1 Agrégations externe et interne d’Anglais LE PARTI LIBERAL EN GRANDE-BRETAGNE, 1906-1924 BIBLIOGRAPHIE SELECTIVE présentée le 11 juin 2010 par Claire CHARLOT (Rennes 2) et Antoine CAPET (Rouen)/modifiée le 16 juin 2011 (quelques ajouts dans la section 3B], page 3) Le signe [H] à la fin d’une référence indique que le livre est intéressant du point de vue historiographique. LA RECOMPOSITION DU PAYSAGE POLITIQUE 1) HISTOIRES GENERALES DE LA PERIODE ***MARWICK (Arthur). The Deluge. British Society and the First World War. London, Bodley Head, 1965 (2nd ed. with a new preface by Joanna Bourke). Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. **MARWICK (Arthur). Britain in the Century of Total War. War, Peace and Social Change, 1900- 1967 . London, Bodley Head, 1968. ***MOWAT (Charles Loch). Britain between the Wars, 1918-40 . London, Methuen, 1955, ix, 694p. ***O’DAY (Alan). The Edwardian Age. Conflict and Stability 1900-1914. London, Macmillan (Problems in Focus), 1979, 199p. **READ (Donald). Edwardian England. 1901-15 Society and Politics. London, Harrap, 1972, 288p. **SEARLE (G.R.). A New England? Peace and War 1886-1918 . (The New Oxford History of England). Oxford, OUP, 2004, 951p. 2) LE SYSTEME POLITIQUE BRITANNIQUE A] Ouvrages généraux **BEER (Samuel H.). Modern British Politics . London, Faber, 1965 (Faber Paperbacks, 1971 et seq.) BIAGINI (Eugenio F.), REID (Alastair J.), eds. Currents of Radicalism. Popular Radicalism, Organised Labour and Party Politics in Britain, 1850-1914 . Cambridge, University Press, 1991, 307p. EMY (H.V.). Liberals, Radicals and Social Politics 1892-1914. Cambridge, University Press, 1973, 318p. *POWELL (David). British Politics, 1910-35. The Crisis of the Party System . London, Routledge, 2004, 223p. (retrace de façon intéressante l’impact de la guerre sur le système politique) **PUGH (Martin). The Making of Modern British Politics 1867-1945 . Oxford, Blackwell, 2002 3rd ed. (1982), 291p. B] Elections TANNER (Duncan), ‘Class voting and radical politics : the Liberal and Labour parties, 1910-31’, in Jon LAWRENCE & Miles TAYLOR, eds. Party, State and Society. Electoral Behaviour in Britain since 1920 . Aldershot, Scolar, 1997: 106-30. 2 1906 BEALEY (Frank), ‘Negotiations between the Liberal Party and the Labour Representation Committee before the general election of 1906’. Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 29 (1956) 261-74. IRWIN (Douglas A.), ‘The political economy of free trade: Voting in the British general election of 1906’. Journal of Law & Economics 37 (1994) 75-108. PACKER (Ian), ‘The great Liberal landslide: The 1906 General Election in perspective’. The Historian [London] 89 (2006): 8-16. RUSSELL (Alan Keith). Liberal Landslide. The General Election of 1906 . Newton Abbot, David & Charles, 1973, 260 p. 1910 **BLEWETT (Neal). The Peers, the Parties and the People: The General Elections of 1910. London, Macmillan, 1972, xi, 548 p. 1918 BALL (Stuart), ‘Asquith's decline and the general election of 1918’. Scottish Historical Review 61 (1982): 44-61. DOUGLAS (Roy), ‘The background to the “Coupon” election arrangements’. [1918] English Historical Review 86 (1971): 318-36. McEWEN (John M.), ‘The coupon election of 1918 and Unionist members of parliament’. Journal of Modern History 34/3 (1962): 294-306. McGILL (Barry), ‘Lloyd George’s timing of the 1918 election’. Journal of British Studies 14/1 (1974): 109-24. WILSON, Trevor ‘The Coupon and the British general election of 1918’. Journal of Modern History 36/1 (1964): 28-42. 1923 SELF (Robert C.), ‘Conservative reunion and the general election of 1923: A reassessment’. Twentieth Century British History 3 (1992) 249-73. SMART (Nick). ‘Debate: Baldwin's blunder? The General Election of 1923’. Twentieth Century British History 7 (1996) 110-39. C] La réforme électorale LANG (Sean). Parliamentary Reform 1785-1928 . London, Routledge (Questions and Analysis in History), 1999, 198p. **PUGH (Martin). Electoral Reform in War and Peace 1906-1918. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978, 228p. 3) LE PARTI LIBERAL A] Le « nouveau Libéralisme » (et autres idéologies) BARKER (Rodney). Political Ideas in Modern Britain . In and After the 20th Century . London, 997, 352p. BELLAMY (Richard). Liberalism and Modern Society. An Historical Argument . Cambridge, Polity Press, 1992, 310p. BENTLEY (Michael). The Liberal Mind, 1914-1929 . Cambridge (Cambridge studies in the history and theory of politics), University Press, 1977, viii, 279p. 3 BULLOCK (Alan), SHOCK (Maurice). The Liberal Tradition. From Fox to Keynes . London, Adam and Charles Black, 1956, 288p. CLARKE (P.F.). Lancashire and the New Liberalism . Cambridge, CUP, 2007, 488p. [H revisionist] ECCLESHALL (Robert). British Liberalism. Liberal Thought from the 1640s to 1980s . Harlow, Longman, 1986, 255p. ECCLESHALL (Robert) et alia . Political Ideologies. An Introduction . London, Routledge, 2003 rev. ed. (1984), 252p. FREEDEN (M.). The New Liberalism: An Ideology of Social Reform . Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1978, 291p. FREEDEN (M.). Liberalism Divided. A Study in British Political Thought 1914-1939 . Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986, 399p. HOBHOUSE (L.T.). Liberalism and Other Writings . Cambridge, University Press (Cambridge texts in the history of political thought), 1994, 201p. (edited by James Meadowcroft) MATTHEW (Henry Colin Gray). The Liberal Imperialists. The Ideas and Politics of a Post- Gladstonian Elite . Oxford, University Press, 1973, xvi, 331p. B] Ouvrages portant spécifiquement sur le Parti libéral ** ADELMAN (Paul). The Decline of the Liberal Party 1910-1931 . Harlow, Longman (Seminar Studies in History), 1995 (2nd ed.), 101p. **AIKIN (Keith W.W.). The Last Years of Liberal England, 1900-14 . London, Collins, 1972, 160p. BENTLEY (Michael). The Climax of Liberal Politics. British Liberalism in Theory and Practice, 1868-1918 . London, Edward Arnold, 1987, xviii, 158p. BENTLEY (Michael), ‘The Liberal Party, 1900-1939. Summit and Descent’, in Christopher John WRIGLEY, ed. A Companion to Early Twentieth-Century Britain . Oxford, Blackwell (Companion to British History), 2003: 23-37. **BERNSTEIN (G.L.). Liberalism and Liberal Politics in Edwardian England . London, Allen and Unwin, 1986, 247p. ***CAPET (Antoine), dir. Le Parti libéral 1906-1924 . Actes du colloque international qui s’est tenu à Rouen en janvier 2011. Parution prévue à l’automne 2011 dans la revue de Rouen : CERCLES. ***CAPET (Antoine), MONACELLI (Martine). Le Parti libéral 1906-1924. Numéro concours de la Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique (RFCB), publication à l’automne 2011 (en préparation). Le numéro sera disponible aux Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle dès sa sortie. *COOK (Chris). A Short History of the Liberal Party 1900-1976 . London, Macmillan, 1976, 179p. (6th ed., 2002, 288p.). CROSS (Colin). The Liberals in Power (1905-1914) . London, Barrie & Rockliff, 1963, x, 198p. *DANGERFIELD (George). The Strange Death of Liberal England . London, MacGibbon and Kee, 1935, 364p. [premier ouvrage classique sur le Parti liberal mais très controversé. Couvre la période 1911-1914. ][H] ***DAVIS (Richard). The Liberal Party in Britain (1906-1924) . Paris, P.U.F., 2010, 176p. DOUGLAS (Roy). The History of the Liberal Party 1895-1970 . London, 1971. *DUTTON (David). A History of the Liberal Party in the Twentieth Century . Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, 347p. KINNEAR (M.). The Fall of Lloyd George. The Political Crisis of 1922. London, Macmillan, 1973, 317p. 4 LANGAN (Mary), SCHWARZ (Bill), eds. Crises in the British State, 1880-1930 . London, Hutchinson, 1985, 288p. [H Marxist] LAYBOURN (Keith), REYNOLD (Jack). Liberalism and the Rise of Labour 1890-1918 . London, Croom Helm, 1984, 222p. LAYBOURN (Keith), ‘The rise of Labour and the decline of Liberalism. The State of the debate’. History 80 (1995): 207-26. MACHIN (George Ian Thomas). The Liberal Governments, 1905-1915 . Bangor, Headstart History, 1991, 58p. McCALLUM (P.B.). The Liberal Party from Grey to Asquith. London, Gollancz (the Men and Ideas Series), 1963. **MORGAN (Kenneth O.). The Age of Lloyd George: the Liberal Party and British Politics 1890- 1929 . London, George Allen and Unwin, 1978, 2 nd ed. (1971), 237p. [100 pages d’introduction générale et 100 pages de documents] ***ORAZI (Françoise) et VERVAECKE (Philippe). Le Parti libéral 1906-1924 . Paris, Atlande, 2010, 263p. ***PACKER (Ian). Liberal Government and Politics, 1905-15 . Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, vii, 241p. ROWLAND (Peter). The Last Liberal Governments (1) The Promised Land, 1905-1910 (2) Unfinished Business, 1911-14 . London, Barrie & Rockliff, 1968-1971, xviii, 404p. ***SEARLE (G.R.). The Liberal Party . Triumph and Disintegration, 1886-1929 . Basingstoke, Palgrave (British History in Perspective), 2001, 2 nd ed., 232p. [H] SYKES (Alan). The Rise and Fall of British Liberalism, 1776-1988 . London, Longman, 1997, vii, 316p. **THOMPSON (J.A.), ‘The historians and the decline of the Liberal Party’, Albion , 22 (1990), 65- 83. [H] TREGIDGA (Garry). The Liberal Party in South-West Britain since 1918. Political Decline, Dormancy and Rebirth . Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 2000, 271p. **WILSON (Trevor). The Downfall of the Liberal Party, 1914-1935 . London, Collins, 1966, 416p. [H] C] Les querelles intestines ADAMS (Ralph James Q.), ‘Andrew Bonar Law and the fall of the Asquith coalition: The December 1916 cabinet crisis’. Canadian Journal of History 32-2 (1997) 185-200. CLARKE (Peter), ‘Asquith and Lloyd George revisited’ in BEAN, J.M.W. (ed.), The Political Culture of Modern Britain
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