Assocpatlon of SOCIETIES for GROWING Australlan PLANTS
ISSN 0818 - 335X March, 1996 ASSOCPATlON OF SOCIETIES FOR GROWING AUSTRALlAN PLANTS THE AUSTRALIAN DAISY STUDY-GROUP NEWSLETTER NO. 44 rr CONTENTS Office Bearers 1 Planning for next major project 2 Species or forms new to members: 3-5 Bmchyscome microcarpa (Yamba, NSW) Esma Salkin 3 Olearia astmloba - an addendum Esma Salkin 4 Angianthus tomentosus Judy Barker 4-5 Response to NL~43 Barbara Buchanan 56 An addendum on colour Close look at Rhodanfhe sp. from Balladonia Julie Strudwick B. nivalis 1 B. tadgellii - a conundrum Daisies in Tenigal (NSW) Bruce Wallace Observations on Asteraceae I Proteaceae Members' reports - Jeff Irons, Irene Cullen, Pat Tratt, Colin Jones, June Rogers, Gloria Thomlinson, Beth McRobert, Hazel Gulbransen, Doll Stanley, Ngaire Turner, Syd and Sylvia Oats, Pat Shaw. Brachyscome aff. cuneifolia Members' news - congratulations, 'Snippets', welcome to new members, future events, Leadef s (Derrinallurn) x 112 letter, new members, financial report (1994-1 995) OFFICE BEARERS Leader: Judy Barker, 9 Widford Sireet, East Hawthorn, 3123. Tel(03) 9813 2916, Fax (03) 9813 1195. Treasurer: Bev Courtney, 3 Burswood Close, Frankston, 31 99. Conservation Officer (including ADSG Herbarium Curator and Provenance Seed Co-ordinator): Esrna Salkin, 38 Pinewood Drive, Mount Waverley, 3149. Tel(03) 9802 621 3. Expeditions Organisers: Esrna Salkin, Joy Greig, 10 Stanfield Court, Glen Waverley, 3150, Tel. (03) 9802 5990. Displays Organiser: Maureen Schaurnann, 88 Albany Drive, Mulgrave, 3170. Tel(03) 9547 3670. Newsletter Editor: Judy Barker. Everlastings Project Co-ordinators: Natalie Peate, 26 Kardinia Cres., Warranwood, 31 34. Bev Courtney Judy Barker PLANNING for NEXT MAJOR PROJECT Our next major project will be the evaluation of a group of everlastings for horticultural potential, for use as cut or dried flowers and to see how they grow generally.
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