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Explore the Index Index Compiled by the Author Abdul Hamid, Sultan of Turkey: I88, Admiralty, the: Churchill becomes First 3I7 Lord of (I911), I; his policy at, 2; Aboukir (British cruiser): torpedoed (22 conference (25 July I9I4) postponed, Sept I9I4), 8s-6; loss of, a cause of 4-5; communique about Fleet con­ criticism of Churchill, I43, I84-5, 532 centration issued from, 7; defensive Abruzzi, Duke of: commands Italian preparations of (27 July I914), 8; navy, 423 further preparations of (29July I9I4), Achi Baba (Gallipoli Peninsula): Hamil­ 11; Staff meeting at (30 July I9I4), ton decides to land south of, 393; 13; relations with War Office, 2I, 36, Hamilton's army fails to reach sum­ 226; visit ofF. E. Smith and Sir Max mit of (25-26 April I9I5), 407; Aitken to (I Aug I9I4), 24; urged by Hamilton confident that his forces Manchester Guardian to 'trust the will reach, in May, 4I I, 4I3; renewed people', 38; confident of ability to offensive towards (6--g May I9IS), prevent invasion, 57; purchases flying •4-14; remains in Turkish hands (May boats from United States (Nov 1914), I9IS), 4I5, 431; Churchill learns of 66; conference on aircraft production failure of ships' fire against, 687; at (I6 Sept I914), 8o; Courtoflnquiry MAPS, 403, 519 on sinking of Aboukir, Cressy and Hogue, Achnasheen (Ross and Cromarty): 85-6; rubber manufacturers sum­ mystery of a searchlight at, 82-3 moned to, 86; 'without a head', 1 17; Adamant (British submarine Depot Ship): tries to reassure War Office that a Fisher wants returned to home waters German invasion can be successfully from Dardanelles (28 March I9I5), challenged, I 39; special intelligence 378 branch set up at (8 Nov 1914), I 79; Adana (Turkey): possible area of post­ merchant shipping policy of criticized war Italian influence, 244; MAP, 838 by Bonar Law (Feb 19I5), 282-4; Addison, Dr Christopher: Churchill intercepts German messages about clashes with (Sept I9IS), 540; records shortage of ammunition at the Dar­ breakfast discussion between Lloyd danelfes, 337; Fisher in charge of, George, Churchill and Reading (I during Churchill's absence in France Aug I916), 797; becomes Minister of (6-10 May I915), 4I9; Churchill Munitions (Dec I9I6), 822 learns that he must leave (I 7 May Adeane, Henry Robert Augustus: killed I915), 447; Churchill appeals to in action, 228 Asquith to allow him to stay at (20 Aden: American consul at, drowned at May I915), 458; Churchill's last day sea, 688n at (26 May I9IS), 470; Churchill Admiral Farragut (British monitor): to go speech (5 June I9I5) defending his to Dardanelles (I2 May I9IS), 423; work at, 488-9I; and the origin of the at the Dardanelles (Nov I9IS), 687 tank, 536-8; Churchill sees possibility aa5 886 INDEX Admiralty, the-continued Adrianople (Turkey)-continued of returning to (Dec 1915), 622; tion of peace with Turkey, 3I5; Churchill criticizes 'feeble pace ' of, Churchill proposes cutting of railway under Balfour (Feb 1916), 662; Chur­ between Constantinople and, 323, chill criticizes Balfour's administration 544; MAPS, 545, 838, 840 of (March 1916), 716-22; and the Adriatic Sea: approaches watched by proposed publication of the Dar­ British ships, 26; French blockade of, danelles documents (June I9I6), 784; 46; Hankey proposes Serbian port on, Churchill urges greater efforts in new 230; proposed British naval action in, naval construction upon (July I9I6), 252-3, 255; Austrian submarines in, 797; Carson becomes First Lord of 272; Italy wants control of Austrian (Dec I9I6), 823 coastline of, 395; Churchill suggests Admiralty Board: Churchill informs of submarine net across the mouth of, anti-aircraft and anti-airship needs, 471; MAPS, 29, 842 66; Captain Richmond critical of, Adventure (British light cruiser): takes I r o; Asquith not very trustful of, I I 7; Churchill to Dunkirk, 92 Churchill alleged to be overruling Advertiser, The (Dundee): on Churchill's advice of, I44; Asquith describes as 'highest good humour' ( r8 May I915), 'incapable of initiative' under Prince 454-5 Louis, I 51-2 ; Churchill urges Balfour Aegean Sea: Goeben reaches, 4I; Graeco­ to bring Fisher back to (March 19I6), Turkish rivalry in, I9I; Turkish 721-2 torpedo boat prevented from entering Admiralty War Group: composition (27 Sept I9I4), 2I2; British troops of (Nov 19I4), I85-6; summoned being assembled in, 304; fear of Ger­ to discuss possible attack on man submarines in, 390; MAPs, 29, 235, Dardanelles (3 Jan 19I5), 233; 545. 8g8, 840, 842 examines Churchill's plan for a North Afghanistan: probable effect of a British Sea offensive (4Jan I9I5), 236; plans victory at the Dardanelles on, 349; Dardanelles attack with battleships possibility of Turkish activity in, 686 surplus to J ellicoe's fleet, 249; discusses Mrica: Churchill wants greater use of (12 Jan 1915) Carden's proposals for troops from (May I9I6), 772-3, 794 attack on Dardanelles, 250; Dar­ Agadir (Morocco): crisis at (1911), r, danelles plans examined by, 255; dis­ 6g, 114, 462 cusses (II March I9I5) Sir H. Jack­ Agamemnon: Churchill seen as casting son's appeal for troops to participate himself in the heroic role of, I 32 in Dardanelles attack, 336-7; dis­ Agamemnon (British battleship): to go to cusses Hamilton-de Robeck decision Dardanelles, 249n, 266; at Dardanelles, to postpone second naval attack until goo, 331; needing repair, 379; Chur­ 14April I9I5, 364;Churchillholds back chill rejects Fisher's attempt to impose Dardanelles reinforcement proposals restrictions on de Robeck's use of, from,untilFishercanapprovethem,437 388; Fisher recalls that despatch of, to Adrianople (Turkey) : Churchill wants Dardanelles was his own idea, 394; Grey to offer, to Bulgaria, 2 Io-II; MAP (I8 March I9I5), 353 Turks sending troops against Russia Agincourt, battle of ( I4I5): Churchill from, 232; railway to (from Constan­ believes 'glories of' revived in 19I4, tinople), exposed to attack by sea, I4I 249; Lloyd George suggests joint Ahwaz (Persia): Government of India Anglo-Bulgarian attack on, 273; Chur­ occupies oilfields near (Nov I9I4), hill wants the surrender of, as a condi- 221. MAP, 839 INDEX Air Board: see Air Department Aitken, Sir William Maxwell-continued Air Department (or Air Ministry, or Air Igr6), Boo; and Lloyd George's emer­ Board): Churchill proposes establish­ gence as Prime Minister (Dec r g I 6), ment of (June 1915), 501; Churchill 8Ig, 821-2 wishes he had been appointed to, 686; Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen, Germany): Churchill tantalized by possibility of Churchill proposes air raid on (25 appointment to, 6go; the Observer Sept 1914), gi advocates Churchill's appointment to Akaba (Turkey): Admiral Slade advises (Feb 1916), 702-3; Curzon said to be naval action against (3 I Oct I9I4), the future head of (Feb 1916), 705; 215; Minerva sails to, 216; British Billing asserts need for, in House of naval bombardment of, 217, 219; MAP, Commons (March 1gr6), 744; Chur­ 838 chill speaks on, in House of Commons Albania: 230; Italy wants control over, (17May 1916), 763, 767-7o;Churchill 395; MAPS, 235, 545, 842 attends meeting of, 777; Lloyd George Albert Ballin (B. Huldermann): quoted, and the suggestion of Churchill as on Churchill and the coming of war, 5 head of (Dec 1916), 822 Albert, King of the Belgians: and the Aircraft Manufacturing Company: defence of Antwerp (Oct 1914), 104, Churchill buys American flying boats 106-7, II3, II6, 125, 65on from, 66n Albion (British battleship) : on way to Air Ministry (possibility of) : see Air Dardanelles, 265; at Dardanelles, 331, Department 361n; at Gallipoli landings (25 April Aisne, River (France): British troops to 1915), 405; MAP (18 March 1915), 353 move from (Sept 1914), 8r; MAP, 54 Aleppo (Turkey): 344; Kitchener advo­ Aitken, Allan Anderson: joins Royal cates annexation of (I6 March I9I5), Naval Division, 48 349; MAP, 839 Aitken, Sir William Maxwell: and pos­ Alexandretta (Turkey): possibility of sible Coalition on eve of war, 13; plays feints at, 200; Turkish gunboats Bridge at Admiralty (1 Aug 1914), 24- reported proceeding from (28 Oct 5; seeks place for brother in Royal 1914), 214; British sailors blow up Naval Division, 48; quotes Asquith railway trains and stores at (I8-21 letter critical of Churchill (22 Sept Dec I914), 222-3, 233, 279; Fisher I9I4), go; Churchill defends visits to wants feint at, 234; Fisher approves France to, 425n; recalls Churchill's capture of, 245; French desire for, mood of I 8 May I g I 5, 455; takes letter 266; French naval command extended from Churchill to Bonar Law (2I May to, 267; and possibility of British I9I5), 463n; and Churchill's departure seizure of, 267-8; Asquith and Kit­ for the front (Nov I9I5), 57 I; Chur­ chener favour annexation of, 332; chill moves into St Orner headquarters Lloyd George prepared, to give to of (Dec I9I5), 620, 627; Churchill France to avoid a quarrel, 333; urges his wife to keep in touch with Kitchener prefers to Palestine for Bonar Law through, 688, 750; Lloyd ultimate British control, 344; Hankey George, Bonar Law, F. E. Smith and critical of failure to have a feint at, ChurchillmeetatStOmerheadquarters during Dardanelles attack, 345; Kit­ of, 6g7; advises Churchill to stay in chener advocates annexation of (16 London and criticize the Government March I g I 5), 349; proposed extension (March 19I6), 734, 744; Churchill ofBritish sovereignty from Persian Gulf complains to, about Bonar Law's to, 509; Kitehener proposes an attack 'personal' attacks in Parliament (Aug on (Nov 1914), 6o2; MAPs, 235, 838 888 INDEX Alexandria (Egypt): Turkish gunboats Antwerp (Belgium)-continued to be intercepted at, 2I5;
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    REVIEWS 1945–51. 6 Letter from the late Sir Leonard over the Balkans was brewing, 4 Letter dated 27 January Smith to reviewer dated 1 Febru- he was at the centre of a London 1948 from Clement Davies to ary 1986. Society scandal. At a party on A. P. Wadsworth, Editor Manches- 7 Interview with the late Phyllis Pres- ter Guardian. Guardian Archives, ton by the reviewer, 17 November a boat on the Thames he had John Rylands Library, University of 1988. offered Diana Manners (later to Manchester. 8 Manchester Guardian, 9 April become Diana Cooper, wife of 5 Liverpool Daily Post, 13 February 1953. Duff Cooper) £10 to persuade 1950. 9 The Economist, 23 April 1955. a mutual friend to jump in the river. When both the friend and a member of the party who had tried to rescue him drowned, ‘Why was I born at this time … to know Raymond showed little remorse, and in what seemed like a cover- more dead than living people?’ up avoided having to give evi- dence at the subsequent inquest. Colin Clifford: The Asquiths (John Murray, 2002) The book also sheds light on Reviewed by Iain Sharpe the difficult relationship between Margot Asquith and her step- daughter Violet. Both wanted he political fortunes of parliamentary seat. The Liberal to be the centre of attention and the Asquith family were Party collapsed, although Lloyd tried to upstage the other. For destroyed by the First George continued to head a example, Margot disapproved of T Violet’s ‘deathbed betrothal’ to World War. In the summer Conservative-dominated coali- of 1914, H.
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