Notes from Lutheran Agendas 1523–1800

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Notes from Lutheran Agendas 1523–1800 Notes from Lutheran Agendas 1523–1800 Allstedt [ca. 1524] (Allstedt, [n.d.]) s [11/23/95] - semiofficial Müntzer, Thomas. Deutsch kirchen ampt. Vorordnet, aufzuheben den hinterlistigen deckel, unter welchem das liecht der welt vorhalten war, welchs jetzt widerümb erscheint, mit disen lobgesengen und götlichen psalmen, die do erbauen die zunemenden christenheit, nach gottis unwandelbaren willen, zum untergang aller prechtigen geperde der gottlosen. REPRINT: Smend 99–105; Sehling 1:472–97. Notes from Sehling. Consists entirely of propers in German for Matins (with Lauds) and Vespers for Advent, Christmas, Passiontide, Easter and Pentecost, all with musical notation (music not reprinted in Sehling). Allstedt 1524a (Eilenburg, 1524) s [11/23/95] - semiofficial Müntzer, Thomas. Ordnung und berechnunge des teutschen ampts zu Alstadt durch Tomam Müntzer, seelwarters im vorgangen osteren aufgericht. 1523. Alstedt 1524. Ordnung und rechenschaft des teutschen ampts zu Alstet durch die diener gottis neulich aufgericht. 1523. <Wolfenbüttel: K.151 (33) Helmst. || Yv 2269.8º Helmst. (2) (incomplete)> REPRINT: Sehling 1:504–507. Notes from Sehling. The entire liturgy is in German. This order not only specifies the parts of the liturgy, but explains them as well in words suited to the laity. First the entire psalm (which one?) is sung, as at the beginnings of Christianity. Then the Gemeine Beicht, then the "Eingang des ampts" (i.e., Introit). Then the Kyrie, then Gloria, then is sung "Der herre sei mit euch." "Und mit deinem geist." Then Collect. (p. 504) Then Epistle, Gradual and Alleluia. In place of the Prose or Sequence is sung the psalm "Miserere mei deus" in the tonus peregrinus. Then the Gospel. Entire chapters are read for the Epistle and Gospel, and they are sung ("Darumb singen wir auch in dem geheim gotes die epistel und das evangelion auf unser sprach..."). Then on Sundays and holy days the Creed is sung. Then the sermon, after which is sung "Nu bitten wir den heilgen geist." Then the Benedictus. Then the Preface is sung, then the Sanctus. Then the Verba are sung (p. 506) to the tone of the Preface. Then after the Elevation the Vater Unser is sung to the same tone: "Darumb last uns alle bitten, wie uns Jesus Christus, der warhaftig son gotis, hat geleret, sagende: Vater unser...," the people responding "Amen." Then there is silence, during which the priest partitions the sacrament for the communicants ("unter welcher zeit der priester der communicanten halben das sacrament teilet") and sings "Durch alle ewigkeit der ewigkeit" (the end of the Vater Unser), and the people answer "Amen." Then "Der fride des herren sei alzeit mit euch," the people answering "Und mit deinem geist." Then the people sing "O lamb gottes, wilchs du weg nimpst die sunder der welt etc." three times, ending with "Erbarme dich unser" the first two times and with "Gib uns deinen fride" the last time. Then the sacrament is distributed under both kinds. After the communion are the Thanksgiving and the Blessing. (p. 506) Justification for the mass in German follows, then orders for baptism, marriage, communion of the sick and burial. (p. 507) Allstedt 1524b (Allstedt, 1524) s [11/23/95] - semiofficial Müntzer, Thomas. Deutsch evangelisch messe, etwan durch die bepstischen pfaffen im latein zu grossem nachtheil des christen glaubens vor ein opfer gehandelt und itzt vorordent in dieser ferlichen zeit zu entdecken den greuel aller abgötterei durch solche missbreuche der messen lange zeit getrieben. Thomas Münzer. Alstedt 1524. REPRINT: Sehling 1:497–504; {Thomas Müntzer: Deutsche evangelische Messe 1524,} edited by Siegfried Bräuer (Berlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 1988) (Wolfenbüttel: MW 72–4530). Notes from Sehling. The mass in German, not with "unworthy little songs," but with the music of the Latin retained and translated into German. Certain Gesenge, such as the "Et in terra" or the Patrem, may be sung or omitted as desired. (p. 498) The book comprises orders for Advent, Christmas, Passiontide, Easter and Pentecost. Advent: Ps. 42 is spoken with all the people before the common confession. For the confession the Priester says "O milder gott vater, ich bekenne dir und deinem zarten sohne, Jesu Christ...." The people respond "Got sei dir gnedig, lere dich von tag zu tage, alle seines willens und werks uns zu gute warnemen mit thun und lassen." The priest says: "Amen. O gott, wende dich zu uns wie ein getreuer unterweiser," the people answering "Auf das wir, dein volk, mügen in dir frölich sein." Priest: "O herr, nicht uns, nicht uns." People: "Sundern gib den preis deinem namen." Priest: "Last uns bitten: O herr, nimm von uns unser missethat, das wir mit rechtschaffenem gemüt deiner heiligen göttlichen kraft mügen gewertig sein im gezeugnis zukünftiger wort durch Jesum Christum, unsern herrn. Amen." Then the Introit (notated with music; Sehling does not reprint the music) with Psalm verse. Then "Kyrie leyson, Christe leyson, kyrie leyson, kyrie leyson. Preis sei gott in der höe. Und den menschen auf erden frid eins guten willens...." (p. 499) [Music notation ends.] Then the priest: "Der herr sei mit euch." People: "Und mit deinem geist." Priest: "Last uns bitten. O milder gott" [continues with the Collect], the people answering: "Amen." Then the Epistle. [Music notation begins.] Then Alleluia with versicle. [Music notation ends.] Then the priest reads the Gospel: "Der herr sei mit euch," the people answering: "Und mit deinem geist." Then: "Die evangelion beschreibet der heilge Lucas," the people answering "Ehre sei dir, lieber herre." The Gospel is read. [Music notation begins.] Then the Creed: "Ich gleube in einen gott .... Und eine heilige christliche kirche ... Amen." Then: "O herr, zu dir hab ich erhaben meine sele; o gott, mein gott, auf dich vorlass ich mich und werd nit zu schanden, das mich meine feinde nicht bespotten, durch alle ewigkeit der ewigkeit. Amen." Then: "Der herre sei mit euch." "Und mit deinem geiste." "Unser herzen in die höe." "Haben wir zu dem herren." "Wir sagen dank dem herren, unserem gotte." "Es ist wirdig und ist recht." "Warlich, es ist billich und recht und ist heilsam, das wir dir, herr, o heiliger vater" [etc., continuing with the Preface and Sanctus]. Then the Verba: "Einen tag zuvorn, do Jesus wolte leiden, nam er das brot in seine heiligen hende..." (p. 500) Then "Dorumb last uns alle bitten, wie uns Jesus Christus, der sohn gotes, hat geleret, sagende: Vater unser, der du bist in himmeln.... sondern erlöse uns von übel. Amen. Durch alle ewigkeit der ewigkeit. Amen." Then "Der fride des herren sei allzeit mit euch." "Und mit deinem geist." "O lamp gotes, wilchs do tregt die sunde der welt, erbarm dich unser. O lamp gotes, wilchs do tregt die sunde der welt, gib uns deinen fride." [Music notation ends.] Then: "O herr gott, steh hart bei uns, das wir von unsern greulichen lastern mügen abzichtung thun, nach dem wir uns durch den geist Christi, deines sohnes, mit dir unwiderruflich vorbunden haben durch dis heilige zeichen seines zarten fleischs und teuren blutes, der mit dir lebet und regiret in einigkeit des heiligen geistes etc." [Music notation begins.] "Last uns gesegnen den herren." "Gott sei ewiglich dank." (p. 501) The masses for the other seasons are similar. One thing to note about this order is that the congregation has a number of responses assigned to it. Altenburg 1705 (Altenburg, 1705) s [8/5/93] - official(?) Agenda oder Kirchen-Ordnung, wie sich die Pfarrherren... im Fürstenthum Altenburg verhalten sollen. Cited in Graff 1:42. In the copy BerlinPS: Dr 16682 the pages of gathering `C" have been printed in the wrong order, reversing the position of C2 and C4 and creating the page sequence 17 22 23 20 21 18 19 24. Graff could not find this source. <BerlinPS: Dr 16682> Used at: BerlinPS: Dr 16682. {AGENDA,} | Oder | K\irchen=O\rdnung/ | Wie ôich Die | P\farrh\erren und S\eel= | ôorger in ihren A\embtern und | V\errichtungen/ | Jm | F\ürôtenthum A\ltenb\urg/ | verhalten ôollen. | [rule] | ALTENBURG/ | Bey Johann Gottfried Richtern/ F. S. Hof=Buchdr. | {Anno 1705.} %Size: 144 @ 107 mm. (A3^a) %Collation: 4º: A–2D^4; $1–3 signed (–A1 C2) %Pagination: 108 leaves: pp. {1–2} 3–216 (misnumbering 72 as 27) %Fingerprint: 1705 04 - b1 A2 ele : b2 2D3 ôtliche %Preface: ... `Datum 19. Sept. Anno 1536. Justus Jonas, D. Georg Spalatinus. Caspar Creutziger. Friedericus Myconius. Justus Menius. Johannes Weber." %Music: Our Father #2 (T4^b), Verba #1 (U1^a–U1^b) The orders for service are neatly laid out in list fashion on pp. 109–118. Saturday Vespers in cities when there are penitents: 3 boys kneel before the altar and sing "O du GOttes Lamm" &c. A penitential hymn is sung. (p. 109) The Prediger reads the exhortation to the penitents. "Schaffe in mir" is sung. The Litany is read by the Priester. "Verleih vns Frieden" is sung. The Priester says the Collect and Blessing. Several scholars intone "Benedicamus Domino," to which the entire choir responds "Deo dicamus gratias." Confession. Vespers before festivals: a hymn related to the festival is sung, a piece is musiciret, the Priester reads the Gospel for the festival, a piece is musiciret, the Litany is read, another piece is musiciret, the collect and Blessing are said, "Mit dem Deo dicamus &c. musicalisch beschlossen." (p. 110) Sundays and festivals in the early sermon: a hymn relating to the Gospel is sung, sermon, several verses from a hymn are sung, "oder nur auff der Orgel gespielet" [!], Collect and Blessing said, closed with "Mit GOtt sey uns gnädig" or several verses from another hymn. Amts-Predigt or Communion: the Kyrie is musiciret, Prediger intones "Gloria in excelsis Deo," "Allein Gott in der Höh," Collect sung before the altar, Epistle is read, a Choral-Gesang related to the sermon, the Gospel is read, "Musiciret," (p.
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    Alternative Services The Book of Alternative Services of the Anglican Church of Canada with the Revised Common Lectionary Anglican Book Centre Toronto, Canada Copyright © 1985 by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada ABC Publishing, Anglican Book Centre General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4Y 3G2 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher. Acknowledgements and copyrights appear on pages 925-928, which constitute a continuation of the copyright page. In the Proper of the Church Year (p. 262ff) the citations from the Revised Common Lectionary (Consultation on Common Texts, 1992) replace those from the Common Lectionary (1983). Fifteenth Printing with Revisions. Manufactured in Canada. Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Anglican Church of Canada. The book of alternative services of the Anglican Church of Canada. Authorized by the Thirtieth Session of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, 1983. Prepared by the Doctrine and Worship Committee of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. ISBN 978-0-919891-27-2 1. Anglican Church of Canada - Liturgy - Texts. I. Anglican Church of Canada. General Synod. II. Anglican Church of Canada. Doctrine and Worship Committee. III. Title. BX5616. A5 1985
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