

Agrégations externe et interne d’Anglais



présentée le 11 juin 2010 par Claire CHARLOT (Rennes 2) et Antoine CAPET (Rouen)/modifiée le 16 juin 2011 (quelques ajouts dans la section 3B], page 3)

Le signe [H] à la fin d’une référence indique que le livre est intéressant du point de vue historiographique.


1) HISTOIRES GENERALES DE LA PERIODE ***MARWICK (Arthur). The Deluge. British Society and the First World War. London, Bodley Head, 1965 (2nd ed. with a new preface by Joanna Bourke). Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. **MARWICK (Arthur). Britain in the Century of . War, Peace and Social Change, 1900- 1967 . London, Bodley Head, 1968. ***MOWAT (Charles Loch). Britain between the Wars, 1918-40 . London, Methuen, 1955, ix, 694p. ***O’DAY (Alan). The Edwardian Age. Conflict and Stability 1900-1914. London, Macmillan (Problems in Focus), 1979, 199p. **READ (Donald). Edwardian England. 1901-15 Society and Politics. London, Harrap, 1972, 288p. **SEARLE (G.R.). A New England? Peace and War 1886-1918 . (The New Oxford History of England). Oxford, OUP, 2004, 951p.

2) LE SYSTEME POLITIQUE BRITANNIQUE A] Ouvrages généraux **BEER (Samuel H.). Modern British Politics . London, Faber, 1965 (Faber Paperbacks, 1971 et seq.) BIAGINI (Eugenio F.), REID (Alastair J.), eds. Currents of . Popular Radicalism, Organised Labour and Party Politics in Britain, 1850-1914 . Cambridge, University Press, 1991, 307p. EMY (H.V.). Liberals, Radicals and Social Politics 1892-1914. Cambridge, University Press, 1973, 318p. *POWELL (David). British Politics, 1910-35. The Crisis of the Party System . London, Routledge, 2004, 223p. (retrace de façon intéressante l’impact de la guerre sur le système politique) **PUGH (Martin). The Making of Modern British Politics 1867-1945 . Oxford, Blackwell, 2002 3rd ed. (1982), 291p.

B] Elections TANNER (Duncan), ‘Class voting and radical politics : the Liberal and Labour parties, 1910-31’, in Jon LAWRENCE & Miles TAYLOR, eds. Party, State and Society. Electoral Behaviour in Britain since 1920 . Aldershot, Scolar, 1997: 106-30.


1906 BEALEY (Frank), ‘Negotiations between the Liberal Party and the Labour Representation Committee before the general election of 1906’. Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 29 (1956) 261-74. IRWIN (Douglas A.), ‘The political economy of : Voting in the British general election of 1906’. Journal of Law & Economics 37 (1994) 75-108. PACKER (Ian), ‘The great Liberal landslide: The 1906 General Election in perspective’. The Historian [London] 89 (2006): 8-16. RUSSELL (Alan Keith). Liberal Landslide. The General Election of 1906 . Newton Abbot, David & Charles, 1973, 260 p. 1910 **BLEWETT (Neal). The Peers, the Parties and the People: The General Elections of 1910. London, Macmillan, 1972, xi, 548 p. 1918 BALL (Stuart), ‘Asquith's decline and the general election of 1918’. Scottish Historical Review 61 (1982): 44-61. DOUGLAS (Roy), ‘The background to the “Coupon” election arrangements’. [1918] English Historical Review 86 (1971): 318-36. McEWEN (John M.), ‘The coupon election of 1918 and Unionist members of parliament’. Journal of Modern History 34/3 (1962): 294-306. McGILL (Barry), ‘Lloyd George’s timing of the 1918 election’. Journal of British Studies 14/1 (1974): 109-24. WILSON, Trevor ‘The Coupon and the British general election of 1918’. Journal of Modern History 36/1 (1964): 28-42. 1923 SELF (Robert C.), ‘Conservative reunion and the general election of 1923: A reassessment’. Twentieth Century British History 3 (1992) 249-73. SMART (Nick). ‘Debate: Baldwin's blunder? The General Election of 1923’. Twentieth Century British History 7 (1996) 110-39.

C] La réforme électorale LANG (Sean). Parliamentary Reform 1785-1928 . London, Routledge (Questions and Analysis in History), 1999, 198p. **PUGH (Martin). Electoral Reform in War and Peace 1906-1918. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978, 228p.

3) LE PARTI LIBERAL A] Le « nouveau Libéralisme » (et autres idéologies) BARKER (Rodney). Political Ideas in Modern Britain . In and After the 20th Century . London, 997, 352p. BELLAMY (Richard). and Modern Society. An Historical Argument . Cambridge, Polity Press, 1992, 310p. BENTLEY (Michael). The Liberal Mind, 1914-1929 . Cambridge (Cambridge studies in the history and theory of politics), University Press, 1977, viii, 279p. 3

BULLOCK (Alan), SHOCK (Maurice). The Liberal Tradition. From Fox to Keynes . London, Adam and Charles Black, 1956, 288p. CLARKE (P.F.). and the New Liberalism . Cambridge, CUP, 2007, 488p. [H revisionist] ECCLESHALL (Robert). British Liberalism. Liberal Thought from the 1640s to 1980s . Harlow, Longman, 1986, 255p. ECCLESHALL (Robert) et alia . Political Ideologies. An Introduction . London, Routledge, 2003 rev. ed. (1984), 252p. FREEDEN (M.). The New Liberalism: An Ideology of Social Reform . Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1978, 291p. FREEDEN (M.). Liberalism Divided. A Study in British Political Thought 1914-1939 . Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986, 399p. HOBHOUSE (L.T.). Liberalism and Other Writings . Cambridge, University Press (Cambridge texts in the history of political thought), 1994, 201p. (edited by James Meadowcroft) MATTHEW (Henry Colin Gray). The . The Ideas and Politics of a Post- Gladstonian Elite . Oxford, University Press, 1973, xvi, 331p.

B] Ouvrages portant spécifiquement sur le Parti libéral ** ADELMAN (Paul). The Decline of the Liberal Party 1910-1931 . Harlow, Longman (Seminar Studies in History), 1995 (2nd ed.), 101p. **AIKIN (Keith W.W.). The Last Years of Liberal England, 1900-14 . London, Collins, 1972, 160p. BENTLEY (Michael). The Climax of Liberal Politics. British Liberalism in Theory and Practice, 1868-1918 . London, Edward Arnold, 1987, xviii, 158p. BENTLEY (Michael), ‘The Liberal Party, 1900-1939. Summit and Descent’, in Christopher John WRIGLEY, ed. A Companion to Early Twentieth-Century Britain . Oxford, Blackwell (Companion to British History), 2003: 23-37. **BERNSTEIN (G.L.). Liberalism and Liberal Politics in Edwardian England . London, Allen and Unwin, 1986, 247p. ***CAPET (Antoine), dir. Le Parti libéral 1906-1924 . Actes du colloque international qui s’est tenu à Rouen en janvier 2011. Parution prévue à l’automne 2011 dans la revue de Rouen : CERCLES. ***CAPET (Antoine), MONACELLI (Martine). Le Parti libéral 1906-1924. Numéro concours de la Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique (RFCB), publication à l’automne 2011 (en préparation). Le numéro sera disponible aux Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle dès sa sortie. *COOK (Chris). A Short History of the Liberal Party 1900-1976 . London, Macmillan, 1976, 179p. (6th ed., 2002, 288p.). CROSS (Colin). The Liberals in Power (1905-1914) . London, Barrie & Rockliff, 1963, x, 198p. *DANGERFIELD (George). The Strange Death of Liberal England . London, MacGibbon and Kee, 1935, 364p. [premier ouvrage classique sur le Parti liberal mais très controversé. Couvre la période 1911-1914. ][H] ***DAVIS (Richard). The Liberal Party in Britain (1906-1924) . , P.U.F., 2010, 176p. DOUGLAS (Roy). The History of the Liberal Party 1895-1970 . London, 1971. *DUTTON (David). A History of the Liberal Party in the Twentieth Century . Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, 347p. KINNEAR (M.). The Fall of Lloyd George. The Political Crisis of 1922. London, Macmillan, 1973, 317p. 4

LANGAN (Mary), SCHWARZ (Bill), eds. Crises in the British State, 1880-1930 . London, Hutchinson, 1985, 288p. [H Marxist] LAYBOURN (Keith), REYNOLD (Jack). Liberalism and the Rise of Labour 1890-1918 . London, Croom Helm, 1984, 222p. LAYBOURN (Keith), ‘The rise of Labour and the decline of Liberalism. The State of the debate’. History 80 (1995): 207-26. MACHIN (George Ian Thomas). The Liberal Governments, 1905-1915 . Bangor, Headstart History, 1991, 58p. McCALLUM (P.B.). The Liberal Party from Grey to Asquith. London, Gollancz (the Men and Ideas Series), 1963. **MORGAN (Kenneth O.). The Age of Lloyd George: the Liberal Party and British Politics 1890- 1929 . London, George Allen and Unwin, 1978, 2 nd ed. (1971), 237p. [100 pages d’introduction générale et 100 pages de documents] ***ORAZI (Françoise) et VERVAECKE (Philippe). Le Parti libéral 1906-1924 . Paris, Atlande, 2010, 263p. ***PACKER (Ian). Liberal Government and Politics, 1905-15 . Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, vii, 241p. ROWLAND (Peter). The Last Liberal Governments (1) The Promised Land, 1905-1910 (2) Unfinished Business, 1911-14 . London, Barrie & Rockliff, 1968-1971, xviii, 404p. ***SEARLE (G.R.). The Liberal Party . Triumph and Disintegration, 1886-1929 . Basingstoke, Palgrave (British History in Perspective), 2001, 2 nd ed., 232p. [H] SYKES (Alan). The Rise and Fall of British Liberalism, 1776-1988 . London, Longman, 1997, vii, 316p. **THOMPSON (J.A.), ‘The historians and the decline of the Liberal Party’, Albion , 22 (1990), 65- 83. [H] TREGIDGA (Garry). The Liberal Party in South-West Britain since 1918. Political Decline, Dormancy and Rebirth . Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 2000, 271p. **WILSON (Trevor). The Downfall of the Liberal Party, 1914-1935 . London, Collins, 1966, 416p. [H]

C] Les querelles intestines ADAMS (Ralph James Q.), ‘Andrew and the fall of the Asquith coalition: The cabinet crisis’. Canadian Journal of History 32-2 (1997) 185-200. CLARKE (Peter), ‘Asquith and Lloyd George revisited’ in BEAN, J.M.W. (ed.), The Political Culture of Modern Britain : Studies in Memory of Stephen Koss . London : Hamish Hamilton, 1987: 149-64. COOK, C. (eds.) Crisis and Controversy: Essays in Honour of A.J.P.Taylor . London : Macmillan, 1976 : 66-89. DAVID (Edward). ‘The Liberal party divided, 1916-1918’. Historical Journal 13 (1970) : 509-32. FARR (Martin), "Squiff", "Lliar George", and "The McKennae" : The unpersuasive politics of personality in the Asquith Coalition, 1915-1916’. In Toye, Richard & Gottlieb, Julie V. (eds.), Making Reputations: Power, Persuasion and the Individual in Modern British Politics. International library of political studies. (London: I.B. Tauris, 2005): 29-41 FRASER (Peter), ‘British war policy and the crisis of Liberalism in May, 1915’. Journal of Modern History 54 (1982): 1-26. 5

FRY (Michael), ‘Political change in Britain, August 1914 to December 1916 : Lloyd George replaces Asquith : the issues underlying the drama’. Historical Journal 31 (1988): 609-27. HART (Michael). ‘The Liberals, the war and the franchise’. English Historical Review 97 (1982): 820-32. JONES, John Graham. ‘Lloyd George, Asquith and “the conspiracy myth”: Some new evidence’. National Library of Journal 28 (1993): 219-27. **KINNEAR (Michael). The Fall of Lloyd George. The Political Crisis of 1922 . London, Macmillan, 1973. xv, 317 p. KOSS (Stephen E.), ‘Asquith versus Lloyd George : The last phase and beyond’. In SKED, A. & McEWEN (John M.), ‘The press and the fall of Asquith’. Historical Journal 21 (1978): 863-83. McEWEN (John M.), ‘The struggle for mastery in Britain: Lloyd George versus Asquith, December 1916’. Journal of British Studies 18/1 (1978): 131-56.McEWEN (John M.), ‘Lloyd George’s Liberal supporters in December 1916. A note’ . Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 52 (1980): 265-72. McGILL (Barry). ‘Asquith’s predicament, 1914-18’. Journal of Modern History 39/3 (1967): 283- 303. MORGAN (Kenneth Owen), ‘Lloyd George’s stage army : The coalition Liberals, 1918-22, in Alan John Percival TAYLOR, ed. Lloyd George : Twelve Essays . London, Hamish Hamilton, 1971: 225- 54. ***MORGAN (Kenneth Owen). Consensus and Disunity: The Lloyd George Coalition Government, 1918-1922. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1979 (Reissue, 1986). ix, 436 p. PUGH, Martin. ‘Asquith, Bonar Law and the first coalition’. Historical Journal 17/4 (1974): 813-36. SCALLY (Robert James). The Origins of the Lloyd George Coalition: The Politics of Social- Imperialism, 1900-1918 . Princeton : University Press, 1975. xii, 416 p. SEARLE (Geoffrey Russell), ‘A.J. Balfour’s secret coalition talks memorandum, 1910’. Historical Research 66 (1993): 222-29. TURNER (John), ‘British politics and the Great War’, in John TURNER, ed. Britain and the First World War . London, Unwin Hyman, 1988: 117-138. YEARWOOD, Peter J. & HAZLEHURST, C. ‘“The affairs of a distant dependency”: The Nigeria debate and the Premiership, 1916’. Twentieth Century British History 12/4 (2001): 397-431.

4) LES AUTRES PARTIS POLITIQUES A] Le Parti travailliste ADELMAN (Paul). The Rise of the Labour Party, 1880-1945. Harlow, Pearson, 1996 (1972), 3rd. ed. BROWN (Kenneth D.), ed. Essays in Anti-Labour History. Responses to the Rise of Labour in Britain . London, Macmillan, 1974, 409p. BROWN (Kenneth D.), ed. The First Labour Party , 1906-1914 . 1985. COWLING (Maurice). The Impact of Labour, 1920-1924. The beginning of Modern British Politics. Cambridge, University Press, 1971, ix, 570p. McBRIAR (A.M.). Fabian Socialism and English Politics, 1884-1918 . Cambridge, University Press, 1962, x, 387p. ***McKIBBIN (Ross). The Evolution of the Labour Party 1910-1924 . Oxford, OUP, 1974, 261p. **PELLING (H.). A Short History of the Labour Party . London, Macmillan, 1960, (with Alastair J. Reid, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 (12th revised edition), 224p.) PELLING (H.). The Challenge of Socialism . A. and C. Black, 1954. POIRIER (P.P.). The Advent of the Labour Party . London, Allen and Unwin, 1958. 6

PUGH (Martin). Speak for Britain! A New History of the Labour Party . London, The Bodley Head, 2010, 464p. ***TANNER (Duncan). Political Change and the Labour Party 1900-1918 . Cambridge, CUP, 2002 (1990), 504p. TANNER (D.), THANE (P.), TIRATSOO (N.). Labour’s First Century. Cambridge, University Press, 2000, 418p. THORPE (Andrew). A History of the British Labour Party . Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, 3rd ed. (1997), 393p. WILLIAMS (Francis). Fifty Years’ March. The Rise of the Labour Party. London, Odhams, no date, 384p. WRIGLEY (Christopher John). Lloyd George and the British Labour Movement. Peace and War . Hassocks, Harvester, 1976, 298p. WRIGLEY (Christopher John). Lloyd George and the Challenge of Labour. The Post-War Coalition 1918-1922 . Hemel Hempstead, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990, 224p.

B] Le Parti conservateur CHARMLEY (John). A History of Conservative Politics since 1830 . Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, 304p. GREEN (E.H.H.). The Crisis of Conservatism. The Politics, Economics and Ideology of the British Conservative Party 1880-1914 . London, Routledge, 1996 (1995), 412p.

C] Le Parti communiste KENDALL (Walter). The Revolutionary Movement in Britain 1900-21. The Origins of British Communism . London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969, 453p.

ENJEUX ET CONTROVERSES 5) LES REFORMES ECONOMIQUES ET SOCIALES A] La protection sociale BRUCE (M.). The Coming of the State . London, Batsford, 1965. FREEDEN (Michael). The New Liberalism. An Ideology of Social Reform . Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1978, 291p. ***GILBERT (Bentley B.). The Evolution of National Insurance in Britain. The Origins of the . London, Michael Joseph, 1966, 497p GOODMAN (Dave). No Thanks to Lloyd George. How the Pension was won. The Forgotten Story. Foreword by . London, Third Age Press, 1998, 94p. HAY (J.R.). The Origins of the , 1906-1914 . Prepared for the Economic History Society by J.R. Hay. Studies in Economic and Social History. London, Macmillan, 1975 (2 nd ed. 1983), 78p. HENNOCK (Ernest Peter). British Social Reform and German Precedents. The Case of Social Insurance, 1880-1914 . Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987, vi, 243p. Stroud, Sutton, 1998 (1990), 222p. LAYBOURN (Keith). Britain on the Breadline. A Social and Political History of Britain 1918-1939 . Stroud, Sutton, 1998 (1990), 222p. BRUCE (M.). The Coming of the Welfare State . Batsford, 1965 GILBERT (B.B.). The Evolution of National Insurance in Great Britain . London, Michael Joseph, 1966. HAY (J.R.). The Origins of the Liberal Welfare Reforms 1906-1914 . London, 1975. 7

SEAMAN (R.D.H.), ed. The Liberals and the Welfare State . E. Arnold, 1968, 64p.

B] L’Education DEAN (Dennis W.), ‘H.A.L. Fisher, reconstruction and the development of the 1918 Education Act’. British Journal of Educational Studies 18 (1970): 259-76. DEAN (Dennis W.), ‘The dilemmas of an academic liberal historian in Lloyd George's government: H.A.L. Fisher at the Board of Education, 1916-1922’. History 79 (1994): 57-81. **SHERINGTON (Geoffrey). English Education, Social Change and War, 1911-1920. Manchester, University Press, 1981, xiii, 194p. WARD (L.O.), ‘H.A.L. Fisher and the teachers’. British Journal of Educational Studies 22 (1974): 191-9.

6) LES CRISES a) Les enjeux constitutionnels A] Le pouvoir de la Chambre des lords et la crise 1909-1911 ADONIS (Andrew). Making Aristocracy Work. The Peerage and the Political System in Britain 1884-1914 . Oxford, OUP, 1993, 328p. **JENKINS (Roy Harris). Mr. Balfour's Poodle. An Account of the Struggle between the and the Government of Mr. Asquith. London, Collins, 1968 (1954 Heinemann), 320 p. **GRIGG (John). Lloyd George: the People’s Champion 1902-1911 . Harmondsworth, Penguin, 2002, 400p. LEE (Geoffroy). The People’s Budget. An Edwardian Tragedy. London, Foundation, 1996, 80p. *MURRAY (B.K.). The People’s Budget 1909-10 . Lloyd George and Liberal Politics . Oxford, Clarendon, 1980, 362p. VERVAECKE, Philippe. ‘John Bull’s Adventures in the Fiscal Wonderland : Rhétorique graphique et propagande politique dans la controverse fiscale 1903-1910’. Revue LISA 1/1 (2003) : 24-41.

B] L’élargissement du féminin et masculin *BOUSSAHBA-BRAVARD (Myriam), ed. Suffrage Outside Suffragism: Women’s Vote in Britain, 1880-1914 . Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 256p. **MORGAN (David). Suffragists and Liberals. The Politics of Woman Suffrage in Britain. Oxford, Blackwell, 1979, new ed. (1975), 184p. MUSOLF (Karen J.). From to Parliament: A Rhetorical History of Nancy Astor’s 1919 Campaign . Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1999. xi, 244 p.PUGH (Martin), ‘The limits of liberalism: Liberals and women's suffrage, 1867-1914, in Eugenio F. BIAGINI, ed. Citizenship and Community: Liberals, Radicals and Collective Identities in the British Isles, 1865-1931 . Cambridge, University Press, 1996: 45-65. *PUGH (Martin). The March of the Women. A Revisionist Analysis of the Campaign for Women’s Suffrage, 1866-1914 . Oxford, OUP, 2002 (2000), new ed., 320p. PUGH (Martin). The Pankhursts. The History of One Radical Family . London, Allen Lane, 2001, 560p. PURVIS (June). . A Biography . London, Routledge (Women’s and Gender History), 2003 paperback (2002), 480p. **SMITH (Harold). The British Women’s Suffrage Campaign 1866-1928 . Harlow, Longman, Seminar Studies in History, 2009, 2 nd ed. (1998), 160p. VELLACOTT (Jo). From Liberal to Labour with Women’s Suffrage. The Story of Catherine Marshall . , McGill-Queens University Press, 1993, 518p. 8

WALKER (Linda), ‘Party political women: A comparative study of Liberal women and the Primrose League, 1890-1914’. In Jane RENDALL. Equal or different: Women's Politics 1800-1914 . Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1987: 165-191, 270-75. WALKER (Linda), ‘Gender, Suffrage and Party: Liberal Women's Organisations 1880-1914’, in Boussahba-Bravard (Myriam), ed. Suffrage outside Suffragism: Women's Vote in Britain, 1880-1914 . Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007: 77-102. b) Les enjeux sociopolitiques **McKIBBIN (Ross). Classes and Cultures. England 1918-1951 . Oxford, University Press, 2000 (1998), 568p.

C] Parti libéral et Non-conformisme BEBBINGTON (David William). The . Chapel and Politics, 1870-1914. London, Allen and Unwin, 1982, x, 193p. DOYLE (Barry M.), ‘Temperance and modernity: The impact of local experience on rank and file Liberal attitude towards alcohol’. [1907-1912] Journal of Regional and Local Studies 16 (1996): 1- GLASER, J.F. ‘English Nonconformity and the decline of Liberalism’. American Historical Review 63/2 (1958): 352-63.PACKER, Ian. ‘Religion and the New Liberalism: The Rowntree family, Quakerism, and social reform’. [1900-1914] Journal of British Studies 42/2 (2003): 236-57. RICHARDS, N.J. ‘The Education Bill of 1906 and the decline of political nonconformity’. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 23/1 (1972): 49-63 RICHARDS, N.J. ‘British nonconformity and the Liberal Party 1868-1906’. Journal of Religious History 9 (1977): 387-401.

D] The Land Question CROSS (J.A.), ‘The Ministry of Land, 1914 version’. Public Administration 43/2 (1965): 215-20. NEILSON (Francis), ‘The land values movement in Great Britain’. American Journal of Economics & Sociology 18/3 (1959): 225-42 **PACKER (Ian). Lloyd George, Liberalism and the Land. The Land Issue and Party Politics in England , 1906-1914 . Woodbridge, Boydell for the Royal Historical Society, 2001, xii, 222p. TICHELAR (Mike), ‘Socialists, Labour and the land: The response of the Labour Party to the land campaign of Lloyd George before the First World War’. Twentieth Century British History 8 (1997): 127-44. READMAN (Paul A.), ‘The Edwardian Land Question’. In Cragoe, Matthew & Readman, Paul A. (eds.), The Land Question in Britain, 1750-1950 . Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010: 181-200.

E] Les scandales politiques et la corruption D’AVIGDOR-GOLDSMID, Henry. ‘The Little Marconi case’. History Today 14 (1964) 283-6 [Bullion scandal, 1912.] DONALDSON, Frances. The . London, R. Hart-Davis, 1962. 304 p. FRASER, Peter. ‘The British “shells scandal” of 1915’. Canadian Journal of History 18/1 (1983): 69-86. GILBERT, B.B. ‘ and the great Marconi scandal’. Historical Research 62 (1989): 295-317. SEARLE (G.R.). Corruption in British Politics, 1895-1930 . Oxford, Clarendon, 1987, xii, 448p.

F] Les questions économiques GOLLIN (Alfred). Balfour’s Burden. London, 1965. *HOWE (Anthony). Free Trade and Liberal England, 1846-1946 . Oxford, University Press, 1997, xii, 336p. SYKES (Alan). Tariff Reform in British Politics, 1903-1913. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1979, ix, 352p 9

G] La question d’Irlande BOYCE (David George), ‘How to settle the Irish question : Lloyd George and Ireland, 1916-21’. In TAYLOR, Alan John Percivale (ed.), Lloyd George: Twelve Essays . London, Hamish Hamilton, 1971: 137-64. FANNING (R.), ‘The Irish policy of Asquith's government and the Cabinet crisis of 1910’. In COSGROVE, Art & McCARTNEY, Donal (eds.), Studies in Irish History presented to R. Dudley Edwards . , University College Dublin, 1979: 279-303. *JALLAND (Patricia). The Liberals and Ireland: The Ulster Question in British Politics to 1914 . Brighton, Harvester Press, 1980, 303p. McEWEN (John M.), ‘The Liberal Party and the Irish Question during the First World War’. Journal of British Studies 12/1 (1972): 109-31. *MANSERGH (Nicholas). Ireland in the Age of Reform and Revolution . London, Unwin, 1940 (Second Edition. The Irish Question, 1840-1921: A Commentary on Anglo-Irish Relations and on social and political Forces in Ireland in the Age of Reform and Revolution . London, Unwin University Books, 1965, 316 p. Third Edition. London, Allen & Unwin, 1975. 341 p.) MORGAN (Kenneth Owen), ‘Lloyd George and the Irish’, in Lord BLAKE, ed. Ireland after the Union : Proceedings of the second joint meeting of the Royal Irish Academy and the British Academy, London 1986 . Oxford, Published for the British Academy by the , 1989: 83-103.

H] Les relations avec les syndicats BROWN (Phelps), ed. The Growth of British Industrial Relations. A Study from the Standpoint of 1906-14 . London, St Martin’s Press, 1959, 414p. *CLEGG (H.A.), FOX (A.), THOMPSON (A.F.). A History of British Trade Unions since 1889 . Vol. I 1889-1910. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1964, + Vol. II 1911-1933. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1985, 619p. GREGORY (Roy). The Miners and British Politics, 1906-14 . Oxford, University Press, 1968, xi, 207p. HOWKINS, Alun. ‘Edwardian liberalism and industrial unrest’. History Workshop 4 (1977): 143-62. MARTIN (Ross M.). TUC. The Growth of a Pressure Group 1868-1976 . Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1980, xiii, 294p. MORGAN (J.). Conflict and Order. The Police and Labour Disputes in England and Wales 1900- 1939 . Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987, 298p. *PELLING (H.). A History of British Trade Unionism . London, Macmillan, 1970 (1963), 370p. REID (Alastair J.). United We Stand. A History of British Trade Unions. London, Allen Lane, 2004, 470p. SIRES (R.V.), ‘Labor unrest in England, 1910-1914’. Journal of Economic History 15 (1955): 246- 66. THOMPSON (James). ‘The genesis of the 1906 Trades Disputes Act: Liberalism, trade unions, and the law’. Twentieth Century British History 9 (1998): 175-200.

7) LES LIBERAUX ET LA GUERRE A] La politique étrangère GRAYSON (Richard S.). Liberals, International Relations and . The Liberal Party, 1919-1939. London, Cass, 2001, xiii, 202p. ROSE (Inbal A.). Conservatism and Foreign Policy during the Lloyd George Coalition, 1918- 1922. London, Cass, 1999, xxix, 289p.

B] Les controverses 10

ADAMS (Ralph James Q.) & POIRIER (Philip P.). The Controversy in Great Britain, 1900-18 . Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1987, xviii, 295 p. ELLSWORTH-JONES, Will. We Will Not Fight. The Untold Story of the First World War's Conscientious Objectors . London, Aurum Press, 2008, 296 p. HAYES, Denis. Conscription Conflict: The Conflict of Ideas in the Struggle for and against Military Conscription in Britain between 1901 and 1939 . Introduction by . London, Sheppard Press, 1949, 408 p. JOHNSON (Matthew). ‘The Liberal War Committee and the Liberal advocacy of conscription in Britain, 1914-1916’. Historical Journal 51/2 (2008): 399-420. JONES, John Graham, ‘Lloyd George, W. Llewelyn Williams M.P. and the 1916 Conscription Bill’. National Library of Wales Journal 31/2 (1999): 173-88. KENNEDY (Thomas C.). The Hound of Conscience: A History of the No-Conscription Fellowship, 1914-1919 . Fayetteville, University of Arkansas Press, 1981, ix, 322 p. THOMIS (Malcolm I.), ‘Conscription and consent: British Labour and the resignation threat of January 1916’. Australian Journal of Politics & History 23/1 (1977), 10-18.


8) LEADERS POLITIQUES ET PERSONNALITES **LAYBOURN (Keith). Fifty Key Figures in Twentieth-century British Politics . London, Routledge, 2002, 238p.

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*GILBERT, Martin. Winston S. Churchill . Official Biography, vol. 4: 1917-1922 . London, Heinemann, 1975. xvi, 967 p. ( World in Torment: Winston S. Churchill 1917-1922 . London, Minerva, 1990) [Companion volumes, Documents: 1917-1922. By Martin Gilbert. London, Heinemann, 1977. 3 vol . xxiii, 2165 p.] GRIGG, John. ‘Churchill and Lloyd George’. In Blake, Robert Norman William, (Baron Blake) & Louis, William Roger (eds.), Churchill (Oxford, University Press, 1993): 97-112. HAZLEHURST, Cameron. ‘Churchill as social reformer: The Liberal phase’. Historical Studies: Australia & New Zealand 17 (1976): 84-92. HILL, Malcolm. Churchill: The Radical Decade, 1901-1911 . London, Othila, 1999, 143 p. HOWARD, Michael. ‘Churchill and the First World War’. In Blake, Robert Norman William, (Baron Blake) & Louis, William Roger (eds.), Churchill (Oxford, University Press, 1993): 129-46. JAMES, Robert Rhodes. Churchill: A Study in Failure, 1900-1939 . London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1970. MASTERMAN, Lucy. ‘Churchill : The Liberal phase’. History Today 14/11 (1964): 741-7. SIRES R.V. ‘Winston Churchill and the Liberals’. The Historian [Albuquerque] 20/4 (1958): 415-27 WHITE, C.W. ‘The Labour Exchange Bill: Churchill as social reformer’. Studies in History and Politics 1 (1980): 11-27.

E] Others MacDonald MORGAN (Kevin). Ramsay MacDonald . London, Haus Publishing, 2006, 157p. Baldwin HYDE (H. Montgomery). Baldwin. The Unexpected Prime Minister . St Albans, Hart- Davis/McGibbon, 1973, 616p. PERKINS (Anne). Baldwin . London, Haus Publishing, 2006, 170p. WILLIAMSON (Philip). . Cambridge, University Press, 1999, 378p. Balfour ADAMS (R.J.Q.). Balfour. The Last Grandee . London, John Murray, 2007, 496p. GREEN (Ewen). Balfour . London, Haus Publishing, 2006, 160p. Bonar Law ADAMS (R.J.Q.). Bonar Law . Stanford, University Press, 1999, 476p. BLAKE (Robert). The Unknown Prime Minister. The Life and Times of Andrew Bonar Law 1858- 1923 . London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1955, 556p. TAYLOR (Andrew). Bonar Law . London, Haus Publishing, 2006, 170p. - Beveridge *HARRIS, Jose. : A Biography . Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1977. 488 p. (Second Edition, 1997. x, 511 p.) [Notamment son action de 1906 à 1911 : chapitres 6 à 9 dans l’édition de 1977 ; 7 à 9 dans celle de 1997] - Fisher JUDGE, Harry. ‘H.A.L. Fisher : Scholar and minister’. Oxford Review of Education 32/1 (2006): 5- 21. - Keynes *MOGGRIDGE, D.E. Maynard Keynes : An Economist's Biography . London: Routledge, 1992, 941 p. (chapitres 7-16 sur The Economic Consequences of the Peace ). 15


9) Dictionnaires et répertoires

BRACK (Duncan) & BAINES (Malcolm), eds. Dictionary of Liberal Biography . London, Politico's, 1998, xiii, 413 p.

BRACK (Duncan) & INGHAM (Robert), eds. Dictionary of Liberal Quotations [1815-1999]. London, Politico's, 1999, xi, 208 p. BRACK (Duncan) & LITTLE (Tony), eds. Great Liberal Speeches . London, Politico's, 2001, xxxv, 457 p. ***DALE, Iain (ed.) Liberal Party General Election Manifestos 1900-1997. Introduction by Duncan Brack. London, Routledge, 2000, vii, 370 p. Site Keele : http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/por/ukbase.htm#elections

10) Guides vers les sources

DONNELLY, Sue. ‘Liberal Party archives at the BLPES’ [The British Library of Political and Economic Science, LSE]. Journal of Liberal Democrat History 16 (1997): 14-15 JONES, John Graham. ‘Letters from ’. National Library of Wales Journal 29 (1995): 101-8. JONES, John Graham. ‘Liberal party archives at the National Library of Wales’. Journal of Liberal Democrat History 26 (2000): 26-31.

11) Sources primaires

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ASQUITH, H.H. Speeches by the Rt. Hon. H.H. Asquith from his first Appointment as a Minister of the Crown in 1892 to his Accession to the Office of Prime Minister, April 1908 . London: , 1908. iv, 335p (‘Selected and reprinted from the Times ’). ASQUITH, H.H. Speeches by the Earl of Oxford and Asquith . London, Hutchinson, 1928, 320 p. BRACK, Duncan & INGHAM, Robert (eds.) Dictionary of Liberal Quotations [1815-1999]. London, Politico's, 1999, xi, 208 p. BRACK, Duncan (ed.) & LITTLE, Tony (ed.). Great Liberal Speeches . London, Politico's, 2001, xxxv, 457 p. CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN, Henry. Speeches by the Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman from his Election as Leader of the Liberal Party to his Resignation of Office as Prime Minister, 1899-1908. London, The Times, 1908. iv, 278 p. (‘Selected and reprinted from the Times ’). **CHURCHILL, Winston. The People’s Rights . Selected from his Lancashire and other recent Speeches. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1910, vi. 152 (Reprinted with a new introduction by Cameron Hazlehurst. London, Cape, 1970, 191 p.) EVANS, . Old Age Pensions Act, 1908 . With notes, together with the statutory Regulations and official Circulars issued by the Local Government Boards of England, Scotland, and 16

Ireland, and financial Instructions of the Treasury. Introduction by the Right Hon. D. Lloyd-George. London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1908, x, 224 p. FISHER, H.A.L. Educational Reform: Speeches delivered by the Right Hon. H.A.L. Fisher . Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1918, xvi, 101 p. LLOYD GEORGE, David. ‘Old-Age Pensioners Bill: Order for second reading read’ [1908]. In Goodin, Robert E. & Mitchell, Deborah (eds.), The Foundations of the Welfare State , vol. 2 (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2000): 91-101. LLOYD GEORGE, David. The People’s Budget: Explained by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, The Right Hon. David Lloyd George. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1909, xi, 196 p. (‘Consists of extracts from House of Commons speeches explaining and defending the provisions of the budget introduced on April 29 th , 1909’). Mémoires et carnets

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ADDISON, Christopher. Politics from within, 1911-1918: Including some Records of a great national Effort. London, H. Jenkins, 1924, 2 vol. Herbert Henry Asquith (1 st Earl of Oxford and Asquith, 1852-1928) ASQUITH, H.H. Fifty Years of Parliament . By the Earl of Oxford and Asquith. London, Cassell, 1926. 2 vol. viii, 272 + vi, 270 p. ASQUITH, H.H. Memories and Reflections, 1852-1927 . By the Earl of Oxford and Asquith. London, Cassell, 1928. 2 vol. xvii, 283 + vii, 288 p. née Asquith (Baroness Asquith of Yarnbury, 1887-1969)

BONHAM CARTER, Mark & POTTLE, Mark (eds.) Lantern Slides: The Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter, 1904-1914. London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1996, 480 p. (Paperback, Phenix, 1997). POTTLE, Mark (ed.) Champion redoubtable: The Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter, 1914- 1945. London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1998, xxx, 418 p.

Lord Beaverbrook ( Aitken, William Maxwell. Baron Beaverbrook, 1879-1964)

AITKEN, William Maxwell (1 st Baron Beaverbrook). Politicians and the War, 1914-1916 . London, Thornton, Butterworth, 1928-1932. 2 vol. (Second Edition in one volume. London: Collins, 1960). 556p.

AITKEN, William Maxwell (1 st Baron Beaverbrook). Men and Power, 1917-1918 . London, Hutchinson, 1956. (Revised. London, Collins, 1956). xlii, 447 p.

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Lloyd George , David (1 st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor, 1863-1945)

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***LLOYD GEORGE, David. War Memoirs of David Lloyd George . 6 vol. (Vol.1: 1914-1915 . Vol.2: 1915-1916 . Vol.3: 1916-1917 . Vol.4: 1917 . Vol.5: 1917-1918 . Vol.6: 1918 . 3 531 p.) London, Nicholson & Watson, 1933-1936. (Reissue. New York : AMS, 1982. New Edition. 2 vol. London, Odhams Press, 1938. xix-1,068 + xxiv-1,069 p.)

 Commentaires :

EGERTON, George W. ‘The Lloyd George war memoirs: A study in the politics of memory’. Journal of Modern History 60 (1988), 55-94.

JONES, J. Graham. ‘The Lloyd George war memoirs’. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion 14 (2008): 127-43. WILSON, Trevor. ‘A Prime Minister reflects: The War Memoirs of David Lloyd George’. In Moses, John Anthony & Pugsley, Christopher (eds.), The German Empire and Britain's Pacific 1871-1919 : Essays on the Role of Australia and New Zealand in World Politics in the Age of Imperialism (Claremont (California): Regina, 2000): 37-52.

Sutherland , William, Sir (1880-1949)

Sutherland, William (ed.). Nineteen sixteen-nineteen twenty: The Lloyd George Coalition in War and Peace . With an introduction by Sir William Sutherland MP. London, L.J. Gooding, 1920, xii, 183.