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`M`- `. ° -.j . ^.ts'S,'_ . h=:.i eArn ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY of PROGRAMS and PERSONALITIES

Vol. I. No. b New York, December 5th, 1931 5 Cents ..


A success story from the pen of an Horatio Alger or a fanciful tale from the brilliant mind of a Hans Christian Andersen could ! well use as the hero the glamorous figure of Russ Columbo, the youth whose melodious baritone voice has catapulted him to the very top of the radio heap.

An eager brown -eyed lad of twenty- something most important. Good three, Columbo rides in the circle of management! This meant the right success with the sheer joy and bewil- presentation, the right approach to derment of an urchin who has snatched the right people, and ballyhoo! That the elusive brass ring on a merry-go- latter, proper ballyhoo, is so very, round ride. very important. And Con Conrad, the But lo! The brass ring is not of brass. famous song writer, was the answer to It is solid gold, encrusted with price- that problem. less diamonds. Russ Columbo, three But now we're a bit ahead of our short months ago an obscure singer story. Let us travel down the "mem- and musician on the west coast; is to- ory lane" of Russ's start and growth day traveling up a path at whose end and get really acquainted with him. is the end of the Rainbow. Russ was the twelfth son of a The reason? Genius and a splendid twelfth son. He maintains.he is free of voice are undoubtedly his; a handsome superstition, but we know he wouldn't physique and a winning personality trade that twelfth -son -of -a -twelfth - are also undeniably his; and coupled son birthright for all the glory in the with all this he has a native shrewd world. intelligence and real ambition. The name he was given sounds like But all this, strange as it may seem, a beautiful sequence of musical notes was not nearly enough to bring him to Ruggiero Eugenio Di Rudolpho Co- the top. Something more was needed, lumbo. But he wasn't yet three years 1

Pola Negri

_ J.

Russ Columbo,

old when his playmates on the streets of San Francisco shortened that im- posing symphony to plain "Russ''. Pola Negri's Innately, Columbo resents the cold- favor helped ness of the ''Russ'' diminutive and to shape cherishes the memory of his full name Columbo's as one might a Jost bit of lyrical beauty. Destiny. Russ wasn't yet seven when a Ger- man violinist, John Czech, was hired to give him lessons. He proved an excellent pupil and (Tarn to page 9) PROGRAMS FOR WEEK OF NOV. 28th TO DEC. 4th


KERRY CONWAY, for more than a year WOR lecturer Howard Lanin reports the story of the absent- on English, has gone with Paramount on the West minded station executive whose wife was anticipating Coast. There he will edit scripts and coach the movie one of those blessed events. stars in pronunciations of the effete East. Late one afternoon, his 'phone rang and an excited O feminine voice announced, "It's a boy, sir.'' Gus ARNHEtns who is now heard on the Lucky ''Tell him,'' came from the official, whose mind was Strike Dance Hour each week from Los Angeles over miles away, ''that he'll have to see my secretary." an NBC network, wrote "Sweet and Lovely', popular O song. In these troublous times, Sherman Keene, WOR music director, wires to say it's wise not to ask travel- ling salesmen about general business conditions in a Although B. A. Rolfe, NBC dance band leader now visited. on vacation is an enthusiastic yachtsman, he can't city they've ask if they've sold any goods there," is swim. "Simply Sherman's sound advice, ''and you'll get the answer to the first question in far less time." ARTHUR Q. BRYAN, formerly with \VOR is now on o the announcing staff of ' T' in Philadelphia. Which reminds us also that, nowadays, it's always the employes you hear singing about the various busi- Bernie in- "The depression is a 5ver'', Ben ness establishments through the land. forms the world-'if it the Old Maestro con- O tinues, "Mahatma Gandhi will be the world's best the small percentage of JANE FROMAN "To what do you credit dressed man.'' failures in business, despite depression," Tom Brown, O When television becomes practical you'll find famed NBC vocalist, asked his bank manager the Both chains shun electrical transcriptions, yet they Jane Froman one of its stars. She's one of the other day. employ records for sound effects. most popular stars of the Chicago NBC studios, The official pondered a moment, and then replied, .O and is heard each Sunday afternoon at 4:00 P.M. ''To the fact that few men ever try out the advice they in ALLEN PRESCOTT, erstwhile Mirror Reflecter and over a \VEAF-NBC network the Florsheim offer others.'' now New York American News Flasher, eats but once Frolic. ''And,'' he added, ''they use good judgment, often, a day. And that, while in bed. O in not doing it." O O a with the EUSTACE WYATT, NBC actor who ap- J. N. R., correspondent has a pears on the Kuku program and on THE WALLS HAVE EARS heart of a Spanish Inquisitor, for D. Thomas Curtin's "Thrillers" series, unique solution the "battling has served in two wars. He was a baritone'' problem. inform you up in a he boy soldier in the Boer war with the Mrs. R. Vallee (Fay Webb of the enough into the affair to ''Lock 'em all room,'' turns Somersetshire Yeomanry, and in the squawkies) and the New Yawk weath- whether it was Cartier's or Tiffany's writes, ''and make 'em take World \Var served as a captain of er are disagreeing with each other, that aided in the reconciliation . . . singing at each other." British tanks. with the Mrs. ailing more than you O We just know they'd prefer torture c . think ... It's a good thing there was The Mildred Hunts (he's Charlie with red-hot irons, J. N. R. ARTHUR ALLEN, alias EsleyStebbins, no mike around when Erno Rapee, Cannefex) who have been married less O holds business conferences, whenever whose baton directs the destinies of than a year, are further apart than The fellow who imitates different possible, in his new car. Just a farmer! Vir- all the NBC musical groups, and double-you-Ahie-see and kay-elf-o-ex, sounds and effects on one of the broad- ginia (Olive Palmer) Rae of the Palm- Los Angeles . . . That marriage the casting stations was ogling a comely olive period, had that verbal discourse other day of Vic Lombardo (the prima donna the other eve. Awarded Diction Medal he and fourth member of Lombardo on how a song should sung that ''I don't think I ever met you," she John Holbrook, National Broad- played . . . Rapee's remarks on Vir- tribe of melody makers), and Virginia declared, haughtily. was casting Company announcer, who ginia's vocal versions met with the Dabe, whose pappy has more cash "I'm the noise man,'' lie explained. awarded the gold medal for good soprano's curt remark that she liad on hand than the Federal Reserve, "Steamboat whistles, trains, squeal- diction on the radio by the American been microphoning for Palmolive for was by no means the first hook-up of ing pigs-I imitate then all." Academy of Arts and Letters started the past four years, with no complaints the pair, with both denying their "Then make a noise like a hoop and out to gain fame as a ski -jumper. In- as yet, thank you! ... Notwithstand- "sotto voted" sealing a week prior roll home," was her elegant squelch. stead lie bounced through banking ing that there are' some of meanies in Conn ... Al Jolson and Will Rogers and business, slid across the stage, and who insist that Columbo will always are holding out for ten grand before o writes to advise us skidded into radio by a ruse. He is play second fiddle to , they'll sing Mammy and chew gum Andy Sannella the truth of the matter is that when respectively before microphones; but that he just had a birthday. s.. I added the popular the CBS's Bing and his bubbling show them a contract for twenty-six ''And all got,'' a older." obbligatos were with that Gus Aim- weeks at 75 hundred per, and they'll radio star, "was year heim crew at the Hotel Ambassador both jump at you-take our word for on the \Vest Coast, who do you think it . . . Society has gone cap-razy Shuron Program f was playing the violin in the en- ahout the piano tickling of Eddie semble? . . . Your guessed it! NBC's Duchin, the Central Park Casino's

microphoning boy Russ! . . . Jacques orkonductor, whose music comes to Renard, B. A. Rolfe and Kate Smith, you over the Columbia air -waves, whose combined sitting spread meas- with Mrs. Rodman \Vananiaker among ures pah-lenty, sat in sections 26, 27, the many society matrons who are 28 and 29 at a recent football tilt, parting with a hundred smackers per. without moving from each other's lesson to the smiling Eddie, just to

side . . . Walter Winchell who has learn how it 'tis done. brought back all of the old and many O JOHN HOLBROOK revised brand new dialers to the . . . Mrs. Scrappy Lambert (Edna heard on the Mobiloil concert, Jolly Lucky Strike programs, had another Jackson) is busily engaged out in Bill and Jane, Dr. Copeland, Betty squabble with the "powers that he" Reno having those life -time -hook -up - Crocker, Blackstone Cigar and the over at the Mirror, when his program lines severed, while Scrappy, right Fleischmann Three Bakers, programs. sponsor's refused to mention the pa- here in town, is waiting patiently be- per's name on the air and Mrs. Winch - fore he announces his new "inspira- Radio Guide ell's bad little boy Walter sided tion'', who if you care to know is the Published Weekly by with them ... There were lawyers to daughter of a wealthy New York Nat Brusiloff, whose Shuron Mu- RADIO GUIDE, INC. and to the left but . is heard 475 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. the right, lawyers florist . . And as a parting shot, we sical Showmen Orchestra 'I'cl. Lbxingcon 2-4131 the program went on, without the throw a bouquet to Lou Sobol, the every Sunday afternoon over the WJZ- P. M., has long GEORGE o'UnAssv, President paper's plug. bloated plute; Walter Winchell and NBC network at 4:30 E. M. AI.EXANDIR, I/ ire President a favorite with sophisticated WALTER H. ANNENBERG, Secretary -Treasurer O Nick Kenny, who are finding out for been Eddie Thorgerson, whose raucous themselves that it's much easier to New Yorkers. 5c per copy S2.50 per year Born in Russia, Brusiloff came to INC. vocal chords thundered the praise of talk via their typewriters than through Copyright 1931 by RADIO GUIDE, a Application pending for 2nd class entry the ciggies that are "KIND to your a mike, hut who nesertheless are America when he was a year and at Post Office, New York, N. Y. throat'', has ironed things out with deserving of plenty of laurels for the half old. At the age of fourteen he Majorie La Voe, a "Follieswell", excellence of each and every program was one of the first violins in the Bal- Vol. 1 - No. 6 December 5, 1931 even thought we didn't pry closely they are presenting. timore Symphony Orchestra. 9 Chicago Dramatic Artist They Make Life Worth While Studio Pianist .._;

,VVt 9


Leadership of the New York Philharmonic Symphony will again be in the 4 hands of Arturo Toscanini on Sunday November 29th at 3 P.M., when the weekly concert of the orchestra is broadcast over the \\'ABC-CBS network. The Italian Maestro recently returned from Europe where he conducted at the Mozart Festival in Salzshurg, and the Wagner Festival in Bayreuth. The Height of Wee Willie Robyn, which is exactly four foot, eleven and three- quarter inches-has no bearing on the size of his voice which is now heard each Sunday from 1:45 P.M. to 2:00 P.M., over the WABC-CBS network on the Venida Hair Net program. Gene Carroll and Glenn Rowell have made a rapid rise to success. They only r cently signed a new long term contract with the for a of DOLORES Quaker Oats Company continuation their daily broadcasts over the WEAF-NBC network at 8 A.M., Monday to Friday. GILLEN FLORENCE K YTE Petite Dolores Gillen, one of radio's newer entertainers is often heard as a REVIEWING RADIO Florence Kyte, former accompanist dramatic artist from the Chicago NBC at the Metropolitan Opera, is now the studios. She appears with the Mini- By PORTHOS chief piano accompanist at the Colum- ature Theatre of the Air program bia Broadcasting Studios. She is which is given from time to time heard over WABC. over the WJZ-NBC network Morton Downey's vacation prob- to the use of "putrid" as applied to a -- ably saved him from complete exhaus- Harvard footballer. tion. No artist of the air had worked Both incidents were regrettable, Martha's First Song Hoover to Speak so assiduously, rehearsing and broad- of course. Perhaps there was no need When a song publisher the casting twice a night, keeping vaude- of the columnist's tirade, and cer- bought at Conference new theme song Connie Boswell uses ville engagements and plugging away tainly there was no reason for Mr. on her solo appearances, the last President Hoover will address the night after night at the Casino. Husing's adjective. Yet, both might am- his bition of the Boswell sisters was real- opening session of Conference on If I were a stooge, I'd call him up generously be classed as ''slips'' which ized, for Martha had sold a song. Home Building and Home Ownership and say ''colossal''. With all his come, occasionally, to everybody. She wrote it, "Meet Me Tonight, Dear Wednesday, December 2, at 9 P.M., work, and durned little play, he And people are still talking about Old Pal of Mine.'' And it was a in Constitution Hall and his re- keeps smiling, is always genial, and them. song marks will he broadcast to the she wrote when she was 14 years old! Nation never has he indulged himself in a O When the three girls first began over the Columbia Broadcasting grouch. He is, as all who know him, to WABC. The award of the diction medal to sing together they wanted to make a System through will admit, a natural prince. The conference, John Holbrook, NBC announcer, was phonograph record, and they did. operating on the O another occurren:e that set tongues Then they wanted to go on the radio same general lines as the White House I know the fellow. He's an old to wagging. With no reflection at all, and they did. After they were in Conference on Child Health and Wel- chap with greying locks, who has show on Mr. Holbrook's facility as a dic- business awhile fare, will continue through Thursday, that kindly look. Nothing he's ever they got the usual tionist, it is only reporting the news performers' desire-to play the Palace, Friday amd Saturday. Saturday morn- done has been a success. He tried to state that the award came as a which they did. That left ing has been designated as the time for banking and went flop. He tried only one complete surprise, and evoked much thing to action on recommendations. The pre- retailing and lost his shirt. He went be desired-for Martha to comment, for all the dopesters had sell a song. She wrote theme vious hours will have been devoted to to the coast to do farming and Uncle one song expected that the contest was between for Connie, but they didn't reports by twenty-five committees Benny got him. He came back East think so appointed ,John S. Young, of NBC, Sen Kaney, much of it. So she dug down in her to investigate home build- with the idea, ultimately, of doing a also of NBC (Chicago) and David trunk and brought ing and ownership in communities, Brodie from the Brooklyn Bridge. out one she had townships and and in fields Ross, of Columbia. It is the consensus written when she was fourteen. states, the To gather up enough for a meal, he of industry and finance. of expert opinion, including that of applied for a job in a mob scene at one the radio editors all over the country, -- The broadcast of Wednesday eve- of the broadcasting temples. A vice- ning will be presided over by Robert that the medal award bears no particu- Keeping Up With president heard his voice. lar significance. P. Lamont, Secretary of Commerce. ''Why man,'' they called at him. Daughter 'Why haven't you been here before. O - rJ11. - Figures to stagger you: In an aver- . With Ida Bailey Allen You've just the voice we need in our dramas. You're perfect as a successful age month, NBC broadcasts 2,813 business man.'' programmes, 1,997 of which come And would you believe it, he's from New York. Columbia puts on working steadily! an average of 1,014 programmes a month. Within the 30 O same days, That Lombardo bunch of music the NBC parades 20,000 performers makers work together like a machine, before the mikes and Columbia slight- as perhaps, you've noticed. They'll ly over half that number. It is as- tell you it's because they've never tonishing, then, to discover that there is had a change in the personnel. It's so much duplication and doubling got so they all eat at the same time, by the performets that actually, only and in the morning, when they take about 500 artists are on the NBC roll, their exercises, Guy Lombardo makes and about 270 on Columbia. them all breathe in rhythm. But what a bill to he paid! O Teddy Black, at last reports was Even the NBC is wondering what // without a spot. sort of programmes are to come from )ltr' r j O the new link in the National chain- Nan Dorland is another NBC actress Two events of last week raised KGU, Honolulu, hooked in last week who is becoming quite popular with Marion Newberry, protege of Ma- interesting radio issues. The first for the Lucky Strike feature, and now listeners everywhere. She takes part dame Marcella Sembrick, is the prom- was the passing from a newspaper a regular member of the family. in several dramatic productions in- ising young coloratura soprano, who staff of a radio columnist who lost But nobody hereabouts is quite certain cluding ''Keeping Up With Daugh- is heard during the Ida Bailey Allen out over a tirade against the NBC. of the entertainment -esources of the ter'', broadcast each Wednesday at programs broadcast Mondays at 10 The other was the barring of Ted Hawaiian Islands-unless you happen 11:00 A.M. over WEAF and the NBC a. m. over the WABC-CBS network. Husing by Harvard, which objected3 to be there. network. \GRAM FOR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28th WRNY-Irish Songs-Ray O'Connell WPAP-Guillermo de Castro, Baritone Concertino for Piano and Orchestra WGRS-Ethel Aaron-American Folk Alozart-James 6:45 A.M. to 10 A.M. WOV-Your Health Allegro 1V0BS-Billie Charms-blues Songs Andante 4:45 WPAP-Ernest Fried, Tenor :45 WRAF -'Power Health Exercises- Troubadour Rondo Arthur Bagley, director WONT -Singing Pastorale d'Eto Honegger Gambling, W GBS-Gosselin Sisters harmony Spoon River Percy Grainger W OR -Gym ('lasses John 0 2 P.M. Director 12 Noon to 4:55 WOR-Trench of Business Toward Evening .. A. \\'alter Kramer Bolero I(tvcl 7:00 WGRS-Alusical ('lock 5:00 1V 1S C i -Sally Orchestra for Piano & 12:00 {VMCA-Mid-day Message WEAF-lady Next Door Norwegian Rhapsody 7:30 WJZ-A Song for Today WEAIF-Black and Gold Room Orches- by Orchestra \\'uodin IV A BC -Organ Reveille-Popular Al usic Leon Rosebrook; 1VOIt-Varsity Collegians, directed Dance \Voodire tra - Direction Bob George Tartar 7:45 WJZ,-.lolly Bill and Jane-Cream of Allude Runyon, Contralto: John Jicrbu- W'JZ-Danger Fighters-health Prod- \Vhcat Program AloncrielT, Bass W.1L-Aiusical Moments-,rules ucts Corp. Program WOW Journal of the Air vearlx' dance or'chestr'a WABI'-'The. \tills Brothers 8:00 W M ('A -The Phantom Organist WI'CH-The ('Onununity Players Early IV .1 Z -The: Al errie-Al en Duchin and His Central 1V It N Y- E cl cl ie's A s h man's Orchestra WEAF-Gene and Glenn-Quaker W PC It-Ataritlnte News 'I'I' A II ('- Eddie' 1VJI1'4G-Eddie Alorrisey-Irish Bari- Birds IV II N Y -Organ Recital Park Casino 0re]te:stra tone W.1''/, -On the 8:15 W CBS- David Coniston, Musical WPAI'-.Iohn Smith, Violinist ' W \ R(' -AI orning Devotions Angels 1VCINS Alickie Blues Orchestra 8:15 SVAIIC-Sterling Product Pr'ogr'am, WGRS-News Flashes 's Band with Glee t'luh 1V MSG -Sue Royal-Piano and Song 5:15-11 I'AP-In the Studio Comedy Team 8:15 W MCA-I(cntiniscence Road with Frank String Ensemble WONT'-t'ke Joyner C'onc'ertina Player. and Al 12:15 WMCA-Phillips Wit 1'-INon I'a tes' Al:uimba hand realm 11 OR huger Elliott "Jewelry, Old 5:30 \VMCA Broadway Magazine Program WEAF-Alorning Devotions - of Yesterday W St S CI -Studio Orchestra WOK -Air. and Mrs. Reader-N. Y. and New" {VEAI'-I)an(lies W'lt AP-1\lusic W.1 Z I'o t Barnes in Person-Swift &('o. WO It -French Course Dr. Thatcher American Program Clark 8:30 WMCA-\V ill Oakland's Orchestra 1VJZ-Suubirds impersona- IV EA F' -National :Advisory Council for Everyone 'IS'l'CII-The Week -Enders WJZ-Ohl Puppy-Negro WA BC -Son ething W OS'-lllti0 Boys tions and songs. ('lifford Suubier; 1VJZ-13ance with Countess D'Orsay- W G It S -\l usical Travelogue W (:ItS .lint .1eromes piano guitar accompaniment l'wo Smiling Eyes-Soprano and 8:30 W MCA -Organ Reveille 1\'MS(:-Alarjorie McGrath - Piano- WPC ll-I'larrtation Alelodics Tenor duct. {V A It Orchestra 1VABC-La Patina Presents Kate Smith WEAF-('heerio Pres- logue ('-Ililtnuore WOIt-Martha Manning-A Macy Stock Quotations W PA I'- \l any i I Ongerford, Poems, and her Swann, Alusic entation 12:30 WMCA-\V.'I'. Sketches {V R N Y -A 'Trip to Palestine 1VOR-Chic Winters' Dance Orchestra and Rome" WOV-Trio Royale W,11 -National Farm and Home flour W'OV-Don Steven's Orchestra 1S'IiAl'-"Ireland W Almanac Al an 1Y (113S -A Children's \'lay. GBS-The W A B C-Yoeng's Orchestra 8:45. {VATIC-Tastyeast Gloom Chasers. 8:45 WMCA-Ilar'ry Clicks Gym Class W'ItN Y -peons Kiddie Hour 5:45 WMCA Keel Devils with Junior Sruitle Comedy Act, with "The ('olonel WOK -Musical Novelettes WO1' Parade of Alannequins 1V' EAF-Rex Colt Alountaineers and Budd" WJZ-Al and Pete W GIIS-.1 olio Arm buster-Al onologucs 'IVJ Z- Little Orphan Annie -childhood 11íR N Y-" Louise" WOV-Financial Talk W' M SG -George Williams-Tenor playlet with Shirley Bell. Allan W GBS-flit of the Week Barnick, Ilenrietta 'Pedro and Jerry 9:00 IV Al C A -AI art y Beck's Orehest ra 12:45 W' P(:11-11erbert Basch Wonder Program WRAF-Arthur Pryor and his Good- WM CA -Monsieur Sakele NV ABC- O'Alcara-A 9:00 Football Souvenir Program- WA BC-'l'ropie- \ire Program, Football year Orchestra-male quartet; James WRAF' -La Trio Charmante Songs of Army and Notre Dame .lames. tenors: Phil WOR-Miss Catherine 'n' Calliope-A 'WONT -Tunes of Merit Scores and Commentaries Melton. Lewis Presentation WPAP-Prof. A. Varadi, Concert Pianist Dewey. baritone: Wilfred Glenn. basso Barnberger 1V CBS -Burr Crandall. Baritone 1VOII-Allan 13ronrs: ''11'ha.t We owe the WJZ Tom Brennie W' MSG-hohbie DeVay-Popular Songs W PC II -Soot horn Canary Babies" WABC-The Commuters - Vincent 1 :00 W' 'II ('A -Sally Entertainers 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. 1VJZ Chicago Civic Opera WRAF-Teddy Black's Orchestra IV AItC-( 'arbor undnim hour, Indian Sorry, conductor Diversions W -Personal Problems IVOR-Alield:ey 6:00 I1'N Y(' -Fire Dept. Band Legend 'Told by Francis Bowman; 01 Morning 11TP('H-"Two Cavaliers" WEAF-Waldorf-Astoria Orchestraa Carbortulduru Band Directed by WGRS-Dagmar Perkins Notre Dame Football From Buffalo Al nods IVAB('-Array- 1VOR-Uncle Don -1. V. C. Pearls Pro- Edward d'Anna. Game, Ted IIusing, Announcer gram Indian Legend: Origin of the Alosquito 9:15 WMCA-Story Book Damsel IV RNY-Neu York Evening Air Post 1VJI, liaising Junior-\Vheatena serial Alart: urieres Lithigow W EA F'-'foal Waring's 'Troubadours W M S G -Sal vat ore V irze-Pianist IV ABC -Dave Abrams' Orchestra FinlandiahP Sibelius {V.IZ Morning (dories 1:15 W EA F-Dart.mou th-Stanford Football WP AP -Jack Phillips. Bass -Baritone Kaku.ska Leh:u WPCII-Dan Ashley Game-William Alunday announcing W'LIVL-"Flits of the Day" March: Spirit of the Times..Singlean WOV-housewives' Gym Class Indian Love C'all from "hose IIslario" 9:30 WMCA-31'odern Living Frind WOR Alusical Dictionary-Daisy & Trombone solo: AL'. Greene Bob March:: Imperial Potentate R N A"- Hour W .1 Z-Ileautiful Thoughts-Montgom- W Don Avalon's Greek ery-Ward Program 1VHAP-Alusic Resume SPECIALS FOR TODAY WPCII-Prograut 9:15 WiI AP-.iolnt Bond. "The Messieurs Witte-Tony's Scrap Book-Anthony Ililloc and Chesterton" Wens \V OR Hautmons in his One, -Alan WItN 1 -harry Click's Class -Cliff WO1' \loclern Living 1:00 P.M.-WABC-CBS -Army -Notre Dame Football Game, Ted S WGBS-Trio Royale 9:30 IV :111"\:v1.-Life Savers Success-i tu.cr- 9:45 WEAR -Our Daily Food-Col. Good- Husing, announcer. view body --A & 1' Program {NEAR-('luh \'alspar-.Aileen ('hart:. so- IVOR-Girl & Ilea Scout News 1:15 P.M.-WJZ-NBC -Army -Notre Dame Football Game, prano: Raoul Nadeau. baritone, etc. W.iZ-Aliracles of NIagnolia McNamee, announcer. Now's the Time to Fall in Love W'PCII-Iluddy Club Graham Orchestra 1VABC -Al orning Alinstrels Football Game, The Gypsy and the laird WGRS-Lucky Girl-Dramatic story 1:15 P.M.-WEAF-NBC-Dartmouth-Stanford Soprano solo. Aileen Clark William Munday, announcer. There's a King Around the Aloon Orclrest ra 8:00 P.M.-WOR -Little Symphony Orchestra. (A) Aria from "itc'rodiade-Le \-isson 10 A.M. to 12 Noon Fugitive" Al assenet Pryor and his Goodyear Or- (B) The Bitterness of Love i)unn 9:00 P.M.-WEAF-NBC--Arthur Baritone solos. Raoul Nadeau 10:00 WMCA-'Toy Lady chestra. Who's Babying My Baby 'Tonight SV'EAF-Mrs. Blake's Radio Column Bloom WO It-Young Aviators of America Radio Log will lie found on page 6 Orchestra 11.1 Z-1)a:we A'l iniature a Waterfall RPC11-4:oto Little Al iss-Janet \Vallen Just a Cottage Small By Art Program II auley WA 1í(' --Jewish Elinor Tenor solo, Ed. O'Brien 1V It N Y-Ilomentade Candy - Isle Orchestra with Sea- WIZ -Array - Notre Danio Football {VGlIS Erin's Cuto and Sweet Il:mna :McNamee an- mus 0'1 ig hen y, 'Penor Orchestra with vocal chorus W' (1 V -AI usical Specialties (:ante - Graham IVGBS-Gems from bight Operas nouncing. W I( AP-31usie You're Always in Aly Arms, from 1V PC II -Ragging the Blacks and Whites 'IV MS G -.l manet to Yanover-Soprano "Rio 1(ita' Tierney W \I ('A Norman Pearsc solo, .Aileen Clark 10:15 VV R N Y New York Stock Quotations Ans.ver Soprano WEAF-I1reen and de Rose -ilia: Al ttsical htternes 6:15 WJZ-'('Ire Gruen flan Hallelujah. from 11,0v Carr's 1V' Kern, Ballads woe- Florence case anti Orchestra 'IV SISC- Doris Thornton -('ontra Ito PAP-Itutlt "Hit the Deck" Youmans I! Monsieur Sahcle 1V MSG -Flo Stabile-U ke & Songs WPC -A1 Katz unid Kittens e)relleStr: `VON' Fur Trappers 1:30 \YMCA 6:30 WEAF-AI r. Bones and Company WOR- \Ilan Wood and his Orchestra 1: BS Aloentain Al use; 11'01{ Ear:: a Krickett's Orchestra well:II-Building Castles in Dreamland W'(Iit-Journal of the Aír WJZ-The First Nighter-Ceimpana 10:30 IV M CA -Name 's Program Altrsie W.151 -Breyer Leaf Boys Program StOpak, WHN-Luncheon W'A BC- National Radio Forum from IV EA Sonata Recital-Josef W MSG-('hildrun's Welfare-Dr. Sam- {V A IBC-Yueug's Orchestra Violini.sl. IV PAP -Violet, Reiser at t he Piano Washington. I). ('. Behind the 'Music uel Cross W R N Y- Elmo Russ at the Piano 1VO:t-The Story of 111.141- Eleanor King-Soprano W'.1''1 Daily Food-talk-Col. Good- 1:45 W'PCH-The Rajah's Rhythm W'GI1S-Chamberlain Brown's Artists -Our ior W RN Y -In the Green Room --c\ & I' Program WMSG-J tut Bolin-'1'rí0 'IS' MS C- 'IVce Bits of Scotch-Sandy 9:45 body IV IIAP- Listeners' Letters 1V PCIl-Song Valennivies Morrison 15/ABC-Adventures of Nolen and Mary arches of the World 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. 6:45 1V OR -Concert Ensemble directed by W G ItS-AI Ilans Alocller 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. e 10:45 W'M('A-Prof. Boy ('. Ilannaway SS'.I Z -Literary Digest Topics-Lowell Club Dudley '.s Dramatic Re- 1VOR-ILullherger Stamp 2:00 WMCA-Bide Thomas 10:00 1VEAF-mucky Strike Dance IIour- 1V,lA-('0nsolaires view 11' A BC -Connie Roswell ASalter \Vinchell Gus Arnlieirn's W'OV-A1 ens. Nakele IV OR -Puritan 'Trio W'I,WL-'The Voice tef Mho Alissions Radio IA ague IV ¡IN -Cameron King, Seafaring Talks Orchestra 11 G ItS-('ilil(Iren's Boys -Chamber A1usic W' IC AP -Italian Protestant 'Talk WOR-Frank and Flo-The Strollers Time. Police Reports 1V01'-Kure:her {VJZ-C tick oo hour 11:00 W'N YC Correct 1V 1T SG -Selma Ilaymate- -Soprano 7:00 W'NYC-"Week In Science"-hy J. 'I'. WE AF -Two Seats in the Balcony- Duel( VI' ABC -flank Simmons Show Boat, Direction Harold Sanford 2:15 1V 1'C 11 -The Sepia Thrillers Presenting a Comedy Urania of 1V IIN-Warter Leuge Orchestra WEAF-John Fogarty-song recital The Lady of the Slipper-Selection Amos New En `laud Life. Entitled "Down Ilerberl. W' OS' -City Fu'ec (Employment Bureau WIZ -The l'epsodeut Program- East.." Wt inert by Justin Adáms, Barn Orchestra 'It' Andy ley Orchestra WM('A-VWage IV 1RC-'The Political Situation in Wash- adapted for Radio Phil Maher Because You're You, from SS' 0S'- Da.n .\Barrett-Tenor ington 'Tonight-Frederic William 10:15 1VOR-\FOR Minstrels NV S G AI aher-Tenor "Tile Iced Mill" iierbert 51 -Joseph \Vile Duet 11- M CA -Three Little Sachs Alto and baritone 2:15 IV 11 N -N ornra Laken. Songs W 1, W L -Studio Program 10:30 (Slue GOw''t. from 7, -('Mara. Le and Em-Colgate- In My Little Alice 11'OV- Eileen .1ovice-('ontralto WGRS-Alusical (:lock Program ,.Irene" 'Tierney W' MSG -Grace G tiger- Soprano 1V'SISG-Sports Resumo Palmolive Soprano Solo IV ItNY-Organ Recital 151 It -Mall y Entertainers Interinez.zo, front 3:00 'I'I' C 7:15 1VNYC-Shaun II ayes Orchestra Iioschna IV'II N -U. S. Health 'Palk that Safeguard Society 10:45 1V AI CA -Dave Abrams' Orchestra "Madame Sherry" W(IBS -Lou Russel's Orchestra WEAF-I,avrs {NOR-Clobe Trotter IAmer'cnn) e Irelest ra VV'OR-Ernie Golden WJZ-Twenty Fingers of iIarmony Como Down Al y Evening Star, from 3:15 W' MCA -Spanish Romancer WJZ-Tastyeast Jesters I1 Follies ''pokey Pokey" W' PC -Kiddie W:1 BC -Creme Presents Bing Crosby 11:00 'IS' AT (' A-SlOetuy Time ('tub Alto Solo 1VOV-Mina Cole-Soprano WPAP-Allan Ilroni's'Seietco Chats IV (IAF-3larion Harris SongRecital There's a Light in Your Eyes from 3:30 IVMCA-A Night In Moscow 11'11 AI'-Americanus WOR- Wyss \Vilhiarns and his Plantation "The Girl Behind the Gun" VI' 11 N- harmony 'Team 7:30 IV VC -Joyce Kilmer Memorial Orchestra Tenor Solo Shayne's Trio 1VJ'L-Slumber Al usie from W'OS'-.lulus Ni usit'ale The Song of the Elaine. 1V (1 BS -Joe Nesbit's Pennsylvanians WE IF -Prince Albert Quarter Hour:- 1VA13(; Ilittn:ore(irchestra "'Thu Song of the Hanle-. Gershwin 1V It N Y-Schullst rem Recorded Program :3:45 %V II N-Aulon Varady, Concert Pianist Alice Joy. contralto; "01' Hunch" Baritone and Quartet Joyce-Contralto Van Loan's Orchestra to Eat & Wiry, C. Hus- WOV-Eileen 11:15 1V E A F -.lessen Crawford WOR-What IVOIt 'Jack Merger's Astor Grill Or- IV ABC -Jack Al Mel: toni Gou(liss chestra W'.iZ-Celebrated Sayings WJZ Butu'us Program 11:30 {V 11 CA -Breakfast. Club Orchestra W PC II -Pages from the ('lassies 4 P.M, to 6 P.M. WA11(:-Ilow to Dance the Westchester W'EA F -Coon -Sanders Orchestra 1VA BC- Now: York Philharmonic Sym- WPAP Half (lour with Bobby Burns 11'OR-Julian W'oodwortIt's Gov. Clinton and Young I'cople's II otel Dance Orchestra phony Children's 4:00 WMCA-G old burg Alush'al Al°ments W'L'IV'1,-Atenemy Lane Concert W N Y C -Police Choristers IVJZ- I(uss Cslunrho Program W' EA F -Phil Suitably Tea i)ansanto I3 C-13clasco's Orchestra VV H N Y-Schullstront Recorded Ilerhnveaux, WA time Al trsieal {VJZ-Syncopators-Jules 7:45 IVF,AF '1' he 0olelbergs-Pepsodent Pro - WRNY-Don Carlos' Marimba Band 'IV OY-May dance .orchestra grain 13:05 WN 1'C Retail Food Prices IV ABC-Ann Leaf at. the Organ W,1Z-II oily wood Nights 11:45 WJZ-I,ew \Vliite Organ Recital SV P I' Club Orchestra 'I'I All C- Noctnumnie. Ann Leaf 11:15 WN Y C--N visa Murray- Songs \ -Concord 1VA11C-Camel Quarter -flour, Morton 'Palk WGRS-Fritzi Frank from Germany Anthony W'ons and Jacques Dramatic Re- WI'CB-Brooklyn Unemployment, Unemployment Re- Downey, 12:00 SVMCA-Bide Dudley's WG :8 Diana Itragg, songs at the piano W0V-Emergency Itenard's Orchestra view lief W -True Vallee 11:30 WRAF-Keys to Happiness-piano les- MSG Foster-Program {VE,\F-Itudy 4:15 1V' II CA -Phelps ('helps-talk W II AP -Talk, Dr. Cardinal WIZ -Mildred Bailey and Jesters sons Quin- and his Royal IV OR -The Story 'feller WJZ-('Iiicag° Ensemble-String /V,SBC-Guy Lombardo WIZ -Blue Blazers tet. Chester I'icararo, Director Canadians 1V PCII-'\'lie Alelodeers W R N Y -Harold AI unsch's Orchestra WP('II-I)re:ut Recital 8 P.M. 10 P.M. W' 0V -A rrigltt's Singers to W'ItNY Eddie .\shman's Orchestra Dancing Lesson by Wm. 12:15 WJZ-Paul \Vhiteman's Orchestra (11% -Melody Novelties WC BS -Tap London Crime ilour, sketch Alt Pherson 8:00 WNYC-Police Choristers 12:30 WEAR-\ inceut Lopez' Orchestra VV'G115-The Phantom Organist WRAF -Civic Concerts Program WA BC -St. Aloritz Orchestra WN VC -Hints to Motorists 4:30 WMCA-The 11:15 A. W PC II -The Newcomers Hour WOK -Little Symphony Orchestra George 1 :00 IV 31 C A Q': oon-Sanders' Orchestra W Patriotic Calendar-Chas:. W'ABC-Spanish Serenado Vincent Vauso, pianist directed by Philip SVABC-Hotel Edison Orchestra Hale Sorey's Orchestra with -Hernandez James: Floyd Neale, announcer Suite WJZ till & Judy Instrumentalists "Tsar Salt a n"-ltimsky-Korsakoll' 1:30 WABC-Dave Abrams' Barn Orchestra WI'Cli-knighthood of Youth Brothers, Spanish Blackstone NBC On Collier's Plantation Impersonator = Hour



Here is a new picture of a '., aaa Pat Barnes, impersonator, JULIA SANDERSON who imitates any voice from ADELE RONSON Julia Sanderson's most recent photograph. As radio star that of a 10 year old boy's to Adele Ronson is a talented radio actress. She is heard with Frank Crumit in weekly broadcasts of the Blackstone an old woman's. He can he reglarly over Collier's Radio Hour at 8:15 P.M., on Sun- Plantation program, and some years ago as a star of the stage heard daily except Sunday days. Others who appear on this favorite period include, in musical plays, Miss Sanderson has built up a large group over WJZ-N BC at 12:15 P.M. John B. Kennedy, master of ceremonies, Ernest LaPrade's of admirers throughout the country. This talented star can in the Swift & Co. '-,Jimmy orchestra and numerous other popular radio favorites. This be heard over \VEAF Tuesdays at 8:00 P.M. and Grandpaw'' skit. program is broadcast over WJZ-NBC.

Wile to Broadcast THE RADIO ROVER Radio Blamed for Geneva Conference Weather Condition The Columbia Broadcasting System People simply must have something I wonder if radio fans realize the He slaps their names on his songs has assigned its political analyst, to blame for their weather and they importance of writing to the radio and gives them $t,000 or $1,5oo in Frederic William \Vile, of Washing- continue to pick on the radio. about their favorites on the "advance royalties''. The advance is ton, D. C., to broadcast from the stations Although broadcasting has nothing air? I stress this too strongly. really a bribe and is never paid back to General Conference on Disarmament can't to do with excessive rain or drought Many an artist whose singing has a the publisher if the song falls down. to be held at Geneva, Switzerland, so far as engineers and meteorologists tenderness and sweetness that is balm Artists and hand leaders who cut in under the auspices of the League of have been able to determine, letters to thousands of lonely hearts has been on songs are open to federal prosecu- Nations. Wile sailed for Europe with of complaint still reach newspapers kicked off the air because he or she tion. The Society of Authors and the American Delegation to the Con- and radio stations. didn't bring in any fan mail. Composers have a law forbidding cut - ference, which is scheduled to open The most exhaustive research has I'm sure admirers of their work ins. Yet the publishers go right on on February 2, 1932. failed to show that radio can be ac- would have written in had they known doing it. This will be Columbia's second cov- cused justly of influencing weather their congratulatory letters would You'd he surprised to learn the erage of an international conference conditions. The shoe is on the other keep their favorites on the air. Start names of some of your idols of the air through its trans -Atlantic facilities, foot, for radio is a sufferer from the pet artist or who have made reputations as song \Vile having blazed the trail when he today by sending your weather. orchestra leader a warm letter of writers on the strength of these cut - was sent to the London NaN al Confer- Drought -stricken areas of the coun- praise, addressed to the radio station ins. Yet many of these idols couldn't ence by the Columbia system in 1930. try have been checked as to broad- where he or she is featured. write a line of a song. As on that occasion, he plans to broad- casting activity, which was found to cast from Geneva a weekly series of O be the same as in other sections suffer- talks by delegates of the leading Con- Music is so closely identified with Another Irish tenor who doesn't ing from floods at the same time. But ference countries. despite the most conclusive tests, radio that Radio Rover has been get a break is John L. Fogarty. The making the rounds of the music pub- NBC has been giving John a run-a- radio still remains in many minds lishing firms along Tin Pan Alley, in round for nearly two years. He has guilty of doing things to the weather. search of hot radio news. Tin Pan a glorious voice but sponsors want ---.- Sings on Visual Station Alley is that section of Broadway, trick voices. John has too much pride Finette Walker, late of the \\'ash- New York City, devoted to the pub- to descend to tricks. .Perfect Radio Voice lishing of music. ington, D. C., Opera Company and of O Giovanna Siragusa, NBC mezzo- It is the backbone of Broadway. the musical revue, "The New York- soprano, is one of the most popular Radio news breaks in these music Lester juvenile of ers" is now heard and seen on the Cole, singing youngsters on its staff of artists. before it does in the studios. ''Good News'', "Strike Up the Band'' synchronized Columbia television and shops Shc is only 19 years old, and has al- Orchestra leaders and singers journey and other musical comedies is an Irish radio stations, AV'2XAB and \V'2XE ready Yvon fame both as a concert learn 'the which they and he seems to be along. respectively. This twenty year old here to songs tenor coming pianist by winning many contests. will present on the air. Will the curse on Irish tenors stop soprano, sings in French, Spanish and She is heard over \VJZ-NBC from If they have just been auditioned by . him? Italian as well as in English. the Chicago Civic Opera which is one of the big advertising companies O broadcast at 9 P.M. every Saturday. for a neyy hour that is going on the air look Belle they break the news to the music I'll never forget the on Baker's face while her son Herbert was publisher or song plugger who is ng for Lou Soho! on \\ OR that . teaching them the song. sing night. Her face was an In comes Radio Rover and gets the Sunday only from and dope from said publisher or plugger, inch or so the boy's, she'was lines for him. Her and it conies out in print before it is breathing the eyes pride. wonder. known at the radio studio that will were aglow with No present the program. He's a grand kid. There are big things in line for Belle Baker on the air, according to There has been much ado lately in that fellow from the'. Walter Thomp- the American Society of Authors and son agency. Her voice was so tragic Composers regarding the old practice when she told me that she wants to of cutting in radio artists and orches- make radio her life work now that her tra leaders in big spots on songs. husband has gone that my own eyes One of the most prosperous of the grew moist. Wonder if that makes me publishers is said to have ten of the a sissy? Broadway, hard-boiled old '-- - biggest artists and orchestra leaders of Broadway, understands Belle's grief FINETTE WALKER the radio industry on his payroll. 5and loves her for it. GIOVANNA SIRAGUSA PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29th

12:45 WEAF-Echoes of the Orient-Sven von WOR-Margaret Anglin Presents RADIO LOG Iiallberg's String Ensemble 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. IVJZ-Enna Jettick Melodies-mixed W O K- Sailendra U hose: '' I:ilia Today" quartet; Betsy Ayres. soprano, LOCAL STATIONS WABC--Cafe Budapesth, Emery Mary Itopple, contralto; Steele Deutsch. Conductor, with Charol tie 4:00 WEAF Florsheim Frolic Ferdie Jamison, tenor; Leon Satan hiel, Thome, Soloist. Urofe's Orchestra; Jano - Frontan. bass; Robert Armbrust.er's instru- Station K. M. Station K. M. WGBS-1,. Silvers-Songs at the Piano Contralto: Jack Fulton, Jr., Tenor; mental ensemble 1:00 WMCA-"Goldstein and Bernstein" King's .festers. male trio WABC-Devils, Drugs and Doctors WE.tF Troika Itells-Genia Fe WL\VL-"(lotltic 51oo(ls" ta:'iova, WOK -Rev. Charles Coughlin (from AP WNYC 570 526 WGBS 1180 254 mezzo soprano; Alexander Kirilott"s %V.IIt, Wit -Music :hestra )et oit) WMCA 570 526 WAAM 1250 240 Or WJZ-Melodies do France-"Houbigant 8:15 WMCA-"Songs-Old and New"-Rol- WOE-l'crolo String Quartet Program"-'Tho Barrere Little Sym- ler & Lynn WEAF 660 454 WODA 1250 240 WJZ Sentinels of the Republic "The phony .WJZ-Collier's Radio hour Uncle I'e:tple and Their Constitution", Hon. IIe.u'y - WOR 710 422 WI-IAP 1300 231 IV G BS -A m er i can Music Ensemble and the Editor; dramatiza- James AI. Beck, Member of Congress tions; musical novelties: Ernest I.a- WJZ 760 394 WEVD 1300 231 front Pe'tnsylva 4:15 WPCH-Young Israel Program Pra(le's Orchestra; John B. Kennedy, WPCH Mary O. Sheldrake-The Chil- WPCH 810 370 WBNX 1350 222 4:30 W EAF-The Wonder Program SI aster of Ceremonies dren's Story I -lour IVAIlC-N. Y. 'Telephone Co.-St usic WABC 860 349 W1VISG 1350 222 WA BC -Cathedral I1 our-Channon Col - IV.IZ-Shuron P. 0.-Musical Showmen Along th9 Wires-Symphony Orches- liege, WRN V WAAT .940 319 WBBC 1400 214 Conductor, with Adele Vasa. -Selwyn Orchestra tra Conducted by Fritz Reiner Soprano: Barbara Nlaurel, Contralto; IV OV-Swccdenborg Found at. ion {VHAP-Bible Reading WF-IN 1010 297 WLTH 1400 214 Theo Katie, Tenor: Crane Calder, WGBS-Louis Russell's Orchestra 297 1400 214 Bass, and Cathedral Choir. 8:30 WMCA-Jerry Solow and Orchestra WPAP 1010 WFOX WPAP-University Forum 4:45 WPCH-Rabbi Goldstein's Question Box WOE -Bernhard Levit')w's Ensemble WQAO 1010 297 WHOM 1450 207 WOW -Parade of the Mannequins WEN Y -Wm. 11. Bridge, Psychology Symnphonique WRNY 1010 297 WKBO 1450 207 1:15 WMCA-Solo Organ Recital W 0V-.1 nib's .lullietti-Accordion IVLWL -Services from Pattlist Fathers' WJZ-Walter Damrosch Hour-Sym- Church-"The Benediction of Life" WLWL 1100 275 WNJ 1450 207 phony Concert 5:00 IV MCA -Herbert's Diamond Enter- Rev. Peter E. Hoey, C.S.Y. Singing WOV 1130 265 WWRL 1500 200 W G BS- Fanclion and Marco's Radio tainers by the Pattlist Chorister's Idea WEAF-Gilhert & Sullivan Gems 8:45 WABC-Angelo Patti. "Your Child"- WOW -Ensemble WOR Eddy Brown String Quartet: Cream of Wheat Program 1:30 W 31 CA-F'inkenburg Entertainers Quartet... Franco .Vfano WEAF-(::rvetIt Wells Adagio SIozart 9:00 W MCA -Lotus Land 8 A.M. to 10 A.M. WPCIi-Infants Home of Brooklyn Pro- Song of The Brook.. Ethelbert Nevin WEAF-"Our Government"-talk, Da- gram WJZ-National Vespers - Dr. Harry vid Lawrence 8:00 WEAF-Melody Hour W I' A P -Pahl II utter Emerson Fosdick WOR-The Voice of BroadwayLouis WJZ-Tone Pictures-Lew White, or- WOV-Jewish Hour IVAIiC-Rev. Donald Grey Barnhouse, SObol with guest. artist and Merle mixed Mary Slerker, WGBS-Italian Moments-Direction Tenth Presbyterian Church Johnston's Orchestra (Ludwig Bau- ganist; quartet; Ernest .I. Caflso mann Program) soprano; Helen Janke, contralto; IVPCH- Red Cap SIale Quartette W:(BC-Roxy Theatre Symphony-Di- Richard Maxwell, tenor, and Curt 1:45 WEAF Old Company's Program - IV RN Y St usical Overtones rected by Maurice Baron Peterson, baritone American Singers; William Wirge's WOV Watch't'ower W H AP -Ex -Priest W ABC Morning Musicale - Emery Orchestra WGBS-The Nation's Business-Speak- WA BBC--Ve- lid a Former Secretary Deutsch's Orchestra with Helen Board Program-Wee Willie er, of State Bain- 9:15 WEAF-Tho American Album of Fa- Soprano Robyn of the old Roxy Gang-Lyric bridge Colby miliar Tenor-in popular ballads-Emery, WOV-May's Orchestra Masie-Gus 11aenschen's Or- 9:00 WMCA Three Musical Doctors Deutsch's Gypsy Orchestra chestra WEAF-The Balladeers 5:15 110V -Ruth Goodwin-Blues WJZ-Bayutc Stag Party-Guest Artist: WJZ-NBC Children's (lour IVGBS Irish Echo Boys-Instrumental male quartet: Harrison Knox, Paul WPCH-Down Reminiscence Road- and Vocal Parks, Ilaro](I Woodward and Frank ;\I cCabe 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. James Stan ey; Robert -IrnrhrusLr, WABC-Land o' Make Believe, Chil- 5:30 IV M CA -The Sphinx Lady accompanist. Nat Brusilolt s or- dren's Playlet 2:00 W 31 C.A Ted Black's Orchestra WEAF-General Electric Twilight Pro- chestra W OW -Morning Song WOR-"The Psychologist Says"-Dr. gram-Beniamino Gigli, 'Tenor 9:15 WMCA-Down Menr'ry Lane Arthur Frank Payne IV OR Red Lacquer and Jade-directed 9:30 W NI CA-VVurlitzer Musical Forum AVYCII -"Melody Strings'' IV PUll- Dance Al usic-Frank Gallo by George Shackley: Basil Ruysdael, WABC-Romances of the Sea-Drama- WOW- Personal Proble ns Orchestra philosopher-A Stacy Program tization of Coleridge's "The Ancient SIariner" with 111usical Background 9::30 W MCA -Air School of Health played by Charles Prcvin and his W EA F -Mary Eaton. violinist Symphony Orchestra WPCH-Sunday Morning Song Service J WILN-"In a Hungarian Village" WPAP-Uncle Robert and His Pals WHAP-Music WOV-Modern Living 9:45 WEAF-Waiter Mills, baritone SPECIALS FOR TODAY 9:45 WMCA-Vicks Program WEAF-Buick Program-Countess Olga Albani, Soprano; Male Quartet; 10 A.M. to 12 Noon James Melton and Lewis James, Walpole from Tenors; Orchestra, Direction Frank 12:30 P.M.-WABC-CBS -Hugh London-Interna- Black 10:00 W MCA -Watch Tower Program tional Broadcast. WOK-IIcntstreet Quartet W EAF-Southland Sketches WJZ-Kellogg Slumber Music-Kaffee WOR-Emil Velasco-Organ Recital 1:00 P.M.-WJZ-NBC -Honorable James N. Beck-('The Peo- Haag Program - Ludwig Laurier's {V .IZ-Mexican Ty pica Orchestra-Gus- string ensemble tave Clemente, director ple and Their Constitution". WHAP-Protestant Authors WABC Columbia Church of the Air WPCH-Clarence Augustus Williams 1:15 P.M.-WJZ-NBC -N. Y. Symphonic Concert-Walter W O V-Ensent ble Damrosch Conducting. 10:15 W M C'A-"Static-ticians of the Air" 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. WPCH-Jlons'eur Sakele P.M.-WABC-CBS Y. Philharmonic Symphony. WOV-N. Y. American Relief Fund 3:00 -N. 10:30 W MCA -Broadw'ty Strollers 5:30 P.M.-WEAF-NBC-General Electric Twilight Hour-Ben- 10:00 WMCA-Success Interview WEAF-Clyde Doerr and His Saxophone IVOR-Radio Varieties-Ted Black's Octet iamino Gigli, Tenor. Orchestra. Nick Kenny and guest WOK- Uncle Don's Wake -Up Club- artist; Roger Bower, Master of Cere- (Henry Glass) monies (Finlay Strauss Program) WJZ-Fiddlers Three-violins, piano IV A BC -Edna Wallace Hopper Variety and vibraphone Show-Featuring Stars of Stage and W PC II -M ilt Castle-"Monkeyshines" W.ABC-Sons of Eli, Spirituals WJZ-"Simonize Guardsmen" Screen-Edna Wallace hopper, Mis- WABC-Quiet Harmonies Emery WPAP-Hungarian Luncheon Music 31'1' CH -The Three Rascals tress of Ceremonies; and Abe Lyman, Deutsch, Conductor - WOV-Vasilatos-Greek Program WABC-Blue Coal Radio Review Guest Conductor WPAP Samuel Greenberg-Mandolin- WGBS Aeolian String Quartet WEN Y-Staiko's Urcelt Entertainers WHN-Jay Drew-"The Sian About ist WOV-Don Steven's Orchestra 'Town' WGIS$ Sentimental Banjoists 2:15 WEAF-Sunday Bright Spot-Investors' WHAP-"Who Is Jesus" W OV-'Trio Royale Syndicate Program-.lack Pettis' Or- chestra; Mariners Trio-Gordon Cross 10:15 WEAF National Oratorio Society-Rei- 10:45 WMCA-Back Yard Serenaders Gill Nolan, (glen Cross, 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. nald Wcrrenrath, Director WJZ A Song for Today-Lowell Patton, and tenors; Composer Organist; Gloria LaVey, Baritone WJZ-Ilarbor Lights-Drama of the Sea Fenwick Newell, Tenor WJZ-Careless Love-Negro Dramatic with Florence Malone, Edwin SI. Contralto; Program 6:00 WMCA Sally Entertainers Whitney. Leslie .toy. Walter Seder - WPCH-Lottio Salisbury and Her Me- WEAF-Catholic Hour-"Christ's In- ling, William Shelley and .Ioseph chanical Doll 2:30 WMCA-Three Little Sachs tluence" Granby WPAP-Maymill Harmony Crooners WEAF-Moonshine and II oneysuckle- WOK -Uncle Don WHN-Tommy King, Guitar and Song WOW -Monsieur Sakele - Egyptian dramatic sketch WJZ-Raising Junior-Wheatena Serial Beauty Chat WOR-Allen \leaner. the Musical Doc- WEN Y -Grecian Gold 10:30 WOR-Footlight Echoes-directed by WGBS-Watch Tower Program tor,. and (Irchest.ra IV G tRS N yidia D'Arnell & Florence George Shackley 11:00 W MCA -Bud Fisher and His Commo- W J Z- Yeast F'oamers-II erbio Kay's Or- Iiubbard IVABC Ernest Hutcheson-Pianist, dore Orchestra chestra Chauncey Parsons, Tenor 6:15 WJZ Veronica Wiggins, Contralto song and Concert Orchestra W EAF-Neapolitan Days-Dolores Cas- ,WPCH-Biblical Talk recital WHN-Depieco Saxophone Ensemble sinelli, Soprano; Giuseppe di Bene- of Air WHAP-Symphony Program detto: Tenor; Joe Biviano, Accord- W ABC -Columbia Church the 6:30 WMCA-Dusky Strollers WPAP Joe Sover and Orchestra (N. Y. 10:45 W MCA-Th ee Sachs ionist; instrumental ensemble; Thom- W OV-M aytime M usic WOR-Globe 'Trotter American) Little as Belviso, Director. Indian String Octet 11/.1Z-My Portrait Gallery of Famous WEAF-Sunday at Seth Parker's WOK -West End Presbyterian Church WGBS West Britons-"George Bernard Shaw" WJZ-Land of Wonder and Fear-talk Service-Dr. A. Edwin Keigwin Trio talk by Valettine Williams by F. A. Mitchell Hedges WJZ-The Russian Singers mixed 2:45 WPCII-Mozart W ABU -Howard Dandies-Roger White - WABC-Sons of Eli, Spirituals and Dandies Orchestra 11:00 WMCA-Dave Abram's Orchestra chorus, Basil Kibalchich, director WJZ David Novalis-Violinist; WPCH-Christian Sc'ence Church Ser- Trappers {VIE N Y -Harold M unsch's Orchestra Hen- vice 3:00 WMCA-Fox Fur W (:13S -American M usic Ensemble rietta Schumann, Accompanist WEAF-Wayne King's Orchestra W ABC -Olympic Games Committee Pro- WABC-Horn and Ilardart's Children's We Haveave Less S. Hour, Juvenile Variety Program WOK -Debate: "Shall 6:45 WOR-H. Maurer's Concert Ensemble gram WQAO-Calvary Morning Services Than Unanimous Jury Verdicts"- (Astor) WHN-Sonia Sturges and Perry Charles Hon. Wm. Harman Black, Aft; Ilarold {V J'' -The Ad ventures of Barbara Wayne in a tied Time Story WOV-Melody Novelties H. Corbin, Esq., Neg; under direction -"Vanity Silk Mills Co. Program" WGBS-Michael Addieg's Orchestra of S. Theodore Granik 11:15 W MCA ACO Negro Orchestra 11:15 WOV-N. Y. American Christmas Relief WJZ National Youth Conference-Dr. 7:00 W MCA German Musical Revue WEAF-Ralph Kirhery-The Dream Fund Daniel A. Poling; Musical direction W EAF-Thrtt the Opera Glass Singer 11:30 WMCA-Sally Entertainers George Shackley W J Z -W illys-Overland Orchestra-Har- W IIN-Moonlight Sleepy Time Di- WEAF Tales of the Emerald Isle- WABC-New York Philharmonic Sym- old Stokes, director; Toni, Dick and rected by Eugene Gelesink - dramatized legends phony (orchestra-Arturo '1'oseanini, Harry, vocal trio WJZ Morning Musicale Conductor, and Olin Downes, Com- IV ABC -The World's Business, Dr. Julius 11:30 W MCA -Al Katz & Kittens WOW -Fur Paraders mentator Klein, Assistant Secretary of Com- WEAF Jesse Crawford-Poet of the WGBS-Jewish Little Symphony Overture to "The Flying Dutchman" merce-From Washington, D. C. Organ Wage er IVIIN Y -Ivan Frank's Bavarian Orches- WOE Moonbeams-directed by George Symphony in E -fiat Major. No. 3, tra Shackley 11 . IV G S -Chimes 12 Noon to 2 P.M. Opus 97 ("Rhenish") Schumann WJZ Russ Columho, the "Voice from Variations on a Theme by It ay den, 7:15 W'Olt ('hair Invisible-Directed by the Golden West"-Songs Opus 56-A 13rahms (leorge Shackley WABC-Ben Bernie and 11 is Orchestra- 12:00 WMCA-American Hebrew Forum Symphonic Piece from "The Redemp- W ABC -Charlie and Oscar from Chicago WEAF-Sparklets-Tom Neely's wood tion" . Franck Symphonic Poem: "The Pines of 7:30 W 31 CA Pipes of Pan 11:45 WJZ-South Sea Islanders-Joseph Rod- wind ensemble WEAN' Indent Club of the Ensemble {V Legal Topics-Robert Rome" Rcspighi Air-Dra- gers' HIawaiian OR Current WQAO-"Inspiration Hour" matic Sketch; Big Brother Bob Daru and lion. Frank P. Walsh Rimes' 12:00 W MCA -Bide Dudleys' Dramatic Re- W ABC -Voice of St. Louis W OV- Stush'al Specialties Emery; Joe Orchestra WOV-Your Health WGIIS-Jean Stors Syncopated Choir 11J 'L-The Three Bakers-Fleischmann vue Trio Program - Frank Luther, Jack WEAF-Larry Funk's Orchestra W G13S-Alpine 3:15 WPCH-Armagh Minstrels Parker and Darrell Woodyard: Will WJZ-Henry Theis and his Orchestra- 12:15 WMCA-The Jewish Troubadours WLWL-Columbus Council E. of C. Donaldson, accompanist; Billy Dance \I usic WPC II -Fred Fassig, Baritone Forum Artz' Dance orchestra; Ray WABC-Eddie Duchin and his Casino WOW -Floyd Williams, Tenor Perkins, master of ceremonies Orchestra WGBS Hebrew American Health Pro- 3:30 WMCA-Tom Noonan's "Cathedral of IVA1.1C-Luden's Novelty Orchestra, WILN-Studio Program gram the Underworld" Conducted by Dan Rybb with Paul 12:30 W MCA -Ralson Jewish Frolics IV EAF-Dr. S. Parkes Cadman-ad- Small. 'Tenor 12:30 W MCA -Paul Vincent's Orchestra WOR-'Lizbeth Ann's Sunday School - dress-Radio Choir and (h'chestrn {VQAO Calvary Evening Services WABC-Nocturne, Ann Leaf at the Or- A Macy Program Direction George Dilworth gan WJZ Balkan Mountain Men-Verni's WJZ- Waldorf-Astoria Organ Recital Bells of St. Mary's darns Reacts" :Mon- Aubade Printanniere Lacombe Tambourit.z orchestra, direction W'LWL-"i\s a Catholic 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. Alexander I3asy: Emil Blazeevich, signor John L. Belford. D.D. Colum- When the Blue of the Night baritone; Ivan Ribich, tenor bus Council Glee Club Nymphs and Fauns Logan WPCII Linday Laboratories WGBS-Hovey Instrumental Ensemble Selections from "Lucia di Lanuuer- WABC International Broadcast 8:00 WMCA-"Book Reviews" moor'' Donizetti WPAP Frank Grossman and New 3:45 W OR -Vera Brodsky and Alexander Kel- WEAF-Chase and Sanborn - Eddie Avalon Yorkers berine, pianists Cantor. Guest Artist; Dave Rttbinoll"s Avalon Town' WOW -Popular Tunes of Merit WPCH-Real Radio Service Program Orchestra Can't We Bo Friends? CHATTING WITH- In For a Stew LUDWIG LAURIER By Margaret Ann Fraser

His first words were- "He wouldn't have shone in the "Well, and what would you like to musical skies as you do. But why do know about me?" you play so many Strauss com- "Everything," I replied, "that positions?" other people don't know!" ''There seems to be very little choice He smiled, and with that smile in waltz music outside of Strauss, and cleared away the slight feeling of the waltz is just right for a Slumber strangeness that existed between us. Hour." - -- The super -clowns air, in For Ludwig Laurier's smile envelopes Ludwig Laurier is not at all like I of the the persons of NBC's Three Doctors descend to the kitchens the you with a sense of warmth. It starts imagined him to be. He is rather of Merchandise Mart Restaurants in Chicago to demon- in his eyes, which are a deep brown, short and stockily built, and very strate to their public that they really do get into a stew. Here they are left to catches up the corners quiet in his manner. right: the Doctors Pratt, Sherman and Rudolph. Their nonsense can be heard daily of his mouth, an& P' He speaks fairly slow- except Saturday and Sunday from 3:30 to 3:45 P.M. over WJZ and NBC leaves an after -glow ly, in deep even tones, the network. even when his face with an occasional roll is serious. just like of R's, which denotes Prize Fan Letter a cigarette lighter on his German birth, and Adele Vasa recently sang "Bianca" a car. Push the cup which he has not been over the Columbia network. It was LUDWIG in to the elec- make able to entirely erase the first time that this work of the BAUMANN trical contact. Watch altho he has spent noted American composer,' Charles the coils as they slow- most his life of outside Wakefield Cadman, had been pre- presents Louis SoBOL'S ly become red. Now, his of country, touring sented on the air. "Voice take it away. See with the Philharmonic By coincidence, Cadman, at his of Broadway" how is a long there Orchestra thru Europe. home in California 3000 miles from glow altho the con- He is not the only WABC's studios where Miss Vasa was nection has been brok- musical member of his singing, happened to tune in on this WOR en? It is so with Lud- family-all of them particular program through a local SUN DAY 9P.M. wig Laurier's smile. play either the violin Columbia station. The composer was It lingers in the air for piano, 1 -gut only for so pleased with its inaugural radio around you, and you " their own satisfaction. rendition that he immediately sat never quite forget it. They have not made it Famous down and wrote the singer a letter of Stars He was at one time a _ wM\ their career as he has. thanks. from Broadway member of the Metropoli- Even his only daughter F.._o It was his first fan letter. And: tan Opera House Orchestra, plays the piano only LUDWIG LA U RIER Merle Johnston and was violin her amuse- * playing for own and His Famous Orchestra with Hugo Reisenfeld at the Rialto ment. He wears a good deal of Bridge Fan Honest * Paul Small Theatre, when he was offered a place grey, and it sets off his nearly -white The average American may depart a Popular Radio Crooner with NBC. hair. He looks at you very keenly. bit from fact in telling of his golf * F -Layton and Schutt "Shortly afterwards they started Not critically but with an expression score, or of his angling exploits-but Lively Piano Team the Slumber Hour, and I was given the of tolerance and kindly feeling. He he is the essence of honesty in the job of conducting the orchestra. I makes all the arrangements for his matter of bridge. have been doing it ever since and now, program, which is why it is so popu- Such is the conviction of Don and we have started on our fifth year. lar. Betty, who have been conducting a What are the things you think are not Sometimes, unexpectedly, we are F.S. bridge contest as part of their Friday known?" given the treat of hearing the an- Voice broadcast over the WABC-CBS net- Specialist "Well, first-what is your birth- nouncer say "The orchestra you have Services limited only to work, 10:45 to 11:00 A.M. day?" just heard has been under the direction Professional Singers with voice Problems . "Naturally we cannot check every Consultation by appointment. ''February twelfth.'' of Ludwig Laurier over the WJZ- / score," said Betty. "We have found Write Studio 618 "Seems io me that another rather NBC-network at it P.M., each night Steinway Hall the scores speak for themselves. With- famous man was born on the same except Sunday." N.Y.C. day." out exception the tallies show just the sort of game you and I might play." "You mean Lincoln. I've never let (Next Week-Georgia Backus, Columbia that worry me. Good examples are excellent, but we cannot all he so Broadcasting System's Dramatic Directress great.'' Trill he interviewed by Miss Fraser. ) Eli 1P D p E w oa oI Football Colorful Over Hart, Schaffner and Marx JOIJEIl AMERQCA New Mike All-American Team ;_r This year, for the first time, the Radio is being employed to bring As clear and r l great football games have been borne about, by popular vote, selection of LOCALS ` to distant fans with all the colorful an All-American football team. loud as ' sound detail of the act 'al contest. In their regular Thursday night with This has been accomplishe' through broadcast, the Hart, Schaffner and 11íP new °a? development by engineers of the Na- Marx Trumpeters, heard at 10 p.m., tional Broadcasting Company of the from WABC and the Columbia net- I. paraholi reflector microphone. work, invited football fans in a large The "human ear" of radio enables territory to choose their own mythical theengineers to focus the microphone All-American eleven. The ballots on any desired spot. The parabola will he judged by Ted Husing, Sol is placed in sonic commanding posi- Metzger, and Warren Brown. íLD-WVF SIJpIM1-1FTFDCDyNF as the roof the press box, is tion, such of December 1st, set as the tentative YOU will wonder at the sweetness of tone and the downright realism a Scott All Wave radio brings to you. and aimed ' at the cente" of interest, date for announcement of the sixty Orchestras come in as though they were part of the room-your room. The whether it is thrilling song of the violin. of the jolliest vocal melody of tenor or bass, the crooning one of the cheering sec- people in various sections of the of quartets trailing away to muted whispers --all bring their music to you through tions, college bands marching down country, who have the Scott All Wave. as Intimately as though the artist were performing only for you. teen adjudged You have a totally new experience awaiting you-when you listen to programs not the field, the teams in in only in U. S. A. but from the far distant points of all the earth through the peerless or scrimmage. the best judges selecting the teams. Scott An Wave. During actual play the parabolic This precedes the announcements of A 5 -YEAR UNCONDITIONIL GUARANTEE FOR PERFECT PERFORMANCE "mike" is tuned low so that its pick- the teams which are chosen annually up will not interfere with the an- by critics of the sport. The present FI..FCTL?CINI !SEND CCU I)CN TiDDAY of game, ELECTRON RADIO COMPANY, nouncer's description the poll represents the first time that a eQADEC CC. 31 - 12 BROADWAY, but merely provide for his voice a popular vote has been used in choice EXCLUSI%E DISTRIBUTORS ASTORIA, LONG ISLAND. of occasional roars from 31-12 BROADWAY Name background of the year's outstanding team, and ASTORIA, LONG ISLAND Address the stands or student singing. The also the first time that radio has been Tel. ASturia 8-8965 City State "human ear' humanizes the broadcast. used to work out the popular choice. % L .7. PROGRAM FOR MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30th

WOV-Your Health :3:1.5 1VP('H-Songs loon All-Ruth Cumming WABC-AIyrt and Alargo - Wrigley 6:45 A.M. to 10 A.M. 116 RS News Plashes Sí ABC -Columbia Salon Orchestra Program IV 11 A P -Luncheon Al usie WO1'-Trio IV RN Y -Ivan Frank's Bavarian Orches- IV MSG -Personality Miss W(:BS-Symphonic Rhythm tra 6:45 11' EAF-'Powet: I IealtIi Exercises- 1VLSVL-"Starlight Hour" Arthur Bagley, director 12:15 11.MCA-Phillips String Ensemble 3::30 {1'31 ('A In An Italian Garden WOR-Gynt Classes -John Gambling, 55'EAF'-Black and Gold ltoont Orches- VOIt -Ellis' Organ, Jessie Griffiths, 7:15 WNYC-Aiuseum-Talk Director tra -Direct ion Leon Rosehrook; Organist, W F: A F -'The Campbell Orchestra Catherine Field, Soprano; Fred Hut -- IVPCH Market Prices IVOIt-The Eligible Bachelor 7:00 WE BS-Al usical Clock smith, Tenor II'ABC-Arthur Jarrett W.IZ-'l'astycast Jesters 7:30-W.IZ-A Song for Today IV'01t -Economy Program-Joseph Ilil- 1% G B S-.\ ft e. noon Al usicalo WABC-Cremo Presents Bing Crosby WABC -Organ Reveille-Popular Music torn & Sorts Pr'ogr'am 11'H N -Lita Sisters, Concert 7:30 WNYC-Correct Time, Police Reports 7:45 -11'.17, -Jolly Bill and Jane-Cream of 117.IZ-Pat Barnes in Person-Swift & 3:45 11 IBC -Sam Prager-Pianist, with Ilel- R' EAF-Prince Albert Quarter Hour - Wheat Program Co. Program e. t Nugent. Contralto Alice .lost, Contralto: Paul \'an R'I'CH -Rudy Caputo 11'11 N-I,:t Seal Trio Loan's Orchestra: "OI' I1unch", 8:00 IV MCA The Phantom Organist 11'05' Health -"The Psychologist W EA ¡"-Gene and Glen-Quaker Early Your 5V05' -City for Employment FOR Saps"-Dr. Birds 11'(:11~-"Uood 'I'iulcs are Coating"- Arthur Frank Payne (Franlilin '1'itlo WJZ-On the 8:15 AIary Chapin - Program) R' A B C -Morning Devotions 12:30 IV MC :1-W. 'T. Stock Quotations 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. SV.IZ-I'hil Cook-The Quaker Alan R' G IIS-News Flashes 1VOIt-Chile Winter's Dance Orchestra IV A It(' -The Boswell Sisters-Baker Road 11'.IZ-Events and Summariesvies of Pr ir2 Chocolate Program 8:15 WMCA-Down Reminiscence Winners and 'Palks from lnler'uationotl 4:00 IV M CA-Go(dburg Alusical Moments IVRNY-E(I(lie Ashman's Orchestra I1'EA IF- A1 ern ing Devotions Livestock. Iltty and Orgin Show, IVEAF-National Al usic League i'onvert IV!, WI. -"Liturgical Sits"-Harry Lorin 1V0It-Mr. and Alta. header-N. Y. Alanagiug Director. Masse American Union stock Yards, Chicago: National -Eric T. ('larks, Congress of Boys' and Girls' I-11 Club Woodwind Quintet 7:45 %Y EA F The Goldbergs "Pepsodent 15',1 Z -Sun birds Wolfe's Arcolians - II' AItC Something for Everyone R PCII-\Vni. Jacoby and Julius Cerullo 1VOR-Eddie Program" 55'A1111: -Columbia Revue W.1Z- Ens ity Posted Nugent and IIa11 5 ' G RS -AI usical Travelogue WOR Eddie Ruth I1'O -l'aratle of the AI anne(quins IVPCII- In a Concert Ilall WJZ-Waves of Nioludy 8:30 R'MCA-Organ Reveille 15' G Its -1 )ought. Al e:'Tague-Sottgs IVAIBC -Bert Luwu and Biltmore Or- IVABC-Camel Qu:u'l.er Hour-Round 1'EAF-Cbeetle 11'315G -Selma II ay ntau-Sopr:uto chestra TOtt'ner's Quartette IVOIt-Martha Alanoing-A Macy Pre- 15' O 1'-1\'O W Playhouse 12:45 1V PCII -Helene ('happello "Crooning WI,1VL-"Meel. the Composer"-Paulino sentation 1VGIIS-Nee:s Flashes W inslow R' J Z -Bissell Pick-ups The Blues Away" 4:15 55' 51 CA-N . Y. Amusements Period 1VOV-Trio Royale I1' 0V Popular Trines of Merit Orchestra RUBS -The Almanac Man It' (: ISS-Leona Lavigne-Soprano IVJ7,-Charles Sclteuermans {%'uISG-Story & Clark Concert IV FIN -Van Cleve and Flollenside-Uko- 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. 8:45 IV 31CA-Ilarry Glick's Gym Class lele and Guitar R' 0 It -M usical Novelettes 1:00 {YMCA -Sally Entertainers R'GBS-Ann Golti, readings %YEA F-Alarket and Weather Reports 8:00 W FL{ F-Socottylancl Sketches-Drama- 55'.IZ-Al and Pete 4 IV C A -The, Organist Sketch .1i tights R'OR Al Wielder and His Orchestra :30 M Phantom tic 11'ABC-Old Dutch Girl-Newsy IV A Dansanto Song II' P('II-Luncheon Allusicale Marion E F -Phil Spit alny 'Tea W Ott -Nick Goldnnan's Orchestra- in Rhyme and Wallace Alattice - IVOIC-Howard R. Gads: Uncle Wiggly Pinkie Pearl. Tenor and Billy Young IV0V-Financial 'Palk Martin, WPC'II-Songs, Old and New and Freddie Farber, Songs and Patter IV U115 -Sour hem Melodies 11' AllC-Ilotel Taft Orchestra of 55' RN I' -N. Y. Evening Air Post IV ABC National Student Federation (boxy Clothes Program) 9:00 IV MICA -151 ousieur Sakele IV 11S-.1 nu'riran Music Ensemble America Program WIZ -St. :Andrew's Day Program {{'EAF-La Trio ('harmanto (VII AP- Variety Al usic IV/IN-Freddy Goode-Baritone WA BC -The C'outnbians-Freddie Rich, IV0It-Miss Catherine 'n' Calliope-A IV 31S l. -Lillian Brandon-Soprano IVOV-Metcalf & Daniels-Harmony Conductor Ilamberger Presentation W R N Y -Dick's Corsonians Club 1:15 WRAF -Larry Punk and His Orchestra W G BS -Toy land Sketch WIZ -'Punt lirennic -The Laugh IVOIt-Mary- 8:15 SVNYC-Department of Hospitals IV PC11-I Ant Down Reminiscence Road I1'0 1'-e1) Santis Trio -Chamber Music 4:45 Brighton 55' Pm'c>testmtrit Readings IVJZ-Aiaze of Melody (VABC-Singin' Sant, The I3arbasol Alan IV A IIC-The: ('omnmuten - Emery HAP- Deutsch, conductor IV MS (7 -John \Varren-Tenor W II N -AI iss Singalong 8:30 VV MC A Nick Kenny's Radio Scandals WOV-Musical Clock 1:30 R'3ICA Novelette-Triangle Vocal SVO%'-Singing Troubadour IVEAF-Voieo of Firestone mar Perkins WGBS-Tito Care of the Skin-Dr. W011-55, illarti ltobísou & his Deop 5. G lIS- Dag Trio Wynne Liver Orchestra 9:15 W 31('A -Loughran Wood Science Talk 55'F1E-Pennsylvania Luncheon Aiusie IV'Oit-N. J. Club Women's Hour 5:00 IV M C A -Sally Entertainers WJZ-Death \ alley' Days-"The 601 1% EAF-Tort \Varing's 'Troubadours IVEAF-The Lady Next Door of Aurora"-Dramatic Program with IV J Z - -Everyday ilea uty-P, Beiersdorf R'.I'L-Mich-last Musicale I1' Blues -Eva Lerner IVOIt-hlorsman Doll Program Virginia Gardiner, William Shelley, Company Program PCII-Singing the .lasts McBride. Vernon Radcliffe, IVPCH-Piano Poetics-Rose. Saflin Joseph Bell, Edwin Al. Whitney and IV' SW- IIousotvives' Gym ('lass John White. the lonesome cowboy: 9:30 I1' SI C A -M odern Living Joseph 13onime's Orchestra WOIt -Bits of Living - Edith Burt is WABC-La Patina Presents Kate Smith %V J Z -Beautiful Thoughts - Alontgont- and Ilcr Swanee Alusic cry Ward Co., Program SPECIALS FOR TODAY WRN Y -Los Pam peros IVAB('=Tony's Scrap Book-Anthony 8:45 WMCA-'The Happy Repair Men \\'ens SS' All (I-'I'astyeast Gloom Chasers- W ItN Y -Harry Click's Gym Class Comedy Act, Featuring "Tito Colonel 11'OV-\lodern Living and Budd." SSG BS-Trio Royale 12:30 P.M.-WJZ-NBC -Boys and Girls 4 H Club. Wit NY -The Wesse bans 9:45 1VI:AF-Our Daily Food - Colonel 9:90 R'EAF-A & P Gypsies Goodbody-A & P. Program 2:00 P.M.-WEAF-NBC -"A Half Century in Medicine"-Dr. IV OR -'The G -E Radio -Demonstrations I1'OR-Sherman Keene's Orchestra J. Lewi. Program {5'JZ-Miracles of Magnolia Maurice W,IZ-Maytag Orchestra IV A BC -The Ambassador's-Al ale Trio P. Day in Radio Forum. SVAB(; Pompeian Make -Up Box-Talk 55' (: BS -".I ust Playing Around"-Sketch 6:15 P.M.-WGBS -Joseph by Jeannette de Cordot and Musical Davison, Assistant Secretary Program played by Alako-Up Box 6:45 P.M.-WABC-CBS -F. Trubee Orchestra 10 A.M. to 12 Noon of War-Army Aviation. WP AP Dr. Cohen's Advice on Pets 9:15 W OR- 11ów to Dance the Westchester- 10:00 R'MCA-Marntola Entertainers 9:15 P.M.-WABC-CBS -Speech by Rufus G. Dawes. Arthur Al urra y, instructor WRAF -Mrs. Blake's Radio ('olumn- IV ABC -Speech by Rufus G. Dawes Skillet. Procter & Sisters of the 15 Radio Log will be found on page 6 9:30 WEAF'-Parade of the States-General Gamble. Program vL Motors' Program 11'011 -McCann Pure Food Ilour WOIt The Witch's Tale (mystery 55-IZ-U. S. Navy Band drama) IVP('II -Cousin Lillian with the Kiddies R'.17,-\lusieal Dontiuos - orchestra 55' ABC; Chatting with Ida Bailey Allen W.I''L-('hats with Peggy Winthrop- 11ome {5'A B(' -Barclay Orchestra IVABC-Bourjois-An Evening in Paris, -Low Cost Aleals-Radio 1V St ;SS -News Flashes Lever Bros, Program Pierre Bruguon: Gs est Artist; and Makers IYHN-Y. Al. C. A. W 0 V -A I ae:Sl ordon -Tenor Max Smolen's Orchestra IV It N Y-Speecli Defects W31 S (: -E va ('unell-Soprano 5VGBS-.Ierry Geran-11ockey WP AP -St. Nicholas Arena Boxing W0%'-Alusical Specialties IV P C II- Al onsiour Sakelo Bouts from Opera 1:45 11'PCII-Highlights et' Sports IV ABC {'ark Orchestra 15(:115 Gents -Asbury Casino A IV I1 N -U very .1 Sines s- -,sketch 1V'H N Dedovich, Tenor 9:45 5531(' The Jewish Troubadours 10:15 IV MC' A-T useful Topics II'OV-George Barnard-Baritone -A1 ichel 55'EAF' Doctor Royal S. Copeland - 1S'IIAI'-3I usic 5:05 IVOR-V. E. Meadows Beauty Talk- 111111 th Clinic-Sterling Products Pro- 55'1:BS-symphonic Rhythm F'rigddine Program 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. gram R' MS(: -Simeon Sabra-Baritone 15' PCI(-Monsieur Sake's) 5:15 R'.I'Z-Musical Moments-Jules Iler- IV A BC-II armonies and Contrasts- btn'caux dance orchestra 10:00 II' NI(' A- Success Interview Emery Deutsch, Conductor 4 P.M. WPC II -Captain Joe II' E A F -'{'rue Story Hour 11'0V -Fur Trappers ® 2 P.M. to 55 II N -Ethel Tozier Hardy WOR-Fox Fur Trappers-Frank Parker IV(7115-Alountain Music 110V -Thrilling Duo & Quartet. IV6ltS-.lohnny- Blue and His I31ue Boys WJZ,-Gold Medal Express 10:30 1V MCA -Cheerful Earful 2:00 1531 CA -Bide Dudley and IVF;AF -A Half Century in Medicine- SVABC-Robert Burns Panatela Pro- 11' EAF-Breen and de hose-Vocal 5:30 IV MCA -'l' Ire Quaker Puzzle Alan his Royal Instrumental Duo I), Alaurtce.1. Lewi 11' EA F' -Sweetheart Program-Ruth gram-Guy Lombardo and W.1''1 -Our Daily Food -'Palk, Col. Good- WO It -Rutgers University Jordan: Beauty Talk; John Fogarty, Canadians body A & P Program 11'.11..-Atrs..1titian II oath Tenor, String trio 10:15 IVOIt-llerbert's Diamond Entertainers SS'P(Ill-Sweethearts of Itadinland AI Club wit N 1'-Orgurt Recital the Organ I"I) It -Bose artin-(lobby 10:33 WMCA Three Little Sachs IV 6115 -Songs of Other Nations IV A B(' -Amt Leaf at IV.1Z-.Ieddo hiighlanders Real Folks-"Foro- SVIIN-H al:py Fields and Ilacuelurs WAIL(: -Uncle Olio and His Kre-me.l W.IZ-('hesebrouglt 10:1:1 UMCA-Alarveletle Lady SVOV-Jim McGinn, Pianist cast of Opera Season in Thompkiris' WRAF, Ballad Singers Flashes Gang Corners". Rural Sketch with George 55.17,-Consolaires 51'(:115 -News Wit N Y -El Flamenco Orchestra Frame Brown, G. Underhill Macy, R' :11 SG -Lillian Thunts-Soprano 151' C II Allen Eagelson-Tenor WON' -Don Stevens Orchestra Virginia Farmer, 'I'ontnty Brown, 2:15 IV Al GA- Al irror Reflections Al. Elsie May Gor- 1VAItC-'Round Towners' Quartet Itnril- 5:15 IV Al ('A -Red Devils \viltu Junior Smith Edwin {Whitney, IV 01'-Alonsicur Saketc SVEAF-'The Nomads-Alexander IVEAF' tcx (-ole Mountaineers don and Phoebe Mackay; Harry Sal- IVGIt5-E ea \Vassar -Alonologues 011's Orchestra. 1V.IZ-Little Orphan Annie-Wonder ter's Novelty Band ¡Jtntgaria. . Leopold i Co. Progr'ate WABC-Toscha Seidel-Violinist with 11:00 11'N Y('-('Or-ree t 'Time-Pal ee Reports Valse Br illiunte.. Zauhoc.tiIr 1V EA F' II awaiiau Serenaders 11 A It C-1 I otel Taft Orchestra Concert Orchestra If I Only línow-Tenor Solo Res- S1'01í -Nell '1'inick-Beauty Talic- 1V (: BS-" I I int and ¡Ion' '-Sketch IVPAI'-Zimnterman's Hungarian N ight in Cabaret . Zuri'r I)reznta. & Krernel Program The taurant Cy'psy I Sto.te 11'JZ -AI rs. A. Al. Goudiss -' c-ct: rd ion! Solo 10 :45 IV MC A -I ndetta and Shaw-Songs IV PC II -A Lesson in French Solo 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. SS'EAF-Phantom Caravan - Oriental In Al oldav is-Tenor 11' A 1{ (:-A I clod Parade. Emery Deutsch, -- Zabel' Tone Pictures; Sven von Hallberg, Conductor Twilight-Violin Solo director. Why Did I Fall in Love .. arr. Itit-doff G:00 IVN 1'(' -Correct Time. Police Reports {V 0V -May Time Music IVOtt-Alellotone Boys IVEAF-\\'alde:rf-,\storia Orchestra WOR-Globe Trotter-N. Y. American IV N Y- Wont em and Investments It 11'.1 Z- cat her Reports 1V0It -Uncle Don-Greenwich Bank 11:00 W M(',1 -Sleepy 'l'irue ('lug IV GUS -Lily Charles Armstrong W P('Il -A Song Portfolio - Carroll Program I'VE IF -Coon -Sander's Orchestra 11:05 5I'NY('-Daily Retail Food Prices Clark 5%'.IZ-(raising Junior-Wheatena Serial IVOIC -Foss Williams and His Plantation N Y -Lou Animal News Club 11:15 1V0It-The IIappy Vagabond-Jack 11 (V -Emergency Unemployment Com- Wit Rogers' Orchestra Arthur mittee 1V1, W L -Lawrence Al arks, Baritone W.I'I-Sl tun ber Music IV Al cDonough-Baritone IV 6115-11adio Digest Revue 1V.1B('-Belasco's Orchestra WP(''( -Songs For You-Anne Cooper 315 G -Janes R'YAP-Racliulians 55' Al; C-'l'lio Aladison Singers 2;20 SI'MC S- International Vagabond 6:15 SS'N I'(' -Popular Ballads \V G BS -(3 uiseppc Orlando-Baritone 55011-I tonal(' Speer -'I'o:or SVJZ-Peter van Steeden's Orchestra 11:15 WAItC-Street Singer IV A IBC-Bigelow -Young's Orchestra 11:30 55'N VC -Department of IIealtlt 'l'alk SV.IZ="Infantile Paralysis"-Dr. Charl- 11:30 IV MCA -Enoch Light Orchestra Al ni his ton AVallno',- \{TINY -N. Y. Stock Quotations IV EAF-.1 csse Crawford-Organ recital IVEAF-11 ego aria and Marion- -Stu ilea and of Erin ettes WPCH The Play For To-I)ay-I.lewitt 551,SVL Tears 1V OR -Moonbeams-by George Shack - IV(IBS-Radio Forum-Speaker, Joseph ley IVO1t Claire Sugden-Houle Economics Players f)ay 1YP('II-Real Itadio Service WA BC Ameríean School of the Air P, R'JZ-Russ Colombo IVABC -Anne Lazar-"Front ('age Per- W II N -Physical Culture 6:30 W N I'('-(berman Lessons SVABC-Cuban Bib more Orchestra sonalities" -Radio Home Al a lccrs 1V01'-Al('(hora Garofalo, Soprano 1V EA F' -Ralph Kirbery, Baritone WP AP-In the Studio Wit IN -Cot tolls for Fall and Winter IV 31S(:-Alarjorie McGrath-So igs IVOR-Journalof the Air 11:45 W EAlo-Cab Calloway's Orchestra WOV -Violin Solo SS'31CA-.lack (oilman. Sport Chat NV It Y -I I arold Al uencb's Orchestra SVJ'Z-Lew White Organ Recital 2:45 1V B S Al usic Ensemble and his Club Del 55' (.1 RS-''Itogs--Talk by Daisy Miller SOF.IF-11('arietta Schumann-Pianist G -A merican IV ABC -Will Osborne R'O1t J. Audubon Society ' 0:45 IVEAF-Swift Program; "Stebbins Aionico Orchestra 11:45 IVOR-\VO1t Ensemble N. Re- 55'.l Z -.I ill and .1 tidy 1V.IZ-Piano Moods Boys" 12:00 W MCA -Bide Dudley's Dramatic 5%'P(111 -"Singing Strings"-Cosmopoli- 11,11N -Edward Convey, Songs IVOIt -Good year Pilots view tan 'Trio VI 0V-Persenal Problems 1V,IZ-Literary Digest Topics in Brief- SVEAF-Earl )lines and his Orchestra WABC-'ten Alley 1.1 5156 -Prof. La Vergne-French Les- Lowell '{Thomas WJZ-NIiltlred Bailey & .testers W R N Y Paul Kittell-Baritono sons VW ABC -Jo. 'I'rubee Davison, Assistant WABC-Ben Bernie's Orchestra R'G135-Ruth Rowe, pianist Entertainers Secretary of War in Charge of Aero- WPAP-S(ttdit> Program 5:00 rt. M('A-Sally nautics, "Army Aviation in 11)31" 12:15 1VJ'L-Larry Funk's Orchestra 1i'EAF-Women's Radio Review; Vin- WI, II: L -"The Question Box"-Rev, cent Lopez Orchestra l lee y, C.S.P. 12::30 IV MCA --A. C. O. Negro Orchestra 12 Noon to 2 P.M. IVOR-Ariel Ensemble Peter E. WEAF Tweet Rogan Orchestra SVJZ Shut -In Hour by U. S. Al:u'iue 7:00 WN1'C-Herbert Swing-"Lieder Re- SVABC-Park Central Orchestra hand cital" 12:00 II' 3I C:1 -M i(d-(lay Message WEAF-Vermont Lumber Jacks 1:00 WMCA .lack Grand and His Grantlepps 55 EA I"-Giiieral Electric Homo Circle IVPCH-Alirror Reflections -Orchestra h Melodies Branfman WO It -Journal of the Air R' Alt(' -Pour Eaton oys Welt -Hebrew - WA BC -Don Redman's Connie's Ina 1VJ/,-ALerrie-M en 1V 11N -W aik it; i Serenaders Products Program Orchestra Orchestra IV01'-News Flashes WJ Z -T the 1'epsodent Program-Antos 'n' IV A B(' -Bigelow-Yoone's 1:30 IV ABC -Dave Abrams' Barn Orchestra IV It N Y -Luncheon Al usic WGBS-The Roving New Yorker Andy 8 Radio's Valentino-Continued from page 1 before he reached the age of twelve he This was undoubtedly the turning one night with Jack Oakie and George Conrad then took Russ, none too was far enough advanced to give indi- point in his career for during the next Olsen. Russ clicked with Con at once. hopefully, to the National Broadcast- vidual recitals. two years he made contacts that defi- He insisted to Olsen that Columbo ing Company where he had arranged His family then moved to Los nitely shaped his destiny. It was dur- would cake New York by storm. Ol- for an audition. They expected to hear Angeles where Russ continued with ing this period that he met Valentino, sen, partly convinced, offered Russ from them within a few days but no his lessons and schooling. He went to Gloria Swanson, Ramon Novarro, Eric a two year contract to tour with his word came. They then went over to High School where he joined the or- Von Stroheim, Constance Bennett, hand. Earl Carroll who was looking for a chestra and glee club. The director of and other famous Russ, however, was more than fed few new songs. Russ sang his two the glee club discovered that Russ had movie stars. up with working for others and songs and went over big with Earl. an unusually fine baritone voice and \Vhen the talkies came in, he was couldn't come to any agreement with He took them to the Pennsylvania encouraged him to take lessons. If it used as an extra but was considered too Olsen. But Conrad, convinced there Roof and asked Vallee to give Russ a wasn't for that chance bit of encour- Latin in type for leading roles. At vas no limit to the money to be made chance on the mike. Vallee consented agement, Russ might today be known that period the Buddy Rogers type was for and with Columbo, painted for the graciously. to radio fans as a violin soloist or he in demand. Russ was used as ''voice youth a glamorous picture of New The very next day, in true story- might still be playing in bands on the double'' for Gary Cooper and others. York and its possibilities-the money book sequence, the offer carne from west coast. Arnheim gave him another call and to be made, the dreams to be realized, N.B.C. He was given a four -week Then came the reverses which really made him a good offer. Russ accepted the unlimited field of radio and the tryout and his fan mail was so heavy meant good fortune to young Colum- but couldn't get along with Arnheim. theatre. Columbo was sold and the that he was offered a year's contract. ho. His father, a building contractor, Arnheim insisted that Columbo give t"o entered into a partnership which Then came the deluge of offers. Every made several unwise investments and up his studio work and Russ quit him in scarcely two months' time reaped showman in town offered him a lead. Russ was compelled to give up school cold. unbelievably huge dividends. But he refused them all until the Para- and his music lessons. Undaunted, he But he failed to get anything but They came to New York. Before mount offer came along. He opened organized a small orchestra and by minor roles and doubling bits. Dis- Russ liad a chance to recover from the at the Brooklyn Paramount on Thanks- playing at small parties and school heartened, he went into N audeville tumult, the grandeur, the mad rush of giving Day for an indefinite run. dances managed to earn enough to be where he attained his first real success. the city, Conrad had already arranged He has, to date, refused four huge of great assistance to his family. He literally stopped shows night after an audition with Ziegfeld. Here was commercial contracts because of poor It wasn't long before his individual night. their first reverse. time allotment, but as this is being style of singing love ballads attracted Arnheim again made Russ an offer, Ziegfeld with Harry Richman lis- written he may have accepted one that attention. As a result, he received a this time on a contract basis. But tened to Russ sing the two songs he will pay him a salary equal to that of call from Gus Arnheim of the famous Arnheim refused to star him at the liad written, "Prisoner Of Love" and ten bank officials. Coconut Grove, in Los Angeles. He Coconut Grove and Russ, disgusted ''You Call It Madness, I Call It Love''. And there you have a picture of Russ didn't click with Arnheim, however, with these setbacks, started his own Neither the songs nor Columbo's voice Columbo, the lad who has introduced and found himself very much out of club, the Club Pyramid. Here, his appealed to either Ziegfeld or Richman. to radio a new type of singing. How work. This was just before the talkies mop ie connections proved invaluable, What a difference two months have long Columbo and his countless imi- when incidental music was used for for the club was a money-maker from made. At that time Ziegfeld might tators will keep its popularity on a atmosphere. Through a friend, he was the start. have had Columbo for $350 a week. high crest is unknown, but judging by introduced to Pola Negri who hired It was here that Russ met Con Today ten times tha. sum wouldn't the huge fan mail its stay will not be a him as her ''violin" at $100 a week. Conrad. Conrad came into the club suffice! short one.

with a large cast of Broadway favorites in "ROMANTIC NIGHTS" Produced by Jack Partington.




Orchestra 3:30 WMCA-Driftíng down the Rhine WLWL-Man in the Moon WABC-Bigelow-Yoeng's -Music to 10 A.M. WR N Y -Luncheon Music IVOtt.-Newark AIuseum Talk IVGBS-American Ensemble 6:45 A.M. WOV-Your Health WI'L-The 'l'hree Doctors 6:45 IVEAF-Swift Program, Stebbin Boys IVGBS-New Flashes IVPCH-Stock Quotations IVJZ Literary Digest Topics-Lowell 0:45 WEAF-Tower Health Exorcises- WRAP -Luncheon usic II A (1-('-4nn Leaf at the Organ with Thomas Arthur Bagley. director Adele Vasa, Soprano IV M (' A- Philips String Ensemble WOK Your Dog & Mine-Ever-redy WOR Gym Classes-John Gambling, 12:15 Patrol from Suite: From India . Popy Dog Food Prow ant Director IVEAF-Black and Gold Boom Orches- Silver \loon from "illy AIaryland" Program tra Direction Leon Rosebrook; Romberg IVAB('-Pertussin 7:00 W G BS-M usical Clock Maude- Runyon, Contralto; John 7:00 WNYC Quartet J'Z-A Song for Today Aly Lil Batteau Strickland Hymn 7:30- W Music Aioncrielf, Bass Adele Vasa IVESiAF-Mid-watt Federation W ABC -Organ Reveille-Popular WOR-Economy Program - Joseph Tarantella lacchia Sing 7:45-WJZ-Jolly Bill and Jane-Cream of Hilton & Sons Bells of St. Mary's IV(lit- Prances Langford-Songs Wheat Program WIZ -Pat Barnes in person-Swift Co., ties WIZ -The 1'epsodent Program-Autos Program Pizzicato Polka from "Sylvia" Deli 'n' Andy 8:00 IV MCA The Phantom Organist Evening in Caroline (Vocal Chorus) WEAF-Gene and Glen-Quaker Early IV' I'CH-Prunella & Penelope Nobody Knows De Trouble l'so Seen IVABC-Myrt & Margo Wrigley Pro- Birds WOV Tom 'Turner Baritone, Clarine ('andy Parade gram 8:15 Cordler. Soprano Black Eye Susans IV R N Y -Je wish Program WJZ-On the WGdS-Songs of Other Lands IVHN-Four IV L W l. -"Los Ca par ales" IVABC-Morning Devotions and 11cr WOV-Musical Moods IVGBS-News Flashes WGBS-Ohm 3:45 IV O R -Erin's Isle Orchestra with Seamus 7:15 W N Y C-" I looks"-W. Orton Tewson 12:30 IVMCA W. '1'. Stock Quotations O' Doherty & .I osephine Smith WOR-So this is Love-Comedy Sketch 8:15 WMCA-Down Reminiscence Road- & Iforue flour IVEAF-Morning Devotions IVEAF-National Farm W.IZ Chien:it) Serenado IV .IZ-Gaytees Program NUR -Mr. and Mrs. Reader-N. Y. WOE -H. S. Maurer's Concert Ensemble IVHN-Charles Strickland-Skit IV IBC -Creme Prasents Bing Crosby American WJZ-National Farm and Home Hour WOV Jack Mealy Trio 7:38 WRAF-Prince Alpert Quarter Ilour- IVJZ- Sunbirds IVPCH-Luncheon usic \lice Joy, Contralto; Paul Vse for Everyone WA BC Columbia Revue-Vincent So- Loan's Orchestra; "Ol' Hunch". WABC-Something rey's Orchestra Presenting a Spanish NV BS -NI usical 'Travelogue 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. IVOR-Fatuous' Beauties of History.-. G Program. Woodbury Program 8:30 W íI1 C A -Organ Reveille WGBS-Atantra Simpson-"The Tech- W-J'Z-Phil ('ook, tLe Quaker Man W EAF-Cheerio Speech" 4:00 WMCA-G old burg Musical Alontents Manning-A Macy Pre- nique of WEAF-Alagic of Speech-('onversa- IVABC-Kaltenborn Edits the News- WOR-Martha IV OV-Parade of the Mannequins r sentation tiot with Dr. John O. N\ arson o S. W. Straits & Co. Program WJZ-Bissell Pick-ups 12:45 IVOV-Popular Tunes of Merit "Speech as a Form of Behavior"-Di- W I. W'L-A Catholic Looks at the World, WOV-Trio Royale IVGBS-Mario Onion, Contralto rection V ida Rayenscroft Sutton 7:45 IVNYC-Air College IVGBS-The Almanac Man 1:00 IV II ('A -Sally Entertainers IVJZ-U. S. Army Band-William J. WEAF-The Goldbergs-Pepsodent Pro- & Weather Reports Stan nard, Director W Glick's Gym Class WEAF-Market gram 8:45 MCA-llarry IVORR Gridiron Tours IVPCH-Mirrors of Melody WOR-.lack Arthur, and Beth Chalis W OR -Musical Novelettes Orchestra and Pete IV P ('II -In a Al usic Box-Sargent & Co. WA BC -Al Ray-Bertens' IVJ'!,-Back of the News in Washington WJZ-Al Varieties WIiN-'i'Onuny king-Guitar and Songs IV ABC -The Camel Quarter hour- IV ABC -Old Dutch Girl-Newsy Jingles N.AB('-Pabst-ette Talk IVRNY-New York Evening Air Post WEBS-"Modern Piano Tecliniclue"- Round Towners Quartete WOV-Financial 1/OHS American Slush: Ensemble Aline. V. tlnschald Con- W ORS -Southern Melodies Musicale IVIIAP-Music IVLWL-"Eucharistic Congress Sakele Wii AP Variety vention"-George Edland 9:00 IVMCA-Monsieur 1:15 WRAF -Classic Varieties 4:15 IV MCA -A. It. ('loyd Gill, says- WEAF-Alorning Glee Club-Male Oc- IVABC-Hotel Taft Orchestra Pianist tet direction Keith McLeod WOR-Alargarete Valentino, 'n' IV0V-Personal Problems IV J Z -Waltzing 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. WOR-Miss Catherine Calliope-A W II AP -Protestant Readings IV ABC-Four flub Alen Bamberger Presentation Mario, Songs 8:00 IVEAF-Blackstone Plantation Julia Bretntie-"The Laugh ('lob" 1:30 IV NI CA -On Board S.S. Radio W'itN-Gina and Frank Crumit,- Solo- WJZ-Tom Road- WOR-Occasional Rare -bits WOV-Raymond Boyd-'tenor Sanderson WPCII-Down Reminiscence Al W O ES -La vina Darve-Soprano ists; Incidental Music Direction Jack IVABC-The Commuters - Vincent W.IZ-M hid ay usicalo Shill:ret Sorey, conductor WPCII-Ned & Ted 4:30 IV MCA -The Phantom Organist WOR Maxwell horse Dixie Ensemble WOV-Aiusical Clock WABC-Savoy-Plaza Orchestra IVEAF-Phil Spitalny-Tea Dansante WIZ Armstrong Quakers , Pianist Perkins IV II N-Quinton- Redd Popular Z -Laurie hiruenn-Poet ry IV Al ills Brothers WEBS-Dagntar 1VOV-E. B. Kohlctnheek-Baritone ABC '1']te WOR-Tire Rainbow Trail-Orchestra IV N Y C Piano Ree:tal 9:15 W MCA -Orphan Children Program IVGBS-Shaw & Glass-Two Pianists Vocal Trio 8:15 WEAF-Tutu \Varing's Troubadours with Rainbow WA BC -Sterling Products Program, Abe Bits 1:45 IVPCH-Flighlights of Sports WPCH-Two Singing Pianists Lytnan's Band with (:lee ('lob WJZ-Popular is Your Sleuth IV ABC -Ten Eyck hotel Orchestra W PC II -Morning Cheer MIN -flow 8:30 IV EA F -John Philip Sousa and his Good- 9:30 W IICA Modern Living year Band-hl ale Quartet; .1(unas WOR Alice Foote MacDougall Melton and Lewis James, 'I'e un's; WJZ-Beautiful Thoughts --Montgomery Phil Dewey, Baritone; Wilfred (:lean, Ward Program. Bass WPCH-Retail Grocers IVN VC Department of Sanitation: Band W ABC -Tony's Scrap Book-Conducted IV OR Chevrolet Al usical Chronicles by Anthony Worts. SPECIALS FOR TODAY IV J Z -I I eel 11 ugger 11 arm my WRN Y -Harry Glicks' Gym Class IVABC-Connie floslve.11 WOV-Modern Living IVRNY-Authors Srmirosium WGBS-Trio Royale ( 8:45 WJZ-Sisters of the Skillet, Procter & 9:15 WEAF-Our Daily Food-Colonel Good- 2:00 P.M.-WABC-CBS -Musicale Americana Gamble Program body-A & P Program WA It(' -Walter Wiechell and Guest Art- WOR-The 'Traveling 'Troubadours- of the Labrador- ist-Gerardino Program Certified Cleaners Program 6:30 P.M.-WEAF-NBC -((The Challenge IVRNY-Autoricau Folk Singers WJZ-Miracles of Magnolia Sir Wilfred Grenfell. 9:00 WEAF-McKcssou Musical Magazine- Minstrels Concert Orchestra IVABC-Morning -Sketch Erno Ka tee's WGBS-"Just flaying Around" Orchestra with John Philip W'OR-Los ('barros .le Tito Cuizar,'l'cnor, 8:30 P.M.-WEAF-NBC -Goodyear WJZ- ilorrsehul(l I'M:meo Program Sousa. IVABI'-Ben Bernie Blue Ribbon Malt 10 A.M. to 12 Noon Program 6 IV RN Y Selwyn Orchestra Radio Log will be found on page Label Cocktail Party 10:00 WMCA Crooning Pianist 9:15 WOR-Blue WRAF -Mrs. Blake's Radio Column IV MSG-Dunn Trio. WOR-Mc('ann Pure Food Hour 9:30 II MCA The Voice of Israel IVJZ-High School Band & Orchestra by IVEAF-The Fuller Alan-Earle Spica', U. S. Marine Band Baritone; Al abet Jackson. Soprano; Hygiene WIIN-Elaine O'Dare Popular Program Voorhees' Orchestra WPCH-Back Yard Serenaders WOV-Ora IV(IV-liareld U'Sulli van, '1'enor Don IV ABC-Grant, Graham & Coughlin IVI:BS Symphonic Rhythm -room WOK Eddie Brown and Orchestra WOV-Alusical Specialties WRAP Alusic IVOILS-Thomas E. Parsons, Ball 11'.IZ-(;rent Person alit ies-"G loon WOIIS Gems from Light Opera Dancing Simplified Frank, President University of Wis- IV II A P -A meriean Ideals consin", Frazier hunt; Rosario Bour- 10:15 W M('A-Morning Glories 4:45 IVJZ-Maze of Alehtdy-Harry Kogen's Life Insurance WEAF-Breen & DeRose 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. dun's Orchestra-N.Y. r Sakele dance orchestra Co. Program WPCH-Monsie WIIN-Financial Topics-Wm. Del3arre W :{ BC -Romances of the Sea WABC-t'. S. Navy Band Concert Dudley's Dramatic Revue IVOV-The Singing 'Troubadour A. Woodbury 2:00 IV MCA -Bide W ILN Y -Gene Karcfos; Dance Orchestra WRN Y-\Villiam \V EAF-Hotel New Yorker's Orchestra WORM Krausemeyers Broadcast W O V -Fur 'trappers 9:45 W MSG -Leo Barrinique- Baritone- IVOIt-Current Events-Mrs. Clayton 5:00 IV NI CA Sally Entertainers Jessie Fenner Hill Program WU BS-Al ountai Music D. Lee WEAF-The Lady Next Door 10:30 IVMCA-Namm's Program WJZ-AIrs. Julian Heath IVOR-The llorsman Doll Program IV E A F-Socony Program IVPCH-Sweethearts of Radio Land IV.1Z-TIre Slaltine Story Program 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. WJZ-Our 1.'aity Food-Colonel Good- IVABC-Al usical Americana-Julius IV PC II -The 'isitors-Lilly & Guy body. A & P Program Matt fold, Conductor, with Barbara IV A BC Frank Ross-Songs 10:00 IVMCA-Success Interview with Hiram WPCH-'the Morning Musicale SIaurel, Contralto: Charles ('arllle, IVIIN Showboat, lloys Maxim W ItN Y -Organ Recital-Mary Adelaide 'tenor; and Marion Carley, Pianist WOV-Gaby Itocquelle-Soprano WE AF -Lucky Strike Dance Ilour- W G BS -Fred Steele-Songs of Yester- Vignettes of Italy Wintter Watts IVGBS-Childrens' Story Walter Winchell Guest Star and year a. Addio (Goodbye) WRAP -Nelson Allen Wayne King's Orchestra b. Naples WJZ-Tho Span 10:45 IVMCA-Tuneful Topics 5:05 WOK -V. E. Meadows, Beauty Talk Colum- IV EA F -M ornirig Serenaders c. Night Song at Amalfi 5:10 WOK -Gladys M. Potch: "The Dentist W ABC -Howard Barlow and the WI 'L-Mystery Chef-R. B. Davis Pro- d. Ponte Vecchio, Florence of Lilliehauuner" bia, Symphony Orchestra gram (The Old Bridge, Florence) W'RNY-Eddie Asliraan's Orchestra Mixed Quartet e. Villa Serbelloni. Bellagio 5:15 WPCII-Captain Joe's Stories IV MSG -Laura Bello gallows-Soprano WABC-Columbia W A II C-Aleet the Artist-Bob Taplinger 110V Monsieur Sakele f, Stresa Interviews a Radio Personalty 10:05 WMCA-ltladison Sq. Hockey Game W OBM-Your Handwriting Charles Carlile Humoreske Geo. F. Boyle W H N -Agnes Dorson, Blues Singer 10:15 WOR-The Jolly Russians 11:00 WEAF-Your Child solo, with piano WOV-Slave Kayo-Blues WMSG-Wm. Coleman, Violinist J. S. Riley-Austin Nichols Cello W. A. String WOR-Airs. a. 'transformation Wintter Watts W'OBS-Y. C. Quartet 10:30 WMCA-The Three Little Sachs Program b. The Litt e Shepherd's Song 5:30 IV MCA -Quaker Puzzle Man WJ'l. Clara, Lu & Em Colgate Palm W.17. -Forecast School of Cookery Wintter Watts IVEAF'-Rinso Talkie Olive Program IVPCH-hits from Lifo . Wintter Watts IVOR-String Trio IV A B C -Arabesque VI Y Sargent. Pianist e. The Wings of Night It N -Paul d. Joy Wintter Watts WJZ-Old Pappy-Negro Impersona- WI( N Y -Filipino Stompers WOV-May Time Music Barbara \laurel tions and songs, Clifford Soubier, WOK The Globe Trotter, New York WGBS-Nita O'Neill Edwards-Irish (Nocturne) Guitar accompaniment American 'traditional Songs a. The Fairy Glen Sailor Man, Artists Presentation John Duke IVABC-Salty Sam-The IVMSG-True Foster-Soprano IVMSG-WAISG Pickaninny Dance. .. David Guion Kolynos Program WJZ Paris Night Life-Affiliated Prod- 11:15 WRAF -Radio Household Institute Marion Carley WRN Y Connie and Ben ucts Program WOE-TIte Happy Vagabond-Jack IVIIN-Bappy Fields & his Musical IVOV-Don Stevens Orchestra IV NI SG-Samuel Sassin-Baritone Arthur Bachelors 5:45 WItNY-Vladzia SIashka-Pianist 11:00 WMCA-The Sleepy Time Club WJZ-Blue Blazers 1VOV-Fuzzy & his Knights WMCA-Red Devils with Junior Smith WEAF-Marion Harris, Song Recital WPCH-Songs for You \V(:BS-Macchia Stewart, Organist WRAF -Rex Cole Mountaineer's WOK -Willard Robison and his Deep WABC-human Interest Stories WOK -Aunt Betty's Toy Shop-Alder- Ida Bailey Allen,- 2:15 WMCA-Mirror Reflections River Orchestra "Your Motor Car," WOR-Marie Alct'linchie-Soprano ney Program W'JZ-Slumber usic Radio Rome Makers W./Z-Weather Reports W J Z -Little Orphan Annie-Wonder IVABC-Cuban Biltmore Orchestra WEN Y-N. Y. Board of Health Talk Co. Program Ken Ittig's Orchestra WPCH-A Girl and a Boy-Betty Bond and His Biltmore WPAP WEBS -Arthur Wescbler-Piano and Lou H and manan IVABC-Bert Lown IV MSG -Bill :Olen-Popular Songster 11:20 W N VC -Department of Public Markets IVOV-Fuzzy and Ilis Knights Orchestra 11:15 WRAF Jesse Crawford Mariani and his Afarinettes IV H.1 P -Ai usic Miller, Songs 11:30 WEAF IV NI CA -The Viennese Lover-Fred Star II inn & I 1 k etch WABC-Jack A. AI. of 2:30 IVGBS-" er"-S WOK -Mrs. Goutliss-School IV EA F -Dorothy Daublo, Pianist IVABC-Bert Lown and 11 isBiltmoreOrch. 11:30 WMCA-Al Katz & Kittens Cooking-Rumford Program 11011 Italian Lessons WRAF .lack Denny and Ilis Orchestra WJZ-Tltru the Looking -glass WPCH Dort '('rent WOR-Moonbeams, Directed by George WPC II Real Radio Service Program WA American School of The Air 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. Shackle, WAR(, Vocal Art Trio WAIN -Buddy Winick and her Winickers IV J7, -Russ Colombo O. Shaw, Tenor WRNY-Alfred WOV-Emergency Uneutployniont 'Palk IV N VC -Correct Time-Police Report WABC-I3clasco Orchestra Novelties ' 6:00 New York WOV-Alelody 2:45 W M CA -Jack Filman. Sport ('hat WEAF-Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra WPAP-Ilello. Zaveckas-Violinist \Y M S G: urn ber A4'tsic-Ed ward Park- IVGBS-Zito r Stage Grocery -SI WEAF-W'onre of the WOR-Uncle Don-Mutual er, P'ltttist 11:40 WNYC-Department of Health Talk- IV PC 11-11 erina t Rodriguez Program Dr. Bolduan IV OR Poet, of the Uke WJZ Raising J unior-W heatena Serial 11:45 WJZ-Dreaur Pictures WA lIC-A mum: Leaf at the Organ 11:45 WOK -College Art Assn. - Women II'JZ- Piano Moods -Lee Sims, Pianist; ( WABC-Talk by John Finley Painters at the Brooklyn «Museumn 110 Alay Bailey. Soprano WRN Y -The Arrow & the Song 12:00 IV MCA-Dudley's Dramatic Revue WJZ-Jill & Judy lV H N- Sonia Seungis & Perry Charles IVLWL-Henry Ormonte-Baritone WEAF-Rudy Vallee WPCIi-The Vagabond-Jeteph Moran 110 i' -Sylvia G urkiu-Contralto W (: BS-Giovaini N isita-Terror II'ABC-King Edward Orchestra WA BC -Ben A Iley-Soroy's Orchestra 3:00 IV MCA -Sally Entertainers 6:05 VIN VC -Jewish Welfare League 12:05 IV M CA -Florence Richardson Orchestra WRNY-"Personality"-Lawrence Rog- WRAF-Wunran's Radio Review 6:15 W N V(' -Violinist 12:15 WIZ - and le., Or- ers( IVOR -Ariel Ensemble WJl Rameses Program chestra-dance nursic IV G (tS-Mildred Krause-Soprano WIZ, Music in tin' Air IVAI:C-Motel Taft Orchestra 12:30 IVEAF-Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orches- WPCH- Stirrer Reflections WRN Y -New York Stock Quotations tra WA BC -Columbia Salon Orchestra 6:30 WN YC Italian Lessons WA BC -Asbury Park Orchestra IV I1 V udeville Show 12 to 2 P.M. N-Loew's IVEAF-The Challenge of Labrador-Sir NV Vincent. Orchestra Noon WOV-News Flashes \lfrett 12:3.5 MCA -Paul Grenfell IV MCA -Sanders Orch(ma ra, New IV CBS Symphonic Rhythm WOR Journal of the Air 1:00 -Coon 12:00 WMCA-Midday Message WJZ Savannah Liners Orchestra Yorker Hotel Home Circle 3:15 IVP('H-Spreading Happiness - John W A 11(' -Hotel Bossert Orchestra WEAF-General Electric Lambert IVA BC -Charlie & Oscar IV OR -Journal of the Air Program IVRNY-Harold Siuensch's Dinner 1:30 W MCA -Dave Abrams Orchestra WJZ- The Merrie-men IV Ili N-.leanet Fields, Popular IVA BC -Roseland Orchestra WPCH-Aiaritime News W OV-J uila Bergano, Soprano Dance Music I Getting Up in the Morning Sings on Hoffman Hour John B. Gambling, \VOR's popular announcer, is heard The Editor's . each morning except Sundays directing the early morning exercises, which is sponsored by Clemons, Inc., Men's A column devoted to answers tailors. He wanted to be a horticulturist and spent his I from readers pertaining to radio, days in Cambridge, England, studying horti- adolescent artists and kindred subjects. culture. He entered the mercantile marine and became chief operator on the big passenger ships. John liked America so 1274 well that he entered his name on the quota list and after : i.r..,. N. CATALON, Tabor Court, arriving, was given a position on the engineering staff of Brooklyn-Will Osborne returned to WOR. Soon it was found that he had a microphone person- his radio audience on Saturday, No- ality and was shifted to the announcer's stall. vember 21st, playing from the Club Delmonico over WABC. He will broadcast nightly from that station. Andre Baruch deserted brush and can- vas to join the Columbia staff of an- nouncers. He is twenty-four years of age, and ranks as one of the youngest announcers on the CBS network.

M. A. M.-Port Washington, N. Y. -John Mayo has announced more than thirty-five hundred programs during the past year. He started out as a salesman after graduating from Brown University. He then became an excellent practical chemist for an oil company. He is tall and has blue eyes. Qo EDNA STILES, Rye, N. Y.-Your favorites, Bird & Vash, are off the air. Thanks for your good wishes.

V. FocAzlo, New Rochelle, N. Y.- At least you numbered your questions! In order they are-Bing Crosby is Lois 3ennett is the soprano soloist twenty-seven; he has never studied heard curing the Hoffman Beverage voice culture; has a working knowl- Hour over WOR, Fridays at 9 p.m. edge of all the instruments in an With her on these programs are the orchestra, but is best at the drums. International Quartet, Veronica Wig- gins, Nelson Eddy, and an orchestra HAROLD MALL, Ozone Park, L. I.- under the direction of Joseph Paster- Depends upon both the announcer and nack. - - the sponsor, whether the announcer -Good morning everybody-Now get out of your warm receives a salary from the station as comfortable beds and open your windows wide. And don't Sings Like Chevalier well as from the sponsor. forget that glass of water- .AEY AGNES BROOKS, Astoria, L. I.-You get your hope. Will Osborne is com- Going To Press Studio Gossip ing hack. In fact, when you read this he will have arrived! Thanks for the "Bill Schudt's Going To Press'', a New York policemen on duty in the compl iments. radio feature dedicated to the Fourth vicinity of the NBC studios now recog- Estate, will celebrate its third anni- nize Richard Gordon, who plays the LILLIAN HOLLY, Brooklyn, N. Y.- versary over WABC and the Columbia title role in the Sherlock Holmes radio Watch the local theatres for announce- network Wednesday, December 2. dramas which are presented each ments regarding the playing of Rudy Although only three years old, this week by the makers of George Wash- Vallee's Movie Shorts. feature is now the oldest sustaining ington Coffee. They enjoy "kidding" program on the key station of the him about his fictional deeds and chal- RADIO GUIDE READER, Bloomfield, world's largest network. lenge him to solve New York's major N. ,J.-Ted Jewett has been laid Originated by Bill Schudt, Jr., murder problems. Gordon believes up in the hospital for the last year. former newspaper editor and now policemen are about the most inter- Coming back from seeing Lindbergh director of television for the CBS, the esting persons he knows. off on one of his numerous flights. . a program had for its basic idea the O Ted was in an auto smash-up. He bringing into closer relationship the John White, NBC's Lonesome Cow- sails in a week for Bermuda, and after newspapers and broadcasting. boy, was born in Washington, D. C., a short stay there will return to the So as to avoid any embarrassment, and wears spats instead of spurs. NBC studios ready for work. Schudt arranged his first group of His songs are genuine, nevertheless. O speakers, the radio editors of New He learned them from real cowboys I. BLEND-The real name of Captain York, in alphabetical order. Natu- on an Arizona dude ranch where he Blackstone is Frank Crumit. He is on rally his first speaker was Charles E. got his only experience of Western the Blackstone program only, over Butterfield, radio editor of the Asso- life. NBC. ciated Press. MARCUS KLEIN, Brooklyn, N. Y.- When he had run the gamut of local Mauricetre Ducret, French comedi- The Polonaise you ask about played Did you know that Alice Remsen is a radio editors, Schudt turned to other enne, is being likened to Maurice on the Troika Bells program over notary public and has been for eight fields of journalism covering the by WGBS audiences because NBC, was composed by Oginsky, and years? She can swear you to affidavits, Chevalier columnists, the feature writers, the presentation of songs published by Carl Fisher. There may witness signatures and can tell, when of her similar editors and during the last twelve is heard Thursdays be phonograph records, ask in any city you raise your right hand and say "so and patter. She has the micro- music store. months paraded before help me'', whether you are just at 6 P. M. phonessome of the most famous editors stretching or telling the truth. and publishers in the country to -day. Under new arrangement, the pro- gram now originates from three cities Phil Thoran, WOR announcer, has When Your Ra dio Needs 4/lention just had another play accepted but Authorized to repair every each month and is heard each Wednes- make of Radio. A. C. sets there's a catch to it: He has to rewrite changed to D. C. and vice day at 6 p.m. One program comes out élari versa. Expert automobile set about a third of it! installation and service. We of Chicago, one out of Washington, can have a service man on the D. and the remainder emanate O job within the hour, within a C., radius of 25 miles of New York. from the Columbia keystation in New WOR's staff is wondering where Nel- York City. Schudt, however, makes son Eddy, baritone on the Hoffman Branches Everywhere all of his introductions from the key Hour, gets those dark -brown shirts Day & Night Service EAL RADIO SERVICE - and his reason for station, utilizing complicated switch wearing such som- Including Sunday over circuits. bre apparel. MAIN OFFICE -550 STATE ST.- BROOKLYN I I PROGRAM FOR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2n

11:45 IVN VC -Jewish Welfare Board IV RN Y-"Backgammon"-.lulianBarth WJZ-Literary Digest Topics-Lowell 6:45 A.M. to 10 A.M. IVOR-Dagmar Perkins-Selbert-Wilson 3:00 IV MCA -Sally Entertainers Thomas Programs WEAF-Woman's Radio Review WARC Reiss & Dunn WJZ-Sweetheart Program W OR -Contract Bridge-Otlicial System IVOR-Goodyear Pilots Orchestra and 6:45 W EA F -Tower Health Exercises- WPCH-Personality Bapitone" -Edith Taft Chubb Quartette Arthur Bagley, Director WAR(' -Bee Alley and Berrens' Or- W.iZ-Organ Melodies 7 :Ud IVN Ye 'Unemployment Relief Program W Olt -Gym Classes-John Gambling, chestra W PC1I-Mirror Reflections WEAF-hlavarian-Peasant Band Director WPAP-Josephine Mortell at the Piano IV A BC -Kathryn Parsons WOR-llehrew Melodies Branfman 7:00 WGBS-Musical Clock WO V -Readings IV It N V-I-Iarold hl unsch's Orchestra Products Program - IV OILS-'' Psychology" WOV-News Flashes WJZ-The Pepsodent .7:30 W,I Z -A Song for Today IV MSG -Gertrude Giordano-Soprano II'GBS-Roving New Yorker Program-Amos W A BC -Organ Reveille-Popular Music 'n' Andy 3:15 WOB-Anal Ensemble IVA R C -Al y rt and 7:45 Z -Jolly Bill and Jane-Cream of Marge-Wrigley Pro - (Wheat Program IVPC II -Robert McAfee "This and am 12 Noon to 2 P.M. That" W'HN-Charles Hovey, Flute 8:00 IV MCA -The Phantom Organist WA BC -Four Eaton Boys 11'I, W L-Mnsicniakers WEAF-Gene and Glen-Quaker Early WOV-Frank Friedman-Tenor 7:15 IV E.4 F -T he Campbell Orchestra Birds 12:00 IVMCA-Mid-day Message WGBS-Symphonic Rhythm 11'f/it Vincent Lopez and his Valvolin- WJZ-On the 8:15 3:30 IV MCA ers W EA F -General Electric I lotno Circlo -A French Album WA BC -Morning Devotions WOK -Elks' Organ, Griffiths, WJZ-Elizabeth Lennox, contralto- W G BS -News Flashes IVOR-Journal of the Air Jessie song recital 1V Z -The Alerrie-Alen Organist 8:15 WMCA-Down Reminiscence Load- IVI'Cll-Maritime Netts IVJZ,-The Three Doctors WA It (-Cremuo Presents Bing Crosby Frank McCabe-Tenor IV I'CiI-Stocl< Quotations WAIN -Foreign Affairs Forum IV A II ('-13 igeloty-Yocng's Orchestra W L WEAF-Morning Devotions WPAP-Radio Style 'Talk IV ABC-Arthur Jarrett I1' L-.1 can Nett house, Contralto WOIt-Mr. and Mrs. Reader-N. Y. IV01'-Personal Problems WOV-Williamson & Reese 7:30 IV N Y C -Correct 'Time, Police Alarms American W G BS -Douglas McTague - Cowboy 3:45 WJZ-Chicago Serenade IV EAF-Prince Albert Quarter llour- WJZ-Sunhirds songs IV ABC Artist Alice Joy, Contralto; Paul Van WA BC -Something for Everyone -Columbia Recital. Theo Loan's 12:15 W MCA -Phillips String Ensemble Karle, Tenor, and \'t'ra Eakin, Pianist Orchestra: ''01' Iiunclt" 11' G BS -M usical Travelogue Y. Stock IVOIt-The Fireside Trio-R. It. Build- W E A F- It lack and Gold Room Orchestra WRNY-N. Quotations ing 8:30 W A(C A Organ Reveille -Direction Leon Rosebrook; Amy IVGBS-.Jeamie Barnard-Alonologues Loan Program WEAF-Cheerio Goldsmith, 13eltz, WJZ-Phil Cook-the Quaker Man WO16-Martha Manning-A Macy Pres- Soprano; Donald W' ABC -The Boswell Sisters-Baker I ari tone Chocolate Program entation If 1 Were King-Overture 4P.M.to6P.M. 0 W.1 Z -Bissell Pick-ups 1V Q :40 -Calvary Evening Services Orchestra IVLW'L-"'Tlhe Church W 01' -Trio Royale Moon Logan 4:00 C.1 Al at Prayer," Rev. Pale W'M -Gold burg usical Moments Gerald 13. Donnelly, S. .1. IVGBS-The Almanac Man Tenor solo, Edward Kane IV EAF-Pop Concert 8:45 IVMCA-Harry' Glick 's Gym Class Tangled Skein-A Love Yarn W O R -'T he Oranges and Al aplew ood Civ- 7:45 IV G old bergs-Pepsodent Pro - WOR-Musical Novelettes Orchestra il: Program graEAF-Thetu WJZ-Al and Pete Chanson Provencale IV 1Z-Pacitie Vagabonds WOIt-Don Carney's Dog Chats-A WARC-Old Dutch Girl-Newsy Jingles Soprano solo, Amy Goldsmith IVPCII-"'The Instrumentalists at, Play" Spratt Program in Rhyme and Song Andora W'ABC-1'. S. Navy Band Concert from WJZ,-Esso Program-"Believe It or WO %' -Financial Talk Orchestra Washington. D. C. Not"-Bob Ripley WOKS -Songs of Other Nations Silver Moon, from 'My Alaryland" IV HN-Clara Berkowitz-Violinist WABC-Camel Quarter Hour-Round Romberg WON Laurence Orchestra Towners Quartet 9:00 W MCA -Monsieur Sakele -Stanley WE IV WEAF-Morning Glee Club Tenor solo, Edward Kane W G BS -13 urnett Sisters-Harmony L-Emeric Kurtagh, Pianist 'n' Fascination II' MSG -New York university Debate W OR -Miss Catherine Calliope-A Souvenir de Bade Bamberger Presentation Orchestra 4:15 W MCA -Ada Patterson WJZ-Tons 13rennie (The Laugh Club) W H N -Ai ajor Manfred Pakas-Aviat ion 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. WPCH-Down Reminiscence Road- Rose of the World, from "Rose of WGBS "Your Voice"-C'ry'stal Waters Frank McCabe-Tenor Algeria" . Ilerbert IV MS G Jeanette Yanover-Soprano WA BC Vincent: Soprano solo, Amy Goldsmith 4:30 MCA -The Commuters - Hejre Kati II -The Phantom Organist, 8:00 W N VC-Alusical Programs Sorey, conductor Orchestra IV EAF-Phil Spitalny-Tea Dansante W'OR-Rillard Robison and his Deep WOV-Your Health IVJZ-Eastman School Chamber Music River Orchestra WGBS-Dag mar Perkins W'OR-Economy Program-Joseph llil- W P C II -'The b'aegin Players-"The Play IVJZ-College lletnories-National Bat- WMSG-yews Flashes and Weather tou &Sons Program for 'Today" tery Co. Program Reports IIABC-The Colombians Freddie 9:15 WMCA-Loughran Food Talk Rich, Conductor, with the- Round WEAF-Dr. Royal S. Copeland-Ster- Towners Quartet ling Products Co. Program WEAF-Snoop and Peep W JZ-Morning Glories J SPECIALS FOR TODAY 8:15 WN VC -Metropolitan Museum of Art WPCII-The Girl at the Piano IV EAF-Ohntan and Arden W'OI -housewives' Gym Class W'JZ, Guy Robertson, Baritone WMSG-Story & Clarke Concert 1:15 P.M.-WEAF-NBC -Advertising Club Luncheon to 'the {VABC-Singin' Sam, The Barbasol Man 9:30 WMCA-Modern Living 8:30 W'NV'C-hunter College Orchestra WEAF Flying Fingers Hon. Samuel R. McKelvie, Ex -Gover- 1VEIF-Aiobiloil Concert Rudolph 1108 -Women and Aviation Friuli, pianist -composer, -Guest Art- IV.IZ-" Beau tiful Thoughts"- Mont- nor of Nebraska. ist; Gladys Rice. Soprano; Douglas gomery Ward Co. Progr'ant 1:15 P.M.-WOR -Advertising Club Luncheon. Stanbury, Baritone and Master of W A BC -Tony's Scrap Book-Conducted Cereutmties; Nathaniel Shilkret, Di- by Anthony Wens 2:00 P.M.-WOR -Mabel Willebrandt. rector WP .1 P Loew Down" - W'OI'-Modern Living 9:00 P.M.-WABC-CBS -President Hoover Opens White House IV1)11-A Lone Star hanger WGBS-Trio Royale W'JZ-Jack Frost. Al clod y Moments IV MSG -Parents' Forum Conference. IVAIIC-La Paling Presents Kate Smith and [Ter Swanee Music 9:45 WEAF-Our Daily Food-Col. Good- 10:30 P.M.-WEAF-NBC -James Melton, Tenor Interviewed by WIiN M -G -N1 Radio :Movie body-A & P Program Club IVOIt-Songs-Joseph Bier Grantland Rice On Coca-Cola Hour. #. 8:45 IV A BC -Tasty east Gloom Chasers, Com- WJ Z -Al iracics of M agnolia eBdudy Featuring "Thu Colonel and WA BC-Al °ruing Minstrels Radio Log will be found on page 6 -5 cAclt, WP AP -Percy Leonard-Songs at Piano IV II A P -:I nl eri can us W GI3S-".l list Playing Around"-Sketch 9:00 WEAF-Halsey Stuart Program-"Old W MS G-Marjorie McGrath-Songstress Counsellor" IVJZ-Pat Barnes in Pe son-Swift Co. WIIN-Ein:u Schultz, Baritone IV O E-" It renlent z Fashion Plate," Program II'OI'-four ilnalth 1V.1Z-.\dvenLures of WPC II -Carrie Lillie -"All in Fun" Sherlock Holmes- 10 A.M. to 12 Noon IVGIIS-"The Personality Girl" G. Washington Coffee Programs 1101' -Nick Kenny's Poems W' NISG-AI libel Ilorsey's Entertainers WGBS-"First Love"-Sketch WAIL(' -President hoover at opening 4:15 II' Olt-Alilton James Ferguson: "Books. Session of \Vltit,e (louse Conference 10:00 IV M C:1 -Tuneful 'Topic.; 12:30 WMCA-W. T. Stock Quotations II'IIN-I'ameron King-Tales of the Sea (VEAF-Airs. Blake's Radio ( o tunu- Old and New" Sisters IV OR -II. S. M:ntcrer's Concert En- IV iI N -"Around the World"-F eating 9:15 IVOR-Blue Label Cocktail Party (male of the Skillet semble-Astor Program W'ID1'-Singing Troubadour quartet) WOlt-McCann Pure Food II our WJZ,-National Farm and (Tome Hour IVGBS-"At the Movies" WIIN- Il:intony IVJZ-Mary Hale Al artin's IIousetiold WPCH-Hcleu Medlin-'The Melody Team Period-Libby, McNeil and Libby Maid 5:00 IV M ('A -Sally Orchestra IVIIAP-Alusic Program WARC-Columbia Revco Emery WEAF'-The Lady Next Door 9:30 IV EA F-l'ahuolivo (lour-Olive Palmer IVPCII-Cousin Lillian with the Kiddies Deutsch's Orchestra, Presenting- an W'OR-Horsnlan Dull Programs & Paul Oliver IVA BC- -(;rant, Graham and Coughlin Oriental Program WIZ -Chats with Peggy Winthrop 1VOIt-:\ Sap's Fables WP IP Drexel Ilines, Piano Concert WP AP Evelyn Marra, Soprano II' P(:II-Monsieur Sakele 11.1 Z-Dutcll Masters Program 1101 -Musical Specialties W'OV-Parade of the Mannequins IVA BC -National Tuberculosis & Ilcaltll II'.IJIC Eno ('rinse Club IVGBS Andy Buff-Songs 11'G IBS-Evelyn Wald Association II 11 N-1 itst rumen t al 'Trio IV MSG -Current Events 11'HN-Gladys Itart.utan. George Nobits, IV II IP John Bond 12:45 IVPAP-Parents' 'Palk WOI'-(,yon & Lyon !1:45 IV II N 10:15 IV MCA -Norman Pearce W'OV Popular 'Tunes of Merit -Brazilian Music N'E F' -Jane Grant's Steero Program {1'G RS-united Synagogue 1I'/:BS-Ray Current Events Club, Inc. IV MS G-11 ebrew :\ rt Program WIZ -Dance Al iniatnre W' P(' It -Two Ebony Entertainers II' P('H-Monsieur Saknee 5:05 1V1)11 -Fred Kinsley Organ Itecital- 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. W.1BC-Bond )bread program Dr. 1:01) IV N( CA -Sally Entertainers AStor Program Royal S. Copeland - W EAF-Market and Weather Reports IN OR- Bob Slu rl ing's Orchestra .5:15 IV.I Z,-" ;Mouth Health"-Calsodent Pro- {V I' A P -'l' honms Col well, Tenor gram 10:00 IV M C A -Success I nterview IV I)V-I'ur Trappers IVPCII-Luncheon Music I1'OR-Vox ['tin IV ABC -Hotel Taft Orchestra IV C 11 -Captain .loo 'I'ralrpers (Frank'Parker 11CBS-Old Time Dances II' ABC -Uncle Olio and His Kre-Mel and quartet) WMSG-Billy Gibse.t -.iuve:tile Wit V -N. Y. Evening Air Post W'.IZ Rochester Civic IV IiBS-American Music Ensemble Gang Orchestra 10:30 W MCA-Nanun's Program IV II N- tL'tbo' amid Western Strombcrg-Carlson Program WE AF Wildroot May 1:15 VEAF'-Advertising Club Luncheon- II' NIS(l-Jantes McDonough-Baritone IVA (' Vitality Personalities Chat-Elizabeth Hon. Samuel R. AlcKolvie, ex -Gov- IV 11N IV.1Z-Our I 110V -Dorothy tticluuond Vagabonds Food-Col. Goodbody ernor of Nebraska Norman-For the Kiddies WHAI'-Listeners' Letters -A&P Program 5:30 IV MCA -Quaker Puzzle Al an W WOK -Advertising Club Luncheon 10:15 P('II-Blanche 'Terry-Soprano IVOI'-.Joe Perry-Pianist IV E A F' -Stn ma Loyd. the Puzzle 31 an- IVOR-1101)01:s Diamond Entertainers W.4 It('-('Itocolate Cookery. "Meals Malted Cereal Programs II' A it C- II"eenl 'fire Chain Program You ('an Drink." Ida Bailey Allen. 1:30 IVMCA-Hawaiian Breezes IVOR-.l Whin Wood worth's Gov. Clinton 10:30 I' M CA -'three Little Sachs Radio II mine Al a kcrs. 11 .I Z -AI id -day M t sic:tle 11~1 I ):utce Oreln stra IV EA F -Coca Cola-James Melton, in- W'P 1P-11. S. health Talk W PCII-Dorian Vocal Trio W.I'!,-Jeddo H iglrlariders IV ABC -Ritz Hotel terview by Grandam' Rice WGBS-"lit Songland.. Carlton Orchestra 11 GBS-Eddie (onv ey IV.1'L-Clara Lu and Ent-Colgate-Palm- W MSG -C race Geiger-Contralto IV I:NY-Organ Recital IV ABC -Salty Sam, the Sailor-Kolynos olive Prograru 11'01-Iiovuy Frey 'I rio 10:45 W M C 1 'Tuneful Topics IV(:IIS-N aonti Shaw. Crooner Program IVA BC -Columbia Come t Program WEAF' Betty ('rocker-Cooking 'Tall< II')IN-Russian Echoes 10:45 W'MCA-Dave Abrant's Orchestra W'.1'J,-Consolaires 1:45 II'I'('II-Highlights of Sports 1V0V-St even 's Orchestra 11011-C lobe Trotter-N. Y. American WPC -Popular Songs of the Day II'Ol'-Elizabeth Ihrlbo Soprano IV MSG -Doris Thornton-Contralto W'.1Z-II oily wood Nights WAR('-Alelody Parade W (: BS -Symphonic Rhythm 5:45 -IN NI CA -Reel Devils with Junior Smith 11:00 II' MC.4-Alarty Beck's Orchestra 11'PAP-Yamini Ravcno-Contralto IV EA F -Rex Cole Mountaineers WOV-Monsieur Sakele IV EAF-"'Phu Voice of Radio Digest" from II'JZ-Little Orphan Annie-Wonder IVOR-Will Oakland's Orchestra 11'GBS-)tits Symphonies 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. Prograuh IVJZ-Slumber Music W MS/: -Rose Gerald-Soprano IV A 13 C -Jolly Jugglers IV AB C- blelasco's Orchestra prano 11' It It inn 11 0 5-" and er"-Sketch IV H N -The :Melody Quartette 11:00 IVNYC-Correct Time, Police Reports 2:00 IV MCA -Bide Dudley's Dramatic Re- IV 315 0 -Sherry Lavelle W EA F Keeping Up with Daughter- view 11:15 IV EAF-.lease Crawford IV EA IF -Dorothy Berliner-Pianist IVABC Street Singer Sherwin Williams Programs W0 It -Luncheon. Women's WOIt-Personality Plus-Al uric halo Allied 11:30 IV 31 C:1 -Sleepy Ti me Forces for Prohibition, A label IV die - 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. W.IZ -"Gou(liss School of Cookery" brit IV F: AF-Vineeit Lopez and his l trchestra IVPCII-I'ianologuo-Edith Weeks mil, IV OR Moonbeams- directed by' George Cene W'.1 - Al rs..1 f! W".1 BC- Rhythms Ramblers Z ulian eatit-Food Talk Ií:00 IV N VC-Correct Thee-Hoard of Edu- Sltacl

" I 00P._6I.

MARGE: Oh, you don't who have alrcady participated in- mean you re in love? The Lai. wig Baumann Flour which Russ MYRT:Gotallthesymp- is known as the "Voice of Broadway', clude: Helen Morgan, Columbo, toms-hat it may be is heard each Sunday over \VOR at Ethel Merman, ,Jack Pearl, Belle Price. just another headache. 9 p.m. Louis Sobol, Broadway col- Baker, and George Merle Hear MYRT & MARGE acts as master of ceremonies. ,Johnston and his orchestra are heard umnist MERLE -JOHNSTON every night except a Broadway Star with Hayton and Schutt, piano duo, Each week famous AND HIS ORCHESTRA Saturday and Sunday. is brought to the microphone. Those during each broadcast.-*- Begin right away. MIKE -0 -GRAPHS General Electric By NONA BENET Presents Gigli


.[i oy `45 and songs >7 OLIVE PALMER . . . Palmoli e's \\'rites poetry composes - Coloratura Soprano . . . the girl with ... as a hobby. the school -girl complexion. Does nor drink ... does not smoke Wilt I G 1.EV'S Altho her actual name is Virginia ... does not party.

. . . 'Prefers simple jewelry... hutgeanine. Rea . .. very few people know it but she is nationally known as Olive Her favorite is a diamond cross which Palmer. Her birthday is on March she is never without. a \Vould rather be known as the most 28th . . . and she has voted for Radio Guide President ... you figure out the age. worth while artist . . . than the high- The state of sunshine ... moonshine est paid one. An Illustrated Weekly of Pro- and hill -billies gave her birth She wears flimsy chiffon nighties grams & Personalities Kentucky. when she's tucked in She is of the height to say her prayers. On sale at newsstands on actress week. that men desire . . Her favorite Thursday of each PRICE, .3 a copy five feet three inches is Ethel Barrymore. RI cents Lives in a sumptuous YEARLY subscription $2.50 . . . and weighs 120 pounds when pastry apartment in 39th Street has a French is excluded from her ... Radio Guide, Inc., diet. Black, bobbed maid . . a chauffeur 475 Fifth Avenue, New York City a Pekinese called curly hair . . . hazel and She adores eyes . . . long lashes ''Chin.'' (her own and with no him . . . the Pekinese, (e G.o.r. Audr, I GIGLI mascara) . . . she is a mean. BENIAMINO very beautiful person. \Vould rather cat Radio Guide A brother completes breakfast than any Beniamino Gigli,. one of Italy's . . . it's more re- . . . other meal most celebrated tenors and the family he is Rates literarily inclined. served her in bed. cently a star of the Metropolitan Advertising Thinks clothes have a She absolutely has Opera Company, will be the guest (Effective October 19, 1931) lot to do with the no belief in luck . . . artist oil the General Electric Sunday

. we, ourselves to be broadcast from Station way you feel . thinks Program, dresses for all occa- OLIVE PALMER are responsible for our \VEAF at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 29. He will General Advertising sions ... always wears fate. he introduced by Grace Ellis, direc- Per agate line, New York Edition ..flat 121/2c. based on a If you want to sell her anything .. . tress of both the Sunday General Elec- These are temporary rates formal clothes when she broadcasts. guaranteed average net paid circulation of Not only likes to be alone . . . but attach a French tag to it ... she can't tric Program and the Home Circle, 25,000 (New York edition) for remaining resist anything Parisian. Her concert which is a daily feature of the \VEAF issues issued in 1931. Orders for advertising has to ... for the general congeniality at these rates accepted only for insertion in of the nation. work took her all over the United Chain. issues issued during the balance of 1931. Sang in opera and on the concert States. She was abroad a year but stage. Sang for a great many record- never anywhere else but France. Mechanical Requirements ings. She was persuaded to give an Used to keep a diary . . . everyone How They Began Pages are 4 columns wide by 200 agate lines deep -800 agate lines to the page. people who heard her read it . . . tells you about things in- audition by the PETER DIXON of Raising,Junior: once ...9'_ inches now. 1 page (800 lines) a 14% records .. :she did ... and that's how she stead carried papers for the Orange (Tex) 1 column (100 lines) ...2!f a 144 inches 4y1 x 14)4 inches . . 2 columns (400 lines) ... leading sopranos. Dislikes shopping . sends her became one of radio's Leader; quit college to become cub re- 3 columns (000 lines) ...7 x 144 'aches her voice frotn maid out to buy her clothes ... she is Claims she inherited porter; adventured as a second cook Halftones 85 Screen. Mats or Stereotypes gowned. not acceptable. her mother. She has an M. A. from gorgeously on a tanker plying between Texas and Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. A year and a half ago she received Mexico; later reporter and press agent a week . . Also studied voice in Paris under from 3000 to 4000 letters before he turned to radio writing and Issuance and Closing Dates Marchesi. it's probably doubled by now. Published weekly: issued on Thursday and acting with wife, Aline Berry. Is rais- dated the following Saturday. . . . Her voice and personal Doesn"t like any kind of sports glorious ing a ''junior'' of his own. made for her a Black and white forms close for final re- she is an ultra -feminine female. For charm and beauty have lease of copy on second I\lontlay preced- the sake of form ... she has a rowing niche in the radio world that is ing date of issuance. Copy roust be re- FLOYD GIBBONS: graduated from ceived not later than Thursday two weeks machine. She also has the most cap- 'unique. But she aspires to greater preceding issuance date if proofs are wanted

. be sent out teeth and smile. Speaks heights. Here's success to you . . Georgetown University; followed Hor- for O. h.; earlier if proofs must tivating of city or cuts cmdc. French and Italian as fluently as Eng- Olive Palmer. Next \Vednesday night ace Greeley's advice and went west to lish. She has a high voice and talks you'll hear her again ... over Station get a S7 a week. job on the Minneapolis in a babyish manner. \Vide -eyed, \VEAF at 9:30. Star which fired him for incompetence; Radio Guide for- Y. she informs you that she takes life (Next week David Ross, joined Chicago newspaper whose 475 Fifth Ave., New York, N. very seriously. Doesn't believe it's a Columbia Broadcasting System Announcer eign and war assignments led to first Telephone: LExington 2-4131 "Bowl of Cherries." will be MIKE -o -GRAPHED) fame. 13 .SRAM FOR THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd

WGBS-Afternoon Musicale 7:30 WNY('-WNYC Air College 17:45 A.M. to 10 A.M. 12 h!OOlI to 2 P.M. 3:45 WJZ-Chicago Serenaders WE A F -Prince Albert Quarter hour -- WA BC -Virginia Arnold-Pianist Alice Joy, ( outran(); 1';i.il Van WEAF'-Tower Health Exercises-Ar- 12:00 WMCA A'lidday Message IVOR-N..1. Women's Republican Club Loan's Orchestra: "OP Hun a". thur Bagley, Director. WEAF-General Electric (lomo Circle WOV-Red Cross 1VOR,-I laddOn I I all Cigar Concert. Vin- WOlt Morning Gym Classes-John W',1Z-The Morrie Mon cent Sorey's Orchestra & Itaiplt Gambling. Director WPCH Maritime News Kirberv. Baritone 7:00 WGBS-Musical Clock WABC-Bigelow- Young's Orchestra 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. w 11.1Z -Phil Cook, the Quaker Man IV ItNY-Luucheon Music WAIIC-Kaltenborn, Edits the News- 7:30-WJZ,- t Song for Today S. \V. Straits Program WA BC-OrganReveille-Popular Music 55151 S G -Ethel Levos, Soprano 4:00 WEAF-Salon Singers WPAP-''Irveecone'' by Fred h'cibel WOIf-.Journal of the Air WOK Centenary Collegiate Institute 5V0V-Adele Wennerstront-Sots'ano W'DFCA-Goldberg Furniture C'o.-Pro- WLSVL-"Timely Topics" 7:45-WJZ Jolly Bill and Jane-Cream of WGBS-Devotional Services gra m 7:45 1V F. AF -The Gotdbergs-Pepsodent Pro- Wheat Program gram 12:15 WEAF-Illack and Gold Room Orches- WP('II-Ann LaPorte, Musical 8:00 1V M CA -The Phantom Organist 5V'ABC-Melody AI agic WOK-Insi(Ie Stulf WEAF-Gene and Glen-Quaker Early tra-Direction Leon Rosebrook; WOV-Stanley Lawrence Orchestra WJZ-Famous Fallacies of Business- Birds Catherine Field, Soprano; Fred H uf - WGBS-Maria: French, Merle Thorpe smith, Tenor Contralto WAITO-Camel Quarter Hour-Ru,ind WJZ-On the 8:15 WJZ,-l'at Barnes. In person, Swift & 4:15 1V M CA -Studio Concert WABC-Morning Devotions Co. W1iN-Margaret Wilson, Towners Quartette WGBS-News Flashes Program Popular Pian- WI'AP-National Commission oil Police WOK Economy Program-Joseph IIil- ist Welfare 8:15 1VMCA-Reminiscence Road - With ton & Sons Program WGBS Dorothy Zorn, Impersonations Frank McCabe WABC-Columbia Revue 4:20 WEAF-International Broadcast from WEAF Morning Devotions WMSG-Charles Garcia-Lyric Tenor -- London-" What I Would Do With 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. W' OR- Mr. & Mrs. Reader-N. Y. W P1011 -M usical Travelogue, Lucille the World"-Doan Inge St. American Peterson of Paul's 4:30 WEAF-Phil Spitalny Tea Dansanto 8:00 WEAF WJZ-S unbirds W OV-Personal Problems - -1' eischniann Hour Rudy W'JZ-U. S. Navy Band - WABFSomething for Everyone 12:30 IV Vallee's Orchestra WGBS Musical Travelogue MCA -Phillips Ensemble WOR-Thomas E. Masson-Book Re- W.1Z-Dixie Spiritual Singers WIZ -National Farm & Horne Hour view WABC-The Mills Brothers 8:30 W MC A -Oman Reveille WPCII-The Song fainter-Earl Kardux WA BC -Hotel Taft Orchestra WOK -Bernhard Levitow's Ensemble W EAF-Cheerio WARC-Columbia Revue-Vincent Sor- WGBS-Mary Bongert-Soprano Symphonique WOlt-Martha Manning-A Macy Pre- ey's Orchestra WPAP-Charles sentation W'G13S-11elen Boss-Contralto WPCH-Harlem (lot Stuff-"Uke" Joy- Benczes Ensemble WJZ-Bissell Pick-ups WOK -Gov. Clinton Hotel Dance Or- ner 8:15 WNYC-The Brahms Trio WOV-Trio Royale chestra WHN-Fred Calmpitt. Baritone WJZ-Itin Tin Tin Thriller-Dramatic WGBS-The Almanac Man VV'OV-Parade of the Mannequins WOV-Emergency Employment Com- program with Bob White and 'Pont WMSG-Ethel Aranow-Soprano mittee Corwrne-Chappell Bros. Program 8:45 W MCA -Harry Glick's Gym Class WRNY-New York Stock Quotations 4:45 W'PCiI-On A Coral Strand-Kale and W A IBC -Sterling Products Program- W OR -Musical Novelettes WPCH-The Poet's Corner Indetta Shaw Abe Lymans Band W'JZ-Al and Pete 111Z -Great Moments in Science 8:30 5VOR-Melody WA B ('-Gilbert Sullivan Breakfast Hour 12:45 WPCH-Crooning the Blues Away Kaleidoscope WOV-Popular Tunes IVOR-Charles flay-Baritone WABC-LaPalina present Kate Smith & WOV-Financial Talk of Merit WHN-Marcia Wallack, Popular Songs WGBS-Southern Melodies WGBS -Jerry Franks' Pals Swanee Music WMSG-Brandeis & Browne-Program WOV-Singing Troubadour WJZ-Pickard Family Ponsette W 9:00 W M C A -Monsieur Sakele 1:00 WMCA-Sally Entertainers WGIDA-Nathaniel D'Art. MSG -Cone. rl Period WEAF-Morning Glee Club WEAF-Slarket and Weather Reports 5:00 WMCA-Sally Orchestra WPAP-The Nobby Players WOK -Miss Catlirino n' Calliope-A 550K Midday Diversions 11 EAF-The Jungle NI an 8:45 WNYC Federal Business League Bamberger Presentation WPCH-Luncheon Music .WOR-Katherine Gordon, Stings WJZ-Sisters of the Skillet, Procter & WJZ-"The Laugh Club" WJZ-Coffee Matinee, Brazilian Coffee Gamble Program S. WABC-Poultry & Stock Feeders Help WABC-U. Navy Band Concert IV MS G -Lillian II inston --Contralto Grower's Program WABC-Angelo Patri "Your Child" WOV-Musical Clock WRNY-New York Evening Air Post WPCH-Mme. Louise Voccoli and Tom Cream of Wheat Program WPCH-Down Reminiscence Road- WGBS-American Voccoli W G-Elole Gallo-Soprano Frank McCabe Music Ensemble W ABC -Asbury Park Orchestra W GBS-Dagmar Perkins 1:15. WMCA-"Molody Express" W' II N -Jacks of harmony 9:00 W NYC-Filomono's Westonians WEAF-Hotel Pennsylvania Orchestra WEAF A co Dramatic Musicale W W CBS .lack Healy's Dance Trio - 9:15 MCA -Lloyd Ruby-Accordionist 11 ABC -Hotel Taft Orchestra W O V -Snapshots Joltamn Cltrysostontus Wolfgang Ama - WEAF-Tom Waring's Troubadours dens Mozart, "reincarnated" guest of WJZ, Morning Glories honor; Rachel Morton, soprano; WPCH-Fitzpatrick Brothers Harald Hansen, Tenor; Sigurd Nils- W0V-IIousew-iyes' Gym Class semi, Bass; Jaffrey Harris' Orchestra 9:30 WMCA-Modern Living Porgi Motor, from "Figaro" ..Mozart WOR-Alice Foote MacDougall Soprano solo, Rachel Morton WJZ-"Beautiful Thoughts' Montgom- SPECIALS FOR TODAY 11 mio Tesoro, from "Don Giovanni" ery Ward Program Mozart VVPCH- Margaret Kopekin, Concert Tenor solo, Harald Hansen Pianist Per Questa Bella Nlano Mozart W ABC -Tony's Scrap Book-Conducted 3:00 P.M.-WABC-CBS -LaForge Berumen Musicale. Bass solo. Sigurd Nilsson by Anthony Wens Dove Prelude Amor, from Wit NY -Harry Glicks Class 4:20 P.M.-WEAF-NBC-International Broadcast from London "The Magic Flute" Mozart WOV-Alodern Living Soprano and Bass Duet W'GISS-'rru Rozali -Dean Inge of St. Paul's-"What I Scherzo Mozart Would Do With the World." IVOR-Darling & Dearie 9:45 WEAF-Our Daily Food by Colonel W'JZ-Illackstouc Plantation Julia Goodbody-A. & P. Program 6:30 P.M.-WEAF-NBC-"(Intervention in Manchuria" by James Sanderson and Frank Crunnt- W Olt-Songs-Allen Meaney W AB(' -Eugene Ormandy 11.1Z -Miracles of Magnolia G. McDonald. WP('I(-\lose Sigler WMSG=I'r:tm:field Sisters-Banjoists WABC-The Ambassadors-Male 'trio W It N Y -Sal w-yn Orchestra WGBS-".lust I'laying Around" 9:15 5VO11-Blue Label cock tail I'arty-Male Radio Log will lie found on page 6 Quartet "Ctulice'' Wi1ISG-Sor;gen & Basson, Novelty 10 A.M. to 12 Noon WRNY John Patterson 9:30 W' EAF-Adventures of Sherlock ilolmes- 10:00 WMCA-Mme. Elvira Geiger WMSG-Studio Presentation 5:05 W'OR-\ . E. Meadows Beauty 'I'alk- -Iramatic Sketch with Richard IV E A F -Mrs. Blako's Radio Column WOV-Dr. George COlieri Frididirte Program Gordon and Leigh Lovel WOK, McCann Pure Food Hour 1:30 W :11 C A -Luncheon Al usic 5:10 IVOIR-Prod Riusley-Organ Recital- WI)It-Mlon of WC)R Orchestra :VRNY-Christmas Seal Talk VV ,1%-fii Ida Musical Astor Program 11.121 -Maxwell ¡louse Ensemble 15 .1 BC -Love WJZ-Ray Perkins-Andrew Jorgons' VVPCH Sunshine Vocal Trio 5:15 WEAF-The. Story Hour Program 11 ABC Meyer Davis Seery Plaza Or- Lady Next Door W'ILNY-Green Village Inn Orchestra WPCH Captain Joe IV MSG -Alexander Ermoloff Program W l'CIl-Talk-Children's home chestra 1111N -Lilly \Vollnters-Soprano IV A BC-Copeland-Ceresota Flour Pro- W'OIt-Frank l)ailey's O,'Che:dra {YOV-Al gram WIIN-Y. Al. (3. A. aye Itaye-Blues W'OV-Musical Specialties W' 1115(:-(1rare Levelly -Contralto 5:30 55 31 CA -Quaker Puzzle Man 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. WGBS-Gents from the Light Operas 55' GilS-Corrine to WEAF-Rinso Talkie {V.iZ-Old Pappy, Negro Impersonations 10:00 Wilt ('A - Sladison Square Garden 10:15 WMCA-American Rod Cross 1:45 WPCH-lIighlights of sports 55'ABC-Salty Sam, the Sailor-Kolynos IIocicey Caine 1VEAF-Breen & depose 1111N -.lames NlcDonongl. Songs Program WFLU -Lucky 55'(1 BS -Sy in pilot: ii' 1< h)'n tin:: Strike Dance Hor- WJZ,-Dance Miniature Wit N -Y. Al. C. A. {Valter Winchell-Andy Sauellau's WP CFI -Monsieur Sakele W'O1'-Sylvia Durkin -Soprano 5V(IV-Don Stevens' Orchestra and the Orchestra W ABC -Machine Age I1ousekeeping W III S(: -Lucille Hayes --Thy \Vcsteru- Songbird.. Balladeer 11'JZ-:\. & P. Gypsies with i-Iarry Hor- WOV-Fur Trappers WGIIS-Lemar & Maak - Hawaiian li:'k's Dance Orchestra W' 1t N Y -Hunting in India liar Piton y 11',1I:C-Hart Schaffner & Marks 1V GBS-Slotuitain Music Trumitpeters. 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. 5:45 WMCA-Red Devils with Junior Smith 10:30 WMCA-Namm's Program W E A F -Rex Cole Mountaineers W K N Y -Croissant Orchestra 1V E A F -Soconyland Program WOK -Aunt Betty's Toy Shop, Alderny 10:15 IVOR-'The Weaver of Dreams W'JZ-Talk-Col. Goodbody-A. & P. 2:00 IV MCA -Bide Dudley's Dramatic Ro Program Program 10:30 1V91 -Clara, Lu & Em-Colgate Palm - view W'.17, -Little Orphan Annie "Wonder v (( 1V P C II I vria h Program 550 if -Arthur & Philip Program" 5%AolillC-oMoourdern Male Chorus-Andre 55 ABC-Melody Parade VVJZ-Mrs. Julian 'Palk W A it C-Bilt more Orchestra Recital Heath-Food K ostelanetz- I )irector WRNY-Organ 5VPCH-Sweethearts of Radio Laud W'GIIS-llitn & Her, Sketch O n the W' GBS-Sentimental Banjoists WHN Weavers Road to SIauclalay....Speaks 55'ABC-The Singing Vagabond Song h; caning floods. Baldwin 10:45 WEAF-Morning Serenaders WO'.' Red Cross IVItNY-Organ Recital 1V'JZ-Mystery ('lief-ti. B. Davis Pro- W Ii N - Germaine Bentz-Concert Pian- gram ist 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. 10:45 V:11 CA -Three Little Punsters W OR -Globe Trotter-New York Amer- WA BC -Barbara Gould Beauty Talk 1VGIBS-Marchia Steuart-Organist ican WOV-Monsieur Sakele WMSG-Eric Kohler-Basso 6:00 W' NYC-Slunicipal Reference Library W'.1 Z -Paris Night Life-Affiliated Prod- 11:00 W'N of Public Markets 2:15-1V MCA -Health of Alotitors and Babies 1V E A F -Waldorf Astoria Orchestra YC-Dept. IV OR -Uncle ucts Programo 5VEAF-L'Heure Exquise-Woman's -1)r. Pock Don-United Profit Shar- WABC-Fray & Braggiotti Vocal Octet with Organ. Directions WOK, Florence Johnson-Contralto ing Program Excerpts from "Prince Igor" (Polo- Geo. Dil worth 11 JZ-Weather Reports W'.IZ Raising Junior-Wheatena Serial vetzian Dances) Ilorotlin WOK -Nell Vinick - Beauty Talk- 55' PCII- Heenan Rodrigues.-Tito Co- WA BC -Frank Ross, Songs Schubertiana.arrangemeut Braggiotti Dremza & Krenul Program lumbian Troubadour MINN -Mack Gordon, Tenor Goodnight Sweetheart 11',1Z -Forecast School Cookery W A B C--Colum Ina Salon Orcltestra- WL1V'L-Ploritine Ensemble arrangement. Braggiotti 1VPCH-The Cherrup Girl Entory Deutsch-Conductor W GBS-Bertram Peacock-Baritone 55'0V Calendo, 11:00 W MCA -Will Oakland Terrace nit N 1' -Dinar Kavkaz-Srrngs -\'intent 'Tenor 6:15 WN VC -William Hoffman-Baritone WEAF-Ralph Kirbery 5V A BC-Al wiling Minstrels Vincent W 11 N -Doris 'Thornton, Contralto W'JZ-The Gruen Answer Man Sorry, Conductor - WIVISG-Susan Alansfield-Popu- WABO-Hotel Hessen Orchestra 1VOR-In a Russian Village 1VGBS--Taylor String Trio lar Songs Wit N -East Side Post No. 868 1V'.1Z-Slumber Al uric 1V'GRS-"Fiddle and I" {VA BC -Don Redman's Corntie's Inn 11:05 W' N Y (' -Retail Food Prices 2:30 W' M CA -A. C. 0.-Negro Orchestra Orchestra WOV-Maytime Music WEAF-Victor Benham-Pianist 6::10 WNYC-Spanish Lessons-Prof. Borlitz 1VIfNY Filipino Stompers Orchestra WGBS--Al Crisco. Songs WOK -N. .1. League of \Vonten Voters WEAF-The World Today-Interven- WJZ -Tuneful Times 11:15 WEAF Coon Sanders Orchestra 11:15 VVEAF-Radio household Institute tion in Manchuria 1VABC-.Jack Miller 1VOR-The Happy Vagabond Jack WPC II -Popular Songs 110 R. -Journal of the Air Arthur - WAIL(: -American School of the Air 1V.) Z -Breyer Leaf Boys 11:30 5V3ICA-Al Katz and His Kittens N--Elizabet.lt I )albo-Songs WEAF-Jessie 55'.IZ-Dorothy Chase & Musicians IVABC-Connie Boswell Crawford, Organist VVPCH-Al Eagleson, Tenor IVOV-Your health W'llN-Reform Rabbis WOR-Moonbeams-Directed by Geo. VVABC-Vocal Art Trio VV MSG -Inspirational hour for Shut-ins WLWL-Laughing Troubadour Shackley VVIINY-Poems to live By-Dr. Walker 2:45 55'M('A-Musical Alomenls WGItS-American Music Ensemble W.IZ-Russ Col um ho 1V11 N -.James 111c11 anus-Tenor 6:45 IVEAF-Swift` Boys 1V A 13 C-Belasco Orchestra 11:30 WNYC-Ethel Leitman & Elizabeth Program-Stebbins W K N Y -Eddie Asti Orchestra Rehold W 0{' -Agatha Goodman, Soprano WOK -harry Salters-Golden Trail of 11:45 {V EAF-Cab Calloway & his Orchestra WEAK-Hugo Mariano and his Marion- 3:00 I1' MCA -Sally Entertainers , SIelody-Richfield Program ettes W I'C11-\I irror Reflections W'JZ-Literary Digest Topics-Lowell W.IZ-Lew White's Organ Recital WABC La Forge I/erumcu Musicale Thomas WABC-Will Osborne and His Club Dol- 11J Z-"Co:isolaires" monico W OR-Ohire Sugtlen-Marketing Club WOII-Ariel Ensemble IVABC-Pei'tussin Program Orchestra W'POH-Organ Recital W EA F-W'omon's Radio Review W'LW'L-"Question Box"-Rev. Peter E. 12:00 1V 151(' A -Bide Dudley's Denmatic Revue 1V'ABC-New York Medical Society VV',1Z Organ Melodies Huey, C.S.!'. WEAF Florence Rleuardson & Her WRNY-Carlisle Brook, Painist 5VGSS Symphonic Ithytlim 7:00 55'N YC-Kovacs Gypsy 'Trio Melody Boys N- Lew and 'Toddy W EA F -Vermont Lumber Jacks 55.1Z -Mildred Bailey & Jesters WOV-Melody Novelties WOK -N. V. American Relief Fund 5V (IBS -"The Man Who Forgot to Grow 550V' -News Flashes 1VABC-Guy Lombardo & His Royal Old," Oakley Solleck 3:15 1VPCH-Down Reminiscence Road WJZ-Pepsodeut Program-Amos 'n' Canadns Andy' WRNY-IiaI arold 51 unsch's Orchestra 11:45 IV N Y ('-Y.M C.A.-A Vocational Talk 11'.17, -What Books for (tilts W'AKC-SIyrt & Margo-Wrigley Pro- {V.17, -.I ill & .l tidy W 11 N -Ruth (: cod win-Contralto gram 12:15 WMCA-Euocl( Light & Orchestra W'PCII-The Female Baritone-Char- 550V -Johnny & Mel, Harmony 1V'PAP-Public School Period 1V'JZ-Earl lilacs & His Orchestra lotte Comer 3:30 WMCA-Hawaiian Breezes 111.5VL-cosmic Ensemble 12:30 VVEAF-Waldorf Astoria hotel Orchestra WA BC -Ben Alley- \\ itli Vincent Sor- 5VI'CH-Stock Quotations 7:15 WEAF-'rhe Campbell Orchestra WA BC -Louis Panicu and Ilis Orchestra ey's Orchestra 1V'AIIC-Miriam Ray-with Fred Ber- 1VOR-The G. E. Radio Demonstration 1VJZ-Tweet iIogan's Orchestra WOR-World Lvents, Edna McKnight ren's Orchestra Prog'ani WILN1'-Villa Richard Orchestra W K N Y -Persian Ceramics-H tiger El- WOK - Helen Bourne-Soprano WJZ-'I'astyeast Jesters liot W'JZ The 'Three Dort ors 5V All (3 -Cromo presents Bing Crosby 1:00 {YMCA -Coon Sander's Orchestra WOV-Adele Wennerstron, Soprano 1VHN-Knights of flask W L W L-h'ay Forster presents A Japan- W ABC -Dave Abram's Orchestra WGBS Edna Pendleton. Songs W'OV-National Child Welfare ese Program 1:30 WABC-Roseland Ballroom Orchestra e I 4 PROGRAM FOR FRIDAY, D EC EMB E R

WP AP -Jessie Cold tort. Popular Pianist WIINY-Organ Recital WJZ-Literary Digest Topics - Lowe,. 6:45 A.M. to 10 A.M. IV 01'-St clod y Novelties W(:BS-(tarry Players 'l'houtas IVGBS-Itits front Symphonies 3:15 1VJ"!,-Chicago Serenade -Harry Etc - II'A13('-The Biltanore Orchestra 0:45 WEAF-Tower Health Exer'cises- R' MSG Ir'rcneh Lessons glen's dance orchestra WI, WL-Catholic Reporter Arthur Bagley, director 11:45-WNYC Department of Sanitation {VaB('-('uluntbla Educutional Features 7:00 W'NY('-Voccoli Choral Society W'OK -el ym Classes -John Gambling, WOR-Dagntar Perkins-Selbcrt Wil- 11'O{' -Emergency U nun: ¡doy 11:0:1:- 'I 'all: WEAF-itletjor Bowes' (Family -Capitol I )irector son Program Theatre Program 7:00 WPC11 John McLaughlin -Tenor W"OR-Frances Langford WGBS-elusicalClock IVABC--lien Alley Deutsrit'.s Or- 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. WIZ -The Pepsudcnt Program-Antos 7:30 11'.17.-A Song for 'Today cleest.ra - 'n' Andy Reveille AI usic A WABC Organ -Popular 11/1' -\large Downey -Piano and Song 4:00 11' 11 ('A-Goldburg Alusi<'al Moments IV BC-Myrt and Marge -Wrigley Pro- 7:45 WJZ--.l oily Bill and .lane -('ream of 11' MSC -Gertrude. eliordano-Soprano IVEr.F-Betty uore, Decorating Notes gram Wheat, Program IVOR-Newark IVLIVL-"An Interval with Chopin" usic Frundatun Daniel 8:00 WMCA The Phantom Organist. 1VJ'1-l:hicage, Serenaders Wolf WE A F -Gone and Glen -Quaker Early 12 Noon to 2 P.M. e 111'CII-A .. 'out p(tsc'r's Birthday Party 7:15 11NYC-Board of Estimate Review Birds 11'ABC-Light Opera Ganes-('hannon 3VOR-Boys' Club-Macy-Bambergor 8:15 foiling°, Conductor, with Helen Nu- Program W.IZ-On the 12:00 IV NI CA -Midday Message 11.1Z-Itoscul 1V 11íC -AI orating Devotions gent. Contralto; Rhoda Arnold, So- Moments WOKS -News Flashes WEAF-Ceneral Electric home Circle prano; Earl Palmer, Tenor; & C'raue II' ABC-C'rmno Presents Bing Crosby WOK -Journal of the Air ('alder, Bass WI, Wt. -Weekly Financial Review 8:15 3V M CA -[)own Reminiscence Road - WJZ-The Morrie -Alen IV It N Y -Arabian Baritone .Tot Frank McCabe IV PCB -Mari ti rim News - 7:30 IVMCA Finkenburg Entertainers l Nogeint IV EAF-Prince Albert Quarter Ilour- W BA F -Morning Devotions WA ItC-Bigelow-- Young's Orchestra W O1' -Lenox Club WOK -Mr. and Mrs. Reader -N. Y. WPAP-"The Road to Beauty" -Paula Orchestra Alice Joy, Contralto; "01' Hunch"; American Andreo IVGlIS .Jacques Belser--Popular Songs Paul Van Loan's Orchestra 4:15 IV 31 C:A-Russian Melodies WOR -' Famous Beauties of 11 istory"- WJZ-Sunbirds WO1'-" Your Retell h" Wood bury Program WG RS --NI usical Travelogue IV G RS -Agnes K uu-Pianist IVEAF-Twilight Voices - Direction WA BC -Something for Everyone George I)ilworth W.1Z-Phil Cook, the Quaker Man 12:15 W M ('A -N'. '1'. Stock Quotations WJZ Radio Guild -"She Stoops to W' AR C- Boswell Sisters -with Bob liar- 8:30 WE A F -Cheerio {1' EAF-ill tritutna and his ;Marionettes W OR -Martha Manning -A Macy Pres- Conquer.. ing's Orchestra, Baker Chocolate Pro- entation 31'OR-Economy Prograut-.Joseph IV RN 1' -Uncle Itoscoe's Rascals gram WJZ -Kissel ton & Sues Program 3V(:13S-A Spanish Lesson W R N Y N. Y. Evening Post Sport Pick-ups WJZ-Pat Barnes in person -Swift & WOV-Trio Royale 4:30 IV M CA Talks Co. Prograut -The Phantom Organist WL11L-"Industrial Safety" Joseph 1'. {VG BS The Almanac Man WPCII-Y. AI. C. A. Talk W EAF-Phil Suitably''s Tea Dansant Class IVOR .Jobless 'Trio Ryan 8:45 1VMCA-11 terry Click's Gym WPAP-M yrt.lo Anderson -Contralto 7:45 WEAF-The Pepsodent WOK -Musical Novelettes WC JIS -A NI orning with the Poets II P('H-George Baker Syncopators Goldbergs-tlte 11 ABC -Edna Thum Program WJZ-Al and Pete 12:30 IVEAF-131ac'k and Gold Room Orches- as IV AB(' -Old Dutch Girl-Newsy Jingles IV R N Y Guy NanleiveI-Tortor WOK -Remington Rhythm Rounders in Rhyme and Song tra -Direction Leon Rosebrook; Ed- WO{' -1l array & Pal IV.IZ-The Esso Program-"Beliovo it WU\'-Financial Talk ward Kane, 'Tenor It G 13S -Harrisonarrison Zeller -Talk or Not" -Bob Ripley Nations WOK -II. S. Alaurer's Concert En- IV ABC -Camel Quarter Hour -Round W(:BS-Songs of Other semble -Astor Program 4:45 IVA RC -Curtis Institute of Music '('owners' Qu:trWle (i in 9:00 W11CA-M~icier Sakelo 11,1'1 -National Farm and HOMO 11our Sonata No. A major for Violin IV RNY-"Louise" W EA F -Melodic Gems -Al ixed Quar- 5VPCII-Ilelene I,andshuif and Piano Beethoven W L 5VL-Football Prospects Jack tet-Anty Goldsmith, Soprano: Alma W A BC-Columbia Revue Adagio, motto ospressivo Coffey - Kitchell, Contralto; Fred II ufsrnith. WPAP-Industrial ¡tonto for the Blind Allegretto con variazioni Tenor; Donald Boltz. Baritone; Di- WOI'-Parade of the AlanneeItems James Bloom: violinist rection George Dilworth 33'GItS-Cleaves Trio -Luncheon Alusic M art ha II al Itwachs: pianist WOK -Al iss Catherine 'n' Calliope -A The Wanderer (sung in German) 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. Itamberger Presentation 1:00 IV MCA -Sally Entertainers Schubert WJZ Tort Brennic-"The Laugh Club" IV It AF -Market and Weather Reports Oh. Mistress Mine Sullivan 8:00 WMCA-IIawaiian Duo WPC I1 -Down Reminiscence Buad- 11' PCH-Betty M orris -Blues The Sound o' the Pipes Warner W'EAIF-Cities Service Concert Orches- F'rank McCabe IVAIIC-Pabst. ett Varieties Fleeting Vision (sung in French) front tra and the Cavaliers Jessica Drag- WAR(' -The Commuters Emery VIINY-N. V. Evening Air Post "IIerodiade" Massenet onette, Soprano; Henry Shope and Deutsch, conductor - IVOBS-American Al usic Ensemb10 The Sleigh... Kouttz Leo O'Rourke, 'Penors; John Seaglo, {1' 0 V -Personal Problems Baritone; Elliott Shaw, 13 ass; Leo W(:itS-Dagnlar Perkins Siontgorne:ry, Accompanist; Frank WMSG-News Flashes Banta and Mil(on 11ettenberg, Piano Duo; Rosario Bourdon's Orchestra 9:15 W M CA -Loughran Food Scienro Talk WEAF-'Ibrn 3Varing's Troubadours WOR-Alaxcvell House Dixie Ensemble 1.IZ-Everyday Beauty -I'. Beiersdorf WJZ-Nestle's Program Program SPECIALS FOR TODAY WAR( -The Columbium,. WPCH -The Woman's Forum IVRN Y-Florence Stanley Players 13'01'-Ilouseevives' Gym Class IVIIAP Ni usic 8:15 IV INCA -Three Little Sachs WMSC-Story and Clarke Concert I1AItC-Singin' Sam. the Barbasol Sian IV 31 CA -M odor:: Living 9:30 I\" it N Y -NI i Lehr!' Schuster -tangoes %VOH Sherman Keene's Orchestra 11:00 A.M.-WEAF-WJZ-NBC-Walter Damrosch directing Wit Al'-,luhn Bond WJ Beautiful 'I'Imughts"-Alont- Z-" Music Appreciation Hour. 1 8:30 IV MCA -Edna Wallace Hopper gornory Ward Programs IVOIt-Round the Town with I)aveg:l- WPC II C tocers -Retail 3:15 P.M.-WJZ-NBC -Rochester Philharmonic Orches- S. .Jay Kaufman Guest Artist -Da- WA BC -Ton 's Serap Book -Conducted vega Dance Orchestra by Anthems W ons tra. 31,1Z-Srttitie ftrothors. Trade and Stark W 1'.AI'-"'I'hr. Locw Down" IVOV-Mmien: hiving 3:15 P.M.-WABC-CBS Talk. by Governor Ritchie II' A11(1 -it 1 arch of Timo {VCRS-Trio Royale -A of 8:45 IV MCA -Bob Stanley & Al. Vann rirr 13' MSG -Health (lints Maryland. W'.IZ-Sisters of the Skillet IV K N Y -Hellenic M usic "EAF-Our Daily Food -Col. Good- 4:45 P.M.-WABC-CBS WH IP-Susie ly -A & I' Program -Curtis Institute of Music. The Right `Vord-W. Curtis 9:00 IV M C A -Chevrolet Chronicles ;slnl Radio Log will be found on page 6 34 WEAF-The Cliquot Club -"Eskimo 'axles of Magnolia Night Club" -harry Resers' Or- truing Nlinstrela é chestra 'isle: Brooke -Concert Pianist IV1)i{-Concert Orchestra directed by t Playing Around" -Sketch Josef Pasternack-Huhfmann Ginger Kiddies Ale Program. Carlt.on's WJ Z -interwoven Pair -Billy .Jones and 1:15 IV EA IF -Larry Funk's Orchestra Waller 3 asset r: baritone W'I'('H-In the Land of tiro Midnight Ernie Mare Joseph Rubauorf: accompanist IV ABC -Regal Radio Reprod tic( ions- to 12 Noon Sun" -Gladys I'ot.ch First- and Last Si over nents from the Intpersouating famous stars II A BC -II of el `Taft. Orchestra Trio in E flat. rniejor for Piano, 1VO1'-AI etion 1'irture Boy 11'11 AI'-Ant'ricanus Topics Clarinet and 3'iota, KüChul No. 498, IVRN Y -Greenwich Village Inn Orchestra II' NI A NIuzart eke's Radio Column 1:30 C Luncheon Al usic, le 9:15 :Magazine II our Gordon -Soprano IVEAF-hotel New Yorker Orchestra A rid:cut Le II'AIIC-Liberty ins -Andrew Jergens' IVOIt Luncheon NI usic Allegretto 9:30 IV MCA -Madison Sc1nare Bouts 1V,JZ-Al ideiay St usiCule .Jennie Robinor: piano {V EAF-Pond's Dance Program :rattan] and Coughlin IVPCH-Don Bush and Virginia Osborne .Metals Collis: clarinet 1Y.IZ-Armour Program cute. 'Tenor IV A BC-liarcla v Orchestra AI ax Aruteoff: viola IV IIN-Bencze'a Hungarian Ensemble peeialties 1VPAP-Y.:v1. ('. A. V R N Y -('ontract Bridge 9:45 IV ABC Friendly Five Foot -Notes ant Opera W'OV-.I ack II ealy'sTrio IVOI'-The Singing Troubadour WH AP -Dr. Charles 1''ama eh Young -Columnist II'GIIS-Bruce Haig - Baritone {VGISS-The Krausemeyer Broadcasting ttishine Melodies 1:45 IVP'Cll-Highlights of Sport Station .I S. Copeland-Ster- IV I'AI' -Virginia Dare Campbell 5:00 WMCA-Sally Orchestra 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. 'rogram Piano and Sung 11'EAF-'1'Ite Lady Next Door :Os -'T. Atherton Dixon IV O 13S -Symphonic Rhythm WOK -The horsrnan Doll Program 10:00 W I:.AF-Silver Flute -'Pales of a Wan- is ti: ro V I' C 11 -Al onsicur Sakelo dering Gypsy Sakelo I1'RN Y-lle:tlth Talk WOIt-Fox Fur Trappers (Frank Parker cad Program -Julia (e 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. IVOV-Lyons and Lyons and Quartet) rank Cruntit IV GIBS -Van Dyck -Broadway Interlude WJZ-Paul Whiteman's Paint Men -Al- irles Armstrong- 5:05 WOIt-Fred Jiinslcy-Organ lied Quality Paint Group 2:00 W' M CA -Bide Dudley's Dramatic Re- Recital - WAR(' view Astor Program Pillsbury Pageant -Featuring -Orchestra. Toscita Seidel, Violinist; Theo antes W EA 141. S. .Army Band 5:13 WJZ-Musical Moments Iíarlo, Tenor; and Sam Latin's tan -Soprano 31'OR=1'170 Three R's (harmony Trio) III'C'II-Captain Joe Pillsbury Orchestra 11'J''-\1 rs. .1 titian 11 Bath - Food Talk {SRN Y -Temple Emanuel Service 'ram IVI'CII-Sweethearts of Ra4iol:utd IV0V-Gaby Itocquelle Soprano IV I1 N -Modern Detective Science I I nstitu Ye- With IVABC-Columbia Artist Recital WC:RS-I1 y Berry and his Orchestra 10:15 WOR-I l erbert's Diamond Entertain- 11nt:n(:1 ers -Neil Colden's Dance Orchestra Trio IV I'AP-Gladys Ilartrnan, Soprano 5:30 IV NI CA -The Quaker Puzzle Man W 11 N -Kay Fayre's Program IV I W L-Studio Program IVEA It' -Dorothy Connelly -Songs; nov- talk - Col. I1 C 13S -M arch ia Stewart, Organist ell y IVIIAP-List.ener:s' Letters ;raen Orchestra IVEA F-11 KO of Air 2:15 W'M(''A-Mirreg. Reflection: IV OR -Home Period. Jack Lait and 10:30 Theatre the tnd"-Natty IVEAF-Echoes of Erin -.toe White., the Guest Artists WJZ-('lava, Lit and Em; Colgate-Palm- "Silver Masked Tenor" -Songs In- W.IZ Old 1'appy olive Program 'stance Best strumental 'Trio 3VAIbC Uncle 011ie and his Are-mel WABC 'Palk by Football Coach it -Poetry 31'0Ií-I,iIling Lyrics -Vocal Trio Gang W MSG -Brandeis & Brown Program so IVJZ-Weather Reports IVO%' -Don Stevens' Orchestra and the 10:45 IVOR-Globe Trotter -N, Y. American 1111AP-Itutoll Gallery, Pianist 13all:ulier IV .IZ-Waves of Al elody and a Girl 5:45 1111 (IA -Red Devils with IVAIIC-Tito 0trizar 2:30 WMCA-Two Boys Junior Sntitlt IV BIN -Cosmopolitan Knights I'er- IVOK German Lessons WEAF-Rex Cole Mountaineers IV I' (III -The V adder Players IVOII -.Aeolian String 'l'rio 11:00 II' MC A- Richfield Golden Trail of IVA11(1-American School of the :Air 31'J1 -Little Orphan Annie- Wonder Melody W PAP -Peggy Carroll and Eve Rutllen- Program WEAF-\lariat Harris -Song Recital herg IV.1110-Football Forecasts 1\'Olt-\\"ill 4)al.la.red-Dance Orchestra W" (1135-11ino and 11er-a sketch IVJZ-Slumber 114 usic 2:45 1VMCA-.Macao Filman -Sport Chat r W ABC -I3clasCo and His Orchestra IVEAF-\Imo. (;ainsborg. Pianist 11'11N -tied Devil Stompers I1'OIt-Itieigely 11 nelson, 'Tenor II' MSG -Al a!jade Slcüratll 1V.1'í, -Mention Tabernacle Choir and 6 P.M.- to 8 P.M. Organ 11:15 W141 C A -Lane's Orchestra olice Report W'I'AI'-Grant Kelliher. Baritone WEAF -Vincent. Lopez and Ws Orchestra Appreciation Hour IVL WI -Marmot:l. Entertainers 0:00 IVNYC-Correct time; police report ' IV A BC -Street Singer .,u tirosch, Director I1' E A F-\Valdorf Astoria Orchestra W MSG -Slumber Al usic ,t hat to Eat and Why 3:00 IV NI CA- Sally Entertainers -C. IVOIt-tinclo Don 33' 131 (IA_lrlerr,rnice rl uston Goud iss 11 EAF'-\Vmitten's lta.dio Review 11:30 Richardson Orchestra 1VJZ-Raising ,luaior-W"heatena Serial IV Olt -\l non beams-elirocted by George W J''I-N BC Al usic Appreciation 11 our 11' O R- A nn -I Ensemble WAII(:-Dave Abrams Barn Orchestra Shack ley -Walter I)arnrusch. Director WPC II -M irror Reflections IV (:13 S-Tri:trlg ht Hour IVABC-Rhythm Kings -Novelty Or- IVABC-Four Eaton Iioys WIZ -,lack Denny and his Orchestra chestra 33'PAI'-Happy Fields and Sitlsical 6-15 IV N VC - 1'1'071(91 Songs IVA11(:-ISiltnutre Orchestra WPAP Fleming's Piccadilly Players Baehulors IV J'/. -Coon -Sanders Orchestra 11' M SO -Studio Presentation W'OV-NIaytime Music W'01' -News Flashes 11KN V -N. Y. Stock Quotations 11:45 IV A BC -Nocturne -Ann Leaf W G BS- Ir'lor It eruttn, blues singer 11'11111S-.1 A.swell, New Yorker 33'LIVL-"The Eyes have It" 12:00 IV MCA -Bide Dudley's 1)rantal is Re- W MS C-1 rving Hoffer -Lyric 'l'onur 3:1.5 11'.1Z -Rochester Philharmonic Or - 0:30 1V N Ye French Lessons view 11:05 WNYC-Retail Food I'rices IVEAF-Cab Calloway and his Orchestra chest ra 33ItAF-Hay Perkins. the Old Topper umbo IV II' ABC Ritchie 11' OR -.lourrt:tl 1V.IZ-11ose Col 11:15 PCH -G ertrud a Thomas -Blues -'('all:-Gov. of the Air WA BC Ben Bernie and his Orchestra WAltC-Blue Moonlight -Radio !tome - II I'CII-11erbent Weill and Ray Gold IV.1Z-Sundial Bonnie Ladellea IVIIN-Studio Presentation makers II CBS -Sympbionic Ithythni 1VAIt(I-John Kelvin -Irish Tenor IV C BS -Brooklyn Catholic Big Sisters IV 0V -De Santis 'Trio It 12:15 WMCA-Snooks Friedman IV N Y -I van Frank's Bavarian Or- W.1'!, Stoess his WMSG-Studio Presentation 3:30 IV M CA -In a Spanish Patio chestra -William and Orchestra 11:30 IV N Y C -Croydon 'Trio 1V,17. -The, Three Doctors -Russ Pratt,, WI, IV I. -Ancient Mariner 12:30 IVNICA-Sleepy Time Club WOR-Mrs. A. At. Goudiss-School of Ransom Sherman and .toe Rudolph, 11'(:BS- American NI lisle Ensemble W' EAF-Larry Funk and Orchestra . Cooking -Rumford Company Pro- songs and pa trier 6:45 W'E:IF-Swift Program -the Stebbins IVABC -Ship Inn Orchestra gram IVOIt-Danny II one's Orchestra Boys 1:00 \V31CA-\ illage Grove Nut Club WPCH-Organ Recital IVI'CII Stock Quotations W011 -Paul Gallico Sport Prediction - II AB(' -Roseland Ballroom Orchestra W ABC -Melody Parade IVA B C-Arth ur .1 arrett Mel villa Program 1:30 IVAI3C-Dave Abrams' Yarn Orchestra 15 AN OF TOYS !


More than an acre. There are 43,560 square feet in an acre and we have 50,000 square feet in our new Christmas Toy Department. That's enough territory for a full-fledged football gridiron, or 17 tennis courts. A lot of space, but then, there are a lot of toys. Last year we sold 1,000,000 toys at Christmas time. This year we expect to sell even more. All this in our new building-thousands of new toys-new eleva- tors to take you quickly-wide aisles so you can shop comfortably- the same gala atmosphere-in brand new quarters. A Department Store in Miniature We've divided the toys into a series of small shops just like a minia- ture department store. It will make shop- ping more exciting for the children and easier for the parents. See the Doll's Little Shop, The Baby Doll Layette Shop, the House - furnishing Shop, The Cowboy's Trading Post, the Pet Shop.

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