PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING MAY 2 FO R T Y PA GE S 4 Pe# eiteutdiet dd! Veeteytt 1 Pete 33 Buddy Clark ... JOLSON'S FAVORITE IN THIS Don McNeill...GETS GIVEAWAYS ISSUE: Gracie Allen...ALLERGIC TO MINK Andy Russell... ARNHEM'S PARTNER musicfi hath IN HAL NICHOLS' "MEMORY ROO M" T isn't just coincidence that ties of KFOX. When Hal Nichols asked for "Funds 1Barty, the famous feline mas- For Feed" for the starving deer of Southern California cot of the Memory Room, and during the drought, Memory Roomers responded by the Dixie and Trixie, the two feath- hundreds. The proceeds were turned over to the Hu- ered songsters, play such a large mane Society for administration. When the Long Beach part in Hal Nichols' nightly KFOX presentation of branch of the Southern California Humane Society found MELODIES 'N ME MORIES. The beloved Memory the need of new quarters, Hal and his faithful Memory Room Maestro is an animal lover of the first water, and Roomers again came to the rescue. The Humane Society his many good deeds in the animal world prove it. now has a regular weekly program on KFOX, "The Pet Recently he was the recipient, together with Barty, of a Parade," 7:30 Thursday evening, of which the famous life membership in the Southern California Humane So- Memory Room cat, Barty, is honorary Grand Marshal. ciety, presented in honor of his support of that organiza- Yes, there is much of the milk of human kindness mixed tion through the Memory Room progrim and the facili- with the MELODIES 'N MEMORIES that thousands ;«, of KFOX listeners enjoy nightly at 6:30 • • on KFOX. For a heart-warming half hour of old songs, informal comment, and Zbe tog arigtite *acid? for tbe ertbenti on occasional light philosophy and animal ot exult? to Illoimats stories, dial KFOX, Long Beach, at 6:30 P.M., seven nights a week. That's Mem- Cfflittes *at Jial...Nickab feBartio ory Room time with Hal Nichols. -LIFE ME MBER te 1 W...di, Ae • woe elite ,dred lettuces Meld. do I. S. 44I * _d _Id ato 94141 4• it i '44 . U LI&Z "ele —.1 ... Hal Nichols, the KFOX Memory Room Maestro, smiles acceptance of a Life Membership Cer- tificate in the Southern California Humane Society presented to Hal and his famous cat, Barty, for support of the Humane Society's work through his MELODIES 'N ME MORIES program and the facilities of KFOX. H. W. McLean, chairman of the board of the S.C.H.S. hands the Maestro the certificate as Alexander Tilley, (seated) Southern California manager, and Art Streator, superintendent, look on. MELODIES IN MEMORIES • 6:30 P. M. • KFOX • 1280 On The Dial e 7-44. week oet rhe ear Inspires the Pen K IF I Baldwin, 5906 Denver A , Los you haven't caught this fifteen. Angeles 44, Calif. minute program, that you would so you could hear this lad's voice. He Sirs: I would like to congratulate IN ALL AGE GROUPS, AND IN ALL you on your wonderful magazine. is lyric and has original style and I think it's really swell, except that phrasing. I certainly wish him luck. WALKS OF LIFE, MUSIC PLAYS AN (Please Turn to Paye you never have any stories about IMPORTANT ROLE. TWO SHO WS my favorite singer, Andy Russell. I think your last story was a year CATERING TO MUSIC LOVERS ARE ago last December 8. Couldn't you * * RADIO LIFE * * "T H E MANHATTAN MERRY-GO- sometime soon have an article and CARL M. RIGSBY, Publisher lots of pictures? In the meantime, ROUND" AND "THE AMERICAN AL- Mug, 2, 1948 <el7;-1'44o 44 vol. 11, No. 9 I will be looking forward to coming BUM OF FAMILIAR MUSIC." BOTH editions. By the way, do you know Published Weekly at Los Angeles, California. ARE HEARD ON KFI. if Andy will have a new program? Business and Editorial Office: 6381 Selma Ave., Hollywood 28. Phone Hillside 9275. I sure miss him since he left "Hit Radio Life was entered as Second Class Matter Parade." May 8, 1942, at Los Angeles, under Art of Marian McManus ndy Ituxsell story Cumin' up in our March 3, 1879. Prepaid Subscription, 11.25 May 2 ismite. Anita har a new show on year, $2.25 six months. Single Copies on sale MIJ-Mulual. Thursdays al 8:30 p.m. at leading Independent Grocer% in Southern California. Single Coale% by mail 18c. Address all remittasees and eorres 'Iv to Radio Life. Suhscribeni please allow two weeks for Mrs. Rose K. Hansen, 625 25th Street, change of address. Santa Monica, Calif. EVELYN A. RIGSBY. Editor F.ditorial Department: Assistant Editor, Joan Sirs: There is a program called Buchanan: Televisim. »editor, Jane Pelgram: Preeavit Editor, Judy Mis.-.vdre: Art Direetor, "Pacific Serenaders" on KO WL Sun- Ray Wheeler; Log Editor, Hal Julian. days, 2:30 to 2:45 p.m. It is a group Business Department: General Manager, B. W. of musicians featuring Hawaiian Lewis; Advertising Manager, David J. Man- music. They have a vocalist, Ronnie ning: Office Manager, Georgia Caywood. All material used by Radio Life is specially Hughson, and he is a tenor with a prepared by it. own staff writers, and re- most pleasing voice. He has been printing in whole or in part without pub- lisher's penalised « strictly forbidden. Un- answering requests every Sunday. I solicited manuscripts can not be accepted or phoned in to the station to find out returned. about him, and I learned that he is Advertising Offices: San Francisco: Rogers Parrett. 88 Post St...et. Chicago: E. J. Pow- only nineteen years old. I wish, if ers. 75 E. W acker Drive. MARIAN McMANUS' lovely soprano voice is heard on the "Manhattan Merry-Go-Round," each Sunday eve- ning at 6, singing top songs from fa- mous Broadway shows and current- ly popular ballads. Jean Dicker's» Bothered )t by Bugs? Mow 'em down instantly! CHEVRON FLY SPRAY...Knocks down flying insects on contact. Quick, stainless. JEAN DICKENSON, coloratura so- Pleasant odor. Highest rated killing power prano, sings songs that have become by U. S. standards. Kills flies, mosquitos, widely popular down through the years on "The American Album of ants, moths, fleas, bedbugs and silverfish. Familiar Music" Sunday nights at 6:30 via NBC-KFI. A STA N DARD OF CALIFORNIA PRODUCT THAT'S KFI—DIAL 640 — Advertisement Page Three 411, CARNATIONS FOR GUEST STAR JANE POWELL brought A & CLARK FAMILY PORTRAIT, RUDDY, NED AND PENNY. this super-delighted look to Buddy Clark's lace. A man with The mite perched in Buddy's hand is unidentified, but we delinite and immediate reactions, Clark probably did not approve think it's a dog. Buddy claims he drives his small family wild of Jane's dress on this occasion, claims he's still fighting the -new with constant singing, sang four songs during the course of his look — and dying hard. (NBC-Zeigler photo.) Radio Life interview. and was signed to a radio program. Clark's voice was famous, but Clark wasn't. He sat around not making Ruddy Clark: Singer's Singer movies. "The records I made in those days are collector's items," he laughs. "Not that they're so wonderful, but Carnation Hour Star Was Discovered by they only sold about a thousand copies. They became like rare limited The Members of His Own Profession. The editions." Fans Came Later, Now Number Millions. Talks About Singing After a stint in the Arley, Buddy came back as star of the Carnation hour and as a Columbia record per- By Joan Buchanan sonality. Steadily his audience grew —until "Linda." Does Clark feel neglected because of the zooming of 411111> TED DALE, in the outdoorsy M on day.7 :00 p.m. such comparative late comers as sweater, is the orchestra leader on N B C-I(F1,1 a St) Sinatra, Haymes, et al? Not at all! Carnation show. He and Clark look over a "I don't want to fracture anyone," is the way he puts it. "I always wanted score, the singer probably concentrating on NTIL A RECORD titled "Linda" came along, lyrics. to go up slowly—and come down the Buddy Clark was what is same way." known as a singer's About the business of singing it- 11singer. The members of self, Clark has a refreshing approach. his own profession admired him and (Please Turn to Page 32) had collected his records for years. After "Linda," everyone else did too. No johnny-come-lately to the croon derby, Buddy got his first big break as vocalist with Benny Goodman's band on the four-hour "Let's Dance" broadcasts of fond memory. Only thing wrong with that break was that the Goodman band hadn't gotten its break yet. When it did, vocalist Clark was somewhere else. That somewhere was a movie studio where Buddy dubbed the voice for Jack Haley in a movie titled "Wake Up and Drea m" Haley became a singing sensation TWO HEAVENLY VOICES surround e starlet Jane Powell on her vantage point. One belongs to Jimmy Wal- lington (left), announcer on the Clark Sow, and the other belongs to Honest Sam Clark. Don » Yea, »A rose and Shone Breakfast Clubber Don McNeill Vacationed in Hollywood to Get Away From It All. We Found Him in Time to Get This Story on Famous Show Monday through Friday, 8:00 ami. AtIC-ItECA, riFM11 audience show came as gradually as a household visit. A Marine on his EMCEE McNEILL looks like this way to a hospital wrote to the pro- before that early-morning mike.
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