. (Allen Burg photo.) KF WB, which supplied most of the pictures included on this page.

HERE'S MARIE WILSON of "My Alle Friend Irma - fame as she appeared as Warner Brothers star of "Boy Meets Girl." Marie projects the same sweet in- anity in radio as she did in pictures. (Wet- bourne-Warners photo.) YOU KNO W Warren Hull as the I & QUEEN OF radio singers for "LOPEZ SPEAKING" was the fa- pleasant-vaicr d cokort of Parks many years was Jessica Dragon- mous phrase that heralded cad- air Johnson on ABC's "\ ox Pop," but did you ette, blonde charmer whose air person- ippearance of Vincent Lopez, one of the know that he was a handsome leading man ality and soprano voice matched her first maestros to gain air fame. The Lopez in the movies not lens ago? Here's how looks. Jessica was star of Cities Service piano treatment of "Nola - was one of the he looked as a \Araraers star. (Welbourne- Series, Beauty Box Theater and many most familiar air signatures of the twenties Warners photo.) other musical programs. (NBC photo.) and thirties. (NBC photo.)

AL JOLSON ooked like this when he sang "Cielito Lindo - in the ;935 movie, "Go Into Your Dance. - Possessor of a career that has boomed about four dif- 1111111r HERE'S A CLASSY ADVANCE IN RADIO BROADCASTING —KFWB's porta- ferent times, AI was recently seen or the ble equ Frnelt of •:wenties vintage. Holding the mike proudly is Charlie screens in a reviva of this same film. Wellman, one of the most famous personalities of early Los Angeles radio. (Longworth-Warner Bros. photo.)


1.- ., .4 . • :

" - "-"-- PORTABLE RAIXO STATI ON 6XB R, 8ROADCASTiNG 001 /08 METERS 250 W ATTS picgro top AM SLSROADC AST UY WARNER BROS. STATION KF WB 252 METERS 500 WATTS CORNERED, AND KNO WING IT, Bob Crosby surrenders willingly to the pleas $of music publishers' contact men as they surround him with copies of "plug" tunes. Smiling sympathetically in the back- ground is Maxene Andrews, who with her sisters is a regular target for the song- pluggers.

IKE A SWARM of busi- Iness-intent bees, the song-pluggers descend on That Swarm of Music-Toting Men Lurking their targets. They usual- Around the Studios May Be a Bunch of ly travel in swarms of fifteen or twenty when "Contact Men" (Song-Pluggers) Waiting they've something to sell radio folk. Besieged singing stars, distracted To Show Their Wares to Tuneful Greats maestros and hard-pressed producers would rather take the pluggers on en masse than snatch a few mo- ments' time out with each one in- territory under orders from New York going to sing it on the program this dividually. headquarters. They plug not only week. The King's Men did it on their company's new songs but push As a result, the plugging proces- 'Fibber McGee and Molly' last night, revivals of oldies. Under instructions sion moves from studio to studio to Phil Harris has promised, Ernie Fe- from the home office, they partici- lice is going to do it, and Hoagy has sell its wares to vulnerable custom- pate in national campaigns to bring ers. They make about twelve or scheduled it for Saturday night.' back a song like "I've Got a Feeling fifteen calls a day, and although I'm Falling." Popular around 1929, Although the pluggers are working radio comprises most of their work, this number has been focus for a re- for rival songs, they form a friendly considering both live shows and disc cent campaign lasting several weeks. and lively group that seems to be- jockeys, the pluggers also have to lieve in letting the merits of the song Accomplishments make the rounds of night-clubs and and their own personalities and in- other places where a song might be When Radio Life recently was con- dividual contacts with "the song- "sold." Radio, however, is their main fronted by a horde of seventeen buyers" achieve success. They frank- outlet. song - pluggers anxiously soliciting ly admit that personal contact is The boys, who number close to 150 business from a CBS staff musician, extremely important. Their first duty in the Los Angeles area, are all the chap responsible for revival of is to get copies of the song to be members ,of the union — Musician "I've Got a Feeling I'm Falling" was pushed into the hands of the "con- Publicists Contact Employees of feeling quite elated. "Milton Charles tact." Who the contact is, depends Greater New York. Most of them has promised to play it," he re- . . . it's the person on each show work the Los Angeles-San Francisco counted, "and Frances Langford is that the pluggers have found most agreeable and influential. A plugger com missioned to plug a HERE IS A GROUP OF "CONTACT MEN" (or song-pluggers), western repre- song usually receives about 500 cop- sentatives of music-publishing companies, gathered near the back door of Studio ies of the number for distribution. C at CBS, waiting to bombard Bob Crosby with professional copies of their newest During the life of the song, he may "plug" tunes, counting on a "plug" on "Club Fifteen." give as many as ten copies to one contact. "Sometimes it's just a re- minder," one plugger explained. The fellows, descending en masse on a contact, make no effort to sell in high-powered fashion. They al- most seem to assume, at times, an injured air. "You forgot me this week," they'll gently reproach a staff bandleader or organist. Song-pluggers' expense accounts, compared with many others in the radio business, are liberal. They have to be able to wine and dine their contacts and to remember spe- cial occasions with gifts. A limit of $20 is supposed to be in effect on Christmas presents. "But if it's somebody like Al Jol- son or Bing Crosby, we go as high as $75," one plugger confided. Ryf gleefully relate that Jeff's deft handling of the role has cut down on Tough on Reporters_ their headaches considerably. It seems he makes such a definite *DISCOVERY: characterization of the nebulous Excerpt from e kind letter from But Not on Scripters ters.I. E. Coons, Long beach, Cola. script character that dialogue comes

(Continued fro m Page 33) easily and naturally — when the writers keep Jeff in mind. " C9 t t•C‘'e 4 ° Ott4 if ee practically untrained boy had already secured a paying job with a small Other Role stock company on Long Island. On Sunday nights, after an after- da eiet time the Into Service noon of doing "Dana," Jeff plays the part of "Michael Shane, Private deft deaf of% 'tow Came World War II, and training Detective," a KMPC show, which Bob of another sort occupied Mr. Chand- Ryf also writes. Two-fisted "Mike" is deet ee with- ler for four years. He experienced -ust as gently tough as Dr. Dana is service with the cavalry, anti-aircraft ;.oughly gentle, so that means a big oat and the infantry, escaping without a switch during the day for Jeff. But a, Ifteaft 'esoe scratch. During the war Jeff was he welcomes it. His theory is that extremely methodical with his money, radio actors are actors in the strict wee 414/Wet a woe- saving it all to satisfy the urge to sense of the word, not the happy come west. result of a lot of vocal tricks they defim eudeeeettf "I'd planned on being on the Coast employ in place of a real portrayal. for just a while, then returning to The more roles he gets, the better New York for stage work. But once practice he feels it is. That's one here, I stayed and stayed, and my more guarantee the personable Mr. le me" savings dwindled and dwindled. On Chandler will go far. the very last day of my stay I knew When Jeff isn't amusing daughter Wonderful KENU my slim resources would cover only Jamie, he still dabbles, as a hobby, saves money... gets three more meals. In desperation I with pen, water color or pencil. dishes, laundry, called one of the Log Cabins . . . Having trained in com mercial art, those little white corner-stand eating- that's what he likes best, and makes kitchens, bathrooms places . . . trying to get a job with no bones about preferring a good Jon cleaner ..."lightens them as 'night man.' Almost at that Whitcomb drawing to the canvases housework through moment I got my first West Coast paraded "for sweet art's sake." chemistry." You get radio call. This was during the sum- Right now Jeff is experiencing the pounds—not ounces— mer of '46. KNX was carrying the growing of fan clubs. He's as in- when youbuythrifty show called 'That's a Good Idea.' It terested and unself-consciously was an episodic thing in which I pleased as though it were happening KENUafyourgrocers! acted out the parts of all and sundPy. to someone else. From those efforts I got calls for 'Academy Previe w' and finally 'Rogue's Gallery,' when Dick Powell was doing it." Every actor seems to have a yen for picture work, whether it be for art's sake or for the money attached. The advent of Chandler into pictures How to wipe out occurred as easily as did the radio call, which had resulted from a couple of desultory studio auditions on Jeff's part. crawling bugs "One day when Dick Powell and I were standing around after rehearsal for 'Rogue's Gallery,' Dick asked me . . . 'Ever thought of doing any pic- for weeks ture work, kid?' I'd thought about it ever since my school days at Feagen. I don't know whether that showed CHEVRON SURFACE SPRAY... One up when I answered 'Yeah' to Powell application leaves an invisible coat- that day or not! At any rate, he said to meet him next mornin g at ing of deadly DDT that retains kill- Columbia picture studios, and that's ing power for weeks. Easy to brush just about the way I got into my first flicker. I think the director put me or spray on door and window sills, into Powell's own 'Johnny O'Clock' screens, corners and cracks. Kills just to get even with Dick for foist- ing me off on him!" flies, mosquitos, ants, moths, fleas, The next two pictures were Sol bedbugs, silverfish. Safe, when used W urtzel productions, "Roses Are according to instructions. Red" and "The Invisible Wall," and with these the change in name oc- curred. Jeff's given name is Ira Gros- sell, not as easily either remembered or pronounced. "Jeff" and "Ira" have both given way to "Doc," a name arising from the role of "Dr. Steve Dana" in CBS's "The Private Practice of Dr. Dana," a series about a very human medico who dishes out good sound psychology with his pills. A STA N DAR D OF CALIFORNIA PRODUCT Writers Adrian Gendot and Bob Page Thirty-nine KWKW'S ROWLAND GIBBS looks over a :parts sheet before airing his program on latest activities in e Southland.

INTO THE MARKET go KFWB's Bill Anson and Maurice Hart to acquaint themselves with new sponsor's product and make point-of-sale broad- cast. Limerick-guessers get over ;5000 in prizes cn their shows. ( McElroy and Fisher photo.)

AI> MICKEY ROONEY. ',card rn his first starring air series -Shorty Bell, - on CBS, confers with director William Robson.

-Cabe •


AT ARTY FOLLO WING PREMIERE of -Revere All-Star . . vue - over Mutual, Pied Piper Chuck Lowry tells anecdote to Marion Hutton, Mrs. Andy Russell, and another Piper, Clark Yoc!yrn. (Bradley photo.) JINNY JOHNSON nibbles . bit of candy during rehearsal !weak For MBS's The Cisco Kid. - She•s also heard on the transcribed -Diary of Fate.'"