Index Compiled by the Author Abdul Hamid, Sultan of Turkey: I88, Admiralty, the: Churchill becomes First 3I7 Lord of (I911), I; his policy at, 2; Aboukir (British cruiser): torpedoed (22 conference (25 July I9I4) postponed, Sept I9I4), 8s-6; loss of, a cause of 4-5; communique about Fleet con­ criticism of Churchill, I43, I84-5, 532 centration issued from, 7; defensive Abruzzi, Duke of: commands Italian preparations of (27 July I914), 8; navy, 423 further preparations of (29July I9I4), Achi Baba (Gallipoli Peninsula): Hamil­ 11; Staff meeting at (30 July I9I4), ton decides to land south of, 393; 13; relations with War Office, 2I, 36, Hamilton's army fails to reach sum­ 226; visit ofF. E. Smith and Sir Max mit of (25-26 April I9I5), 407; Aitken to (I Aug I9I4), 24; urged by Hamilton confident that his forces Manchester Guardian to 'trust the will reach, in May, 4I I, 4I3; renewed people', 38; confident of ability to offensive towards (6--g May I9IS), prevent invasion, 57; purchases flying •4-14; remains in Turkish hands (May boats from United States (Nov 1914), I9IS), 4I5, 431; Churchill learns of 66; conference on aircraft production failure of ships' fire against, 687; at (I6 Sept I914), 8o; Courtoflnquiry MAPS, 403, 519 on sinking of Aboukir, Cressy and Hogue, Achnasheen (Ross and Cromarty): 85-6; rubber manufacturers sum­ mystery of a searchlight at, 82-3 moned to, 86; 'without a head', 1 17; Adamant (British submarine Depot Ship): tries to reassure War Office that a Fisher wants returned to home waters German invasion can be successfully from Dardanelles (28 March I9I5), challenged, I 39; special intelligence 378 branch set up at (8 Nov 1914), I 79; Adana (Turkey): possible area of post­ merchant shipping policy of criticized war Italian influence, 244; MAP, 838 by Bonar Law (Feb 19I5), 282-4; Addison, Dr Christopher: Churchill intercepts German messages about clashes with (Sept I9IS), 540; records shortage of ammunition at the Dar­ breakfast discussion between Lloyd danelfes, 337; Fisher in charge of, George, Churchill and Reading (I during Churchill's absence in France Aug I916), 797; becomes Minister of (6-10 May I915), 4I9; Churchill Munitions (Dec I9I6), 822 learns that he must leave (I 7 May Adeane, Henry Robert Augustus: killed I915), 447; Churchill appeals to in action, 228 Asquith to allow him to stay at (20 Aden: American consul at, drowned at May I915), 458; Churchill's last day sea, 688n at (26 May I9IS), 470; Churchill Admiral Farragut (British monitor): to go speech (5 June I9I5) defending his to Dardanelles (I2 May I9IS), 423; work at, 488-9I; and the origin of the at the Dardanelles (Nov I9IS), 687 tank, 536-8; Churchill sees possibility aa5 886 INDEX Admiralty, the-continued Adrianople (Turkey)-continued of returning to (Dec 1915), 622; tion of peace with Turkey, 3I5; Churchill criticizes 'feeble pace ' of, Churchill proposes cutting of railway under Balfour (Feb 1916), 662; Chur­ between Constantinople and, 323, chill criticizes Balfour's administration 544; MAPS, 545, 838, 840 of (March 1916), 716-22; and the Adriatic Sea: approaches watched by proposed publication of the Dar­ British ships, 26; French blockade of, danelles documents (June I9I6), 784; 46; Hankey proposes Serbian port on, Churchill urges greater efforts in new 230; proposed British naval action in, naval construction upon (July I9I6), 252-3, 255; Austrian submarines in, 797; Carson becomes First Lord of 272; Italy wants control of Austrian (Dec I9I6), 823 coastline of, 395; Churchill suggests Admiralty Board: Churchill informs of submarine net across the mouth of, anti-aircraft and anti-airship needs, 471; MAPS, 29, 842 66; Captain Richmond critical of, Adventure (British light cruiser): takes I r o; Asquith not very trustful of, I I 7; Churchill to Dunkirk, 92 Churchill alleged to be overruling Advertiser, The (Dundee): on Churchill's advice of, I44; Asquith describes as 'highest good humour' ( r8 May I915), 'incapable of initiative' under Prince 454-5 Louis, I 51-2 ; Churchill urges Balfour Aegean Sea: Goeben reaches, 4I; Graeco­ to bring Fisher back to (March 19I6), Turkish rivalry in, I9I; Turkish 721-2 torpedo boat prevented from entering Admiralty War Group: composition (27 Sept I9I4), 2I2; British troops of (Nov 19I4), I85-6; summoned being assembled in, 304; fear of Ger­ to discuss possible attack on man submarines in, 390; MAPs, 29, 235, Dardanelles (3 Jan 19I5), 233; 545. 8g8, 840, 842 examines Churchill's plan for a North Afghanistan: probable effect of a British Sea offensive (4Jan I9I5), 236; plans victory at the Dardanelles on, 349; Dardanelles attack with battleships possibility of Turkish activity in, 686 surplus to J ellicoe's fleet, 249; discusses Mrica: Churchill wants greater use of (12 Jan 1915) Carden's proposals for troops from (May I9I6), 772-3, 794 attack on Dardanelles, 250; Dar­ Agadir (Morocco): crisis at (1911), r, danelles plans examined by, 255; dis­ 6g, 114, 462 cusses (II March I9I5) Sir H. Jack­ Agamemnon: Churchill seen as casting son's appeal for troops to participate himself in the heroic role of, I 32 in Dardanelles attack, 336-7; dis­ Agamemnon (British battleship): to go to cusses Hamilton-de Robeck decision Dardanelles, 249n, 266; at Dardanelles, to postpone second naval attack until goo, 331; needing repair, 379; Chur­ 14April I9I5, 364;Churchillholds back chill rejects Fisher's attempt to impose Dardanelles reinforcement proposals restrictions on de Robeck's use of, from,untilFishercanapprovethem,437 388; Fisher recalls that despatch of, to Adrianople (Turkey) : Churchill wants Dardanelles was his own idea, 394; Grey to offer, to Bulgaria, 2 Io-II; MAP (I8 March I9I5), 353 Turks sending troops against Russia Agincourt, battle of ( I4I5): Churchill from, 232; railway to (from Constan­ believes 'glories of' revived in 19I4, tinople), exposed to attack by sea, I4I 249; Lloyd George suggests joint Ahwaz (Persia): Government of India Anglo-Bulgarian attack on, 273; Chur­ occupies oilfields near (Nov I9I4), hill wants the surrender of, as a condi- 221. MAP, 839 INDEX Air Board: see Air Department Aitken, Sir William Maxwell-continued Air Department (or Air Ministry, or Air Igr6), Boo; and Lloyd George's emer­ Board): Churchill proposes establish­ gence as Prime Minister (Dec r g I 6), ment of (June 1915), 501; Churchill 8Ig, 821-2 wishes he had been appointed to, 686; Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen, Germany): Churchill tantalized by possibility of Churchill proposes air raid on (25 appointment to, 6go; the Observer Sept 1914), gi advocates Churchill's appointment to Akaba (Turkey): Admiral Slade advises (Feb 1916), 702-3; Curzon said to be naval action against (3 I Oct I9I4), the future head of (Feb 1916), 705; 215; Minerva sails to, 216; British Billing asserts need for, in House of naval bombardment of, 217, 219; MAP, Commons (March 1gr6), 744; Chur­ 838 chill speaks on, in House of Commons Albania: 230; Italy wants control over, (17May 1916), 763, 767-7o;Churchill 395; MAPS, 235, 545, 842 attends meeting of, 777; Lloyd George Albert Ballin (B. Huldermann): quoted, and the suggestion of Churchill as on Churchill and the coming of war, 5 head of (Dec 1916), 822 Albert, King of the Belgians: and the Aircraft Manufacturing Company: defence of Antwerp (Oct 1914), 104, Churchill buys American flying boats 106-7, II3, II6, 125, 65on from, 66n Albion (British battleship) : on way to Air Ministry (possibility of) : see Air Dardanelles, 265; at Dardanelles, 331, Department 361n; at Gallipoli landings (25 April Aisne, River (France): British troops to 1915), 405; MAP (18 March 1915), 353 move from (Sept 1914), 8r; MAP, 54 Aleppo (Turkey): 344; Kitchener advo­ Aitken, Allan Anderson: joins Royal cates annexation of (I6 March I9I5), Naval Division, 48 349; MAP, 839 Aitken, Sir William Maxwell: and pos­ Alexandretta (Turkey): possibility of sible Coalition on eve of war, 13; plays feints at, 200; Turkish gunboats Bridge at Admiralty (1 Aug 1914), 24- reported proceeding from (28 Oct 5; seeks place for brother in Royal 1914), 214; British sailors blow up Naval Division, 48; quotes Asquith railway trains and stores at (I8-21 letter critical of Churchill (22 Sept Dec I914), 222-3, 233, 279; Fisher I9I4), go; Churchill defends visits to wants feint at, 234; Fisher approves France to, 425n; recalls Churchill's capture of, 245; French desire for, mood of I 8 May I g I 5, 455; takes letter 266; French naval command extended from Churchill to Bonar Law (2I May to, 267; and possibility of British I9I5), 463n; and Churchill's departure seizure of, 267-8; Asquith and Kit­ for the front (Nov I9I5), 57 I; Chur­ chener favour annexation of, 332; chill moves into St Orner headquarters Lloyd George prepared, to give to of (Dec I9I5), 620, 627; Churchill France to avoid a quarrel, 333; urges his wife to keep in touch with Kitchener prefers to Palestine for Bonar Law through, 688, 750; Lloyd ultimate British control, 344; Hankey George, Bonar Law, F. E. Smith and critical of failure to have a feint at, ChurchillmeetatStOmerheadquarters during Dardanelles attack, 345; Kit­ of, 6g7; advises Churchill to stay in chener advocates annexation of (16 London and criticize the Government March I g I 5), 349; proposed extension (March 19I6), 734, 744; Churchill ofBritish sovereignty from Persian Gulf complains to, about Bonar Law's to, 509; Kitehener proposes an attack 'personal' attacks in Parliament (Aug on (Nov 1914), 6o2; MAPs, 235, 838 888 INDEX Alexandria (Egypt): Turkish gunboats Antwerp (Belgium)-continued to be intercepted at, 2I5;
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